Accompanying a child under 16 years of age. Cost of accompanying a child on an airplane. Required set of documents

Go to another city to visit your grandmother, but your parents are not allowed to leave work? Or does your daughter need to fly to England to study at college? Or maybe the child needs to be urgently sent to Israel for treatment?

No problem! Now most airlines around the world have such a service as transporting children unaccompanied by relatives.

To make your trip successful, you need to know the rules for accompanying children on the plane.

Who can use the service?

The service “Accompanying a child on an airplane” is mandatory for children 5-12 years old; if desired, it can be ordered for teenagers up to 16-18 years old (depending on the company).

How to get the service?

The “Accompanying a child on an airplane” service can only be ordered by parents or guardians.

The “Accompanying children on an airplane” service is not offered by all carriers. This must be clarified before purchasing tickets.

When purchasing or booking a ticket, you must immediately inform that the child will be flying unaccompanied.

It is advisable to choose direct flights, without transfers.

Children are not accepted for transportation if the transfer point requires moving to another airport.

Service cost

The service “Accompanying a child on an airplane” is provided on a paid basis.

The cost depends on the following points:

  • Places to buy an air ticket.
  • Flight type (domestic or international).
  • Flight range.
  • Age of the minor passenger.

Ticket price for ordered escort service

A ticket for an unaccompanied child is 100% of the adult fare (no discounts available) and must be purchased in advance.

What documents are required?

The exact set of documents depends on what kind of flight it is - domestic or international. You may need:

  • Birth certificate.
  • International passport.
  • Ticket.
  • Consent from both parents for children under 18 years of age to travel accompanied by an airline representative, indicating the country and timing (signed by a notary).
  • Insurance policy.
  • Visa.
  • A prescription with an extract from the medical history, if the child will have medications with him.

At the departure airport

Unaccompanied minors can only be checked in at the airport, so you must arrive in advance.

Children must be accompanied by one of the parents or another “friend” adult representative. The accompanying person must have documents with a photograph confirming his identity.

The adult registers the child for the flight, fills out special documents: an application and an accompanying sheet.

The application contains all the necessary information (selectively, depending on whether the flight is domestic or international):

  • Child's full name.
  • Age.
  • The language the child speaks.
  • Country of Residence.
  • Full name, address and telephone number of the representative sending the child.
  • Route.
  • Departure day.
  • Flight number.
  • Full name, address and telephone number of the representative meeting the child.

The accompanying sheet contains information about the airline representative and the flight attendant - that is, about those who will accompany the child.

When flying unaccompanied children, baggage is accepted in accordance with current regulations. A special label must be attached to it, containing contact information.

It is advisable that the child take a minimum of things with him to the salon.

Children are given a special bag with documents and the inscription “Unaccompanied Child” and it is explained that they cannot lose it and must always have it with them.

Set of documents:

  • Ticket.
  • Boarding pass.
  • Baggage receipt.
  • Application for escort service.
  • Accompanying sheet.
  • Birth certificate.
  • International passport.

At the airport, parents hand over their children to the airline representative indicated on the accompanying sheet. This employee goes through all checks with each child. Then he escorts him onto the plane and hands him over to the flight attendant indicated on the accompanying sheet.

Parents must be at the airport terminal before the plane departs.

During the flight

The child is boarded first on the plane, before the rest of the passengers board, in a comfortable and safe seat.

During the entire flight, children are constantly looked after by flight attendants who undergo special training, where they are taught the rules of communicating with children and how to solve all their problems.

Flight attendants accompany them to the toilet, answer all questions and even entertain (the airline usually gives each child a play set).

At the arrival airport

After landing, the child is the last to be taken off the plane, and the flight attendant hands him over to an employee at the destination airport.

If the flight has a transfer, then a representative of the company accompanies the children to the entrance to the airliner. While waiting for a transfer, they will be offered soft drinks, juices, tea (already paid for escort services when ordering).

The child is under the supervision of a representative until the meeting person specified in the application arrives (he must have a document confirming his identity), even if this person is late.

If he never arrived at the airport, then the airline employees will call the parents and do as they say (they will deliver the accompanied child to the specified address or send him home on the next flight). In this case, you will have to pay additional costs.

