Resorts of the Bahamas. Nassau. See what "Nassau (Bahamas)" is in other dictionaries Security. What to watch out for

A lot of tourists fly to the Bahamas every year to relax. The capital of these islands is the small town of Nassau. Originally it was a small village inhabited by pirates. Now it is a completely modern and very interesting city.

Nassau, Bahamas has many attractions

1. Pirate Museum. Everything you wanted to know about sea robbers will be told and shown to you right here. Here you will see what a real pirate ship looks like not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It will also be possible to study the clothes that the pirates wore. Children really like this museum.

2. Nassau Cathedral. This is the largest church in the Bahamas. The cathedral was built at the end of the 17th century. Organ music plays here. Near the church building you can see a large number of signs that indicate the names of people who died here during epidemics or shipwrecks.

3. Fincastle Fortress. Built back in the 18th century. Its walls offer an amazing view of the ocean. In ancient times, the fortress served as a lighthouse and signal tower for ships. Currently, there is a museum on its territory, where you can get acquainted with the armory and the premises in which the guards lived.

4. Parliament Square. This is the most romantic place in Nassau. This is where couples in love meet.

5. Queen Victoria's Staircase. It was carved out of limestone rock by slaves in the 18th century. Consists of 65 steps. It received its name much later during the 65th anniversary of the reign of Queen Victoria. There is a staircase along the wall of the fort, and on the other side there is a small waterfall. At the bottom of the steps you will find a seating area with many restaurant tables. And from the top steps it offers a beautiful view of the whole of Nassau.

6. Royal Gardens. This botanical garden was also built in honor of Queen Victoria, who is very loved and respected in the Bahamas. Here you will see a huge number of rose bushes and a variety of tropical plants. Also on the territory there are all kinds of decorative ponds and canals.

7. Straw market. Here you can buy a huge number of souvenirs. Vendors will make incredible straw products right before your eyes.

Nassau, Bahamas is always happy to see tourists. A vacation spent in these places will be unforgettable. After all, in addition to the usual beach holiday, you will learn a lot of interesting things from the history of this region and attend educational excursions.

Where to find cheap tours?

It’s better to look for profitable tours through a service that compares prices from more than 120 tour operators and allows you to find the cheapest offers. We do this ourselves and are extremely happy :)

I have always associated the city of Nassau in the Bahamas with pirates: strong rum, sailing ships flying a black flag - one might say that the island of New Providence was once a second Tortuga for sea robbers. By the way, Nassau is one of the locations of the famous computer game Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag. The illustration below is a screenshot from the game. This is probably exactly how I, like many others, imagined the Bahamas: azure waters, palm trees, wooden boats and completely wild nature...

My real introduction to this famous tropical city began when the cruise ship docked at the port of Nassau and I disembarked. Of course, the real Nassau of the 21st century has very little in common with how it looked (or could have looked) three centuries ago: instead of wooden pirate ships in the port there are huge cruise ships, instead of shacks and shacks there are colonial-style houses with fresh paint on the walls . A neat embankment stretches along the coastline, and tall bridges lead to the neighboring island.

This was the last stop of my ship, and I wanted to take one last breath of excitement at the end of the trip. It seems to me that a great way to spend time in Nassau is to simply walk around the city and immerse yourself in its everyday life: enjoy the views of the colonial buildings and beautiful colorful houses, admire the tropical trees and manicured gardens, go to the local Catholic churches - even if they are not so ornate , like Orthodox, but very authentic.

And, of course, Nassau has stunning beaches with palm trees, white sand, alluring turquoise and azure water and a beautiful underwater world.

By the way, in my article I will often talk about Caribbean cruises that stop in Nassau, because it is a very popular port - every day thousands of tourists come to Nassau for one day on huge beautiful ships.

How to get there

The Bahamas is an entire archipelago, stretching for hundreds of kilometers from north to south and from west to east. New Providence, on which Nassau is located, is just one of 700 islands. Therefore, the main routes to Nassau are by water and air.

By plane

It must be said that there are no direct flights from Russia to Nassau. Therefore, when flying to the Bahamas you will have to make at least one transfer. The routes that are optimal in price and duration run through Miami and. But even the fastest flights can be a challenge for some. If you have the time and inclination, I advise you to consider stopping in one of these cities for a day or two, so as not to kill the whole day on flights and at least take a little breath. By the way, on our website there are excellent articles about both. And you can always compare air ticket prices for your dates in order to choose the best flight in terms of price and duration.

From Moscow

Flights from Moscow are operated by Aeroflot from Sheremetyevo Airport. The flight itself to Miami lasts on average 11.5–12.5 hours, in - 10. But if you want to fly non-stop, then transfers between flights will take quite a lot of time.

Via New York:

  • The cheapest flight from Moscow to Nassau via New York will take 24.5 hours and cost from 345 USD (20,000 RUB). A serious disadvantage is that you will have to spend the whole night at the airport. But this flight option is the cheapest and includes only one transfer.
  • There is an option to fly with two transfers: in New York and in the Florida city of Fort Lauderdale. This option will cost from 420 USD (24,500 RUB), and will take only 19.5 hours: the connection time is short in both cases.
  • You can fly in 22.5 hours and 465 USD (27,000 RUB) with transfers in New York and Orlando - another city in Florida, where, by the way, Disneyland is located.

You can read about the flight to Miami, which I have already linked to above. And there is a detailed flight schedule from Miami to Nassau, with which you will certainly be able to choose the right option. The flight from Florida to the Bahamas lasts only an hour and is quite cheap: from 65-70 USD (4000 RUB).

From St. Petersburg

To get from the northern capital to or Miami and from there fly to Nassau, you first need to be in Moscow. This has been written in detail. Depending on the chosen type of transport, the trip will cost from 13.5 USD (800 RUB).

From Nassau Airport to City Center

Nassau airport is quite small, but the lines at customs control are very long. One thing is good: while you are standing in line, you can listen to national music performed by colorful musicians.

Nassau Lynden Pindling International Airport is located some distance from the city center and port, although quite close to some resort areas.

On average, a taxi ride to the city center or to Paradise Island will cost 25–30 USD and will take about half an hour. I saw information somewhere that inexpensive buses run from the airport to the center, the fare for which will cost only 5-7 USD, but, firstly, it is quite difficult to find a stop, and secondly, buses to Nassau are very expensive. unpleasant - they greatly exceed the speed and make rather sharp maneuvers. If you are still willing to take the risk, then it is worth asking about the bus stop at the airport. If not, a whole line of taxis stretches right at the exit.

By ferry

Despite the fact that Nassau is located on an island practically in the middle of the ocean, getting to it by water from neighboring Florida or, especially, from Russia will be quite problematic, but there are options. And in any case, you will have to fly - the most logical thing, of course, is to Florida. And from there you can move to the Bahamas by water. There are three main cities from which you can get to Nassau by water:

  • Miami;
  • Fort Lauderdale;
  • Orlando.

There appears to be no direct service between Florida and Nassau, but there is an option to take a cruise there. Thus, the famous company Carnival offers a four-day sea voyage to the Bahamas from:

  • The first day is boarding the plane and the start of the journey.
  • The second day is sea day (trust me, there is a lot to do on the ship).
  • Third day - stop at one of the Bahamas islands (Little Sun or Princess Cays).
  • Day four - stop in Nassau.
  • Fifth day - arrival in Miami.

The price of such pleasure will be from 189 USD per person, excluding taxes. But in reality it will cost much more, even if you take the most basic interior cabin without windows. Firstly, taxes, secondly, mandatory tips, thirdly, port fees. In short, a cruise for two will cost from 675 USD, taking into account all those points that American travel companies love to omit when waving signs with attractive prices. If you like to relax in luxury, then you will probably be more satisfied with a deluxe room. In this case, the cruise will cost from 1350 USD for two. If you are traveling as a group of three, then the stay of a third person will cost less - a fixed 260 USD (with taxes and other amenities) in either an inside cabin or a suite.

There are other interesting options for sea travel, including a visit to Nassau. Equally renowned, Norwegian Cruise Line offers seven-night Caribbean cruises, some of which include a day in Nassau. A 3-day cruise with two stops in the Bahamas starts at $490 per person (again, not including taxes and fees).

