Sights of Rimini in Italy: what to see, map and photos. We look at the sights. A busy vacation in Rimini - run around the whole city and lie on the beach! Theme parks in Rimini

There are several connections to the bridge interesting legends. During the Second World War, during the retreat, the Germans wanted to blow up the bridge and mined it. There is a legend that the Tiberius Bridge turned out to be so strong that it did not collapse from the explosion. This version has been refuted; the German officers simply did not carry out the order of the high command, especially since there was no strategic sense in this.

There are many bridges in Europe that in one way or another in the Middle Ages were associated with Lucifer, each with its own legend.

Another building from era of ancient Rome is the Arch of Augustus. This is the oldest Roman arch that has survived to this day. For a long time it was considered a triumphal arch, built in honor of some famous victory, but this version was refuted.

This building is 2041. In Roman times, the arch served as a gate, but the passage was free, and there were no wooden gates. In those days, there was no talk of any threat to cities in Italy; the Roman Empire was strong. Later, the arch fit into the city walls and the gates were hung. You can see parts of the wall in the photo on both sides of the arch.

The walls were demolished during the reign of Mussolini, but the arch was not touched, as it was recognized as a historical monument. The arch is depicted on the city's coat of arms. In Roman times, it looked different also because of the statue that was located at the very top. There are many versions about the statue, the most popular one is that it was a bronze gilded statue of Emperor Augustus himself.

The following attractions of Rimini date back to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Inside there is an art gallery, several frescoes from the Renaissance, a large meeting hall, which can be called a “stronghold of democracy.” In the building, the people of the city made decisions by voting. In the hall there is a fresco “The Last Judgment”, of course, not, but another. You can see all this with your own eyes.

Temple of Malatesta is the cathedral of the Archbishop of Ravenna-Cervia. It is the center of religion not only of the province of Rimini, but also of several neighboring regions. Let us recall that the church territorial division in Italy differs from the administrative one.

The Temple of Malatesta is very interesting inside. Here you can see beautiful bas-reliefs and frescoes, many of the scenes are not even biblical. This fact, at one time, greatly quarreled Sigismund Malafest with the Pope, which ultimately led to his defeat and loss of power.

If you are religious then you should definitely visit Church of San Nicolo in the port of Rimini. An important relic is kept here - the humerus of the left hand of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Bishop Gulto was from Germany, and he secretly took out one of the bones, wanting to place it in his monastery in his homeland. On the way, his ship stopped in Rimini, but could no longer sail from the port. A storm broke out and threw his ship back to the shore three times.

The bishop realized that this was the will of above, returned to the shore and took the relic to the first church he came across. The temple was renamed in honor of the relics. The bone is kept in a silver casket in the church, the photo of which you see above.

Other interesting places in Rimini:

Sigismund's castle belonged to a representative of the Maletesta family, we have already mentioned him in our article above.

Majestic protective structure- a symbol of the power of the Maletesta family in Romagna. Unfortunately, there were almost no interior items left inside; after the fall of Maletesta, all their property was plundered, and the castle became an exclusively military building.

A very interesting place is called the “surgeon’s house”. This house is named so for a reason. The largest collection of ancient surgical instruments was found inside.

At first it was believed that it was the home of a wealthy citizen, but now a more popular version is that it was the headquarters of the Roman legion stationed in Rimini.

Place Cavour is the most main square city, located near the port. It was the venue for all important events in the city. On the square is the Garampi Palace, which now houses the city administration.

The statue depicts Pope Paul V. Nearby is the municipal fountain “della Pigna”.

The Square of the Three Martyrs is located on the site of the former Roman Forum. Since ancient times, it has been the central trading square of the city of Rimini.

The square got its name after the Second World War in honor of three Italian partisans killed on this site by the Germans in 1944.

Corso de Augusto is the main shopping street and can be called the “Arbat of Rimini”. There are many shops here, although the prices are not the lowest.

If you came specifically for cheap shopping, then, of course, you should choose a more modest place. We recommend it to those who just like to go shopping.

Below is a map with the main attractions of Rimini. Click on it to enlarge the image to full screen.

As you will notice, all the main attractions of Rimini are located in the city center close to each other. If you don’t stop for a long time near each interesting place, then you can get around them all in one day, which we, of course, do not recommend. In two or three days you can see everything and not rush anywhere.

Have a good visit to Rimini and good impressions. Read our other articles about Italy ( links below).

Rimini is a wonderful city in Italy, striking with its beauty and scale. In fact, it can be called a giant city. And first of all, these are numbers. 50 kilometers - the length along the seashore, more than 4 thousand hotels, a huge number of ancient attractions and interesting places.

What to see in Rimini on your own?

Beautiful places and main attractions: photos with descriptions in Russian.

Arch of Augustus

One of the main city attractions, and, concurrently, the oldest arch in Italy. The arch was erected in 27. BC for the glory of the emperor. Its main decoration was the four horses driven by Caesar Octavian Augustus.

In the Middle Ages, the quadriga was replaced with jagged tops, and the arch began to serve as a gate in defensive walls. In the 1930s, the walls were demolished and only a couple of bays were left on either side of the arch. It features medallions with images of the Gods: Apollo and Zeus on the inside, Minerva and Neptune on the outside. And in its center, also on both sides, are the heads of bulls.

Tiberius Bridge

A unique historical monument, the construction of which began under Augustus in 14. n. e. and completed in 21, during the reign of Tiberius, whose name the bridge bears. The 62m long bridge is the symbol of Rimini. He is depicted on the coat of arms.

The bridge is represented by six pillars and five arches increasing towards the center. During its “life” it suffered floods and earthquakes, as well as attacks by Gothic troops, after which it was almost completely destroyed. The restoration of the bridge began only in 1680. And to this day it is still open to both vehicles and pedestrians.

Place Cavour

The cultural and historical part of Rome, combining buildings from different eras, but, nevertheless, harmoniously living with each other. The Place de la Commune, as it was formerly called, includes palaces, a monument to Paul V, a theater, and the water of the marble fountain “Lishka” is suitable for drinking by both birds and people. A more than original attraction is the presence of a fish market on the square. The square also contains shops, outdoor cafes and restaurants that have no historical value.

"Surgeon's House"

It is a unique archaeological complex with an area of ​​more than 700 sq.m. The house was destroyed by fire in the middle of the third century. The ruins of the building were discovered in the 90s during park improvement work.

Artifacts, mosaics, a set of surgical instruments, plaster products, mortars, oil lamps, and bronze utensils were found under the rubble of the house. The house included living rooms, rooms for receiving patients, and a corridor. Currently, the complex is protected by a glass dome, and the finds were transferred to the city museum.

Park "Italy in Miniature"

The “Italy in Miniature” park is an incredibly beautiful work of art that fascinates not only with its scale, but also with its amazing view. Its main purpose is to convey harmony, beauty, something lofty and animated.

The park showcases 273 famous Italian and European buildings, with their modeling features. 10,000 plants and 5,000 miniature trees are integrated into the landscape. The system operates 17 miniature trains. Theme park“Italy in Miniature” is an opportunity not only to see the whole of Italy with its main attractions in just one day, but also to plunge into childhood and experience a sea of ​​delight.

