Dar es salaam tanzania on the map. Cheap flights to Dar es Salaam. National Museum of Tanzania

The cost of a flight always depends on the time of travel. The chart will allow you to compare prices for air tickets to Dar es Salaam, track the dynamics of changes in their cost and find the best offer.

Statistics will help determine the season of low prices. For example, in September prices reach an average of 55,153 rubles, and in May the cost of tickets drops to an average of 35,334 rubles. Plan your trip now!

Site users make hundreds of thousands of searches on our site every day. We analyze this information and create charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

What is more profitable – to buy air tickets in advance, avoiding the general rush, or to take advantage of a “hot” offer closer to the departure date? The chart will help you determine best time to purchase air tickets.

See how the price of air tickets to Dar es Salaam has changed depending on the time of purchase. Since the start of sales, their value has changed by an average of 128%. The minimum price for a flight to Dar es Salaam is 1 day before departure, approximately 33,131 rubles. The maximum price for a flight to Dar es Salaam is 23 days before departure, approximately 95,909 rubles. In most cases early booking helps you save money, take advantage of it!

Airfare to Dar es Salaam does not represent a fixed and constant amount. It depends on many factors, including the day of departure. The dynamics of changes are visible on the graph.

According to statistics, the most affordable option for flights to Dar es Salaam is on Thursdays, their average cost is 44,323 rubles. The most expensive flights are on Sundays, their average cost is 51,128 rubles. It is worth considering that flights on holidays are usually more expensive. We hope this information will help you plan your travels more effectively.

Dar es Salaam is the most Big city Tanzania and one of the largest ports on the planet. Previously, it was the capital of the country, but even having lost this status, Dar es Salaam remains economic and political center Tanzania.

The town's name means "house of peace" in Swahili: once a small harbor fishing village Mzizima could hide even large ships from the storm. The Sultan of Zanzibar, Seyyid Majid, was so fascinated by the location of the harbor that he decided to build a large city in its place. Not all of the Sultan's plans were destined to come true, but the small settlement quickly turned into largest port without his help.

Dar es Salaam, or simply Dar, as it is affectionately called local residents, is popular tourist destination. True, for many tourists this city is only a starting point on the way to National parks Tanzania or islands Zanzibar, Mafia And Pembu, but Dar is also worth visiting as a destination on its own. Here beautiful architecture, beautiful beaches and all the opportunities for active rest. Therefore, everyone can come here - from extreme sports enthusiasts to families with children.

Climate and weather

Since Dar es Salaam is located on the coast of the warm Indian Ocean and very close to the equator, the climate here is tropical, with hot and humid weather throughout almost the entire year. There are two rainy seasons here: “long rains” occur in April and May, and “short rains” occur in October and November. With the exception of these months, it is comfortable to relax in Dar es Salaam. It is hottest in February and March (+23...+32 °C), relatively cool in July - August (+18...+24 °C).


The Indian Ocean Bay, where the city is comfortably located, is itself very picturesque: once you drive from the city center to the coast, you find yourself in a beach paradise. Beautiful landscapes are also present in the city - just visit the local Botanical Garden : You can endlessly admire coconut palms, baoababs, and mango trees.

Around Dar es Salaam there are several reserves where typical representatives of African fauna live: elephants, hippopotamuses, black rhinoceroses, cheetahs, antelopes, buffalos, zebras, lions, leopards, giraffes.


The architecture of Dar es Salaam, like many African cities, combines British, German, Arabic styles, as well as local building traditions.

The German colonists, in particular, influenced the overall layout of the city: the street network was laid out neatly and intelligently. Monuments from the German colonial era still stand in the embankment area: St. Joseph's Cathedral, Lutheran Church, German Hospital building.

Historically, the city is divided into African, European and Asian parts. The “breath” of Africa is felt on the narrow streets Old town. The northern part of the city is made up of formal boulevards and government buildings. The harbor area is the business center of Dar es Salaam with multi-storey banks, offices and the famous hotel " Kilimanjaro».

One of the oldest architectural monuments Dar es Salaam - Palace of Sultan Seyyid Majid XIX century. Colonial-era buildings are also noteworthy - and Anglican Church of St. Alban and Catholic Cathedral. It's interesting to walk around Mosca Street- a street entirely occupied by mosques.

