S7 what can you take in hand luggage. What are the dimensions and size of hand luggage on an s7 airline plane, as well as the rules and regulations for baggage transportation? Other standards have been introduced by such companies

S7 Airline is a Russian air carrier founded in 1992. Based at Tolmachevo Airport (Novosibirsk). Until 2006 it was called “Sibir”, but then a serious rebranding was carried out. Operates regular and charter flights both within Russia and abroad.

How much hand luggage does the S7 allow you to carry, and what are the content restrictions?


Carry-on baggage s7 (or rather, each piece) cannot be larger than 55x40x20 centimeters. In this case, this is absolutely not a whim of the airline, but a restriction dictated by the fact that the passenger must place the item (bag, backpack, etc.) on a lockable shelf near the ceiling, or under the seat in front (of his choice). But the space there is not unlimited - after all, for example, in the Airbus A320 up to 180 people can fly at the same time, and there must be enough space for their luggage.

S7 aircraft

Note! In some seats (near emergency exits, in the front row) you cannot put things under the seat. Therefore, they need to be placed (at least during takeoff and landing) only on a special shelf overhead.

How is the size of hand luggage controlled?

As a rule, airline employees do not approach passengers at the airport with tape measures - this is not necessary. There are special template frames installed near the racks. If an item (suitcase, backpack, etc.) fits in such a frame, it can be carried free of charge.

The passenger can carry out the appropriate checks independently, even before check-in. At the same time, it is not at all a fact that everyone flying will have to undergo such a procedure. Often the dimensions are assessed visually, but if they already raise suspicion (for example, a suitcase or backpack is clearly larger than 55x40x20), then they may ask you to put the item in a frame to check the fit.


According to the rules, one piece of hand luggage carried on an S7 airline aircraft cannot weigh more than 10 kg (for economy class fares - “Economy Basic” and “Economy Flexible”) or 15 kg (for business class fares - “Business Basic”) " and "Business Flexible").

Number of seats

In hand luggage - 1 piece for economy class and 2 pieces for business class.

Size check area for hand luggage S7

What can you carry in hand luggage in addition to the specified allowance?

The S7 company rules, consistent with current legislation, define the following list:

  • a handbag, backpack or briefcase, the weight of which does not exceed 5 kg, and the dimensions (the sum of three dimensions) - 75 cm;
  • outerwear (type not regulated);
  • a bouquet of flowers (its size and weight are not specified);
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • goods purchased in duty-free shops at the airport of departure (including liquids), placed in a sealed bag with a receipt attached to it. At the same time, the overall dimensions of such a package in the sum of three dimensions cannot exceed 75 cm, and the weight - 3 kg.
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchairs and other similar devices used by a passenger with limited mobility. During the flight, he will need to put such an item in a lockable luggage rack (under the ceiling), or put it under a seat that is one row ahead;
  • medications or diet foods. The quantity is determined by the passenger’s needs during the flight;
  • a cradle, a car seat and other devices for a child under two years old, as well as a stroller or a child car seat for a child under 11 years old, if the dimensions of such an item do not exceed 55x40x20 cm and they can be placed on a shelf above the seat, or on floor, under the seat in front.


Note! Strollers, seats, cradles and other restraint systems can be taken on a plane free of charge only if the child for whom they are intended is traveling on the same flight. In the case when the stroller is transported without a child, the standard requirements for carry-on luggage and baggage apply to its transportation.

Transportation of liquids

Liquid in this context refers not only to a substance in a liquid state. These include objects (including food) whose consistency is pasty or creamy. These are sauces, creams, pastes, gels, aerosols, canned food and much more. That is why, for example, you can freely carry hard cheese in your hand luggage, but if the variety is soft (Camembert, Brie, ricotta, mozzarella, feta and others), appropriate restrictions are imposed on it. Or you can put olives “by themselves” in your hand luggage, but if the package contains oil or other liquid in addition to them, then the rules below come into force. The same applies to cosmetics.

So, liquids can be carried in hand luggage, but subject to certain requirements.

  1. The volume of each container cannot be more than 100 ml. That is, if the toothpaste is in a 125 ml tube, airport security staff will most likely take it away at the control;

Note! The packaging does not have to be original. This will not work with an aerosol deodorant or shaving gel due to the pressure inside the container, but, for example, shampoo can be easily poured into a container of the approved size (up to 100 ml inclusive).

  1. Containers must be placed in a transparent bag with a zipper (usually a zipper is used). Its volume is also limited - it cannot be more than 1 liter;
  2. If a passenger does not have such a package, it is damaged (torn) or does not meet the requirements, then an airport employee can issue it free of charge, or offer to purchase it for a small amount.
  3. This package must be removed from the main piece of hand luggage (bag, backpack, etc.) and placed separately on the security belt for scanning.

Bag for packing liquids in hand luggage

Additional Information! Baby food (if the passenger is traveling with a child) is not subject to the 100 ml limit per container. But there is no need to take water - the flight attendant will bring it upon request.

What cannot be carried as hand luggage:

  • piercing objects. Any, without exceptions. Even such harmless, at first glance, as manicure scissors or a nail file will be confiscated. However, plastic disposable knives and forks without pointed ends are permitted;
  • toxic objects, as well as poisons;
  • explosives and flammable substances;
  • corrosive, oxidizing substances;
  • weapons (separate requirements apply to their transportation);
  • radioactive items;
  • other things that the security officer deems dangerous.

The general criterion in this case is clear - you cannot take on board anything that can injure or kill other passengers or crew members, or carry out a terrorist attack on board (make an explosive device, etc.). Hence the very strict requirements for liquids, which many passengers perceive with hostility. But in the modern world, additional precautions are never superfluous.

What cannot be carried in hand luggage

Exceeding the size and quantity of hand luggage

S7 Airlines cannot arrange for excess carry-on baggage, even for extra money. Anything unnecessary (that is, that which does not fit into the established standards) must be checked in as baggage. Depending on the tariff, an additional fee may be charged for this - the cost varies accordingly. Therefore, the passenger is recommended, even when purchasing a ticket (especially for a basic, baggage-free fare), to decide whether in a particular case it is possible to meet the requirements for the weight and size of hand luggage, or whether he should immediately purchase additional luggage and be calm. After all, according to S7 tariffs, the fee for luggage at the airport is much more than directly in the process of purchasing an air ticket. Therefore, trying to save a relatively small amount can be costly in practice.

