What sea is washed by Hainan. What washes Hainan: the sea or the ocean. Hotel Features

Since ancient times, no one has cared about Hainan Island. There were no minerals or arable land, it never had an important strategic value. Around 100 BC, the Chinese Han Empire decided to conquer the island and even built several fortresses on the coast. But, in the end, it was decided that “the game is not worth the candle,” and the Chinese retreated.

From that moment on, Hainan became a haven for fugitive Chinese who fled from political repression or from justice. There were no authorities here, and they never looked for anyone here.

Initially, Hainan was inhabited by the Li people, but gradually the island was colonized by the Chinese - these are the Han people. This colonization took place for 2000 years and was very peaceful. Even now, the Li people make up 15% of the local population.

Tourists like to show the elements of Li culture, this gives the island an additional flavor. Their culture resembles a cross between Chinese and Polynesian (see photo on the left).

Compare this to what the Spanish and British did during the colonization of America, and you will understand that the Chinese are traditionally a peaceful nation.

The first shock occurred here in 1939, when the Japanese conquered this territory. The inhabitants of the island fought a partisan struggle, and the Japanese, in response, killed everyone they could reach. In the period from 1939 to 1945, a third of the population died here. The Japanese used the island as a base for their invasions of Thailand and the Malay Peninsula. Japan was expected to succeed, Thailand and Singapore were captured by them.

After World War II, the island was under the control of the Chinese Kuomintang party, but in 1950 Mao Zedong's communists recaptured it. It is believed that this was the main rehearsal of the assault on the stronghold of the Kuomintang party - the island of Taiwan, but the conquest of Taiwan did not take place.

Until the 80s, everything was quiet in Hainan, until a special economic zone was founded here, and the rapid development of tourism began. Now they are actively building highways, railway branches and other infrastructure facilities.

It is due to the lack of useful resources that Hainan has remained a “paradise on earth” where everyone can come and spend an unforgettable vacation. No factories and factories were built here, they did not have time to destroy nature.

However, there are minerals in this land, iron ore, copper, gold and silver are mined here. But these resources have only recently become available for development.


When we talk or think about China, as a rule, we imagine more of the huge, densely populated cities of the mainland of this country, numerous factories and inexpensive goods.

but resorts of china, at least most of them, are very different from our ideas.

One of the finest holiday destinations in China and possibly the world is tropical island Hainan, which is also the province of the same name in the People's Republic of China.

It is worth noting that this island includes a group of small islets, among which: Qizhou, Dazhoudao and Simaozhou.

The largest city on the island and also its partcapital - Haikou... The name of the city is translated as "Sea Gate" and it boasts a developed sphere of recreation and entertainment, as well as a large network of hotels of various levels.

In just 20 years, this city has turned from an ugly duckling, an ordinary small provincial town, into a white swan - modern city with a population of over 1.5 million people.

Where is Hainan Island

This island is located in the south of China. Its area is 33,920 sq. Km., The length of the coastline is 1,500 km., The population is 8.18 million inhabitants.

Since Hainan is located at the same latitude as Hawaii, it is also called "Eastern Hawaii".

The name of the island can be translated into Russian as "an island south of the sea". Hainan Island is surrounded by the waters of the South China Sea.

Dense forests, fruit plantations of mango, banana and pineapple, plantations coffee and tea located under the slopes of the mountains, as well as plantations coconuts are located in the central part of the island.

But the industrial zones are located in the northern part, in the same place as the capital.

This island has a rich flora and fauna. Most of the endemic species about. Hainan is under the protection of UNESCO.

Anchar tree (Antiaris)

Anchar tree grows here, which contains milky sap. This juice is used as an antidote for snake bites.

The rare and rich nature of the island is preserved in special botanical gardens.

Hainan on the map

How to get to Hainan Island

Airports in Hainan

There are two major airports on the island: one is located in Haikou - and the other in Sanya - Sanya Phoenix airport.

Haikou Meilan International Airport

Both airports receive a total of 384 domestic flights and 21 international flights. From Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg fly charter flights several Russian airlines. In addition, there are charter flights to the island. from several cities of Siberia and the Far East.

Most aircraft from Russia to Hainan Island arrive at the airport southern city Sanya, which is the main tourist region here.


It is the most popular form of transport that tourists take to various places on the island. However, it is worth remembering that taxi drivers hardly speak English, which means that you must know the exact name of the desired place or have a photo of this place or a business card with you.

A train

The Sanya-Haikou high-speed train can be taken if you want to visit various attractions. He stops at many popular tourist destinations.

Weather in Hainan Island

On the island of Hainan the sun shines 300 days a year... The climate is subequatorial. The average air temperature for the year is +24 C, and the water temperature is +26 C.

The climate of the island makes it possible relax and swim all year round... However, the tourist season here is considered to be the period between November and May.

Between June and October, the island's climate is more humid and very hot, and the air temperature can reach +39 C. Also, it often rains during this period.

But such things do not scare many tourists. The point is what exactly between June and October prices for all services are lower than usual, and there are much fewer people on the beach.

Hainan. Temperature by month.

Hainan in September, October

It is very hot and humid here at this time. Divers should be aware that their gear will not dry well.

Hainan in November, December, January, February

At this time, the rainy season ends, the heat and humidity subside, and the temperature becomes more pleasant for relaxation. However, for evening walks, it is still better to wear long sleeves.