All cruise ships arrive at Prince George Wharf. It is located on the other side of the island from the airport - in the center of Nassau. From the pier you can walk almost anywhere in the area, but if you need to cover a fairly long distance, it's worth taking the bus (stop at the exit of the port) for 4 USD or catching a taxi - I'll talk about the rates below.


Nassau - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 7

Kazan 7

Samara 8

Ekaterinburg 9

Novosibirsk 11

Vladivostok 14

When is the season? When is the best time to go

The Bahamas have a very mild, pleasant climate for relaxation. The main difference between "season" and "off-season" is the amount of precipitation. If the period from December to April is dry, then the rainy season lasts from approximately May to November.

Tropical rains on the Caribbean islands are quite a sight!

As for the number of tourists, it, of course, is directly dependent on weather conditions, but there are always those who want to relax on the paradise island. Moreover, we can say that there are always tourists on the island: as long as there is a large seaport in Nassau, huge cruise ships with thousands of passengers on board will arrive there almost every day.

Prices vary between months, but not too much. Therefore, you should choose a time for rest based on what air and water temperatures are comfortable for you.

Nassau in summer

Those who like comfortable temperatures and ideal weather probably shouldn’t go to Nassau in the summer - unless you are traveling on a cruise ship and your route includes a stop in the Bahamas.

The air temperature reaches +30-32 °C, so it is very difficult to be outside. In addition, summer is the peak rainy season. Showers can last for more than an hour and are usually accompanied by hurricane-force winds.

On the other hand, at this time there are much fewer tourists in the Bahamas, and prices for accommodation are much lower. Most of the travelers come from America, especially from nearby states. Not the largest number of vacationers on the islands is explained by the fact that at this time and it is warm enough not to leave anywhere. But don’t delude yourself! In popular hotels in July-August there is a queue for check-in, so you need to book a room in advance in any case. And it cannot be said that there are no tourists at all. The sea water warms up to +28-30 °C, which is a very pleasant temperature for swimming.

In general, if low prices and a warm sea attract you, and showers and heat don’t scare you at all, then you can go to Nassau in the summer.

Nassau in autumn

In October, the rainy period comes to an end, and in November the high tourist season begins, when residents of the nearby States seek refuge from the cold under the warm Bahamian sun and spreading palm branches.

The air temperature from September to October is still “summer” (around +28-29 °C), but in November it gradually drops to a comfortable 26 °C. I can give approximately the same numbers when talking about the water temperature in these months.

Nassau in spring

The time from March to April is the high tourist season. The air temperature at this time is almost comfortable and reaches +26-28 °C. The water is not nearly as warm as in summer: +24-25 °C. Although personally, such temperatures in the sea have never bothered me! Still, this is not a jacuzzi in which you can soak forever without moving, but unlimited space for movement.

In May, the season subsides, the air heats up to +28-29 °C, and the water - up to +27 °C. We can say that this is a favorable time for a trip - apart from the fact that the rainy season is gaining strength again.

Nassau in winter

Throughout all three winter months, the average air temperature fluctuates around +25-26 °C, and the water stays at +24-25 °C. Obviously, the high tourist season lasts all winter. Although I remember my trip there in February - no, the streets were not that crowded, except perhaps in the port area.

One way or another, you need to book accommodation in advance at any time of the year, but this is especially true in the winter. The fact is that in Nassau there are popular and simply incredibly cool hotels (which I will definitely talk about below), and if you want to have your own place in the sun, then you need to take care of this in advance - at least 3 weeks before departure.

Nassau - weather by month


Nassau - weather by month

Districts. Where is the best place to live?

As for where it is better to live in Nassau, I cannot give a definite answer. Accommodation options vary in location, price and recreational features. On the map below I have tried to indicate the main areas in which hotels are located.

  • In the orange circle (well, almost a circle...) are the most budget options - mostly apartments, the price of accommodation in which will be from 120 to 350 USD. There are a couple of houses near the coast - they are rented out for 250-500 USD per day.
  • The blue circle includes an area where you can rent a villa or townhouse. I must say that this part of the island, in my opinion, is not so interesting for tourists and is more suitable for those seeking solitude. Prices range from 120 to 180 USD.

I do not recommend settling in the central part of the island. Not only is the sea far away, it’s also dangerous and simply not very beautiful. Beyond the beautiful beaches and luxury hotels lies the poverty line, and beyond it there are slums and not the most pleasant places. The deeper you go into the island, the more dilapidated and abandoned houses you come across. My impression was further aggravated by the fact that huge dry palm leaves and branches of other trees were scattered everywhere: apparently, a hurricane had recently raged on the island. In general, take care of yourself and your mood during your vacation - it is better to settle in safe areas that are well inhabited by tourists.

But, of course, where to stay on vacation is a matter of taste. I recommend booking hotels on. If you prefer to rent a home, you can look at the options.

What are the prices for holidays?

You can relax in Nassau on a budget or on a grand scale. Although if you have already forked out money for a flight here, it hardly makes sense to save significantly on housing. But if you are going to rent a beach house or other similar housing, then the golden rule applies: long-term rent is much cheaper than short-term rent, if you count the daily payment.

I described above the prices for accommodation in different parts of the island. You can also compare prices.

The currency in the Bahamas is, logically, Bahamian dollars, BSD. Since the rate is pegged to US dollars in a 1:1 ratio, you don’t have to bother with the exchange. USD is accepted everywhere easily, I have never been refused. So its own currency is almost fictitious.

Travel on local minibuses costs 4 USD per person. Taxi prices vary from 8 to 32 USD depending on the distance - I will tell you more below.

Food prices depend on the location, of course. But I didn’t notice that food prices were any different, for example, from. A 0.5 bottle of water can cost 0.6–1.5 USD, which is quite a common price for North American countries. By the way, our tip below contains prices in restaurants and cafes.

If you don’t live in Atlantis, but want to spend a day or two on the territory, get ready for big expenses: various types of activities, which I will discuss below, cost from 130 to 265 USD per person. A visit to the aquarium costs 40 USВ.


Cost of food, accommodation, transportation and other things

Currency: Euro, € US Dollar, $ Russian Ruble, Rub

Main attractions. What to see

Nassau does not have world-class attractions like Chichen Itza or the Eiffel Tower, but it seems to me that for a real traveler this is not the most important thing. Another thing is important: to get to know the local culture at least a little, look where tourists don’t go, and communicate with the locals. Nassau is a treasure trove of impressions of local color.

History has left a noticeable imprint on the face and character of this amazing Caribbean city. Founded in the mid-17th century by the English as Charlestown, half a century later it became Nassau, and over the next century it served as a haven for pirates, including the legendary Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard. Hence the love for pirate themes, expressed in souvenirs and museums.

During the American War of Independence (1775-1783), whoever captured Nassau: pirates, loyalists (Americans loyal to the British crown), Spaniards, loyalists again. Ultimately, the island of New Providence ceded to Britain and remained its colony for almost two centuries. Consequences - English language, colonial style of architecture. Fun fact: the one Bahamian dollar bill (and the three Bahamian dollar bill) depict Queen Elizabeth II as a young woman, while the hundred dollar bill (as well as the 10 BSD) depicts Queen Elizabeth II in her old age.

Top 5

My top will not be completely standard, because I included in it those attractions that personally impressed me the most. That is, it is unlikely that this list will completely coincide with what other sites offer, but the power of impressions plays a role here, and not an objective set of beautiful churches and important museums.

Beaches. Which ones are better

Although I'm not a fan of beach holidays, sometimes I want to bask in the sun and rock on the waves! Many beaches have water activities: kayaking, jet skis, banana boats.

On the map I have marked the best beaches of Nassau, which I will talk about in more detail below. I build my list starting with the most worthy places. But keep in mind that Nassau's beaches certainly don't end there: the length of the New Providence coastline, by my conservative calculations, is about 120 km².

  • Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island is very good: white sand, endless water, tall palm trees... It goes straight into the Atlantic Ocean, which, however, makes it a little less safe, because it is no longer a lagoon. In addition, there are no showers or changing rooms. If you live in Nassau, then it will take quite a long time to get there: by taxi or minibus and then on foot. The coastline is long, so even if the beach is as crowded as in the best years, you can still find a place. Sun loungers cost 10 USD, umbrellas - 20 USD.

One thing I can say for sure: the taste and color of the sand on the beaches is different, so don’t be afraid to experiment and look for something new. You can hail a taxi and ask to take you to the best beach, and you may be lucky enough to find a place in the sun.

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?

Protestant movements (Baptism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism and others), as well as Catholicism, are widely represented in Nassau. This, in turn, determines the appearance of the temples: noticeable, majestic, they are practically devoid of decoration, except perhaps for stained glass windows. Many churches in Nassau have modest but modern interiors and even good technical equipment.

  • Saint Francis Xavier Cathedral. The oldest Catholic church in the entire Bahamas, but the building is quite new.

Museums and other attractions. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are not many museums in Nassau, but here I would like to describe the most interesting ones. In addition to museums, I will also tell you about some other attractions.

Pirates of Nassau Musem

The Pirate Museum, which I already mentioned above, is one of the most popular and visited. And no wonder: who wouldn’t be interested in the life of a pirate, embodied in bright installations and interiors, wax figures in authentic costumes! And at the exit there is a souvenir shop with pirate paraphernalia, which will delight children and some adults like me. In general, I won’t tell you more - you’ll see everything for yourself! ;)

Even if you are not a fan of wax figures, you may be drawn here willy-nilly while walking around the city, because the museum is located next to the Hilton. And if you find yourself here between 9 and 10 am, then you can pass the time in the museum until the Straw Market opens.

Opening hours and visits. Tickets cost 13 USD per adult and 6.50 USD per child. From Monday to Saturday the museum is open from 09:00–18:00, on Sunday - only until 12:30.

The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas

The gallery is located in a charmingly beautiful historical building. And I think you won’t be at all surprised if I say again that this place is located not far from Hilton.

The main theme of the works exhibited here is liberation from slavery and the individual’s struggle for inner freedom. This is due to the history of the Bahamian population: slavery in the British colonies was only finally abolished in the 1830s.

The exhibition is constantly changing and temporary exhibitions are held. What I especially liked about it (besides the fact that it is beautiful and convenient) is the question in the FAQ section: “How do I display my work in the Gallery?” Museum curators look at artists' works and decide whether they are worth exhibiting. I think it's great: everyone can show their work if it turns out to be worthy.

Opening hours and visits. Tickets cost 10 USD per adult, 5 USD for students and people over 65 years old, and admission is free for children under 12 years old. From Tuesday to Saturday the museum is open from 10:00 to 17:00, on Sunday from 12:00, closed on Monday. The gallery has its own store, which sells, among other things, handmade souvenirs. Works of art exhibited in the gallery are usually not for sale, but you can contact the artist directly and make arrangements.

The Heritage Museum of the Bahamas

A small museum with a large collection of interesting artifacts and antiques - from prehistoric times to the present day. You can even touch some exhibits.

The museum has a gallery with works by local schoolchildren.

Opening hours and visits. The entrance ticket will cost 10 USD, there is an audio guide for an additional fee. In general, a visit will cost up to 20 USD per person if you take a guide. Open Monday to Friday 09:00–17:00.

Fincastle Fort and Queen's Staircase

The fort was erected in 1793 by order of colonial governor John Murray, who at one time led an active struggle against supporters of the independence of the United States. It was once the highest point on New Providence Island, and therefore served not only as a defensive structure with cannons, but also as a lighthouse - until the lighthouse was built on Paradise Island. However, a good panorama still opens from the fort.

Amazing fact: the limestone rock from which the Queen's Staircase was carved was used to build the fort. So the fort and the staircase are really one in a sense. And from above the fort looks like the paddle wheel of a steamship.

They say visiting the fort is not worth your time, but I cannot agree. Yes, a fort is too strong a word for such a tiny structure, but if you love history and are interested in such places, then why not? Once upon a time, the territory of this fortress was much larger, and the government seems to have plans to restore the fort and clear the area around it.

Life hack: the most convenient way to visit the fort is to go up the road and then go down the stairs. No one likes to climb 66 steps, right? :)

Opening hours and visits. Entry to the fort costs 1 USD and is open daily from 08:00 to 16:00. You can look at the stairs at any time - for free, of course.

Paradise Island

I think it's time to explain why people spend time and money to visit Paradise Island and the Atlantis Hotel located on it. By the way, Atlantis has a twin brother of the same name in Dubai. Arabian luxury hotel located on Palm Jumeirah. You can see it in the photo. Isn't it an Arabian fairy tale?

Bahamian Atlantis is also good. This is not only a luxury hotel, but also an entire entertainment complex. On its territory are located:

  • aquarium;
  • a large water complex with pools, slides, fountains, waterfalls, lagoons... you name it.

Without being a hotel guest, you can’t go anywhere: there is strict control here, security checks the bracelets worn by guests at the entrance to certain areas. Although, by the way, I almost walked along with the crowd, only my conscience did not allow me to pretend that I did not hear the “Excuse me, lady?” addressed to me. :).

Opening hours and visits. The ticket office and swimming pool open from 09:00. The water slides start operating at 10:00. The water park closes after sunset along with the pools.

Prices for visiting the water park:

  • Cruise ships are a separate issue, because you can purchase excursions directly on board. In one of the cruise companies, half a day in Atlantis costs from 145 USD per adult, in another - from 195 USD. There, a combined visit to the water park, swimming with dolphins and lunch will cost about 350 USD. In fact, buying an excursion on a ship in this case is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it is still quite expensive. On the other hand, your excursion includes a round-trip transfer from the pier to Atlantis, as well as an absolute guarantee that in the event of any force majeure, the ship will be waiting for you, despite being late, and will not sail to the next port. But if you calculate the time correctly, then perhaps it’s worth taking a trip to Atlantis yourself. On foot this road takes 40 minutes from the pier to the entrance, so this route is suitable for lovers of walks. By local shuttle buses you can get there in 8-10 minutes. Ask the bus drivers parked at the shipyard where you can find a minibus to Atlantis. You need to return to the ship at least an hour before departure, check with the crew.

The price of any ticket includes unlimited descents from all 18 slides, swimming in 11 pools, use of towels (you can change them as often as you like) and sun loungers, and a visit to the aquarium. A separate visit to the aquarium costs about 45 USD per adult per day. Lunch is included in the price of any ticket, except the simplest one (the one for 130 USD); There will be 6 eateries on site at your disposal. You can book your visit in advance.

Tourist streets

In Nassau, among all the intricacies of streets, there are two that stand out for their beauty and are quite worthy of the title of tourist streets.

The long pink strip on the main part of Nassau is Bay Street, and the purple misunderstanding on Paradise Island is Paradise Island Drive as part of Marina Village.

Bay Street

In general, Bay Street stretches along the entire northern part of the island, and its length is about 23.5 kilometers. There are hotels, restaurants, shops along the street. If you have the desire and time, you can devote it to a forced march from West Bay Street to East Bay Street or vice versa, or break this marathon into a couple of days. Or you can ride a bike there.

But most tourists will be more interested in the busiest part of this street - Bay Street, which stretches from Hilton to the bridges to Paradise Island. This is where cruise ship passengers arrive from Prince George Wharf, and recommended tourist routes begin from here. There are many souvenir shops, cafes, restaurants, shops. They sell clothes, diamonds (you can pay attention to the Caribbean company Diamonds International), and interior decorations. Local shuttle buses stop. It is very beautiful, neat and safe here.

You can safely turn into the alleys that lead towards the sea, because there are also bars and shops there.

Bay Street faces Parliament, a beautiful colonial-style building.

Marina Village

Marina Village is a tourist village located on the shores of the yacht marina on Paradise Island. And Paradise Island Drive (pictured) is a doll-like street with almost toy houses and many souvenir shops and cafes.

