Population of the USA and Russia. In the USA it is growing, in Russia it is decreasing. Ethnic composition of the USA: description, features and interesting facts How many people live in America

Population growth. After the formation of European colonies in America, their population began to grow at a significant rate. At the end of the 17th century, which began with the founding of the small settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth, approximately 250 thousand people lived in 12 colonies... Collier's Encyclopedia

A state in North America, a federal republic consisting of 50 states: Alaska, Hawaii and 48 states in the territory between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and between Canada and Mexico. The USA is a giant state, leading economic and military... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Population. Among the innovations of the federal Constitution was the provision for a national census every ten years. Originally intended to provide a basis for periodic adjustments to proportional representation... ... Collier's Encyclopedia

The population of Belarus is the totality of people living on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. According to estimates as of October 1, 2012, the population of the republic is 9 million 459 thousand people. Since 1994, the country has observed... ... Wikipedia

Population 436 ... Wikipedia

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A country in North America consisting of 50 states and territories Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands. It borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean... Geographical encyclopedia

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The population of Antigua and Barbuda is people living on the islands of the same name and the island of Redonda in the Lesser Antilles group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The estimated population as of July 2011 is 87,884. Antigua and Barbuda ranks 196 ... Wikipedia

In 2005 there were 8,528,000 people. Population Composition Racially, Haiti's population is homogeneous. 95% of the population are descendants of blacks brought to the island from East Africa during colonial times. The remaining 5% of the population... ... Wikipedia


  • Immigrant population of the USA, Sh. A. Bogina. The book examines the ethnic development of the American nation during the maturation of imperialism, analyzes the processes of assimilation of various immigrant groups in the United States, the relations of immigrants...
  • Glass time. Prologue, Ivanovich Ivan. 202.. year. An unprecedented natural disaster threatens to make the entire territory of America uninhabitable. The only chance to save not only the elite, but also the population of the United States is resettlement. The only...

National composition of the US population. Racial composition. African Americans, Germans in the USA

Racial composition according to the 2010 US Census, table.

Racial compositionQuantityPercent
Americans308 745 538 100,00%
White Americans 223 553 265 72,40%
African Americans38 929 319 12,60%
Asian Americans 14 674 252 4,80%
Native Americans or Alaska Natives 2 932 248 0,90%
Native Hawaiians or other Oceanians 540 013 0,20%
Some other races 19 107 368 6,20%
Two or more races9 009 073 2,90%

The American nation is a relatively young multi-ethnic entity, formed in the process of long-term cultural, economic, social and everyday interaction, as well as mixing with each other and assimilation of descendants of people of different ethnic origins, representing all three main races of humanity - Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid.

Rank Origin Quantity Percentage of total population
- Great Britain (1801-1922)
All people from the former United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
66 224 627 23,30%
1 German 42 841 569 15,20%
2 Irish 30 524 799 10,80%
3 African 24 903 412 8,80%
4 English 24 509 692 8,70%
5 American 20 188 305 7,20%
6 Mexican 18 382 291 6,50%
7 Italian 15 638 348 5,60%
8 Polish 8 977 235 3,20%
9 French 8 309 666 3,00%
10 Indigenous peoples of the United States 7 876 568 2,80%
11 Scottish 4 890 581 1,70%
12 Dutch 4 541 770 1,60%
13 Norwegian 4 477 725 1,60%
14 Scots-Irish 4 319 232 1,50%
15 Chinese 4 010 114 1,40%

White Americans(White American)

Make up the majority of US residents. Originating from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

72.4% White Americans in 2010- the smallest percentage of whites in history. The highest was in 1930 and 1940 and was 89.8%. T Also, the number of Hispanic and Latino Americans in 2010 was50,477,594 people or 16.4% of the US population.

US states with the highest percentage of white Americans, as of 2007: Vermont 96.2%, Maine 95.5%, New Hampshire 95.0%, West Virginia 94.3%, Iowa 92.9%, Idaho 92.1%, Wyoming 91.6%, Minnesota 90.94%, North Dakota 90.9%.

US states with the highest percentage of non-Hispanic whites , as of 2007: Vermont 95.4%, Maine 94.8%, West Virginia 93.7%, New Hampshire 93.4%, Iowa 90.9%, North Dakota 90.2%.

Americans of German descent (Germans in the USA, German American)
Self-identified German Americans make up 17.1% of the US population according to the 2000 US Census.

German Americans are Americans who are of German or Alsace origin. Number of about 50 million people(50,764,352 people or 17.1% of the US population (2009)) making them the largest e the largest group ahead of Irish Americans, African Americans and English Americans. They include 1/3 of the German diaspora in the world.

However, Anglo-Americans and British-Americans are still considered the largest ethnic group due to the fact that in the 2000 census, many English and British Americans self-identified under the new category of "Americans", considering themselves "native" because their families had lived in the United States for a long time or were of mixed European ancestry.

African-Americans in the USA (African-American)
African-Americans are an ethnic group of citizens or residents of the United States with full or partial origins from the region of Sub-Saharan Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa). According to US agencies, this group includes people who identify as African-American, as well as people who emigrated from the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa.

African Americans make up the second largest racial and ethnic minority group in the United States. Most African Americans are of Western and Central Africa. Wikipedia sources: , , .

Analysis of the demographic situation in the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation

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Currently, 77% of the population of Primorsky Krai lives in cities and towns. Before the October Revolution, there were only two cities in Primorye: Vladivostok and Ussuriysk. Now there are eleven of them...