Hainan in March, April, May

Perhaps the best time to relax, as the temperatures are the most comfortable and it is almost never cold in the mornings and evenings.

Hainan in June, July, August

During this period, it rains and is very hot. The highest temperatures are recorded in July.

Typhoon threat between May and November- no more than one per season.

Hainan. Water temperature.

All environmental standards are strictly observed on the island:

* Within a radius of 100 kilometers from Sanya, the southernmost city on the island, it is prohibited to build any industrial facilities.

* Any discharges into the sea are prohibited.

* All sewerage systems are connected to centralized treatment facilities.

Sanya, Hainan, China (map)

Infrastructure in Hainan

International tourism in this region continues to develop, and with it the infrastructure continues to develop rapidly.

You can find here:

* A developed network of tourist routes that go both through the mountains and along the coast.

* Excellent high-speed tracks.

* Wellness complexes with radon and mineral springs.

* Beautiful sandy beaches.

* Ethnographic villages belonging to the indigenous people of the island (Li and Miao peoples).

* In the capital of the island, Haikou city, the leisure and entertainment industry is very developed. You can find here a large number of hotels of different levels.

In addition, the island is located close to Hong Kong and Macau. If we consider everything together, and the environment and infrastructure, then we can understand how the island of Hainan differs from other resorts located in Southeast Asia.

Economy of Hainan Island

There are plantations of tropical fruits such as mangoes, bananas and pineapples, as well as plantations of coffee, tea and coconuts.

Most of the industrial facilities are located in the northern part of the island, near Haikou.

In the area of ​​the city of Wenchang in the northeast of the island, a cosmodrome was built in 2014, bearing the name of the city - Wenchang. Not far from the cosmodrome, the authorities plan to create theme park, which will be dedicated to the PRC space program.

Visa for Hainan Island

Hainan Island is a special economic zone that promotes the development of inbound tourism. This means that the visa regime is simplified here, and tourists who are going to visit Hainan can get a visa right at the airport, immediately upon arrival.

Also, citizens of the Russian Federation who arrived in a group of more than 5 people and for a period not exceeding 15 days can use visa-free entry according to the group's list.

A Brief History of Hainan Island

Ancient map of about. Hainan

The island first became part of a centralized Chinese state during the Han Dynasty. But the representation of China was limited here to a military camp, which was located in the northern part of the island.

The name of the island was given during the reign of the Mongol Yuan dynasty. The colonization of the island intensified between the 15th and 17th centuries. More and more people arrived from the continent, which pushed the natives to the southern coast of Hainan.

Hainan received the status of a separate administrative entity again in 1906. Chinese politician and reformer Deng Xiaoping (1904 - 1997) was able to create the largest free economic zone in China in this region.

Holidays on the island of Hainan

The beaches of Hainan Island (photo)

Most of the famous beach resorts can be found in the southern part of the island. Here are the bays of Yalongwan, Dadonghai, Sanya and Haitang Bay.

Every year, thanks to the fine, clean sand, transparent warm sea, developed infrastructure and clean air, this place attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Sea. Hainan.

In addition to the famous large beaches, there are also small beach towns and wild beaches.

It is worth noting that all beaches on the island are municipal, and they are equippedeverything you need including sun loungers with umbrellas and showers.

All the beaches of the island are sandy and gentle. The purest water is the water in Yalongwan Bay. The sea here is calm, but the water is cooler in comparison with other beaches of the island. The largest diving centers in Hainan are located in this place.

The most popular are the hotels located in Dadonghai and Yalunwang. But each place has its own pros and cons.

Bays of Hainan Island

The city of Sanya has two of the most popular bays on the island - Dadonghai and Yalongwan.

Each bay has its own distinctive side. Some of them are more free, others are more touristy.

Dadonghai bay

The beaches in Dadonghai City are often crowded. Usually locals rest here. In addition, umbrellas and sun loungers may not be enough for you. As a rule, the Chinese vacationers here are more love to sit on the beach.

Most Chinese people try to relax further away from the coast, where the cost of rest is less.

Yalongwan Bay

If you decide to relax in Yalunwana, then here you are guaranteed peace. But if you want to actively relax, attend parties, for example, you will have to go to Sanya, which is 30 km away.

Bonus: Sanyavan Bay

This place is located near the Sanya airport. The infrastructure here is not yet highly developed, but the pace of its development is very high. At this stage, the disadvantage of this resort area is that the beaches of Sanyavan Bay are across the road.

Despite the fact that the water in this place is not very clear compared to the waters in Yalunwana, the impressive surrounding landscapes nevertheless bring a positive connotation.


Be careful with water sports in Hainan. The government has yet to pay much attention to activities such as parasailing, scuba diving and boating, and local staff do not provide lessons. In addition, some of the equipment may be very old.

Hainan Island hotels

Most of the hotels on the island are located in tropical rainforest areas. Here you can not only relax comfortably and breathe fresh air, but also feel like a part of nature and see all its riches.

If you are a lover of ecotourism, you can choose medium or small hotels.

If you prefer comfort, then there are also 4- and 5-star hotels belonging to well-known brands: Mariott, Hilton, Holiday Inn and others.

On the first lines, you can find both simple and luxury hotels - the choice is quite large.

Haitang Bay Duty-free Shopping Center

This International Duty Free Shopping Center has recently opened in Khaitan Bay.