The picturesque Mnazi Mnodzha Park where you can see historical monumentUruhu torch stele(translated from Swahili as “freedom”), which was erected in honor of gaining independence from Great Britain.


The best cafes and restaurants in the city are located at the hotels and in the street area Indian Street. The restaurant is especially popular Sawasdee, the only place in Dar es Salaam that serves Thai food. The interior of this elegant, spacious establishment will be a pleasant addition to a gourmet dinner.

In Dar es Salaam, special attention is paid to culinary delights from seafood, fortunately geographical position The city allows full use of ocean resources. Guests of the city are especially recommended to visit two Japanese restaurants - Oriental And Osaka. You can also try delicious pasta with seafood in the restaurant Mediterraneo, practicing a mixture of Italian and Tanzanian cuisine.

Seafood lovers will surely enjoy Karambezi Cafe at the hotel Sea Cliff Hotel. The furniture here is made from old ships." dhow", and the view of the ocean is simply wonderful. The establishment is open daily from 6:00 am to 2:00 am.


Choosing where to stay in Dar es Salaam depends on budget, preferences and the amount of time the guest plans to spend in the city. If you want to relax after a busy safari, choose beach hotels in the southern part of the city. You can also rent a room in a luxurious mansion The Retreat on the northern part of the coast. If your goal is to feel the pulse of city life, there are many hotels in the center or on the peninsula Msasani.

Area Kariakoo in the center is famous for cheap hotels. But even if your budget is very limited, do not check into the first hotel you come across to avoid disappointment. Has earned a good reputation among inexpensive hotels Tanso Hotel on Livingstone Road: Decent service at a reasonable price of $35 per room.

On the peninsula Msasani and Northern Beaches hotels are attractive, of course, because most of them are located right on the coast and offer magnificent views of the ocean. Especially popular here A lexander's Hotel And Tree by Hilton Dar es Salaam. All amenities and comfort are guaranteed.

Entertainment and relaxation

Dar es Salaam - perfect place for those who want to get to know the Tanzanian culture better. There are several interesting museums here, a walk through which will help you better understand the country and the people who live here.

IN National Museum you can see the archaeological and anthropological collections, which tell about the past of Tanzania from the most ancient times. For example, here you will see the skull of the Zinjanthropus primate, African ritual masks, folk musical instruments and much more.

Village Museum, which is located 10 km from the center, has collected a unique collection of traditional dwellings of all the peoples of Tanzania. It is also very exciting to watch the dance Ngoma show(ngoma means “drums”). African art is presented in Tingatinga gallery.

Fans of outdoor activities can enjoy a variety of water activities, including diving, surfing and deep-sea fishing. The fishing season, by the way, is from September to March, and at this time it is easy to hook barracuda, bonito, yellowfin tuna and even large pelagic fish. On land you can play tennis and squash.

The nightlife in Dar es Salaam is very special and it is worth setting aside a few nights to enjoy its indescribable atmosphere. There are many night bars, restaurants and clubs open in the city. Considered the best casino Sea Cliff Casino.


Souvenirs are bought in numerous shops in the center of Dar es Salaam and on the Msasani Peninsula. The most colorful souvenirs are, of course, traditional figurines of the Makonde tribe, which is famous for its wood carvers. You can see the process of making figurines in Mwenge Art Center, where unique mahogany and soapstone products are made. In addition, it is worth bringing batik and pottery from Dar es Salaam.

When it comes to jewelry and precious stones, the best places to purchase them are the G Center stores Olden Plaza on Indira Gandhi Street.

If you want to buy tanzanite, visit the store Tanzanite Dream on Mataka Road. Others are also offered here gems and home-made jewelry.

If you want extreme shopping, then the fish market is your direct route. Mzizima, which is located on the southern edge bays Ocean Road. It’s better to go there in a group with clearly defined roles (who will bargain, who will pay, who will watch for pickpockets). Visitors can expect unsanitary conditions, a terrible smell, noise, and din, but this is where you can buy fresh fish and seafood cheaply. Another famous market is Kariakoo— open daily from dawn to dusk. Here are the cheapest products, fruits, vegetables, souvenirs and textiles.

Payment in stores is accepted only in cash. In large stores you can pay in dollars. We recommend exchanging currency only in banks and special exchange offices.