East Africa. Economic-geographical characteristics

Population distribution. Urbanization

The region is populated quite unevenly. In the center of Ethiopia, certain regions of Kenya, and in the coastal zone of Lake Victoria, the population density reaches 100 - 200 people. per km2…

Demographic situation in the United States of Mexico. Country participation in international labor migration

4. Urbanization, population distribution

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Demographics of the world

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Almost all spaces suitable for human life and their economic activities are inhabited on Earth. N.m. unevenly distributed. Along with vast densely populated areas with a population density of more than 1 thousand...

Patterns and indicators of population distribution

1.3 Distribution of the population across the territory of the Russian Federation. Processes of urbanization, suburbanization and ruralization

Settlement is the relationship and mutual position of settlements within a specific territory. The forms of settlement depend on the natural features of the territory, the level of its economic development and the forms of settlements...

Population and labor resources of the Donetsk region

Chapter 3. Population distribution in the Donetsk region

The population in the Donetsk region in 2007 is 4580.6 people. 4140.6 people live in cities, 440.0 people live in rural areas. The average population density is 176 people per 1 square kilometer...

Population of Portugal

Chapter III. Population distribution

The distribution of the population throughout Portugal is uneven. The average density is 116.8 people per 1 km2. The population of some of the interior southern regions is 5 to 10 times less than the coastal western regions and islands...

Main factors for the development of urbanization in the Perm region

2.2 Calculation of urbanization indicators and distribution of the urban population of the region

Table 2 Calculation of urbanization indicators and urban population distribution Perm region for the period 1980-2012. Year N, thousand people Including U, % Uts, % Utsg, % Pg, person/km2 Pс, person/km2 Ng, thousand people. Nc, thousand people Nc, thousand people...

Peculiarities of population distribution in the world and the factors that determine them


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Distribution of the world population and forms of its settlement


The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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Comparative economic and geographical characteristics of the population of the USA and Italy

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Economic geography and regional studies

1. Population distribution. Urban and rural population

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How many Russians live in America in 2018? According to the latest census, there are more than 3 million Russian Yankees in the United States, more than 400 thousand of whom were born outside the country. Thus, if we do not take into account illegal emigrants, the number of immigrants from Russia is approximately 1% of the US population.

Russians according to the American census

New York is confidently the leader in the number of Russian speakers.

More than 1.5 million citizens live in the suburbs of the metropolis. In New York itself, the Russian population is about 600 thousand. This is as much as 8% of all city residents.

World Population Density

If we compare the data, it turns out that there are significantly more of our compatriots in this large metropolis than residents of the Middle Kingdom or Dominicans (760 thousand and 620 thousand, respectively).

The second place in the United States in terms of the number of immigrants from Russia belongs to California.

Southern California was “occupied” by approximately 600 thousand of our fellow countrymen.

It is worth noting that Russian speakers in the States include the majority of immigrants from the countries of the former Union. In response to a specific question in the questionnaire “what is your nationality,” the following data were provided:

For CIS countries:

  • Russians – 2,652,214 people;
  • Ukrainians – 892,922 people;
  • Belarusians – 25,639 people;
  • Other peoples of the former republics – 1,145,887 people.

In general, according to unconfirmed information, there are approximately 5.5 million people in the United States who speak Russian fluently.

According to others - from 4 to 5.5 million.

Income of Russians in America

In general, it can be argued that the Russian population has a fairly good income. So, for example, in New York our brothers have $47,000 per year per family. An interesting fact is that average level The income of native New Yorkers is $38,866 per year. Chinese – $42,199. Even 27% of Russian-speaking immigrants manage to earn more than $50 thousand a year, and only 23% have an income of less than $25,000.

This income can be explained high level Education of Russian-speaking people, 64% have at least a bachelor's degree or even higher.

More than 80% of our immigrants have completed high school, while those from other countries are far from achieving these numbers. In addition, the majority of Russians have a high desire to find paid work and improve their educational level.

This is probably why many people from Russia and the CIS countries find opportunities and ways to make money in this country, and these factors contribute to the popularity of this direction, especially among young people.

She goes to America not only to learn, but also to earn good money. Considering the fluctuations and instability of exchange rates in Lately, the benefits of such a tour are obvious.

First modern people appeared on the territory of the United States 10,000 years ago, Indian tribes moved from Siberia to Alaska and then spread throughout the United States. Today's generation of US citizens does not reflect the primary picture, ethnic Americans are completely unrelated genetically to them, Americans today are immigrants from Western Europe, mainly Great Britain, also from African countries.

Technically, only those who were already born in the United States can be called Americans; there is a large cultural and even economic gap between Americans and recent immigrants; second-generation Americans have already been able to adapt to life in the United States, they receive a good education and have a chance for a well-paid job. Since ancient times, a class society has been established in the USA, as in Great Britain, but in the USA class society is formed on material wealth, whereas in the old world it was formed on the family into which a person was born.

US demographics, statistics

Over the past 60 years, the population in the United States has grown by as much as from 1790 to 1950; during these years, 65 million immigrants moved to the United States from other continents; from 2000 to 2015, the US population increased by more than 10%. Today, more than half of Americans are white and come from Western Europe, although there are exceptions, such as Hawaii. Next in number is the Negroid race, the Mongoloid race, and the Americanoid race.

Today, the population of the United States, according to official data, is 320,480,000 people, in 2010 - 308,745,538, in 2000 - 281,421,906 people. These numbers make the US the third largest country in the world.

Racial composition

So, the white population of the USA is 61.4%, Hispanics 16.7%, blacks 13.1%, Asians 5%, mixed nationalities 2.3%, Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos - 1.2%.

