Safety rules for emergency situations on board an aircraft. Rules of conduct on board an airplane ABC of child safety on airplanes

To ensure safety during air travel in emergency situations, even when boarding the aircraft, crew members must conduct a brief briefing for passengers, where they talk about the norms and principles of behavior in emergency situations.

Violation of these rules is fraught with tragic consequences for all passengers on the flight, including the violator. All travelers in the aircraft cabin are responsible in any situation, which is especially important in emergency situations. Violation of safety rules on an airplane is subject to a large fine and prison sentence.

Emergencies on board

Airplane - safe look transport, which is recognized by official statistics. Emergencies on board occur extremely rarely. The number of injured passengers in an emergency during air travel is significantly less than in the same car accidents.

But even on the most modern and serviceable airliner, emergency situations can occur that entail the risk of complete destruction of the aircraft or mortal danger for all passengers on the flight.

According to statistics from aviation services, 80% of plane crashes occur due to human factor and only 15% - technical malfunctions of the aircraft.

All emergency situations on an airplane are divided into several types:

  • Disaster – aircraft accident on an aircraft, resulting in the death of people.
  • An accident is an emergency situation on board that resulted in serious damage to the aircraft, but without loss of life.
  • Breakdowns are an unforeseen situation associated with technical malfunctions of an aircraft, which does not affect flight safety.
  • Terrorist takeover.

What to do in emergency situations

There are basic rules for safe behavior on an airplane in emergency situations, the observance of which is mandatory for all participants in air travel.

Inattention to the instructions of crew members and a lack of information about the norms of conduct on board in emergency situations increases the risk of danger to the life and health of all citizens on the plane.

If everyone acts competently and confidently, responsibly following the procedure for dealing with an emergency on board, there is a chance for a successful outcome of the air travel.

In case of fire on an airplane

A fire in an aircraft can occur due to a technical malfunction of the aircraft, which leads to a short circuit in the electrical equipment, as well as due to non-compliance with the rules of behavior by the passengers themselves, who ignore the ban on smoking in the cabin.

Airplane fire safety rules:

  • After boarding the flight, carefully inspect the cabin and remember where the emergency exits are. Calculate the number of rows to this place so that in a smoky space you have the opportunity to quickly navigate and get to the emergency exit.
  • You can evacuate from a burning plane in the first 2-3 minutes, so it is very important not to get confused in such a situation, to act quickly and consciously.
  • If a fire occurs on the runway, you should not linger at the airstairs; you must jump off as quickly as possible and move to a safe distance.
  • To avoid severe burns, it is recommended to remove flammable synthetic clothing and, if possible, cover exposed skin with fabric made from natural materials.
  • In case of heavy smoke in the cabin, move towards the emergency exit, bending down to the floor. It is better to cover the face, in particular the respiratory organs, with a scarf or any other rag soaked in water.
  • There are hatches on the plane that cannot be opened in case of fire. This can intensify the flame and lead to more tragic consequences.

There are fire extinguishers on board the aircraft, with the help of which the crew will attempt to independently fight the fire.

In an airplane accident

During an air flight, an emergency situation may occur, the outcome of which often depends on the observance of safety precautions by all passengers on the flight.

Rules of conduct in case of an accident on an airplane:

  • Fasten your seat belts correctly. They should cover the hips, not the stomach.
  • Listen carefully to the instructions of the flight attendants and strictly follow the instructions received.
  • Do not get up from the passenger seats or unfasten your seat belts until the aircraft comes to a complete emergency stop.
  • After receiving an evacuation command from an airship, act quickly, strictly following the instructions of the personnel.
  • After leaving the plane, move to a safe distance.

Where is the best place to sit on a plane:

When a plane crashes

When an airliner crashes, not everyone has a chance of survival, but if you act strictly according to the instructions, you can find hope of salvation. According to statistics, some passengers managed to survive as a result of aviation accidents, having carefully studied the rules of conduct in an emergency situation on board and acted according to these rules at the time of the plane crash.