It is the largest duty-free shopping mall in the world, with an area of ​​72,000 square meters. m.

The most famous brands of clothing, cosmetics, footwear and accessories are represented here, including: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Prada and Giorgio Armani.

In addition to shops, this mall has many entertainment options, restaurants and even a hotel.

You can get here from Sanya or Haikou in the following ways:

1. Every half hour (09-30 - 20-00) there is a shuttle bus from Dadonghai, Yalunwan, as well as the island of Wuzhizhou.

2. Every 8-12 minutes there is a shuttle bus No. 34 (09.00-21.00 in the direction of the shopping center and 10.00-22.00 from the store to the city).

3. You can take a taxi from Sanya.

4. By car.

Excursions on the island of Hainan

The island has a huge number of attractions, but it is still worth starting with one of the brightest.

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

This rainforest park is located in Yalongwan Bay, Sanya City. The park was built in accordance with all construction rules in ecologically clean areas, and fully meets international eco-tourism standards. All flora and fauna of these places have been completely preserved here.

The total area of ​​the tropical park is 1 506 hectares and it is divided into several zones, each of which corresponds to a specific topic.

At the top of the mountain in the park, an amazing mountain-forest resort, which includes 142 villas and several rooms created in a tropical style.

Each number has its own name for the bird's nest. There is: a nest of an eagle, magpie, peacock and others.

Guests can use the audio guide, or get around on the shuttle bus.

What can be found in the park:

Valley of orchids - you will see many rare flowers, as well as antelopes, peacocks and parrots along the way. The valley also has a "Snake House" where you can watch a snake show. Climbing to the observation deck, you can go down on a long cable car.

Dragon Bridge or Lovers' Bridge - the length of this suspension bridge is 168 meters, and it connects the two banks of the park. The bridge can swing a lot, so you need to hold on tightly to the handrails. The bridge offers an amazing view of the sea and mountains.

Dragon World Theme Park - to get to it, you need to conquer a mountain (450 m), on top of which there is a park, or just take a bus.

The main attraction of the park is the bronze dragon statue, and also offers a beautiful view of the Yalongwan Bay. Other attractions include the Hainan Island Photography Museum, the Buddha stone hanging over the cliff and the Phoenix Gate.

Sanya Tropical Marine World

This is one of the most popular holiday destinations on the island. It is only 25 km away from the city of Sanya.

In this aquarium you can see more than 200 representatives of the animal and marine world including turtles, crocodiles, dolphins, unusual tropical fish, parrots and birds.

The oldest representative of the aquarium - a turtle that is over 600 years old... She is kept in a special nursery for sea turtles.

Also in the aquarium arrange various show programs, the main characters of which are parrots, dolphins and crocodiles. By the way, experts perform various deadly tricks with crocodiles.

The workers will let you (for an additional fee) feed the crocodiles live chicken and take a picture with one of them in an embrace.

With a strong desire, you can ride an ostrich.

There are several restaurants on the territory of the aquarium that offer seafood.

End of the World Park (Tianya Haijiao)

This park is located 25 km from the city of Sanya at the foot of Malinshan Mountain. Despite the fact that this place is officially called a park, it is difficult to call it such, since there is a sea coast "dotted" with large smooth boulders scattered on the sand and partially submerged in the sea.

Most often this park is visited by lovers who come to watch the sunset and confess their love to each other.

Between the boulders you can ride a camel or take a picture with an ostrich... You can come here yourself or with a guide, and you can get there in several ways:

* By buses 2 and 4 (fare 1 yuan) - reach the final stop and change to a tourist bus (fare 5 yuan).

* By tourist bus that travels to the World's End Park and Nanshan (fare 5 RMB).

* By taxi (fare 30-35 RMB).

Monkey Island

This place is located 80 km from the city of Sanya. You can get here only by air, and more specifically by cable car which connects Monkey Island and the Big Island.

The cable car adventure itself can be regarded as a separate attraction. While in the booth, you will have wonderful views of the groves with rare plants, and you will also see coastal town and fishermen's bay, dotted with many old boats, old houses and wooden walkways from high.

Monkey Island is a large park that is home to about 2,000 monkeys... They are everywhere - you can see them in the trees, walking on the ground, sometimes they even come up to people to ask for sweets or to take away shiny jewelry.

The park also houses a circus where monkeys show their acrobatic abilities. In addition to monkeys, other animals perform in the circus, for example, goats, which can walk on a tightrope while carrying a monkey on their head. You pay for the show to the parrot, who gladly collects money from the guests.

Butterfly Museum

This museum-reserve is located 30 kilometers from the center of Sanya. It is divided into two parts. In one you will find a large collection of butterflies and other insects that live in China, other Asian countries, as well as in America and Africa.

In another part of the museum, there is the Butterfly Garden, a small gorge located in the middle of tropical forests.

You can see all the beauty of the museum by walking along the winding paths that lead you through many tropical plants.

The territory of the museum is considered a nature reserve, therefore it is forbidden to catch insects, but guests are allowed to photograph them.

At the exit you can find a small shop selling various souvenirs.

Pearl Museum (Hainan Jingrun Pearl Museum)

The largest pearl mining and processing company in China has decided to open a pearl museum on the island of Hainan. Guests have the opportunity to visit a real pearl plantation, and visit the pearl museum, where you can learn more about how pearls are grown and harvested.

