The best places for a seaside holiday in Sicily. Sicily in one week: how to plan your vacation and which resort to choose? Where is the best place to relax in Sicily?

In October, the weather in Sicily is amazing - warm, but not hot, although bad weather sometimes happens for a short time, for which you need to be mentally prepared. The sea is usually still warm throughout October, so holidays in Sicily continue in mid-autumn, and there are fewer holidaymakers at this time, and prices for holidays are lower than in summer and September.. Read on the Tour Calendar, what can please you Sicily in October!

Weather in Sicily in October

In October, compared to September, it becomes cooler, and the closer to the end of the month, the more capricious and unpredictable the weather is. That is why, when going on vacation to the island in mid-autumn, in addition to beach accessories, take with you a light jacket, waterproof shoes and an umbrella - rain is not necessary, but quite likely. Warm clothes may be needed on excursions, especially in the mountains, for example, on Etna, where there may already be snow at this time. As for the temperature, in October the thermometer during the day can rise to +22..+25 degrees, but at night it’s not so much - about +16 degrees, and at the end of the month it can be much cooler. The sea in Sicily gradually cools down during October from up to +24 at the beginning of the month to +21..+22 at the end.

What to do in Sicily in October?

If you want a calm, peaceful holiday, welcome to the island of Sicily in October. Here at this time you will find practically no noisy parties, lively youth life and cheerful gatherings in cafes until the morning. But here you will be greeted by a picturesque coastline, the clearest blue sea, an unusually clean sea ​​air, which is mixed with the smell of eucalyptus and pine needles, delicious local cuisine, and, of course, sincere and friendly Sicilians - this is what you will find on this island in the middle of autumn!

Beach holiday

If you are going to Sicily for a beach holiday in mid-autumn, then best time for this it will be either the very beginning of October or the middle of the month. During this period it is usually warm, and sometimes even hot. The mornings are usually sunny, but the afternoons are sometimes cloudy. Every few days it may rain or even rain, but in October they are still warm and usually do not cause problems. The sea, warmed up during the summer, cools down throughout October and is usually warm both at the beginning of the month (+23..+24) and at the end (+21..+22).

From time to time in October the wind rises and the sea can be a little stormy, but, as a rule, clear sunny weather soon returns.

Entertainment and excursions

Sicily in October is a special holiday like no other, where the world of the azure clear sea and the smoking volcano Etna, the world of desert steppes, coniferous thickets and orange groves, the world of the hubbub of market squares and the peaceful tranquility of ancient Greek temples, the world of philosophers and Arab conquerors awaits you. .. this is a world of contrasting opposites intertwined into one whole.. Sicily!

Holidays and festivals

Most of the holidays taking place in Sicily in October are dedicated to the harvest and consist of colorful themed fairs of farm products accompanied by folk festivities and musical performances. One of these holidays is the Pistachio Festival, celebrated in the city of Bronte, where everyone can not only try pistachios grown on the slopes of Mount Etna, but also dishes made from them or with their addition - sweets, ice cream, pasta, sauces, pastries.

Planning your holiday to Sicily? But the question inevitably arises: where is the best place to relax in Sicily? Sicily is a very colorful island, where the most discerning traveler will find a place to his liking. But to understand where it is better to relax in Sicily, you need to turn to yourself. More precisely, to understand what exactly you want from a holiday in Sicily: to immerse yourself in the culture and see as much as possible or to lie down on a bar? Or maybe you are looking for a place to relax with children? Or are you interested in Sicily?

And most often, you want everything at once - to enjoy the sea and see the cities. However, Sicily is not a place that needs to be explored at a gallop. It’s better to choose one thing and find out what the real Sicily is.

So, if cultural and educational recreation is your priority, settle closer to major cities: in the north - , . The architectural wealth of Palermo is very diverse. This is a museum city open air. In addition, there are good transport links and proximity to the highway. It will be easy to get to the popular resort, stroll around, look into the ancient fortress, and from Trapani along cable car get to the ancient town, from where it opens beautiful view to the valley and reserve.

And if you want to sunbathe a little and swim, you can look at (the city beach of Palermo), or hit the road to Cefalu, Castellammare del Golfo. Thus, immerse yourself in culture and relax on the pristine beaches of the reserves. You can also visit the ancient saltworks in Trapani.