Rules of conduct in case of a plane crash:

  • If the plane crashed onto land, surviving passengers should not move far from the wreckage, where rescue services will first go to search for people.
  • If possible, it is necessary to light a fire, which will serve as a guide for rescuers, and at the same time allow injured travelers to warm up.
  • It may take several days to find people. Surviving passengers stranded in extreme environmental conditions must find a source of drinking water to quench their thirst and find some food to avoid starvation. According to experts, a person can live up to 4 weeks on one chocolate bar. Any food found, be it fresh berries from bushes or caught fish in a pond, must be properly distributed for small snacks, thanks to which the passenger will be able to survive until the meeting with the rescue service.
  • If a plane crashes into water, surviving passengers need to move in the water to prevent hypothermia. Try to find a suitable watercraft nearby on the water surface on which you can hold out until the rescue team arrives.
  • Airplanes have life jackets that keep people afloat well. The main thing is not to inflate or put them on while the liner is falling. In one plane crash, people managed to survive after falling into the water, but due to inflated vests, they were unable to escape from the sinking wreckage of the airliner, which led to death.
  • If the passenger managed to get to land on his own, he needs to take off his clothes, wring them out well and put them on again. As a rule, in such situations it is impossible to find dry clothes.

When a plane is hijacked by terrorists

The hijacking of an aircraft by terrorists poses a serious danger to passengers and crew members. It is very important to behave correctly in such a situation, without compromising terrorists for actions that are mortally dangerous to human life.

Rules of conduct when hijacking an aircraft:

  • Fulfill all the demands of the invaders.
  • Try to calm down and not panic. This condition will only aggravate an already dangerous situation, which could cost human lives.
  • Carefully inspect the aircraft interior without making any sudden movements. Think about where it will be convenient for you to hide if a firefight breaks out on board.
  • Try not to stand out from the crowd. Do not draw the attention of terrorists to your person.
  • If the invader demands to remove jewelry or give money or expensive gadgets, fulfill this requirement unquestioningly. Do not try to save your property at the cost of your own life.
  • Do not attempt independent rescue, do not do anything on your own - the main rule of conduct on board an aircraft hijacked by terrorists.

Experienced special forces soldiers are engaged in rescuing passengers and crew members. As a rule, hijackings of airliners occur extremely rarely and are carried out with the aim of obtaining certain benefits. The invaders will definitely express their demand and will wait for response from the authorized services on the ground.

Special forces soldiers will also develop a plan to rescue passengers on the hijacked plane. If you hear the clear command “Everyone on the floor,” act immediately! After such words, a shootout may begin.

If the command “Emergency leave the plane” is received, promptly comply with this requirement, observing safety precautions when evacuating to the exit.

In any emergency situation on board an aircraft, remain calm and act strictly according to safety rules. Compliance with these requirements will significantly increase the chances of salvation. Always believe in the best and don’t think about the bad when planning an airline flight.

Rules for competent behavior of parents and children, basic safety rules on an airplane and mandatory rules of good manners.

Transport infants in special restraints. As a rule, the aircraft of each airline have seats with the ability to attach a cradle. It is better to find out the possibility of providing a cradle when booking air tickets. The carrycot is designed for babies weighing up to 11 kg. The carrycot is provided after takeoff. During takeoff and landing, the child must be picked up and tightly fastened with a child seat belt to your own seat belt that is tightly fastened. The child must be kept facing forward! Under no circumstances should you hold your baby facing you during takeoff, landing, or in emergency conditions! With a sharp deceleration or impact, there is a very high risk of injuring the child’s spine with the adult’s body (the adult’s body, by inertia, will begin to move forward, bending around the seat belt and bending the child against the physiological position around the child’s belt). Therefore: hold the child facing forward only. These are recommendations for the situation when a child flies WITHOUT providing him with a separate seat. In order to be able to fix the cradle on the wall, passengers with infants are given seats in the first rows or near the partitions (depending on the type and modification of the aircraft). At least demand it.