To get around the city, the best transport in Dar es Salaam is a taxi. It's inexpensive, fast and safe. Taxi cars are usually white with a thin green stripe. Before you get into the car, you need to agree on the cost of the trip and bargain. If your destination is in a remote area from which you will have to return late, it is wise to take the taxi driver’s phone number and arrange a return trip.


Wi-Fi is available in most hotels. Internet cafes are also common. Mobile communications are not satisfactory, especially since in Dar es Salaam a local SIM card can be purchased at every step. Prepaid cards are also sold at any store or kiosk.


Although Dar es Salaam is tourist city, the level of security here is no higher than in any other metropolis. The main rule is to be vigilant in all situations, do not display expensive property and do not wander alone in remote areas or at night. It is better to leave not only valuables, but also documents in the hotel safe, and take a photocopy of them with you.

For help in emergency You can always call the numbers 999 or 112 . If you need to report the incident to the police, it is better to do it through the hotel staff. Avoid discussions or arguments with anyone in police uniform.

Banks are open on weekdays from 08:00 to 15:00 and on Saturdays from 09:30 to 12:00. Keep in mind that Tanzanian banks only accept dollar bills that were printed after 2000. Also, exchangers prefer banknotes with a face value of $50 and above. Moreover, when exchanging them, even the exchange rate will be more favorable.

Topless sunbathing is illegal in Tanzania as it may offend the Muslim population. We strongly recommend that you behave in accordance with local customs.

Dar es Salaam, which means “harbour of peace” in Arabic, is the former capital of the United Republic of Tanzania. This The largest city and chief Trading port countries. The population of the city is 2,500,000 (according to the 2003 census).

Dar es Salaam was the capital of the country from 1961 until the decision in 1973 to move it to Dodoma, but most ministries and all foreign embassies are still located here.

Most travelers are passing through the city on their way to more exotic areas of the country, for example, to the islands of Zanzibar, Pemba, Mafia or to national parks.

Dar es Salaam is located on the northern coast of Tanzania on the harbor shore. The city was founded in 1862 by the Sultan of Zanzibar, Majid ibn Said, on the site of the fishing village of Mzizima. The Sultan managed to give the city a name, but did not have time to complete construction. However, after 11 years the city was captured by German colonists, who continued the construction of the port and city.

In 1919 the city passed into the hands of the British and became administrative center British Mandatory Territory.

In general, the architecture of Dar es Salaam is a heterogeneous mixture of German, Asian and British styles, combined with local building traditions. The German influence is evident in the general layout of the city, especially in the port area - there is a very intelligent and neat network of streets laid out here.

The main streets of the city originate from the port harbor, and the main attractions are located here. A promenade with rows of coconut palms and numerous shops and restaurants stretches along the harbor. In the area of ​​the embankment, several architectural monuments of the German colonial period have been preserved: the building of a German hospital, a Lutheran church, and St. Joseph's Cathedral. The Asian Quarter with the streets of India and Indira Gandhi is very beautiful. This area is like a small Bombay.

Government buildings are located just north of the harbor. They are centered around the Kariakou Market and the Clock Tower. Some of the most notable buildings include St. Joseph's Cathedral, the University of Dar es Salaam, which rises on a hill, St. Peter's Cathedral, Sultan Majid's Palace and the numerous mosques on the Street of Mosques. The city has several museums - the National Museum with a collection of archaeological finds and an anthropological collection, the Village Museum with an exhibition about the life of the peoples of Tanzania, and the Nyumba-ya-Sanaa Art Gallery with a collection of local crafts.

Dar es Salaam is located on the coast of the Indian Ocean. There are no beaches in the city itself; the nearest one is located in Oyster Bay, 10 km from the city. Also popular are the beaches of Ras Kutani, 50 km south of Dar es Salaam, and Kunduchi beach, 24 km north of the city. All beaches are mostly private and belong to hotels. In addition, ferries run from Dar es Salaam to the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, which are famous for their beaches and underwater world.

Deep sea fishing is possible in Dar es Salaam. During the fishing season (September-March), fish such as bonito, barracuda, yellowfin tuna, marlin and large pelagic fish are caught.

7 km off the coast are the islands of Bongoyo and Mbudya, which are part of a Marine Reserve created to protect coral reefs. These islands are uninhabited and here you can sunbathe on the beaches, snorkel or go diving. The marine life of these places is not as colorful as in Zanzibar, Pemba or Mafia, but it is worth a day trip.