On a note! S7 Airlines has fairly strict requirements for passengers' carry-on luggage. This follows from the fact that even those who bought a ticket at the cheapest fare are allowed to take a bag, backpack, or other item weighing 10 kg into the cabin. While some competitors have already reduced this threshold to the minimum permitted by law 5 kg.

For this reason, the number of those who choose “Economy Basic” is increasing. After all, with certain tricks, a suitcase or backpack 55x40x20 is quite enough for a vacation lasting a week or two, or even more. There were no new additions (changes, restrictions, etc.) in 2018, and it is unknown whether there will be any.

Restrictions on the contents of hand luggage are not imposed by the airline. They are established by international aviation regulatory authorities, and these rules are followed at every airport.

S7 Airlines (in the recent past - Siberia Airlines) is one of the leading air carriers in our country. If you have purchased an air ticket for flight S7, you should familiarize yourself with the baggage allowance in advance so that there are no misunderstandings during check-in.

General information about the company

S7 Airlines is based at two airports: Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk) and Domodedovo (Moscow).

The carrier is developing, its route network is growing, and more and more branches are opening at Russian airports. The company provides air transportation throughout Russia, as well as to European countries, the Middle East and Asian regions.

S7 aircraft belong to the most famous manufacturers in the aviation industry - Airbus and Boeing.

The air carrier has a fairly flexible tariff system and is almost always ready to offer passengers special attractive ticket prices. There are always sales and promotions. There is a program for rewarding regular passengers “S7 Priority”, which involves the accumulation of flight miles. It is also possible to use flight miles to pay for air tickets and additional services.


Not long ago, S7 airline switched to a new tariff system called SmartChoic. Non-refundable and “luggage-free” tickets appeared.

Now there are 4 tariffs:

  • Economy “Basic” - non-refundable, baggage and seat selection are paid services.
  • Economic "Flexible" - returnable, free baggage and seat selection.
  • Business “Basic” - non-refundable, free baggage and seat selection, paid invitation to the superior lounge.
  • Business “Flexible” - returnable, free baggage and seat selection, free invitation to the superior lounge.

Rules for the carriage of cabin baggage

For all air passengers, depending on the class of service, cabin baggage transportation rules are established.

For air passengers flying in economy class

S7, baggage allowance is one piece weighing up to 10 kg. For air passengers traveling in business class - two pieces of luggage with a total weight of no more than 15 kg in total. For cabin luggage dimensions, the established norm is 55/40/20 cm.

It is worth noting that hand luggage and luggage are not combined, that is, it can be carried additionally to your existing luggage.

Baggage rules

Depending on the fare of the S7 air ticket, the baggage allowance varies. Economy “Basic” does not provide free luggage, while “Flexible” includes one piece of luggage weighing no more than 23 kg. For air passengers flying in business class at a “basic” fare, you can carry one piece of baggage up to 32 kg, and as many as two pieces at a “flexible” fare.

Baggage pieces with dimensions of no more than 2.03 m in the sum of three dimensions are allowed for transportation.

For regular customers of S7 Airlines, the baggage allowance is higher than for regular passengers. For example, holders of Silver and Gold status cards can carry one additional piece weighing no more than 23 kg for free. A Premium status card entitles you to carry additional luggage up to 32 kg.

All baggage items are registered individually for each air passenger. The airline's rules allow the combination of free fare for several passengers at the same time in a situation where they fly to the same destination together. However, it is necessary to document this fact, that is, provide air tickets and passports.

Excess baggage charges

If a passenger's baggage exceeds the established free allowances in terms of weight and quantity, an additional payment must be made.

S7 Airlines has set the following rates for excess baggage:

  • An additional second piece of luggage with a mass not exceeding 23 kg and less than 2.03 m in three dimensions costs 50 euros.
  • Additional third and subsequent pieces of luggage not exceeding 23 kg and 2.03 in three dimensions - 150 euros.
  • Excess weight of luggage in the range of 23-32 kg with total dimensions of no more than 2.03 m - 50 euros.
  • Excess weight of luggage from 32 kg, while the sum of the dimensions is less than 2.03 m - 100 euros.
  • Exceeding the established dimensions of luggage (more than 2.03 m) - 150 euros.

If the weight of a piece of baggage is in the range of 32-50 kg, its transportation must be coordinated with the airline in a timely manner. Whether such heavy luggage will be accepted for transportation or not is directly related to the type of airliner declared for the flight and the dimensions of the luggage compartment. Before your planned trip, you need to send a corresponding request to the airline through the “Feedback” section on the website or call the call center.

Each air carrier, including S7, has its own baggage allowance and fees for excess baggage. Finding out these rules should be done in a timely manner, several days before the planned trip, and even better, when purchasing an air ticket, in order to avoid unpleasant situations when checking in at the departure airport and unplanned expenses. You can find detailed information on the company's website.

Aeroflot can be considered a completely “friendly” company towards passengers. Aeroflot allows you to take 10 kilograms of hand luggage on board (for business class passengers - up to 15 kg), in addition, Aeroflot has seasonal special luggage. offers that allow you to carry sports equipment in your luggage for free. You can carry a set of skis (skis, poles, boots, helmet), a diving kit for free, and if you are heading to Cuba, you can check a bicycle in your luggage (I personally know people who have tried this on themselves).

According to new Aeroflot rules, you now need to monitor the weight of your luggage (no more than 23 kg) and overall dimensions (158 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions).

On Aeroflot flights you can carry free baggage for:

  • economy class - 1 seat (no more than 23 kg);
  • economy class (exclusively for the Premium Economy, Premium Comfort fare group) - 2 seats (no more than 23 kg each);
  • business class - 2 seats (no more than 23 kg each).

If you are a member of the Aeroflot Bonus loyalty program, which I wrote about earlier, you can count on one more piece of baggage (exclusively for holders of gold and silver cards).

If you are flying on an Aeroflot within the USA, then even in economy class you are allowed to carry 2 pieces of baggage weighing 23 kg each.