Amusement park "Fiabilandia"

The Adriatic coast is famous for its Fiabilandia amusement park. The area of ​​this perennial park is 150 thousand square meters. Despite its simple size, it has something to amaze visitors.

This place is a magical land in another dimension. There are always a lot of visitors here, especially children, since the park is entertaining. It contains more than 30 different attractions that are useful for children. The park captivates with its atmosphere of celebration and celebration, bright lights and fantastic shows; here you can feel the taste of fun and carefree.

Tempio Malatestiano

One of the main attractions of the city of Rimini - Cathedral Tempio Malatestiano. It attracts tourists not only with its historical inestimability, but also with its unusual external color.

The building was erected back in the 9th century, therefore it personifies the massiveness and monumentality of the Gothic style. After reconstruction in 1447, a chapel was erected, a wide marble facade, arches, sculptures, which give the cathedral mysticism and mystery, they convey the drama and swiftness of human existence.

City Museum

The City Museum is a must-visit for all those who understand that Rimini is more than a basic seaside resort. The museum was opened in 1977 on the site and building of a former Jesuit monastery. It consists of approximately 40 galleries, not to mention areas dedicated to special archaeological themes.

The Museo della Citta is both an archaeological and art museum. From an artistic point of view, the museum boasts a large art gallery that fills two floors of the building, showcasing works from the fifteenth to the twentieth century. In addition to the paintings themselves, you can admire the frescoes and ceramics, but you should also pay attention to the sculptures.

The Archaeological Department focuses on displaying and concealing at the same time the finds of the most important archaeological sites in Rimini, such as the Roman Amphitheater and the Domus del Chirguro. In fact, the City Museum is an authorized court capable of organizing excursions to the Roman Amphitheater.

Museo delle Conchiglie

This Rimini museum isn't particularly flamboyant or grandiose, but it is a true maritime treasure. The museum is the result of the search and preservation of history and objects related to the life of sailors. Those who decide to visit this museum will be able to learn about 650 antique tools, models of traditional boats, rare species of mollusks, echinoderm skeletons, large crustaceans and turtles.

The museum exhibits artifacts and small fishing equipment. The visitor has the opportunity to take a real trip into the world of ancient navigation through knowledge of typical objects used by sailors and artisans in their daily activities.

Museo del Bottone

Giorgio Gallavotti is the founder of the only button museum in Italy. An incredible character who, despite his age, has the enthusiasm of an army of young people, knowledge of the national library, and the ability to show vitality. Its museum houses 30,000 examples of buttons from all over the world, from the Renaissance to the present day. They are made of wood, mother of pearl, bakelite, natural resin, galalite, metal, ivory. Many from them self made, this makes them real works of art.

Enjoying all this, it turns out that the button is not just an object of the dress. The Museo del Bottone proves that the button is the border between the outside world and the inside world. Small and useful, she communicates, looks, seduces and becomes a symbol of art and history.

Theme Park - Aviation Museum

The Aviation Museum was opened in 1995 and covers an area of ​​100,000 square meters. It houses more than 50 aircraft, which are part of the largest theme park of its type in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. Driving through the park's 2-kilometer alleys, visitors can see countless aircraft that were actually used in the wars of Korea, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq, as well as the former Yugoslavia. You can also admire exhibitions of professional pilots from several countries, photographs, jewelry and medals.

Bagno 62

A resort town that attracts with a variety of water services and entertainment. For lovers of comfort, Bagno 62 offers a variety of bathtubs, equipped to suit all customer needs. A quiet area and a clean beach will contribute to the well-being of you and your family.

National Motorcycle Museum

National Museum motorcycle park, opened in 1993, houses more than 250 motorcycles. This museum shows the evolution of transport, both Italian models and foreign ones, which became important discoveries in history. The historical route begins with the pioneer era of the first motorcycle, Werner, followed by the Italian Frera and Stucchi, all dating back to the beginning of the last century.

The period of the two wars is characterized by fabulous Moto Guzzis, both road and racing models. The foreign heroes in the museum are English motorcycles: Norton, Sunbeam, Rudge and Scott - along with American brands: Harley Davidson. Brands such as Aermacchi, Bimota, Linto, Yamaha and Honda can be admired in the field dedicated to sports motorcycles. The museum also has a library with over 10,000 original books on motorcycle history.

Castel Sismondo

The construction of this powerful castle began in the mid-sixteenth century and took fifteen years. Initially, it was erected with the purpose of participating in military events. The massive walls of the building were surrounded by a moor, and the square towers were equipped with bronze cannons. The part of the buildings that was in the center served as the residence of Malatesta, the mighty lord of Rimini. The interior of Sismondo Castle impresses with the colorful paintings, canvases and frescoes; they add solemnity and splendor to the rough reliefs.

Marecchia River

The eastern part of Italy washes its banks in the Marecchia River. Previously, the river had the name Ariminus, as one from the provinces of the city of Rimini. The banks of this river are connected by the Tiberius Bridge with ancient history. The length of the river reaches 90 kilometers, it creates the Valmarecchia valley with its natural luxury, harmony and independence. The Marecchia River is the main fresh water resource for the citizens of Rimini.

Beach Village

Beach Village is a complex of relaxing services for vacationers during their vacation. This water park is located right on the beach with four water slides that guarantee fun for both adults and children. The park also has two comfortable swimming pools - a children's pool (for children aged 0 to 10 years) and an adult pool, size (25 m), as well as spacious recreation areas where visitors will find comfortable sun loungers and colorful sun umbrellas.

During the summer, you can dive into the pools and enjoy relaxation, have fun on the rides, play video games, and create your creativity for free in the Drawing and Color Lab.


BoaBay is the largest floating water park in the world. Consists of modular inflatable boats that create the word "Rimini", so remarkable as to be visible from satellite. The unique place of summer fun in Rimini is renewed for the second year in a row. It is located 100 meters from the beach.

BoaBay includes a variety of inflatable modules including tunnels, ramps, platforms, stretchy carpets and a giant iceberg to climb up and from which you can swim. The water park structure consists of 190 modular inflatable boats occupying 34,000 square meters.

San Giuliano, Rimini

San Giuliano is a Renaissance Roman Catholic church in Rimini, Italy. The church was built in 1553-1575 next to the Benedictine abbey. The current structure was built on the site of a 9th-century church. The ancient church of the martyr of San Giuliano, the old town of Rimini, is one of the most outstanding monuments of this place.

The interior is decorated with valuable works of art. Veronese's "Martyrdom of San Giuliano" stands out for its beauty. Frescoes, canvases and figurative panels illustrate the history of the church. This is arguably the city's trendiest area and hosts many of the city's major events.

La Ruota Panoramica

In the port of Rimini, just a few steps from the sea, there is a large panoramic wheel. The large 60-meter wheel is from Rotterdam and opened in 2000. This is a great way to spend a romantic evening, as from the height of the wheel you have a magnificent view of the city and the embankment.