72 km north of Dar es Salaam is the city of Bagamoyo, from where it is closest to the island of Zanzibar. This is the most ancient city countries. In the village of Kaole, 5 km south of Bagamoyo, there are the ruins of two mosques made of coral stone and tombs dating back to the 13th century. Also interesting in the city is the building of the Roman Catholic Church; it is considered the oldest Catholic church in the Eastern and Central Africa(1868). Livingston's body was kept here in 1874 before being sent home.

The best restaurants in East Africa are located on Indian Street. The only restaurant serving Thai cuisine in Dar es Salaam is Sawasdee Restaurant. The Bandari Grill restaurant with European cuisine and grill is popular.

Original night life city, evokes an incomparable feeling of inner freedom, which, according to experienced travelers, is sometimes not found in London or Amsterdam: there are many restaurants, nightclubs, bars and cafes, as well as casinos. The best casino in the city is Sea Cliff Casino.

  1. It is best to purchase air tickets at least 2 months before the flight; in this case, savings can be up to -21%. Then the cost increases and reaches its peak two weeks before departure.
  2. The price can vary up to 98% depending on the availability and size of luggage, the day of the week and the time of day the plane flies.
  3. Midweek morning flights are cheaper than Friday evening and weekend flights.
  4. Round-trip air tickets are on average -39% cheaper than buying two tickets separately.
  5. During the low season, airlines and travel agencies often sell discounted and last-minute tickets and hold various promotions and sales.
  6. During the high season, it is possible to order tickets not only for regular ones, but also for charter flights in a general package with a vacation package. Tickets for such flights can be booked much cheaper than usual.
  7. The most low prices- February, November and December.
  8. The most expensive months are May, April, January.
  9. The average cost of flights Moscow - Dar es Salaam is RUR 23,462.

Most likely, inexperienced tourists will dissuade you from traveling to Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and will strongly recommend going straight to Zanzibar. Do not give in to persuasion and go to the city of Mira. Tanzania is a country with a rich and complex past, as well as an unusual salad from various nationalities and faiths. Take a look at the statistics to see that everything is unusual in this country. In the country, 35% are Christians, 40% are Muslims and 25% are representatives of African religions. And the whole world knows the most odious African leader, Julius Nyerere. So, the journey to Tanzania begins.

City of Peace

Dar es Salaam Airport greets guests with bustle, high humidity and an air temperature of +40. Tourists have the right to holiday in Tanzania with one of three visas:

  • transit – $30;
  • regular tourist – 50 $;
  • multiple visa – $100.

Note! There may be difficulties in obtaining a transit visa - the border guard will definitely require a ticket for the next flight. If such a ticket is not available, you will have to apply for a regular visa.

Afterwards, tourists are pasted with visas into their passports, which takes about 20-30 minutes, and the border guard issues a document with wishes for a pleasant trip.

general information

Dar es Salaam is a fairly young city (founded in 1866), but has already achieved the status of the capital of Tanzania. It is believed that tourists have nothing to do here, but we will try to refute this statement. The metropolis can rightly be called a city of contrasts - modern high-rise buildings and poor slums peacefully coexist here. The people are very friendly - everyone says Jumbo, which means "hello", and Caribou, which means "welcome". The colonial past did not disappear without a trace - buildings from different peoples of the world and representatives of different religions remained in its memory. To feel the atmosphere of the city, visit Buddhist pagodas, Chinatowns, stroll among English houses, and do not ignore Islamic mosques, Buddhist pagodas and Catholic cathedrals. The cannons that have been installed here since the Portuguese rule remain on the streets.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that the name translates as the city of Peace, there was no real peace here. Fortunately, today we are not talking about violence, but such a possibility always exists. The roots of the conflict lie in Tanzania's colonial past, as well as in the ongoing hostility between African Christians and Muslims.

The history of Dar es Salaam has many tragic and cruel pages. Muslims were the most cruel. In the middle of the 20th century, Europeans left the metropolis and since that time Muslims have carried out mass terror - the number of killed reached several tens of thousands of civilians. Only those who left their homes by sea and moved to the mainland managed to escape. Today, Dar es Salaam is a multinational and multiethnic metropolis, home to more than five million people. Cultural life it flows here around the clock.