Accompanying a child. Aeroflot

  • The “Accompanying children on an airplane” service is provided only on your own flight.
  • The service of accompanying a child on an Aeroflot plane is paid: its price is 40 euros one way.
  • When ordering a service, the cost of the ticket is 100% of the fare, without a discount.
  • Sheremetyevo Airport at Terminal D has rooms for unaccompanied children that are open 24 hours a day. Here, a child can play on the computer and watch cartoons while waiting to board a flight.
  • A child who needs special meals due to medical conditions or other reasons, you can order it for free when purchasing a ticket, but no later than one and a half days before the flight.
  • While the transfer is awaiting, children will be offered a refreshing drink, juices, tea (if the transfer time is up to 3 hours) and hot food (if the transfer time is up to 6 hours). All this is paid for when ordering an escort service, if transfers are provided (5 and 20 euros, respectively).

What do those who have used such a service as accompanying children on an Aeroflot plane think? Reviews from people who have used this service are overwhelmingly positive, expressing gratitude to the airline staff for their attentive attitude towards the child.

It is very convenient that children have a bag (or file) with documents hung around their necks, where each company representative notes on the accompanying sheet: from whom they received the child and to whom they gave it to them.

They note that often a young traveler from economy class is even transferred to business class.

Accompanying a child on an Aeroflot plane is organized in such a way that little passengers feel comfortable. During the entire flight, flight attendants constantly approach the children and ask if they want to drink or go to the toilet, if they are cold, if anything hurts. If a child is bored, read a book or tell him a story.

The company usually gives children gifts, such as a tin suitcase containing crayons, stickers, coloring books, etc., which gives the children the opportunity to engage in an exciting game - and the flight time flies by!

A widely known case occurred in 2012 when two brothers, nine and five years old, flew unaccompanied from Moscow to New York. During the flight, the eldest of them developed a severe stomach ache and a fever - acute appendicitis was suspected. An unexpected emergency landing was made in Reykjavik. Flight attendant Mikhail accompanied both brothers to the hospital, where the sick boy was thoroughly examined. Fortunately, everything worked out fine. The guys, accompanied by Mikhail, arrived in New York, where they were met by a tearful but smiling mother.

Sometimes people write that flight attendants do not pay attention to young travelers throughout the flight, placing their work on the passengers sitting next to them. But there are very few such negative reviews.

Accompanying children on the S7 aircraft (Siberia)

According to the agreement with OJSC Siberia Airlines:

  • You can order an escort service for children 5-12 years old, and, if desired, for teenagers under 16 years old.
  • Only parents or guardians can purchase the service and ticket directly at the company’s sales office or at the airport ticket office by filling out and signing an application-obligation.
  • For international transportation, consent from both parents (guardians) for the child’s travel (signed by a notary) is required.
  • The “Accompanying a Child on an Airplane” service is permitted on our own direct flights, as well as on flights operated jointly with Globus.
  • Ticket price is 100% of the fare, without discount.
  • The child is allocated a comfortable and safe seat on the plane.
  • Baggage is carried free of charge according to weight standards.

Accompanying children on the Rossiya plane

This airline is one of the subsidiaries of the holding company Aeroflot Group.

  • The “Accompanying children on an airplane” service is provided only on your own flight.
  • It is available to children from five to twelve years old, and, if desired, to teenagers up to sixteen years old.
  • The service of accompanying a child on an airplane is paid. The cost can be found in the office or on the company website.
  • When ordering a service, the ticket price is 100% of the fare, without a discount.
  • When purchasing and booking a ticket, you must inform that the child is flying alone.
  • To receive the service, fill out a special application and an application for support.
  • The accompanying person remains at the airport until the airliner takes off.
  • While waiting for a transfer, children will be offered a refreshing drink, juices, tea or hot food (depending on the length of stay at the airport). All this is paid for when ordering an escort service, if transfers are provided.

Summer is vacation time for children and a headache for parents. It is necessary to arrange leisure time for the child, but it is not always possible to take time off from work at the right time to take the child to camp or to grandma. And in such a situation, it makes sense to get acquainted with the services provided by carriers. They can be quite useful. For example, almost every airline provides services for transporting unaccompanied children. True, not every child will be allowed to fly on their own, and you need to prepare for the flight correctly.
We figure out what and how to send the child himself. For completeness, we will consider all options and ages.