In my opinion, this place is more intended for tourists than for travelers. It is very beautiful, nice and pleasant here, but, on the other hand, being here does not give you an idea of ​​the local color, of Nassau. Marina Village with all its colorful houses can be taken and moved almost anywhere in the world (more or less suitable at least in terms of climatic conditions) without any loss to the atmosphere of the place. Prices here, it seemed to me, are somewhat higher than in Nassau itself, especially for souvenirs and food.

One way or another, it is worth a walk here, both during the day, when the sunlight highlights the bright colors in which the houses are painted, and in the evening, under the cozy lighting of the lanterns.

What to see in 1 day

A section that is especially relevant for cruise ship passengers who want to do everything in time. I remember my ship docked at Nassau at dawn, so the day started early for me.

Active plan:

  • 08:30–10:00 - walk from the pier to the Hilton. I marked one of the possible routes on the map. Almost immediately you will see the Parliament building and pass the library. On your way you will meet the Presbyterian Church, the Government House with a monument to Columbus. Along the way, you can taxi to the pirate museum.
  • 10:00–10:30 - Straw market. I wouldn’t walk here for a long time, even with all my love for souvenirs and handmade goods. One way or another, I will tell you more about it in the “Souvenirs” section.
  • 10:30–11:30 - you can walk along Bay Street towards the bridges to Paradise Island and spend some time shopping, which I will also talk about below.
  • 11:30–12:00 - after walking and shopping, you can move on foot to Atlantis. Moreover, if you followed my cunning plan, you have probably already come to the bridges leading to Paradise Island. Another 5-10 minutes - and you are on the other side.
  • 12:00-13:00 - walk around Marina Village. Perhaps you are already hungry - you can have a snack in one of the cafes here.
  • 13:00–14:00 - go to Atlantis, admire the Murano glass sculptures, get addicted to the hordes of slot machines, and check out the brand stores. Inspect the territory of the water complex, where you cannot get without a ticket, take a breath and move on - for example, towards the restaurant on the main island.
  • 15:30 - most likely, you have already arrived back to New Providence and eaten a hearty meal. You have time to buy souvenirs and generally do whatever your heart desires. If you are not sailing away from the island, you can easily walk to the National Art Museum, it is not far away.
  • 17:00 - walk around the old fort, go down the Queen's Staircase.

An option for those who love water activities and don’t want to spend half a day walking in an unknown place: immediately catch a taxi or minibus towards Atlantis, buy a ticket there for the whole day and enjoy life.

Cruise ship passengers do not need to rack their brains, because they are offered the following excursions:

  • glass bottom boat (1.5 hours);
  • snorkeling (2.5 hours);
  • sightseeing tour and rum tasting (3 hours);
  • beach day;
  • excursion to Atlantis (various variations);
  • diving.

Another option, the least expensive in terms of money and effort: get in a taxi and ask to be taken to the best beach, where you can spend the whole day the way you want.

Nearby Islands

Not only is the Bahamas an entire archipelago, New Providence itself is surrounded by several oblong-shaped landmass. One of them - Paradise Island - is so close and is such an integral part of Nassau that it could not be mentioned here.

However, it is still worth noting the old lighthouse on the western tip of the island - Hog Island Lighthouse. Yes, Paradise Island was once called differently. By the way, the lighthouse is one of the brightest symbols of the island, embodied in souvenirs.

Food. What to try

When living on an island, you should not miss the opportunity to eat fresh seafood. Although I don't really like them, I liked everything here.

Separately, I want to talk about one national dish. A popular dish here is conch salad - or simply conch. It also captured nearby regions - neighboring islands like Jamaica, as well as in Florida. What is it and why is it so popular?

You've probably seen large beautiful shells, like in the photo, more than once in souvenir shops in different countries. Most likely, you even have one of these at home, or even more than one. So, tropical mollusks (scientific name - giant strombus) live in such shells, carefully growing their houses for a long time. To get it out of its cozy hiding place, locals take a hammer and, with a precise blow, punch a hole in a strong shield, from where they pull out the defenseless mollusk. Since you're on an island in the middle of the ocean, the freshness of the seafood is virtually guaranteed - the shellfish is cut without any processing into a salad that also includes diced fresh tomatoes, onions and peppers. All this is topped with lime juice and sprinkled with pepper and salt to taste. The dish turns out to be quite spicy, sour and at the same time refreshing. You can ask to leave out the jalapeño so it's not as spicy. I think you should try this at least once in your life - and below I will tell you exactly where to do it!

There are other ways to cook strombus: boil soup, make a roast, deep-fry - whatever your imagination suggests. Each Caribbean island has its own recipes.

Here I will write about only one place - about where I return when I come to Nassau again, and about which my parents dream when planning a trip there. We are talking about Señor Frog's - an excellent restaurant with a wonderful atmosphere.

As I already said, a lot of this article will be somewhere close to either Atlantis or Hilton. So, Señor Frog's restaurant is located right in the Hilton building, only on the outside, and not inside the hotel. You need to approach from Bay Street.

The establishment stands out primarily for its interior. For example - the ceiling :).

The bar is not far behind in originality.

But what’s even more original here is the presentation of the same conch salad that I described above. They will roll a mobile table to your place and right before your eyes they will prepare the dish from start to finish: they will break the shell, take out the shellfish, chop it along with the vegetables, mix it - voila! The dish is ready, you can eat. Along the way, during the process you will be asked questions about whether to add this or that ingredient, or whether to make it spicier. Guacamole is also prepared interactively. This type of serving is indicated in the menu as served tableside, and such a dish costs 12-20 USD.

What else do you need to know about Señor Frog's - this is a great party place! Every day people gather here, loud music plays, fun competitions are held. Discos until the morning, soap parties, laser shows, musical chairs - that's not all. If you are looking for Nassau nightlife, this is the place for you.

By the way, there are many branches of this restaurant in Mexico and the Caribbean. But for some reason it seems to me that this particular one is special.


  1. Tiki Bikini Hut;
  2. Daiquiri Shack;
  3. McKenzie's Fresh Fish and Conch;
  4. Nirvana Beach Bar;
  5. Gregory's Mediterranean Delights.


  1. Pirate Republic Brewing;
  2. Lukka Kairi Restaurant and Bar;
  3. Athena Cafe & Bar;
  4. Oh Andros;
  5. Blue Sail.


  1. Cafe Matisse;
  2. Sapodilla;
  3. Graycliff Restaurant;
  4. Nobu;
  5. Luciano's of Chicago.


Holidays in Nassau and in the Bahamas in general can be divided into two groups: national and religious. Speaking of the latter, everything is pretty clear here. Bahamian history and culture are closely connected with Western countries, so here, as expected, Christmas is considered one of the most important holidays, more important than the New Year. But it has its own characteristics.

There are many other holidays that are celebrated in the Bahamas and Nassau specifically. Local festivals can be held in hotels (for example, Atlantis) and restaurants (the same Señor Frog's). If you gather in Nassau, it is quite possible that you will be greeted by one or another holiday that you did not even suspect about - from Independence Day Bahamas on July 10th until the Shell Festival in October.

Safety. What to watch out for

Exotic is exotic, but safety is also worth thinking about. Of course, this is not where the police, even in resort and tourist towns, walk around in large groups, armed with machine guns. But I have already said that Nassau is a city of contrasts; it can even be compared to a chessboard: the line between the white and black fields is obvious. And if you feel that you are approaching the line, it may not be worth going further - at least not alone, with a large amount of money and valuables, with a child, as a girl, and so on. I remember that I somehow ended up just across the street from my parents, we were separated by a stream of cars. In your hands - a camera for 600 bucks, in your bag - another 300 green. Then I felt very vulnerable.

Unless you consider yourself a pro-must-see-everything traveler, I don't recommend you go beyond the tourist area. It includes the entire Bay Road with the adjacent streets and beach, Paradise Island and hotel areas. In fact, the safest area is the strip from Hilton to the bridges and Paradise Island. This is where most of the attractions are concentrated.

To the south and above Bay Road is Shirley Street - also quite a civilized street. Even higher is the Government House, or Government House, which I marked on the map; it is on a hill.