It is worth noting that pearls are the symbol of Hainan Island. Today Hainan is China's leader in the production and export of the highest quality pearls. All the necessary conditions have been created in the South China Sea for the extraction of the best pearls on Earth.

Of course, in such a place, guests can buy products from pearls, as well as from precious and semi-precious stones and many different cosmetic preparations.

Crystal museum

In this museum you can see a huge collection of crystal, as well as many semi-precious stones.

Here guests can also get interesting information about crystal and its varieties, about how crystal was mined earlier, and what modern technologies are used today to process crystal.

In addition, visitors are offered to purchase a huge number of jewelry and souvenirs created from different types of crystal, including white crystal, yellow and green.

Pirate island

This small island has an area of ​​only 1.5 square meters. km and it is located 20 minutes from the pier of the island of Hainan.

It stands out clean white sand, clear sea water, untouched nature, an incredibly diverse underwater world of coral reefs, as well as many beach activities, including: boat trip with a glass bottom, scooter rental, sea fishing, boat and motorbike rental.

Walking along the shore, you can see peacocks, and large tropical turtles rest in a specially created pool.

In addition, the island has hotels with their own beaches and sun loungers, as well as a diving center. And the bungalows where you can relax are equipped as 4 and 5 star hotels.

You can get here by buses 23 and 28, and by taxi (from Yalongwan Bay). It costs about 50 yuan to get to Wuzhizhou port, and about 200 yuan from Sanya to the port. Ask the taxi driver to turn on the meter, and also try to check that the amount starts from 8 RMB.

You can also get to Wuzhizhou on the largest hovercraft in China (from 8-30 to 16-00). A round trip ticket costs about 130 RMB.

If these are the places you like, then you can also visit the Western Island, which is also famous for its clear water, beautiful sandy beach and water activities.

Animal World in Sanya City (Thai Park)

This zoo was built in 2005, and today more than 20,000 crocodiles and more 200 tigers... The animals were brought from Thailand.

In this park, guests have the opportunity to take pictures with a small tiger and / or crocodile. In addition, there is a tiger circus on the territory of the Animal World.

It is worth noting that crocodiles live here in spacious aviaries equipped with swimming pools. You can view them while walking along the safe concrete bridges that were built over the aviary.

But you can look at tigers and lions on a special vehicle. The animals move freely around the park, and you can see them from the transparent windows of the car.

Perhaps the most interesting animal in this park is tigrolev, which is a creature that combines the appearance of a tiger and a lion... Similar hybrids have been bred in China since 2001.

DunshanHu Natural Zoo (Sanya Nanshan Dongtian Park)

This is one of the most popular destinations in Hainan Island. Dongshanhu nature reserve rich in tropical flora and in size it is the largest natural park in Asia.

The total area of ​​the reserve is 130 hectares. It also houses about 1,000 exotic animals which were brought from all over Asia. Guests can see here: bears, sika deer, tigers, leopards, flexible gibbons and many other animals and birds.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this park is that the animals are not kept in cages - they just live their usual life, a natural habitat has been created for them. Only small enclosures separate some animals from others.

Animals that are peaceful for humans, such as giraffes, elephants or ostriches, are allowed to be stroked and fed.

The tour of the park takes place in the form of a jeep safari. Guests get into special off-road vehicles or guided buses.

Nanshan Buddhism Center

The largest center of Buddhism in Asia located near Mount Nanshan (South Mountain). Its total area is 50 sq. km, and it was opened in 1997. In this center, an ancient Buddhist temple was reconstructed, and a large landscape park was built.

It should be noted that on a small island in the sea rises bronze statue of the goddess of mercy Guanin- its height is 108 meters away.

In addition, the park has a pavilion that houses giant golden statue of the goddess Guanin whose weight is 140 kg. The statue of the goddess is decorated with precious stones. There is a statue on a plinth, the shape of which repeats the shape of a lotus flower, and the pedestal itself is made of white jade.

This statue got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest golden statue in the world- it took 100 kg of gold... Also in the statue are particles of the ashes of the Buddha.

Dong Tian Taoist Temple Complex

This complex of temples is considered one of the most ancient (over 800 years) surviving complexes in China.

Dong Tian is a sacred place for all adherents of Taoism. The temple became famous thanks to the ancient Taoist beliefs, according to which the Southern Dragon lives in these places. This creature is one of the 4 rulers of the world. Here you can hear from the guides and others interesting legends that are associated with this complex.

The temples of the complex look especially beautiful among the amazing seascapes of the island. Nearby you can see a forest "decorated" with amazing tropical plants.

One of the most interesting plants - dragon palm(dracaena cambodiana), which has already over 6,000 years grows in these places and therefore is the Chinese symbol of centenarians.

This garden is located near the thermal radon springs. It is considered one of the largest tropical botanical gardens in the country. Its total area is 32 hectares, and the garden is decorated with more 1,000 species of various plants.

In addition, in the botanical garden, scientists are working on the study of some species. Here you can also get acquainted with the culture, traditions and even cuisine of various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and India.

Taking an excursion to this garden, you can visit the Xin Lun Asian tradition garden, where everything around is stylized in Asian style.

Hike to the crater of Ma An volcano

This volcano is located 27 km from the capital of the island, Haikou city. Extinct volcano Ma An last erupted about 50,000 years ago and today it is one of the few extinct volcanoes that are well preserved.

To get to the crater, you need to climb the steps made of volcanic magma. For a more comfortable journey, a railing was installed along the diameter of the crater and everything was arranged so that this place was more like an observation deck. From here you can safely look directly into the depths of the volcano itself.

The crater zone was arranged in the form of a park. In the lower part of it, right in the palm grove, an open-air restaurant was built. In the evenings, folklore performances of the local peoples of Li and Miao are held here on a special area in front of the restaurant.

Treatment in Hainan

If you decide to relax on this island, then you will definitely be advised of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is worth noting that in the city of Sanya, you can find more than a dozen branches of the famous medical centers of Beijing and Dalian. These centers offer a variety of traditional Chinese ways to rejuvenate and heal.

In addition, on the island you can try to undergo treatment with radon and potassium-sodium thermal waters in the popular springs of Hainan Island. Since the springs contain a large amount of fluorine, silicic acid and radon, they have a beneficial effect on the skin and joints.

It is believed that these procedures can help those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system, nervous system (insomnia, migraine, neuralgia), skin and respiratory organs.

The following procedures are also offered here:

  • acupuncture
  • qigong (remedial gymnastics)
  • acupressure
  • herbal medicine (herbal medicine)
  • auricle massage (auriculotherapy)
  • aromatherapy
  • sand treatment.

Treatment procedures on the island can help with:

  • spinal problems (arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica)
  • problems with prostatitis
  • problems of gynecology
  • problems with alcohol, tobacco and / or drug addiction
  • problems with diabetes
  • problems with gastritis
  • overweight problems.

With all of the above, it is worth remembering that with some ailments it is better to see a doctor. Do not forget to take out health insurance before leaving. According to Rosturizm, colds and infectious diseases rank first in the list of insured events, followed by digestive problems and in third place are injuries and bruises of various types.

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The best resort in the Middle Kingdom, "Eastern Hawaii" and the main Chinese health resort, Hainan, in the past was an exiled island for nobles. Today only the lazy one has not heard about him. A good half of Siberia and the entire Far East treat their ailments and ailments here, at the same time giving up mortal bodies to the warm turquoise waters of the South China Sea. It is boring to even describe the traditional picture of Hainan beaches - everything is luxuriously banal to the gnashing of teeth: here they are, emerald palms, white sand and azure waters. Let's talk better about the chips of Hainan, this island has plenty of them.

Firstly, Li and Miao are the main peoples in Hainan, organizing amazing funeral and wedding ritual shows for tourists, which makes this corner of China completely different from the rest of the country. Secondly, fruits - rambutans, lychees and other exotic fruits in Hainan will become the main meal at any time of the day or night, since you will not taste such an abundance of goodies anywhere else. Further, they do not need special introduction. And, finally, a surprise for all lazy people vacationing in Hainan: a rich cultural heritage, which should not be sought in the south, where all the resorts are concentrated, but in the north, where, in fact, the nobility, who was tired of the emperor, were exiled.

How to get to Hainan

You can get to Hainan from almost anywhere in Russia, including Siberia and the Far East. There is no direct flight to the island's airports (with the exception of charter flights from Moscow), several airlines offer flights with connections in different cities of China. Muscovites and Khabarovsk residents have options with one change, while Petersburgers and residents of other regions have only two.

Search for flights to Sanya (closest airport to Hainan)

Hainan cities and resorts

For lovers active rest in the vicinity of Sanya there are all conditions for diving, surfing, paragliding, cycling and fishing.

By the way, the Chinese come to the beach not so much to swim as to just sit, admire the sea and observe white aliens in their natural habitat. The Chinese themselves prefer to stay farther from the sea - it is cheaper.

The entrance to the water in all the bays is smooth and gentle, the coast is very shallow, so swimming is convenient and safe even with small children. The territory of the beaches is conditionally divided between hotels, but there are no fences, you can relax where you like. The entrance is almost everywhere free, showers, changing rooms and toilets are also. The only thing you have to pay for are sun loungers and umbrellas (20-50 CNY) and all kinds of water activities (from 200 CNY for a trip by boat or "banana" to 1000 CNY for fishing on a specially equipped boat).


The island treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary, skin and urological diseases, rheumatism, osteochondrosis and hypertension. Treatment on the island excludes any form of surgical intervention and is carried out exclusively using traditional Chinese methods in combination with the use of natural medicines. The well-known center of traditional Chinese medicine "Garden of Longevity" in the Dadonghai area at the Pearl River Garden Hotel. Another center, SanYiTang, is located in Sanya, and not so long ago, a branch of this clinic opened in Yalongwan Bay, at the Cactus Resort.

Other popular centers include Taiji and Yu-Kang. The medical complex "Nantian", on the territory of which there are more than 30 pools with water of different temperature and chemical composition, will also help to improve health.

Travel to Hainan Island

Diving in Hainan

The rich world of the depths of the South China Sea has been providing the island with a stable influx of divers from all over the world for several years now. Underwater visibility is more than 20 m there, and diving is possible all year round due to the stable mild climate and the absence of strong currents. Sometimes, however, the echoes of southern storms reach Hainan, and then divers are forced to cede a foothold to surfers for several days.

Popular diving sites: Xiaodonghai Bays (two wrecks: a dry cargo ship and a boat, 15 m deep), Yalongwan (densely populated coral colonies, 18 m), Houhai Bay (corals and underwater rocks with grottoes, 30 m), Fenziezhou Island (rocks and wrecks, 25 m).

Shopping and shops

The hallmark of Hainan is pearls, which are famous for their correct shape and variety of colors. Tea, rock crystal, silk, porcelain, wood carvings, Buddhist souvenirs and feng shui symbols are also brought from the island.

You can first taste different varieties of Chinese tea in teahouses scattered throughout the island, and then buy the one you like.

Haishudong Street in Haikou is a place where prestigious shops are concentrated, and arts and crafts can be purchased at the market at the "Land of the Sky and the Sea". In Sanya City, the main department stores are located on Liberation Street in the city center.

Not so long ago, a Tax free system was introduced on the island, but so far only in a few stores. The amount of purchases must be between 800 and 5000 CNY, VAT refund is 11%.

What to try

Entertainment and attractions

Arriving in Hainan, you must definitely set aside 2-3 days and take a ride around the island in search of beautiful views and interesting sights. There are plenty of them here.

To get to know more about Buddhist culture, it is worth going to the Nanshan Temple. Not far from it, on an artificial island, there is the world's tallest statue of the goddess Guanyin, and in the sanctuary there are a dozen sculptures of the Buddha himself.

With observation deck in front of Nanshan there is a picturesque view of the sea and a giant statue of a bodhisattva.

Bethel Nat Ethnic Park is 30 km from Sanya. It is dedicated to the way of life, customs and traditions of the small peoples of Li and Meow. Scattered throughout the area are huts where you can learn about tattoos, dialects and other characteristics of the locals.

Heavenly grottoes are the most ancient attraction in Hainan.

Hainan has many picturesque natural parks and reserves. In one of them, on Monkey Island, more than 2,000 tailed inhabitants live. You will have to get here by funicular, but you can admire the island and the South China Sea that surrounds it. Another entertainment is raft fishing, there are also small restaurants serving excellent seafood dishes.

Another park, the Heavenly Grottoes, is considered the most ancient attraction on the island. It was founded almost 1000 years ago. Today South Mountain attracts tourists beautiful views and historical buildings, among them - the Temple of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, which houses a statue of the ruler himself, and the Wall of Records at the top of the mountain. In addition, the Sanya Natural History Museum is located on the territory of the Taoist park.

Hainan's resorts are well suited for families with children. Most 4 and 5 * hotels have play areas, small pools with slides, a daytime entertainment program and a children's menu in the restaurant.

Not so long ago, a large modern water park opened in Sanya. It is divided into 3 zones - for children, for children and adolescents and for adults. There is a swimming pool with artificial waves, which is also divided into 2 parts - in one the tide is very weak, in the other a real storm is raging.

The largest natural zoo in the Asian region is located on the shores of the picturesque Dongshanhu Lake. Here are collected animals from different parts of the country - elephants, giraffes, monkeys, sika deer. There are also dangerous predators - lions, tigers, crocodiles, so excursions are conducted by jeeps or buses. This place bears little resemblance to our familiar zoo with cramped cages. Animals are kept in conditions as close to natural as possible. The zones are separated, but the enclosures are so spacious that their boundaries are almost invisible. The peaceful inhabitants can be approached, stroked and fed.

There are many Chinese in the resorts in March, and Europeans occupy them from February to May.

History, geography and climate

For a long time, the inhabitants of the island did not even know about the amazing history of its origin, but the era of careful and accurate mapping allowed scientists to compare the coastline of Hainan and the Laizhou Peninsula. The results obtained amazed everyone: it turned out that once these lands were a single whole, but the active tectonic movement of plates in the region led to their split, and the island began to gradually move away from the mainland.

Dadonghai bay

For centuries, waves of constant earthquakes and volcanic activity rolled over it, which completely died down 8 thousand years ago. The tranquil Hainan with its amazing climate over time began to attract the attention of residents of other localities, and now this island can accommodate about 8 million people on its territory.

Physical map of the island

It is no coincidence that Hainan is compared to Hawaii, because the weather here is truly heavenly. Even in January, when we are used to wrapping ourselves in warm fur coats and scarves, the inhabitants of the island bask in the sun at an air temperature of 25 ° C. Of course, in such weather conditions, the water in the South China Sea almost does not cool down, being at a level of 26 ° C all year round. Thus, the climate itself would be enough for tourists from all over the world to seek to get here, but Hainan presents many surprises both in the field of entertainment and in the possibilities of recovery.

Sunset on the shores of the South China Sea

Recreation and recovery: hospitals in Hainan

Sanya Beach Fruit Vendor

Vacation time is the only period of the year when a person remembers the most important resource of his body - health. Going on a trip, many tourists plan their route in such a way as to be sure to visit recreational places that can replenish their vitality for the entire coming year. Of course, Western medicines in the form of pills or procedures with drugs are familiar to us. But the pharmaceutical effect on the body does not cover the whole variety of existing methods, especially when it comes to oriental medicine.

Acupuncture is one of the popular areas of traditional Chinese medicine

Hainan Island is one of the most popular centers of alternative medicine throughout Asia. It organically combines comfortable hotel complexes on the seashore and all kinds of medical institutions. A special benefit of the island's wellness treatments is the materials doctors work with. The fact is that the flora of the island is so diverse that the locals have perfected their ability to extract the most useful substances from each plant for centuries. Thanks to this painstaking experimental work, Hainan was able to become famous throughout the world for its phytotherapeutic practices.

The range of diseases that doctors work with on the island of Hainan is extremely wide. Hundreds of thousands of people come to these places every year to overcome their ailments. The most popular areas of treatment are the following:

  • Diseases of the joints, in the fight against which compresses from herbal infusions, acupuncture and bamboo sticks are used. These procedures restore blood circulation in problem areas and are able to completely eliminate pain syndrome in 10 sessions.
  • Combating nicotine addiction with inhalation and chest warming.
  • Fast and effective weight loss through acupressure that breaks down and reduces subcutaneous fat.
  • Elimination of pain symptoms during menopause. After a complete examination, specialists develop an individual program that combines herbal compresses, acupuncture and bathing in thermal springs, which allows the normal functioning of the female body.
  • Reducing the consequences of a recent stroke, which is achieved by stimulating the nerve endings with special needles.

Water procedures deserve special attention. The fact is that the former volcanic activity on the island of Hainan gave the locals many springs with enriched waters, bathing in which gives incredible results.

Most often, tourists go to the Xinglong Valley, where there are many thermal streams. Here you can find both radon and potassium-sodium baths, the water in which ranges from +45 ° C to +65 ° C. The small town is surrounded by tea and coffee plantations, the products of which can be easily purchased at local markets. Despite the compact size of the settlement, travelers can stay in comfortable villas and hotels, the level of service in which is in no way inferior to European hotels.

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

Another popular hot spring treatment destination is Nantian. The attraction of the springs lies in the fact that they are designed in the form of many small hot pools. After receiving a preliminary consultation from a specialist, patients bask for hours in the thermal baths, relaxing and nourishing their bodies with health.

Old men talking

Of course, there are many places on Earth that are famous for their hospitals, but what makes Hainan Island so special? Firstly, the incredibly low prices for procedures and related services, a vacation in this area is very affordable for tourists. Second, and most importantly, the amazing health of the island's inhabitants. The fact is that a huge number of centenarians live here, who have stepped over their 100th anniversary, continuing to be in good health. And this is perhaps the most important indicator of the effectiveness of local procedures.

Beach rest and entertainment in resort towns

Hainan attracts not only those who want to improve their health, but also those who prefer a beach holiday. To understand the geography of the island, it is most convenient to divide it into three zones in accordance with the bays along which they are located.

Dadonghai Bay is one of the most popular holiday destinations. There are hotels of all kinds of categories, and white beaches from a distance attract those who want to plunge into the azure waters of the sea. All along the coastline there are shops, cafes and markets where you can buy anything you want. This place is a favorite among young people as it is easy to find bars and discos of various styles and formats.

Yalongwan Bay is aimed at wealthy tourists, so most of the hotels have a 5-star status. Leaving the hotel, you immediately find yourself on a private beach with white sand and clear water. The cleanliness of this area immediately led to the emergence of diving clubs. It regularly organizes exciting dives to the bottom, where you can watch the fantastic life of exotic marine life.

Sanyavan Bay is the most economical option beach holiday... This is due to not the most convenient infrastructure, because in order to approach the sea, tourists are forced to cross the road every time. But saving money on hotel allows travelers to visit more attractions and unique places on the island of Hainan.

Cultural and natural attractions

The center of the island's tourist life is the city of Sanya. It has a convenient transport connection that allows you to visit any corner of Hainan. After driving just 20 minutes along the coastline, you can find an amazing park with a curious name - "Edge of the World". In our understanding, the park area should be covered with lawns and trees, but in China there are completely different views on this. "End of the World" is a huge beach on which giant boulders are scattered chaotically, left as a memory of past volcanic activity on the island. Almost every cobblestone has its own name, and some of them are so popular that they are depicted on local banknotes. And the very name of the park duplicates the inscription on one of the stones. She says that this place is the most extreme point the overland part of all China.

Park "End of the World"

After driving another 10 km in the same direction, you can reach Nanshan Mountain, at the foot of which is the largest center of Buddhism on the continent. On a huge area of ​​50 sq. km there is a unique park, the landscape of which is made according to all the laws of the Eastern tradition. Not far from the coastline was poured artificial island, a huge temple was erected on it to worship the goddess of Mercy. The real highlight of the island is the golden statue of Guanyin, inlaid with precious stones and pearls. The height of the sculpture with a pedestal is 108 m, which makes the stone image of the goddess one of the five tallest statues in the world.

Li and Miao Village

Also, 35 kilometers from Sanya, there is a huge temple complex, where Taoist monks - representatives of one of the most revered beliefs in China - constantly come. According to legend, it is in this place that the southern dragon lives, ruling a quarter of the world. A visit to this zone does not require any involvement in religion, but it allows you to get acquainted with such unusual rituals of a completely different culture.

Villagers at work

For those interested in Chinese culture and folklore, the Li and Miao Village is a must-see. The inhabitants of this settlement are the descendants of the aborigines of the island, they attract tourists by demonstrating the way of life of their ancestors. Here you can see buildings made according to ancient technologies of mixing grass and clay, dances, weddings and other daily and festive rituals. It is worth knowing in advance about the schedule of events in order to get to the brightest of them.

Lovers of exotic flora and fauna will be interested in visiting botanical gardens and the zoos of Hainan. There is a nature reserve near Sanya, where you can see thousands of species of butterflies. In one part, visitors are introduced to the classical museum collection, but the most interesting is its "living" component. Near the building there is a tropical forest with a gorge, in which many rare species flutter.

How to get to Hainan Island

On the territory there are two international airports, which every day take dozens of planes from different parts of the world. Several flight methods are available for residents of the Russian Federation, each of which has its own advantages.

It is convenient to fly to Hainan to the airport in Haikou, where the company Hainan Airlines there are direct flights from Moscow. Typically, such a flight takes about 10 hours, its main advantage is the ability to obtain a visa directly at the airport. To do this, you must have a passport with you (received no later than 6 months before departure), one color photograph 3.5 × 4.5 cm, an invitation from an individual or legal entity and $ 65 to pay for the visa itself. Thus, by choosing a direct flight, you will be freed from the need to visit the Chinese Embassy and, moreover, you will be able to renew your visa two more times for a total of 30 days, simply by going to the airport.

In addition, many flights are received by the city of Sanya. Newly renovated building of local air gate is equipped with all the technological achievements of modern science, and the new terminal has allowed several times to increase the flow of tourists.

There are two easy ways to get from the airports to the resort cities of the island of Hainan. For passengers whose plane has landed in Haikou, some airlines provide free shuttle buses. If the ticket does not include an additional service, you can go to the hotel by bus or taxi, the parking of which is located right next to the exit. Sanya airport provides the same opportunities, but due to its proximity to resort towns, transportation usually takes about 15-20 minutes and costs about $ 2.

Moving around the island itself while on holiday will also not be difficult. Buses are constantly running between cities, transporting tourists to the most popular places and for those wishing to visit the remote corners of Hainan, taxi services are always available. Inside cities, the easiest way to get around is on foot or by using the services of the so-called cycle rickshaws, which will take you to your destination for a reasonable fee.

Hainan is a huge tropical island located in the very south of China. Island South of the Sea - this is how its Chinese name is translated into Russian. A map of China shows how similar the outlines of the coastlines of the mainland Leizhou Peninsula and the northern part of Hainan are.

The hypothesis of the origin of the island is based on this similarity, according to which its territory, even in the Tertiary period, was a single whole with the mainland, and then, under the influence of tectonic movements, the earth's crust in this place was torn apart and the narrow Hainan Strait was formed.

Volcanic activity in Hainan ceased 8000 years ago and its evidence is the extinct volcanoes, to the craters of which tourist routes are laid. The most famous is the Ma An volcano, which has a saddle shape. The road to it, as well as the steps to the crater, are lined with volcanic magma, the perimeter of the crater is protected by railings and arranged in the form of an observation deck from which you can look inside the crater.

The mouth of the crater is solidified lava, overgrown with dense bushes and tropical species of relict plants. The whole area is arranged in the form of a park, below there is an open-air restaurant in a palm grove. In front of the restaurant there is a large stage area, where evening folklore performances are held by the island's aborigines - the Li and Miao peoples. Opened in 1998. It is located 15 km from Haikou - the administrative center of the island.

Another, and perhaps more significant confirmation of the once active volcanic activity on the island - this o hot springs on the island of Hainan. Scatter tobogganing around the island, thermal springs are surrounded by cottage-style resorts, surrounded by lush green tropical plants.

To the hottest springs of Guantan (temperature of thermal waters - 70 * -90 * at the source) in the area of ​​Qionghai can be reached by taking an exciting cruise along the Wanquan River, one of the three largest rivers of the island. (The Wanquan River is the Ten Thousand Springs River).

Hainan Island in China

Hainan Island received the status of a separate province relatively recently - in 1988. At the same time, it was declared the largest provincial special economic zone in China with a wide system of preferences for foreign and mainland capital. Actually, from that time the intensive development of the island began. The capital flooded in 10 years has completely transformed Hainan.

The main focus was on the development of the tourism industry and its associated basic infrastructure. Hotels and resorts grew like mushrooms (there are more than 300 of them now), thermal springs were improved, world-class golf clubs were built, and magnificent landscape parks were created.

The strategic the direction of development of Hainan has been and remains the preservation of a unique ecology , flora and fauna of the island, as well as the identity of the indigenous peoples. It is the ecology that attracts more and more foreign tourists here. The construction of cottages on the territory of the park for Buddhist pilgrims and tourists arriving here from different countries the world. Moving around the park in special electric vehicles and on foot.

A unique microclimate that allows recreation and swimming on a year-round basis, strict adherence to the ecological regime (within a radius of 100 km from the city of Sanya it is forbidden to place any industrial production, discharge into the sea is prohibited, all sewage systems are looped back to centralized treatment facilities), created and dynamically developing infrastructure of international tourism, recreation and recreation, beautiful sandy beaches, complexes with radon and mineral springs, a network of tourist routes in the mountainous area and along the coast, excellent high-speed routes, the presence of memorable geographical places, ethnographic villages of national minorities - the indigenous population of the island of the Li and Miao peoples , proximity to Hong Kong and Macau - all of this combined and, first of all, ecology, distinguish the island of Hainan from other resorts in Southeast Asia .

Attractions of the island of Hainan

Of course, the main attractions in a trip to Hainan are tropical beaches, sea and sun. However, there are many objects created by nature or man, which will be interesting to see in between visits to the beaches.