Interesting fact! Tanzanian women are some of the most attractive on the African continent. And Dar es Salaam is a city of kind smiles and sincere interest in guests.

National Museum

It is better to explore the central part on foot, visiting the National Museum, where treasures from the Ngorongoro crater are displayed, art galleries, where you can buy colorful paintings by local artists, national clothes and jewelry. Be careful - there are many scammers here who offer various services at inflated prices. Most of them are in the port area - here tourists are offered tickets to Zanzibar three or even four times higher than the prices at the ticket office. As night falls, life blossoms with new colors - the doors of nightclubs, casinos and discos open.

Good to know! Dar es Salaam has the largest concentration of entertainment venues in all of Tanzania.

  1. what you can do in Dar es Salaam - relax on the picturesque embankment among coconut trees to the sound of the Indian Ocean, catch and eat fresh oysters, play golf, tell God your most secret things in a Protestant church;
  2. visit an ocean safari.

On a note! There are many administrative buildings in the center, so it is relatively safe to relax here. There are motorcyclists driving around the city snatching bags and mobile phones - be careful.


Of course, Dar es Salaam is not as rich in remarkable places as large European resorts and capitals, but there is also something to see here. The sights of Dar es Salaam are imbued with the atmosphere of Africa and the traditional flavor of this continent.

Slipway Shopping Center

Here travelers are offered a large selection of various folk art goods and services. Here you can buy the best authentic African souvenirs for every taste at fairly reasonable prices. The assortment includes paintings, textiles, tea, coffee, books, jewelry and clothing. After visiting the shops, you need to relax, visit a beauty salon, and eat in a restaurant. Families with children are recommended to visit the ice cream salon and the shop with a huge selection of sweets.

Interesting fact! A nice bonus is a picturesque view of Msasani Bay.

The shopping complex was built near the Stapel beach; people come here to admire the picturesque sunsets over Indian Ocean and just relax. There is a yacht club nearby.

Photo: the former capital of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam.

The Ethnographic Museum is located under open air is located approximately 10 km from former capital. The village is thematic part of the country's National Museum. Here it is best to study in detail the life and culture of African inhabitants.

Typical buildings for the country are installed right in the open air; guests can go into each house and see household items. Not far from the huts, shelters for domestic animals and livestock have been built, and household facilities have been built - sheds, stoves.

Rural and local holidays especially attract tourists. For a very nominal fee you can take part in special events. The village sells national clothes, jewelry, and souvenirs.

Good to know! Local holidays are held on Thursdays and Sundays from 16-00 to 20-00.

Practical information:

  • To receive a program of special events, send a request to the following email address: [email protected];
  • The best way to get to the village is by minibus with the sign For Makumbusho on the New Bagamoyo Road.

St Joseph's Cathedral

This religious site is one of the best features of Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar. Cathedral - amazing place where there is a feeling of calm and tranquility. It is best to combine a tour of the architecture and prayer in the temple.

Interesting fact! The cathedral is always cool, so you can come here to hide from the midday heat.

The temple was built in the center, not far from the ferry crossing. The building is decorated in a colonial style - it is one of the first cathedrals. Today, the colonial-style building has been completed - a grotto has appeared in it, where you can retire for personal prayers.

Practical information:

  • Every Sunday services are held in the cathedral;
  • entrance to the temple is free;
  • the cathedral is one of best places for photographs, wonderful shots can be caught in the morning.

This is a special place in Dar es Salaam, where there is a lot of fresh fish and a special African flavor. The nuances that should be paid attention to are hygiene and specific smell. It’s better to go to the market early in the morning - you can choose the freshest, best seafood, and there aren’t so many people. Here you can find almost everything animal world ocean. For one dollar your purchase will be prepared, but given that hygiene rules are not observed here, it is better to prepare the food yourself. The prices at the market are some of the best in Dar es Salaam and the seafood tastes the freshest.

For local residents, the fish market is a way of life. Twice a day an auction is held here - the fish are laid out on a large table and buyers begin to bargain for it. The one who offers the most wins high price. Local housewives, resellers and restaurant representatives buy goods at the market.

The ferry crossing is very popular, it best transport for local residents to get to and from the country's capital. Tourists use the ferry to go on safari or visit the island part of Tanzania.

Four ferries depart towards Zanzibar every day, and they move quite quickly.

If you love comfort and speed, choose a plane.