Aeroflot has several specific restrictions on the carriage of cargo. Since the largest state-owned Russian air carrier has most of its aircraft on lease, the owners of which register the winged aircraft offshore in Bermuda, Bermuda rules and restrictions must be observed on board. For example, there is a ban on smoking electronic cigarettes in the cabin and transporting them in luggage.

Fellow passengers, please comply with Bermuda rules on Aeroflot aircraft. :) There is nothing wrong with this, since most Aeroflot aircraft are new leased cars, and not heavily used ones.

Aeroflot hand luggage rules

The rules for carrying hand luggage on Aeroflot planes are the most humane in comparison with other airlines. Most of the restrictions on the transport of dangerous goods that were described in the previous post also apply to Aeroflot.

Weight of hand luggage on an Aeroflot plane

You can take up to 10 kilograms of hand luggage on board the plane (for economy class passengers), and up to 15 kilograms for business class passengers.

Aeroflot hand luggage size

You can carry one piece of hand luggage on board Aeroflot, personal items and a so-called hand luggage accessory (I wrote about this in detail in the article about “Hand Luggage on an Airplane”).

The total size of Aeroflot hand luggage should not exceed 115 cm (the sum of three dimensions is 40 cm, width – 20 cm, length – 55 cm).

Additionally and completely free of charge (for Aeroflot passengers), you can bring the following items into the cabin:

  • handbag/men's briefcase;
  • folder for papers;
  • umbrella;
  • cane;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • laptop computer, camera, video camera;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • a baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • cell phone;
  • crutches;
  • a bag with purchases from the Duty Free store.

Aeroflot excess baggage rates

If you exceed the permitted weight or size of luggage (even by a kilogram), then Aeroflot will require additional money from you, the amount of which will depend on the flight (within Russia and outside Russia).

If you exceed the permissible weight (from 23 to 32 kg) or overall dimensions (from 158 to 203 cm) when flying within Russia, you will have to pay 50 euros and 100 euros/dollars if flying outside of Russia.

If you exceed the permissible weight (from 32 to 50 kg) or overall dimensions (more than 203 cm) when flying within Russia, you will have to pay 100 euros and 150 euros/dollars if flying outside of Russia.

Siberia Airlines, also known as S7, has rules for carrying hand luggage on planes similar to Aeroflot. S7 passengers are prohibited from transporting the following products of animal origin in the cabin: skins and furs, elephant tusks, etc. S7 passengers are prohibited from transporting dairy and meat products. The exception is baby food and food prescribed to the passenger by a doctor.

S7 passengers are prohibited from transporting (neither in hand luggage nor in checked luggage) devices containing lithium batteries; such cargo must be declared as particularly dangerous cargo.

Carry-on baggage rules s7

Economy class passengers are allocated 1 piece of luggage. Business class passengers are allocated 2 pieces of luggage space and a slightly larger carry-on baggage weight.

On S7 airlines, passengers are allowed (by prior agreement with the airline) to transport pets (cats, dogs, birds) in hand luggage. Transportation of animals is paid at the rate for excess baggage based on the actual weight of the animal/bird along with the container (cage), regardless of the number of other items of the passenger.

To transport pets in the aircraft cabin, a number of rules must be observed:

  • required to have a vet. certificate;
  • the weight of the animal together with the container (cage) does not exceed 8 kg, and the overall dimensions of the cage in the sum of three dimensions do not exceed 115 cm, while the height of the container (cage) should not exceed 20 cm;
  • Guide dogs (accompanying blind passengers) are transported in a muzzle and on a leash, and there must also be a certificate of special training for the dog.

All other animals whose weight and size exceed those indicated above travel exclusively in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Hand luggage size s7

The carry-on baggage allowance on S7 Airlines flights is similar to the Aeroflot allowance and the norms of most airlines. The size of hand luggage on board s7 (the sum of three dimensions) should not exceed 115 centimeters (dimensions no more than 55x40x20).

In the check-in area for S7 Airlines flights there are special limiting frames with which you can check whether your hand luggage meets the established dimensions.

The Russian low-cost airline Pobeda is different from all other low-cost airlines in the world (who would have thought :)). Many passengers believe that the difference between Pobeda is not for the better.

Let me start with the fact that there is a fee for carrying hand luggage on Pobeda Airlines planes! The exception is some cases stipulated by federal aviation regulations.

The following items can be carried free of charge in hand luggage on Pobeda:

  • briefcase or laptop bag (strictly specified sizes);
  • handbag;
  • folder for papers;
  • umbrella;
  • cane;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • baby food for the child (exclusively for the duration of the flight);
  • cell phone;
  • camera;
  • video camera;
  • laptop;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • a cradle when transporting a child;
  • crutches;
  • a stretcher or wheelchair when transporting a passenger with limited mobility.

The rules do not limit the total number of such items, but you can only take one item of each type in your hand luggage (you can take a laptop bag, a camera and a bouquet, but you cannot take two laptop bags).

Low-cost carrier Pobeda has limited the dimensions of a handbag or men's briefcase to no more than 75 cm in the sum of three dimensions (35x25x15 cm).

Pobeda baggage and carry-on luggage

According to the rules of the low-cost airline Pobeda, only 1 piece of luggage per passenger can be carried free of charge (in the luggage compartment of the aircraft). The weight of luggage must be less than 10 kg and dimensions no more than 158 cm in three dimensions. Low-cost airline Pobeda allowed each passenger to take a limited list of personal items into the aircraft cabin (I indicated the list of items just above). All other things and items are transported in the aircraft cabin for an additional fee.

The price of paid hand luggage depends on the item and weight. For example, transporting a backpack, sports bag, wheeled bag, package, etc. costs from 999 rubles for each item. It is advisable to pay for all your hand luggage in advance and preferably through the Pobeda website on the Internet, since at the check-in counter you will need to pay 500 rubles more (1,500 rubles), and when boarding the plane another 500 rubles more than at the check-in counter ( 2,000 rub.).

Carriage of 10 kilograms of any checked baggage on Pobeda flights will be free! If you are traveling with a backpack, then take all the most valuable things from it (stuff it into your pockets or wherever you can), and put the backpack itself in your luggage.

There is no food on the planes of the low-cost Pobeda airline, and bringing food on board is subject to an excess charge, so either sit and starve, or hide the food in your handbag. :)

UTair Airlines has several convenient tariffs that will help reduce the cost of your flight. Each passenger can choose which services they wish to pay for and which they do not.

  • Light tariff - only free hand luggage (1 piece, 10 kg), all other luggage and other services, including meals on board, are paid separately;
  • Standard fare - free hand luggage (1 piece, 10 kg), free luggage (1 piece, 23 kg), meals on board are paid separately;
  • Flexible tariff - free hand luggage (1 piece, 10 kg), free luggage (1 piece, 23 kg), meals on board are paid separately;
  • Business tariff - free hand luggage (2 pieces, 10 kg), free luggage (2 pieces, 32 kg).

UTair Airlines allows you to carry sports equipment free of charge (in addition to your luggage).

UTair carry-on luggage dimensions

UTair allows you to take items weighing up to 10 kg and measuring up to 115 cm in hand luggage (the sum of three dimensions with dimensions of 55x40x20 cm), you can carry one piece of hand luggage. Regardless of the type of air ticket, a UTair airline passenger can carry additional items from the list approved by the Federal Aviation Regulations:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • video camera;
  • mobile phone;
  • umbrella;
  • camera and laptop;
  • cane;
  • crutches, and for disabled passengers a wheelchair.

Ural Airlines has several simple and understandable fares, the largest of which have the “one passenger - one suitcase” rule. The exceptions are the “Promo” tariffs (there is a charge for baggage transportation) and the “Business, Comfort” tariff (it has 2 pieces of 32 kg each).

  • Promo tariff - luggage is paid separately;
  • Economy tariff - 1 piece of luggage, 23 kg;
  • Premium Economy tariff - 1 piece of luggage, 23 kg;
  • Business Light, Comfort Light tariffs - 1 piece of luggage, 32 kg;
  • Business, Comfort tariffs - 2 pieces of luggage, 23 kg. each.

Ural Airlines allows you to carry sports equipment free of charge (in addition to your luggage).

Carry-on baggage allowance on planes

Every passenger using the services of air carriers on regular commercial flights has the right to carry hand luggage and personal belongings on board the aircraft. Baggage or hand luggage takes up space above the seats in a special compartment; the passenger can carry personal belongings under the seat. Experts recommend taking loose-fitting bags made of soft fabric with you on board, as such models “get along” best with adjacent luggage. You can also take other equipment and items on board.

In contact with


Permissible dimensions of a suitcase for hand luggage on an airplane are defined by international IATA standards, but such a standard is not mandatory, and therefore not all airlines comply with it. That is why, when purchasing an air ticket, you should carefully read the carrier’s information regarding luggage on board, its size and weight. Despite the fact that most airlines set their own rules for the carriage of hand luggage on an airplane, the size and weight of luggage, there are still a number of rules for everyone.

Requirements for hand luggage on an airplane

Any passenger has the right to carry hand luggage, not exceeding dimensions 55x32x25 cm(some companies set a limit of 55x40x20), including wheels, pockets and handles, or 115 cm according to the principle - width + height + depth. The permissible weight on the plane is determined by the airline. If a passenger exceeds the load in size or weight, this is considered excess and is fraught with additional costs. A dress or suit can be taken in a bag; this is considered standard hand luggage. Since the standards are optimal and recommended, airlines reserve the right to set their own rules in accordance with the size of the aircraft.

Budget airlines allow you to take no more than one piece of hand luggage on board, including a laptop or handbag. This rule may vary depending on the flight destination, company or class of service.

Provided the salon is busy, some airlines decide to remove luggage from the hold. In this case, no additional fee is charged to the passenger, but he will receive his suitcase as checked baggage from the belt upon arrival.

Luggage weight

Each airline has its own standards, but according to the rules, a passenger can usually expect to carry 5-10 kg of hand luggage. Many transport companies, in addition to basic hand luggage, allow you to carry accessories separately. If we take into account the total weight of hand luggage, its weight should not exceed the norm of 12 kg for economy class and 18 kg for business class . Allowed accessories:

If you are traveling with a child under 2 years old, the parent has the right to additionally take with him:

  • stroller;
  • car seat;
  • mobile baby cot.

You can also carry some components, subject to the agreement of the airline. In any case, police officers check all things that a passenger brings on board the aircraft with X-rays, as they can be used as detonators. Airlines that do not stipulate the conditions for carrying hand luggage in their rules are guided by the following rule: the suitcase must fit in the luggage compartment above the seats without the help of the crew.

What can you bring on board the plane?

Among all the things that a passenger definitely wants to carry in the cabin of an airplane, there is perfume, toothpaste and other items, which may have to be placed in checked baggage. It should be remembered that the airline reserves the right to change the rules for carrying hand luggage on the plane.


Without exception, all transport companies, together with the police, control the transportation of liquids on board the airliner. Even a bottle of water should not be more than 100 ml. If the bottle has a volume of 200 ml, but there is less than half of the liquid in it, such luggage will not pass, since the capacity should be 100 ml, no more. All liquids and pasty substances must be placed in a transparent zip-lock bag no larger than 30x30 cm.

The requirements for transporting liquids do not apply to goods purchased from Duty Free stores. Products such as perfume, water, alcohol, creams can be carried in unlimited quantities on board the ship. Products must be packaged in transparent packaging, sealed upon purchase on all four sides. Be sure to keep the receipt. According to the rules, you cannot open the package until you arrive at your final destination, but the condition is ignored, especially by passengers who bought new perfume.

Carrying alcohol

A passenger has the right to transport no more than 100 ml of alcohol as hand luggage. The rule does not apply to teenagers under 17 years of age, since transporting and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited for them in principle.

Airlines from different countries may change the rules for carrying hand luggage in accordance with safety rules on board the aircraft. For example, US companies prohibit having sharp objects of any size, even nail scissors, in the salon.

Medical equipment and medicines

Medicines may only be carried in the quantity required for the duration of the flight., including containers over 100 ml:

  • syrups;
  • herbal teas, sachets;
  • tablets and capsules;
  • injections;
  • physiological serums;
  • antiallergic creams and ointments;
  • medicinal aerosols and lotions, gels;
  • asthma inhalers.