Let's start with the fact that children under 2 years old (infant category) fly only accompanied by adults - there are no options. A ticket for such children is designated with a special code INF. On average, it will cost 10% of the tariff (without providing a separate seat). Some airlines do not charge any fees at all, while others charge airport taxes and a certain percentage of the fare. Please note: even if the airline does not charge a fee, i.e. The discount is 100% of the cost; a “zero ticket” must be issued.
There can be no more than 1 infant per adult seat. For example, if a mother goes on a flight with twins alone, then for one child she will purchase a ticket without a seat, she will take him in her arms, and for the second baby she will need to purchase a ticket with a seat at a price intended for the next age category.


If during the flight your child turns 2 years old (child category), you will have to worry about a child ticket in advance, which has a special code CHD. The discount on this is usually 30-50%, but provided that the child is accompanied by an adult.
The child is provided with a separate seat and, if necessary, can travel unaccompanied by adults. But for this you will need to fill out an application at the airport and a parental declaration. When sending a child alone on a plane, each airline itself determines what percentage of the discount he or she is entitled to. Basically, the following principle applies to calculations: children under nine years old are sold air tickets at full price, since this age is considered the most problematic. At the same time, there must be a note on the ticket stating that the child requires care.
Each airline has specific age limits for flying unaccompanied minors. Most often, a child is taken on board alone without adults if he is five or more years old. But there are also those carriers that allow unaccompanied children over two years old to fly.


Such passengers are considered “adults” and fall into the “young people” category. Some airlines provide a 15% discount, others offer a special fare for the group from 12 to 24 years old, but not all carriers apply the practice of discounts. If you have an international student card, older people can also take advantage of a similar reduced rate.
If tickets are purchased in both directions at once, and during the trip the child moves from one category to another (he turns 2 years old or 13 years old), then the purchase does not necessarily occur at different rates. A number of airlines allow you to purchase a ticket according to the category to which children belonged at the time of departure. In any case, if your child turns 2 years old while traveling, you need to remember to book a seat for him on the return flight.


In order to take advantage of the benefit, you must document your age. In addition, when purchasing a ticket for a child, other documents may be required, for example, if he is flying alone or traveling outside the country without his parents.

For flights to a number of states with which relevant agreements have been concluded, a birth certificate is required for children under 14 years of age. Basically, for foreign trips you need a foreign passport and possibly a visa, provided that the child flies to a visa country.

Even at the stage of purchasing a ticket or at the airport on the day when the flight is scheduled, at the registration desk, you will have to fill out a form, which includes information about the child and his parents, the number of the flight on which he is flying, as well as the telephone number and name of the person meeting him .

If a child (under 18 years of age) flies outside the country without parents, it is necessary to have a power of attorney from them, certified by a notary. If the departure of a child (under 14 years old) from Russia is planned for a period of more than 3 months, then you additionally need to have the consent of the guardianship authorities.
It should be borne in mind that airlines often require the consent of the second parent who is not accompanying the child. The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for such a document, however, the laws of the country to which the flight is being made should be taken into account.
It is also important to remember that additional confirmation when flying abroad will be required in cases of adoption, guardianship, or change of surnames.


If a child is flying alone, he must be met!
Moreover, the accompanying or welcoming person can be not only parents, but also grandmothers, uncles and aunts, as well as summer camp employees, who must be included in the application form without fail.
The accompanying person hands the child with all the necessary documents to the airline employee. Often, special pockets are hung around children’s necks, where documents are placed for security purposes.
An airline representative escorts the child through passport control and seats him on the plane. During the flight, the flight attendants entertain and solve all the child’s requests and problems.

After landing, the flight attendant hands him over to an airport employee, who escorts the baby to the greeter. Before releasing the child, the AC representative is obliged to verify that the identity indicated in the application form matches the documents of the person meeting him. If the meeting party is late, then they must wait for as long as necessary. If it does not appear and does not make itself known, then airport staff will contact the senders and discuss further actions. In any case, your child will not be left to the mercy of fate.