The Roman amphitheater in Rimini was built in the second century AD and was used mainly for gladiator performances. It is believed that it can accommodate up to 12 thousand spectators. For centuries, the Rimini Amphitheater was included within the city walls and was used as a military fortification against barbarian attacks. Unfortunately, like many of Rimini's monuments, it was devastated by bombs during the Second World War.

Fountain Cone

In the center of the city of Rimini there is a fountain called the Cone; it got its name due to its shape. This amazing work of architectural skill was erected in the fourteenth century by Giovanni Carrar. This fountain was of great value, since until the beginning of the twentieth century it was the only spring of fresh water in the city.

Park Federico Fellini

Rimini is known as hometown world famous director Federico Fellini. This is the city in which he was born and died. The city that inspired him, and its images, were often used by Fellini in his films. The city’s central park, which has an unusual “Four Horses” fountain, was named in his honor, built in 1982. Federico Fellini Park is always full of vacationing Italians who enjoy the coolness and peace.

Parco Alcide Cervi

Parco Alcide Cervi is the central park of the city of Rimini, which is public. This park is very convenient because it connects all the nearby attractions of the city. Its visitors can enjoy walking along the alleys or get around thanks to the bicycle route, avoiding traffic. It is very colorful and comfortable to be here; it is a great place for entertainment and useful relaxation.

Bagno 10 Vatikaki

The seaside resort is a meeting place for young people and families, offering sports activities and entertainment for your free time. It is ideal for young people and families with a variety of sports and leisure activities, friendly and professional service and a charming location on a wide stretch of fine sand and clear sea.

Amenities include a picnic area for dinners and barbecues, cabins with refrigerators and microwaves. There are also free hot showers, an equipped children's playground, beach tennis courts, table tennis and pool table, multi-purpose area with magazines and newspapers, professional and qualified animation for children and fitness for adults. This place captivates and excites with its atmosphere of fun and joy.

Palazzo Lettimi

One of Rimini's most prestigious Renaissance buildings remains an open wound in the city from bombing in World War II. The four-story palace, built at the beginning of the sixteenth century by Carlo Maschi, a man of public administration with various public institutions, was inherited from the Marceselli family.

During the explosions of World War II, the palace was almost completely destroyed. Currently only a few ruins exist, the portal and ceiling slabs salvaged from war disasters are now in the City Museum. Of the eleven paintings in total, only seven were recovered from the wreckage. However, the frescoes that decorated the walls of the hall were destroyed.

The current state of one of the most beautiful Renaissance buildings in Rimini is completely abandoned. It is still visible on the portal, on the wall attached to the wall, with stone border and stone windows.

City Museum

This architectural landmark was built in the mid-eighteenth century by the Bologna architect Alfonso Torregiani. Previously, the museum served as a Jesuit monastery, which housed a military hospital. The area of ​​this building is three thousand square meters, it has forty galleries housing more than 1,500 relics ancient history Rimini.

Here you can see tombstones of the Ancient Roman people with epitaphs, paintings from the 14th-16th centuries and ceramic objects, sculptural compositions and ancient manuscripts. The city museum contains about 300 paintings and sculptures. The Middle Ages are visible in numerous frescoes that symbolize the holiness and faith of the people that they are protected.

Piazza Tre Martiri

Piazza Tre Martiri is the heart of Rimini - its main square, parts of which have figured in the city's historical moments. It changed its name several times, but its history remained the same. The oval square of Piazza Tre Martiri, demonstrates the continuity between the ancient and modern city, with lots of interesting references to the past.

Piazza Tre Martiri remains at the center of commercial and cultural life Rimini. It has a wide range of shops and cafes, as well as offices for the local newspaper. The square always pleases with public events and seasonal markets. This is the center where people meet and observe the life of their city.

MUSAS Museo Storico Archeologico di Santarcangelo

The Archaeological Historical Museum was founded in 2005 with the aim of preserving and strengthening the archaeological, historical and artistic heritage of the city and its territory. The medieval village of Santarcangelo, which is an organic whole, a unique monument of particular historical, artistic, urban and environmental value, was built precisely within the city walls, shaped by events over the centuries.

Santarcangelo maintains a great heritage of art and culture and a long history of handcraft. It is a land of ancient traditions and craft workshops, kilns and mills that are proof of a long and living history of work. In rooms dedicated to the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries you will find important paintings by local artists.

Spiaggia libera

The free beaches of Rimini are the ideal place to spend a day at sea without any fuss or worries. Located in different areas of the city, they offer cleanliness and many additional services. These beaches are fully equipped for the whole family, they have all the necessary amenities: baths, showers, entertainment facilities, cafes, places for games. In addition to these services, public beaches regularly host events that impress with their dynamism and festivity.

Four Horses Fountain

The Fountain of the Four Horses, in the Frederico Fellini Park in Rimini, is a monument with history. Opened on June 29, 1928 during the Fascist period, the fountain was made by a local craftsman, Fillogen Fabbri. Half of Rimini was present at the inauguration, accompanied by pomp and ceremony. At that time, the fountain was considered the crown of glory.

However, only six years later it was decided that the fountain was undesirable in its original location and was moved to Mareccia Park. The horses were later separated from the fountain and stored elsewhere. In 1983, after a long battle carried out by private citizen Umberto Bartolani, the fountain was moved to its original position. Now the fountain's horses have become a landmark of the city of Rimini.

Monumento alla Resistenza

The Monument to the European Resistance is the Gianni Colombo Memorial, located in Como, in the city's lake gardens. A detail of the monument is a list of those doomed to death. The Monument to the European Resistance was created by Milanese artist Gianni Colombo and was inaugurated on May 28, 1983 by the then President.

The monument is dedicated to resistance to fascist regimes and deaths. It consists of three staircases extending up to three large slabs where there are reports of deaths in World War II. The monument also contains stones from Nazi camps and the city of Hiroshima.

Parco del Gelso

This is the large urban park of Igea Marina. It has an extension of 40 hectares, with vegetation consisting of native plants and shrubs and spontaneous lawn. Gelso Park is one of the largest green "lungs" that can be found in urban areas of the Adriatic coast. It is characterized beautiful lake of three hectares, obtained from former sandy sand.

Rich vegetation and themed areas such as the Butterfly Garden make it one of the most interesting holiday destinations in Bellaria-Igea Marina. Samples of migrating fauna can be seen. Inside the park there is a tennis center and a gym.

Antica Pescheria

The ancient fishery is located in historical center Cervia, in Pisacana Square, otherwise known as the Grass Square, which in the past was a place of excellence in trade and market. The beautiful building dates back to the late 1700s and early 1800s.

The interior, consisting of one compartment, has fine marble tables, perfectly preserved; the floor still has a visible water drain. Until 2014, it was a special place for numerous temporary exhibitions. The characteristic building, restored in 1887, has been adapted to the new needs of an active and modern fish market. Today the building is used as a restaurant.