  • To travel by ferry you must have your passport with you;
  • ferry schedule: 7-00, 09-30, 12-30 and 16-00 – the time is relevant for transport departures in both directions;
  • travel time approximately two hours;
  • ticket prices: a trip in the VIP zone – $50, a trip in economy class will cost $35;
  • the number of tickets in economy class is unlimited, so be prepared to travel while standing;
  • It is better to book tickets and seats in advance on the Azam company website; under no circumstances buy tickets on the street;
  • VIP class passengers can visit the bar;
  • maximum luggage weight is 25 kg.

Beaches of Dar es Salaam

This city in Tanzania is located near the equator, so it is not surprising that many are interested in the beaches of Dar es Salaam and the opportunity to relax by the sea.

Good to know! There are beaches within the city, but guests are not recommended to relax and swim here - the water is too dirty and the shore is not very comfortable.

Jangwani Sea Breeze Resort

The best resorts are located north of the city, where hotels with private beach. To take advantage of all the amenities on the shore, just buy a drink or some food.

Ferries depart from the White Sands Hotel to the island. You can also get there by boat from shopping center. To relax on the beach, it is better to set aside the whole day and try fresh seafood, caught in front of vacationers from the Indian Ocean.

The island is surrounded by a marine reserve, so you need to come here with a mask. Trees grow on the shore, there are baobabs, but no palm trees. The seabed and shore are covered with sand and rocks.

Interesting fact! There are no hotels on the shore, but for a fee you can spend the night in a tent.

This desert island, covered with a huge amount of vegetation, white sand, and colorful fish swim in the water. Bongoyo is part of the Marine Reserve. People come here to breathe fresh air, relax and feel absolute peace, run after lizards and, of course, snorkel or dive to the bottom with scuba gear.

The best stretch of beach is located in the northwest of Bongoyo, there are huts and you can buy food and cold drinks. In the opposite part of the island there is no developed infrastructure, but the sandy strip of the beach here is longer and there are practically no people.

Good to know! It is not advisable to walk around the island on your own - there is a high probability of meeting snakes.

Food and accommodation

Cape Town Fish Market

Restaurants and cafes in Dar es Salaam pay special attention to fish and seafood dishes. The geographical location allows for full use of the benefits of the ocean. There are also themed establishments serving Japanese and Thai cuisine.

The average bill in an inexpensive cafe will cost from 2 to 6 $. Lunch at a restaurant for two costs from $20 to $35. The average fast food bill costs about $6 per person.

There are enough hotels and inns here; guests will be able to choose a room for themselves based on their budget and length of stay in the city. Here are some recommendations:

  • If you want to relax after a busy safari, it is better to choose hotels in Dar es Salaam in the south;
  • If you want to feel the atmosphere of the city, choose best hotels in the central part.

Sleep Inn Hotel - Kariakoo

The Kariakoo area, located in the city center, has budget hotels and inns. If your goal is to relax in absolute comfort, pay attention to the Msasani Peninsula.

The minimum cost of living in a three-star hotel is $18, a room in a two-star hotel costs from $35 per night.

Prices on the page are for September 2018.

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The best way to travel around the city is by taxi. There is also a line of high-speed buses with a length of 21 kilometers, the number of stops is 29. Transport runs from 5-00 to 23-00 (the name “high-speed” is very arbitrary - the buses travel at a speed of only 23 km/h). Each bus has a ticket basket. The city has a train station from where trains depart to Lake Victoria and Zambia. There is practically no chance of taking a ride on a free train - there are so many passengers that local residents often board the car through the window.

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Weather and climatic conditions

Dar es Salaam is located in the subequatorial zone, which is noteworthy - there are two dry and two wet seasons. In general, the weather is hot and humid throughout the year. Considering that the city is coastal, the humidity here is an order of magnitude higher than in other continental regions of the country.

The coldest months are summer. From June to August the air temperature drops to +19 degrees, and at night - to +14 degrees. During the rest of the year, the average daily temperature is +29 degrees.

There is enough precipitation here a rare event unlike other regions in Tanzania. The rainiest month is April, and the driest months are from early summer to mid-autumn.

How to get to Dar es Salaam? The best way– air travel with a transfer in Germany or Italy. The city is located international Airport, from where you can travel to other parts of the country. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) is also connected by sea to other countries in Africa.

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