All medications undergo mandatory safety testing. The police often require proof of the need for medications, that is, doctor's prescriptions or other medical documentation. If the need for medical equipment is documented, it can also be taken on board.

Many liquids and medical items can be carried in a volume of no more than 100 g or 100 ml. The rule applies to the carriage of:

  • oils and balms;
  • coffee and tea;
  • solution for contact lenses;
  • lotions and gels for personal hygiene.


All decorative cosmetics (with the exception of micellar water) can be carried in the aircraft cabin without restrictions:


Today the rules have been established that any passenger, including a child, can carry no more than 10 thousand US dollars without declaring. Restrictions, however, apply to the import of currency into some countries:

  • UAE – up to 10 thousand US dollars;
  • Bulgaria – up to 1 thousand US dollars;
  • Countries – up to 10 thousand US dollars;
  • Thailand – up to 20 thousand US dollars;
  • China - no restrictions, but declaration from 5 thousand US dollars.


Any solid products can be carried in the cabin of the aircraft without restrictions. This kind of food is allowed, such as sandwiches, hard cheeses, sausages, fruits and vegetables, chips, crackers and dry products such as cocoa or milk. Canned food of no more than 100 ml and food containers with the same volume can be transported and excess is unacceptable.

Baby food and dietary products

In the cabin you can take liquid baby food and water for the child in sufficient quantities for the trip. If you have food allergies or diabetes, you can carry food and drink with a doctor's prescription.

If traveling without your four-legged pet is impossible, you can take it to the salon, but under certain conditions. The pet must weigh no more than 5 kg and be transported in a special container. The maximum weight and size of the cage is set by each company individually, but usually the dimensions do not exceed 115 cm in all respects.

The passenger is required to register the fact of transporting the animal several days before departure. Moreover, the owner must have all the medical certificates and necessary documents for the pet. The papers must contain the information necessary both for the removal of the animal from the country and for its import into the territory of another country. Many companies refuse to accept more than two pets on board in a row, so it is important to notify the airline of the presence of an animal and register it in advance.

Transport companies make concessions to passengers in exceptional cases - when an animal accompanies a blind disabled person. Pets such as reptiles, rabbits, rats, hamsters and other small rodents are not allowed on board the aircraft.

Musical instruments and sports equipment

This type of baggage has the same weight and size restrictions as carry-on baggage on board. The following are prohibited from being carried in the aircraft cabin:

Products from Duty Free

You can carry any type of goods sold in Duty Free shops in the aircraft cabin. The number of units is not limited. The only condition is the original store packaging: a transparent bag, sealed on all sides. It is prohibited to open the package before the end of the flight. If there is a connecting flight, further transportation of Duty Free goods is carried out in the luggage compartment.

What you cannot take in hand luggage:

  • Any firearms, including historical weapons, small arms, starting pistols, any ammunition and their spare parts.
  • Repair tools: chisel, hammer, screwdriver, rasp and other dangerous parts.
  • Knives and swords: sabers, bayonet, knives over 6 cm, ice axes, machetes, scalpels, round razors, slingshot.
  • Substances that have a detonating effect: fireworks, firecrackers, cartridges, gunpowder.
  • Chemicals hazardous to life: abrasive detergents, chlorine, sulfur, bleaches.
  • Combustible materials: paints, gasoline, acetone, solvents.
  • Barometers and mercury thermometers.
  • Toys that imitate weapons.
  • Batteries with electrolyte.
  • Printer cartridges.
  • Lithium batteries with a capacity of more than 160 W/h.
  • Tear gas, oxygen underwater tanks, gas cylinders (including lighter chargers).
  • Any derivatives of modern electric vehicles.
  • It is prohibited to enter the ship with a gift wrapped in wrapping paper.

What you need to take with you on board the aircraft (recommendations):

How to save your time when inspecting luggage

During the inspection of hand luggage by the police, it is important not only not to delay the impatient queue, but also to save your precious time in favor of going shopping. To do this you need to immediately form separate bags with the following items:

  • all liquids (in containers of 100 ml, with a total volume of no more than 500 ml);
  • laptop, phone and tablet;
  • money, keys and documents;
  • outerwear.

Ergonomic indicators- this is the key to the success of not voluminous and light carry-on luggage. A few tips will help passengers save money on carrying hand luggage and checked baggage in the future and save space in their bags and suitcases:

At a police checkpoint in any country, you need to be extremely polite, attentive, careful and calm. Any jokes about the presence of weapons, bombs and drugs can be considered a threat and classified as a crime. Excessive excitement and absent-mindedness may arouse suspicion among the police. Correct behavior at the checkpoint will allow you to quickly enter the departure area and avoid trouble with the law.

Aeroflot: hand luggage

On the official website of Aeroflot You can familiarize yourself in detail with the rules for carrying hand luggage and checked baggage in 2018. By carefully reviewing the terms and conditions and preparing the appropriate baggage, the passenger will not have any problems at the check-in counter, during security checks or while boarding.

Acceptable carry-on baggage parameters

Aeroflot differs from some companies in its loyalty to the permissible weight and size of luggage, so in some cases it can “forgive” the client a slight deviation from the norm.

On board the airliner the passenger has the right to take a briefcase or bag, the sum of all three sides of which does not exceed 115 cm; a smaller sum of measurements is acceptable, a larger one is not.

The restrictions apply to Aeroflot flights; subsidiary airlines and partner carriers have the right to establish their own rules of transportation.

Permissible weight of hand luggage

Since passengers are classified on board the airline, the permissible weight of hand luggage varies depending on the class of ticket purchased. Thus, if an ordinary passenger with a boarding pass for economy class or comfort class can carry no more than 10 kg of hand luggage, then a business class passenger is entitled to 15 kg of hand luggage.

What can you take with you on a plane?

The concept of “carry-on luggage” implies a small travel bag/suitcase/backpack. Besides, a passenger can take other things with him on board an Aeroflot aircraft:

  • umbrella or cane;
  • purse or briefcase;
  • handbag;
  • one piece of outerwear;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • baby food;
  • phone, tablet, laptop;
  • book;
  • crutches;
  • cot for a baby up to 2 years old;
  • goods from Duty Free.