Population by state

The most a large number of population in California 37253990 people, in Texas there are 25145580 people, in the state of New York 19378150, Florida 18801350, Illinois 12830642, Pennsylvania 12702390, Ohio 11536530, Michigan 9883680, Georgia 9687655, North Carolina 9535483, New Jersey 8791894, Virginia 8001024, Washington 6724540, Massachusetts 6547629, Indiana 6483802, Arizona 6392017, Tennessee 6346105, Missouri 5988927, Maryland 5773552, Wisconsin 5686986, Minnesota 5303925, Colorado 5029196, Alabama 4779736, South Carolina 4625364, Louis ana 4533372, Kentucky 4339367, Oregon 3831074, Oklahoma 3751351, Connecticut 3574097 , Iowa 3046355, Mississippi 2967297, Arkansas 2915918, Kansas 2853118, Utah 2763885, Nevada 2700551, New Mexico 2059179, West Virginia 1852994, Nebraska 1826341, Idaho 1567582, Hawaii 1360 301, Rhode Island 1052567, Montana 989415, Delaware 897934, South Dakota 814180, Alaska 710231, North Dakota 672591, Vermont 625741, District of Columbia, Wyoming 563626.

States with a larger white population are Vermont 95.3%, West Virginia 93.9%, Iowa 91.3%, Wyoming 90.7%, North Dakota 90.0%. The smaller share of the white population is highest in Hawaii, where only 24.7% of the population is white, followed by the District of Columbia 38.5%, California 57.6%, Maryland 58.2%, Mississippi 59.1%, Georgia 59 .7%, Louisiana 62.6%, New York 65.7%.

The majority of the population of the Negroid race in the District of Columbia is 50.7%, followed by Mississippi 37.0%, Louisiana 32.0%, Georgia 30.5%.

Less than one percent of blacks in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Vermont.

The largest number of Asians live in Hawaii - 38.6%, followed by the states of California 13.0%, New Jersey 8.3%, New York 7.3%, Nevada 7.2%. Less than one percent in Montana, West Virginia, Wyoming, South Dakota, Mississippi.

The largest number of representatives of Indians and Alaska Nations live in Alaska 14.8%, New Mexico 9.4%, South Dakota 8.8%.

List of countries by population density

Mixed ethnicities live in Hawaii 23.6%, Alaska 7.3%, Oklahoma 5.9%, California 4.9% Washington 4.7%.

US economically active population

According to the latest statistics, 155,000,000 people or 51.2% of the US population are economically active, and 147,000,000 people have jobs.

Urbanization and cities in the USA

81% of the US population lives in cities and suburbs, compared to only 54% worldwide. The most populous states are California and Texas, the population of the USA is constantly shifting to the west and south, the most populous city of the USA is New York.

US Fertility Rate

The birth rate or fertility rate in the United States in 2015 is 1.86 children per woman, compared with 2.1 worldwide. For example, the birth rate in the United States is lower than in Western Europe, so in the UK 1.92, France 2.01. Austria 1.93. But it is worth noting that the growth rate of the birth rate in the United States is one of the highest for industrialized countries in the world.

Americans are a young nation, people under 20 make up 27.3% of the total population, however people over 62 make up 12.8% of the population, the average age of US residents is 36.8 years.

Today, 50.4% of newborns are from ethnic minority groups. It is expected that by 2043-2050 the white population in the United States will become a minority. US population growth in recent decades has been primarily driven by Hispanics, who have accounted for 48% of national population growth.

The UN predicts that in 2050 there will be 402 million people in the US, and 417 million in 2060. Such rates are much higher than in developed European countries, such as Germany, or even in the Asian countries of Japan and South Korea, where the population is decreasing.

Total Fertility Rate by Race

The birth rate for US white women is 1.868, for black women 1.883, for Asian women 1.681, for Hispanics 2.149, for Alaska Natives and Indians 1.335, overall 1.858.

Demographic history of the United States

Already in 1900, 76 million people lived in the United States, among them 88% white and 8,800,000 African-Americans, with 90% of their descendants still living in southern states, there were only half a million Latinos at that time. The number of first generation immigrants living in the United States increased from 9.6 million in 1970 to 38 million in 2007.

Immigration to the USA

The United States has opened its doors to migrants since the 1990s, when one million people a year came to the country, while in the 1950s the figure did not exceed 250 thousand people a year.

Non-Hispanic Americans accounted for 97% in 1900, but are now a minority in 35 of the country's 50 largest cities.

The most low birth rate in the USA in Rhode Island, 1,630.5 children per thousand women, highest birth rate in Utah there are 2,449.0 children per thousand women.

Accordingly, Utah is the youngest state, where the average age of the population is 29 years, followed by Rhode Island 39.2 years.

Population density in the USA

The highest population density is in the District of Columbia 4,088.4 people per square kilometer, followed by New Jersey 467.2, Puerto Rico 407.7, Rhode Island 392.7, Massachusetts 331.3, and let’s not forget about the US Virgin Islands 305.9 and Guam 293.3, Connecticut 286.7, American Samoa 280.4, Maryland 235.8, Delaware 183.4, New York 161.0.

The most sparsely populated areas are Alaska, 0.5 and Wyoming 2.3.

Cities in the USA

List of United States cities by population

Top five major cities The USA looks like this: New York 8405837 people, Los Angeles 3792621, Chicago 2718782, Houston 2195914, Philadelphia 1553165.