Torre Saracena

Following the invasions and rupees of Turkish pirates in the last years of the sixteenth century, the Papal State finally decided to build a series of towers to protect the inhabitants of the coast. At the sound of the bell, in case of danger, residents could “return” to the tower for protection. The Saracen Tower was built in 1673 by the Apostolic Chamber to fortify the coast, the only one remaining with the original characters of the six current three-story vaulted and internal spiral staircases.

Over time, the towers' function was transformed to quarantine "infectious suspects" arriving from the sea. On the upper floors of the building there is a museum with exhibits of mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms, and other organisms brought from all the seas of the world.

Rimini is a lively and cheerful city. A huge number of entertainment and interesting places, beach holiday and ancient attractions, and all this is a must-visit and see.

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  • Last minute tours to Italy

Rimini is the most popular resort on the Adriatic, consisting of 15 km of sandy beaches, and also a “shop tourism” center. One of the points of attraction for domestic businessmen is the largest exhibition complex Rimini Fiera region. In addition to the beaches, discos and hotels, there is an unexpectedly busy town founded by the Romans back in 268 BC. e. Rimini is a place where Italians themselves go: the food here is excellent, coastline- too, and the sights add their own flavor to the holiday. However, some will prefer another highlight: one of the largest shopping malls in Emilia-Romagna, Le Befane, is so large that it changes the entire landscape of the western part of the city.

Even in Rimini, Fellini made his mark, and they speculate on him no worse than in Verona on Juliet. The director's museum is located in the historical part of the city and is no less popular among Italians than among tourists. And the story tragic love local Paolo and Francesca were immortalized in Dante's Divine Comedy.

How to get to Rimini

Rimini has an international airport named after the great Federico Fellini, a railway station and a bus station. From Russia in the summer they fly to the resort "Pobeda", " Ural Airlines" and "Khan Air". And from other cities in Italy it is convenient to get here by train, bus and car. In the off-season, the number of flights decreases, but magnificent Bologna is very close - there are flights there from Russia all year round.

More information about how to get to Rimini is described on this page.

  • How to get from Rimini to the motorcycle racing circuit in Misano Adriatico

Search flights to Rimini


It is convenient to travel around the city by buses and trams. A single ticket for public transport, valid for 90 minutes, costs EUR 1.50 if purchased in advance at a ticket office or tobacconist, and EUR 2 from the driver. Such tickets are relevant for travel not only in Rimini, but also in other cities and municipalities of Italy: Riccione, Morciano, Santarcangelo, Bellaria, Cattolica, Coriano. For example, bus route No. 11 connects the resorts of Rimini and Riccione. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

You can save money by purchasing a book of 10 tickets, it costs 12 EUR. Travel passes are sold at transport company offices or street vending machines. They must be composted upon entering the vehicle.

You can also rent a bicycle (3-5 EUR per 1 hour, 10-15 EUR per day) or take a taxi: 1.3 EUR per 1 km during the daytime. At night the cost increases by 25%. Taxi parking points and more detailed information on all types of services are available on the taxi service website.

Maps of Rimini

Rent a Car

Communications and Wi-Fi

The tariffs of mobile operators in Rimini are quite high, but calling Russia from a local SIM card is still more profitable than from your home phone. The city has good reception from 3 main Italian operators - TIM, Wind and Vodafone. Each of them has Special offers for tourists, by connecting which you can call home for only 0.10-0.30 EUR per minute. The cost of tariff plans including international calling service varies from 16 to 20 EUR. There are many branded communication shops in the center, packages are also sold in grocery stores and other stores; you will need a foreign passport for registration.

Free Wi-Fi is available in many hotels, cafes and restaurants. In some, it is password protected and accessible only to clients and visitors; in others, anyone can connect. All beaches of Rimini and some public places in the center - Piazza Cavour, some parks and squares - are also equipped with access points. In addition, 3-5 GB of mobile Internet is included in any tariff of local mobile operators.

Rimini Hotels

The number of rooms is represented mainly by hotels; there are several apartments, hostels and guest houses. There are no budget offers such as a bed in a room for 10 people, but in general the prices are affordable - the cost of a day in a double room starts from 20 EUR. And this is in the city center, not far from the beach.

The resort is popular among tourists, so more than half of the accommodation options for June-August are booked in March.

The price almost does not depend on the location, as well as on the “stars”. There are few luxury multi-storey complexes here, instead there are cozy ones family hotels for several dozen numbers. In the category without “stars” or 1-2*, prices range from 20 to 200 EUR per night in a double room. A lot of three rubles - 20-500 EUR per day. For 4-5* hotels prices start from 40 EUR. So you can find a room that suits your budget in any category.

Beaches of Rimini

The entire coast of Rimini is suitable for a beach holiday. It is clean and well-maintained, equipped with all tourist amenities - umbrellas, sun loungers, toilets and changing rooms. True, most of the resort’s beaches are paid. This does not mean that you cannot go to the sea and swim, entry is free. However, you most often won’t be able to stay with your towel for a long time without paying for an umbrella and sunbed. Even in the free zone, between the last row of sun loungers and the sea, an employee may come up and ask you to remove your things.

The coastline is divided into small areas put under management. Some of them are managed by coastal hotels: they provide their guests with discounts on the use of beach infrastructure or include it in the price of their stay. The beaches are numbered from 1 to 150, at the entrance to each there is a reception where you can pay for a sun lounger and get a key to the changing room. Prices are posted nearby on stands, the prices are approximately the same - 6 EUR for a sun lounger, 16 EUR for a set and 20 EUR for a set of two sun loungers and an umbrella per day. Subscriptions are available for a week, 15 days or a month.

The resort has two municipal beaches - No. 1 and 100. You can relax there for free with your own towel. However, the sand is not so clean; there are stones and shells.

The Rimini coastline is great for families with small children. It is shallow here, the sea is calm, the entrance to the water is smooth. Almost every beach has playgrounds with slides and swings, water attractions and volleyball fields. The wide coastal strip also had enough space for bars and restaurants. There are no problems with safety either - there are rescuers on duty at the towers. When it is unsafe to swim or they are not available, a red flag is displayed.

Italy: test of 11 difficult questions. Try to answer correctly 11/11:


Although the waters off Rimini's coast can be murky due to the sandy bottom, there are ample diving opportunities. To fully enjoy underwater scenery, it is better to dive on calm days and away from the shore. The warm Adriatic Sea is home to many colorful fish, turtles, starfish, corals and other living creatures. The greatest variety and best visibility are in natural park"Mount San Bartolo". It is also worth visiting the man-made reefs - submerged artificial island Roses, the former drilling platform “Hermit”, “Pyramids” and others are interesting dive sites.

For river lovers there is also something interesting - sunken ships and aircraft. They were already overgrown with underwater vegetation, they were inhabited by fish and corals, but the frames were preserved. There are many diving clubs in the city that organize trips to sites and swims for beginners and professionals. Prices are moderate - 20-40 EUR per dive, trip to river sites - from 50 EUR.