Settle in a Greek city – a good choice for those who want to feel the Baroque style and see the pearls of this style - Noto, Ragusa, Scicli. Transport links are good, and those stretching along the coast (15 km from the city) are very good. And if you are by car, you can also admire the natural beauty. About an hour's drive away, there is an amazing. At the bottom of a huge canyon there is a chain of mountain lakes with crystal clear, emerald water, connected by waterfalls.

If you want more of a beach holiday, then for obvious reasons you should avoid major cities. In the north of the island good beaches in , Scopello, . These options are well suited for those who travel by car. For travelers without a car, good option there will be Cefalu beach. Of course, during the season, like many other beaches, it is crowded, but quite clean and with good infrastructure. In the same area, you can visit where the thermal springs. It is better to stay close to the resort. From Palermo it will be easy to get to the incredibly beautiful and clean beaches of Favignana. A couple of hours and you are there.

In the south of Sicily there are many cleanest beaches, which has the Blue Flag award for environmental friendliness and developed infrastructure. A convenient option would be in, where there are two free beaches. Along south coast stretch beautiful beaches, which may include

Eventful The history of Sicily, which began in antiquity, is preserved in architectural monuments and in the special mentality of local residents. Amazing nature, azure sea, healing climate, delicious national cuisine - all this combined with attractions attracts many people here. Excursions around historical places, active and beach holidays, studying traditions and customs, traveling with children can be harmoniously combined on this land. All conditions are conducive to such a comprehensive holiday.

Popular cities and destinations in Sicily

The influence of Arab culture is also felt in other medieval palaces of Palermo - Cuba (La Cuba) and Cisa ( La Zisa) . They were erected in the 12th century and have survived to this day in excellent condition. Now there are museums there. Very handsome and Cathedral, combining Moorish and Gothic styles, and with its dome close to classicism. Other churches of Palermo are no less beautiful and are also associated with rich history islands. The city has wonderful buildings from the 16th and later centuries, and many interesting museums (including the Puppet Museum). Here you can walk for a long time, admiring the beauty of the city and enjoying its atmosphere. If you decide to relax in Palermo, you can book an excellent hotel to stay using this link.

Just an hour and a half drive from Catania is Syracuse, a city associated with the name of Archimedes. Here the ancient, Greek and Roman heritage has been preserved in good condition. Although after the Romans the city was captured many times, either by the Arabs or the Spaniards, they left the ancient buildings intact and erected their own. As a result, Syracuse is a place where amazing coexistence architectural monuments different eras and cultures has become an original characteristic. The archaeological zone of the city is the most attractive place for tourists. Here you can see the remains of an ancient quarry with the cave “Ear of Dionysius”(Orecchio di Dionisio), a Greek theater built in the 5th century BC. e., Roman amphitheater, ruins of the Temple of Apollo. You can see all this and completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the city with a guide.

The medieval heritage of Syracuse is represented by several temples. The cathedral dates back to the Baroque period, and Syracuse also has interesting museums and monuments. Walking around this city, imbued with the spirit of history, is very pleasant. .

Not far from Catania there is another town that is included in the World Heritage List. cultural heritage UNESCO. This is Caltagirone. Its architecture is a striking example of Sicilian Baroque. There are also medieval buildings, for example, the Temple of the New Capuchins from the 12th century. The main attraction of the city is the Santa Maria del Monte stairs( Santa Maria del Monte). It has 142 steps and each of them is decorated with original ceramics. The structure was built in 1608. You can choose and book excellent accommodation in the city using this link.

In the northern and northwestern parts of the island, the shores are washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, which is warm for a very long time. In the Palermo area beach season You can start in May and end in the fall. The best beaches here are located about a hundred kilometers from the capital, near Trapani. The city itself is charming and rich in attractions.( San Vito lo Capo) – sandy, almost white in color, 3 km long. Combined with the clear blue of the sea and the views, this place makes a strong aesthetic impression. There is a beautiful beach with fine golden sand in, west of Palermo, it extends for almost 10 km. By clicking on the names of the beaches, you can choose accommodation near them.

Located 70 km from Palermo, the city of Cefalu is one of most beautiful places Sicily, you can choose a hotel to stay using the link. There is an excellent sandy beach 15 km long. Young people who love noisy parties can go to sandy beaches Finale di Pollina, located 17 km from Cefalu. It's beautiful, noisy and fun here.