All listed items are not subject to weighing or labeling.

Weight and hand luggage on S 7 Airlines planes

The dimensions of hand luggage on the S 7 plane are similar to Aeroflot rules. Thus, there are restrictions on the carriage of items for both an economy class passenger and a business class client. Economy class can transport a suitcase or bag, the weight of which will not exceed 10 kg, and the dimensions will correspond to the standard 55x40x20 cm. A business class passenger is entitled to 2 pieces of baggage with the same dimensions, but their total weight should not exceed 15 kg .

To check the suitability of a passenger's bag or suitcase, there are special frames near the check-in counter, as well as at the exit to the plane, into which hand luggage must fit. Compliance verification is carried out at the request of an airline employee or at the request of the passenger.

allows clients carry not only standard cots for babies, but also strollers for children over 2 years old. At the same time, the dimensions of such luggage should be no more than 55x40x20 cm. Popular cane strollers must be checked in as luggage upon check-in.

Rules for the carriage of hand luggage of the Pobeda company

The company's subsidiary Aeroflot positions itself as a low-cost airline and has every right to establish its own, rather strict rules for the carriage of not only luggage on board the aircraft, but also checked baggage. It is the savings on luggage, meals for passengers and other pleasant little things that allow low-cost airlines to keep prices quite low compared to other airlines.

Thus, free baggage in the cabin of the company's aircraft is not included, the service was canceled by the administration in 2015. Hand luggage weighing up to 10 kg is paid for on the airline’s website (999 rubles), at the airport (1,500 rubles) or upon boarding (2 thousand rubles). A small handbag is allowed as an accessory and does not require payment.

You should not ignore the standards for permissible hand luggage on board the plane, since the conditions set by the airline are designed to provide passengers with the most comfortable and safe flight. By studying the rules in advance, the passenger will be able to avoid unpleasant situations at the airport and ensure a comfortable flight.

You are planning a trip and are thinking about buying air tickets, or have already purchased air tickets and are clarifying information about baggage and hand luggage - Avianiti will briefly tell you what to look for and what are the requirements for baggage transportation from S7 Airlines.

S7 Airlines baggage requirements depend on air ticket fares. When purchasing air tickets, carefully look at the tariff: the airline indicates what baggage is allowed to be carried for free. Typically these are items for the cabin (hand luggage) weighing up to 10 kg and one piece of checked baggage weighing up to 23 kg.

Separate benefits are provided to customers who own S7 Priority program cards - the airline allows additional baggage to be carried free of charge. This is either increased luggage weight or a free second seat.

The cost of S7 Airlines tickets includes the transportation of hand luggage and baggage checked into the aircraft's luggage compartment. If the amount of baggage exceeds the allowed free volume, the passenger must pay for it. This can be done through the airline’s website, by calling the call center or at the airport when checking in for a flight.

The cost of excess baggage, tariffs in Russia, prices are indicated in rubles.

Excess baggage costs, tariffs for European flights, prices are in euros.

Prices for additional baggage are indicated on the official website of S7 Airlines; information on the cost of baggage will be provided at the carrier’s free call center.

Even the baggage-free fare for S7 Airlines tickets includes the carriage of hand luggage in the cabin. A passenger is allowed to carry one piece free of charge: a bag, a backpack, a box, a package. Hand luggage must weigh up to 10 kg and be no more than 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions (55x40x20 cm).

Federal Aviation Regulations have approved a list of items permitted for transportation in the cabin of an aircraft. It is better not to put these items in the luggage compartment.

If you plan to transport liquids in your hand luggage, then remember that the permitted container volume is up to 100 ml, the maximum volume of liquids in different packages is no more than 1 liter per passenger. Liquids include drinks, perfumes, liquid cosmetics and toothpaste.

In the luggage compartment of an S7 Airlines aircraft, you are allowed to carry free one piece of baggage weighing no more than 23 kg and with dimensions no more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height). Only in the baggage-free airfare, basic economy is not included in the price of baggage.

The airline recommends that passengers do not carry documents, valuables, money, or computers in their luggage. S7 Airlines prohibits combining two luggage in different packages into one: it is not allowed to wrap two suitcases with film and check them in as one piece of luggage.

S7 Airlines carries pets: dogs, cats, birds in hand luggage or in the luggage compartment. Transportation of other types of animals must be registered as cargo.

You must pay for the flight of the animal; the cost depends on the weight and size of the animal, as well as the flight.

You can arrange transportation of an animal by plane only through the airline's sales offices; this service is not available on the official website.

The animal will need a veterinary certificate, veterinary passport, container or cage. No later than 48 hours before departure, you must call the airline and make a request to transport your pet. It is better to notify the airline about the flight of an animal when booking air tickets.

An animal is allowed to be taken into the cabin if its weight together with the container does not exceed 10 kg, and the container itself (or carrying bag) is no more than 115 cm in three dimensions; it is important that the height is no more than 20 cm. You must visit the service at the airport veterinary control and check the documents for transporting the animal, so it is better to arrive in advance.

During the winter season, S7 Airlines transports ski equipment or snowboards in covers in the luggage compartment free of charge. The weight of the equipment should not exceed 23 kg, and the dimensions should not exceed 203 cm. Since this offer is seasonal, we recommend that you check with the airline about the conditions for transporting skis or snowboards when booking air tickets.

If at the airport when you receive your luggage you see that it is damaged or some items are missing, do not leave the baggage claim area. Contact the airport staff and, with their help, draw up a report of damage to your luggage (commercial report, PIR). Next, you need to contact the airline and provide documents: a signed damage report, boarding pass and luggage tag.

If you do not find your luggage on the transport belt, contact the airport staff, they will draw up the relevant documents and the airline will deliver your luggage to you later. In addition, S7 Airlines recommends that passengers register in the World Tracer international system and monitor their luggage.

Searching for cheap air tickets Avianiti searches for air tickets from S7 Airlines, comparing their prices with offers from other airlines and ticket agencies. You can select a fare with baggage included when booking your flight tickets.

Source: https://avianity.ru/aviakompanii/s7-airlines/s7-bagazh-i-ruchnaya-klad/

Baggage rules on S7 aircraft

Today, Russian citizens call S7 Group airlines a reliable carrier that deserves trust. Dozens of people use this company's flights every day.