Number of cities with a population of at least 100,000 people:

There are 70 such cities in California, 36 in Texas, 21 in Florida, 11 in Colorado, 10 in Arizona, 9 in North Carolina, 8 in Illinois, 7 in Virginia and Washington.

In the USA there are 9 of the 66 so-called global cities of the world. Global city or world city, alpha city, is considered an important element of the world economic system and has an important cultural and political influence.

For example, in terms of population and agglomerations, in terms of high cost, gross product, and metro passenger traffic, Tokyo is in first place, in terms of the number of foreigners, Dubai is in first place, in terms of the length of the metro is Shanghai, in terms of air travel is Atlanta, and in terms of the number of billionaires is Moscow.

Thus, the largest number of billionaires in US cities live in New York and Los Angeles, and the second is far behind the first, but in terms of gross product, Los Angeles is not far behind the leader of New York, followed by Chicago and Philadelphia.

In terms of air travel, after Atlanta there are Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas and Denver. The longest subway in New York by a wide margin compared to other cities.

The most expensive city in the USA is New York, but it is still only in 8th place in the world, and even lags behind Moscow, which is in third place. So in the first place in terms of the high cost of living is Tokyo, then Osaka, Geneva in fourth place, then Hong Kong, Zurich, Copenhagen, New York, Beijing, Singapore.

The wealthiest Americans are Asians, the poorest are African Americans, their average incomes are two times lower than those of Asians.

The largest number of foreigners live in the city of Miami, the gap from other cities is very significant.

There are 51 urban areas in the United States with a population of over one million people.

250 million Americans live in cities or suburbs.

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Number, composition and density of the population of the United States. How many people are there in the USA?

Looking for better life immigrants traveled to America. However, the US population density is still much lower than other developed countries (with some exceptions).

Indigenous peoples - Indians

The territory of what is now the United States was settled by Indians before European colonization.

About 400 tribes with a population of up to 2-3 million people were settled throughout the country.

European colonies began to form in this area in the 16th and 17th centuries. The main colonizers were the British: the British, the Irish and the Scots.

However, representatives of other nationalities also came from Europe to the American continent: Swedes, Dutch, French and others.

The indigenous peoples - the Indians - were almost exterminated. Those who did not die were booked. By the beginning of the 20th century, the number of Indians had dropped to 200,000 people. However, they are also part of the US population.

Active immigration

The largest migration of immigrants to America occurred in the mid-19th century.

At that time in Europe the situation was economically and socially very unstable. Approximately four million people arrived in the United States during this period. Mostly Irish and Germans.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many black women came to America as slaves from the African continent. By the mid-19th century their number was about 3.2 million.

Consequently, the same races and nationalities of the United States of America, the number of people continued to grow.

During the Revolutionary War, the influx of immigrants stopped and then continued and continued to grow faster.

It is estimated that there were about seventy million people in America from 1820 to 2000.

Immigration restrictions

To stem the flow of overseas immigration into the United States, he began to pass special laws regulating entry into the country. The first of these was adopted in the 1920s. Although this limited the influx of immigrants, it was not so important. This decreased the number of immigrants from Europe and Asia, but increased their numbers from both Americans.

In 1965, a new immigration law restricted access to countries.

There were strict quotas for different groups of countries. Priority right of entry was used only by scientists, qualified workers in rare professions, and relatives of American citizens. Currently, about 1 million immigrants come to the United States every year.

USA: population

According to the 2010 general census, the population of the United States was approximately 309 million.

Three hundred million people in this country were born in 2006. Annual population growth (natural and migration) exceeds three million people.

The American population today is 320 million. In terms of population, this country is the third country in China and India, which has already exceeded one billion.

By the way, Russian Federation ranks 9th on this list, which is almost half that of the United States.

The rough composition of the US population is roughly typical: white - 78%, black - 13.1%, Asian - 5%, Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos - 1.2%.

Among white people, 16.7% are Hispanic. Among immigrants (2006 Census Bureau data), Europeans number 169,197 million. Slavs are mainly represented by Ukrainians and Poles.

Wide open spaces

The US population density is far from the highest in the world (16,500 people per square kilometer, Monaco).

On the contrary, this country is one of the last places in this indicator among the developed countries of the world. Only Austria and Canada are worse than it. The population density in the United States averages 33.1 people per square kilometer.

Of course, the population is unevenly distributed throughout the country. This is mainly due to the history of land development in the United States and favorable living conditions. The colonization of America began in the northeast - on the Atlantic coast and in the Lakes region.

Today these are the most populated areas U.S.A. The population density reaches 100 people per 1 sq. Km. km, in some countries (New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, etc.) this figure is even higher - 250-350 people / sq. m. km.

At a distance from the coast, population density decreases. Mountains, such as Wyoming and Colorado, are sparsely populated (2 to 12 people per square kilometer). But the least number of people, of course, is in Alaska - 0.3 people / sq. m. Km. km.

Urbanization of population

In the early 20th century, the United States was still considered a largely rural country. But then, in America, rapid urbanization began. Now you can answer the question about the population in the United States: mostly urban.

Although cities and their suburbs occupy only about six percent of the country's territory, most of the population is concentrated - 74%.

Particularly indicative in this regard is California, where the urban population is 91%. The Mid-Atlantic countries are not far behind at more than 80%. Agrarian and less populated are the states of the Middle Plains and the south of the country. Although the urbanization of the latter is increasing significantly.

There are many cities in the US, but the largest urban population is in Megans. Ten US cities are home to more than a million people.

The largest of them is New York. Its population is about 8.5 million people. Second and third places are occupied by Los Angeles (about four million) and Chicago (about three million).