There are also many wonderful beaches in the south-eastern part of Sicily in the Taormina area. It is here, on the Ionian Sea, that the most popular resorts of the island are located: Giardini Naxos (Giardini-Naxos) , Lido Mazzaro ( Lido Mazzarò) and Letojanni(Letojanni). These places are chosen by rich tourists, as well as young people who love noisy fun. But families also come here. . If paid beaches seem too expensive, you can sunbathe on the public city one. In general, the sandy beaches of Catania are excellently equipped, and the sea is clean and warm. Their length is 60 km, these places attract a lot of people, so in the middle of summer there are literally no crowds here.

In the southern part it can be called Vendicari Beach() . Against a backdrop of lush vegetation, you can sunbathe on clean, fine sand. There is a nature reserve here, the places are wonderful, you can live next to the reserve. Plus there are no big crowds here. And in the southwestern part of Sicily you can note the pleasant beach of San Marco ( San Marco).

On the west coast, the beaches of the province of Agrigento are distinguished, among which it is worth noting( Scala dei Turchi) . The relief of this area has a stepped shape, which looks very beautiful. Climate west coast the hottest in Sicily, so it’s better not to come here at the height of summer.

The best places in Sicily for families with children

Finding an ideal holiday destination in Sicily is quite possible, since there is an opportunity to find something that suits any person, taking into account his wishes and means.

Have a wonderful trip to Sicily!

Find out about best resorts Sicily with sand and pebble beaches. We tell you when, where and who should relax in Sicily. Briefly about the weather by month and season on the island.

Sicily is sunny island, located in southern Italy. You can relax there all year round: in the summer you can bask on the beaches, in the winter you can ski and bask in thermal springs.

Resorts: | | | | |

(Photo © Libera Strega / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

When is the best time to vacation in Sicily?

High season

The tourist season begins in May and lasts until November. Nature has generously rewarded the island with a mild climate and natural attractions. It is best to go to Sicily in June, when the Mediterranean Sea is well warmed up, but some daredevils open the season as early as May. In terms of prices, it is optimal to vacation in June and September, the most expensive are in July and August.

May Sicily is sunny and not hot. Flowering orange trees and forbs add color to the local landscape. It’s a little cold for swimming: during the day +22...+24°С, at night +14°С, sea water +18°С.

IN June during the day +25°С, at night +18°С. Cherries and strawberries are ripe, the sea warms up to +21...+22°C. There is no extreme heat during the day, and beach holidays can be combined well with excursions.

IN July The average daily air temperature rises to +29°C, at night +21°C. Everyone rushes to the sea, whose temperature is already +25°C. Excursions at this time do not bring joy - it is too hot. Vacation prices are high.

August- the hottest month in Sicily. The sea warms up to +26°C, the heat is incredible. The tourist season is reaching its peak, hotels and beaches are crowded and prices for services are very high. At the end of the month, the grapes ripen and the harvest begins.

First half September in Sicily it resembles summer, and the second one is already considered velvet season. It’s great to vacation on the island this month: the average temperature during the day is +26°C, at night +19°C. The sea is +24°C, sometimes it rains with thunderstorms. The grape harvest continues.

IN October still warm: air +22°C during the day, +16°C at night, sea +22°C. Pomegranates, persimmons and olives are ripening, and restaurants are vying with each other to offer fresh mussels and new wine. The beaches are noticeably empty. At the end of the month it becomes windy and cool, and the high season comes to an end.

Low season

WITH November By April It’s worth going to Sicily for a cultural, educational and health-improving holiday. In November it can still be very comfortable by the sea: +18°C during the day, +13°C at night, but it rains more and more often and the winds blow.

Winter brings joy with sales, carnivals and citrus harvests. In December, the ski season opens at the foot of Mount Etna, but it doesn’t last long - the snow melts already in March. On the coast during the day the air temperature is +13...+14°С, at night +8...+10°С. In April, trees and shrubs bloom, and the air warms up to +18°C during the day and +11°C at night.

(Photo © OrcaTec /

Where is the best place to relax in Sicily?


The capital of the island and a popular Sicilian resort. Palermo has everything for an inquisitive and active tourist: ancient castles, palaces, clubs and restaurants. The city is often criticized for being dirty and somewhat chaotic, but it is convenient in terms of transport links and full of attractions.

A 20-minute drive from the city there is a sandy beach with a flat bottom - Mondello. This is the most popular beach in Palermo. There are many small guest houses and apartments here, so young people and families with children love to relax in this Sicilian resort. In summer the beach is always noisy and fun.

From Palermo it is convenient to visit other attractions of the island - Trapani, Erice and the city Corleone with its famous Mafia Museum.