Have a nice trip!

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, children aged 0 to 5 years are accepted for transportation by the Airline only if accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who has acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen.

To ensure safety, a passenger may transport one child under 2 years of age without providing a separate seat in the aircraft cabin, subject to the obligatory issuance of an air ticket. For domestic transportation, the ticket is issued free of charge; for international transportation, 10% of the adult passenger's fare is paid, and free transportation of 1 piece of baggage weighing no more than 10 kg is allowed (with the exception of the Light fare group for flights numbered SU 6001-6999).

For the second, third or more children under 2 years old, as well as for children aged 2 to 12 years old, it is necessary to issue an air ticket with a separate seat for each child. When issuing an air ticket for a child under 12 years old with a separate seat in the cabin, a discount is applied in accordance with the fare rules, and free baggage allowance is allowed in accordance with the fare rules (with the exception of the Light fare group for flights numbered SU 6001-6999).

For the convenience of passengers with children, the Airline also provides:

    An unaccompanied child is under the responsibility of the Airline from the moment the child is accepted at the airport of departure from the accompanying person until it is handed over to the meeting person at the destination airport.

    At the request of parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, accompanying services may be provided to children under 16 years of age.

    The age of the child is determined as of the date of commencement of transportation from the initial point of departure specified in the passenger air carriage agreement.

    Unaccompanied children are accepted for transportation if they have a confirmed advance reservation and a receipt confirming payment for the service.

    Unaccompanied minors can only be checked in at the airport check-in counter.

    When registering you must present:

    • Application and Application for transportation unaccompanied child, completed by the legal representatives of the unaccompanied child.
    • identity document accompanying person;
    • Identity documents of the child:

    Birth certificate (for children-citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 14)

    Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (for children - citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 years and over)

    International passport

    Other documents - in accordance with international requirements and legislation;

    On international flights it is mandatory to:

    Availability of a correctly issued visa or other documents necessary to leave the Russian Federation and enter the country of destination;

    Availability of notarized consent from one of the parents/guardians/adoptive parents/trustees for the right to cross the border of the Russian Federation (for children who are citizens of the Russian Federation)

    (In accordance with Article 20 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1996 No. 114 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation" in notarized consent from parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees for the departure from the Russian Federation of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation The Federation must contain information about the date of departure and the state(s) that he intends to visit.)

    Please note that the accompanying person of an unaccompanied child must remain at the airport of departure until the actual departure of the flight. The meeting person specified in the Application for the carriage of an unaccompanied child must be at the airport at the time of flight arrival and have a valid identification document.

    Information for passengers with newborns and pregnant women

    When flying with newborn children, you must consult with your doctor and obtain his written consent to transport the baby by air in the following cases:

    • transportation occurs when the infant is up to 7 days old;

      The baby was born prematurely.

    In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization, it is advisable to obtain confirmation of air travel before travel and the advice of the attending physician for women in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy (last 8 weeks for multiple pregnancies) and during the first 7 days after birth.

    Pregnant women are not provided with seats near emergency exits.

    Rossiya Airlines JSC is not responsible to a pregnant woman for possible consequences, deterioration of health during and after transportation, including premature birth.

You can send your child alone on a plane thanks to special airline services. The minor passenger will be closely supervised from the time of check-in until the meeting with the host person. Read more in the post for details of the children's escort service, as well as conditions and prices.

In the summer, parents are often faced with the question of how to send their minor child to visit grandparents, visit relatives, or go to camp. It is not always possible for mothers and fathers to take time off from work and accompany their children, and sometimes the huge distances in our country do not allow this to be done. So many airlines have made sure that a child’s flight without parents or guardians is as comfortable and thoughtful as possible. For those younger, there are special paid escort services, when the child is supervised during the entire trip. For teenagers who know their way around airports, on the contrary, you can refuse to be accompanied and not overpay for a ticket.

You can send a child alone on a plane by ordering the appropriate service from the airline from the age of 5. For children under 12 years of age, this rule is mandatory. For teenagers from 12 to 16 years old, supervision can be waived.

