Interesting things to do in Pattaya. What to see in Pattaya on your own? Sights, beaches, islands. New Japanese spa sauna Yunomori Onsen Spa Pattaya

What should a Pattaya itinerary include? How much does cultural and educational leisure cost in 2019? And where, after all, can one go for a clean sea?

In order not to be disappointed in a noisy, dirty, slightly immoral, but fun resort (a positive introduction, isn’t it? 🙂), a thoughtful tourist should have a rough plan of what to do, where to go and what to see in Pattaya and the surrounding area.

We offer our review of beaches and attractions with a couple of tips and recommendations.

How much does a trip to Pattaya cost? In 2019, the price tag starts from 75,000 rubles for 10 days for two. The only thing that can be cheaper is last-minute tours, which we track on 3 cool helper sites:

Pattaya is a unique place. Some people choose a resort for their first acquaintance with Thailand and fall in love at first sight, coming here for the next 10 vacations, while others “turn up their nose” and vow not to set foot on the Pattaya sand ever again.

In terms of entertainment, the city is absolutely suitable for those who party like it’s the last time or love to be here today, there tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow with an overnight stay in the jungle (i.e. an intense excursion). Conduct Honeymoon, family holiday with children, in principle, it is also possible, but subject to staying in a decent hotel.

By the way, what surprised us is that renting a bike in Pattaya is not necessary, because public transport in the form of a songthaew will take you anywhere in the city, and for only 10-20 baht per person.

Despite the resort’s fame as a place of open prostitution, you can find a lot of interesting locations here with a child! Therefore, we looked sideways in bewilderment at the parents who, trying to decide what to see in Pattaya in the evening, took their kids to Walking Street. Don't do that :)

The beginning of Walking Street,
which can be reached by minibus

Beaches in Pattaya

What to visit in Pattaya for free? Beaches :) There are about a dozen of them. The most famous include:

  • Dongtan
  • Wongamat
  • Pattaya Central Beach
  • Pratamnak
  • Jomtien
  • Koh Sak– another one of the picturesque islands, but you have to worry about getting a boat or longtail, because ferries don’t go there. There are as many tourists as on Koh Lan. Is it worth the extra effort? Hardly
  • Koh Krok– also a non-ferry destination, but it’s worth renting a boat (from 5,000 baht) for cool diving and snorkeling
  • Koh Phai– a little further from Pattaya and wilder than Koh Larn. There are no merchants, taxi drivers, massage therapists, there is only the sea and tourists, who are recommended to take everything they need with them (food, water).

Rent a bike in Pattaya (from 200 baht per day) will be needed to quickly get to Koh Samet. Next, 50 baht per ferry, and you will be taken to another idyllic island with beautiful beaches.

The island of Koh Larn firmly holds the title of popularity. Both close and picturesque.

Beach on Koh Larn island
(in my opinion it is very similar to the Maldives - what do you think?)

Sights of Pattaya

What to see in Pattaya to make your vacation unforgettable and have something to post on your social media feed?

Historical and cultural attractions of Pattaya are:

  • Temple of Truth (Prasat Mai). On our scale: 2/5. Two points for undoubted beauty, and minus three for outright profit from tourists. How can a ticket to visit a temple (!) cost ~875 rubles per person?! In addition, it has not yet been completed and is already being reconstructed, as the wood is quickly deteriorating. Walk around it only in helmets. We were left a little indignant: after all, as usual all over the world, you look and admire the creation from the outside, if you want to go inside, you buy a ticket. In Pattaya, even the entrance to the park area, behind the trees of which the Temple of Truth is hidden, is already paid. And they ask for a lot of money. For that amount of money, there are definitely much more interesting locations.
  • Temple of the Big Buddha. Our rating: 4/5. Free and cute. Not exactly a delight, an ordinary Buddha of outstanding size, no different from traditional Buddhas. It is located on a hill and the climb can be a little difficult. But nearby, on the observation deck, they open good views to Pattaya.
  • Nong Nooch Tropical Garden. Our verdict: 4/5. We recommend visiting in the morning, so you don’t get sunburned, and the Chinese won’t fit into the frames. A large kingdom of tropical flora and more: a thousand palm trees, a dozen orchids and even cacti. Plus, sculptures, themed areas, a petting zoo, a car collection and various shows. Entrance - 500 baht, ride an elephant +200 baht.
  • Mini-Siam and mini-Europe park. Score: 3/5. It’s nice to wander in in the evening, the heat will subside and the lights will turn on. Otherwise, the gaze will linger not on the mini-Eiffel Tower, the Colosseum and other world and Thai buildings that are reproduced here, but on their dilapidated state. Entrance - 300 baht.
  • Elephant village. 1/5. Points to the elephant for being so cute 🙂 The big downsides are the high price (1000-1300 baht per person), the active imposition of framed photos and bananas for feeding, and the obvious mistreatment of animals. The walk follows a “depending on your luck” route: maybe through the jungle and rivers, or maybe along an ordinary route. Swimming with elephants is a cool thing. But in general, the village is definitely not worth including in the Pattaya attractions.
  • Museum Art in Paradise. 4/5. Again, the given price (400 baht) does not correspond to the quality of what we saw. Although, in general, spending an hour in the midday heat in a cool gallery and photographing yourself/friends/family at various 3D exhibits is an attractive option.