Close the top ten millionaires in San Jose (1 million 200 thousand people).

Agglomeration and metropolitan areas in the United States

The highest population densities in the United States are associated with metropolitan areas and meganes.

More than three hundred agglomerations are being formed in the United States.

Each one includes central city with a population of at least fifty thousand people and its suburbs.

The largest metropolitan area in the United States, the second largest in the world, is New York. It includes not only the New York metropolitan area, but also seven other major cities.

2.3 Population distribution

His total area is about thirty thousand kilometers and has a population of about twenty-one million people.

They continued to grow, and agglomerations began to form megacities. Thus, on the Atlantic coast of the United States, a large area (two hundred kilometers wide and one thousandth) has formed a strong structure that unites the metropolitan areas of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston.

More than forty million people live in this metropolis, which is called Boswash.

Additionally, the two largest metropolitan areas in the United States are smaller in size and population than Boswash. These are Chipits and San San. Half of the urban population of the United States lives in these three metropolitan areas.

Other population characteristics

How many people in the US already know.

It still needs to be said that there are more women than men among Americans. The average life expectancy of honest sex is 81 years, for the stronger half of humanity - 75 years.

The average annual birth rate is declining.

Currently there are 14 children per 1,000 inhabitants.

IN religious composition The population is dominated by Christians. More than half are Protestants (51.3%), Catholics - 23.9%.

Of course there are Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.

The official language of the United States is English (slightly different from the classical version).



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By “family” Americans understand the classic set of mothers, fathers and children.

The fact that such families are becoming less common does not affect their views.

An essential characteristic of an ideal family is the inactive woman, the caring economic mother who greets the children from school with fresh homemade cookies. Such mothers still appear, but they die like mammoths. Eighty percent of women between the ages of 25 and 35 will work every day for one simple reason: they need money.

Children surrender to kindergarten or relatives or neighbors; older children head off to school and then onto a longer day.

Working parents, especially those who have demanding jobs, spend hours with their children and grow them in quality rather than quantity.

Children learn to be independent and cautious, which gives them a sense of dignity during their youth. American parents treat their offspring with wonderful politeness, but you don't expect any European parents: "What do you want with your breakfast, fruit or rice balls?"

Is there enough milk? Okay, okay, okay, I'm going to take this dish out and put it in the teddy bear bowl. “Culture-centric culture, all kinds of Donald Dhaka and Barney the Dinosaurs are infiltrating every home, complicating conversations and spilling out of television screens. All evenings and weekends are for children. Homework in American schools is trivial, so children have plenty of time to lie in front of the TV for hours and hours.

A child (i.e., a nanny) is an expensive treatment and is discovered when all the teenagers work at McDonald's.

That's why American parents have children everywhere, including cocktail parties, movies and weddings.

Children must be protected from all possible risks and dangers. An American child receives his first bicycle helmet as a gift along with his first bicycle. The government carefully checks each player: if he does not follow the instructions, will he be harmed?

The days of children's chemistry kits and suction cups are long gone for eternity. In physical education classes, instead of American football, European football is played in safer football, and all the towers have disappeared from public swimming pools under pressure from insurance companies.

On the other hand, in many families, as soon as children acquire a license (usually at age sixteen), cars are purchased. Surprisingly, you have to pay for insurance, but since there is virtually no public transportation, your mother comes here for several hours every day. Such a shower, home children grow up to be genuine Americans - arrogant, narcissistic, persistent, cheerful, dreaming of one thing: now that your ancestors are getting rid of them by ordering them something deadly.

Eternal teenagers

For many Americans best years life - higher grades from fifteen to eighteen years. Teenagers have no responsibility, many opportunities to earn pocket money and spend energy to procrastinate and misbehave.

Many of them came to life at this stage of life, dressed and running away from all responsibilities until the oldest dementia.

Every American dream is to become a famous athlete, such as basketball player Michael Jordan or football player Joe Montana (both, by the way, are also rich, this is also not a detrimental quality).

Every Sunday on the playground there is a crowd of old home jocks chasing the ball and pretending that they will easily become experts, if not for the unfortunate need of feeding the family.

Americans dream of movie stars or models heading to beauty salons on the weekend, trying to outdo Polina Porizhkova and Cindy Crawford.

Additionally, leave the Dream Home to redecorate a guest bathroom, a drawer for embroidery tables, or wrap a dozen or two of tomatoes, for example. A lady named Martha Stewart, the head and owner of a magazine that has made an orderly fortune, teaches American ladies to dye leaves, grow parsley, and make a crown of dried flowers.

However, American women rarely enter the business. They spend all their time dreaming about what they can do in principle.

Intimate details

All Americans know that, regardless of their sex life, they can improve significantly. Books on how to get more joy out of intimate relationships sell like hotcakes, and every self-respecting lady magazine publishes a monthly article on how to do it better.

Confused and avoiding these topics, he is now not accepted.

But talking with talk and shame will not go away. In fact, Americans are incredibly clean. In most countries the law prohibits the movement of nudity in public places; one must not appear on the beach without a bathing suit that corresponds to at least a minimum dignity; This applies to men in particular—on average, American swim pants are three times larger than European swim trunks.

Nudist and Topless, and a woman who took off her bra on a public beach, risking getting locked up (although a New Yorker recently sued for the right to ride an underground rail up to their waist if they so chose).

Adultery is common, but not company approved. An American moral ideal that has nothing to do with the American real life, is a lifelong marriage between two virgins.

The most difficult moral demands are placed on political leaders. Therefore, all political scandals based on gender are hidden and harmless, unlike in other countries.