Once you settle in Rimini, be prepared to see “professional shoppers” in their natural habitat. A lot of shops are concentrated in the city center on the streets of Garibaldi, Gambalunga, Corso Augusto and Tre Martiri Square, as well as on the embankment. They are usually open from 10:00 to 20:00, lunch break: from 12:00-13:00 to 16:00-17:00, closed on Sunday. Read more on the page “Shopping in Rimini” and “Outlets in Rimini and nearby”.

Cuisine and restaurants of Rimini

The Emilia-Romagna region is one of the world-famous gastronomic centers of Italy. This is the birthplace of Parmesan, Parma ham, the famous Bolognese sausage "mortadella" and balsamic vinegar. The largest factory for the production of Barilla pasta is also located here. The choice of the latter in local restaurants is huge - from the well-known carbonara to original dishes with mussels. In addition to standard spaghetti, capellini and other types of pasta are served here. Restaurants in Rimini prepare excellent desserts - teramissa and panna cotta.

Lovers of sparkling wines should pay attention to Lambrusco. It is produced in neighboring Bologna from grapes grown in the Emilia-Romagna region.

An average dinner in Rimini restaurants will cost 10-12 EUR (without drinks). Some eateries offer set lunches for 18 EUR, the price of which includes 0.25 liters of wine. By the way, you can taste the local wine after an excellent tasting at the Tenuta del Monsignore winery. Those who want to save money should pay attention to fast food. You can have a “piadina” (lavash with meat and vegetable filling), pizza or a panino sandwich for 5 EUR. But dinner in a gourmet restaurant will cost 150-200 EUR for two. In addition to Italian, in Rimini there are establishments of Russian, Canadian, Asian, Japanese and Indian cuisine.

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Guides in Rimini

Entertainment and attractions

There is plenty to do in Rimini besides a beach holiday. Fans of excursion tourism will enjoy the historical part of the city, where many architectural monuments have been preserved. One of the most notable is the Arch of Emperor Augustus. Previously it served as a gateway to the city, now it is located almost in the center. Another interesting structure is the Tiberius Bridge. This massive crossing is striking in its strength - the wooden piles have withstood 2000 years.

Less than 500 m from the Arch of Augustus, in the Alcide Cervi park you can see another fragment of the ancient Roman fortress walls.

The Italian city of Rimini has become the most major resort off the Adriatic coast. Many travelers choose this location as a starting point when first exploring Italy. It has everything a modern tourist needs: the sights of Rimini, colorful flora and fauna, the sea with clean beaches. A pleasant moment is the opportunity to alternate between passive and active recreation, spending time under the hot rays of the sun, then on the ancient streets of the city, getting acquainted with the culture and architecture.
The climate here is mild and temperatures are warm most of the year. Thanks to the popularity of the resort, the tourist infrastructure is well developed. In addition, a bonus to all the advantages of Rimini is the warm attitude of Italians towards foreigners. The entire territory of the city is conventionally divided into a historical component and a resort area on the Adriatic coast.

Which attractions of Rimini should you see first?

An extensive history has given the Italian city many ancient architectural treasures. In addition to the sea coast, the attractions of Rimini include a variety of buildings and monuments. Despite the fact that the basis is still a beach holiday, you can also spend time on tourist walks here. Below are the best attractions of Rimini, including monuments from different time periods.

Top 10 main attractions of Rimini

Excursions to the sights of Rimini

Before traveling, you always want to know more about the city and make the best and most complete a tourist route. But what to do if your time in Rimini is very limited, but you want to see a lot of things? There is a way out - the online resource offers to book current excursions.
These can be group or individual informational walks, during which the main attractions of Rimini will be explored with the help of Russian-speaking guides.

Sights of Rimini and the surrounding area with photos and descriptions

It is difficult to overestimate the historical value of the Italian city, given its origins. The territory of Rimini was inhabited by the ancient Romans - this is the conclusion that historians and archaeologists made after conducting excavations and studying the facts.
The main attractions of Rimini remain original witnesses and reflectors of the Roman era and a later period, when the city experienced a significant cultural upsurge.

Top 30 attractions in Rimini

1. Park “Italy in Miniature”

A pragmatic way to see most of Rimini's attractions in a few hours is through a miniature park. The territory contains 270 exclusive tourist objects on a scale of 1:25. In addition to them, there are various attractions that can be visited for free. There are also a number of multi-level catering establishments. You can listen to a short excursion while traveling by train on the monorail.
Admission is paid: an adult ticket will cost 23 euros, and a child ticket will cost 17. Children under 1 meter tall can enter for free.

2. Tempio Malatestiano

The Catholic church was built in the mid-15th century and decorated in the architectural style of the Early Renaissance. Today it is located in the heart of the Old Town, where acquaintance with Rimini most often starts. Its history begins with reconstruction in the 1440s, when an ordinary church was turned into a family crypt by the ruler of the city. The project was not completed, so neither the façade nor the interior are the original plans.
The temple can be visited free of charge from 9-00 to 19-00 (except for a break from 13-00 to 15-30) from Monday to Friday. On weekends, the basilica opens at 8:30, and the break starts at 12:30.

3. Ferris wheel

The highest attraction, which is loved by both adults and children, will become an excellent observation deck from where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city. This is a 60-meter smooth climb, during which tourists can experience unforgettable emotions. The design is safe and includes 28 cabins, decorated in an Art Nouveau style.
Due to its height, this Ferris wheel is called a bridge to the sky. It is especially comfortable here in the summer, when the air temperature allows you to comfortably stay in such high points cities.
The cost for adults is 8 euros, for children under 10 years old - 6. Children under 1 meter tall can enter the attraction for free. Opening hours: from 10-00 to 23-00.

4. Surgeon's House

The unique archaeological complex, which received a glass dome, is known for the fact that the oldest surgical instruments were found on its territory. The house was discovered in 1989, when work was underway to improve the city garden. Figurines, a treasure of 90 coins, the oldest vases and oil lamps were also found here. All found exhibits are exhibited today in the City Museum.
The building itself has preserved painted floors and mosaics. You can enter the territory of the Surgeon's House on Wednesday absolutely free of charge. On other days, an adult ticket costs 6 euros, preferential categories 4 euros. Children under 7 years of age have the right to free entry.

5. Tre Martiri Square

One of the main squares of Rimini is rich in the sights of Italy. The square was founded approximately in the 2nd century BC, when the city was called Ariminum. Its names have changed several times throughout history. Famous architectural structures, beautiful buildings and churches, sculptures and memorial plaques are located here.
Since the late 90s, the square has become a pedestrian zone, equipped with lanterns and illumination in the form of spotlights. Locals and visitors often choose Tre Martiri as an area for relaxation and walking.

6. Borgo San Giuliano

The historical quarter appeared in Rimini in the 11th century and was originally outside the city walls. It became part of the city at the beginning of the 20th century and became famous for the fact that the world famous Italian film director Federico Fellini grew up on its territory.
The area can be reached from two sides via bridges, one of which is very old and is included in the list of must-see attractions - the Tiberius Bridge.
The quarter itself consists of cozy cobbled streets with colorful buildings, shopping stalls, small shops and cafes. In the center is the Church of St. Giuliano the Martyr.