Of course, this is far from full list what interesting things there is at the resort. We have listed the most popular and visited ones. As usual, you can book guided tours to each place (we’ll cover it below), incl. and comprehensive, or see the sights of Pattaya on your own. We always choose the second option, although it’s not a fact that it’s cheaper, it’s just more convenient. We mark the sights on the map ( helps, sometimes it looks for names in Russian) and off we go :)

Numerous shows are also a kind of “pride” of Pattaya. When we say show, we mean an erotic and entertaining performance. You don't have to go far to find them. As soon as a tourist crosses the Walking Street sign after 7 pm, he is immediately offered completely different scenarios on how to pass the night. The shows Colosseum, Alcazar, Tiffany - these are all about transvestites. Ping-pong show and show 69 are 200 times more frank and perverted, and therefore exclusively for people with a strong mental organization. Prices in Pattaya for a visit to such hot spots range from 350 to 750 baht.

Our trip to Koh Larn

Temples and observation decks in Pattaya

On the question of what to see in Pattaya on your own. The assistance of a guide is not useful when exploring temples and contemplating landscapes from viewpoints. And there are many of them in Pattaya.

One of the most grandiose religious buildings is the Wat Yan temple. We didn't see it, but in general, it is a large monastery, which is under the patronage of the royal family. Here you can see a palace, two lakes with blooming lotuses, majestic statues and paintings of ancient epics.

Our review of the Temple of Truth and Big Buddha is slightly higher.

We counted three observation platforms:

  • at the Big Buddha
  • at the letters Pattaya
  • at the Horizon bar

The last one is the coolest, but it's paid. However, there is one catch: from 5 to 7 pm the bar has a happy hour - you buy one cocktail, for example, a mojito for 360 baht, and get the second one free. And the hours just fall at sunset :) Horizon is located on the top floor of the Hilton Hotel. Admission is free, the view is breathtaking.

Another photo from the observation deck of the Hilton Hotel

Excursions in Pattaya 2019. Prices

Excursions from Pattaya are an essential part of a meaningful holiday. They allow you to learn more about the cultural and religious traditions of not only Thailand, but also neighboring countries. You can read the description of excursions immediately when ordering a tour.

The most interesting are:

  • trip from Pattaya to Kwai (cost from 2400 baht) - enjoying the beauty of the River Kwai, visiting temples and hot spots thermal springs, elephant riding
  • excursions to Bangkok from Pattaya (cost from 1,799 baht) – visit to the Royal Palace and the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, overview of the city from the site at the very high hotel Asia
  • trips to the Water Park (1199 baht), outdoor zoo (699 baht), tropical garden (600 baht)
  • visiting the islands (Koh Samet 1199 baht, Koh Chang 600 baht) and crocodile farms (600 baht).

Prices for excursions include transfer, guide along the route, sometimes meals, insurance and visits to tourist sites. Videos of excursions from Pattaya made by tourists give a general idea of ​​the attractions.

Excursion to Cambodia from Pattaya

One of the most exciting excursions from Pattaya is a trip to neighboring Cambodia. It includes a visit temple complex Angkor Wat, floating villages, national parks. The duration of the trip is two or three days.

How to get from Pattaya to Bangkok

There are several options for getting from Bangkok to Pattaya and vice versa. The most convenient is a bus or minibus. From Bangkok they leave from three bus stations or from Suvarnabhumi Airport. We left on a large bus from the east terminal for 108 baht and arrived at an unknown Pattaya terminal.

In the other direction, from Pattaya to Bangkok, we went from the street perpendicular to the beginning of Walking Street for 92 baht and to the northern terminal.

You can get there faster by taxi (cost about 1,500 baht) or by ordering in advance.

Most cheap option for those who are deciding how to get from Bangkok to Pattaya on their own, this is the train. The ticket price is about 30 baht, but the journey will take you more than three hours, while a taxi/bus ride will take 2-2.5 hours.

Last minute tours to Thailand (Pattaya). Where is the best place to buy?

Trips to Pattaya - one of the most popular destinations Russian tourists who want to have a great and fun holiday at almost any time of the year. Want to save on flights and accommodation? Catch last-minute tours to Pattaya from Moscow or play on early booking. In any case, it is most profitable to look at and book tours on online services, since they work without any extra charge and with a wide base of travel offers from trusted tour operators.

Copying of materials is permitted only with the obligatory indication of a direct, active and indexable hyperlink to the site.

Pattaya is the tourist-oriented entertainment capital of Thailand. The resort is located in the southeast of the country, on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. The distance to the capital is only 150 kilometers.

Why go

Holidays in Pattaya mean beaches, thousands of clubs, bars, restaurants and discos. A vacation spent in Pattaya will be primarily remembered by those who are eager to plunge into the sea. Pattaya is famous all over the world for its go-go bars, noisy discos and clubs. A vacation here may not be the most chaste.

If you want to be in the center of events not only during the day, but also at night, this resort will seem like a paradise for you! But nevertheless, this resort is also suitable for a more relaxing holiday; both couples in love and families with children will like it here. Inside the city and near the resort you can visit a huge number of attractions that attract tourists from all over the world.

Tours to Pattaya

The disadvantage of the resort can be considered the lack of well-maintained beaches with clean water within the city. Tourists who vacationed on the “bounty” islands will be disappointed by the state of the Pattaya coastline. But near the resort there are several islands, by sailing to which you can forget about the hustle and bustle and enjoy a relaxing beach holiday.

Most people living here are spoiled by the huge flow of tourists. Also, not only local residents from other parts, but also guests from neighboring countries come to Pattaya to work. That is why you will definitely not be able to get inspired by the real Thai culture and the customs of the local residents here. To understand the Thais more, learn their foundations and traditions, we recommend that you go north.


Pattaya's beaches are not considered the best in Pattaya - the water is often cloudy and dirty. The resort's beaches will not appeal to connoisseurs of clear, emerald-colored water. Cleanliness coastline too little attention is paid, so you can always find some garbage here. Local residents' boats are moored near the shore, and as a result, oil circles can be seen on the surface of the water. It is worth noting that on the outskirts of the city the situation is more cordial.

