Inexpensive holiday in Vityazevo with a child: review from a mother. What to choose for a vacation: Anapa or Vityazevo? Which is better to choose Vityazevo or Dzhemete

The wonderful resort of Anapa can offer excellent opportunities for recreation. But many prefer to settle not in Anapa itself, but in its suburbs or neighboring villages - Supsekh, Sukko, Bolshoi Utrish, Blagoveshchenskaya and Vityazevo. Let's talk about the latter in more detail. What to choose, Anapa or Vityazevo? What are the pros and cons of these resort towns? By the way, to compare these resorts, I do not take into account the Dzhemete area, which is located near Anapa (it even flows smoothly into it) - everything there is a little different than in Anapa itself, so we’ll talk about Dzhemete later.

Pros of Anapa:

In Anapa the tourism sector is more developed, more nightclubs, bowling centers, large shopping centers. Anapa also has parks, alleys, and convenient roads. In Vityazevo, this entire structure is missing - sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, squares. But there are plenty of ugly cafes and market traders there. Yes and night life Anapa, IMHO, is better, or more diverse, than in Vityazevo, and young people in Anapa will be more interesting.

-the sea in Anapa is slightly warmer than in Vityazevo. Since Anapa is located in a bay, the waters here are shallow and therefore well heated. It is believed that the sea in Anapa is two to three degrees warmer than in other resorts Krasnodar region. When vacationing with children, this is a definite plus. And yes, almost everywhere there is a gentle entrance to the water, convenient for children.

Anapa – greener resort. Vityazevo is literally a bare steppe with a bunch of houses, there’s not much greenery, and in Anapa the alley on Solovyanova is worth a look!

Here you can find inexpensive housing closer to the sea. In the Vityazevo Sea it is “across” the village, so most of the dwellings are located far from the sea. Walking two and a half kilometers in the heat is somehow inconvenient, uncomfortable, hard, hot (especially with children), but coastal houses and hotels are expensive, well, or more expensive than in Anapa

- more entertainment for children(there are three water parks in Anapa, including one mini-water park just for children, and in Vityazevo there is one for everyone. In Vityazevo there is a dolphinarium, but in Anapa the dolphinarium is combined with a zoo, a penguinarium and an aquarium. Plus a luxurious park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory with attractions, crocodile farm, etc.)

- fewer mosquitoes. 90% of Vityazevo is an area stretched from the sea along the flood plains. And the swamps are mosquitoes. And they bite unpleasantly! This is not the case in Anapa.

Eat beautiful embankment, with restaurants, bars and clubs on open terraces. In Vityazevo there is no embankment as such, except perhaps Paralia, but it runs perpendicular to the sea, and that’s not it!

From Anapa easier to travel to other beautiful beaches and places(for example, to the gorgeous beaches of Bolshoy Utrish, Sukko, etc. Anapa is the golden mean for a mobile person!). No, of course, and from Vityazevo you can go anywhere, by bus or minibus. It's just stressful. And in the evening, after a study tour, it’s somehow not very good to return to Vityazevo: for example, in the evening you can’t go from Anapa by minibuses to Vityazevo, everything is jam-packed, and taxis are expensive. In general, returning from Anapa to Vityazevo at night is much more expensive than going to Vityazevo during the day from Anapa.

- more different beaches. Whether you want sand, pebbles or boulders. In Vityazevo there is a 10-kilometer beach strip, everything is about the same everywhere, and in Anapa there is a cheerful Central Beach, beautiful Dzhemete beach, pebble beach High Coast, luxurious closed "Golden Bay", and not far from pebble Sukko.

Pros of Vityazevo:

- the beaches here are freer, up to 300 meters wide, not like in Anapa, where they will literally walk over your head, especially on the Central Beach. And the sea! The sea in Anapa is simply teeming with people, it’s even creepy. No, of course, you can swim on the wild beaches of Anapa, but there are not always conditions there. Well, the beach in Vityazevo is ten times larger than the one in Anapa, it is well-equipped, so people comfortably settle down not on their neighbor’s head.