7. Place Cavour

This is rightfully the main square of the city, where many interesting architectural monuments. In addition to famous buildings, there is a monument to Pope Paul the Fifth and beautiful fountain. The small area has its own charm, which can be felt, for example, during an evening relaxation with a cup of coffee. Here, various eras have miraculously merged, whose imprint is visible on the architecture.
It’s worth coming to the square for new impressions and vivid photographs against a historical background. The unique buildings will become a wonderful photo zone for vacationers in Italy.

8. Fiabilandia Park

The famous amusement park will most of all evoke emotions, of course, in children. A lot of entertainment is exclusively for them. The park is located near Lake Bernardo and was built back in 1965. There are about 30 different carousels and entertainment areas for people of different ages, as well as themed shows.
There are also restaurants, bars and cafes with ice cream and fruit on site. The ticket is usually purchased for two days of visiting the Fiabilandia park. The entrance fee for adults and children over 130 cm is 23.5 euros, children under 130 cm and under 3 years old are 16.5, and those under 1 m are free.

9. Tiberius Bridge

The arch bridge was constructed from natural stone back in 14-21 AD. In 580, the Gothic tribes practically destroyed it. The restoration took place only in 1680. The bridge over the Marecchia River connects Rimini with the historical district of Borgo San Giuliano for 2 thousand years and is still in excellent condition.
The amazing strength of the structure led to it being nicknamed the “Devil's Bridge”. In fact, the Romans were well versed in construction and created a strong mixture of volcanic ash and lime, similar in properties to today's concrete.

10. Arch of Emperor Augustus

Another attraction of Rimini, which has existed for more than 2 thousand years in the city. The oldest triumphal arch in Italy is decorated with a sculpted quadriga - horses driven by the emperor.
The installation of the Arch of Caesar Octavian dates back to 27 BC. It was part of a defensive wall. There are still remnants of it on the sides. The Arch of Emperor Augustus is densely decorated with political themes. In the Middle Ages, in alliance with the Tiberius Bridge, it crowned the coat of arms.

11. Beaches of Rimini

The city has many beaches with golden sand and azure waters. Some of them are paid, the rest can be visited freely by tourists. The length of the beaches is almost 9 km, and the beach area has everything necessary for a comfortable stay. The sea here is calm and shallow, and the entertainment infrastructure is well developed.

12. Church of St. Giuliano Martyr

The Catholic church, which is located in the historical center of the city, was built in the 9th century as part of a Benedictine monastery. Throughout its existence, the structure was repeatedly destroyed and restored. Unique works of art created by masters of the Venetian school have been preserved here.

13. Castel Sismondo

The castle once belonged to the powerful ruler of the city, who independently designed the fortification. Additionally, famous architects helped him. Construction continued for 15 years. After Malatesta's death, the building was used as military barracks. Now it is used as a venue for events.

14. Fountain of Four Horses

One of the most beautiful attractions of Rimini is located in the Federico Fellini Park and today is the most important symbol. The composition is based on sculptures of four horses that reared up. The round fountain appeared in 1928, but was completely destroyed during the fighting. The monument was restored in 1954.

15. Ancient fish market on Place Cavour

Not far from the square in the historical part of the city there is another Italian attraction - a fish market with stone counters. Trade in seafood, and now souvenirs, has been going on here since the 18th century. Here you can spend a wonderful evening, dine under the stars or meet new people.

16. Exhibition complex Rimini Fiera

More than 40 diverse exhibitions are held here annually. The exhibition complex is also an excellent place for business meetings. Fairs of footwear and clothing, food products, finishing materials, technological products and furniture are often held here. In addition, the complex often organizes cultural events.

17. Aviation theme park museum

The aviation museum has been located on the mountainside since 1955. The exhibitions are the largest in Italy and are located both in pavilions and outdoors. Also inside the complex are military uniforms, orders and medals and other interesting exhibits related to military topics. Congresses and seminars on various topics are held here.

18. Amusement park "Skypark"

The park opened in 2005 in the stunningly picturesque Valmarecchia Valley. The green natural area is located just a few kilometers from Rimini itself. The most suitable conditions for active rest on open air. Multiple trails and no electricity are the unique offering of the park, which is committed to preserving the environment.

19. National Motorcycle Museum

Another breathtaking exhibition is the motorcycle exhibition, located in two halls. 250 exhibits from 60 different manufacturers are exhibited on the museum grounds. All of them are divided thematically and by era. The museum was created specifically to tell visitors about the history of the motorcycle from the beginning of production to the present.

20. Park Federico Fellini

This is one of the central parks where the aforementioned fountain with horse statues was installed. The park has become one of the top visited places by both tourists and local residents. The territory was laid out after the end of World War II, although the central fountain appeared here in 1928. Sports competitions are often held here. It's nice to sit in the shade of the trees and enjoy nature.

21. Rimini City Museum

The exhibitions are designed to tell the history of the region and the city and include a wide archaeological collection. Here you can get acquainted with that very Italian flavor. The combination of an art gallery and a historical museum allows you to not get bored during your visit. Many antique exhibits, coins, parts are presented architectural structures, sculptures and more.

22. Roman amphitheater

A typical Italian landmark of the city of Rimini. Little remains of the amphitheater from the second century BC today. Previously, the arena could accommodate 10-12 thousand guests who came to enjoy gladiator fights. Archaeological excavations of the area began in 1763, but it was not until 1843 that part of the amphitheater was shown to the general public.

23. Gate Montanara

The antique structure from the second century BC is one of the four ancient city gates from the Roman era. In the 15th-17th centuries there was only one entrance from the mountains. The arch was severely damaged after World War II, and restoration began only in 2003. The ancient gates were restored with authentic materials.

24. Conference center

The modern conference center is a symbol of the new Rimini, attracting the attention of the public as well as national and international media. The conference center has a good location and extensive activities, so it helps in event planning. The building in the center of Rimini is ideal for business events, meetings, conferences, assemblies, seminars, exhibitions, private dinners and cocktails.

25. Cone Fountain

The history of the tourist site dates back to the Roman era, when in 1543 the main bowl was made from the rubble of old city buildings. During Napoleon's war, the structure was destroyed, but in 1807 it was almost completely restored. The stolen central statue of St. Paul was replaced with a pine cone, one of the main heraldic symbols of the legionnaires of Rome.

26. Palace of the Medieval Assembly

In 1204, one of the oldest buildings in the city was built on Cavour Square. Within its walls, meetings of the People's Council were held and important state and political decisions were made. Romanesque and Gothic styles were chosen for decoration, so the palace’s appearance is similar to medieval fortresses - Ghibelline battlements, small loophole windows, powerful walls, pointed arches and a square bell tower.

27. Port of Rimini

Another famous location of the resort is the port, connected by a canal to the Adriatic Sea. Here you can take a ride on a tourist yacht or pleasure boat. There are makeshift markets for locals and tourists, as merchant ships with various products regularly arrive at the port. There is also a lighthouse and a Ferris wheel, which offers an amazing panorama.

