Mu stone tablets in a Buddhist temple. The Lost Continent of Mu. Ancient tablets from an Indian temple

© Translated, edited and with notes by L.I. Morgun

© Osteon-Press LLC, 2016

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From the publisher

A number of scientists believe that in ancient times our planet had a more extensive set of continents, which, as a result of a long path of evolution and cataclysms, sank into oblivion, lay on the bottom of the oceans, or became the ancestors of the current continents. Among them are Gondwana, Lemuria (Mu), Atlantis, etc. It is also believed that once upon a time all the continents of the Earth were united into one and, over the course of billions of years, spread to their current places. However, the most ancient geological formations are still distinguished from the formations on which life flourished, especially not just plant or animal life, but intelligent life, often even more progressive than modern life. The most widely heard is the great Atlantic continent - Atlantis, which, with the light hand of the great ancient Greek philosopher Plato, became the prototype of an ideal society, both in socio-moral and socio-political terms.

However, much later than Plato, in the 19th century, scientists (obviously using the ancient Hermetic scientific method - by analogy) began to look for another continent, but not in the Atlantic, but in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, and named it by analogy with Atlantis - the Pacific. or Lemuria or simply the continent of Mu (Moo).

The discoverer of Lemuria was an American writer of French origin, Auguste Le-Plongeon (1825-1908), a doctor, photographer, amateur archaeologist, one of the pioneers in the study of pre-Columbian civilizations in America. He lived for more than 12 years on the Yucatan Peninsula, and he examined in detail the ancient Mayan city of Uxmal.

He spent a lot of time in Chichen Itza, where he drew attention to the connection between local architecture and Northern Mexican Tula? that is, the Toltec and Mayan civilizations. In addition to the cities listed, Le Plongeon visited Izamal and the island. Cozumel

The result of his works was the conclusion about the ancient continent of Lemuria or Mu, which was once located in the Pacific Ocean and served as a center for the spread of human civilization and culture throughout the entire territory of our planets.

This theory was warmly (though not without objections) taken up by retired British Army Colonel J. Churchward. Churchward served in the British Army for thirty years, and claimed that while serving in India he became friends with a local priest ("Rishi") who showed him ancient tablets written in an unknown language (Naakal). The same Rishi taught Churchward to read this language. The tablets described some unknown islands, such as the huge island of Mu, the magical Lemuria of the Theosophists. He also claimed that he himself had the ability to discern inscriptions written in the Mu language on mysterious tablets found in Mexico by explorer William Niven.

The continent of Mu was the ancestral home of humanity (Churchward claimed) and all subsequent civilizations descended from it.

The Pacific Islands and their inhabitants were supposed to be the last survivors of this original homeland. According to Churchward, the continent of Mu is a huge continent that stretched from Micronesia in the west to Easter Island and the Hawaiian Islands in the east. Churchward also believed in Atlantis, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He suggested that there was a global network of huge gas caves that, if they had vents, could submerge much larger areas of land.

Churchward's theory of the continent of Mu did not find even a slight degree of recognition in scientific circles, similar to at least the theory of the existence of Atlantis. First, his teaching was considered absurd simply because the Pacific Ocean was supposed to have been independent of large areas of land for billions of years. In fact, in the Pacific Ocean basin one can even mark the place where the Moon was separated from the proto-Earth. The coral atolls scattered along the Pacific Ocean spent millions of years continuously creating its current form. And finally, the Pacific Ocean was one of the very last regions of the planet to be inhabited by humans; this is proven by linguistic facts, as well as documentary traditions that are described in the history of the migration of the Polynesians.

But it is not so important that Churchward’s books lack such an important tool as footnotes or bibliography, the main thing is that the main sources of his materials cannot be confirmed. In his discussions about the continent of Mu, he operates with endless and often tautological reasoning. Often he makes startling statements, and before confirming them, he moves on to another thought. In other cases, he actually writes about ancient Egyptian mythology, without any hint to the reader why he is not proving anything about Mu. The reader is simultaneously entertained and annoyed by the writer's intellectual game.

To some extent, however, Churchward may still have the last laugh. In the Pacific Ocean, there did exist a continent that was submerged in prehistoric times: Sandaland, a continental shelf around Indonesia that was discovered during the Ice Age. This was certainly a route by which people could reach Australia, as at that time Sandaland was only separated from Australia by a few kilometers of water. Although slowly sinking, due to rising sea levels at the end of the Ice Age, the most terrible volcano on Earth existed in this region (the famous Krakatoa). A documented eruption in this region occurred about 60,000 years ago and greatly contributed to the destruction of the human race, creating a very narrow population during which our species was reduced to several hundred people; what was discovered when studying mitochondrial DNA. Some researchers have believed that Sandaland may have been the refuge of an early lost civilization, perhaps the refuge of mysterious travelers who recorded Ice Age anomalies on maps and then included them in atlases by cartographers. Without claiming the glory of Mu or Lemuria, of all the places where a lost civilization could have existed in those distant times, Sandaland is one of the most plausible theories, but... time will tell.

Preface by the author

Dedicated to Marjorie V. Lee Hudson,

whose highest ideals are the Four Great Virtues,

described in the Holy Scriptures of Mu

Work on Sacred Symbols was begun at the suggestion of the late Irving Putnam, who assured me that such a work would be appreciated by the public.

Warm parting words with which the public greeted my first two books about the proto-continent of Mu 1
This refers to the books “The Lost Continent of Mu” and “Children of Mu” (1931) (transl.).

Gives me the most sincere gratitude and makes me feel like my life's work was not in vain.

In this work, I have expressed my own opinion as to why religion is in such a chaotic state today. In this world there are over 300 religious movements and sects and only one GOD.

Chapter I

What I would like to emphasize in this volume is that I am not giving the meaning of the symbols in the garb in which they are now presented. I represent their true origin and their true meaning.

Until the continent of Mu plunged into the depths of the ocean, all symbols retained their true origin. Since the destruction of Mu, I have flashed through about 5,000 or 6,000 years. These were the years when there seemed to be no history written except for a few notes left over from India and Egypt.

During this time, humanity apparently was reborn again, after almost complete destruction during the submergence of Mu and other continents, with the subsequent formation of the gas belt and mountains.

Entering Egypt 6,000 years ago, we see that many true symbols survived but were Egyptianized, especially in structures and designs, with unclear theology attached to them. Many new ones appeared, in addition to the existing ones, most of which had an esoteric or hidden meaning.

This confusion increased until Upper and Lower Egypt merged into one kingdom. Not only did the two nations unite, but so did both of their sets of symbols. So both sets were converted into one without any exceptions. This meant at least 2 characters for each concept. the confusion of symbols in Egypt from 4000 to 5000 years ago was so great that it is unlikely that more than half the clergy understood those used in the temples of other cities, although they may have been located several miles away.

The next period to be noted in Egyptian history is the reign of the Ptolemies.

Many Greek philosophers went to Egypt and there they were taught the sacred Egyptian mysteries. They took this knowledge with them to Greece (starting from about 600 BC). In Greece, the holy mysteries were Hellenized, new names were added to them and the pantheon of gods was updated. The result, as a rule, was the creation of amusing myths. The famous Greek myth could speak of the mutual influence of the legends and teachings of Egypt and India.

The next period to note is the destruction of the continent of Mu, which removed the mother's control over religion and science throughout the world. The consequence of this was that each colony formulated its own laws, thereby changing religion in its own way.

Meanwhile, among all the ancient peoples, it was very noticeable that the direct control of the ancestral homeland was removed, and those countries began to retreat. As time passed, they became so degraded in science and religion that the teachings of the First Great Civilization were completely forgotten and became a thing of the past. Myths are shadows of the past, of which only one remains. Here and there, however, solitary flowers sought to raise their heads from the weeds that were currently choking the garden of the world.

Down to our time I have found writers, supposedly learned, giving certain meanings of their own for symbols which are pure myth. Perhaps this was the result of fantastic dreams or daydreams and was simply a mistake. Where they got their ideas from, I can't imagine. Of course not from ancient writers. The result is that science has plunged into a period of theory. Theories are subject to facts. A fact cannot be a fact until their crazy theories prove it. From a scientific point of view, the theory is convoluted and strange. A theory that is not clear even to the compiler himself, and no one in the world has ever encountered scientific confirmation of it.

SYMBOLS AND FREEMASONRY. – Freemasonry used many ancient symbols in its ceremonies. The Freemasons openly admit that the true meanings of these symbols have been forgotten, but they know that these symbols once had a religious and moral meaning in accordance with the first religion of man, and therefore they are sacred, and are used in religious ceremonies to this day.

Symbols and symbolism are the main branch of archeology. I am not a professional archaeologist, but I love the ancient sciences and have studied them diligently over the past 50 years. When, together with the theory of the continent of Mu, I went through the school of archeology, I continued to move with it.

The beginning of the study of archeology as a science goes back a long way. More than 15,000 years ago, ancient people already had special institutions for teaching it. In these institutions a very deep knowledge of the past was achieved. The deeper we penetrate into them, the more profound knowledge in the field of archeology we acquire.

Like all ancient sciences, archeology has its dark sides, for example, the period when the continent of Mu sank and the first great civilization of the planet was destroyed. Only the seeds, the beginnings of humanity remained here and there, from which new and new civilizations were formed. This perfectly proves that studying archeology is a must again and again. Those who call themselves archaeologists today are, in general, “diggers” who lived from 1000 to 5000 years ago. They are yesterday's history of humanity. Why didn't they go back to the very beginning, like they did 15,000 years ago? The archaeological study of the ancients included the entire history of mankind from the beginning of time to 200,000 years, if astronomical evidence can be taken into account by calculated dates.

ARCHEOLOGY. – Archeology covers a much larger period of time than is supposed. How the ancients studied it is a very funny story. This can be considered a religion, because at every step the student encounters the activity of the Supreme Concept, with the symbols of the power and wisdom of the Creator. Sights evoke contemplation in him, reflection reaches him in connection with the Great Architect and Builder of the Universe. As the student progresses, it becomes clear to him that other branches of science are closely related to it: such as geology, chemistry, astronomy and the Cosmic Forces. All of them must be mastered in order to gain a full impression of what was written and left behind by our ancestors for us to act as guides for the expansion of knowledge.

NATURE. – Nature shows man what is the source of life. It shows man's connection with the Great Source and the Great Cosmic Forces that govern the Universe. It also demonstrates the source of these powers. Thus, archeology is one letter, contained in one long word, that unfolds the wonders and glory of creation; it brings a person closer to the Heavenly Father.

By the way, again, she points out that true science is the sister of religion; they are inseparable, because without religion a person cannot understand the Cosmic Forces, and without a complete understanding of these Forces, he cannot approach the Great Divine Love that rules the Universe.

The first chapter of the Bible calls on man to learn to develop cosmic forces within himself. They did not do this because of an incorrect translation of the works of Moses, which were written in his native language and characterized his homeland. There were also copies of the Holy Scripture of Mu, which Moses expounded when he was High Priest of the Temple at Sinai. The esoteric writings of the temples of Egypt spoke about the cause of the Great Flood, thereby proving that this phenomenon really existed. Whoever wrote these chapters which we now have did not fully understand the writing of the ancient forms, just as man today does not fully understand the symbols and symbolism which were then correctly copied.

The first part of the Bible did not fully fulfill the mission for which it was intended. The Bible of Moses truly conveyed the Sacred and Inspired Scriptures, the most creative and in-depth work written by man containing science as a concept for human development. As if there was nothing, as if everything was lost forever: in various corners of the earth, the restored scriptures that once united and provided us with a great part of the book of True Scriptures of the Mu Continent. So what was restored?

– The calculation of the Creator and, including the Creator, men and women.

– The movements of all celestial bodies in the Universe, the Forces that control their movements and the Source of these Forces.

– The origin of life and what life is, the reasons for changes in lifestyle in the development of the Earth.

– Various geological phenomena and the reasons for their occurrence.

– And finally, the cornerstone of the Earth: Man.

I believe that the word that appears so often in the Bible is incorrect. I mean the word "Miracle". There are no miracles. What seems miraculous to us is due to our ignorance. In fact, miracles - phenomena that take place in the implementation of one's own Spiritual Powers, take into account its creation. The scriptures say that man is given Powers “that he may rule the Earth.” The Asses used their Spiritual Powers. Their works, misunderstood by many, looked like miracles. “Ace” is an ancient title given to one who has mastered the meaning of Spiritual Powers.

Those who spend their time in identifying antiquities are not considered archaeologists. They are just diggers or miners. The archaeologist reads what he finds on the rock or clay and lets the public know what they have to say about it. A stone or piece of clay with an inscription on it is just a stone or dried mud, which carries no other value than any other gem, so long as the inscriptions on it are readable. Then, it becomes a page of history and can be a means of revolutionizing the thought and teaching of today's man.

The value of archeology lies in reading - this is how knowledge of the past is acquired. The constantly heard voice: “Get closer to nature and learn its truths and lessons” remains in vain. Nature is a great school for higher education. There are no authorities to confuse us. Nature is one and only power.

Every old rock, with its writhing, worn appearance, every natural resource has its own story; every leaf on the tree and every bush whispers a story. The Universe, with its countless celestial bodies moving in order and over time, invites observation and inspires with its desire to know all Sources. All these lessons a person must learn from nature in order to prepare himself for the next step into eternal life.

ORIGIN OF RELIGION. – What is religion? Max Muller 2
Muller Friedrich Maximilian (1823-1900) – German and English philologist, specialist in general linguistics, Indology, mythology (editor’s note).

He says: “Religion is the mental faculties that, independently, regardless of feeling and reason, enable a person to understand Infinity under different names and under different disguises. Without this ability there is no religion, even the worship of idols and fetishes is not possible, and if we listen carefully, we can hear the voice of the Spirit in all religions, imagine the struggle as unthinkable, utter the unspeakable, feel the longing after knowing the Infinity and the love of God.

As soon as we know something about a person's thoughts and feelings, we consider that he has mastered religion."

The purpose of religion, wherever we find it, is always holy. However, religion may also be imperfect; it always represents the human soul before God, and, despite imperfection, a child’s concept of God can exist; it always expresses the highest ideal of perfection which the human soul can at present attain and understand.

The period of human history that Max Müller cites here is geologically known as the Pleistocene period, after the submergence of the continent Mu. Thus, what he found were the shadows of the sacred inspired religion of the ancestral homeland, passed down orally from father to son for thousands of years among the remaining descendants as the mountains rose and the water levels rose. During cataclysms, waters flooded the lowlands. This is confirmed in the paragraph where he says:

“There was a primitive Aryan religion, a primitive Semitic religion and a primitive Turanian religion, and before each of these primitive races, a rupture occurred and each religion became separate from each other: language, religion and national identity.

The Supreme God received the same name in the ancient mythology of India, Greece, Italy and Germany and they retained it. Name in Sanskrit Dyaus; in Greece Zeus (Zeus); in Italy Jovis (Jovis); and Tiu (Wotan?) in Germany. They present to us all the brightness of the event that we witnessed only yesterday.

The ancestors of the entire Aryan race for thousands of years, and perhaps even before Homer and the Vedas, worshiped an unprecedented being under the same name, the name of Light and Heaven. Let's not turn away and say that after all, this worship of nature is idolatry. But no, it didn’t mean that at all, although perhaps this concept has degraded recently. "Dyaus" did not mean blue sky or just sky; the word meant something else. According to the word of the Vedas, it sounded like “Dyaus Pitar”, in Greek “Tsu Pater” and in Latin “Jupitar”, and this means in three languages ​​what it previously meant in one: “Father of God”.

Let's go back to the days when these three languages ​​were still one. In the scriptures of the continent of Mu (over 70,000 years ago), the deity was often referred to as "Heavenly Dad" and "Father in Heaven". This name was used more often than any other. Religion itself is based on the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Being so prominent in ancient scriptures, it is no wonder that this name has survived through the centuries. Jesus, whose teachings were pure in the spirit of those First Religions, begins his “Our Father” with “Our Father who art in heaven.”

In addition to quoting Max Müller, I will present several excerpts from writers whose science calls for rigor of perception.

Kant and Schiller argue that "myth is not a degradation or descent from true perfection, nor is it a victory of sensibility over reason, but on the contrary, it improves the human condition from a state of rudeness to freedom and civilization."

I do not agree with these ideas, because reason tells me that things will take a different turn. 99% of myths can be traced back to legends. Legends are stories passed down orally. History records facts, so myths, instead of “showing improvement,” show regression; for they say that history, a part of civilization, is now forgotten. Thus this civilization diminished.

Taylor, in his Anthropology, says: “In some sense every religion is a true religion. One question that is on our mind is that we, with our knowledge, cannot answer half of the questions - that life, although sometimes with us, is not always.”

Children of Mu

The Land of Mu was a huge continent located in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, with its center just south of the equator.

Estimates of its size from those still above water give a figure of six thousand miles from north to south. All the rocky islands and archipelagos scattered across the Pacific Ocean today were once part of the continent of Mu.

Destructive earthquakes destroyed Mu about 12 thousand years ago. The gushing Pacific waters buried the highest civilization and sixty million people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoa, the Cook and Gilbert Islands, the Marshall, Caroline, Mariana, Hawaiian and Marquesas Islands stand today like sentries to the silent

graves. James Churchward spent fifty years trying to reconstruct from fragments the history of the lost civilization of Mu.

Ancient continent of Mu. The ancestral home of humanity

The cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as biblical teaching claims, and not in East Africa, as modern science suggests, but on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean. The name of this vast land - Mu - means “homeland”, and to this day in many languages ​​of the Earth the word “mother” begins with “m”.

In 1868, English Colonel James Churchward, while serving in India, became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for many centuries in the farthest corner of the temple. Ancient writings told about a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before Atlantis, which repeated its fate.

The history of the Earth holds many unsolved mysteries. One of the most famous is Atlantis, the reality of its existence and the reasons for its destruction are still debated by scientists.

But ancient legends also tell about other continents where advanced civilizations supposedly flourished and which sank as a result of grandiose global cataclysms. Two such continents are most often mentioned: Lemuria in the Indian Ocean and Pacifida, or My, in the Pacific.

The former existence of Lemuria is confirmed by... lemurs

To begin with, it should be noted that some researchers interpret the toponym My as an abbreviation of the name “Lemuria,” that is, as two names for the same continent. But Pacifida is another continent, and the name My has nothing to do with it.

However, those who do not agree with this “distribution” of names point out that most researchers place Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, and Pacifis (My) in the Pacific.

True, what the water space around the Earth looked like in those infinitely distant times and what was in place of these current oceans is also unknown for sure...

Lemurs live only in Madagascar and the islands of Malaysia (lories). There are no lemurs in Africa.

According to one interpretation, the name “Lemuria” has a curious explanation. In 1830, the English zoologist Philip Latley Sclater noticed that lemurs - animals of the prosimian family - live both in Madagascar (but not on the African continent!) and on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Of course, these animals are not able to swim across the Indian Ocean.

Based on this, Sclater suggested that in ancient times, perhaps 100 million years ago, there was a continent in the Indian Ocean that subsequently sank. But if this continent existed so long ago, then people could not live on it, since the age of humanity is estimated at only 2-3 million years. However, in the 19th century, some scientists, including Ernst Haeckel, one of the outstanding biologists of that time, considered Lemuria to be the cradle of humanity.

Colonel Churchward's Research

In 1868, British Colonel James Churchward, serving in India, befriended a Buddhist monk who revealed to him the location of several thousand clay tablets covered with mysterious symbols. Churchward studied the tablets for more than 10 years and eventually announced that he was able to read the texts written on them. According to him, these texts tell the history of the continent of My. On this continent, which sank 100 thousand years ago, 64 million people lived, and their level of civilization was in many ways superior to the present one.

Being a wealthy man, Churchward began to travel around the world in search of other sources that could confirm the existence of the continent and civilization My. He visited Tibet, Central Asia, Burma, Egypt, Siberia, Australia, the Pacific Islands and Central America. It was in Central America that the colonel learned that the American archaeologist William Niven, during excavations in Mexico, had discovered ruins of buildings and tablets covered with strange signs.

Having seen the tablets found by Niven, Churchward stated that these were the same signs as on the tablets from the Indian monastery. Together they deciphered the inscriptions, which told about a huge continent with a large population that existed in the Pacific Ocean, and about its tragic death.

Based on the results of his travels and research, James Churchward published a number of articles, as well as two books: The Lost Continent of Mu and The Cosmic Forces of Mu, published in New York, in 1931 and 1934 respectively.

Pros and cons

As for the tablets kept in the Indian monastery, no one except Churchward saw them, since the colonel, according to him, undertook to keep their location secret. At the same time, all the people who knew the colonel assured that he was an exceptionally truthful and honest person, and the mere fact that he spent all his fortune searching for evidence confirming the information contained in the tablets speaks in his favor. In addition, it was known where other tablets were located - those that Niven found in Mexico.

And yet, some scientists were skeptical about the interpretation of the texts contained in them, although no one doubted the authenticity of the tablets themselves. In 1924, Dr. Morley of the American Carnegie Institution gave the following conclusion about them: “The objects discovered are authentic, but the symbols applied to them, as well as the symbols carved on the ruins of the altar, are unlike anything known to the archeology of the pre-Columbian period.”

The French scientist Robert Carreau, in his “Book of Lost Worlds,” agrees with Churchward’s conclusions about the existence of the Mu civilization. In this regard, Carro mentions the famous ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, which lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca. They indicate that several thousand years ago (some believe that from 20 to 30 thousand years ago) a highly developed civilization existed here.

Now Tiahuanaco is located at an altitude of 3915 meters above sea level, but on the banks of the canals, the remains of which are preserved within the city, archaeologists find fragments of shells of marine mollusks. According to some scientists, ocean waves once splashed under the walls of Tiahuanaco. It is likely that tectonic shifts in the earth's crust, which caused the uplift of those areas of land where the Andes are now located, simultaneously led to the flooding of the continent of Mu.

And here is the “material evidence”

But perhaps the most compelling argument in defense of Churchward’s hypothesis is the ruins of various structures covering dozens of Pacific islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. They are undoubtedly traces of a much older civilization than the one that has existed in these places since the 19th century. These are the ruins of city buildings and temples, the remains of magnificent colonnades and luxurious tombs, fragments of statues. Their size, architecture and craftsmanship indicate that they were created by a people with extensive knowledge and high culture.

Nan Madol

Among such ancient artifacts, undoubtedly, are the ruins of the mysterious city of Nan Madol on one of these islands - Ponape - in the Caroline archipelago. It is quite possible that this entire archipelago is part of a large continent that has sunk into the ocean.

Here are some more examples

On Picerne Island, which lies 2,000 kilometers west of Easter Island, you can see the remains of residential buildings, four-meter statues and the ruins of ancient temples. On the Gambier Islands there are superbly preserved mummies and ruins of high walls that form a semi-circle. On the already mentioned island of Ponape there is a port built of stone with canals, which, according to native legends, was built by the “kings of the sun”. But who they were, where they came from and where they went - no one can say.

In the mentioned book by Carro about the lost continents there is a photograph of a huge arch made of monolithic stone located on the island of Tongatapu in the Tonga archipelago. This arch weighs about 100 tons, and there is no place on the entire island where it would be possible to obtain a “blank” for such a gigantic part. This means that the stone was brought from somewhere.

Who? When? How?

On one of the Mariana Islands - Tinian - Churchward saw a whole forest of columns, which were later described in detail by archaeologist Laris Tal.

Stone pillars of Tinian Island

Credible legend

There is no doubt that all this indicates the existence in the mentioned places in the very distant past of a highly developed human community. And it is most logical to assume that in this part of the planet there really was once a vast continent and that a civilization flourished on it, although perhaps not as ancient and not as developed as the archaeologist-colonel sees it.

In January 1974, the French magazine Science et Vie (“Science and Life”) reported on a group of five islands located near the New Hebrides archipelago, into which, according to local legends, the island of Cuvaye broke up after a terrible earthquake that occurred in ancient times. Archaeologist Jose Garanger examined soil samples from these islands. The results confirmed the authenticity of the legend.

“This again puts on the agenda the question of the past existence of the continent of Mu” - this is how the mentioned message ends.

Stone Glass Quarry, Rota Island

Tinian Island in the past with a whole stone alley, illustration from an unknown old publication

According to Churchward, the descendants of the people who inhabited Mu were the Mayans in America and the Uighurs in Asia. Uyghurs live to this day - in China (about 7.5 million), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (170 thousand). Ancient Chinese legends speak of a powerful Uyghur empire that existed thousands of years ago.

In 1908 (according to other sources - in 1907), an archaeological expedition led by Central Asian researcher P.K. Kozlov (1863-1935), later a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, discovered the ancient capital of the Uyghur kingdom in the Gobi Desert - the city of Khara-Khoto. Subsequently, during excavations there, the grave of a certain queen was discovered, buried 15,000 years ago.

In 1970, Professor Romeo de Saint-Savoyard expressed the opinion that the population of Mu was of extraterrestrial origin: they were aliens from one of the planets in the constellation Coma Berenices. They became the first civilized inhabitants of the Earth, and subsequently transferred all their knowledge and culture to the inhabitants of Atlantis. The professor believes that the Mu civilization died approximately 700 thousand years ago. It should be noted that not all reputable scientists classified this opinion as science fiction.

In conclusion, a quote from Robert Carreau’s book: “The fact of the existence of the continent of Mu is based on so much evidence from archeology and culture that it would be simply stupid not to take them into account.”


Lemuria is a mysterious continent lost somewhere under the waters of the Indian Ocean. Its name is based on the name of the primate lemur that lives on the island of Madagascar. Lemurs in Rome were the name given to the spirits of the dead, and when Europeans encountered unusual primates with sparkling eyes and strange tails in the sixteenth century, they named them after the ancient supernatural creatures.

Soon, species of primates related to lemurs were discovered in India and Southeast Asia, which prompted researchers to think about the unusual nature of such a distribution area. How could lemurs that couldn't swim cross the Indian Ocean? Such a habitat could only be explained on the basis of the hypothesis that there previously existed a certain continent that united Asia and Africa. The English scientist Philip Lutley Sclater suggested that Lemuria was just such a place.

According to modern ideas, a single continent uniting Australia, Africa, Antarctica, South America, the Hindustan Peninsula and the island of Madagascar really existed at the end of the Paleozoic. This is the so-called "Gondwana". Its disappearance, or rather its splitting, is explained by drift. Starting from the Mesozoic, the huge continent began to break up into separate parts of land, which we now call continents and islands.

But the ancient Gondwanan fauna preserved on them, the representatives of which are considered to be modern lemurs and their closest relatives, still bears common features, despite the many miles of oceans separating it. Such assumptions are confirmed by the fact that the inhabitants of Madagascar are much closer in body structure to the eastern equatorials, that is, to the inhabitants of Indonesia, and not to the Negroids.

This version was supported by the famous materialist scientist Friedrich Engels, who believed that an intermediate link of evolution between man and ape lived on the sunken continent since ancient times: “Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, in an era that cannot yet be precisely defined, that period in the development of the Earth, which geologists call Tertiary, Presumably towards the end of this period, an unusually highly developed breed of anthropoid apes lived somewhere in a hot zone, in all likelihood on a vast continent now located at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.”

1. HISTORY OF THE TABLETS."In 1868, English Colonel J. Churchward in India became friends with a Hindu priest, he helped decipher the stone tablets from his temple. The text reported on the forgotten civilization of SUSHI in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before Atlantis. The tablets are written in symbols Nagas, created in Mu; transferred to Burma, and about 15 thousand years ago - to India. "Mexican tablets" are partly written in NORTHERN (Uyghur) symbols. But the basis of writing for both series of tablets is the alphabet of the Ancestral Homeland-Mu. Priest: ancient inscriptions are the language of “Naga-Maya”. All Nakal texts have an esoteric meaning, known only to Nakal.” (D. Cherward, book “Ancient continent MU. The ancestral home of humanity”, 1997)
VOLKHA: “English colonels” is a textbook artistic device of pseudo-truth, I DON’T BELIEVE! The same technique was used by the British in the description of the “Eye of Youth” (Hatha Yoga exercises of Tibet, for example). But I am curious about the author’s real search.” Uyghurs are a Turkic root -th people of East Turkestan, now Xinjiang-Uyghur Autonomous Region of North-West China." (encyclopedias) AND NEVER were among the NORTHERN peoples. The first obvious LIE. The rest is a “mix of a little bit from everywhere”! MU is read in reverse as UM (the polar bear is the totem of the god Rod from OR; or OM - “Mother’s World = Homeland”. Another translation: MU is a distortion from MA: Great Mother (usually the goddess Mara-Mother Ra). The author DID NOT GIVE any of the translations from the proto-language... because he did not know it. Then WHAT knowledge (genuine) of the supposed symbolism of Mu is even necessary to talk about?! I DOUBT. There is no hint of any " continent Mu", - only OR.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: The text is a fake. The same “tablet” technique was used in the fake “Veles Book,” for example.

2. THE CRADLE OF HUMANITY MU. "The cradle is the continent of MU in the Pacific Ocean. The name Mu means "homeland". MU was destroyed by earthquakes; plunged into the ocean about 12 thousand years ago." (D. Cherward, book "Ancient continent of MU. The ancestral home of humanity", 1997)
VOLKHA: If MU is “homeland,” then this is a feminine word: SHE. The author allows himself to reinterpret: the contradiction is obvious. The “extension” of MU over a huge land area gives me reason to assert that only the CONTINENT can be of such size. The rest, I hope, the author will try to substantiate in his work: “the cradle of humanity”, Mu Square, “colonization of the entire Earth by the proto-civilization Mu”, etc. WAITING

3. FACT OF EXISTENCE (VECHIC EVIDENCE) and DEATH OF MU. “The records of Egypt, India, the Mayan country describe the death of Mu. Confirmation of the existence of Mu is in ancient texts: “Ramayana”, “Troan Manuscript” (British Museum); ancient Mayan books of Yucatan, “Code of Cortez”, “Annals of Lhasa” (Tibet) ;hundreds of documents from Egypt, Greece, America.. On the islands of the South Seas: Easter, Mangaia, Tongatapu, Ponape, Mariana Islands, ancient stone temples and ruins of the Mu era have been preserved to this day. In the city of Ushmple (Peninsula Yucatan) there is a dilapidated temple with a carved inscription about “the lands in the West from where we came” - a Mexican pyramid in the southwest of Mexico City. The symbols and legends are so similar that they could come from a single source - Mu.” (D. Cherward, book "Ancient continent MU. The ancestral home of humanity", 1997)

VOLKHA: The author FREELY adjusts the “facts” to his hypothesis Mu. If we are talking about the YUCATAN Peninsula, where the heat came from the WEST, then to the west of the peninsula (Mexico) is the continent. Mexico: YUCATAN- “Yu” (u)+ “K” + “ATAN” (Aton Ra- AT, the main Creator-god of Ancient Egypt and Atlantis). YUKATAN - “To (the nearby land) ATA-Aton.” The name is clearly post-flood time, i.e. after the Flood 12.8 thousand years BC (closer to us). The presence of the sound letter “Yu” (with the interchange “Yu-U”), which is NOT in the proto-language, speaks of Byzantium. its trace, i.e. the influence of the Temple of Christ.

“Yucatan (Spanish: Yucatn) is a peninsula in Central America, separating the Gulf of Mexico from the Caribbean Sea.” (encyclops). VOLKHA: the peninsula itself belongs to the Atlantic.
To get here, the nacals had to overcome the HIGH mountains of the Sierra Madre, the highlands of the Orizaba volcano (the region of modern Mexico City, Altiplane) and/or by land/along the Bay of Campeche to overcome another 1000 km. Isn’t it too much even for the NAGUALS?! Codes MAYA is a hieroglyph-pictorial letter that can be interpreted by anyone. A pyramid to the southwest of Mexico City exists: truncated and stepped, in the spirit of such pyramid-temples of Mess-America (Central America), but NOBODY attributes the rest of the pyramids to the naguals There are no written sources or mentions of them. “COLONIZATION OF THE WHOLE EARTH” sounds loud, but so far unproven... I DON’T BELIEVE.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: The very FACT of the existence of Mu and his, accordingly, death have NOT BEEN PROVEN to me personally; I was provided with material evidence of ANOTHER civilization.

4.CONTINENT MU. “The MU continent is a huge hilly country from Hawaii in the north to the southernmost PART of the ocean - the southern border was determined by a line connecting the Easter Islands and Fiji. The length of Mu is > 5 thousand miles west-east and > 3 thousand miles north- south. The continent consisted of 3 separate land masses, separated from each other by narrow straits/seas. "A beautiful" tropical country with "endless plains" covered with lush pastures and fields, "land of low hills" hidden in lush thickets of tropical plants! The land was crossed by many wide rivers. Palm groves grew along the ocean coasts and river banks, extending for many miles into the depths of the continent. Huge ferns covered the river banks. In the river valleys they expanded and formed small lakes where lotuses bloomed, butterflies and hummingbirds fluttered (Plates about .Easter).Wide “flat roads” diverged like threads of a web; they were lined with smooth stones. 64 million people were divided into “10 tribes” (peoples). King-high priest-emperor “Ra-Mu”. The Empire was called “Empire” The sun." On the continent there was a single religion "Ra-Sun". The lands of Mu were dominated by the white race; amazingly beautiful people with pure white or olive skin, large dark eyes, straight black hair. In addition to the white race, there were people with yellow, brown and black skin. The people of Mu were excellent sailors all over the world, they built huge temples and palaces from stone. In Mu there were 7 main cities-centers of science and religion; many large cities and villages were scattered. The country of Mu was the birthplace and center of human civilization; everything other countries on Earth were its colonies. People lived in beautiful palaces." (D. Cherward, book. "Ancient continent MU. The ancestral home of humanity", 1997)

VOLKHA: MU AREA: 5x3 thousand km = 15 thousand sq. km. A little larger than modern Antarctica
(per 1 thousand sq. km). If you OVERCOME the “barrier of inert data”, then they are simply equal: MU-
continent = modern Antarctica. It seems to me: IMPORTANT CONCLUSION. Volkha: On what BASIS does the author determine the SIZE of the territory of Mu? REST OF THE DESCRIPTION Mu also demands his own material evidence. So far I DO NOT SEE any of them.

“The continent consisted of 3 SEPARATE land masses, separated from each other by narrow straits or seas.” Well, according to my research with the study of the relief features of the modern World Ocean, the proto-matrix LEMURIA also (if it existed at all) consisted of 3 SEPARATE parts , into which the once single array of super-sushi split: modern. Australia (central part); spare part (in the Indian Ocean) of the Hindustan Peninsula and Sri Lanka, Antarctica; eastern part (in the Pacific Ocean = Pacifida, all of Oceania up to Easter Island (I called it Pacifida MU could not possibly be in the Pacific Ocean! In my opinion, ANTARCTIDA is the MU. The Hindu subcontinent has an area of ​​2 million sq. km; a separate part of Lemuria, a breakaway of land north of Mu (previously united with it is a land mass). The island of Sri Lanka has about 65.6 sq. km: a negligible area, but it is a “piece” of the Hindustan Peninsula. From here, MU is Antarctica, but Antarctica is the center. civilization. core. BASE of the pre-civilization of Atlantis! It turns out that when we talk about Mu, we mean Atlantis-Antarctica?! D. Cherward’s definition of the EXTENSION of MU sounds conditional: on what basis? Based on the described temple ruins? They are quite consistent with the architectural specifics of the Atlanteans-Lemurians. -The topic of another article is WHO-WHAT they are.” The ancient Mayan books of Yucatan speak about the “country of Mu.” Let it be so for now, but:

MU - "M" (maternal) + "U". MU - "U maternal" (homeland). But there is interchange in the proto-language "U-A-O": MU can be read both as MA (Mother) and as MO (homeland). We get a general semantic translation: MU - “Mother Motherland”.

NATURE MU: A “beautiful” tropical country with “endless plains” covered with lush pastures and fields, “land of low hills” hidden in lush thickets of tropical plants! The land was crossed by many wide and calm rivers. Along the ocean. Along the coasts and banks of rivers, shady palm groves rose, stretching for many miles into the depths of the continent. Huge ferns covered the banks of the rivers. In the valleys of the rivers they expanded and formed small lakes where lotuses bloomed, butterflies and hummingbirds fluttered (Tablets of Easter Island). "Okay, but WHERE is it written that this is all about Mu? In reality, the correspondence of the listed plants and birds is typical both for Australia itself and for the lands that once adjoined it both from the east (Pacific Ocean) and from the west (Indian Ocean). fits into the “description of nature” and Antarctica, when it was originally located precisely in the southern tropical latitudes of the Earth. There are NO SPECIFICATIONS characteristic specifically for MU (endemics) in the text, therefore it can be compiled according to any description of the listed territories (average tropical .option).RELIEF (plain type) is generally IMPOSSIBLE to prove, but indirect signs of the presence of biospecies listed in the text of PLAIN TYPE are present.

POPULATION OF MU: 64 million people and divided into 10 nations. According to statistics, at the end of the 18th century, about 2 million people lived in Australia; in the 21st century this is already 66 million people. Since the area of ​​Australia (9 million is approximately 5-6 million (approx. 30-35% of the total area of ​​the continent) LESS, then all the required 64 million people would calmly settle over the area of ​​the tropical My-Antarctica-Atlantis.. .And they could also live in the spaces of the land of the Pacifida."The king-high priest-emperor "Ra-Mu". The empire was called the "Empire of the Sun". There was a single religion "Ra-Sun" on the continent. The lands of Mu were dominated by the white race; amazingly beautiful people with pure white or olive skin, large dark eyes, straight black hair. THE AUTHOR describes the ATLANTS, who belonged to the southern “daughter” of the proto-civilization OR (Hyperboreans). “In addition to the white race, there were people with yellow, brown and black skin” - such race peoples would NOT be present on MU, if it were where D. Cherward placed it; but being located in the Indian Ocean, MU would be in contact with the peoples of Africa (brown and black races), the Hindustan Peninsula and about. Sri Lanka (black race) and the very western part of Australia (aboriginal brown race). Being only in the Pacific Ocean, Mu would have contact... only with Australians (brown race). WHERE DO NEGROIDS (black race) come from?? Yes, and the YELLOW race would be FAR FAR for such mass contact settlement of the population. Stories about the way of life of the Muans will be “left to the author” - IMAGINATIVE “lyrics”. Let’s return to the EMPIRE on MU: the king-priest of RA, the specifics of Ancient Egypt and ANYWHERE ELSE. Agree, reader, it’s normal if Ancient Egypt, going imperially to the coast of Africa, the Indian Ocean... contacted Mu-Atlantis-Antarctica and the Muans adopted the type of its monarchy (theocratic). AND WHERE IS THIS SIMILAR in the Pacific Ocean? In addition, everyone now knows that the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt founded their first dynasties by coming to Egypt (before Ancient Egypt, which is familiar to us) FROM the NORTH, as many manuscripts of the empire country say; Accordingly, the first dynasties were called RA, as... the southern mirror of the sun god AR-RA of the descendants of the proto-civilization ORa-AROV BOR (Hyperboreans), which could not possibly be called “with Mu” - Egypt’s HOMELAND IS NORTH, not EAST!! Therefore, either the author got forgeries from the late time of the POST-FLOOD World (and this is later, let me remind you, 12.8 thousand years BC) or... The author himself is LYING! He claims that from the texts of the tablets of the naguals of Mexico he established TIME MU - approx. 15 thousand years BC (THE ANTERFLOOD WORLD OF THE PLANET DID NOT KNOW any RA: he was BORN by the goddess MA RA (MARA) in Lake Imandra immediately AFTER THE FLOOD. Therefore, no emperor Mu should bear any title of RA-Sun COULD! And the name “Empire of the Sun” refers to the most ancient time (immediately after the Flood) also of Ancient Egypt. Therefore, false text.- FALSE.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: I DID NOT FIND anything strictly specific (even the proto-language belongs to OR/Hyper-Borea!) in this description text. Material evidence in the form of inscriptions “from the west” on the Temple in Yucatan is explained very simply: if you sail from the NORTH (from ORa) , then WEST is “modern east in cartography.” In the Pacific Ocean these are the shores of ASIA and Australia (to the west of the Americas); in the Indian Ocean (W) the west will be the east coast of Africa (where Dr. Egypt). It’s clear here: MU should be located precisely in the Indian Ocean, i.e. MU is Antarctica-Atlantis!!

5.CREATION OF THE UNIVERSE. “Originally, the Universe was a soul-spirit. Emptiness and darkness made up the immensity of space. The Supreme Spirit, the Creator, the 7-headed Serpent moved in this abyss of darkness. He created the worlds: the earth and everything on it. 7 minds of the 7-headed Serpent were given to 7 commands. 1st: “Let gases that have no form come together, from them the earth is formed.” 2nd: “Let the gases become solid and form the earth.” 3rd: “Let the external gases separate; they form air and water." The waters covered the face of the Earth - there was no land anywhere. Some of the gases formed the air, the light was contained in the air. 4th: "Let the gases inside the earth raise the mountains above the surface of the waters." Underground fires raised the earth, "ta" came out above the surface of the waters and became dry land." 5th: "Let life enter the waters." The rays of the sun met the rays of the earth in the mud of the waters; cosmic eggs (embryos) arose from particles of dirt; life came out. 6th: Let life will come to earth." In the dust of the land, cosmic eggs arose; life came out. When everything happened, the 7th mind said: “Let us create man in our image.” Then Narayana, the 7th head Mind, the Creator of all things in the Universe, created man; he became similar to Narayana. This is how creation ended. The beginning of the nakal story of creation is very reminiscent of the corresponding passages of the Bible, but after that no less noticeable divergences begin. The conclusion is that all cosmogonic myths have a common NARAYANA, 7-HEADED SERPENT, SYMBOL OF THE CREATOR, CREATION.NIRA - “Divine”, YANA - “creator of all things”. 7 heads - 7 higher Minds and 7 planes of the universe. They are the Source; should arise in the ancestral home of humanity, in the country My. YUCATAN, "Nahuatl": Under the blows of divine arrows, particles of air became alive. Warmth arose in it, giving everything movement." (D. Cherward, book. "Ancient continent of MU. The ancestral home of humanity ",1997)

WOLKHA: The text is almost identical to the Biblical one. The image of the 7-headed Serpent is inspired, in my opinion, by the knowledge of the 7 worlds of the solar system of Ra at that time: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Earth. - Everything is as always. The echo was the creation of the consonant Dragon (Serpent) in the sky and the Serpent in the crowns of the rulers of Atlantis (Ancient Egypt - the crowns of the pharaohs). I DO NOT SEE direct material evidence in the text of the creation in MU. Not proven. The number "SEVEN" (7) in the proto-language sounds like "EARTH" (land, with a name...); in modern sound it is transformed by the Temple of Christ (Byzantium). In Ancient Egypt, these are vertical sticks in 2 rows: the bottom row is 4 verticals and the top 3, which is quite consistent with " hieroglyph "SEVEN", presented in a temple image supposedly from the continent of Mu. Of course, you can depict the number 7 on the wall of the temple in the form of vertical sticks, but it is in 2 rows and 4 and 3 (in Egyptian) that you can imagine something IT'S WIZARDLY. We are dealing with Atlantis, whose colony-country Ancient Egypt became after the Flood (before that it was a colony-country of ORa). And here and there the hieroglyph of count 7 was written "the ancestral homeland of humanity" MU (in the tropics of the Pacific Ocean) people appeared THE WHITE RACE, which then settled in the region of the NORTH pole of the planet?! - Yes, WHERE has this been seen: the tropical race moved to the cold polar latitudes! A lie of MONSTER POWER and absurdity!

NIRA - "N" (carrier) + IRA (Byzantine distortion from ORA). NIRA - "Carrier of ORA". WHERE is something about MU? -The author mentions that NIRA is “divine”, so Or is the ancestral home, the LAND of the GODS of the white race! Stupid, author.
YANA - "creator of all things." YAN - YANUARIY - I + NUA (distorted from NUI - let's remember the island of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) and other NUI in the books of Thor Hierdahl, as the aboriginal names of the islands in Oceania; without Kabbalah it reads like THEY are the white population of the islands BEFORE the Oceanians came here. BEFORE THE FLOOD population, they found them still alive here). "RI" (issue of double "A" - "ARI", i.e. ARA - the union of lands of the white race of peoples, whose common ancestors were the ARYs (and the ARYs themselves are the descendants of ORa), all ancient written sources claim “GODS sailed, flew, came FROM THE NORTH” among the Oceanians, Africans, Indians, South Asians, even among the Indians of both Americas) + “Y” (space or time limiter). JANUARIUS - “First-born MASTERS OF NUI - land-islands ARA- ORa", i.e. WHITE GODS FROM THE NORTH, from the proto-continent OR! And the proto-language DOES NOT GIVE you anything else to think about.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: Fantasy goes off scale into outright LIES and adventure.

6.MU DISASTER. “Suddenly, terrible upheavals began. The southern regions of the country of Mu were shaken by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; huge waves hid the earth beneath them, many cities were destroyed. Lava formed mountain cones, which can now be seen on some of the Southern Islands. Over time, volcanic activity stopped. The volcanoes quieted down. The destroyed cities were restored. Many generations changed, Mu again became a victim of earthquakes."The entire continent shook. The earth shook. Temples and palaces collapsed. Cities turned into mountains of ruins." "Giant waves rolled onto the shores and flooded the plains." "During the night," all the land broke into pieces. The continent plunged into the ocean with a thunderous roar, engulfed in flames. When the split earth fell into this endless fiery abyss, “tongues of flame engulfed it.” “Mu and 64 million of its inhabitants were sacrificed.” When Mu plunged into the fiery abyss, giant waves and walls of water rushed from all sides. Mu,
The ancestral home of Man turned into a “dream of the past.” For almost 13 thousand years, the death of a great civilization came to Earth. Small areas of land remained above the surface of the water.” (“Code of Cortez”, “Chronicles of Lhasa”, “Troanskil Manuscript”).” Troan Manuscript ": the immersion of Mu occurred about 12.5 thousand years ago (it seems to me that the figure 12 thousand will be more accurate)." (D. Cherward, book "The Ancient Continent of MU. The Ancient Home of Humanity", 1997)

VOLKHA: There is NO mention of the NAME of MU in the listed documents: they talk about some land in the Pacific Ocean. WHERE does the population of Mu come from at “64 million people”? Dating of the death of allegedly Mu? 13-12.5 thousand years ago coincides with my dating of the Great Flood, which destroyed the World of the Ancients with its proto-continents (islands): OR (Arctida), Atlantis. NOT CLEAR: where does the author specify the catastrophe at 12 thousand years ago? In short: there are dubious “translations” of the symbolism of the tablets, but there is no indication of the exact TEXTS of the indicated LETTERS. sources (quotations). I DO NOT BELIEVE about MU.

"The lava formed the mountain cones that can now be seen on some of the Southern Islands." Even catastrophically strong, with abundant lava flow, volcanic mountains of 2 types are formed in Oceania: cones with a layered structure - influxes of lava of relatively heavy magmatic substance and lava shields - removals of relatively liquid, fast-flowing basaltic lava. But both a type of volcanic mountain is not formed in a single eruption: it happens over thousands and tens of thousands of years: each volcano (even fissure-shield volcanoes) has its own regime of eruptions and “sleep”. Here is described the catastrophe of waking up and simultaneous eruption of ALL volcanoes, which is possible only as a result of a powerful, literally cosmic cataclysm. For example, a large asteroid breaking through the thin earth's crust during its fall to the earth and the escape of cosmic bodies into the earth's mantle. Similar things happened, for example, 66 million years ago, when the dinosaurs became extinct. But then Huge astroblemes-craters of impact are formed in the earth's crust. In the supposed area where the MU is located in the Pacific Ocean, there is only 1 such mega-formation: Ontong Java, Philippine Sea; 1200 km in diameter. This underwater crater is practically not studied. It was formed more than 100 thousand .years ago. This is the LARGEST of the Earth's astroblemes currently known. Ontong became the cause of the flooding of the Pacifis land (that is why today the ISLANDS - the high parts of the ancient continent) remain above the water). There is nothing similar in the Indian Ocean even close. Therefore, the author was faced with (if indeed they were) the written sources of the Pacifis flooding, but not Mu-Antakto -Atlantis. And the texts of the naguals of Yucatan describe a tragedy: a catastrophe as a result of the fall of a large asteroid (there is an astrobleme at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico in the Caribbean Sea): Less Antilles. Scientists believe that the main part of the Caribbean Sea is a meteorite crater with a diameter of 950 km. Nearby there is Bermuda crater, Atlantic Ocean. Dia. 1250 km. Many explain the “devilry” that is happening in the Bermuda Triangle by the influence of a meteorite fall. The astrobleme was formed 66-65 million years ago. An asteroid with a diameter of about 10 km crashes into the Earth. The explosion that occurred on the territory of present-day Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula just! -Volha) was one of the most terrible disasters in the history of the planet: mega -tsunamis, magnitude 10 earthquakes, total fires, a dust cloud that obscured the Sun for six months... According to rough calculations, the power of the explosion was 100 million megatons of TNT. It is believed that as a result of these cataclysms, dinosaurs and many other creatures became extinct. Such a catastrophe and describe the NAGUALS of Yucatan. But not MU. Here was one of the civilizational centers of Atlantis.

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: D. Churchward is “manipulating the facts”, trying to pass off wishful thinking. And what about a MU that would be in the Indian Ocean? But there is no astrobleme, no signs of large-scale cataclysms... NONE. Therefore, Mu-Antarctica = Atlantis simply drifted with the Antarctic lithospheric plate to the south, where it is located in the area of ​​the modern South Pole today. There was a drift, but there was no cataclysm.

7.CHEPOVEK’S ancestral homeland on earth. "Fr. O" Brian says: "The islands are the pinnacles of a sunken continent...whose mangled body now stretches for thousands of leagues along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Majestic monuments remain, images and hieroglyphs carved on stones, customs and language; the islanders themselves remain with their strange legends - probably the remains of migrants from Asia or Africa who moved here a hundred thousand years ago." Archaeologists have already touched upon the topic of the Ancestral Home of Humanity (Mu) in their works. Schliemann, based on only 2 texts (the “Troan Manuscript” and the “Annals of Lhasa”), claims that Atlantis was the Ancestral Home. Le Plongeaux: Lands of the West (Ancestral Home-Mu) - Center. America, based on its study of the contours of the land in the Caribbean Sea. We have a clear indication that Atlantis and the Western Lands (Mu) are completely different countries. The ruins on the South Sea islands, combined with legends, show that the inhabitants of these islands, despite in their modern wild state, they did not always remain at this level; they are the descendants of a highly developed / enlightened people. One of the discoveries of Frederic O'Brien is that the indigenous inhabitants of the Polynesian groups of the South Sea islands belong to the white race. Legends claim that Mexico and Central America were colonized and settled by people from the country of Mu. The first colonists from Mu were fair-haired, white-skinned people; these people were then supplanted by another race - white and black-haired people; fair-haired people sailed on their ships to distant lands at sunrise - to the East and settled in the northern part of Europe, in modern Scandinavia. Mayan legends say that Southern Europe, Asia and North Africa were colonized and inhabited by a dark-haired race in the same way as the Mayan country, the Center .America, Atlantis. Book by Frederick O'Brien "White Shadows of the South Seas": "White people (the race that now dominates Polynesia) came to this land, and when the continent disappeared from the sight of the sun and stars, except for the mountains that became islands, - such as the island of Tahiti and the Marquesas Islands, the survivors were isolated from the rest of the world for untold years. Here, on the islands, they lived, cut off from the general course of human development." Excerpt: "The birthplace of the sacred mysteries, Mu - Lands of the West. That country of Kui, the homeland of the gods." The inscription reads: “Mu was the Lands of the West, then the Land of Kui." Since the "Troan Manuscript" was written in America, the Lands of the West should have been located to the west of America. The expression “That country of Kui” is a country of disembodied souls. The Egyptian concept of Ka in its broadest meaning comes from the Mayan Kui. In ancient times, the word “god” did not mean Deity. It pointed to the soul of the deceased. For this reason, the Ancestral Home of the gods, mentioned in the manuscript, means the Ancestral Home of man. In volume 3 of the book “Behavior and Customs” G. Wilkinson, Egyptologist: “The words “Land of Kui” / “Country of Kui” in the Mayan language meant the birthplace of the Mayan goddess, the mother of the gods and man." The passage is largely consistent with the Egyptian "Book of the Dead." (D. Cherward, book "Ancient Continent MU. The Ancient Home of Humanity", 1997)

VOLKHA: IT’S UNCLEAR exactly which subcontinent in the Pacific Ocean O’Brien is talking about.
The author defends his MU to Schliemann and Le Pongeau, but “FORGETS” that they both talked about the ATLANTIC. The author’s MU was in a completely DIFFERENT OCEAN - THE PACIFIC OCEAN!
The argument looks like nonsense from here. It has NOT been proven why exactly Mu is the ancestral home of man. “We have a clear indication that Atlantis and the Western Lands (Mu) are completely different countries.” - a confession in the text of the author himself." One of Fred. O'Brien's discoveries that the indigenous inhabitants of the Polynesian group of the South Sea islands belong to the white race. Legends claim that Mexico and Central America were colonized and settled by people from the country of Mu. The first colonists from Mu were fair-haired, white-skinned people; these people were then displaced by another race - white and black-haired people; fair-haired people went on their ships to distant lands in the directions of the sunrise - to the East and settled there, in the northern part of Europe, in modern Scandinavia. "From this text it follows that there is an ancestral homeland of the WHITE race" MU", which I translated as MA (literally ancestral Mother) Marai correlated the translation from the ancestral language with OR-Arctida, which follows from it. If Ma is Mu, then the meaning of the “M” of the author is lost. NO textual mention that the great-ancestors arrived from Mu in the Pacific Ocean! There is a concept that they LIVED on islands. Important material evidence, but is the author talking about MU? The departure of whites to northern Europe-Scandinavia gives me justification to say that people were returning to their own ancestral home OR. Fred. O'Brien talks about the Pacific Ocean, which sank in the Pacific Ocean, which is named after her PACIFIC (only in Russia it is QUIET, according to the name of Russian sailors).

KUI - "KU" (distortion from KA - the light part of the light and darkness of AKKA - the spirit-soul of an object) + "I" (lord). KUI - "Lord (master) KA. That's what they called the Great Serpent in Asia. WHERE exactly is MU? all the time emphasizing the “Lands of the West” - to the west of AMERICA, the author is obviously mistaken, because when translating into European languages, the translators of the Temple of Christ (99% were them) correlate the cardinal directions for Europe. Then we get the Atlantic, not the Pacific Ocean. That’s why speaks of Atlantis. "The Egyptian concept of Ka in its broadest meaning comes from the Mayan Kui.": NOT PROVEN, because there is no clear time when the texts of Mexico and Egypt were written (no corresponding expertise). For me, rather Mexico (level of development ) - a daughter colony of Ancient Egypt. And again: MEXICO - texts from the Yucatan Peninsula... ATLANTIC! The author should not manipulate geographical inconsistencies the size of an ocean! Goddess Maya - goddess Mara of Ancient Egypt. From here the author tells me NOTHING personally NOT PROVED “about the existence of Mu.” There is another version: KUI-NUI (see text above) CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: The author is still engaged in falsification.

8. EVIDENCE OF A DISAPPEARED CONTINENT. "Among the written documents there are texts - nacal tablets: man appeared on Earth precisely in the country of Mu. Others point to the geographical location of the disappeared continent. Numerous American legends: the country of Mu was located to the west of America. All Asian documents claim that Mu, the Ancestral Home, is located east of Asia - “in the direction of the rising sun.” The ancestral home of man between America and Asia was located in the Pacific Ocean, and it is there, on the islands, that we find the stone ruins of its great cities and temples, as well as the remnants of the white race The "Code of Cortez" is also an ancient Mayan book (National Museum of Madrid, Spain). The symbols, drawings, and text of the book show that it is about the same age as the "Troan Manuscript". However, the language of the "Code" is much more symbolic: “Mu, the life of the water (sea), was drowned by Homen in one night.” Obviously, the “Code of Cortez” and the “Troan Manuscript” were written on the basis of the same temple text, but the “Code of Cortez” refers to the country only by its sacred name , and in the “Troan Manuscript” both the sacred and the geographer are indicated. the name of the continent. "THE CHRONICLES OF LHASA" (Tibet) by Schliemann. The text is not based on the same original as the "Troan Manuscript", "Code of Cortes" - it is more modern, and it does not use Mayan symbols: "When the star Pain fell there , where now there is only sky and sea, 7 cities with golden gates and temples trembled and swayed like leaves in a storm; and now streams of fire and smoke rose from the palaces. The cries of crowds of people filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels, and the sacred wise Mu rose and said to them: Didn’t I foretell all this? Both men and women, decorated with precious stones and sparkling robes, prayed: “Mu, save us!”, and Mu answered: “All of you will perish, with your servants and your riches, and from your ashes new nations will rise. If they forget, the best is not the one who takes, but the one who gives, the same fate awaits them." Pain is a word familiar to the Mayans; among them it meant " Lord of the Fields." (D. Cherward, book "Ancient continent MU. The ancestral home of humanity", 1997)

WOLKHA: “Other evidence points to the geographical position of the disappeared continent. Numerous American legends: the country of Mu was located to the west of America. All Asian documents claim that Mu, the Ancestral Home, is located east of Asia - “in the direction of the rising sun.” Maybe we are just talking about MA, which is the proto-civilization of the OR of the north of the Earth! - It was located in the Arctic Ocean. You should not enter the PRECISION “west” of America and “east” of Asia (Pacific Ocean ). It could have been PACIFID and OR: the directions to the ANCIENTS were too “generalized” - wherever to sail “WEST OF AMERICA” - to the northwest of the Bering Strait, to China... all “SAIL TO WEST" (at sunset). A very loose concept. "The Code of Cortez" (Mexico) tells about events in the ATLANTIC. The texts of Lhasa are also far-fetched. Schliemann was a famous hoaxer and... a liar (Troy is worth remembering!). “MU” - in Tibet was NEVER pronounced like that: only Ma; Mara there KALI MA, Great Kali. MA Ra there in reverse read as RA MA, god RAMA (male), the change from matriarchy of Dr. Indus to patriarchy in the Ramayana clearly says about the introduction of some kind of influence FROM OUTSIDE. And it is known in science: white Brahmans from the north (from the pracivilian OR, the union of lands of his descendants in Eurasia (localization Russia) - in the ARE (it is the ARA) ars
(Aryans). Now about the Star of PAIN (in other famous texts its name is the Star of Wormwood, mentioned even in the annals of the Temple of Christ, which means it was an IMPORTANT FACT, which the Temple COULDN’T hide and “erase”:

PAIN - “B” (great-ancestor) + “OL” (the power of the world of the sun OL, these are only ARAs, their concepts).
PAIN - “The power of the ancestor OL” (the World of the Sun) - the gods of the people of the cult of the Sun. The presence of the sign “b” is the introduction into the word formation of the Temple of Christ (the time of Byzantium in the territory of Kievan Rus). THE TRANSLATOR of the “Code of Cortez” used a Christian term, unknown , what object and its name was replaced by it. The name of the document speaks for itself: it was found either by Cortez or during the Cortez conquest in Mez-America. IN EVERY such CRUSADE there were Jesuit monks of the Catholic wing of the Temple of Christ. Let's look at the supposedly ancient Russian Wormwood: WORM-WORM- "P" (ancestor) + "OLY" (with Ola) + "N" (carrier) + "b" (sign of the presence of power). WORM-WORM- "Power of the bearer - ancestor with Ola." Only ARs can be the ancestors here. Again, the word formation of the Cathedral of Christ of the time of Kievan Rus is evident (the introduction of Christianity there by Byzantium). SOMETHING IS IMPORTANT: both names stubbornly address us to the ancestors in OL (the main World of the Sun of the ancestors of the Ars themselves was OR-Arctida and its Arctic), or ancestors (Ars...OL ARY - White Sea-Kola Peninsula, Karelia - OL BOR, Greek Hyperborea). WHERE exactly is the author's MU? For that matter, I see MU(MA)OR and BOR! And this is the Northern Arctic (Arctic beyond the cartography of modern Russia) ocean! The presence of the sacred number 7 (see text above) is characteristic of the entire Atlantis, whose OLs were Mexico, Ancient Egypt. This ancestral civilization is a “daughter” of OR and therefore its country
- colonies of Tibet AMDO ("OD - World of the Ancients Ama of God" - Egyptian roots of the first Egypt - the country of Pta-Ata, where Am is the god of the underworld of the Dead - the future Amon Ra, he is AMA in Ancient India). But then Egypt was a colony of Atlantis .

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: The author is trying to explain with texts about OR and Atlantis, Pacifida, etc., to substantiate the fact of the existence of his MU. Something doesn’t work out, for me personally.
The country of KUY among the Mayans is modern. Cambodia is then part of the Ancient Indian empire. The country of the goddess KAMA (hence the concept of KAMA SUTRA) is one of the aveshas of the Great Kali Ma: KALIMA - taking out the middle of the word and getting KA-li-MA = KAMA. By the way, this is the goddess of the Ars, the ancestors of the white race of Ancient India, the same Cambodia... I never received any EVIDENCE about Mu from the author, so there are constant attempts to “explain Thomas with Eremoy.”

9. AGE OF CIVILIZATION MU. "The civilization of Mu goes back 50 thousand years. In Chichen Itza, the ancient city of Yucatan. According to geology, the modern age of civilizations that were descendants of Mu should date back hundreds of thousands of years, but this is not so, and geology , as usual, he is wrong."

WOLKHA: Again, we use Atlantis to explain our author’s mythical Mu. Therefore, I don’t want to cite the text from the Mayans in this article; I will transfer it to Atlantis. Reader, if you wish, read the source of information I indicated - the author’s book.
Geology can be WRONG, but not as catastrophically FALSE as Cherward himself

CONCLUSIONS Volkhi: The falsification continues!

10. CHRISTIANITY, MASONS. “The Country of Mu, the Land of the West, the Country of Kui and the Bible. Are the Garden of Eden one and the same? The origin of the Masonic brotherhood has not yet been clarified, although its existence in Egypt has been traced back to 5 thousand years BC. The question remains open from whom the Egyptians adopted it. The oldest written source on the origin of Freemasonry is the Holy Scriptures of the Ancestral Homeland, brought by the Nakali (Holy Brothers) to the colonies of Mu scattered around the world at least 70 thousand years ago. The concept of the Triune Deity came to us from our ancestors, from more than 50 thousand years of antiquity" (D. Cherward, book "Ancient continent MU. The ancestral home of humanity")
WOLKHA: All roads lead to Mu: the ancestral home of humanity, its most ancient civilization. Now here is the homeland of the Masons. It’s time for the AUTHOR to “drink tea”, then he won’t imagine that the also from Mu.

ADDENDUM: 1.VOLKHA about PACIFID AND MU. In my understanding, Pacifida and Mu are far from the same thing. These are DIFFERENT proto-continents. Later I will write my version about MU. That’s where I’ll talk about everything in detail.

2. "In 1984, a group of scientists together with El. Sotomayor in Ecuador (the La Man mountain range) found an ancient stone globe. The presence on the globe of a continent that does not exist at the moment. Thus, scientists were able to identify the Apennine Peninsula s, India, Greece, the Persian Gulf and some other regions. But from East Asia to America, the picture clearly does not coincide with reality. Japan is merged with the mysterious continent on the map. Perhaps this is exactly what the land was like before our times. In the materials M. Kimura just mentions a certain continent of Mu. The territory of Mu went under water. It is possible that this continent was Atlantis. The genetic connection between the Indians and the Japanese indicates a single ancient continent. Many scientists are skeptical about the veracity of the ancient globe." (stat. "Scientists found an unknown continent on an ancient globe made of stone", media, 2018) VOLKHA: For me, this is PACIFID.