So, behind the hill there is an area with the appropriate name - Over the Hill. Historically, the poor, that is, slaves with their families, settled here. Just 40 years ago there was no water or electricity here. Here's what one blogger writes about this area:

I was amazed at how deep the poverty was here. Wooden houses, rusty, leaky roofs, rickety shacks. We walked along a snaking sidewalk among a half-rural, half-urban wasteland, a dump of shoddily put together huts and rusty car bodies. Here and there are massive black SUVs and Hummers with tinted windows.

When I first saw this place, the word “slum” came to mind, although it is not entirely accurate. In any case, if you see something similar to what is described above, abandoned houses, deserted streets, it’s better to turn back to the colorful colonial houses.

Okay, we've discussed the "where" question, now the only question left is "when" - when is it safer? From 9-10 in the morning until 3-5 in the afternoon, when most of the shops and museums are open. My parents once went outside at 6 pm to walk along Bay Road, and a policeman stopped them and told them to go back to the hotel, because at that time there was no point in hanging out on the streets just like that. On the other hand, if you see that the street is crowded, then why not take a walk, it’s not that bad. I'm not even talking about Paradise Island.

A little more general information. The crime rate in the Bahamas is high, but tourists rarely find themselves in the position of a victim - and then we are talking primarily about pickpocketing. You should not take risks visiting nightclubs and casinos (except in Atlantis, where it is really absolutely safe), because drugs can be added to alcohol. Cross the road very carefully because the driving here is unpredictable. Girls should not walk around Nassau alone outside the tourist area.

Things to do

Besides beach holidays and sightseeing, you can find other things to do.

  • Rum tasting - this excursion costs 70 USD per person and includes a short sightseeing tour, an introduction to the history of buccaneering (this is not the same as piracy) and local delicacies. This tour can be easily found on the Internet and booked online.

Shopping and shops

Nassau is a good place for shopping if you know the places. Just keep in mind that the shops, since they are mainly aimed at tourists from ships, close at 5 o’clock, or even at 3 if it’s a day off. It is better to plan shopping for the first half of the day.

BAHARI Bahamas

Walking along Bay Street towards Hilton, I came across an excellent luxury clothing store. Local brand, called BAHARI Bahamas. I literally fell in love with her: you rarely see such cool things! They sell men's and women's clothes, elegant dresses and T-shirts, and accessories. Prices range from 35 to 95 USD.

  • At the intersection of Bay Street and Marlborough, right next to the Hilton. There is no exact address on the website, but if you walk along Bay Street, you will probably find a store.
  • #49 Rosetta Street West. If you're not going to the center of the island, you're unlikely to get there.

Diamonds International

Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, tanzanites - there is jewelry with various precious stones here. Prices vary from the quite earthly 50 USD per ring to the sky-high 20,000 USD - also per ring.

If you love unusual silver rings with bright accents, check out MarahLago jewelry with beautiful blue larimars. This stone will always remind you of the sea.

The store is located on Bay Street near the pier exit - you won't miss it.

Paradise Island

The Atlantis Hotel - in the part where mere mortals can go without paying an entrance fee - has a number of branded stores. Off the top of my head I can remember my favorite Michael Kors, Gucci, Versace. The prices here are American, that is, high, but still much lower than in Russia.

Bars. Where to go

In addition to the wonderful Señor Frog's, I can name at least one more wonderful establishment that you will probably remember for its lamp-ness and cool inscriptions on the walls.

By the way, you can also check in there if you find any marker. The place is called The Bearded Clam, and I'll mark it on the map just in case so you don't get lost :)

Located in a narrow alley between Bay Street and the cruise port. There are also other establishments and souvenir shops there.

Clubs and nightlife

Spending the night in one of Nassau's clubs doesn't seem like a good idea to me simply because it's not very safe. But I can name two reliable places:

  • Wonderful Señor Frog's at Hilton.
  • Aura Nightclub at the Atlantis Hotel. Entrance prices for hotel guests: women - free, men - 25 USD. For guests: women - 25 USD, men - 40 USD. During holidays and special events the price will be higher.

Extreme sports and other activities

The island offers such entertainment as riding a motor boat, catamaran, glass-bottom boat, jet ski; parasailing, snorkeling and diving. Did the last one grab you? Then I'll tell you one cool place - James Bond Wreck.

It was here that real ships were sunk, especially for the filming of such Bond films as “Thunderball” and “Never Say Never Again,” which are overgrown with coral and algae in today’s ship. Here you can also see large turtles and stingrays. This is a medium depth dive and requires a diver certificate and proof that you have dived at least once in the last 12 months. Behind the ships the bottom drops sharply down, it’s really deep there!

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

On Bay Street there are many souvenir shops where you can buy magnets, T-shirts in national colors, swimsuits and other Chinese delights. You can also purchase souvenirs on Paradise Island in Marina Village.

Those who find themselves in Nassau somewhere around the New Year (at least from November to February) will certainly be able to find such an interesting souvenir - Christmas tree decorations in the form of shells. Real exotic!

But, having seen the prices, I decided that for 10-16 USD I myself could glue a cute bow to the shell :).

You can also buy rum, but I’m not your advisor here.

To be honest, I wandered around all sorts of shops for a long time and could not find anything special for myself. By a funny coincidence, two places that I still liked turned out to be 15 meters from each other.

Main Street Ice Cream Parlor

A nice two-story building, again opposite the Hilton, is an ice cream cafe and a gift shop, and I was most attracted to the latter. Here you can buy, in addition to the obvious souvenirs:

  • When I saw these two cuties, I literally squealed: I finally found a suitable souvenir for myself. I don’t remember how much they cost, I can only guess that it was 20-30 USD for each.

Straw Market

One of the main attractions, the Straw Market (still near the Hilton) produces the same dual impression as the generally contrasting Nassau. Under a high roof in a large dark room there are many rows of benches. On the one hand, there are a lot, a lot of goods here, on the other hand, it’s dark, gloomy, many sellers are sick with something, they call you all the time, and quite persistently. All this impressed me as a Cherkizon.

Still, this place is worth seeing, because this is where you can see folk art and handicrafts. First of all, these are, of course, straw products: hats, bags, wallets, baskets, embroidered with bright ribbons.

On the street, as well as in some places indoors, there are shops selling wooden figurines of various animals and creatures. Some of the works are impressive in size and detail!

In general, advice - it’s better not to touch anything again. Just to be safe, not to break it and not to show too much interest.

The market is open from 9 (at 10 everyone has already settled down and laid out their goods) until 5.

How to get around the city

Since you're in the Bahamas, your movements will likely be kept to the bare minimum: from bed to beach and back. If you want to see something other than sand, you'll still need your feet, because many interesting places tend to be within walking distance of hotels, especially if you're staying near the pier or on Paradise Island. Wheeled transport can also come in handy.

Visit to arrange a private trip to neighboring islands.


Shuttle buses, or Jitneys, travel throughout the island. This is the easiest and cheapest way to get from point A to point B: it costs only 1.25 USD (for a long route - up to 2.50 USD). And it works like a simple minibus: it stops, fills up, and goes. These buses run with enviable regularity; there really are a lot of them.

There is only one blank spot: the route map of these buses. It’s easier to ask the driver or locals how to get to this or that place and whether this minibus goes there. I can definitely say that at the eastern exit of Atlantis there is a bus that goes directly to the pier and back.

The buses are more or less comfortable, more or less modern. Drivers tend to drive quite quickly and harshly.

Transport rental

One of the most striking impressions of Nassau is the local driving style. They drive fast, accelerate sharply, brake sharply, or do not brake at all. Crossing the road is simply scary: you don’t know which way to look, so it’s better to go right, and left, and up, and down.

Cars are both left-hand drive and right-hand drive. This expanse is explained either by the legacy of the British Empire, or by the fact that many roads here are one-way. Moreover, the traffic here is so one-way that New Providence and Paradise Island are connected by two bridges at once: one leading to it, the other from it. Considering how many times Google Maps has let me down as a navigator in different countries, I simply don’t even advise you to get involved in this Brownian motion. But if you think your reaction is good enough, and your desire to travel by your own transport is too great, you can look for cars at local rentals or upon arrival at the airport. Prices start from 50 USD per day for a simple small car with an automatic transmission.

