Peru - interesting facts about the country. Interesting facts about exotic Peru. Why do birds have feathers? Why do they need plumage? Famous Peruvians

Peru This is the country where a travel lover should definitely visit if the opportunity arises. And it is worth doing this for the following reasons:

1 ) Southern Peru has the largest concentration of huge and dizzying canyons on the ground, and Kolkinsky the canyon was included in Guinness Book of Records as the deepest in the world. Kolka Canyon for a whole kilometer deeper than the Great American- distance from the river surface to mountain peaks reaches 3 kilometers 400 meters.

2 ) There you can also see the largest winged predator in the world - the Andean condor, whose wingspan exceeds 3 meters and weight can exceed 11 kilograms. Interestingly, Andean condors can even see the body of a dead animal on the ground from a height of 7,000 m.

3 ) Peru, along with Bolivia, has the largest alpine and navigable lake in the world Titicaca, located at an altitude of 3812 m.

4 ) A city located high in the mountains Machu Picchu is the most visited attraction in Latin America. Thisthe most famous and most mysterious monument Inca culture, locatedat an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters above sea level, it is visited by more than half a million tourists a year. And it's worth it.

5 ) Reserve Manu is the largest protected area in Peru and one of the largest in the world. In terms of biological richness and diversity, no reserve in the world can compare with Manu, since most of its inhabitants are endemic biological species, that is, those that are found only here. In 1977, UNESCO declared Manu a zone biosphere reserve reserve and natural heritage of humanity. In the territory of Manu they also live aboriginal archaic tribes that do not maintain contact with the civilized world. At least on my own initiative.

6 ) And of course these are famous Nazca desert drawings(or Nazca Lines, or Nazca Geoglyphs), which you can see with your own eyes by taking a bus to the town of Nazca and buying a ticket to a special tower, or ordering a small special excursion plane.

7 ) Well, one more, bonus, reason to visit Peru: in 2007, the fountain complex “El Circuito Mágico del Agua” was opened in Lima, which at that time was the largest in the world, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It is truly an impressive and beautiful sight.

And this was filmed on its own “soap box” back in 2007.

And further 8 interesting facts about Peru:

1 ) In Peru there are not only seals but even penguins. These are Humboldt penguins, a species found only on the rocky ocean coasts of Peru and Chile and on offshore islands.

2 ) The Peruvian coat of arms depicts, among other things, cinchona. The point is that the medicine quinine the product obtained from it is wonderful anti-malaria, a fever that decimated Europeans who were exploring new worlds. But the only people who knew the secret of healing were the conquered Incas.

3 ) Growing the coca bush and consuming its leaves is legal in Peru (as in other Latin American countries). A tonic tea is made from coca leaves and simply chewed. However, coca is not cocaine yet. In fact, the use of its leaves in Latin America has such ancient roots that coca cannot be found growing wild. Its leaves are used as a tonic by truck and bus drivers during night journeys, students, Indians carrying loads along mountain roads, etc. To do this, the leaves are simply placed between the teeth. But, as already mentioned, coca leaves are not prohibited here, since in order to achieve the effect of one dose of the famous drug, it is necessary to chew about one bag of coca leaves. And this is physically impossible.

4 ) In Peru, in Cajamarcafamous mystic writer was bornCarlos Castaneda .

5 ) Famous illustrator Boris Vallejo(Boris Vallejo) was born and raised in Lima, Peru. However, he gained fame in America, where he emigrated in his youth, feeling confident in himself as an artist.

6 ) The most famous artist of the style pin-upAlberto Vargas(Alberto Vargas) is also from Peru. He also emigrated to America, where he later gained fame. By the way, his works were so popular that the term “Vargas girls", and in the 40s many military aircraft were decorated with his "girls".

7 ) When you look on the map, then Peru looks like a relatively small state in terms of its size, especially compared to Brazil.

However, in territory of Peru can fit 4 Italy with a ponytail, or all Spain together with Portugal + France + Greece and there will still be a little space left, or 11 Bulgaria.

8 ) And finally, a completely amazing fact: neither The Incas, neither knew the culture before them no wheel, no writing, no even gland(!) And yet somehow they managed to build a fairly developed civilization, although far behind Europe and Asia.

True, there are big doubts that all these great buildings really builtThe Incas.

Are you a traveler?

The amazing and incredibly interesting Latin American country of Peru is a real treasury of history, everyone agrees with this fact. Ancient civilizations, in particular the Incas, left their rich heritage. The modern Republic of Peru is one of the least wealthy states in the region, but at the same time one of the most beautiful. Yes, it is not very safe here, but the beauty, according to many tourists, is worth the risk.

Facts about Peru

  • The percentage of the Indian population in this country is higher than in almost all other countries in South and Central America.
  • In Peru, drinks infused with coca leaves are popular, as they are considered cultural heritage Peruvians. For obvious reasons, they cannot be taken out of the country.
  • In the capital, Lima, military personnel in armored cars guard all major streets at night to curb rampant crime.
  • Of all the countries in South America, Peru is second in size only to Argentina and Brazil ().
  • It is from Peru that plants that are widespread throughout the world, such as potatoes and tomatoes, originate.
  • Located in Peru, Marcos University, founded in 1551, is the oldest in the New World, that is, in the Americas.
  • The territory of Peru was once larger during the era of Spanish rule. After the expulsion of the colonialists, the famous revolutionary Simon Bolivar divided it into, in fact, Peru and Bolivia. True, immediately after this a military conflict began between these two states, which lasted about 20 years.
  • Many buildings erected in these parts by the Incas have survived to this day. Unfortunately, the conquistadors under the leadership of Francisco Pizarro destroyed all the ancient Inca temples, erecting their own, Catholic ones in their place.
  • In the 19th century, the Republic of Peru, together with Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, successfully resisted Spain in the war ().
  • The gesture of “twirling your finger at your temple” among Peruvians does not mean a hint of madness to the interlocutor, but only that the person is thinking.
  • It was in Peru that such an animal as the llama was tamed and domesticated.
  • The most famous landmark in Peru is Machu Picchu, amazingly well preserved to this day. stone city Incas.
  • Peruvian drivers begin to press the horn as soon as anyone hesitates in front of them for even a second. In traffic jams there is always an eerie cacophony of dozens and hundreds of car horns.
  • Citizens of Peru have the right to visit Russia without visas. Russians this exotic country You don't need a visa either.
  • As in almost all of Latin America, with the exception of Paraguay, Spanish here is native language for the majority of the local population ().
  • Traditional Peruvian cuisine is included in the Guinness Book of Records because it has more dishes than any other - more than 500.
  • The most popular city among tourists in Peru is Cusco. More people would visit it than Lima, but international flights they still fly to the capital.
  • The most popular Peruvian dish is ceviche - raw fish marinated in lime juice. And the most common local side dish is rice.
  • At night, all areas of Lima, the Peruvian capital, are quite dangerous, except for the guarded center. There are also areas where you shouldn’t go during the day.
  • Attendance at elections in Peru is mandatory. Those who do not vote risk losing government services provided to the population.
  • Located in Peru, the Cotahuasi Canyon is the deepest in the world, as much as 3,500 meters. This is almost twice as much as Grand Canyon in USA ().
  • The Peruvian city of La Rinconada, lying at an altitude of more than 5 km above sea level, is the highest mountain city in the world.
  • In rural areas of Peru, shamans are still held in high esteem and respect.
  • A primitive tribe still lives deep in the Peruvian wilds. Visiting it is prohibited, and its habitat is hidden from the general public.
  • There are almost more restaurants and cafes with Chinese cuisine in any Peruvian city than with national cuisine.
  • In total, as many as 16 languages ​​are spoken in Peru, but only three of them are official - Aymara, Spanish and Quechua.
  • Lake Titicaca is located in Peru, the highest mountain in the world and at the same time the largest in the world. South America.
  • This country ranks first in the world in the production and export of asparagus.
  • Peruvians associate the color yellow with good luck, so on New Year's Eve they dress up in all yellow.
  • The most popular Peruvian drink is called chicha. It is made from corn, and its taste is vaguely reminiscent of fermented kvass with a small amount of alcohol.
  • According to statistics, only in India there are more shamans than in Peru ().
  • Peru is a mountainous country, but almost two-thirds of its territory is covered with forests, many of which have grown together into impassable jungles.
  • As in Asian countries, tuk-tuks and covered motorcycle taxis are popular here.
  • Corn is incredibly common in Peru, it is eaten and drinks are made from it. In total, more than 50 varieties of it are cultivated in this country.
  • According to archaeological finds, people lived on the territory of the modern Republic of Peru 12,000 years ago.
  • Unfortunately, earthquakes are common here. On average, one of them every year turns out to be quite destructive.
  • Despite the high humidity, it rarely rains in Lima, Peru.
  • Some Peruvian national dishes are prepared from guinea pigs.
  • More than 1,600 species of orchids grow in Peru.
  • The highest quality cotton in the world is grown in Peru.

is the third largest country in South America, which ranks nineteenth in the top twenty large countries peace. It was here that in the twelfth century BC it was formed ancient state Incas. Then a monarchy was born in this territory, which lasted until 1533, until it was captured by the Spaniards. This mysterious country is famous for historical events, many of which have not been solved to this day - so let's learn in more detail the most interesting facts about Peru.

Unusual and interesting facts about the country of Peru

Customs and traditions

  1. Peruvians can often twirl their finger at their temple during a conversation. You shouldn’t think that they want to offend you - no, this means that the interlocutor is simply thinking about the situation.
  2. The natives live quite poorly, but it is worth noting that the literacy rate is quite high. The country has free secondary and primary education, so more than ninety percent of Peruvians have diplomas.
  3. On New Year's Eve, there is such a thing in the country when yellow panties are given as a gift to friends and relatives. This color is believed to bring good luck.
  4. The country's electoral system is strict and compulsory. Individuals over eighteen years of age may not be issued a passport or be denied many government services if they do not vote.
  5. In the forests of the Amazon in Peru, a real tribe of Indians was recently discovered, which is not even aware of the existence of civilization. Their location is carefully hidden so as not to interfere with their lives. This decision was made by the government together with the scientific council.
  6. The country ranks second after India in terms of the existence of powerful shamans. Here they are treated with respect and awe and are often asked for help.

National cuisine

  1. Guinea pig Cuy is considered a traditional dish here. There are entire farms dedicated to breeding this animal and there are a huge number of ways to prepare it.
  2. In Chincha in southern Peru, the local population can easily afford to eat a cat.
  3. Only in this country can you taste a drink made from a live frog. It is believed to help cure bronchitis, asthma and improve male potency.
  4. Peru is home to delicious vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes and avocados.


The state of Peru has a huge number of different historical and natural attractions. Some of them are listed in the Guinness Book of Records, others are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

  1. The highest navigable lake on the planet is. It is also considered the largest in all of Latin America.
  2. One of the most important attractions of the country is, of course. This former capital ancient Incas, its history dates back tens of thousands of years.
  3. The deepest in the world is considered to be located in the region. Its depth is 3535 meters, which is twice as deep as the famous Grand Canyon in the USA (1600 meters).
  4. One of the still unsolved places on the planet is. There is a very clear, error-free pattern on its entire surface. With its bizarre shape, it resembles several runways. This suggests that they were left behind by an alien craft.
  5. In the city, the capital, rich in food, there is an unusual fountain; instead of water, vodka flows from it. During its existence, tourists drank more than two thousand liters of “fire water”.
  6. The city was considered the most important in the Inca Empire; buildings were preserved in it ancient civilization(, and many others), which harmonize well with medieval colonial architecture. The entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


  1. Tropical rainforests occupy two-thirds of the country. Peru also has more than ninety diverse microclimates, making the country one of the most biologically unique in the world.
  2. Grows in Peru 1625 various types orchids, of which 425 varieties grow in their natural environment near legendary city Machu Picchu. One of them, the Inkaterra Hotel, houses the largest private collection in Latin America. It has about five hundred varieties of orchids.
  3. There are approximately twenty-seven snow-capped peaks, whose height is more than 6000 meters above sea level. The highest is El Huascarán, its height is 6768 meters.

Peru is one of those countries where almost everything is interesting. Here rich story and culture, delicious, unusual cuisine, many unique monuments and attractions. People live poorly, but they appreciate every moment, loudly celebrate holidays and have fun during everyday life. It will take more than a dozen years to explore this country; it is large, interesting, diverse, it combines ancient and modern times.

New crops

The well-known tomatoes, potatoes and avocados were spread around the world from Peru. It was here that these products were originally grown, and conquistadors, conquerors, and explorers, having tasted them, transported them to all corners of the planet. In addition, it was also distributed from Peru around the world guava– a tropical fruit used for medicine and cosmetology.

More than 55 types of corn are grown in Peru in all possible colors. There are at least 3000 types of potatoes. Several main types of avocados of different shapes and colors also grow here. It is important to note that local residents are very sensitive to these cultures. For each dish there is a certain variety of corn, potatoes, avocado, and tomato.

Vodka fountain

Peru boasts one of the most interesting cultural monuments - vodka fountain. For the country's Independence Day, the company producing the national drink Pisco Sour built this fountain on main square Lima. The fountain is filled with two thousand liters of grape vodka, which local residents drank absolutely free directly from the fountain on the day of the holiday.

On May 12, 1551, the first university in America was founded in Lima. Today he is one of the most famous, respected and privileged in the world. Studying there is not only the key to a good career and knowledge, but also honor. In addition to its university status, San Marcos is also the scientific research center of Peru.

Taming a Llama

The llama, currently domesticated, was tamed to humans 3,000 years ago by the Incas. They did not have carts or carts, but to deliver cargo to different places was necessary, so they tamed the llama to use as a beast of burden. At the same time, only males were taken for work, and females were used for breeding. At that time, they were not milked, not killed for meat, and not even sacrificed. Only wool was used.

The Incan city of Machu Picchu was built in the 15th century. The city operated until 1533, and today is a gathering place for thousands of tourists. Upon arrival in Peru, this city is the first place where the average tourist aspires. This is very a nice place, protected by local authorities.

The city is located at a height 2450 meters above sea level deep in the Andes. The peculiarity of the place is not only in its beauty. The purpose of this place has not yet been precisely established. How the Incas used it, and where they mysteriously disappeared in 1533. These and many other secrets are one of the many reasons for the fame of this place and its popularity.

Local National cuisine has about 500 different dishes and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The culture of this country is in many ways similar to the Spanish one, since before independence it was ruled by Spain. And yet, despite such influences, Peruvian cuisine has its origins in the Incas. It is the dishes of the Inca civilization that are now considered the national Peruvian cuisine. Although you can also find several Spanish dishes in it.

Peruvian cuisine is very exotic, at first glance and tasting it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment; you need to taste most of the dishes in order to understand and accept these dishes, since some of them are made in an unusual way and not entirely from the usual products. They often use guinea pig meat, a bunch of different varieties of corn and potatoes, different flavors and types, there is even a cocktail made from a live frog. Of the most frequently consumed and iconic dishes, two national ones should be named – Pisco Sour and Guy. The latter is made from guinea pig.

The highest city in the world is located at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level. City of gold miners. Despite their official status, they are not paid money for their work. At the same time, at the end of the working day they are allowed to take away any amount of mined ore. The trick is that identifying gold-bearing ore is very difficult and does not always work, so the principle of luck comes into play here.

The deepest canyon in the world - 3535 meters. Formed by the Cotahuasi River and located far from civilization. It will take about 12 hours to get there, but the spectacle that opens up is worth the time.

An amazing grass bridge is located in Peru. Its length is thirty-six and a half meters. The bridge was made from a certain grass by the people of Kanas province to connect several villages. Its peculiarity is not only in the material, but also in the fact that it is updated annually. Grass is not an eternal material, rain, wind, sun wear it out and spoil it, for this reason, every year local residents begin full-scale repairs, re-harvesting grass, ropes from it and renewing it.

And a few more facts

  • Peru is the 19th largest country in the world and the third largest in South America.
  • A drink made from a live frog is made by local residents. It helps against asthma, bronchitis and improves potency.
  • Koyur-Riti – National holiday at the end of May. During the day, you need to bring a piece of snow from the glacier to the temple, at its foot. It gets rid of illnesses and gives good luck.
  • There are a lot of shamans here, more only in India.
  • The Marcaruasi plateau is a place where stone figures of various animals are located: elephants, turtles, camels, which have not been found in Peru itself for a long time.
  • The last of the Latin American countries gained its independence in 1821. And before that it was considered a Spanish colony.
  • The largest lake in Latin America is Titicaca, located in Peru.
  • The country has free primary and secondary education.
  • 6th largest gold producer.
  • More than half of Peru's territory is covered by rain forests.
  • Yellow color is considered lucky among the Peruvians, so New Year, everyone tries to wear something of this color.
  • The eighth largest coffee producer in the world and the fifth largest Arabica coffee producer.
  • It has about 90 microclimates - one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Very varied landscape and views. There are mountains, plains, rainforests and sandy beaches.
  • The best varieties of cotton are grown in Peru.

Peru is an amazing country in which Indian traditions have survived to this day, despite the former onslaught of the Spanish conquistadors. Two cultures, native and European, mixed, ultimately forming a cocktail amazing in its brightness and originality. But local traditions and beliefs are still strong here, which makes Peru an extremely interesting country for any tourist.

  1. Peru is the third largest country in the South American continent after Brazil and Argentina.
  2. The first people appeared in the territory now called Peru, 10 thousand years BC.
  3. In the 12th century, the Incas appeared in Peru and founded a state called Tawantinsuyu. Over the five centuries of its existence, it grew to become the largest empire that existed on the continent before its discovery by Christopher Columbus.
  4. Peru is home to one of the largest and most famous Inca cities, Machu Picchu. This amazing ancient monument is officially recognized as a wonder of the world. All the townspeople suddenly disappeared in 1532, and scientists still don't know what could have happened to them.
  5. The capital of Peru was founded by the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro, who destroyed the Inca Empire by executing their leader. Lima's birthday celebrations take place in January and last for a whole week.
  6. In the 19th century, the territory of Peru was divided into two parts - Peru itself and Bolivia (see).
  7. In Peru, June 28 is celebrated at the state level as Ceviche Day. National dish from raw fish marinated in lime juice and seafood. In 2013, a monument to this delicious food was unveiled in Lima.
  8. In Peru, at least one strong earthquake occurs every year (see).
  9. Russians do not need a visa to travel to Peru - they can spend up to 90 days in the country without any documents other than a passport.
  10. Lima is a city with an unusual climate. His distinctive feature is high humidity combined with an almost complete absence of rain.
  11. In Lima you can try almost all the cuisines of the world, for which the city has earned the title of culinary capital.
  12. Peru is a corn country; about 55 species of this plant grow on its territory. Fruit grains can be not only yellow, but also black, purple or white.
  13. They cook in Peru a traditional dish from guinea pigs (see).
  14. Lima is home to the oldest university on the American continents - the university opened its doors to students in the mid-16th century
  15. Peru ranks sixth in the world in gold production.
  16. The Peruvians managed to breed over 3 thousand types of potatoes (see).
  17. Peru has the second largest number of practicing shamans in the world.
  18. In southern Peru, locals eat cats.
  19. In the Peruvian region of Arequipa there is one of the deepest canyons on the planet - the depth of the Colca Canyon exceeds 3.5 kilometers.
  20. Peru is widely known for its tropical forests, which occupy almost two-thirds of the country’s territory (see).
  21. Experts believe that the best cotton in the world is grown in Peru.
  22. One of the hotels in Peru houses the world's largest collection of orchids, owned by a private individual. It includes flowers of more than 500 varieties.
  23. Before the New Year, Peruvians give panties to their family and friends.
  24. In the Peruvian mountains is Lake Titicaca, which is considered the highest lake on Earth suitable for navigation. This body of water is also the largest in South America (see).
  25. Residents of Peru managed to tame llamas over 3,000 years ago.
  26. Peru is home to almost 90 different ecosystems, making the country famous for its rich populations of plants and animals.
  27. In the Sechura Desert, tourists climb the world's highest sand dune - its height from base to top is almost 1.2 kilometers (see).
  28. Peru ranks first in the world in the export of asparagus.
  29. Due to its diversity, the national cuisine of Peru is included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  30. The mysterious Nazca Lines, intriguing scientists from all over the world, are located on a desert plateau in Peru. These are huge images of animals or geometric shapes, made using grooves up to 135 centimeters wide and up to 50 centimeters deep. Science is powerless to explain when and how these incredible drawings, visible only from a bird's eye view, appeared.