In America it is not normal to admit that you were guilty of this site, much less that you liked it.

All this advertising does not mean that Americans know what they are doing. Condoms, once huddled on the long shelves of drugstores, are now sold at every gas station and cost a newspaper, but conservative parents are still trying to force schools to teach basic sex education because they say they are immoral.

As a result, many Americans do not know how reproduction occurs in mammals.

US Population

Therefore, there are a large number of pregnant teenage girls.

Intimacy in serving Americans is worse than bitter radish, since the slightest suspicion of the slightest sexual misconduct threatens the court. Car mechanics don't hang any more clothes on the garage walls - it's prohibited, and the boss who told the secretary a fat joke is threatening to quit his job.

Lately, Americans have been slowly learning that men and women have a strong connection to intimacy, and a recent study found that it's in the genes. Now the damned man can come and say: “My gold, I have nothing to do with this. It's all genes."


Good behavior amazes Americans because they themselves have worse ways.

In recent years, middle-class parents have finally become concerned that their children not only know which fork they use for dinner, but their choice of forks. Well, perhaps partly, the fact is that you are mostly dealing with your friends at fast food, not at the family table.

And the Americans became interested in the ways: Bonton schools mushroomed, where young savages were taught to behave in a correct, exemplary and American style.

Previously, I had to invent rules of behavior for all unpredictable cases. How to introduce a happy young couple to your friends - his son and his friend? How should fathers of the bride behave during the wedding ceremony? Should he take his kids on their first date with their new crush?

Americans thrive on combining an almost brutal rudeness with a genuine concern for others.

They cried in public, shampooed at the table, cutting each other off at crossroads, without hitting the last cake from the plate. At the same time, give generously to charity, love animals and try to help the poor.

The many shades of American behavior are regional. New Yorkers are friendly, but business is considered rude and impatient, and spiritual people from the Midwest are so tight that they spend half an hour surviving when they buy a bar of soap.


Americans don't like smokers, they simply can't support them, and since these people are not modest, you explain at every turn how much they don't like them. In some parts of the country it is better to shoot immediately and hang rather than smoke.

Smoking is a kind of class indicator that separates workers from their superiors. Happy Country Inns Don't breathe in the smoke, but if you see a smoker in the lobby of the Ritz-Carlton, you can bet that a German or Japanese tourist or tobacco company co-owner is suggesting that there will be another place to invest the money.

Security guards, I'm late!

Americans (especially from big cities) look like the rabbit from Alice and Wonderland: they always watch their watch not too late. And, of course, it is too late, especially since wealthy and powerful Americans are known.

Highly rated Americans are concerned because they know how expensive it is. Lawyers charge every six minutes; for a man who earns eighty million a year, consumes two or three minutes on empty memories, throws thousands of dollars down the drain, and he completely understands it.

Popular news, discounts, promotions

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Histogram 2.3.1. Age and sex pyramid of the USA, 2014.

Thus, the general trend of current shifts in the gender and age structure of the US population can be characterized as the formation of a kind of “layer cake”, in which there is a decrease in the proportion of younger age groups, which in turn is compensated by its growth in the subsequent age category.

Chapter III.

US population policy

In this chapter I will present a small experience of implementing demographic policy in the United States and try to compare it with the current demographic policy of Russia.

The size of the US population - isn't it crowded for Americans?

Experience in implementing demographic policy in the USA

Almost all countries of the world recognize the need for demographic policy. State control over processes

fertility rate is carried out regardless of the demographic situation in the country and the growth rate of its population.

After all, the main goal of demographic policy is not only to change the demographic situation as a whole, but also to support existing demographic trends. It is typical for economically developed countries to carry out demographic policy exclusively through economic measures in the form of various monetary subsidies.

In the United States, state demographic policy in the traditional interpretation is virtually absent.

Here the attitude towards demographic problems can be defined as egalitarian, i.e. based on adherence to the principles of democracy and social justice, as well as respect for human rights. Citizens are given complete freedom of choice in the matter of childbearing, i.e. preference is given to individual decisions of each family, and any coercive measures and imposed conditions are excluded.

Families with children, as a rule, are provided with indirect assistance in the form of various tax benefits.

The favorable demographic situation in the United States is a significant advantage that will be realized by American society not only now, but also in the future. So in the 90s of the last century there was a record for the migration influx of the population, which amounted to almost 11 million people. A significant part of migrants are people of working and childbearing age, of which 2/3 of migrants are immigrants from Latin America and Asia with plans for large families.

As a result, over the past 20 years, the population in the United States has been growing due to the stabilization of the birth rate, and therefore the United States is a leader among economically developed countries, while ensuring expanded population reproduction.

In the current conditions, the US government can afford not to force the adoption of new family legislation and not take special measures to increase the birth rate.

However, there is a need to examine US social policy. For a long time, the ideology of US social policy has been made up of many principles, namely:

  • work ethics as a basic element of the value system;
  • liberal individualism as the highest value;
  • the influence of social Darwinism, which shows that survival of the fittest is a natural process;
  • freedom of the family as a private institution, refusal of state interference in family affairs;
  • a certain justification for racism, etc.

Thus, US social policy comes down largely to social support for the neediest people.

Currently, material support for American families is provided through a system of tax incentives and loans:

  • standard tax deductions and credits for each child;
  • child care tax credits;
  • tax credits for adoption, etc.

Thus, the provision of tax credits in the United States increases incentives to work, since wages become an additional source of income for American families.

At the same time, obtaining loans requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the US tax system and therefore this system is not accessible to the most needy Americans. In addition, tax credits can only be received once a year, that is, at the end of the tax period, and not when there is a need for them.

Possibilities of applying US demographic policy in Russia



In search of a better life, immigrants went and are going to America. However, density remains significantly lower than in other developed countries (with a few exceptions).

Indigenous people - Indians

The territory of the present-day United States was inhabited by Indians before European colonization. About 400 tribes numbering up to 2-3 million people were settled throughout American soil.

European colonies began to form in this area in the 16th and 17th centuries. The main colonialists were the British: the British, the Irish, the Scots. However, representatives of other nationalities also rushed from Europe to the American continent: Swedes, Dutch, French and others.

The indigenous population - the Indians - were practically exterminated. Those who did not die were placed on reservations. By the beginning of the 20th century, the number of Indians had decreased to 200 thousand people. However, they are also part of the US population.

Active immigration

The largest movement of immigrants to America occurred in the mid-19th century. In Europe at that time, the situation was very unstable, both economically and socially. About four million people arrived in the United States during this period. They were mostly Irish and Germans.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, many blacks came to America as slaves from the African continent. By the middle of the 19th century, their number was already about 3.2 million.

As a result, the assimilation of all races and nationalities of the United States occurred, and the population continued to increase.

During the War of Independence, the influx of immigrants stopped, but then resumed and continued to grow at an accelerated pace. It is estimated that approximately seventy million people came to America from 1820 to 2000.

Immigration barrier

To stop the flow of overseas immigration, the United States began to issue special laws regulating entry into the country. The first of them was adopted in the 20s of the 20th century. Although he limited the influx of immigrants, it was not so significant. The number of immigrants from European and Asian countries has decreased, but their number from the countries of the American continent has increased.

In 1965, new immigration laws further restricted entry into the States. Strict quotas were set for different groups of countries. Only scientists, skilled workers in rare professions, and relatives of American citizens enjoyed preferential entry rights. Now, on average, about 1 million migrants arrive annually.

USA: population

As of the 2010 Census, the US population was approximately 309 million. The country's three hundred millionth resident was born in 2006. Annual population growth (natural and migration) exceeds three million people.

Today the population of the United States is 320 million people. In terms of population, this country ranks third in the world after China and India, which have already crossed the figure of 1 billion. By the way, the Russian Federation ranks 9th on this list with an amount almost half that of the United States.

The racial composition of the US population is approximately characterized as follows: whites - 78%, blacks - 13.1%, Asians - 5%, Indians, Aleuts and Eskimos - 1.2%. Among whites, 16.7% are Hispanic. Among immigrants (2006 Census Bureau data), Europeans numbered 169,197 million. The Slavs are represented mostly by Ukrainians and Poles.

The open spaces are wide

The US population density is far from the highest in the world (16,500 people/sq. km, Monaco). On the contrary, this country ranks one of the last places in this indicator among the developed countries of the world. Only Austria and Canada are second to it. The population density of the United States averages 33.1 people per square kilometer.

Of course, residents are not equally distributed throughout the country. This is primarily due to the history of US land development and favorable living conditions. began in the northeast - on the Atlantic coast and in the Lakeland region. Today these are the most populated areas of the United States. The population density there reaches 100 people per 1 sq. km, in some states (New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and others) this figure is even higher - 250-350 people/sq. km.

As you move away from the coast, population density decreases. Mountain states, for example, Wyoming and Colorado, are sparsely populated (from 2 to 12 people per sq. km). But the least number of people, of course, is in Alaska - 0.3 people/sq. km.

Urbanization of population

It could also be classified as a predominantly rural country. However, then rapid urbanization began in America. Now the question about the population in the United States can be answered: predominantly urban.

Although cities and their suburbs occupy only about six percent of the country's territory, it is there that the majority of the population is concentrated - 74%. In this regard, California is particularly indicative, where the urban population is 91%. The Mid-Atlantic states are not far behind, at over 80%. The states of the Central Plains and the south of the country are considered agricultural and less populated. Although urbanization of the latter is gaining momentum.

There are many small towns in the United States, but the majority of the urban population is in metropolitan areas. Ten US cities have populations of over a million people. The largest of them is New York. Its population is almost 8.5 million people. Second and third places are occupied by Los Angeles (about four million) and Chicago (about three million). San Jose closes the top ten “millionaires” (1 million 200 thousand people).

US agglomerations and megacities

The highest population density in the United States is in metropolitan areas and megacities.

More than three hundred agglomerations are formed in the United States of America. Each of them includes a central city with a population of at least fifty thousand people and its suburbs.

The largest metropolitan area in the United States, which is also the second largest in the world, is New York. It includes not only New York with its suburbs, but also seven more. Its total area is about thirty-one thousand kilometers, and its population is about twenty-one million people.

Continuing to grow, agglomerations began to form megalopolises. Yes, on Atlantic coast The USA has formed a large area (two hundred kilometers wide and a thousand kilometers long) of continuous development, combining the agglomerations of Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston. More than forty million people live in this megalopolis, which is called Boswash.

Boswash is not significantly inferior in size and population to two other largest metropolises in the United States. These are Chipitts and San San. These three megacities are home to half the urban population of the United States.

Other characteristics of the population

We already know how much population there is in the USA. It remains to be said that there are more women among Americans than men. The average life expectancy for the fair sex is 81 years, for the stronger half of humanity - 75 years.

The average annual birth rate is declining. Currently it is 14 babies per 1000 inhabitants.

The religious composition of the population is dominated by Christians. More than half are Protestants (51.3%), Catholics - 23.9%. Of course, there are Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists.

It is English (it is somewhat different from the classic version).

In 1630, immigrants began to form the population of the United States and continue to actively participate in this process to this day.

We will learn about immigrants, population composition, and languages ​​in the article.

Well, let’s touch on the most interesting thing: the income of citizens of this state. First, let's remember a little history.

Briefly about the settlement of America

The mass settlement of America by the British began in 1620, when the religious community of the Pilgrim Fathers arrived there.

From 1630 to 1643, another 45 thousand settlers arrived on the continent, and almost half of them came to New England. They were of different religious views, nationalities, and social status.

This diversity remains in the United States to this day.

By the end of the 17th century, in addition to Massachusetts and Virginia, 11 more colonies were formed in America, which became the progenitors of the states.

Population structure

The composition of the US population is significantly affected by the annual influx of half a million immigrants from different countries.


The US population is multinational. At the same time, there is a constant mixing of nations.

The following nationalities count 1-2 million of their representatives here:

  • Russians;
  • Salvadorans;
  • Vietnamese;
  • Cubans;
  • Koreans;
  • Dominicans;
  • Arabs;
  • Africans.

The proportion of African Americans is large: over 38 million residents out of 192 million Americans. The concept of “mulatto” is not used in the States: all blacks who have at least a quarter of African blood are considered blacks.

In the USA more than 2 million:

  • Indians;
  • Irish;
  • Filipinos;
  • Indian Pakistanis.

The second largest population, after the Americans, is occupied by Mexicans - more than 34 million people.

There are over 5 million in the country:

  • Italians;
  • Germans;
  • Jews;
  • Puerto Ricans;
  • Poles;
  • Canadians;
  • Chinese.

A significant proportion are immigrants from Latin American countries: about 50 million, who significantly increase the US population growth.


In the United States, about 80% of the population is white, more than 12% is black, 5% is Asian, over 1% is Indian and Eskimo, and about 3% are of unknown race.


The religious composition of the US population is diverse. Protestants predominate among believers (more than half). About 24% are Roman Catholics. Atheists are less than 5%. The rest are small representatives of other religions.

Watch the video “By 2042, the white population of the United States will be in the minority”:

What languages ​​are spoken?

In the US, only 28 states recognize English language state

In some states the following languages ​​are official:

  • Spanish;
  • French;
  • Hawaiian.

3% of citizens do not understand English.

Residents of America speak more than three hundred languages ​​every day. In New York alone, 129 languages ​​are spoken, including Russian (over 200 thousand people). Although the most common language in the United States is English, which is regularly spoken by only two-thirds of Americans.

More than 28 million citizens speak Spanish, without which Florida, Texas and California may not be hired.

About 900 thousand Americans speak Russian.

Languages ​​with between one and two million speakers:

  • Arab;
  • Korean;
  • Vietnamese;
  • Tagalog;
  • German;
  • French.

Chinese is spoken by about 3 million people in America.

Employment and income

Industry and agriculture are well developed in the USA. There is a strong service sector here.

The country produces minerals every year and produces everything from paper and plastics to cars and airplanes.

IN agriculture Vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes are grown. Livestock farming is developed.

US employment by sector:

  1. Industry and production – 15%.
  2. Construction – 3%.
  3. Catering services, entertainment, hotel services – 52%.
  4. Services of lawyers, psychologists, specialists of various professions – 7%.
  5. Trade – 6%.
  6. Education, healthcare – 7%.
  7. Executive and legislative branches – 9%.

One in five Americans moves to another city or state each year to change jobs.


The income of the United States population significantly exceeds the earnings of Russians. A US worker earns an average of $40-60 thousand annually.

Approximate earnings by profession (income is indicated per year):

  • From $25 thousand - worker, loader, fast food seller.
  • From $40 thousand – police officer.
  • From $50 thousand – teacher.
  • From $70 thousand – accountant, nurse, university teacher, programmer.
  • From $110 thousand – pharmacist.
  • From $130 thousand – lawyer, petroleum engineer.
  • From $200 thousand – doctor.


Americans pay 1/3-1/4 of their salary for taxes and insurance. But an income of $30 thousand per year per person covers all daily needs: even enough to rent a home.


In 2015, the United States had 325 million inhabitants and took 3rd place on the planet in terms of population. There are three and a half million more women here than men.

Total: the working population of the United States (218 million people) is twice as large as the number of elderly people and children (108 million people).

This ratio creates a low social burden on society and makes it possible to achieve significant economic indicators in the country.

Today, it is impossible to determine the exact number of residents, since about 5 million people constantly move around the United States in search of work.

Some Americans permanently reside abroad:

  • in Mexico – 1 million;
  • in Canada – 0.7 million;
  • in Israel – 0.19 million;
  • in the UK - 0.21 million.

The urban population is more than 80%, but cities occupy only 6% of the total territory.

Note that in 1800 the US population was only 5 million citizens, and in 1900 it was 76 million people.

Demographic situation

On average, every American woman gives birth to two children in her lifetime. IN different years US population growth ranged from 0.75-1.5%. Immigrants play a big role in this. In the 20th century, half a million foreigners moved to the United States every year.

When the authorities tightened entry conditions for Europeans, the influx of immigrants from Latin America and Canada increased. The land of the United States has always attracted foreigners. Now most people come from Latin American countries and Indochina.

In 2015, the US population grew by more than 3 million people (about 1%). Almost half of the replenishment were immigrants.

Despite the increase, many Americans wish to renounce their citizenship. Watch the video and you will find out why.