Atlantis is a lost world, a bone of contention for the scientific community. Atlantis: legend, history and interesting facts Atlantis antediluvian world

The catastrophe came to the ancient world of Atlantis in the 20th century BC. era, - a huge continent called Atlantis plunged into the waters of the ocean. Not all the inhabitants died in the abyss of waters, part of the population found refuge in Central America, Crete and Egypt. Fenced off from the whole world, the refugees lived on the islands of the Mediterranean for more than 1300 years.

Later, power passed to King Minos, who created a fleet and with its help took possession of part of the Hellenic Sea and the Cyclades. Having expelled the Carians and installed his sons as rulers, Minos fought against sea robbery in order to receive as much income as possible.

The islands of that time were not deserted, they were already inhabited by the Proto-Slavic peoples. The Proto-Slavs were warriors and skilled sailors. They were engaged in collecting tribute from merchants who sailed the Mediterranean.

In the XVII-XV centuries BC. the Cretans lived on many islands, but they did not even try to penetrate into Asia Minor, the ancestral lands of the Proto-Slavs.

This was later taken up by the grandson of Minos Agamemnon when he went to Troy. Minos had another goal - Athens. Although he could not conquer the Athenians, he imposed a shameful tribute.

The tribute was served by 14 children of both sexes, whom the Greeks had to give every four years "to be devoured by the Minotaur" - all this, of course, is a "terrible story." The Greek scientist Aristotle (384-322 BC) dispelled the legend that hostage children worked in the palace of Knossos and lived there until old age.

Atlantis is the curse of the gods.

The kingdom of Minos prospered and gained strength, but as if an evil fate pursued the Atlanteans in their newfound homeland. In 1450 B.C. era, a powerful earthquake destroys palaces, cities and towns. The earth was not just shaking, it seemed that the giants tore off pieces of the walls from the palaces and scattered them around the cities.

In fact, what happened is similar to the revenge of the gods, because the Atlanteans survived in spite of everything, and the angry deities set out to finally destroy the Atlanteans.

As a result, earthquakes began. The earth and even stones were burning. A myriad of gas and ash was released into the atmosphere. Black clouds of ash hid the sun for several months. A terrible catastrophe forever changed the climate of the islands.

It looked like a real "end of the world", and it really was the end of the Ancient World and the civilization of the Atlanteans. However, people survived this time as well, although the Kritominoan civilization was no longer able to recover from the impact of the apocalypse that had befallen it. Hordes of Indo-European peoples, the Achaeans, flooded the island from Greece.

Those who came rebuilt the palaces in their own way, in their opinion - they should be impregnable fortresses. Instead of the Cretan baths and pools, granaries, workshops for the manufacture and repair of military uniforms were built. Since the Achaeans came from the city of Mycenae, the civilization was called Cretan-Mycenaean.

The warriors of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture were harsh and did not sit out in fortresses, but made daring sorties against their neighbors. The Trojan War is one such sortie. The Achaeans were the grandson of Minos Agamemnon, Menelaus, Palamedes, Odysseus and other kings.

Under the influence of the refined culture of the Atlanteans, the Achaeans became more pampered, were no longer so warlike and, not wanting to fight, preferred to live at home.

The "second wave" of the Aryan invasion is associated with the northern people - the Dorians. They were blond-haired and blue-eyed warriors, dressed in skins, destroying everything in their path, and no one could resist them.

The Dorians founded several states in Greece, the most famous among them is Sparta. The Greeks are the descendants of three peoples: economic Achaeans, poets and scientists - Ionians and warriors - Dorians. These peoples gave rise to a civilization called antiquity, from where the time close to us originated.

In this environment, the people of the Atlantean civilization completely "dissolved", not having endured the test of history. But perhaps this was the revenge of the gods.

They write about Atlantis from antiquity to the present day, that is, for 2000 years. But in ancient times, little was written on this topic, and in general only two dozen pages of Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias" have been preserved. Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias were written by Plato (427 - 347 BC) around 360 BC. e.

Supporters of the existence of Atlantis found in the texts of Plato many lines corresponding to the latest achievements of modern science. And opponents of its existence, in response, point to many contradictions in the texts of the dialogues. However, before proceeding to the actual facts stated in the dialogues, it is necessary to consider the question of who is responsible for the errors and contradictions. Plato writes that he learned this story from his great-grandfather Critias, who at the age of ten heard this story from his grandfather, also Critias, who at that time was ninety years old. He, in turn, learned about this from a great friend and relative of his father Dropid, Solon, "the first of the seven wise men." Solon himself heard this story from the Egyptian priests from the temple of the goddess Neith in Sais, who from time immemorial kept records of all events and knew about Atlantis. Critias Jr. says that he read his grandfather's notes, that he was deeply moved by this story, and therefore he remembered it well. However, since he did not keep his notes, he could well have forgotten some details or numbers. If Solon wrote down this story directly from the columns of the Egyptian temple, then he could well have made some mistakes, not knowing the Egyptian language perfectly. And, finally, Plato could well have made some changes to the description of Atlantis and the war with it by the pra-Athenes for his own purposes, for example, to promote his political views. And, finally, it is possible that Plato compiled these dialogues from some other sources, including historical and geographical works of various authors, his own knowledge and conjectures, as well as myths and tales of the Greeks or other peoples. Then the task of researchers becomes more complicated, since one has to decide on these sources, and then on the truth of each of them. Plato realized that it is impossible to rely on the memory of a 90-year-old old man and a 10-year-old boy in a story with a mass of numbers and names.

Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church dominated Europe, and the "official" science of the church was the science of Aristotle, so no one believed Plato. True, in the Middle Ages on some geographical maps the island of Atlantis appeared, but, most likely, no serious knowledge was hidden behind this.

new time

The main surge of interest in the problem of Atlantis occurred at the end of the 19th - 20th centuries. During this period, more than 5,000 books dedicated to Atlantis were written.

Scientific literature

N.F. Zhirov. The main problems of the anthology.

G. Luce. End of Atlantis.

K. Krestev. Atlantis.

H. Imbellone and A. Vivante. The fate of Atlantis

A. Immortal. Atlantis.

This includes most of the books about Atlantis. Among them is the “bible” of atlantologists - the book by I. Donelly “Atlantis. Antediluvian world". Also worth

note books:

J. Bramwell. Lost Atlantis.

P. Lecure. Atlantis. Homeland of civilizations

R. Malese. Atlantis and the Ice Age.


Atlantis has been the subject of a huge number of films and books in the genre of adventure, science fiction and fantasy.

In these books, Atlantis is at the bottom of the sea, in the depths of the desert, in orbit around the Earth. The Atlanteans in these books could survive to this day, possess telepathy, are descendants of aliens, aliens, possess modern technology, have adapted to life under water, etc., etc.

mystical literature

The most famous book by H. P. Blavatsky is The Secret Doctrine, where, without directly naming Atlantis, H. P. Blavatsky describes it. Less well known is the book by R. Steiner, who supposedly learned to read records in the layers of objects that record human history. W. Scott-Eliott wrote a book about Atlantis with a mass of precise details.

Atlantis! One word is enough to create images of mermaids, underwater cities, sunken ruins. But that's not all: the main image that this word evokes is an ancient, technologically advanced civilization that died at the whim of unkind gods or because of its own negligence.

Where did the idea of ​​Atlantis come from? Was it a real place, or is it just an old fairy tale?

The history of Atlantis begins with ancient Greek philosophy, then continues in a literary movement inspired by Christopher Columbus, and then its popularity soars again when a congressman from Minnesota decides to try his hand at science and linguistics. Add to this the considerable interest from the leaders of the Third Reich and countless pseudo-scientific theories. And yet, today there are a huge number of people who are still hunting for the lost continent.

Get ready for a deep dive into the history of the sunken city of Atlantis.

To understand the origin of Atlantis, you need to know a little about the Greek philosopher Plato. He lived in Greece in the 5th century BC, and it was on his works that Socrates built his philosophy. He is without a doubt the most famous and influential philosopher of all time.

Plato introduced the idea of ​​a lost continent called Atlantis in his writings. Plato describes Atlantis as a major continent. According to him, Atlantis was originally a rather bizarre place that Poseidon himself loved.

At the head of the state were kings who worked in alliance with each other, thanks to which the state was a powerful formation. However, 9000 years before the time of Plato, the Atlanteans became too warlike, which angered the gods. And they, as Plato assures, sent the state to the bottom.

Etymology and mythology

According to the myth presented by Plato, the Greek gods at the dawn of time divided the lands among themselves, and Poseidon got Atlantis. There he fell in love with the girl Clito, whom he "protected" by taking her to a cave surrounded by ring-shaped mountains and the sea.

Presumably, this "concern" protected Clito from escaping. And it is worth noting that she had something to run from: she gave birth to Poseidon 5 pairs of twins, and they were just huge children. The eldest of them, Atlas, was appointed the rightful king of this place. The entire island nation was named after him. Plato claims that the Atlantic Ocean was also named after this ancient king (although modern science has a different version and associates the name of the ocean with the Atlas Mountains).


The story of Atlantis is an allegory, a kind of extended metaphor whose hidden meaning reveals a deeper philosophical point. Plato uses this move quite often, and perhaps his most famous example is the Myth of the Cave, which he uses to explain his theory of forms.

In this case, Plato's allegory is associated with the idea of ​​an ideal state. Atlantis appears as anti-Athena. Her ambitious militant plans come to an end in failure.

Utopian literature

The works of Plato had a great influence on medieval philosophy, but it is sometimes difficult for scientists to understand where the ancient thinker is serious and where he uses artistic techniques.

The discovery by Europeans of land west of Gibraltar opened up completely new world expanded the boundaries of what is possible. Utopian literature established existence earlier unknown worlds, whose culture and mores were presented as different from "normal" European ones. The idea of ​​Atlantis received a new round.

One such work, Francis Bacon's New Atlantis, revived interest in the lost continent. At the time, European settlers were trying to learn more about the origins and mysteries of Indian peoples, and Bacon's work helped spark the idea that the Maya were descendants of the Atlanteans.

Suggested Locations

The next landmark event is the 1882 book Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly.

Donnelly uses some really sophisticated linguistics combined with racist Mayan theories to suggest that not only was Atlantis real, it was also the ancestral home of all mankind.

His ideas became extremely popular and people soon began looking for the real location of Atlantis. The list of "suspects" includes even real-life islands - Sardinia and Crete. Plato left a too vague definition: "west of Gibraltar." Therefore, the geography of searches was quite extensive.

In art and literature

Since Donnelly's book, Atlantis has been mentioned throughout popular culture and art. In those days, science fiction began to take shape as a genre. Thanks to this, we got Captain Nemo, who found the sunken continent 20,000 leagues under the sea. Edgar Burroughs (“The Lost Continent”), Alexei Tolstoy (“Aelita”), Arthur Conan Doyle (“The Maracot Abyss”), Kir Bulychev (“The End of Atlantis”), Andrea Norton (“Operation Search in time"") and many others.

Dozens of films have shown the life of the mysterious mainland, including Disney in 2001 (Atlantis: The Lost Empire).

The most chilling example is the opera The Emperor of Atlantis, an allusion to Hitler, which was written by a prisoner in a concentration camp.


One of the main works of Theosophy is the "Secret Doctrine" by H. P. Blavatsky, which, according to Helena herself, was dictated to her in Atlantis.

Blavatsky's Atlantis differs from Plato's. To her, the Atlanteans were heroic figures from a million years ago, destroyed for careless handling of magic.


The 1985 book The Occult Roots of Nazism describes how Nazi philosophy had a connection with Ariosophy, white nationalist occult philosophy. According to The Independent, SS chief Heinrich Himmler was looking for the Holy Grail to prove the Aryan origin of Christ.

The seminal works of Nazi philosophy include Alfred Rosenberg's The Myth of the Twentieth Century, based on a racial theory that claims that modern white Europeans are descended from the Hyperboreans who emerged from Atlantis.

Reliable data on the research of the Third Reich is extremely scarce. But it is certain that they were carried out.

Other lost and sunken lands

Atlantis is called the most famous lost continent. But she's not the only one of her kind. In fact, there are some pretty shocking facts about other parts of the land. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, we can say that the loss of one continent is a misfortune; and losing a dozen is just a statistic.

One of the most famous continents that have been lost is Lemuria. The version about it was first put forward by the British zoologist Philip Latley Sclater to explain why the ranges of lemur-like animals are separated by oceans. This idea has never received any real scientific interpretation, but thanks to the mention of Blavatsky, it has become firmly established in popular culture.

The Lost Continent of Mu was an attempt to explain similarities between distant cultures (such as the pyramids in Egypt and Central America) before aliens were drawn into the story.

An ancient legend said that there was an island off the coast of Ireland called Hy-Brasil that mysteriously reappeared once every seven years before one day it sank forever. Note that, despite the similarity in names, this is not at all connected with the real Brazil.

Bad news

Let's remember the fact that there is no historical evidence of the existence of the mysterious mainland. And thousands of explorers returned from expeditions with nothing. In truth, scientists have more evidence to disprove the myth than to prove it. Modern science has absolutely no reliable facts that could give hope to those who are fascinated by Atlantis.

But this is not enough. Man continues to believe that one day the secret of the depths will be revealed, and the ancient continent will appear in all its glory.

In the Middle Ages, Atlantis was rarely mentioned. Only Renaissance humanists paid attention to Plato's story. Plato's description inspired several European thinkers to create utopian works, for example, Francis Bacon wrote a utopia " New Atlantis". In it, Bacon describes a utopian society which he named Bensalem. The author places a country similar to Plato's Atlantis in America.

Antediluvian world

In the second half of the 19th century, several eminent scholars—Charles Eynn Brasser, Edward Herbert Thompson, and Auguste Le Plongeon—suggested that Atlantis was in one way or another connected with the Mayan and Aztec cultures. In 1882, a book about Atlantis by Ignatius Donnelly was published. Antediluvian world which generated a lot of interest in this topic. Donelly took Plato's views on Atlantis seriously and tried to prove that all known ancient civilizations originated precisely from its high culture. He also claimed that the lost Atlantis was a technologically advanced country. In particular, the Atlanteans invented gunpowder several millennia before the rest of the world knew the written language. At the end of the 19th century, the legends of Atlantis were combined with the stories of other lost continents like Lemuria. Theosophist Helena Blavatsky, in her Secret Doctrine, described the Atlanteans as a highly cultured civilization. Edgar Cayce in the 20th century suggested that the lost Atlantis was a continent stretching from the Azores to the Bahamas, and it was a highly developed civilization. He also predicted that parts of Atlantis would rise from the sea in 1968 or 1969.

Mystery of Atlantis

The mystery of Atlantis also greatly attracted Nazi theorists. Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler organized a German expedition to Tibet in 1939 to look for traces of the Atlantean Aryans. According to Julius Evola, an Italian thinker and esotericist who wrote about Atlantis in 1934, the Atlanteans were Hyperboreans - superhuman beings who lived in eternal bliss and lived on the northern edge of the world. The same opinion was shared by Alfred Rosenberg, one of the Nazi ideologists. However, the arguments of mystics and esotericists must still be confirmed. What do scientists say about this? Supporters of the version of the existence of Atlantis give quite weighty arguments that are difficult to argue with. Some Western hydrologists argue that the Gulf Stream did not exist in the 10th millennium BC. This warm current was blocked by a large island. After he went under water, the Gulf Stream rushed into the Scandinavian waters and caused the melting of glaciers. Doctor of Chemistry M. Zhirov, having examined the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, claims that the modern Mid-Atlantic Ridge was above water in ancient times. In other words, the topography of the ocean floor quite fully corresponds to Plato's descriptions in his Timaeus and Critias. Objects of artificial origin are constantly raised from the ocean floor. Back in the mid-1950s, about a ton of limestone disks with a diameter of 15 and a thickness of 4 centimeters was raised south of the Azores. Scientists have established their age: 12 thousand years.

Most of the possible places where Atlantis could be located are in the area of ​​​​the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as the Mediterranean Sea, on islands like Sardinia, Crete, Santorini, Sicily, Cyprus and Malta; as well as in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Indeed, in Crete and neighboring islands there was an ancient Minoan civilization, which fell into decay after a volcanic eruption in the 17th century BC. Volcano explosion caused huge tsunami, which hit the northern coast of Crete and other islands in this part of the Mediterranean Sea, and was accompanied by earthquakes. The Canary Islands are also named among the places where Atlantis could have existed. These islands are located not far from the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea, which is quite consistent with Plato's data. Other islands or groups of islands in the Atlantic were also associated with the legendary island, with the Azores attracting special attention of scientists. However, detailed geological studies of the Canary and Azores, the ocean floor surrounding them, testify to a clear drawback of this version: no catastrophic decline of these islands was found during any period of their existence. The ocean floor around these islands has never been land. Nevertheless, the version of the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean is still the most popular among supporters of its existence. In their opinion, she could not be in any other place. After all, only in these latitudes can the central island described by Plato with dimensions of 530 x 350 kilometers and several other large accompanying islands fit.

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Research experience

In this study, we will try, to the best of our ability and with the hope of God's help, to reveal a number of important, but little-studied questions regarding the history and causes of the death of the antediluvian world, or, more precisely, perhaps, to say - antediluvian civilization. In our opinion, there is every reason to consider this topic extremely relevant for modern people.

Authors group


1. pyramids

2. A single antediluvian civilization

3. Global energy information system?

4. About the Satan Religion Project

5. Babylon pyramid

6. Beast from the sea

7. About the collider, HAARP and "parallel worlds"

8. The logic of darkness

9. technotronic magic


And I looked at the age, and behold, there was danger from the designs that appeared in it

(3 Ezd. 9, 20.)


In this study, we will try, to the best of our ability and with the hope of God's help, to reveal a number of important, but little-studied questions regarding the history and causes of the death of the antediluvian world, or, more precisely, perhaps, to say - antediluvian civilization. In our opinion, there is every reason to consider this topic extremely relevant for modern people.

By the will of the Lord, today, to the extent necessary for us, the essence of the antediluvian civilization is revealed to us, that is, the civilization that was created on earth before the Flood, during which, as follows from the Bible, all mankind died, except for the family of righteous Noah. And the main thing that is revealed to us today is that the antediluvian civilization was not just God-opposing, but directly God-fighting, that the construction of a global occult-satanic system aimed at the implementation of some kind of God-fighting, satanic project was started in it. That is why the Lord God destroyed this civilization by bringing a water flood over the whole earth, so that almost the entire territory on which the objects built by that civilization were located is still under water. Indeed, before the flood, as it is said in the Third Book of Ezra, water occupied only one seventh of the earth's surface, and now - two thirds.

Why right now do we need to know the essence of the civilization that perished during the Flood and about the projects that were implemented in it? Because in our time, when the end of the world is near, started active implementation of the same satanic program, the same atheistic plans and projects that were before the flood - only, of course, with the addition of the use of modern methods and means. And the general, strategic plan is a plan to create a global satanic religion, i.e. on the “reign” of Satan over humanity, universal worship of him and recognition of him as the “god of the Earth”.

But more about this, God will give, we will say more later, towards the end of our study. Let's start our study with this - with the pyramids.


We know from the school bench that there are pyramids in Egypt. They stretch for tens of kilometers south of Cairo. The highest and most famous is the “great pyramid” of Cheops, its height is 146 meters (before the construction of the Eiffel Tower in 1889, the Cheops pyramid was considered the tallest building on earth). Of the so-called “seven wonders of the world,” this pyramid is the oldest and only “miracle” that has survived to this day. School textbooks say that the Egyptian pyramids were built by slaves and are nothing more than places of worship - tombs intended for the burial of pharaohs. Actually it is not.

As studies conducted by Egyptologists and other scientists show, even many thousands of slaves could not erect such structures. In addition, no one found not only mummies in the pyramids, but nothing at all confirming the theory of tombs and only tombs[i]. Indeed, it is hard to imagine that such huge structures were erected only in order to bury one person (even a pharaoh). Many modern scientists, categorically disagreeing with the theory of tombs, put forward other versions, which, in their opinion, can fundamentally shake the generally accepted ideas about the history of mankind.

Careful measurements of the spatial position and parameters of the pyramids, carried out by many researchers, gave amazing information. So, in the pyramids, the ratio of the length of the side of the base to the height is the proportion of the "golden section" (which provides the pyramids with a powerful energy effect, recognized by all researchers). The perimeter of the pyramid divided by twice the height gives the number pi. Near the pyramids and inside them, various difficult-to-explain phenomena were repeatedly noted. Inside the pyramids, during the experiments, points were found that are favorable for health, or vice versa - depressing living organisms.

It should be noted that at present there is a general increase in interest in the pyramids - this "gift ancient civilizations". Recently, many books and articles have appeared in the foreign and domestic press on the extraordinary properties of ancient and modern pyramids (see, for example: Yu. O. Lipovsky, “Pyramids heal and protect”; “Pyramids and a pendulum guard your health: Practical Guide to Application).

Service and residential buildings and other structures (arbors, etc.) of a pyramidal shape are being built, pyramids and pyramids of various sizes are made from various materials (glass, plastic, plywood, metals, natural stone). Someone places blades in pyramids made according to the Egyptian type (i.e., with the same proportions), and they sharpen themselves (scientific publications also wrote about this phenomenon), someone germinates seeds in the pyramids, hoping for b about higher than usual germination and yield, someone preserves perishable products in the same way, someone “charges” water, creams and other cosmetics. It is believed that the pyramids bring healing to the physical body and increase the level of human spirituality, protect against geopathic radiation (for example, from harmful radiation from computers and cell phones), protect, remove "damage" and other negative effects, develop "clairvoyance". But in most of the publications on this topic, a (very appropriate) reservation is made that if the pyramids are used “incorrectly”, harm to health, etc. can be done.

But back to the Egyptian pyramids. Everything suggests that they were built not by primitive manual forced labor, but through the use of very advanced, fantastic (in the words of modern experts) building technologies: almost perfect right angles, incredible symmetry of four huge faces, amazing technologies for creating and processing a huge number of stone blocks weighing from 2.5 to 15 tons or more. Some stones are made from very hard rocks (granite, quartzite, basalt, etc.).

There are monoliths carved from hard rocks and processed in Egypt weighing 800 and even 1000 tons (these are gigantic weights). The dimensions of the blocks from which the pyramids are composed are maintained with an accuracy of about 0.2 mm, the blocks are smoothly polished on all sides, and the joints are adjusted (without the use of any cementing material) so that even a needle cannot be inserted into them.

Research conducted by modern professional builders has shown that the builders of the pyramids possessed some unimaginable tools. So, examining holes in granite blocks, experts came to the conclusion that the drills of the pyramid builders were 500 times more powerful than today's most powerful drills. With amazing speed and ease, the builders of the pyramids could not only carve huge stone blocks, but also crash into solid rocks like butter (the researchers even gave birth to the expression: “plasticine technologies”). Some are inclined to believe that the builders of the pyramids could move and lift huge weights to a height because they had at their disposal levitation technology, which the myths and traditions of many peoples of the world seem to speak about.

Some researchers believe that the builders of the pyramids were able to influence the wave nature of the stone, counteracting gravity.

Modern science is forced to admit not only that it does not know what technologies the pyramid builders used to achieve such results, but also that it is now impossible to achieve such results using even the most advanced scientific developments. How did the ancient Egyptians, who did not have cranes, trucks, other construction equipment and special equipment, mine huge stone blocks, transport them over long distances, process them at a higher level than the modern technical level, and raise them to a great height? What force - spiritual, political or economic - pushed the ancient Egyptians to such a monumental work? And if not the Egyptians, then who created the pyramids? And what is their true purpose? All this is still considered the "greatest mystery" of mankind. Let's try, with God's help, at least to some extent to make this secret clear.


First of all, it is important for us to know that Egypt is not the only place where the pyramids remained. Similar structures are found in many other places on the planet.: in Mexico, in South America, in China, in India, in the countries of Southeast Asia, at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the Sea of ​​Japan ... All this suggests that it was single, global civilization.

Almost every culture has legends about sunken cities and continents, about ancient advanced civilizations lying at the bottom of the ocean, about superhumans, “cities of the gods”, about a global catastrophe (flood) that our planet experienced several thousand years ago. " When the gods were angry with the people they created, the land in which these people lived went under the water, "- it is said, for example, in one ancient Egyptian papyrus (related to the end of the second millennium BC) . In fact, almost all these legends (myths, tales, legends) speak of one civilization - antediluvian. Numerous finds, theories and assumptions of "atlantologists" - the seekers of the lost Atlantis, as well as Lemuria, Mu, etc., speak about it. The remains of an antediluvian civilization are scattered around the world. These are not only grandiose pyramids, but also other inexplicable objects: numerous monuments, obelisks, megaliths and other structures, undeciphered letters, ancient maps, giant ground geometric figures and lines, amazing images and objects. Among the most famous mysterious objects: statues on Easter Island, Stonehenge in England.

To create Stonehenge, stone blocks of 5 and 25 tons and several slabs of 50 tons each (with a processed, polished surface) were used. And the builders not only delivered these hulks from afar (it is believed, more than two hundred kilometers, because the building material that was used in the construction of Stonehenge cannot be found closer), but also dug huge long stones into the soil, setting them vertically. Stonehenge means "hanging stones" in Old English. In ancient times, it was also called the “Dance of the Giants” and its creation was attributed to the sorcerer Merlin, a mythological character of British legends.

According to legend, Stonehenge's stones were transported through the air - this may be an indication of some ancient levitation technology. In the 60s of the last century, astronomer Gerald Hopkins put forward a hypothesis and substantiated it very convincingly: he suggested that Stonehenge is an ancient astronomical observatory. Some believe that it was a computer center. Megalithic structures similar to Stonehenge exist in many other places in the world (“stonehenges” in Egypt, America, Yemen, Russia and other countries).

On Easter Island, located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, there are more than a thousand giant stone statues - some of them reach the height of a five-story building and weigh more than 100 tons. Researchers are perplexed: how could the ancient islanders create and move such massive works? And in the legends of the Indian tribe living on the island, it is told: the statues themselves came from the quarry in which they were carved, they were moved by some mysterious force - mana. Also in the legends there are many references to strange bird people who descended from the sky; it follows from these legends that the bird people possessed advanced flight technology.

At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle in the early 1990s, a giant pyramid was discovered - it is three times larger the famous pyramid Cheops. Perhaps this underwater object is the key to unraveling the "mystery of the Bermuda Triangle", that is, the inexplicable phenomenon of the disappearance of ships and aircraft in this "anomalous zone". The faces of the pyramid are made of a material similar to glass or polished ceramics (it can hardly be a mere coincidence that the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops was described exactly in this way in Arabic sources, the lining of which sparkled under the sun). The famous American atlantologist Charles Berlitz writes in his books: the pyramid in bermuda triangle exists since the time of Atlantis, and in the framework of this pyramid there is some very powerful power plant.

In China, it turns out, there are also huge pyramids. Several dozen of these ancient structures are located in the middle of agricultural fields a few kilometers west of the city of Xianyang. Their height is greater than that of the Egyptian pyramids, the highest is 300 m (i.e., twice as high as the Cheops pyramid).

Why don't the Chinese announce loudly and to the whole world about the existence of such grandiose objects in China, which, it seems, should expressly testify to how great and developed the ancient Chinese culture was? Yes, because, first of all, they know that it was not the Chinese who built the pyramids located in China - just like the Egyptians in Egypt, not the Mayans and Aztecs in Mexico, not the Incas in Peru, etc. For many years, the Chinese authorities deliberately concealed the existence of a large number of pyramids in China. Only in 1997 did the German archaeologist Hartwig Hausdorff manage to obtain the consent of the authorities and visit the Chinese "Valley of the Pyramids". One of China's leading archaeologists, Professor Khia Nai, believes that today these pyramids are not being explored because "this is work for future generations." Some researchers believe that Chinese scientists are afraid to invade the pyramids, for fear of finding something there that could turn all our ideas about life on Earth. Chinese archaeologist Wong Shiping claims that the pyramids are arranged in accordance with astronomical aspects and are an example of the incredible knowledge of geometry and mathematics that ancient people had.

From this it is clear how weak the “traditional” explanation of the purpose of the pyramids offered by “Egyptologists with Chinese characteristics” looks like “the tombs of Chinese emperors”. According to more serious researchers, the pyramids are just part of a giant system"holy lines", known in China as "feng shui"[v] . In ancient scrolls five thousand years old, researchers find information according to which the authors grandiose project, of which the pyramids are part, there were the so-called "sons of heaven", who several millennia ago descended to earth on their metal "fire-breathing dragons".

The “sons of the sky” (like the “bird people” from the legends of the Indian tribe living on Easter Island) are, presumably, either antediluvian pyramid builders who could have aircraft (there are archaeological finds indicating this), or just demons, which, as the Scripture says, can appear to people in the form of "angels of light", for more convenient seduction.

There are pyramids in the region of Tibet and the Himalayas. Doctor of Medical Sciences Ernst Muldashev, who studied Tibet, believes that once the North Pole was Mount Kailash, similar to a 7-kilometer artificial super-pyramid, and Easter Island was at the opposite end of the planet. If you mentally connect Mount Kailash with one line Egyptian pyramids and go further along the meridian, then the straight line will go straight to Easter Island. If we connect Easter Island with Mexican pyramids, then the straight line will lead to Mount Kailash. In 1996, E. Muldashev organized an international trans-Himalayan expedition, which collected unique material confirming the existence of the "Atlantean civilization", or rather, an antediluvian civilization. The main books of E. Muldashev: "From whom we came," "In search of the city of the gods."

“Every educated person has heard legends about powerful Atlanteans who lived on earth in time immemorial, - writes E. Muldasheva in the book "From whom we came." - Special literature (E. P. Blavatsky, Eastern religions, etc.) says that before us there were several civilizations on Earth, the level of development of which was much higher than ours ... Nostradamus wrote (1555) that the people of the previous civilization, whom he called the Atlanteans, possessed due to the "third eye" bioenergetic influence on gravity. Therefore, they could easily move huge stone blocks in space, build pyramids and other stone monuments from them ... It is difficult to say who built the pyramids. But it cannot be ruled out that they were built by the Atlanteans even before the era of modern people. Let the Egyptians and Mexicans not be offended, but it is quite possible that they did not build the pyramids - their ancestors just came to the land of the pyramids and began to live next to the stone colossi ... I read from the same Nostradamus that as a result of a global catastrophe(i.e. the Flood. - Auth.)that destroyed the Atlanteans, the axis of rotation of the Earth changed and the poles shifted.

The last statement seems to be consistent with what Christian creation scientists say about the consequences of the Flood. However, we, of course, should not forget that the revelations of such "great initiates and clairvoyants" as Nostradamus, Blavatsky, Vanga (who, it seems, also spoke of an ancient highly developed civilization), should always be treated critically, because, as warns us the Orthodox Church, these "prophets" are not from God.

In Mexico, one of the places where the pyramids were discovered is the ancient Aztec city of Teotihuacan. The Czech archaeologist Miroslav Stingl, in his book Secrets of the Indian Pyramids, talks about his impressions of visiting Teotihuacan: “The local pyramids literally stunned me with their gigantic size. No wonder according to the Aztecs who lived in these places a thousand years after their construction, the pyramids were built by the Atlanteans- kiname ". The substantiation of the hypothesis that the builders of the Indian pyramids were not the Indians, but the "legendary Atlanteans" (i.e., the antediluvian builders of the pyramids), can be found in other studies. For example, in the notes of Paul Stonehill (USA) "Egyptian secrets of Mexico".

Teotihuacan translated into Russian means: "the place where the gods touched the earth." It seems that the explanation for this name is simple: the Indians (pagans) once came to this place (to know exactly when this happened is not of great importance to us; the main thing is that it was, of course, many years after the Flood) , saw grandiose miracle structures, made a “logical” (from the point of view of a primitive pagan) conclusion that they built all these bulks and “gods” lived here, and began to use these structures for religious purposes, for which they made superstructures (temples, altars, etc.) and set up idols - to honor the "deities", i.e. demons.

The Bible says that the gods of the Gentiles are demons. Among the Mayan peoples, the main deity and the mythical creator of civilization is the flying serpent Quetzalcoatl, that is, presumably, Satan. In general, the Maya were a rude and cruel people, and their culture was primitive. They practiced human sacrifices, during which the priests took out a still beating heart from the chest of the victim and showed it to the jubilant crowd. Not all experts agree that the ancient Indians are related to astronomical measurements. The dwellings of the Indians were simple wigwams. And scientists are still wondering: why and where did the Indians leave their cities, in which they built such monumental structures (pyramids, etc.)? But the fact of the matter is that it was not the Indians who erected them. According to Indian legends, the pyramids were built by people with magical powers. From the ruins of Indian religious and other structures built on ancient powerful foundations, it is clear that these superstructures were built from unworked or primitively processed small stones, fastened with clay mortar.

That's the whole "secret" of the "great ancient civilizations" of the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas.


All of the above (and many more) amazing information about the pyramids gave rise to many researchers to put forward the following explanation. Since it is clear that the pyramids were not built by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, etc., it should be concluded that some ancient highly developed civilization created them; and the pyramids did not perform a funerary function, but were built as energy-information structures, forming in their totality a kind of global system, an energy-information network.

According to some, this civilization is extraterrestrial. This opinion underlies the so-called theory of paleovisits, or visits of ancient astronauts. Back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, C. Ford (USA), K. E. Tsiolkovsky and N. A. Rynin (Russia) expressed the idea that traces of visits and creations of space aliens should remain in the monuments of the most ancient culture of mankind. Adherents of this theory claim that aliens, like the true builders of the pyramids, encoded some valuable information in their creations. In general, fantasies about the extraterrestrial origin of the pyramids are diverse. For example, according to some versions: aliens flew to Earth, built pyramids and other mysterious objects, and then either went home, or they were destroyed by "earthlings". And there is such an option: aliens destroyed the civilization of earthlings that built the pyramids, and all of today's humanity allegedly came from those aliens.