Nassau - holidays with children

Holidays with children in Nassau? Why not! Especially if you follow the simple precautions and recommendations I described above in the “Safety” section. Living on Paradise Island, you don’t have to think about how to entertain your child, because there is a huge water complex, an aquarium and whatnot.

There are other things to do in New Providence for kids.

Sunny Nassau, being the capital of the Bahamas, is located on a picturesque hillside of New Providence Island. Over its rich history, the city has seen Spanish conquistador galleons and major shipwrecks, pirate invasions, and the strongest British Navy on its lands. Today Nassau is a wonderful place with pearly beaches and the best service. Fashionable hotels, luxury villas, casinos, restaurants, sports complexes and beautiful beaches - all this attracts vacationers from all over the world. Much more modest. It offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling, diving, paragliding and picnics.

Nassau Climate

Tropical trade wind climate conditions prevail in this area. In summer, the average daily air temperature is +25..+35 C. However, even in the winter months there is a mild and comfortable climate here, when the average daily temperature varies around +19..+23 C, although the northwestern islands are a little cooler. In winter, precipitation is extremely rare, often falling in the form of powerful but short showers. The water warms up on average to +27 C in the summer, and almost +23 C in the winter months. The best time to visit the country is from early September to May.

Getting to Nassau

There are no direct flights to Nassau from Russia. The city's local airport serves several airlines flying from London, Montreal, the USA and Toronto. If the tourist has a US visa, then you can fly with a transfer in the United States. There is a ferry to the islands from Florida, departing daily from Fort Lauderdale. The trip will take about 5 hours. From here you can fly to.

The Bahamas maintains air links with the rest of the Caribbean. Russians do not need a visa to visit the capital of the islands for tourism purposes. When crossing the border, it is enough to present air tickets or reservations, a passport and a document confirming the presence of funds in the account sufficient to stay in the country.

Basic prices for travelers to Nassau

The city has many accommodation options for tourists, catering to the financial capabilities and tastes of holidaymakers. However, especially cheap accommodation is not expected here. The 5* Sandals Royal Bahamian hotel is perfect for lovers of peaceful leisure. The hotel offers comfortable rooms with full equipment and amenities, as well as on-site service, costing from $750 per night.

The Wyndham Nassau Resort 4* hotel is located on the famous Cable Beach, close to the Crystal Palace Casino. The hotel buildings are surrounded by a tropical garden, which provides a relaxed atmosphere and a variety of entertainment programs. The room capacity includes 850 rooms of varying comfort, costing from $680.

The Bay View Village 3* hotel offers guests comfortable rooms overlooking Samrong Bay and the shore of the beautiful sea. Bright, spacious rooms with balconies, amenities, and modern equipment will cost tourists from $560 per night.

Shopping in Nassau is a profitable business. Here, most goods on sale are duty-free, which has a favorable effect on prices - jewelry, perfumes, photographic equipment, porcelain - everything costs half as much as goods in other countries. Among the local souvenirs you can buy straw products, fabrics, and alcoholic drinks. Costume jewelry, national clothing, and amulets are popular.

What to see in Nassau

The resort area of ​​Paradise Island is the most famous place in Nassau. Fashionable hotels, pristine beaches and the best casinos are concentrated here. The turquoise sea surface, tropical thickets, palm groves hanging over the water - made this place attractive even to representatives of the Italian monarchy. They are worthy of the level!

An equally beautiful place is the Royal Gardens. In honor of Queen Victoria of Britain, a picturesque botanical garden was opened here. Today, the park is home to hundreds of species of tropical plants, rose flower beds, and artificial canals and ponds.

The most romantic place in the city is Parliament Square, where all the loving couples gather. The main government buildings face the square with their facades, giving this place a special flavor.

The Royal Staircase is located near the city center. It is a limestone rock with 65 steps carved into it. According to legend, the governor of the island, after the death of Queen Victoria, ordered slaves to make a monument in the rock. Each step symbolizes a year in the queen’s life, and the monument itself symbolizes the highest merits of the crown.

Beaches of Nassau

People come to the Bahamas for a wonderful beach holiday, since it is very difficult to find equal to these islands in terms of beauty and number of vacation spots. The best beach in Nassau is the West Esplanade, located near the downtown. Here the most beautiful waves attract surfers, and the gentle sun lures travelers with its bliss.

Goodman's Bay Beach is famous for its excellent infrastructure for children, sports enthusiasts and just married couples. And Sanders Beach is famous among tourists all over the globe. This is an area with expensive casinos, restaurants, luxury hotels and nightclubs. There are also spacious beaches, sports complexes and a fabulous dolphinarium.

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas

Thanks to its tropical climate and natural landscape, Nassau has become a place of pilgrimage for travelers who await a relaxing holiday under the gentle Caribbean sun during the day, and a magical world of entertainment at night. The city is famous for its beautiful harbor, tropical breezes, the enchanting rhythm of drums, delicious local cuisine and the most mind-blowing opportunities for complete leisure.

Nassau is the main city of the Bahamas, their economic and cultural center; it is very modern and immediately attracts attention with the color of its buildings. The most modern publications stand side by side with magnificent examples of old colonial architecture. Nothing reminds us that once upon a time in its place there was a small and noisy village, founded not by anyone, but... by pirates. A beautiful harbor and port promenade, crowded business districts, a variety of shopping outlets - all this is Nassau today.

Despite the distance from Europe and other centers of civilization, Nassau is of interest to travelers from all over the world, not only for beach holidays, the entertainment industry, shopping, but also for its unique attractions. Only in Nassau and nowhere else can tourists combine serenity with active pursuits, and vivid impressions are guaranteed. Anyone who visits this wonderful place at least once, as they say, on the other side of the globe, will definitely return here. In order to once again feel the whole rich palette - natural, historical, ethnocultural - of this magnificent resort city.

Climate and weather

The equatorial climate zone in which Nassau is located is characterized by hot weather throughout the year: the air temperature varies between +20...+32 °C. There are two seasons - wet and dry. The first is established in May and lasts until October, characterized by hot and stuffy weather, the second - from November to April, and can be called more comfortable. In general, the climate of the capital city is very mild, which is due to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream, as well as the trade wind - the southeast wind constantly blowing from the equator.

The coolest month is January, when the air temperature drops to 17 degrees with a plus sign, but this only happens at night. During the day, the thermometer can show +25 °C. The hottest months of the year are July and August, when the average temperature minimum reaches +24 °C, the maximum reaches +32 °C.

The minimum monthly precipitation - within 40 millimeters - is observed in February and March, which are considered the driest in Nassau. But in the wet season, the maximum amount of precipitation on average reaches 150-220 mm/month. For “complete happiness”, tropical hurricanes begin to blow at this time, characteristic, however, for the entire Caribbean. As for the water temperature in the area of ​​the capital of the Bahamas, in August-October it warms up to +30 °C, and in the remaining months of the year it stays at +25...+27 °C.

History of Nassau

Nassau, founded in the 17th century by the British, is an ancient and very beautiful city. It was originally called Charlestown, and by the end of the century it was renamed Nassau in honor of William III, the great ruler of England and Scotland, whose real name was Willem van Oranje-Nassau.

The capital of the Bahamas is perhaps the only one in the world that is called a pirate city. And it is no coincidence, because in the 18th century these regions were chosen by sea robbers, the most famous cutthroat among whom was Blackbeard. Here they settled so firmly that in 1706 they even founded the Republic of Pirates on the islands. The quasi-state, although nominally part of the British Empire, was not actually controlled by the latter. Pirates have become a real disaster for shipowners and merchants, and that's putting it mildly. The robbery continued until the British sailor Woods Rogers arrived in Nassau in 1718, bringing a royal pardon and restoring British control over the city and the islands as a whole.

At the end of that century, Nassau became the target of numerous attacks by the Spanish. In 1776, it was captured by American revolutionaries - although not for long. Six years later, the Bahamas and their capital were also occupied by the Spaniards, but a year later, in July 1783, British loyalists recaptured them without firing a shot. While the American Civil War was going on, more than 7 thousand loyalists moved to Nassau and other regions of the islands from the United States.