28. Lighthouse in the port

The beautiful design is located on the right side of the canal. The lighthouse tower was erected in 1754 on the foundation of a previous building that was destroyed during hostilities. The height of the structure is 27 meters. At the moment, the lighthouse remains operational and spreads a light beam over 15 miles.

29. Church of St. Mary the Intercessor

The religious building is located on the main seaside street. Since the main purpose of the church is school education and upbringing, a parish school building was erected nearby. The temple itself, in a neo-Gothic architectural style, appeared in 1912. The pleasant appearance of the building is due to the alternation of white stone and terracotta brick. The façade is decorated with colored mosaics.

30. Sculpture “Camera”

Another attraction dedicated to Fellini is an Art Nouveau sculpture depicting a huge camera installed on the embankment. It appeared back in 1948 and is still in perfect condition. The height of the cultural object is about 2 m. The location is favored by tourists who come here for unusual photographs.

Sights of Rimini and its surroundings on the map

A map of the city of Rimini in Russian with attractions is a real salvation for people who are in Italy for the first time and want to see as much as possible. If the option of an excursion does not seem useful, then all that remains is to draw up a competent vacation plan, where there would be a place for sightseeing in Rimini, splashing in the warm sea ​​waters, getting to know local cuisine and new experiences.
It is for this purpose that a convenient map of Rimini in Russian with attractions was developed. Having familiarized themselves with tourist spots in advance, vacationers will be able to plan their own routes. It is especially useful to use the online map for those who are wondering what to see in Rimini on their own.

In the eastern part of Italy lies the Emilia-Romagna region, whose coastline is deservedly called the Adriatic Riviera. Its symbol is Rimini - founded in 268 BC. e. city ​​and modern resort, opening up a sea of ​​opportunities for entertainment, shopping and recreation on a wide sandy beaches extending for several miles. Tourists are also attracted by the sights of Rimini - real treasure troves of ancient artifacts and relics that reveal the pages of the country's history and culture.

Right after famous bridge Tiberius, crossing the Marecchia River, begins the picturesque district of Borgo San Giuliano. This place is famous for its numerous fish restaurants, shopping stalls, romantic alleys and houses lined up close to each other, decorated with flowers on the windowsills and colorful frescoes. The 9th-century Benedictine abbey and the Romanesque church of San Giuliano are located here.

Residents of this authentic area still follow ligaza - the tradition of communal meals. At the same time, townspeople gather in small squares to socialize and dine on food they brought with them - freshly baked rolls, sardines caught in the morning and homemade wine. The famous Federico Fellini overheard the dialogues of the locals and inserted them into his films. The house of the Italian director at Via San Giuliano, 71 is still one of the main attractions of Borgo San Giuliano.

Place Cavour

The cultural center of the city is a place that brings together the most interesting historical monuments. And despite the fact that they belong to different eras, the architectural ensemble of Piazza Cavour is an admirable example of beauty and harmony. People come here not only to get acquainted with the iconic buildings, but also to relax on the numerous benches placed around the perimeter and cool off at the marble “Shishka” fountain, from which you can drink water.

The main objects of the zone, accessible only to pedestrians, are three palaces of the XIII-XVI centuries: the commons, the elders and the medieval assembly. Piazza Cavour is also decorated with a monument dedicated to Pope Paul V. For shopping, tourists and townspeople rush to the fish market, where to this day there are stalls carved from stone that have survived from the 18th century. Today, every morning (except Sundays) you can buy here not only seafood, but also unique souvenirs.

Tre Martiri Square

The modern name Piazza Tre Martiri is translated from Italian as “the square of the three martyrs.” This is how this place began to be called after the tragic events of World War II. It was here, in the historical center, that the Nazis executed Italian partisans in 1944. Today, the architectural core of this popular tourist spot consists of the baroque Temple of Sant'Antonio from the 16th century and the Palazzo Brioli, which attracts attention with a brick clock tower decorated with forged elements and an astrological clock.

Piazza Tre Martiri dates back to 200 BC. e. At that time it was a city forum. Historians claim that in 49 BC. e. From the rostrum that has survived to this day, Caesar’s speech was heard, addressing the residents and his legions with an insistence to support his intention to march on Rome. The monument to the great commander, made of bronze and installed in 1933, adorns the northern part of the square.

Exhibition complex Rimini Fiera

In the northern part of Rimini, at Via Emilia, 155, since 2001 it organizes international exhibitions Remini Fiera Center. He specializes in four areas: entertainment, tourism, environment and technology, food industry and hotel business. The complex, whose area is 460 thousand m2, has its own railway platform, Riminifiera. There is also an internal bus station on site. You can get here by a free shuttle that runs every 15 minutes.

Rimini Fiera has 16 pavilions for exhibitions, service and technical premises, shopping areas, conference rooms, meeting rooms, restaurants, snack bars and car rental. Event tickets can be purchased in advance through local travel agencies. Private individuals have access not only to public fairs, but also to exhibitions aimed at professionals.

Arch of Emperor Augustus

The ancient era when the modern resort of the Adriatic bore the name Arimini is reminiscent of the monumental monument of Roman antiquity - the Arch of Augustus, which closes the pedestrian street Corso d’Augusto. A structure erected in honor of Emperor Caesar Augustus in 27 BC. BC, is the oldest surviving triumphal arch in Italy. Initially, the structure made of Istrian stone, which was part of the defensive wall, was decorated with a quadriga. In the Middle Ages it was destroyed by an earthquake and replaced with a jagged pommel.

The marble walls of the structure, 9 m long and 9.92 m high, are decorated with fluted pilasters and Corinthian columns. The facade facing Rome is decorated with medallions depicting Jupiter and Apollo. On the opposite side are images of Minerva and Neptune. A model of the arch in its original version, recreated from surviving drawings from the era of Ancient Rome, can be seen in the city historical museum.

Tiberius Bridge

The symbol of Rimini, immortalized on the city's coat of arms, is a 62-meter five-arch bridge that has been connecting the banks of the Marecchia River for 2,000 years. Despite such an advanced age, today small cars and excursion buses pass along the stone crossing around the clock. The exceptional strength of the structure is explained by a solution of lime and volcanic ash and a special execution technique: the pylons, installed with a slope, are connected to each other.

Start of construction stone structure dates back to 14 AD. e. - during the reign of Emperor Augustus. Construction ended in 21 during the era of Tiberius. In 580, the building was destroyed by the Goths and completely restored by 1680. The bridge has survived to this day virtually unchanged. On its parapet you can still see Latin sayings, and on one of the stones there is a clear imprint of a goat’s hoof, popularly called the “mark of the devil.”

Sismondo Castle

In 1430, Sigismondo Malatesta came to power of the city. After 7 years, he issued a decree on the construction of a castle defense complex, in the design of which the ruler took direct part. The work lasted 15 years. In 1446, the Malatesta family occupied a new family residence, more reminiscent impregnable fortress than the ancestral castle. Core architectural ensemble, fenced off from the world by a moat and massive 30-meter walls with fearsome bronze cannons, became a three-story palace.