Editor's personal experience. I vacationed in Sicily for three weeks, two of which I lived in Palermo. This is a colorful city with character - not everyone will like it. Only those who are interested in architecture and like to wander through the labyrinths of slums, who are not afraid of bad smells, garbage and the abundance of black emigrants, should come here. Palermo is more Africa than Europe. A good beach holiday can be found in the suburbs - in Mondello. For a medieval atmosphere and coolness, come to the city of Erice - this is one of the most beautiful and authentic places in Sicily. Alexey Sinitsyn.

(Photo © archer10 / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)


An ancient port city, its main attraction is the volcano Etna. The city has its own sandy beach with developed infrastructure: there are many hotels, restaurants around, and noisy discos on weekends. On the opposite side of the city there is a small wild beach with black sand; entry into the water is not the most convenient, but the water is clean.

This resort in Sicily is best for young and middle-aged people who love nightlife and entertainment. The resort is not suitable for families with children - it is noisy.

(Photo © notiziecatania /


This ancient city with many architectural landmarks from different eras. You can get there by bus or car from Palermo and Catania. The city is so quiet and peaceful that you can walk at night without fear of criminals. In the city itself, the shores are rocky and steep, and there are many stones in the sea. All decent beaches are located outside the city.

The nearest sandy beach is located in Fontane Bianca You can get there by train or car. This is the best beach in this part of the island: light sand, flat bottom and sea that remains warm until November. The bays near Syracuse are rich in underwater caves, making them interesting for diving. The resort is also suitable for those interested in culture and architecture.

(Photo © Jose Luis RDS / / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Where is the best place to relax in Sicily with children? Located 70 km from Palermo small town on the rocks - Cefalu. The resort is convenient for tourists without a car - it’s easy to get here public transport, for example, from Palermo, or by night train from Rome or Milan.

A large sandy beach stretches along the walls of the Old Town. There are all kinds of entertainment facilities here, and you can rent accommodation nearby. During peak season, this beach is always crowded; this popularity is partly due to the availability of free areas. And next to Cefalu there is another popular beach - Mazzaforno. One part of it is sand and pebbles, the other is with soft fine sand.

(Photo © Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho / / Licensed CC BY 2.0)


You can get here by bus (2 hours) or train (45 minutes) from Catania. The city is beautiful, with wonderful views of the volcano. Creative people often come here for inspiration. The downside is that almost the entire coastline is pebbly or rocky. There are often large stones, and the beaches themselves are small.

One of them is a pebble beach Isola Bella- well protected by mountains, well equipped, but the entrance to the sea is inconvenient due to rocks. From Taormina you can get here by cable car. Another popular pebble beach is located at Mazzaro, you can get there by bus.

If you are going to Sicily specifically for a beach holiday, then it is more convenient to stay in the village Giardini Naxos, where there are beautiful sandy beaches. You can get here by train or bus, and from mainland Italy by train.

(Photo © 6657176 /


Another cozy town with beautiful beaches and ancient architecture. Luxurious gardens, ancient palaces, nearby a small volcanic island with caves and beaches. The beaches in the city are public, so they are always crowded.

1.5 hours drive from the city is the best beach in Sicily - San Vito Le Capo. The town itself is not of particular interest, but the beach here is magnificent - wide, long, with powdery sand and turquoise water. On one side it is framed by Mount Monaco. There are shops and cafes on the embankment, hotel base mainly represented by budget “C” and “Four” ratings. Very beautiful, but crowded, especially in August.

Editor's personal experience. Trapani itself is of little interest for a beach holiday - the beaches here, although spacious, are nondescript. But very close is a real treasure - stunning beaches of Favignana island. What countries have I visited, but I have never seen such beauty anywhere! Be sure to go to the island and visit these fabulous beaches - entry is free, and getting to the island by boat costs about 20 euros round trip. Alexey Sinitsyn.

(Photo © Jos Dielis / / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Conclusion: where to relax in Sicily?

If you are interested in an educational holiday, then you should stay near large cities, where there are many attractions and good transport links. For young people, Palermo and Catania are more suitable, for couples with children - the sandy coast of Trapani and Cefalu. Diving enthusiasts will love the surroundings of Taormina and Syracuse.

(Photo © guyjr1136 / / Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © MemoryCatcher /

A trip to Sicily is an unforgettable acquaintance with diversity Italian culture, the rich history of this country, its traditions, as well as relaxation on the most magnificent beaches on the shores of a luxurious Mediterranean Sea. The weather in Sicily in October allows for a wonderful holiday.