- the beaches are cleaner. In Anapa, the sand is compacted to almost asphalt in the central part, and the beaches there are also very dirty. Nobody cleans up the piles of garbage (plastic cups are the most harmless thing in this landfill). In Vityazevo it’s somehow better, probably because there are fewer people. The beach looks at least nicer. Well, getting into the water here is extremely convenient for kids, basically the same as in Anapa.

- it's calmer here. Every year, Anapa is visited by up to 4 million tourists, who fill all private houses, hotels, campsites and sanatoriums. Needless to say, it’s crowded on the beach, on the streets, and everywhere in general. Often you simply won’t be able to sleep because drunk tourists will be hanging around under the windows of your hotel or guesthouse. Vityazevo is also fun, and there are more and more young people every year (especially after large open airs began to be held here), you definitely won’t get bored there, everything is quite modern, but somehow Vityazevo is calmer, that whether. Anapa is a city, albeit small, but still... And Vityazevo is a suburb, you somehow feel more free there.

Cons of both resorts

Blooming sea. Yes, these resorts are located very close, and the problems of water pollution in these resorts are common.
Not to mention the fact that candy wrappers and cigarette butts thrown ashore by tourists end up in the sea. A much more significant problem is wastewater, which spoils the whole picture. Sewage water is thrown directly into the sea, both in Anapa and Vityazevo, and since Anapa is located in a bay, there are no special currents here, so all the waste accumulates faster, and things get worse. But if the water begins to bloom, then it will be bad for everyone. Sometimes there is a terrible smell. The sea is warm in both places, and the constant sun and high water temperature provoke the growth and reproduction of “protozoa” (I’m not talking about vacationers, but about algae).
True, perhaps due to the fact that Vityazevo is located at the exit from this bay, there are small currents that carry away a little dirt and algae that fall into the water. Unfortunately, this trouble sometimes blows towards Anapa - what a blessing to the city! In short, when the sea is covered with nasty green mud for several meters, it’s just a disaster, a swamp, ugh, and in a couple of days the situation may not improve, but only get worse! So sit all ten days waiting for a clear sea. They say that algae in the sea is useful, but not very pleasant. When you come out of the sea, your whole body is green, it’s true. In this case, it is better to pack your things and go to the nearest pebble beach in Sukko - there are no such problems there.


If you want a relaxing holiday a la “sleep-beach-lunch”, you’re probably in Vityazevo. If you want to party and have fun, it’s better to go to Anapa. With children, still, go to Anapa (but it’s better to go to the Dzhemete area, it’s calmer and cleaner there), in my opinion, it’s somehow more fun there and the beaches are closer. But this is just my opinion, someone thinks that Vityazevo is much more suitable for family vacation. Hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses in both Anapa and Vityazevo are equally good.

And in general, dividing Vityazevo or Anapa is wrong, because these resorts are too close to each other, and, as for me, they are practically one whole. Both there and there are good. Therefore, if you have never been to Black Sea coast, it’s worth visiting both cities, but first stop in Anapa. Fortunately, they are close - 13 kilometers from each other. Get to Vityazevo by bus or minibus from anywhere in the city:

- route No. 128(Lenin St. (city center) – Krymskaya St. – bus station – Pionersky Avenue – Dzhemete – Pionersky Avenue - “Pearl of Russia” - Aquamarine Park)

- route No. 114(Lenin St. - Krymskaya St. - bus station - Pionersky Avenue - Dzhemete - Pionersky Avenue - Vityazevo village - Peschany village)

- route No. 124(microdistrict 12 - Pionersky Ave. - Dzhemete - Vityazevo village - Vityazevo Winery)

- route No. 134(microdistrict 3B - microdistrict 12 - Pionersky Prospekt - Dzhemete - Vityazevo village - Vityaz LOK).

WITH railway station You can get to Anapa to Vityazevo by No. 100 or No. 129, however, you will have to get to Pionersky Prospekt and then change to the above mentioned buses.

By taxi It will, of course, be a little expensive, especially if you want to go from Anapa to Vityazevo in the evening.

The distance from Vityazevo to Anapa can also be covered by on water transport . Since 2012, a sea pier has been operating in Vityazevo, from where pleasure boats depart several times a day towards Anapa and vice versa. At the same time sea ​​adventure!

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Let's sort it out in order. Anapa or Vityazevo – where is the best place to relax?

More than one person has already asked me this question. Let's put everything into pieces. I warn you that my opinion is based on personal experience and preferences. And it may differ from yours.

Anapa or Vityazevo– where is the best place to relax?

It's quite difficult to choose. How not to make a mistake with your choice?

Anapa and Vityazevo are very close, the geography and climate are practically the same. Both there and there – the sea, sandy beaches, drinking pump rooms.

Anapa is a city, Vityazevo is a village. It would seem that this is the only difference?

But what matters is for what purpose you are traveling, alone or with children, in what season.

St. George's Church Vityazevo

Anapa or Vityazevo- Where better beach ? If you go purely for beach purposes and nothing else, you should definitely choose Vityazevo. Especially if with children. Getting to Vityazevo beaches will be much easier and faster from any area, since the village is small. In addition, the sea in Vityazevo is cleaner than in Anapa. And there are fewer people.

Central beach Vityazevo

Anapa or Vityazevo– where is the best cultural program? If your goals are to broaden your horizons (tourism), or if you want a rich cultural program, you should choose Anapa. In terms of comfort, walks, shops, the city is also more interesting.

High bank with Anapa lighthouse

But on the beaches there is literally nowhere for an apple to fall...

Of course, the level of relaxation comfort depends on the season.

You can come to Anapa all year round (there is a cultural program all year round, pump rooms, sanatoriums, and many hotels are open).

You can relax in Anapa all year round

There is nothing to do in Vityazevo from autumn to spring; many hotels are open only from May to October inclusive, and entertainment is closed for the winter.

You can only relax in Vityazevo in summer and early autumn

Anapa or Vityazevo– where is betterimprove health?(if the task is to heal). The choice of sanatoriums and boarding houses in the city is incomparably greater, and the price range is wider. You can choose a sanatorium taking into account the specifics of the disease and the thickness of your wallet. And walking along the Anapa streets is simply more pleasant than walking along the Vityazev streets. And walks are an integral part of any treatment. This text was stolen from the Roads of the World website (site)!

There are more attractions in Anapa and they are more interesting

Pros and cons of holidays in Anapa and Vityazevo

Now let's list the disadvantages and advantages briefly. Anapa or Vityazevo – where is better and by what criteria?

Pros of Anapa:

a large selection of housing, respectively, prices are lower than in the neighboring village;

a beautiful embankment along which you can walk;

Anapa embankment

Anapa embankment. Scarlet Sails

many parks, shady streets;

White hat is a symbol of the resort Anapa

Aibolit is a symbol of Anapa sanatoriums

rich cultural program (there are historical and architectural monuments, many museums, including the famous one);

Museum "Gorgippia" - a witness of the ancient era

Museum "Gorgippia"

The Anapa landscape is more interesting; the Caucasus Mountains already begin here, which can be seen from the Upper Embankment, and you can even take a walk;

View of the High Bank and Bald Mountain

Bald Mountain

From here it is easier to get to Sukko, Bolshoi Utrish and other interesting surroundings.


there are more people on the beaches;

the sea blooms more often and on a larger scale;

although the choice of cafes, canteens and restaurants is larger, catering in general is somewhat more expensive than in Vityazevo;

and the main disadvantage is that the food is not always tasty and of high quality. We ate at different places and maybe we were very unlucky, but I have never tasted such disgusting food anywhere in my life. And in one place they sold us completely missing food - this is beyond my understanding.

Fountain in the park of the 30th anniversary of the Victory

Pros of Vityazevo:

closer to the airport;

there are fewer people on the beaches than on the central beach of Anapa, you can always step aside and not lie 15 centimeters from your neighbor on the beach;

The beaches of Vityazevo are beautiful!

catering is cheaper;

Prices and quality of food are good

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Two of the most interesting resorts in the Krasnodar Territory are located near the city of Anapa. Vityazevo and Dzhemete are becoming increasingly popular among tourists in our country. If you are planning to go here on your vacation, then do not doubt what awaits you:

  1. Inexpensive travel to the seas;
  2. Promoting the development of tourism in Russia, indirectly making its contribution to the development of the economy of the Motherland;
  3. Opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery.

The question is where better rest in Vityazevo or Dzhemete is complex and ambiguous, because both resorts are beautiful and very similar. There are a serious number of similarities and at the same time differences in the features of the region. But still, we will try to figure out together with you where it is better to spend a vacation, but this is impossible to do without a detailed consideration of the features of each zone.

These Black Sea resorts will open up the opportunity for you to take a fresh look at domestic tourism and finally become convinced that the Russian land is truly beautiful. Moreover, by giving preference to resorts in your own country, you won’t have to worry about visas and air tickets at all, because you can use alternative and more affordable means of transport, which will allow you to save a lot of money.

It’s not easy to say for sure where the best seaside holiday is in Vityazevo or Dzhemete, since these resorts are geographically located very close to each other. But some of the differences can be identified right now, and based on an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, it will be possible to decide on the final choice.

Rest in Vityazevo

The Vityazevo resort is located not far from “civilization”. It is quiet and incredibly beautiful here. At the same time, if you have your own transport, then you can easily go to the neighboring city to buy groceries or anything else. Due to the fact that the sea here is not deep and warms up quickly, and the beaches are sandy and clean, this resort is more suitable for a family vacation with children.

Vityazevo is famous for the presence of healing mud intended for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, those who suffer from diseases associated with professional activity will find it useful to visit the local mud procedures, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process and help improve overall health.

The pride of the town is its very beautiful embankment. There are many photographs on the Internet, since tourists have long chosen this place. The resort is also famous for its relict lake, which is extremely beautiful and enchanting to the eye.

Works here winery, there are a large number of shops and restaurants. As well as a park and water park for adults and children. So there is no need to judge the development of infrastructure.

This offer is right for you if you:

  1. Love peace and tranquility;
  2. Are you going on vacation with children?
  3. Do you want to receive high-quality spa treatment?

Rest in Dzhemete

Dzhemete is a very nice and cozy abode for all tourists, regardless of their income. Due to its small size, good infrastructure, availability large quantity entertainment and proximity to Anapa, it has become a favorite place for many to spend a family vacation.

The village is divided into two parts – Lower and Upper Dzhemete. Verkhneye is considered a very affordable vacation spot with excellent prices. clean beach. And on the territory of the Lower part there are sanatoriums with hydrogen sulfide mineral springs and balneological procedures.

It is believed that the sand on the beaches contains pure gold! Due to the close geographical location to Anapa, tourists can easily go on foot or by boat to see this a beautiful city, and also visit many excursion tours, the famous water park and aquarium.

The lower part is famous for its vineyards, while the Upper part is famous for its legends, stables and inn. In any case, the nature of these places enchants with its beauty, the sand with its whiteness, and sea ​​water- warmth and transparency. There is entertainment for both children and young people.

What is interesting about the village:

  1. Democratic prices;
  2. A large number of water activities and attractions;
  3. Clean beaches and unique nature;

It’s difficult to choose where it’s better to relax in Vityazevo or Dzhemet, because at both resorts every tourist will find something to see.


Any tourist traveling to the Black Sea coast dreams of beautiful beaches, cleanest water, amazing natural landscapes. But the second condition for relaxation, in his opinion, should be proximity to civilization, the opportunity to get acquainted with ancient architecture, visit museums, and take part in cultural projects of an international scale. Dzhemete or – who will win the fight for tourists?

What are the similarities and differences between the two resorts, located almost within walking distance? Just 10 years ago, only a select few tourists knew about Dzhemet, who were captivated by the silence and cleanliness of the local beaches. Now the village has become part of Anapa, has many hotels and guest houses, and is positioned as a resort for family holidays.

Dzhemete or Anapa – whose beaches are cleaner?

In comparison with Anapa, the beaches of Dzhemete are significantly better; they are cleaner, freer, covered with sand dunes that cover the coast from the wind, making the holiday very cozy and comfortable. The descent into the water is gentle, the transition to depth is smooth, so the place is ideal for relaxing with small tourists. The central beach has a well-developed social infrastructure, there are sun loungers, showers, and attractions.

The beaches of Anapa are incomparably longer, almost 50 kilometers, and most of them are sandy; if desired, you can find pebble or rocky ones. Beaches are divided into public and departmental, belonging to sanatoriums and boarding houses; the division can be called conditional, since there are no fences between them. The beaches are quite crowded, sometimes tourists have complaints about the cleanliness of the shore and water. Knowledgeable tourists they go further away from the center, where the beach areas are not so “populated” with vacationers.


In Dzhemet, marine-themed souvenirs predominate: gifts from nature - shells, painted pebbles; hand-made souvenirs - magnets, etc. Local craftsmen make interesting things from glass, ceramics, and wood. The nearby Utrish Nature Reserve is a “supplier” of juniper, from which original souvenirs are also made. Traditional food gifts - honey, figs, spices, nuts.

The most popular tourist product in Anapa is mud, which is mined in the Vityazevsky estuary. You can buy jars of miraculous mud in pharmacies, shops, and souvenir shops. Food souvenirs from this resort are similar to those taken in Dzhemet - chestnut honey, nuts, famous Crimean wines, a special chic - wine in glass bottles of an unusual shape (in the shape of an octopus or a woman's shoe).

Entertainment and excursions

The main attractions in Dzhemet are provided by nature; in the vicinity of the village you can find several springs with mineral water, there are pump rooms. They also use healing mud, which is mined on Lake Chembur; its quality is close to that of the famous Dead Sea. If vacationers in the village want civilization and city entertainment, then Anapa is very close. Besides large resort, you can visit the hero city, Lermontovskaya.

Anapa cannot please you with its historical sights or architectural masterpieces, but it can amuse and surprise you. The most popular entertainment at the resort in the evening is the promenade along the long embankment, in some places two-tiered, going down to the sea itself. Symbolic funny sculptures are installed along it, and in the finale guests find themselves on observation deck, where it’s good to take “selfies” against the backdrop of beautiful Caucasus Mountains and endless sea spaces.

Dive into ancient history The settlement awaits tourists in the Archaeological Museum, which operates on the territory of the Gorgippia Nature Reserve, and in the Museum of Local Lore. Another famous historical landmark of Anapa is the Russian Gate, left over from a powerful fortress built by the Ottomans. Trips into nature are popular among guests, for example, to the Utrishsky Nature Reserve, where the most famous dolphinarium in the region operates; excursions to Taman, the highlands, Novorossiysk or are good.

It is clear that the climatic conditions in Dzhemet and its big “neighbor” Anapa are the same, souvenirs are supplied mainly from China or by local craftsmen, and the entertainment is similar.

But a comparison of the two resorts still allows you to see the difference, so the village of Dzhemete is suitable for vacation for those tourists who:

  • they want peace and quiet;
  • love a secluded holiday on the coast;
  • going on vacation with the kids;
  • love natural attractions.

Anapa is chosen by travelers who:

  • would like to be in the center of the beach and cultural life;
  • love tourist shopping;
  • they adore dolphins and would like to swim with them;
  • are going to thoroughly study the ruins of ancient Gorgippia.