A parent or guardian must register a child for a flight at the airport. From this moment on, airport staff will monitor the child’s location and put him on the plane. All documents are usually placed in a special folder and hung around the little passenger’s neck. Parents must remain at the airport until the plane departs. As soon as the flight takes off, they will be notified by phone.

If you have any questions during the flight, your child can contact the flight attendant. After landing, staff will assist you with your transfer to the child-friendly transfer area for your connecting route. On a direct flight, children will be helped to retrieve their luggage and escorted to greeters. The minor will be handed over only to the person indicated in the parent’s application. So the greeter must bring a passport or ID card.

You can book a ticket for a child and pay for an accompanying person only at the airline's ticket offices or agencies. First, the operator must confirm the escort service and then sell the ticket. You can also register a minor for a flight only at the airport.

Documents for flying a child without parents:

  • application and application for the flight (by the way, the form can be downloaded from the airline’s website and filled out in advance);
  • passport of the accompanying parent or guardian for filling out papers;
  • the child's birth certificate or passport;
  • if necessary, provide documents on guardianship or adoption.

For international flights, take your child’s international passport, a visa (if necessary) and, without fail, parental permission to travel outside the Russian Federation, certified by a notary.

Which airline should you entrust your child to? Conditions, service and prices are different everywhere.

Aeroflot airline offers escort services for children from 5 to 16 years old during a flight without parents. Up to 12 years of age, such supervision is mandatory when traveling independently on both direct and connecting flights.

A ticket for a child is purchased at full price without discounts. Baggage space is allocated according to the fare conditions. Additionally, you will need to pay 3,400 rubles for each leg of the flight within Russia, and 40 euros abroad. The latest information on exchange rates can be found on the airline's website on Wednesdays.

Additionally, you can order tea and food between connecting flights. Children will be provided with drinks when waiting less than three hours for departure. The service will cost up to 400 rubles. If you stay in the transfer zone for more than 3 hours, a set lunch will be served. The service costs up to 1,700 rubles. By the way, for children you can order special meals for free instead of the traditional ones, depending on the diet and beliefs of the passenger.

For international flights, you need to check the conditions for your child’s flight directly with the air carrier partner. Conditions for the stay of children abroad can also be found at the embassy or consulate of that country.

Conditions on flights of Rossiya airlines from SU5950 to SU699 and Aurora from SU5400 to SU5799 operate according to the same scheme as Aeroflot.

UTair Airlines provides supervision for children from 5 to 16 years old. It is worth clarifying that from the age of 12, a student can travel independently, and can refuse to be accompanied. You can only send your child on a direct flight without transfers.

You can buy a ticket at a discount at the child fare in economy class, but you will have to pay an additional three and a half thousand rubles for each escort section. On international flights the surcharge is 60 euros. You must issue a ticket in advance, no later than 8 hours before the departure of the ship.

S7 Siberia Airlines transports children without parents only on its own direct flights. For children aged 5 - 12 years, you need to purchase an escort service from 3 thousand rubles or 50 euros for each segment of the route.

Yamal Airlines allows children from 5 to 16 years old to fly without parents on its own domestic flights. For passengers from 5 to 12 years old, the service is required. The cost of such a service is 5 thousand rubles for each section of the route.

The service of accompanying children flying independently is quite convenient. But that's not to say it's cheap. In some cases with connecting flights, it will be almost equivalent to fly with your child there and back.

This is a service provided by air carrier representatives. It is divided into two stages - supervision on the ground and during the flight.

An airline employee takes custody of a baby at the departure airport. Adults must accompany the child and be present at the port until the plane takes off.

The accompanying person accepts all flight documents from the hands of the parents, goes through registration and all types of control with the little passenger (if he is flying abroad) and leads the baby to boarding.

Here he hands the minor over to the flight attendant, who assumes the duties of accompanying him during the flight. The ground staff notifies the accompanying adult that a minor is on board the aircraft.

During the flight, the flight attendant takes care of the baby’s nutrition and safety. After landing and leaving the plane, he is received by an airline ground employee at the arrival airport.

We talked in detail about whether you can bring your own food on board and how to order a special menu.

His duty is to go through all formalities with the ward, receive it and pass it from hand to hand to those greeting you.