You can use your car seat to carry your child on an airplane. It must be a chair with markings “approved use for aircraft” or “approved for airplane use”. Models of car seats of categories 0, 0+, 1 have such markings and permits. In this case, the baby flies with the provision of a separate seat - the child seat is installed in a regular seat near the window, and the parent is given a seat next to it. In seats that have the appropriate certification, the child must take off and land. It is also recommended to wear them during the flight - the child, I note, must be fastened. (By the way, it’s also better for parents to wear seat belts during the flight).

Rules of conduct for parents of infants during takeoff and landing. If a child is flying in a separate seat in a car seat designed to carry a child on an airplane, the child MUST be seated in the seat, fastened with the internal seat belts, during takeoff, landing, or turbulence. If a child is flying WITHOUT providing him with a separate seat, in a bassinet: when the captain of the ship turns on the “fasten seat belts” sign, either parent must pick up the child and tightly fasten the child with a child seat belt to a tightly fastened adult seat belt. It would also be a good idea to check the “blowers” ​​above the child’s seat – turn them off so that the baby does not catch a cold. Never wear a seat belt together. Make sure that there are no objects in the child’s hands that could injure him.

Rules of conduct for parents of infants in emergency situations on an airplane

Rules that you, parents, must know. And God forbid you from ever having to use this knowledge.

Health care. Don't forget, firstly, that all flight attendants are first aid trained, so you can count on them. Don’t be lazy - it’s best for parents to regularly take first aid courses themselves - at least once every three years.

Oxygen mask. If the plane depressurizes, put the mask on yourself first, then on your child.

Turbulence and emergency landing. If the child is not flying in a restraint system, but in a carrycot, then hold the child in your arms, tightly fastened with the child's seat belt to your own seat belt tightly fastened. With your own hands, create a safety zone around the child’s head - a protective field. Ideally, the child should be in a special child seat designed for transporting children on an airplane. In an emergency situation, an adult will not be able to correctly hold not only the child, but also his own body (this is why it is important to tighten the belt tightly!). When an impact occurs, the torso of an adult wearing a seat belt begins to fold around the belt, as if grouping, as a result of which his head rests against the back of the seat in front - this is why the backs of airplane seats are made to fold forward when pressed on them from behind. And this is also why, and not only to clear escape routes during takeoff and landing, they are asked to be brought into a vertical position and fold down the folding tables.

Fire. During an emergency landing in the event of a fire, cover yourself and your child with outerwear, put on hats - following the instructions of the flight attendants, bend down, walk or crawl towards the exit, covering your child.

Emergency landing on water. In case of an emergency landing on water, you must use a life jacket, which in most cases is located under the seat. It must be put over your head and fastened as shown during the pre-flight briefing. YOU CAN ' T ACTIVATE (INFLATE) THE VEST BEFORE DEPARTURE OF THE PLANE!!! This may make evacuation difficult! Evacuation is carried out on the wing plane or on inflatable ladders.

When going down the inflatable ramp, you should remove your high-heeled shoes. Having approached the emergency exit with a baby in your arms, you should, holding him approximately at chest level, sit on the ladder and slide down the ladder like a slide, covering the child with yourself. At the bottom you need to clear the ladder as quickly as possible and move to a safe distance.

While in the water, it is necessary to control the position of the child’s head when above water. Take the fetal position and hold the baby close to you to reduce heat loss.

Evacuation. Evacuation from an aircraft is carried out depending on the location of the source of danger and the location of emergency exits suitable for evacuation in a specific emergency situation. The “passengers with children - forward” rule does not apply. You cannot open an emergency exit if fire is visible through the porthole or the exit is below the water level! In any case, passengers closest to the exit are evacuated first, and then those further away. An attempt to “overtake” each other, an attempt by passengers with children to be “out of line” will lead to a crush and panic. When moving inside the plane, hold the child in front of you, creating a “safety perimeter” around him with your hands and your body, thereby protecting him from possible crush (but this should not interfere with the normal evacuation of other passengers).

How not to panic. Panic is, in fact, one of the damaging factors, as it complicates evacuation and rescue work. Whenever emergency situations it is necessary to maintain composure and concentrate on correctly and accurately following the instructions of the flight crew. If panic arises in people nearby, you should try to calm them down in a calm tone. It is important to prevent panic from occurring. It is important to do your best to extinguish it at the very beginning, as panic develops like an avalanche.

Airplane safety instructions state that you need to wear your seat belt during takeoff and landing, and, preferably, to be seat belted during the entire flight. Skeptics may argue that there is no point in using seat belts on an airplane - what difference does it make, at a kilometer altitude, whether you are fastened to a seat or not.

In fact, of course there is a difference. And neglecting the little things in the air can really cost you your life, reports Day.Az with reference to Don"tPanic. Neither the airline nor the stewards want to buckle you into a seat just because it will cause them fewer problems. Here are a few reasons why which you must always fasten your seat belt on the plane.


Seat belts first appeared on an airplane, and not in a car, as many people think. The first flight on a homemade device was made by the French engineer Adolphe Pégu. In order to perform the famous loop and make a long flight upside down, he came up with the idea of ​​​​playing it safe with belts. These same belts, with significant modifications, were then used in ground transport.

Colliding with an obstacle

A collision or too sudden braking gives the body such inertia that it can literally fly forward. It is clear that there is not much room for maneuver on an airplane. But, believe me, a few meters at high speed to an obstacle is quite enough for a person to fall to his death.

Peace of mind for passengers

Many rituals that are carried out on board an airplane are designed, first of all, to calm passengers. Routine actions performed by stewards, smooth hand movements indicating emergency exits during pre-takeoff briefings - all this creates the appearance of routine. The brain subconsciously receives a signal that everything is fine. Fastening your seat belts once again confirms to your body that nothing extraordinary is happening.


Turbulence is a nightmare for many passengers who are afraid of flying. It must be said that turbulence itself very rarely leads to disasters. But during the shaking of the cabin, damage (and quite serious ones) can easily be sustained by those passengers who did not fasten their seat belts.

On takeoff

Many people wonder why they need to wear seat belts on a plane taking off. In part, they are right - after all, overload already reliably presses a person’s back to the back of the chair. But it is still necessary to wear a seat belt: the pilot may need to brake sharply while still on the taxiway, and then it will not be possible to do without injuries.

Upon landing

The greatest danger awaits passengers when the plane is already descending, or has even touched the taxiway landing gear. According to statistics, it is at these moments that most disasters happen. And sad experience shows that passengers die in the aircraft cabin - not because the fuel tanks exploded, but because they did not buckle up and simply flew out of their seats. So, the next time a flight attendant asks you to fasten your seat belts, don't be dismissive. You will be healthier.

Experts call the rules of behavior on an airplane strict and mandatory for everyone. After all, they are prescribed taking into account all basic safety requirements. And in order not to endanger everyone on board, each passenger must strictly comply with all prescribed requirements.

Each air transport flight can be divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics and nuances. Among them:

  • Acceleration along the runway and directly take off into the sky
  • Set of liner heights
  • Turbulence
  • The flight itself
  • Decline
  • Landing

Each of them has its own rules, which the crew will warn passengers about. And here it is necessary to understand that if the ship’s commander said that it is necessary to immediately carry out everything strictly and without argument.

Strict prohibitions

The restrictions for passengers are quite simple. They are prohibited:

  • Create certain situations that may threaten the health and lives of other passengers
  • Insult other people on board the aircraft
  • Use alcohol (the exception is those options that are offered on board, but mostly they are distributed in business class, and not always in economy class, but you can buy them)
  • Smoking, electronic versions are also prohibited
  • Use life-saving equipment unnecessarily for recreational purposes
  • Create certain conditions that will interfere with other passengers
  • Damage airline equipment

It is prohibited and inappropriate to joke on board a plane, for example, about the presence of luggage or hand luggage bombs, etc. Such behavior may well be regarded as a terrorist attack or a call for criminal activity. For this, a fine of up to 200,000 rubles may be imposed. There are other penalties established by this article.

Basic safety rules

Experts assure that the safety rules on the plane themselves are quite simple:

  • Do not disturb anyone on board: you should board the plane as quickly as possible, without lingering in the aisles and creating a crowd; you should not take up the entire aisle, trying to pack your things into the overhead bin, etc.
  • Follow all crew recommendations
  • Turn off any electronic equipment you may be carrying during takeoff.

It is important to understand here that failure to comply with the requirements does not only lead to a ruined flight. The airline may restrict the passenger from moving on board the aircraft - cases when it is necessary to literally wrap up rowdy passengers and force them to sit down. Also, administrative penalties are often applied to such passengers.

Rules of conduct during takeoff and landing

Taking off and landing on an airplane are considered the most difficult stages of the journey, as well as the most dangerous. In this regard, special attention is paid to compliance with safety requirements during this period of the flight.

Before takeoff, while the aircraft undergoes all preparatory and testing procedures, the crew must ensure maximum safety of their aircraft. The flight traditionally begins with a briefing given by the flight attendants. They explain in detail what needs to be done and when, indicate the location of emergency hatches, etc. And you should listen to this information very carefully.

In addition, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  1. Turn off mobile phones: despite the fact that there is no direct evidence of the danger of radiation from radiotelephones on airplane electronic systems, the requirement to turn off mobile phones still remains
  2. Bring the back of the seat to a vertical position: this requirement is explained quite simply - if an emergency occurs, passengers will have to leave their seats, and the reclined back of a neighbor’s seat may simply interfere with them
  3. Fasten your seat belts: if the airliner applies emergency braking, there is a risk of injury or even death, because the braking speed of the airliner is from 200 km per hour
  4. Cover the table in the chair: the considerations are the same, so that during emergency braking you cannot run into it and get injured
  5. Open the window shades: this measure is necessary so that a person’s eyes can quickly adapt to the surrounding reality in the event of an emergency evacuation

It is also worth doing simple rules courtesy on board. For example, do not listen to music loudly on headphones - this is necessary so as not to disturb others, and also not to miss important information about flight attendants and stewards. In addition, it is not recommended to hold heavy objects in your hands during acceleration and deceleration of the aircraft. This is necessary so that during emergency braking you do not let go of the object and injure passengers.

Behavior of children on board

Children aged 2 years and older on board the aircraft are regarded as full passengers. This can be seen in the ticket prices. This means they must follow a number of rules.

When flying with a child, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Take care of the child’s nutrition: this will distract the baby until the food is distributed throughout the cabin, and will also allow you to insure yourself in case there is no food offered on the plane at all.
  • You should take toys for the baby: this will keep the baby occupied during the flight and create conditions where he will not disturb others
  • Strictly follow the instructions of the flight attendants - do not unfasten the baby during takeoff and landing, calm down and do not disturb passengers if he begins to act up
  • Always accompany the baby when he begins to move around the aircraft cabin

In all other respects, the rules for children are the same as for adults. Children are also required to follow all flight attendant instructions. And you should talk to him about this in advance.

Compliance with all rules ensures flight safety. This means that everyone who is worried about their life will strictly comply with all simple requirements.

1. Don't take dangerous items on the plane

To ensure your flight is safe, it is prohibited to take flammable or explosive items on board. The rule applies to aggressive substances (mercury and acids), ammunition, firearms and bladed weapons, gas pistols, and spray cans. Full list Prohibited items are located on the back of the ticket.

Competition of drawings and posters of safety rules on ships and planes

2. Follow the rules for transporting hand luggage and baggage

The weight of hand luggage must be no more than 5 kg, and its dimensions must not exceed 50x50x100 cm; it must be labeled “Into the cabin”. Depending on the flight route and class of service, the free baggage allowance may vary. Information about baggage rules is indicated on the ticket. Existing size and weight restrictions are related to the technical capabilities of the aircraft and directly affect the safety of passengers. If an unscheduled situation occurs on board, it is necessary that everyone has easy access to emergency exits, and the alignment of the aircraft is maintained.

There is a list of things that you can carry with you in your arms, these include the following items:

  • the press that you will read during the flight;
  • folder for papers or handbag;
  • baby food, travel cradle;
  • raincoat or coat;
  • cane or umbrella;
  • Important documents and securities.

3. Fasten your seat belts

Seat belts are designed to keep passengers safe during takeoff and landing of an airliner, and throughout the flight. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury if the aircraft enters an area of ​​air turbulence. Since it is impossible to detect entering this zone in advance, it is better to remain buckled throughout the flight. When dangerous situations arise for passengers, the command “Fasten seat belts” will appear on a special display. If your seat belt was not fastened before, this command should be executed immediately.

Before each flight, passengers receive information about what technical equipment should be used in the event of an accident. Since on different ships they can differ not only in their appearance, but also in their location, you should pay attention to everything that they tell you. If danger arises, you will be able to act quickly, thereby increasing the chances of a positive outcome from the current situation. At your request, the aircraft crew is obliged to provide you with all information related to the flight.

5. Turn off electronic devices during flight

The use of electronic devices that may interfere with the operation of the aircraft's navigation and radio devices is strictly prohibited. These include portable video cameras, computers equipped with television screens, remote-controlled toys, and laser disc recorders. At the same time, voice recorders and electronic games on liquid crystals are allowed by the rules. Full information You can get information about which devices you can use on board and which ones you cannot, from the flight attendants of the airliner.

6. Avoid smoking

Due to the large burning part of cigars and pipes, smoking them on board an aircraft is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited throughout the airfield, when entering and exiting the aircraft, as well as in the toilet, if the “No Smoking” sign lights up on the board. In addition, economy class passengers are prohibited from smoking on flights within Russia.

7. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages

A passenger's consumption of alcoholic beverages should not cause conflicts with other flight participants. It is prohibited for a person under the influence of alcohol to board an aircraft. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages brought with you.

8. In the event of a plane crash

  • Lean forward, clasping your head with both hands. Quickly remove all sharp objects, including watches and jewelry. Hold the children close. Do not get up from your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop. If passengers begin to leave their seats and move around the cabin without permission, panic may arise on board and the alignment of the aircraft may be disrupted. Follow all instructions from the ship's commander and crew.
  • Damage to the hull, a broken window, and a malfunction of the pressure maintenance system cause decompression and depressurization of the airliner. There is a rumbling noise in the cabin, oxygen fog, and the pressure is unstable. Within a short time, the crew will lower the liner to a height where there is a sufficient amount of oxygen. To avoid suffocation while the pilots perform the necessary actions, be sure to use an oxygen mask. It should not be pressed to your face, but put on so that it cannot fall if you lose consciousness.
  • Fires on board are among the most dangerous emergencies. The resulting smoke spreads very quickly throughout the cabin; passengers have no more than three minutes to leave the aircraft cabin - this is the time for which most airliner models are designed. It will be possible to move inside the liner only on all fours, since smoke will very quickly fill the entire space. If the passage is blocked, you must lower the backs of the seats and move along them.
  • After stopping movement, you must immediately leave the plane, for which use emergency hatches and special inflatable slides. If there are injured people or children on board, help them get out. When outdoors, you must move to a safe distance from the aircraft and lie down on the ground. Cover your head with your hands to avoid injury from fragments in the event of a fuel explosion.
  • The wounded must be given first aid. If you find yourself in a deserted area, you need to use available materials to build shelters where the wounded and children will be placed, find a source of drinking water and send several people for help.


Upon boarding the aircraft, the passenger will find in the seat pocket detailed instructions, which indicates the location of emergency exits and other necessary information that may be useful during the flight. To resolve any issues that arise during the flight, the passenger can contact the flight attendant. You can also check out useful information even before the flight, by visiting the sites