During World War II, the American Coast Guard based its boats and ships in Nassau to resist Kriegsmarine submarines. Since 1968, the city has assumed capital functions in the modern sense: the residence of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, which was initially a self-governing territory, is located here, and since 1973, the city has housed the government of the independent state of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, which, in turn, was part of the British Commonwealth .

Sights of Nassau

The most visited attraction in Nassau is the Queen's Staircase. The unique building is invariably included in the list of must-see places in the city. The staircase got its name in honor of the British Queen Victoria. The Queen's staircase consists of 65 steps - the same number of years she was on the throne. The steps were hollowed out by slaves for ten years in the mountain, which is located in the very center of the capital. At the top of the stairs there is an excellent panorama of the city and its surroundings.

However, the best view of Nassau opens from the water tower, whose height reaches 40 m. This attraction can rightfully be considered one of the main calling cards of the city. It was built back in 1928. Interesting fact: for some reason, the government of the neighboring United States allocated funds for construction. In itself, this object is not particularly interesting from an architectural point of view, but as an observation deck it has no equal in the city.

Another famous place in Nassau is the Atlantis Bridge. From here you have the best view of the strait separating New Providence and the adjacent Paradise Island. Ships pass freely under it, and the road surface itself sharply rushes upward from the shore. Traffic on the bridge is organized in such a way that there are no traffic jams: on the left side traffic moves to the island, on the right side – from the island. From the Atlantis Bridge you can clearly see the famous pink Atlantis Hotel, cruise ships at anchor and boats running back and forth along the strait.

Are you interested in the beauty of pristine nature? Then you need to visit the Royal Victoria Gardens, which are located in the southern part of Shirley Street. They are a large botanical garden, the history of which dates back to the 19th century. The family of a wide variety of tropical plants collected from all over the world includes over 300 species. Particularly striking are the magnificent orchids, of which there are a lot here, including rare species. Bizarrely entwining trees, they emit such exquisite aromas that everything around seems to be saturated with them. This idyllic picture is complemented by many birds, singing so masterfully, as if competing with each other, whose trill is louder and more beautiful.

After enjoying the natural beauties of Nassau, it’s time to look into the kingdom of books. The public library of the Bahamian capital, located in an unusual octagonal building built at the end of the 18th century, is also one of the main attractions of the city. The interior is also interesting, from which you can’t tell that until 1879 there was a prison here. After the last prisoners were released from here, books took up residence in the former prison cells. Other rooms in the ex-prison were also used: one was used as a reading room, while others housed a magnificent museum dedicated to colonial times.

Can you visit Nassau without visiting the famous Rawson Square? This is hardly possible, because around it, in fact, lies the historical center of the city with buildings from the 18th-19th centuries that have survived to this day. In the center is a sculpture of the first Governor General of the Bahamas, Sir Milo Butler. Over time, this place became very lively, it was chosen by hawkers, street musicians, bankers and, of course, tourists.

Rawson Square is adjacent to two of the most famous streets - Prince George's Wharf and Bay Street, forming the crossroads of the Old Town, where a whole complex of historical buildings is located. Bay Street is also famous among tourists for the fact that it houses many shops, cafes and restaurants. It is one of the main centers of trade and recreation aimed at visitors. Prince George's Wharf can also boast of its shops and cafes, which, in addition to tourists, are very popular with sailors of local and foreign ships. If you happen to find yourself in Nassau for the winter holidays, be sure to come here, because the annual Christmas carnival is held here.

Another city square, Parliament Square, is located just south of Rawson. Here, at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries, buildings for administrative structures were erected. Here are the buildings of the former colonial administration and the current Parliament of the Bahamas, as well as the Supreme Court and the House of Assembly. One of the dominant features of the square is the statue of Queen Victoria. The beautiful two-story Parliament building with an antique portico is decorated with four columns.

Not far from Nassau there is a hill on which stands Fort Charlotte, built in 1787, named after the beloved wife of the Bahamian King George III. Now there is a museum here. The former fort is surrounded on all sides by a moat with water. This place attracts tourists with the popular local costume festival-carnival Joncona. It is held here twice a year: on Christmas and New Year, and then in July-August.

When in Nassau, be sure to visit the Pirate Museum; it is located in the very center of the capital of the Bahamas, on the corner of George and Marlborough streets. The museum is small in area, but it contains a large number of fascinating and exclusive exhibits. The creators stylized it as a ship, which visitors can enter through the “docks” - dark rooms with poor lighting. But on the “decks” of the makeshift “ship” there are memorial plaques with information about the most famous thugs of the Caribbean.

And finally, a few words about the island of Silver Bay, not far from Nassau. Here is the Crystal Cay Marine Park Aquarium, which covers more than 16 acres. Notably, it was built around natural reefs, allowing visitors to drop as much as 20 feet below sea level. Many travelers take advantage of this unique opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the underwater world.

Recreation and entertainment

Nassau has its own amusement park, the Aquaventure water park, located on the island of Atlantis Paradise. And among the children's entertainment that the capital of the Bahamas offers its guests, one can note the Castaway Cay park. It is a real town where pirates, characters from Disney cartoons, “live”, and which provides young visitors with the opportunity to plunge into the world of unforgettable adventures.

For adults, Nassau has its own range of entertainment, which includes many entertainment venues, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Among the latter, Senor Frogs and Booze & Cruise are very popular. Since the nightlife does not subside until the morning, you are sure to find comfortable places to relax, where you can relax, drink local rum and dance to your heart's content. And to stay in shape after night vigils, during the day you can play tennis, golf, diving, yachting and other sports - the city also has all the opportunities for this.

Located on an island, Nassau is famous for its marine areas, where, in addition to water sports, you can indulge in fishing. The southern coast of New Providence is framed by a kind of wall of long and deep reefs. They curve especially bizarrely around Coral Bay. As for the west coast, it is shallow and literally teeming with life. This is where fans of sea fishing and snorkeling flock. Nassau has also gained fame for its yacht clubs - there are more than a dozen of them in the vicinity.

Beaches of Nassau

A beach holiday in the capital of the Bahamas offers truly paradisiacal conditions that one can only dream of. Selected white sand, crystal clear waters and stunning coral reef patterns are all found on Nassau's beaches. Here you can not only sunbathe to your heart's content, but also go yachting, water skiing, diving and sport fishing.

Paradise Island is home to the city's most famous beach, connected to the city by a bridge. It offers a beautiful view of the ocean, so it is not surprising that many vacationers take so many photographs here. This piece of land, which fully lives up to its name, is perfect for families with children. Here you can meet representatives of specialized schools for teaching water sports: they are looking for students among tourists. Be sure to send your child to such a school and in just a week he will learn to swim and also play water polo.

You may have heard of the world famous Dolphin Encounter program. So, it is being implemented on Paradise Island. As part of the program, you will be able to swim with these amazing and very intelligent mammals, interact with them, and learn to understand them more. It is, as you guessed, primarily designed for children, who will be under the supervision of an experienced instructor.


To get around Nassau, choose a taxi or rent a car. Taxi drivers, like everywhere else in the world, will have to pay according to the meter, but be careful not to be deceived. But to rent a car, you must be at least 21 years old. Plus, you will be required to have an international driver's license. And don't forget that in the capital of the Bahamas, traffic drives on the left.

There are also public shuttle buses in the city. Well, if you need to go to Paradise Island (the second name for Paradise Island), which is part of the city agglomeration, use the services of a water taxi. Ferries provide transportation around Nassau and to the surrounding islands.

Cuisine and restaurants

There are many restaurants in Nassau, some of them are well known not only outside the city, but also far abroad. One of them is Martinique, which serves French cuisine and is famous for its impeccable service. Interestingly, this establishment was even mentioned in one of the first films dedicated to the famous agent 007. The mention in the film gave the restaurant good advertising, after which James Bond fans flocked here.

Do you want to taste exotic Brazilian cuisine? Then welcome to Humidor Churrascaria, where you will be offered steak, pork, roast lamb and a variety of salads. For those who like to drink (in the good sense of the word) there is an assortment of more than 200 thousand bottles of wine, which are stored in the basement of the establishment. They also offer visitors cigars – and real ones! You will have to choose from 90 items.