To prepare for the flight, it is advisable for the passenger to clarify the rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on the S7 aircraft. Such actions will help determine the number and contents of bags.

In addition, this will help people avoid trouble before boarding.

Carrier Features

Initially, the company was called “Sibir” and was based in Novosibirsk. Today this group has expanded significantly and has acquired a base in the capital Vnukovo. The airlines offer customers transportation throughout the country, travel to Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Passengers are offered comfortable modern Airbus and Boeing aircraft.

Dozens of people all over the country use the services of S7 airline every day; accordingly, this requires knowledge of the airline rules

The airline offers a flexible pricing policy for customers. There are constantly promotions here, a program for accumulating bonus miles, and several tariff plans for flights have been introduced. Moreover, passengers have the right to pay part of the cost for the flight from their personal bonus savings.

Airline rules state that the client's luggage is carried on board the passenger's flight. Only in extreme cases is it allowed to be transported by another plane that flies on the next flight in the desired direction.

The dimensions, size and weight of hand luggage on the S7 plane determine the company’s decision to approve the transportation of items or to refuse the passenger. The same list includes the contents of the suitcases and the suitability of the packaging of individual items.

In addition, clients who have not completed registration are unlikely to be able to fly in the desired direction. The rule also works for transit flights - people who are late are removed from the flight along with their luggage.

About tariff plans

The client’s ability to transport luggage without additional payment directly depends on the class of air ticket purchased. Today the airline operates with the Smart Choice system. Thus, passengers independently choose tickets - they are non-refundable or include paid baggage on the plane, the price of which varies in accordance with the specific conditions of the flight.

Today “S7” offers passengers four tariff packages that regulate the rationing of baggage and hand luggage

The least convenient, but the most affordable, is the “basic” economy class fare. Here, the passenger purchases non-refundable air tickets and pays for baggage transportation with a choice of seat on board.

True, the cost of such flights is the most affordable and affordable.

A “flexible” air ticket of the same class of service includes free baggage space and the client’s ability to determine a suitable seat on board within the current fare. Here the client can return his tickets if he changes his mind about flying.

The most expensive is the “flexible” fare for business class. Here the passenger has the right to return the ticket, returning almost the full cost.

Of course, in these situations, airlines offer transportation of items and seat selection at no additional cost.

However, regardless of the ticket purchased, the airline invites customers to familiarize themselves with the question of what can be carried in hand luggage on an S7 plane. New rules also regulate the transportation of luggage. Let's clarify these nuances in more detail.

Rationing of free transportation of things

When purchasing airline tickets of the “flexible” tariff plan, economy class and higher, the passenger receives one seat in the luggage compartment. Moreover, airline rules regulate different luggage weights for customers.

People flying in economy class have the right to present suitcases weighing up to 23 kilograms at check-in. Business class passengers flying at the “basic” fare are entitled to a baggage space with a weight of up to 32 kg and a sum of sides up to 203 centimeters.

But people who bought the most expensive air tickets count on two free seats of 32 kilograms each.

Passengers flying in economy class at a “flexible” fare count on one free place in the luggage compartment with a baggage weight of up to 23 kg and dimensions up to 2 m 3 cm

In addition, airlines practice a differentiated approach. Regular airline customers who present silver and gold cards have the right to count on an additional free seat, regardless of the flight class. Here the maximum weight of luggage fits into the framework of 23 kg.

Platinum card holders have a discount in the form of a similar privilege, but the luggage weight here is increased to 32 kilograms. Moreover, the rules for summing up luggage standards for group transportation also apply.

Here, customers present airline tickets and passports to employees to confirm their flight status.

We transport property in the cabin of the aircraft

A separate section of airline requirements regulates the procedure for transporting oversized items in the cabin of S7 aircraft. Hand luggage is differentiated into two main categories. Economy class passengers carry bags whose total dimensions do not exceed 1 meter 15 centimeters and weigh up to 10 kilograms. One free place is provided for this category of citizens.

Passengers whose hand luggage in the total sum of its sides does not exceed 1,150 mm are allowed onto S7 airlines.

Customers who prefer comfort and purchase business class tickets receive some advantages over other passengers. The first privilege is to increase the number of places, there are two of them. In addition, the nominal weight of luggage in such cases is increased to 15 kilograms. True, the dimensions of the bags here remain within the range of 55x40x20 or a total of 1,150 mm.

In addition to the listed categories, the list of items prohibited for transportation on the liner includes toxic, radioactive and explosive substances.

Such items cannot be transported even in the luggage compartment. In addition, there is a list of items whose transportation in the cabin is subject to restrictions.

It is important to pay attention to the rules for transporting liquids and jelly-like products.

The nuances of transporting things in the cabin

Now let's discuss some details regarding the carriage of hand luggage. Airline regulations require that these items be transported either inside a special hanging shelf that is located above the seats, or under the seat.

It is for these reasons that the client presents all baggage for weighing and measurement before departure, and also goes through security control. All items at the airport are measured, weighed and labeled.

Moreover, personal belongings that the passenger takes into the cabin in addition to the main luggage are not subject to such a procedure.

Hand luggage is placed on a special shelf in the cabin or hidden under the passenger seat

Among the list of items that the company allows you to take with you on the plane are handbags, men's briefcases, suits in briefcases, and paper folders.

You will not have to register umbrellas, outerwear, telephones, cameras, video cameras, laptops, baby food and the latest press.

In addition, you can bring baby carriers, car seats, strollers and bassinets free of charge. The list also includes equipment for moving disabled people.

In other words, transporting a stroller without a baby or a wheelchair by a third party will require an additional amount to be paid for exceeding the baggage allowance.

As for the rules that regulate the dimensions of such items, airlines here allow the transportation of baby strollers as hand luggage. Moreover, the dimensions of such equipment fit into the size 55x40x20.

There are no similar standards for disabled equipment. Now let’s look at how much baggage costs on an S7 plane if a passenger exceeds the standards set by the company.

Principles of pricing for “extra” luggage

Considering that some airline fares do not provide the client with free space in the luggage compartment, let us clarify the cost of transporting luggage. There are three assessment systems at work here: overpayment for the number of seats, assessment of dimensions, or payment of excess weight.

The price of the first “extra” space in the compartment with a luggage weight of up to 23 kg and dimensions that fit into the figure of up to 2,030 mm is 50 €. If you need to take one more place, with similar parameters, its cost increases to 150 euros.

Exceeding the company's standard for weight, dimensions or number of seats will require an additional payment of 50 - 150 euros

Now let's discuss the grading system for overweight items. Customers pay 50 euros for excess weight in the range of 23–32 kilograms. Weight over 32 kg is paid in the amount of 100 conventional units. In both situations, the dimensions of the cargo do not exceed the specified limit of 203 cm. If the total size of the sides of the luggage is higher than this level, the passenger will pay 150 €.

It is appropriate for people to study the rules for transporting things in advance. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the airlines at the stage of booking a seat, because certain nuances play an important role and often become the reason for the airline’s refusal to transport specific items. The provided link will help you study in detail the details and requirements regarding the transportation of passenger belongings.

Source: http://nasamoletah.ru/pravila/pravila-provoza-bagazha-s7.html

Siberia Airlines (S7), baggage rules

S7 AirLines is a member of the Oneworld alliance. The S7 fleet consists of Airbus and Boeing aircraft.

The most popular questions when flying on airline planes.

What weight of luggage can I carry for free?

The free baggage allowance depends on the route, class of service, departure date and type of aircraft. The maximum weight of baggage is indicated on the passenger's regular or electronic ticket. On average, you need to focus on the following:

Hand luggage is not included in the free baggage allowance. Children under 2 years old flying in the arms of their parents are entitled to one seat weighing no more than 10 kg. Hand luggage is not allowed. The special program “S7 Priority” gives privileges to frequent flyers.

During a transit flight, the passenger has the right to reduce or increase the weight and number of pieces of luggage carried, with a mandatory additional payment in case of an increase. In case of reduction of transported baggage, recalculation is not made.

Baggage rules when traveling in a group

When traveling in a group, S7 Airlines allows you to add up only free baggage allowance. Baggage is checked in and a baggage receipt is issued separately for each specific passenger. The commonality of the group must be documented.

Carry-on baggage rules

Any items that violate flight safety or threaten the health of other passengers and the aircraft crew are prohibited.

Juices, gels, pastes, sprays, any liquids are prohibited in containers larger than 100 ml.

The total amount of liquid per passenger should be no more than 1 liter. Liquids must be packaged in a resealable transparent bag and presented for inspection at check-in.

An exception is only for medications, baby food, and special dietary foods required during the flight if there is a prescription or certificate.

At check-in, hand luggage must be checked for size at special restrictors at the airport.

Carry-on baggage must necessarily pass through an introscopy or manual inspection, so carry-on baggage does not need to be wrapped with packing tape. A passenger who refuses inspection will be removed from the flight.

How to pack luggage?

The packaging must ensure the safety of baggage during loading, unloading and during the flight, not disturb the safety of the baggage of other passengers, be in good working order, lockable and not fall apart during the flight.

It is not allowed to combine two pieces of luggage, packed separately, into one baggage piece. There should be no protruding or external cutting objects in your luggage.

It is rational to tighten the luggage space with fastening straps.

What is prohibited to carry?

Perishable foods, poisons, caustic, radioactive, explosive (including fireworks, flares) substances, compressed gases, oxidizing materials, flammable substances (paints, varnishes, etc.), experimental animals.

Where is my luggage during the flight?

Checked baggage flies in the cargo hold of the aircraft on which the passenger is flying. The passenger does not have access to it during the flight. The carrier's airline is responsible for the safety of luggage. The passenger has the right to check the weight of his luggage at the airport of arrival.

Hand luggage is located under the passenger seat. The passenger's personal belongings can be stored in a lockable luggage compartment in the aircraft cabin. The passenger himself is responsible for their safety.

Passenger luggage can be stored free of charge at the airport of arrival for two days from the date of arrival. For storage beyond the term, the baggage owner is charged at the current rates.

What items are not presented for weighing?

In addition to hand luggage, you can take into the cabin a laptop, a video camera, a book, a folder with documents, a handbag, a purse, a cane, an umbrella, a camera, a video camera, a stretcher, a portable cradle, and a folding stroller.

How much luggage can I carry for an additional fee?

One piece of checked packed baggage should not exceed 50kg.

Carriage of excess baggage is possible only with prior agreement when booking or purchasing an air ticket.

Oversized baggage is accepted for transportation only if there are devices for transportation and fastening in the cargo compartment during the flight, as well as the technical capabilities of the aircraft.

Tariffs for excess baggage depend on the specific flight and flight direction. There are tariffs within the Russian Federation and separately for Africa, the USA, the Middle East, and Europe. For example, Samara-Moscow -3 euros per kg, and Moscow-Frankfurt am Main - 250 rubles per kg.

Non-standard baggage is accepted at special counters at the airport. Ski equipment in a case, together with additional equipment, with a total weight of more than 23 kg and the sum of three dimensions of more than 203 cm, is paid as excess baggage.

Where should I pack the batteries and thermometer?

Carrying cylinders for a life jacket, a mercury barometer or thermometer (in sealed packaging to prevent leakage), any equipment that generates heat when turned on (underwater lights, soldering irons) is allowed only in hand luggage and by prior agreement with the carrier. Energy sources must be removed for flight safety. In the case of several carriers, the consent of all participants in the carriage must be obtained in advance.

How to transport animals and birds?

Animals, except guide dogs and birds, are not included in the free baggage allowance. Their transportation is paid according to the current tariff and according to the weight of the animal along with its cage or container.

If the cage size is more than 203 cm and the weight is more than 23 kg, transportation of animals is paid as excess baggage. In advance, you need to agree on the conditions of transportation with the air carrier, for example, clarify the availability of ventilation in the cargo compartment.

A guide dog must have a collar, muzzle and a special certificate.

How to transport gas weapons?

Gas weapons and cartridges can only be transported if you have and present a permit to store and carry weapons.
Thanks to the S7 AirLines mobile application, you can book, buy a ticket and check in directly from your mobile phone.