On all beaches you can ride banana boats, water ski, or fly with a parachute over the sea. But you won’t be able to go diving or surfing on the beaches of Pattaya.

From November 1, 2017 in Thailand no smoking on the beaches of Patong (Phuket Island), Bophut (Samui Island), on all Pattaya beaches, Hua Hina and Cha ama, Lanta Islands. Smoking will be allowed in specially designated areas. The maximum penalty for violating the ban will be a year in prison and/or a fine of up to 100 thousand baht (almost $3 thousand)

Pattaya Beach. Central Beach is the most popular and visited beach in Pattaya. It stretches for 5 km. It's always noisy and fun here. But you won’t be able to swim in the center of the resort at all - the water is quite dirty.

Hotel Features

Since Pattaya is a tourist city, hotels are located literally at every turn. You can choose a room in a two or three star hotel, or relax in a luxury hotel with its own green area, swimming pools and other amenities.

Tours to Pattaya

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.

Many tourists complain about the inability to get enough sleep during their holidays, as the noisy bars located everywhere are open until the early morning. When choosing a hotel, pay attention to the location of your hotel, as well as whether there is a nightlife establishment inside the building.

Attractions and entertainment

Those who are attracted by architectural sights are advised to head to. This is a museum of miniature copies of monuments, temples and famous buildings of the world. Here you can see the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the House of Parliament of Thailand, and also the Tower Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty and the Great Wall of China. Another idea for walks for architecture lovers is the Sukhawadi palace complex.

Visit at least one of the Buddhist temples and look at. Buddha Hill is the largest Buddha statue in Pattaya. Opens from the hill best review coastline of Pattaya, but this view is especially beautiful after sunset.

For those who care about their body, work daily.

Cuisine and restaurants

Pattaya's restaurant life will surprise even a sophisticated gourmet - for a reasonable price you can try crocodile or ostrich meat, oysters, cleverly prepared octopus and absolutely incredible bright cocktails.

On the street closest to the sea you will find many restaurants offering the freshest seafood. But prices here will be higher than in the city center on streets far from the sea. In Pattaya there are restaurants offering not only Russian, Italian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese and other cuisines.

In the city you can find several markets, prepared before your eyes, and also buy fruits at the most reasonable prices.

A large number of makashnits (scooters equipped for cooking) operate daily near Walking Street. Many points here are aimed specifically at tourists. If you wish, you can even try grasshoppers, cockroaches, beetles and other insects.


The resort's public transport is tuk-tuk. A tuk tuk is a brightly colored truck equipped to carry passengers. To avoid misunderstandings, be sure to check the fare with the driver before the start of your trip, and not at the place of arrival. The fact is that a tuk-tuk can be either public transport or an individual taxi, depending on what you agree on with the driver.

In addition to tuk-tuk, you can use a taxi service by car or motorbike. In tourist areas, taxi drivers work around the clock. The largest concentration of taxis and tuk-tuks can be seen daily along the coastline and, of course, near Walking Street.


Pattaya - real paradise for those who love to shop. From here, tourists take latex mattresses, bags and belts made of snake and crocodile skin, luxurious necklaces made of precious and semi-precious stones, silver and bright clothes with national patterns to all countries of the world.

In Pattaya you can visit local markets - clothes, souvenirs, Thai food and fruits are sold here at the most reasonable prices. Markets, as a rule, operate in the evening - when the heat subsides.

Be sure to visit, where you can not only shop, but also go boating and even learn the traditions and customs of Thailand.

Helpful information

    The nearest airports accepting international flights are: Suvarnabhumi and Don Mueang. From Bangkok to Pattaya you can travel by bus in just one and a half to two hours. You can fly from Russian cities to Bangkok on direct flights.

    Do not leave valuables unattended, especially on the beach! Unfortunately, in Pattaya, cases of purse theft are possible even on the streets. Be more careful with your belongings while on vacation.

    Observe, use anti-tanning cosmetics.

The sights of Pattaya are amazing and accessible to any tourist. You will want to see some things in Pattaya on your own, but somewhere else, on the contrary, it is more profitable to go with a tour. In any case, for convenience of choice, I wrote this article in which you will find all the most interesting attractions of Pattaya and a map in Russian, find out the entrance prices, and how to get to them. Plan in advance what to see in Pattaya when you come on vacation.

Please note that most titles are clickable. That is, by clicking on the title link, you will be taken to an article describing this attraction.

Sights of Pattaya and what to see in Pattaya

Observation platforms

Big Buddha and temple Wat Phra Khao Yai is located on Pratumnak Hill, at an altitude of 120 meters. It was not chosen by chance. You will have to climb 120 steps to clear your karma and get to the observation deck.
At the foot of the temple there is a Chinese park dedicated to Lao Tzu and a statue of the goddess of mercy Guan Yin. It is customary for her to tell her about her failures and ask for help in business and love.
Speaking of magic and help. Right next to the steps, for 100 baht, Thais sell sparrows in cages, which are usually released into the wild after climbing onto the observation deck. Before releasing the birds, you should mentally make a wish.
To attract wealth and money, at the lookout you need to find the Chinese god Hotei (with a fat belly) and try to throw a coin into his navel. Judging by his shabby belly, there are a lot of people who want to get rich quickly!

How to get?

If you are vacationing on Pratumnak, you can easily reach it on foot. Also, a visit to the Big Buddha is included in the free sightseeing tour.
Big Buddha on the map:

If you want to do beautiful photos as a souvenir, drink delicious coffee and enjoy the views - come to Pratumnak Hill. There are 3 good ones here observation decks. I have already described the first one - at the big Buddha,
the second is located almost opposite the entrance to the Royal Cliff Hotel.