But at the Portofino restaurant you can taste real Bahamian cuisine. Breakfast here is served as a buffet. On Saturdays you can enjoy a variety of delicacies and seafood. It is especially worth highlighting Friday, when national cuisine days are held.


Most goods in the capital of the Bahamas are sold duty-free, which is best reflected in the pricing policy of local retail outlets. If you buy perfumes, jewelry, porcelain, photographic equipment or watches, they will cost you half as much as in other countries.

Nassau's main shopping street is Bay, where a huge number of shopping centers and stores selling branded goods are concentrated. Here you can buy the most fashionable things, and at reasonable prices.

The city of Nassau, like all of the Bahamas, is considered one of the most exotic places on Earth, so it is not surprising that travelers tend to leave here with memorable local souvenirs. What do they buy most often? First of all, products made from shells and straw, fabrics, perfumes and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Tourists are happy to purchase national clothes, various symbols and amulets, as well as jewelry. All restrictions on the import of currency and the export of goods in the country have been lifted, so you can buy whatever you want and in the quantities you need.

In the center of Nassau there is a souvenir market, which is also called the straw market. The scattering of handmade goods offered by smiling sellers is literally eye-opening. However, try not to buy into their charm, because this cordiality has one goal - to sell the product as expensive as possible. Don't be shy and negotiate persistently.


The capital of the Bahamas, despite its tourist attractiveness, remains, unfortunately, the most dangerous place in the country. Crimes such as assaults and robberies are common here. Local criminals - it seems that many of them were given “lessons” by the pirates themselves - not only break into houses, but can easily rob right on the street.

To the south of the center of Nassau is the Over-the-Hill area, where tourists are not at all advisable. This is the poorest part of the city, there are many unemployed people who sometimes don’t even have anything to eat. Of course, they will not pass up the opportunity to rob some lost foreigner. When hiring a taxi, try to avoid private cab drivers: many professional robbers often pose as taxi drivers, with all the ensuing consequences...

Nassau Hotels

Accommodation in Nassau cannot be called cheap. But not because hotel owners are very greedy people. The fact is that hotel owners are forced to include a government tax of 10% of the cost in their bills.

Local two-star hotels are more like cottages. Rooms cost from 1,500 rubles in Russian currency and more. In hotels of the three-star level and above, double apartments cost tourists 2,500-3,000 rubles. per night. All these price inconveniences are to some extent compensated by the presence of swimming pools and beaches just a few steps away and a beautiful view of the ocean - all this can be found in almost any hotel.

How to get there

Nassau International Airport Linden Pindling is the largest in the Bahamas. It serves most US airlines.

Aeroflot operates flights from Moscow to Nassau, but they are connecting flights, that is, joint flights with other airlines. Here are several directions: Moscow - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot and American), Moscow - Paris - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot and Air France-American), Moscow - London - Nassau (Aeroflot and British Airways), Moscow - Zurich - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot, Swiss and American). Relatively inexpensive and comfortable flights are operated via New York and Miami by Delta and American airlines.

The Bimini Road consists of two parallel tracks paved with stone slabs, located under water. Some of these slabs reach six meters in length.

The Bimini road is located at a depth of three to nine meters, but thanks to the perfectly clear water it is perfectly visible from the surface of the sea. Its length is 500 meters and its width is 90. Not far from it stretches a J-shaped sleeve, which is lined with the same material. In the same area, many other strange structures were discovered underwater - concentric circles and platforms.

Historic center of Nassau

The historic center of Nassau, with its beautifully preserved buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries, is spread out around Rawson Square.

The city was founded in 1650 by the British and was named Charles Town. In 1695 it was renamed Nassau in honor of the fort of the same name.

Rawson Square is adjacent to two of Nassau's most famous streets, Bay Street and Prince George's Wharf, which form the crossroads of the old city. Now it is a lively place - musicians, bankers, hawkers, sailors and tourists gather here. Bay Street is home to many shops, restaurants and cafes. It is one of the main centers of tourist trade and recreation.

Prince George's Wharf also houses shops and cafes that attract sailors and tourists visiting the port of Nassau. The annual Christmas carnival also takes place here.

A little south of Rawson Square is Parliament Square, where administrative buildings were erected in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Here is the Parliament, the Colonial Administration building, the House of Assembly and the Supreme Court. One of the square's attractions is also the statue of Queen Victoria.

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Alice Town Historic Center

Alice Town is a center of fishing clubs and resorts.

Here is also the most famous club, which witnessed the “birth” of Ernest Hemingway’s famous novel “To Have and Have Not” - Complete-Engler. Tourists find themselves in a historical monument, where unique photographs of the author and his personal belongings are on display for everyone to see.

Local legends also glorify the famous “Bimini Road,” which invites modern people to admire the wonders of pristine nature: lush flora and breathtaking panoramas of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Bahamas are islands where holidays are possible in any season of the year. There is consistently good weather and plenty of sun all year round. And the local beaches undoubtedly offer luxurious conditions for an idle holiday.

Cable Beach, named after the first telegraph in the Bahamas, is a super popular place in the vicinity of the capital Nassau; it is often called the Bahamian Riviera. Like a magnet, it attracted all the most famous Bahamian hotels to itself. This means that it is always lively here and among tourists - not only lovers of passive recreation. The beach is bordered by a long row of restaurants and hotels, where all the traditional resort entertainment is concentrated, including casinos and discos.

Palm trees, the cozy splash of waves, the gentle sea and the lazily and widely spread sandy beach will provide a comfortable and leisurely holiday. Excitement and drive can be found next door, on the line of luxury hotels.

Royal staircase

The Royal Staircase in Nassau is the city's most visited attraction.

At the end of the 18th century, construction began on a staircase in honor of Queen Victoria, who spent 65 years on the throne. The staircase is carved right into one of the hills of the island. More than five hundred slaves took part in the construction of the Royal Staircase. Construction lasted 16 years, because the work was difficult, the hard limestone did not give in. However, the staircase was never completed due to the enactment of the Slavery Abolition Act in 1834. No one decided to continue construction.

The staircase has 65 steps - one for each year of Queen Victoria's reign. And the purpose of the Royal Staircase is to connect Fincastle Fort and Princess Margaret Hospital.

If you climb the stairs, you will find yourself at the top of the mountain, overlooking the city and surrounding areas.

Graycliff Restaurant

Graycliff is a famous restaurant at the Graycliff Hotel, located in Nassau. The interior of the establishment reflects the colonial style of architecture, and rare wines are stored in the restaurant's premises.

Nassau has many other cafes and restaurants boasting architectural details, but few are as grand as Graycliff. The cuisine in the establishment is European, catering to every taste. The Graycliff Restaurant has professional and English-speaking staff, ready to serve even the most demanding customer. Prices at Graycliff are incomparable with establishments of this rank - luxury is highly valued here.

The Graycliff Restaurant is a worthy establishment in Nassau that can surprise not only with the beauty of its interior, but also with its unique dishes.

Parliament Building of the Bahamas

The Bahamas Parliament building is located in the center of Nassau on Parliament Square, being the center of the city's main square.

A small two-story building in the city center was erected in the early 19th century specifically for meetings of the colonial government. The first British officials appeared on the islands in the middle of the 17th century, but even today the Bahamas feels direct influence from London, since formally the head of Parliament is the Queen of Great Britain.

The Parliament is housed in a beautiful building with an antique portico decorated with four columns. The building, like all the buildings on the square, is painted sunny pink, which looks especially beautiful in the evening.

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Compass Point Restaurant

Compass Point is a restaurant and bar at the resort complex of the same name, which also includes a beach and a hotel. The restaurant serves international and Caribbean cuisine and is open all day. The restaurant hall is decorated in festive red, white and black colors and, like the bar, is equipped with a large flat-screen TV broadcasting various programs. However, the main view opens outside the panoramic windows - the turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The restaurant's bar serves drinks and light snacks. In addition to the bar and the main hall, the restaurant has two open terraces for those who want to dine in the fresh air.

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