If the meeting person is not found, the accompanying employee contacts the child’s parents and clarifies to which address he needs to be delivered.

General rules

If you are planning to send your child on an independent flight, look for a company that provides such services. Not everyone has such a service. Most often, such babies are not transported by low-cost airlines.

Once you have decided on an air carrier, you can book. In this case, you must notify him that the passenger is a minor without adult supervision and fill out a form.

Check out the rules of carriage on this airline to know the age limits when you can travel on an airplane without parents and what document requirements it imposes. They may vary from company to company.

Minors flying without a mother, father or guardian are given bright badges with the abbreviation UM – “unaccompanied minor” – on their clothing. This is an international designation, and it is well known to employees of all airports in the world.

At what age can children be sent unaccompanied?

Airlines have set age limits for flights of small travelers not accompanied by adults.

At what age can you fly alone on an airplane in Russia? One is allowed to fly from the age of 12 Carriers such as Aeroflot and British Airways, most carriers allow teenagers aged 15 and over to fly.

This does not mean that you will no longer be able to order an escort service for them. If you are very worried about your child, they will provide you with such a service even for a 17-year-old teenager.

The most common age period from which they allow children to travel alone – that’s 5 years.

There are companies that allow such flights even for children from the age of two and provide them with babysitting services. But these are most often foreign airlines.

Children aged 5 to 8 are allowed to fly unaccompanied direct flights only.

From 8 to 11-12 flights with transfers are allowed under the supervision of an employee of the carrier company. But on the condition that this will not be associated with moving to another airport and passing border control.

From 11 to 15 Self-transplantation is allowed.

How do airline transportation rules differ?

At what age can one child fly on an airplane? Russian companies S7 and UTair Allows unaccompanied children to fly only from 5 to 15 years of age. Moreover, only on direct flights and only on our own aircraft.

Aeroflot classifies children under 12 years of age into this category., without specifying the lower bound. You can order an escort service on its flights for children under the age of 16.

Ural Airlines has set the age unaccompanied children from 5 to 12 years old in Russia and from 6 to 12 years old in foreign countries. allowed on direct non-stop flights.

Will the ticket be more expensive?

All airlines provide discounts for children. But only if you fly with adults.

Unaccompanied children are not eligible for these discounts. They will have to pay full price for their ticket, as for an adult passenger.

In addition, some companies charge an additional fee for the escort service.


In order to send a minor on an independent flight, The following documents are required:

Sample permission for and in.

The application can always be found on the airline’s website or at the office where you will purchase the ticket. Actually the application consists of 2 parts - application and application.

The application must indicate:

  • last name and first name of the unaccompanied minor;
  • passport number (foreign);
  • language of communication and citizenship;
  • age;
  • reservation number and ticket;
  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • passport ID;
  • address, home phone number and one additional contact;
  • the same data of the accompanying person and the greeter.

In the application, the parent or legal representative of the child declares your responsibility to the company and the responsibility of the accompanying and meeting person.

Export permission from parents or guardians

Such permission is issued by each of the parents. To do this, you need to contact a notary who has special forms.

It states:

  • the period of the child’s stay abroad or on a trip from the moment of departure until the moment of arrival back to Russia;
  • country where the minor is traveling.

The cost of obtaining a notarized permit ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on prices in the region.

If the child's father lives abroad, such permission is also required from him. This document is issued at the consulate or embassy of the Russian Federation in the country of his residence.

The father's permission must be added to the general package of documents for departure.

Do not purchase your ticket online. Better contact your airline representative, it will be more reliable. In addition, you will receive comprehensive advice on.

Buy tickets in advance. Airlines typically limit the number of unaccompanied children on board. Most often, there should be no more than 4 of them in the cabin. It may turn out that by the time you contact these seats will already be occupied.

Arrive at the airport early. You will have to settle some formalities and sign documents, and this will take some time.

Now you know at what age you can fly on an airplane alone, don’t be afraid to send your baby on the road alone. He will be closely supervised, in addition, he will perceive this as a real adventure and will be extremely pleased with the independence given to him.

On board the plane he will be offered delicious dishes from a special children's menu., organize entertainment and keep him occupied with various toys and cartoons. He will never be bored!