After the death of Sigismondo in 1468, the castle began to be used for military purposes, turning the premises of the former residence into a barracks. Nowadays, the halls of the royal palace house exhibitions of the Ethnographic Museum. The courtyard serves as a venue for cultural events. Sismondo Castle is located at Piazza Malatesta. Open from June to September daily from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00. Entrance - 2 €.

Church of Tempio Malatestiano

In the historical center of the city, at Via IV Novembre, 35, there is a Franciscan church, which also bears the name Temple of Malatesta. Built in the 1200s, in the 15th century it was reconstructed and turned into a mausoleum of the famous family, headed by the favorite of the Pope - Sigismondo Malatesta. The architect of the project, Leon Battista Alberti, had to create a building comparable in beauty and power to the Pantheon. However, the patronage of the head of the Catholics did not save the ruler of Rimini from excommunication, and therefore construction was suspended. The architect’s grandiose plans remained unfinished.

Today the cathedral is a structure decorated with a marble facade, sculptures and blind arches. The decorations of the austere interior are a large altar crucifix and sarcophagi in which Sigismondo and his beloved Isotta rest.

The church is open daily from 08:30 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 19:00. The entrance is free.

Museum "Surgeon's House"

In 1989, as a result of renovation work carried out on Piazza Ferrari, the remains of a two-story house built in the 2nd century and destroyed by fire in the mid-3rd century were discovered. The result of 10 years of archaeological excavations were not only the remains of clay walls, stone sculptures, mosaics, coins and interior items, but also 150 medical instruments used for surgical, pharmacological and therapeutic purposes. Today, on an area of ​​700 m2, enclosed by a glass structure, a museum has been opened, introducing visitors to the ruins of ancient buildings and artifacts of the 2nd–18th centuries.

The Surgeon's House is open daily (except Monday):

  • in summer: from 10:00 to 19:00. Wednesdays - from 10:00 to 19:00 and from 21:00 to 23:00; on Sundays - from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00
  • in winter: from 08:30 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00. Sunday - from 10:00 to 19:00

A tour of the museum will cost 7 euros (full) and 5 euros (reduced).

National Motorcycle Museum

Mandatory item tourism program For fans of "iron horses" there is a unique museum located in the picturesque suburb of Rimini. The two-story pavilion, covering an area of ​​700 m2, contains exhibits dear to the hearts of the heroes of asphalt. Eight private collections organized by theme and period provide a complete picture of the history of the development of motorcycle technology.

The exhibition halls housed 250 models from 60 global manufacturers, including the famous Frera, Ducati, Moto Guzzi and Benelli. With particular pride, the museum presents priceless specimens: a wooden bicycle from 1816, the ancestor of MOTO PATTINO A.B.C scooters, created in 1920, and the legendary Harley Davidson from 1942.

The museum is located at Via Casalecchio, 58 and is open from Tuesday to Sunday:

  • from May 1 to October 31 - from 13:00 to 19:00
  • from November 1 to April 30 - only when booking groups of 10 people or more

Price entrance ticket - 7 €.

Park "Italy in Miniature"

Since 1970, thousands of tourists have flocked to the outskirts of Rimini. Their goal is to visit a theme park that has collected 272 objects on its territory, which are mini-copies of the most famous attractions of Italy. Here you can take a gondola ride along the Grand Canal, which is 1/5 the size of the original, admire the Colosseum or take a photo with St. Peter's Basilica in the background. In addition to the models, tourists will find a variety of attractions and interactive entertainment: planes take off from miniature runways, and trains depart from tiny stations.

The attraction is located at Via Popilia, 239 and is open daily from 09:00 to 19:00 (from 01.03 to 06.10). From October 6 to March 1, the park is only accessible on weekends.

Entrance fee:

  • for adults - 23 euros ( summer season) and 16 euros (in winter)
  • for children from 1 m to 1.4 m tall - 17 euros (summer season) and 8 (winter season)
  • for children whose height is less than a meter - free

Amusement park "Fiabilandia"

In 1965, the first amusement park Italy - a kingdom for children Fiabilandia. Already at the entrance, visitors can see a local landmark - fairytale castle the wizard Merlin. The 150,000 m2 area is divided into 4 thematic zones: the Wild West, which includes an Apache and Navajo village, Peter Pan's Pirate Bay, the eastern sector focused on Chinese folklore, and the medieval territory of knights and sorcerers.

The amusement park is located at Via Gerolamo Cardano, 15. You can visit it:

  • from March 25 to September 16 - from 10:00 to 18:00
  • every Thursday and Friday in May - from 10:00 to 17:00
  • from 6 to 26 August - from 10:00 to 19:00
  • September 22, 23, 29, 30 - from 10:00 to 18:00
  • Weekends in October and from 1 to 4 November - 10:30 to 17:30

Fiabilandia is closed from 05.11 to 25.03, as well as on weekdays in April and every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in May.

Ticket price:

  • Adults: 23.50 €
  • Children (up to 130 cm): 16.50 €
  • Children (up to 100 cm): free

Federico Fellini Park

Not only fans of the work of the legendary Italian director, but also those who like leisurely walks along shady alleys will love the park named after the famous native of Rimini - Federico Fellini. The main decorations of the green area located along the city embankment are:

  • Fountain of the Four Horses, erected in 1928. The composition represents a pool symbolizing the sea element, from the depths of which 4 creatures with horse bodies and fish tails emerge.
  • The two-meter sculpture “Camera”, which appeared in 1948. The monument was created with the participation of the photographic film and equipment production company Ferrania (Italy). The front of the huge camera is decorated with the red Fellinia inscription.

Near the park there is another famous attraction - the five-star Grand Hotel Rimini, in which the genius of Italian cinematography filmed several scenes for the film "Amarcord".

Ferris wheel

The height of the observation wheel, located near the city port, is only 60 m. But its rapid rotation puts it on par with such monsters as the Riesenrad in Vienna and the Millennium in London. Thanks to 42 gondolas, the Italian attraction weighs 360 tons and lifts up to 2,000 people into the sky every hour. The structure, illuminated by 60,000 colorful lights, is especially beautiful at night.

The Wheel of Rimini is often called the bridge that connects the heavens with the waves of the sea. In clear weather, the top point offers magnificent views of the city, the Adriatic and the Republic of San Marino. And don't worry if the structure suddenly stops while ascending or descending. This is a necessary measure - due to the increased rotation speed, visitors sometimes do not have time to occupy a booth.

The attraction is located at Largo Ruggero Boscovich, 1 and is open all year round from 10:00 to 23:00. Ticket price (includes 5 laps) - 9 euros (adults), 6 euros (children under 10 years old).

Beaches of Rimini

The best natural attraction of the Italian resort is its beaches, stretching for 15 km. From mid-June to September, on the small pebbles and soft sand that cover the Adriatic coast, tourists who miss the sun sunbathe, play tennis and volleyball and take part in dance master classes. It is important to know! The coast north of Rimini is protected from the elements by a wall of rocks, so this area is not recommended for those who like to swim against the waves.