Huge inscription - Pattaya is business card city, which is on any postcard. At this observation point you can see the Gulf of Thailand, the Bali Hai Pier, there are benches and an open-air gym nearby.

In order to get here, you need to walk up the hill from the tour policy booth and the rocking chair on the street. On Pratamnak there is an intersection from which “rays” diverge. One leads to big buddha, the second to the observation deck at the admiral.
The climb is quite steep, but worth it. You can get there on foot, by bike or by car.

The views of Pattaya and the bay are simply the best in the city! And as you know, all the best things are free.

Also here, from morning until 6 pm, my favorite coffee shop, Coffe Break, is open, where you can not only drink coffee at a communist price, but also admire the beautiful views as much as you like.

Pattaya has many great hotels with stunning views.
The best panoramic view is of course from the Hillton Hotel, which rises above shopping center The festival is in the very center.

For those who don't know, the bar has happy hours every day from 5-7pm where you can get a 2-for-1 cocktail. A great opportunity admire the view of Pattaya from the 32nd floor and the time is perfect - the sunsets in the city are incredible.

Farms with animals in Pattaya

You can see all the farms and zoos in Pattaya either independently or with a guided tour. If you have a Thai driver's license and transport, it may work out cheaper on your own; if not, it's better to buy an excursion, the prices are reasonable.

In my opinion, the best farm with animals is located 10 km from Pattaya. You can't get there by public transport; he doesn't go there.
On a sheep farm there are not only sheep, but also new park birds, a magical town with fairy-tale characters, catamarans, cafes, and many other animals that you can feed by hand. As well as a trampoline, a Ferris wheel and other entertainment.

Entrance to the farm - 50 baht, feeding, entrance to the bird park, magic town - for an additional fee. fee.

With a sheep farm excursion – 600 baht for adults and 400 for children (90-120cm).

Sheep farm on the map:

For those boys who are fans of horses and cowboys and girls who love the cartoon Little Pony. The park is designed in this theme. Many horses live here and a very cool cowboy show with horse tricks and fire is shown several times a day. Children (and adults too) are absolutely delighted.

Entrance on your own is a little expensive - 400 baht.
Included in several children's excursions or as an independent “dish” for 600 baht with transfer.

Good options for getting out for a walk with the kids. There are almost no animals on the Greta farm now (only rabbits, parrots and swans), but there is a playground and a children's room (100 baht entrance).
Entry is free.

Vander Farm is a place a couple of kilometers from Greta, where you can take a walk with your children, feed animals and birds, and sit in a cafe.
Entry is free.

Swiss Farm is a typical Thai farm with beautiful interiors, animals you can feed, a coffee shop and a number of other entertainments.
Entrance – 180 baht for adults and 90 for children.

Swiss farm – Swiss farm in Pattaya photo

You can only get to all these farms on your own.

If I were choosing which of these farms to go to with my children, I would choose not just one farm at a time, but the “Children's Adventures” excursion, which includes visits to the Teddy Bear Museum, a sheep farm and a visit to the Pippo Pony Club.
Price – 1000 adults and 700 children.

Pattaya Zoos

The best zoo in Pattaya is, of course, the Khao Kheow Open Zoo. Located 45 km from Pattaya, half-day excursions and evening safaris are available there.

You can feed all the animals (and there are more than a hundred species) and take photos with them. Rare animals include koalas, binturongs, tapirs and others.

They conduct shows - bathing elephants, shows with animals, feeding penguins and birds.

tapir in Khao Kheo

If you go on your own, the entrance price is about 300 baht + 50 baht for car entry.
With a tour, the price is 600 baht including round-trip transfer, tickets to the show and movement around the park.

The new tiger zoo in Pattaya is an opportunity to interact with real tigers and take photos with them right in the enclosure. Do not be afraid, tigers have been raised for generations by professional breeders, who not only carefully raise them without the use of special means, but are also with you when you visit these felines.
The difference between this tiger zoo and the tiger park in Sriracha is that the tigers here are well-groomed, not drugged, well-fed and happy.

In this tiger zoo you can interact with baby tigers who are only 1.5-2 months old, with teenage tigers and of course with adult tigers.

They take you there on an excursion, it comes as part of the Tiger Zoo + Nong Nooch Garden and costs only 900 baht. Or get there yourself.
In any case, it is worth noting that photos and communication with tigers are always for an additional fee and are NOT included in the price of the excursion.

I perfectly understand people who come to Pattaya on vacation and do not want to overpay 2-3 times for excursions offered by the tour operator. And there are so many street agencies that your eyes run wide and you don’t know who to turn to so as not to be deceived and get an honest ride.
Therefore, if you want, write in the comments, I will share the contacts of the travel agency with which we travel ourselves and recommend to friends. I am confident in the quality of their services and prices, because I heard only rave reviews from all the readers who vacationed with them.

As it is also called “crocodile”, it is also worth a visit. If you are by car or bike, you can easily get there yourself.

Photo of Pattaya - crocodile farm

Here is the crocodile farm on the map:

If there is no transport, don't worry. The price of the guided tour is the same as the entrance price, but you will be picked up from your hotel and brought back.

Price – 500 baht

At the crocodile farm you will see all kinds of crocodiles, alligators and shows with them. You can feed the animals and see the park of million-year-old stones.
Those who want to taste the crocodile can also join in.

There is a good children's playground on site.

Shows and entertainment

It’s simply unthinkable to come to Thailand and not attend at least a couple of local shows!

Recently, the Kaan show, incredible in scale and expense, appeared in Pattaya.

If you haven't read it, I recommend reading it

There is nothing like it anywhere in the world. If you have the opportunity to go, I recommend it.
Prices for visiting depend on the zone and start from 2,400 baht.

The most popular shows in Pattaya featuring transvestites:

Alcazar, Tiffany and Colosseum

There is no big difference between them, but the Colosseum is newer, larger and “richer”.

By price:

Alcazar – 600
Tiffany - 650
Colosseum – 500

If you live in the center of Pattaya, then you can walk to the Alcazar and Tiffany show yourself. They are held several times a day.
The Colosseum is located on Tepprasit Street, next to the cheapest food market in the city.

Also in Pattaya there are shows for very adults: the big eye show and the X-show.

X-show - 450
Big eye – 550.

Gardens and parks of Pattaya

If you love beautiful gardens, a lot of walking and want to enjoy the beauty of the local tropical nature, then in Pattaya you should go to the famous Nong Nooch Park.

The newest water park, which is among the best in the world and is considered No. 1 in Asia according to Tripadviser.

You can get there on your own using your own transport or by ordering a transfer from the water park on their website.
Usually the price is the same as with a guided tour, so decide for yourself.
They often offer discounts and promotions on Thai driving licenses for residents (business visa and student visa holders).

You need to go there for the whole day in the morning. Everyone likes it, even very small children, for whom there is a separate children's area.
The advantages include inexpensive and tasty food on site, separate “boar” zones, free photos of your races by e-mail and paid framed photos (300 baht) from a local photographer.

Price for an excursion to the Ramayana – 1250/1100

This aqua couple is already 4 years old, which of course makes him a little tired. Of the minuses, some slides are often closed and do not compensate for this glaring fact.
On the plus side, there is a surfing area that teenagers love.

I would also add as a disadvantage the expensive food and drinks on site, but the food is tasteless and the drinks too.

Plus, there is evening skiing, when the main part of the water park is closed, but a children's area, surfing and swimming in the waves are left. We were there for the promotion and we liked it.

Price – 1350/1250

Museums and temples of Pattaya

Strangely enough, there are a lot of museums and temples in Pattaya. Of course, they are inferior to the Louvre and the Tretyakov Gallery, but at a beach resort this is forgivable.

In my opinion, worth a visit:

A new gallery-interactive museum dedicated to the works of Van Gogh, Monet and Renoir.
In it you can “open” canvases by throwing balls at them, get acquainted with the work of great artists and a description of their life path, watch many great canvases that are broadcast using the latest projectors on the walls and ceiling.

Van Gogh in Pattaya – Art Gallery Hello Van Gogh!

This museum will appeal to both adults and children, as you can lie around, eat and drink, take photographs, and simply enjoy painting to the accompaniment of classical music.

The Hello Van Gogh gallery is located on the Sukhumvit highway. You can take a white tuk-tuk for 20 baht one way and the same way back.
Entrance to the gallery - 300 baht.

Or go there as part of the “Luxury of Siam” excursion. It includes a visit not only to the Van Gogh Gallery, but also to the Palace of the Chicken King + show, which also deserves attention.
Price – 1200 baht.

Rippley's Museum - Believe It or Not

An entertainment attraction located on the second floor of the Royal Garden shopping center in the center of Pattaya.
You can get there by tuk tuk for 10 baht from Jomtien, Naklua and other areas.

In addition to this museum, there is a horror room, a wax museum and other entertainment.

Teddy Bear Museum

The Teddy Bear Museum is in constant demand among all categories of tourists. Bears from different countries, in a variety of images and situations.
In my opinion, the entry price is too high, but you can go once.
The price on your own is 500 baht.
With an excursion – 1000/700 according to the “Children’s Adventures” program.

Located on Beach Road in the heart of Pattaya:

It is difficult to answer the question of which massage parlor in Pattaya is the best, because there is none. At the same time, there are more than a thousand massage parlors in the city and it’s worth going to any nearest one.

The main rules that should be followed in order not to get into trouble.

Do not go to massage parlors on the mean streets - Volkin Street, in the alleys of Boys Town and neighboring ones, unless of course you want to get a massage “with a continuation”.

Choose a massage parlor that is literally prettier. My experience suggests that the cleaner, more well-groomed, and more beautiful the salon, the more carefully they select staff and treat clients. At the same time, the prices there will be the same as everywhere else: 200 baht for Thai massage and foot massage, 300 baht for oil massage, etc.

Take a stronger aunt or uncle as your masseuse. Express your wishes before the session. Don't worry, they don't speak English well, so sign language will come in handy.

If you have skin diseases, pregnancy, or any other conditions, it is better not to go or warn the massage therapist.

If you really liked the massage, it’s not a sin to leave a tip. The usual tip in this case is 50-100 baht. You should not give in coins; it is perceived as humiliation.

Spa salons and saunas

There are spa salons in Pattaya, there is no point in describing them all. The most expensive ones are those at hotels. Prices for services in them tend to reach outer space.
If you want to get a quality massage or spa service, there are 2 Helth Land centers, one next to Thepprasit night market, right on Sukhumvit, and the second on North Street, next to the large Tesco Lotus.
They are popular among Thais, people sign up there, because if you come just like that, there may not be room.
Certified masters work there and this is certainly not a massage on Jomtien beach.
Prices are a little higher. Massage from 400 baht, spa programs from 1000 baht.

Jomtien Sauna in Pattaya

The most affordable sauna in Pattaya with an excellent steam room in which the wood was brought all the way from Finland.

The surroundings are very simple, but whoever comes to take a steam bath and not for glamor is just right.

There are two steam rooms - a Turkish hammam and a classic steam room.
The temperature is maintained, there are ice baths (really ice), an outdoor pool, massage, a cafe and exercise equipment.
Entrance is only 200 baht for the whole day. Open until 20 pm.

Sauna Mari Jari

Russian sauna, a whole complex on Wat Bun street. Entry price is 350 baht for the whole day, this includes access to the pool and steam rooms.
This is the most popular sauna among local Russian expats.

New Japanese spa sauna Yunomori Onsen Spa Pattaya

Yunomori Sauna Yunomori Onsen & Spa Pattaya is a magical place. The entrance price is a little higher compared to others - 450 baht per person, but the sauna is amazing.
In addition to the usual steam rooms, there are also Japanese ones and, in general, a new building, excellent service and many additional services.

Yunomori Onsen Spa Pattaya on the map:

Pattaya beaches

The beaches in the city are quite mediocre, so don't expect much from them.
Best beaches in Pattaya - the beach near the Asia Hotel on Pratumnak, (soi 4), beaches in the north near the Centara Hotel. In the south - at the Ambassador, Dor-Shada, Botany Beach hotels.
These beaches are better because they usually have cleaner sand and water.
New sand was brought to Jomtien, but garbage is still thrown out of the sea, and it is also left behind by locals and tourists.
Swimming is possible, it differs from day to day and can be either clean or not so clean.

The best beaches near Pattaya are:

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been registering on the website for many years, which give the best prices insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

I deliberately did not include in the list some popular attractions, the visit of which I consider optional. For example, the Mini Siam park, the local aquarium in Pattaya - they are morally and physically outdated and there is no point in going there.

Sights of Pattaya. The most important and interesting sights of Pattaya - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    Floating market in Pattaya

    While guests of Pattaya have been familiar with Walking street and the Temple of Truth for a long time, the floating market is one of the relatively new attractions of the resort. It was opened only in 2008. The market is not so large compared to its “land-based” counterparts - approximately 0.1 sq. kilometer area.

  • Next page Track.
Pattaya - resort town Thailand, beloved by tourists not only for its picturesque beaches and vibrant nightlife, but also for its numerous cultural and natural attractions. If you start your acquaintance with Pattaya from the cultural and historical side, then first you definitely need to climb Buddha Hill and look at the most big statue Buddhas in Pattaya. From the observation decks of Buddha Hill and neighboring Khao Phra Tam Nak, you can see the city in all its glory - and the view is breathtaking! One more interesting monument culture is considered the Temple of Truth (Sanctuary of Truth) - a majestic structure made entirely of wood and decorated with hand-carved sculptures.

Not far from Pattaya there is a whole complex of Wat Yang temples, where Buddhists from all over the world love to visit and meditate. The park contains temples of Thailand, China and India, as well as the palace of the Chinese emperor.

To see the wonders of not only Thai, but also world architecture, you don’t need to go anywhere: here you will find small copies of the world’s main architectural monuments in Mini Siam Park. There are beautiful miniature copies of temples in Thailand and China, the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty and even Russian landmarks, including St. Basil's Cathedral.

For nature lovers, Pattaya is a real find. At the crocodile farm in The Million-Year Stone Park and Crocodile Farm, you will see a crocodile show and even witness a man-crocodile fight. The Elephant Village (Pattaya Elephant Village) will open to you amazing world these majestic animals, where you can not only watch trained elephants kick a soccer ball, but also ride an elephant yourself.

There are two zoos in Pattaya, including the Tiger Zoo, where you can play with little tiger cubs, and the richest aquarium (Underwater World). And from the South Pier there is a ferry that will take you to the Vimanthaitalai submarine, through the transparent sides of which you can see the stunning underwater world.

Of course, to fully immerse yourself in the life of Pattaya, you need to see its night side.

Of course, to fully immerse yourself in the life of Pattaya, you need to see its night side. It begins on the popular Walking Street in these places, which from 18 o'clock in the evening turns into a brightly lit pedestrian alley, riddled with temptations and vices, blaring music, inviting go-go and sex shows, full of bars and restaurants.

In Pattaya you can visit two world-famous transvestite shows: Tiffany's Show and Alcazar Pattaya - these are musical performances with professional transvestite actors, staged with great skill and love, using the highest quality lighting and music technology , superbly played, stunningly bright and exciting. Here you will see charming national dances, admire amazing outfits and immerse yourself in the fascinating atmosphere of Asia.

For most who have never been to Thailand, Pattaya becomes the starting point for getting to know the country. The city has all the opportunities for recreation - beaches, bars and restaurants, housing of various classes, entertainment for every taste. The city's infrastructure and transport network are well developed here, and its proximity to Bangkok and its ancient attractions makes Pattaya a wonderful holiday destination. And given the low prices, the resort becomes even more attractive in the eyes of vacationers.

It is worth noting that Russian speakers have a fixed incorrect pronunciation with stress on the second syllable. Thais and Europeans emphasize the last syllable - Pattaya.

Geographical position

Pattaya is a resort city located in the southeastern part of Thailand, in the province of Chonburi, on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. Distance from Bangkok to Pattaya - 160 km, 110 km from the main air gate country - Suvarnabhumi Airport.

Total area 22 sq. km, but unofficially it also includes the Jomtien and Naklua areas, where Russian tourists like to stay. The population is 100,000 inhabitants, although taking into account tourists it can be increased several times (according to some sources, there are from 400,000 to 500,000 people here).

Pattaya on the map of Thailand


Just recently no one knew about Pattaya; 60 years ago this place was an unremarkable village. And only with the arrival of the US Army, the development of the resort began to gain momentum. At the end of the Vietnam War, there was some decline in interest, but gradually word spread and the resort began to gain popularity among residents of the United States. In recent years, Pattaya has also fallen in love with many citizens of Russia and the CIS countries. More details about.

A few important facts

1. A visa is not required for Russian citizens. You can relax at the resort for 30 days for free.

2. The time differs from Moscow by 4 hours (when it is 12 hours in Moscow, 16 hours in Pattaya).

3. Free Wi-Fi internet is available in bars, massage parlors, and almost any hotel.

4. It is better to take cash in dollars or euros. The exchange of dollars here has some peculiarities: banknotes in denominations of 1-20 are exchanged at a very unfavorable rate, only banknotes of 50 and 100 have good course. The city of Pattaya is one of the few resorts in Thailand where you can exchange rubles for baht.

5. Public transport cities - songthaew (tuk-tuk) - cost 10 Thai baht within the city (regardless of the duration of the trip). It costs the same to get from Jomtien to Central Pattaya (if further - to Naklua, then 20 baht).

6. A driver's license is not required to rent motorbikes. It is enough to give a copy of your passport (very rarely - the original) as collateral. You must always ride with a helmet, otherwise the fine is 500 baht. And there is also a fine for driving without a license. In recent years there have been a lot of police on the streets.

7. You can withdraw money from the card either at the bank (no commission) or at an ATM that says ATM (commission - 200 baht). It is better to go with a card of at least the Visa Classic or Mastercard Standard level, since the others may not be valid here. Even in Russia, you should call your bank and say that you are going to Thailand. They will make a mark and the card will not be blocked when withdrawing money in this Asian country (such cases sometimes happen).

Who should go

Pattaya resort is the most popular holiday destination for Russian tourists in Thailand. Comes here every year a large number of vacationers. There are several reasons for this: the city has the lowest prices for everything (housing, food, shops, massage, “adult” entertainment), easy access, proximity to Bangkok and its attractions, a large selection of excursions, etc.

Pattaya is located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand, 150 kilometers from Bangkok and two hours from Suvarnabhumi International Airport. Usually this is where one begins to get acquainted with the country, with its advantages and disadvantages. It is worth keeping in mind that Central Beach is not very suitable for families with children and beach holiday. It is better to settle in Jomtien, Naklua or Protamnak.

But the place is great for lovers active rest, nightlife and especially for single men. Pattaya is known throughout the world for its pedestrian street - Walking Street with its establishments and shows for adults.

Advantages and disadvantages of Pattaya

  • most cheap resort countries, low prices for tour packages;
  • the best and most inexpensive shopping;
  • a large selection of excursions and proximity to Bangkok;
  • an ideal place for lovers of “adult entertainment”;
  • the best climate in the country (little rain and sea waves);
  • very easy to get from Russia, no additional transfers required;
  • Great opportunities for entertainment, both daytime and nighttime.
  • the dirtiest sea in Thailand (although the sand itself is clean and cleaned of debris every day);
  • in Pattaya itself there are no places for diving or surfing, you have to go to neighboring islands for them;
  • in the coastal part of the city it is very noisy at night (especially near Volkin Street), the music stops only at 2 am. If you want silence, then choose Jomtien;
  • there are no natural oases, only a small area on Pratumnak hill boasts a small park.

How to get to Pattaya

1. From Suvarnabhumi Airport

Getting to Pattaya is very easy. Nearest international Airport Suvarnabhumi is located in Bangkok. Flights there are carried out not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also from other large cities of Russia: Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and others.

Flight time from Moscow is 9 hours, from Novosibirsk - 7.5 hours. Direct scheduled flights are provided by:

  • Russia,
  • UTair,

In addition, there are a huge number of connecting flights with one and two transfers. The flight, of course, will take longer, but the price will almost always be lower. Popular:

  • Turkmenistan Airlines,
  • and many others.

Cheap flights to Pattaya

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

You can get to Pattaya from Suvarnabhumi Airport by taxi or bus. You can take a taxi in the departure area. They are located right at the exit from the airport building, you don’t have to look for them. It is also possible to be greeted with a sign. In the latter case, you can choose a car of a prestigious class; there are also roomy minivans.

Bus tickets are sold right inside the airport; travel costs 120 baht to the bus station on Thappraya Street, which is within walking distance of Jomtien Beach. There are buses going to the northern bus station, they cost more. The drive takes 1.5-2 hours. From the bus stations to the hotel you can take tuk-tuks and motorcycle taxis.

2. From Bangkok

You can get from Bangkok to Pattaya on your own from the Mochit, Ekkamai and South bus stations; Khao San area. The average fare is 120 baht. Tickets are sold both at box offices and travel agencies.

3. U-Tapao Airport

You can arrive to Pattaya from other resorts by plane or bus. Half an hour's drive away is (U-Tapao), where, in particular, planes fly from Phuket and Samui. Minibuses run from Utapao to Pattaya for 250 baht. There are also taxis on duty there, you can pre-order.

4. From Phuket and Koh Samui and other places

There are direct buses from Phuket and Koh Samui to Pattaya, which arrive at or near the northern bus station. The fare costs 800-1000 baht, travel time is about 12 hours. Minibuses go from Hua Hin and Cha-Am for 400 baht. From other resorts you will most likely have to change trains at the bus station in Bangkok.


Transport in Pattaya is represented by public (fare costs 10 baht), tuk-tuk taxis (from 100 baht for a short trip), air-conditioned Taxi-Meter and motorcycle taxis (from 30 baht for 1-2 km). There are no buses or metro.


Let's face it - the sea in Pattaya is the dirtiest in Thailand, especially the Main Beach, located next to Walking Street. A little better in Jomtien and Wongamata. But it’s worth noting that it’s still somewhat cleaner than many Russian resorts.

If you want crystal water that can be seen 10-15 meters deep, we recommend the nearby island of Koh Lan (Koh Lan). You can get to it by ferry, which runs from the main pier Bali Hai in Pattaya approximately every hour. The cost of a one-way trip is 30 baht, travel time is about 40 minutes. If you wish, you can use a speedboat that will take you there in 15 minutes. In the latter case the price will be higher.

The only negative of Koh Larn is the large number of vacationers on popular beaches, the distance between neighboring sunbeds is about half a meter (however, on the Main Beach Pattaya beach the situation is the same).

You can also always go to others.

What to do and what to visit

Pattaya is the ideal launching pad for exploring all of Thailand's main attractions. There is no other seaside resort that is so close to Bangkok - the main center of cultural, historical and architectural monuments countries. The old capital, Ayutthaya, is also only 2.5-3 hours away. River Kwai, Kanchanaburi Province, northern cities Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai - everything is relatively close (especially when compared with Phuket, Samui, Krabi, Phi Phi and Lanta, from which it takes 13 hours to get to Bangkok).

You can book excursions in Russia if you buy a tour package. But it will cost much less in Pattaya itself, in one of the local travel agencies (tour operators offer various trips, but 1.5 times more expensive). Such services are offered everywhere. If you do not know English, then it is best to contact one of any agencies with Russian-speaking managers. For example, on the street Pattaya Park(next to the hotel of the same name) there are excursion bureaus where Russian managers work.

In addition, from Pattaya you can easily and quickly get to the islands of Samet (2 hours) and Chang (4 hours), whose beaches are clean and uncrowded. This will be an excellent solution for those who are tired of the noisy city and want to spend a few days among untouched tropical nature, where in the evenings it is very calm and quiet, broken only by the sound of the surf and the singing of birds.

And of course, be sure to go to.


Pattaya's attractions are quite numerous, although most are located in the surrounding area. In the city itself you can see the Big Buddha Temple and the Temple of Truth, the Oceanarium, and Mini Siam Park. In the surrounding area there is Nong Nooch Garden, a Crocodile Farm, two large zoos, a floating market and much more. You can visit all of them on your own, or you can book a sightseeing tour. The cheapest thing is to go to a local travel agency, and not to such large tour operators as Pegasus, Biblio Globus, Natalie Tours, etc.

The resort is located just 2 hours drive from Bangkok, where the most significant temples and attractions of the country are located: Royal Palace, Emerald Buddha, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. You can also go there on your own, or with excursions.

At the end of April, Pattaya celebrates (Thai New Year), at the end of November the colorful festival takes place.


Nightlife is one of the features of Pattaya, which deserves a separate story. The resort is known throughout the world as the main center of adult entertainment in Asia and most European and American men come here for this very reason. Only Russians consider the city a beach holiday destination where they can sunbathe and swim. However, in recent years, local authorities have been trying to get rid of the label of sex tourism and refocus on family vacations. For example, they regularly “clean” the embankment from moths and increase the width central beach due to bulk sand.

It is no coincidence that nightlife lovers come to the city of Pattaya, since the prices for services here are inexpensive. Other entertainment is also developed in Pattaya, for example, the world-famous transvestite shows Alcazar and Tiffany (by the way, besides the fact that all the artists are transvestites, there is nothing forbidden in these shows - an ordinary dance performance) or the show “Shocking Asia”.

By the way, Thailand is a very puritanical country and in Pattaya not all girls are involved in this business and are easily accessible. Decent Thai women are very modest and shy; for some, intimate relationships before marriage are taboo.

Excursions in Pattaya

1. Top 10 excursions in Pattaya

  • River Kwai 2 days
  • Khao Kaew Zoo
  • Ramayana Water Park
  • Excursion to Bangkok
  • Madagascar (boat trip with entertainment)
  • Transvestite show Tiffany
  • Samet Island 1 day
  • Koh Chang Island 2 days
  • Discovery tour

2. The best excursions in Pattaya with children

  • Ramayana Water Park
  • Kaho Kheo Zoo
  • 3D Museum of Optical Illusions
  • Discovery tour
  • Nong Nooch Tropical Garden and Elephant Show
  • Dream World amusement park in Bangkok

All these excursions are sold from one of the largest Russian-language travel agencies in Pattaya -.

Discounts on tickets

If you plan to visit various entertainment venues in Pattaya, it is not always necessary to pay the full price. On this site you can find discounts in different popular places Pattaya, as well as other cities in Thailand and, in general, Southeast Asia. The only thing is that you need to buy tickets a little in advance, as there is a reservation and e-ticket sent by mail. Well, another minus is that the site is in English.

Shops and shopping centers

If you want to inexpensively buy souvenirs from Thailand, clothes or something else, then Pattaya is the ideal place for this. Shopping is famous for its low prices for everything - from clothes and shoes to jewelry and expensive electronics.

If you want even cheaper, you can go to Bangkok (the distance between Bangkok and Pattaya is 160 km in 2 hours, the cost of a trip by minivan from Pattaya is from 100 baht).

To give you some idea of ​​the cost of goods in Pattaya, we offer some prices (1 baht is approximately equal to 1 ruble): flip flops - from 50 baht, T-shirts - from 80, mobile phones - from 500, small electric stoves - from 350 baht, coconut (1 piece) - 25, one large pineapple (about 1.5 kg) - 20, cucumbers and tomatoes (1 kg) - 20-30 at any time of the year. Electronics and computers for a number of goods are about 15-20% cheaper than in Moscow (when compared with hardware stores, and not online stores). We covered the topic of prices in more detail in a separate article -.

Food and establishments

In Pattaya there is food at every turn, establishments are located everywhere. These are restaurants, cafes, street stalls. You can also eat inexpensively in food courts, which are located in shopping and entertainment centers. Cuisines from all over the world are represented, including Russian. But of course, most of all in Pattaya is national Thai food.

You can grab a quick snack in mini-markets and. They sell nuts, chips, ice cream, milk, yoghurt, bread, cakes, etc. It is better to buy fruits and vegetables in markets and hypermarkets, such as Big C and Tesco Lotus. The latter also sell all other products that you can prepare yourself at home: rice, meat, eggs, etc.