What is the weather like in October in Sicily?

Visiting the island is relevant in any season– its location and climate allow you to relax both in the hot summer and in the fall, when the main heat here subsides and the velvet season comes to Sicily.

Average air and water temperature

Sicily has a fairly large territory, as well as a varied topography, for this reason, in different parts of the island there can be a little different weather.

On a picturesque coast Sicily enjoys pleasant and warm weather, and there is no trace of the summer heat left. The holiday season here lasts until mid-October, as the air temperature by the sea reaches +26°C, and on especially clear days - up to +30 degrees.

In the second half of the month it becomes cool - the thermometer barely reaches +24°C, and the sky is often overcast.

At night on the coast it is felt change of season– the air temperature cools to 17°C at the beginning of the month and to +14°C by the end of October. The sea warms up to +22°C, but gradually cools down to +20 degrees. Only the brave dare to take part in water procedures, since such water is not suitable for swimming, but this fact does not at all interfere with both beach holidays and various other entertainment available in October.

IN mountain regions at the beginning of October it is already quite cool, and by the end of the month the tops of the mountains are covered with snow caps. In this part of the island, the air temperature during the daytime reaches +14 degrees, and at night – +7°C. Closer to the temperature drops by 4-5 degrees.

Features of weather conditions

In general, the climate of Sicily in October allows tourists enjoy relaxing on the island, without denying yourself the pleasure of relaxing on the beaches, engaging in active sports or traveling around its territory in order to get to know each other better. The air temperature is not much different from September, and clear and warm windless days with a complete absence of rain are pleasing almost until the end of the month.

On the coast humidity is no longer so elevated, so a holiday in October is suitable for those who cannot stand extreme heat or simply have health problems. The same situation is observed in the central part of the island. Warm temperatures in this part are tolerated noticeably easier and more comfortably.

October holiday

Traveling to Sicily is always a pleasant event, and a trip in October is no exception. At this time of year, the weather here is favorable, allowing you to diversify your holiday as much as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages

In Sicily in October there is complete advantages. This month the tourist flow is subsiding, which means vacationers have the opportunity to have a pleasant time at the resort, secluded in the most beautiful corners of the island.

In addition, by the end of the month Sicily will close holiday season, so the cost of a vacation is significantly is decreasing.

Tourists manage to book plane tickets, tours and hotel rooms at attractive prices.

How to dress?

Due to the fact that in Sicily in October it rains only 3-4 times a month, and the sky is rarely overcast with clouds, most likely it is just cloudy, tourists do not have to take a lot of things on vacation.

To spend time on beaches, you will need a swimsuit, sun cream and a hat, and to go on exciting excursions - light summer clothes. If your vacation is planned for the end of October, then you should take a light sweater and comfortable shoes with you.

What to do this month?

Sicily is interesting to tourists at any time of the year, so a holiday on this island is extremely enjoyable.

Beach holiday

The coast of Sicily is washed three seas– Tyrrhenian, and therefore tourists have a large selection of places for a beach holiday. In October, the coast in Syracuse and Catania is ideal for such purposes. These regions have a fantastically picturesque coastline with beautiful bays and wild cliffs.

You can also relax in Sicily on the following beaches:

  • Mondello;
  • Cefalu;
  • Isola Bella;
  • Palermo.

Although sea ​​water warms up not to the same extent as in September, there are still days when it suitable for swimming. Tourists allow themselves to not only sunbathe while relaxing on the beaches, but also take a dip in the water. The lack of wind and clear skies make you feel very comfortable.

Entertainment and excursions

Absolutely all of Sicily is open-air museum. Each city on the island is filled with delightful ancient architecture and a variety of monuments different years. Among them, Syracuse, Palermo, Taormina and Erice are especially popular.

Even small villages such as Castelmola are a delight for tourists, and exploring them in this weather will be the most memorable moment of your holiday.

A tour of Sicily would not be complete without climbing to the top of a volcano. Etna. This attraction is business card islands, and souvenirs with her image are found at every step.

Holidays and festivals

It's hard to imagine Sicily without permanent holidays and festivals that take place on the island in any month. In October, themed fairs are held here to celebrate the harvest of farm products. Particularly popular Pistachio Festival, during which you can try sweets, sauces, baked goods and ice cream with the addition of this nut.

Look video about the weather in Sicily at the end of October: