What is the name of the main region? What is your region of residence? All major cities, including federal ones

Russia is not only a huge and hospitable country, but also a place where absolutely everyone can find the perfect home for themselves. Where is the best place to live in Russia? Our country is the largest in the world by territory, so there is plenty to choose from. In fact, every person values ​​his Everyday life, therefore, it is basically impossible to name a perfect place of residence. Although experts have nevertheless found a way to determine in which region of our country it would be most comfortable for a person to live who values ​​factors such as: the level of medical care, purchasing power, business development and average income. Thanks to this simple approach, experts were able to identify the best cities in our country.

10th place. Tyumen

The city of Tyumen takes tenth place in the top hundred. As you know, Siberia is the very region where citizens of our country previously did not want to live due to the harsh and unpredictable climate. But over the years, the latter has changed significantly - now in these parts you can rarely find a cold and long winter. Today, the city of Tyumen is considered not only the most wonderful place where it is better to live in Russia, but also the oil and gas capital of our country. Only 400 km separates it from Kazakhstan, while almost all transit trade between Siberia and China passes through the city. It is here that the largest amount of oil in our country is extracted and produced. And that is why in Tyumen things are so good with wages and so difficult with the environmental situation. It is worth noting that the previously small settlement is growing at tremendous speed; today the population of Tyumen is about 680 thousand inhabitants, most of whom are Russian, despite the fact that the city is considered multinational.

9th place. Obninsk

Where is the best place to live and work in Russia? This question interests many citizens of our country today, but not those who live in Obninsk. Of course, this city today occupies only 9th position in the hundred best cities of the Russian Federation, but at the same time it has amazing qualities. The Kaluga region has always been different from other regions and regions of our country, and the city of Obninsk became famous for being recognized as the first “science city” of Russia in 2000. It was here that the world's first nuclear power plant was built, which began operating back in 1954. It’s not for nothing that this city in the Russian Federation is considered the most “smart”, because on its territory there are more than 10 scientific centers. At the moment, about 107.3 thousand people live in Obninsk, and every year this number increases by 1000 new citizens. But the most important thing is that most of the population are highly educated people. If we talk about the climate, cold and snowy winters with humid and warm summers prevail here for the most part.

8th place. Ekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg will appeal to those people who prefer to live constantly on the move and in a large city. There is no need to talk about peace in Yekaterinburg; life in this locality is constantly in full swing. It is worth saying that this city is divided into several large areas, which seem to be demarcated by an invisible line. Moreover, each of these regions will differ significantly from its neighbor. It is not surprising that Yekaterinburg was included in the list of cities where it is better to live in Russia, because back in 1967 it received the title of a million-plus city, and since 2000 its population has been steadily growing. Despite the fact that women predominantly live here (statistically, they outnumber men by 9%), the city still remains a major industrial center, as it was originally founded. About 200 of the largest enterprises accommodate a huge number of workers every day. It is worth noting that the average salary in Yekaterinburg is about 30,000 rubles, which is 22% more than the average salary in our country. The climate in this city is moderate, but sudden temperature changes are common.

7th place. Podolsk

The southern direction of Moscow is where the city of Podolsk is located, which today proudly occupies the 7th position in the list of leaders. Where is the best place to live and work in Russia? Of course, in Podolsk, because it is in this city that one of the highest wages is paid in our country. And given the fact that this is where the Railway and the highway towards Crimea, we can assume that in the future the city will develop even faster. The climate in the village is moderate and distinguished by its mildness. By the way, interesting fact: This is where the hour meridian passes, so if you move from the western part of the city to the eastern part, you can find yourself an hour earlier or later. Today, about 240 thousand people live here, although the number is almost constantly increasing. Geographically, this city is divided into 14 districts, so even a guest can easily find his way around here. The infrastructure of Podolsk is rich, but even if something is missing, this deficiency can easily be compensated for by the proximity of Moscow. There are no problems finding work in this city, despite the fact that it is filled with new residents every day. And the wages, given that the city is located near the capital of Russia, are quite high.

6th place. Khimki

Where in Russia it is good for pensioners to live is in Khimki. And the point is not at all that there are high pension payments or there are certain benefits for this category of the population. Elderly people will like the fact that the population here is mostly used to working and knows the word responsibility. Historically, the citizens of the city worked mainly in factories and were accustomed to complying with all the necessary rules so that the work of each employee was appreciated. The name of the city itself comes from the Khimka River, which flows nearby. Despite the fact that Khimki is located on the northwestern exit from Moscow, it is quite comfortable to live here. The infrastructure is well established, the cost of utilities is low, the courtyards and alleys are well-groomed and clean, and there are a huge number of kindergartens and schools in the city. In general, as noted above, this locality will appeal to retirees who value a calm and measured life in a large city. Although there are also disadvantages, such as traffic jams, which have become an almost integral part of the life of Khimki residents.

5th place. Irkutsk

An hour's drive from Lake Baikal is a beautiful city Irkutsk, which in 2014 took fifth place in the ranking of the best places to live in Russia. This city is considered not only densely populated, but also multinational. About 613 thousand people live on its territory and among them: Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Belarusians, Buryats, Poles and others. Irkutsk residents are a secretive and strict people, just like real Siberians are considered to be, but perhaps it is thanks to this that the city has flourished so much over the past few decades. Wages in Irkutsk are low, but this does not prevent citizens from working fruitfully every day. And a huge number of factories and enterprises provide residents of Irkutsk with an endless number of jobs. Visually, it is divided into two parts by the Angara River, which flows through the entire city. A distinctive feature of the settlement from others major cities Our country is that in Irkutsk private sectors are located even in the central part, which has long become a rarity. The climate here is quite harsh, so there are often snowy winters and heavy rains in spring and autumn, which damage the infrastructure.

4th place. Domodedovo

It is not surprising that experts had to work hard to determine the most comfortable cities in Russia, where it is better to live today. The city of Domodedovo began to be considered one of the best settlements in our country not so long ago. It is located south of Moscow and is practically surrounded by important highways. Winters here are mild and summers are humid, which makes living in this area as comfortable as possible. Salaries fluctuate around 36 thousand rubles, which, even taking into account the proximity of the region to the capital, is quite good. It is important to note that the environmental situation in the region is quite stable, and the city’s population is constantly growing. At the moment, about 108 thousand people live in Domodedovo, mostly able-bodied citizens (about 67%). The infrastructure in the city is complex, but at the same time it looks clean and well-groomed. As in other cities of our country, here you can often get stuck in a traffic jam, and in Lately The situation with parking spaces has become more complicated. But otherwise, the city is ideal for living for those people who like comfort.

3rd place. Belgorod

The top three included Belgorod, which is famous throughout the country for its standard of living. It is the residents of Belgorod who know where it is better to live in retirement in Russia, because for elderly people it is simply impossible to find a place, except perhaps in the south, but the climate there, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. Belgorod is considered the cleanest region of our country, everything here is planted with trees and even drinking water is supplied from underground sources. The population today does not exceed 380 thousand people, although in the last few years the mortality rate has been higher in this region than the birth rate. The city is predominantly populated by Russians, but you can often meet people of other nationalities. As for work, a huge number of enterprises and factories are located here, and the region itself is famous for the wealth of its reserves in the bowels. The average salary is about 29 thousand rubles.

2nd place. Krasnodar

Where is it good to live in Russia? Reviews have shown that one of the most attractive areas of our country is Krasnodar. However, this is not at all surprising, since the capital of Kuban is famous for its fertility and generosity. The climate here is moderate, although sudden temperature changes occur occasionally. For example, summers in this region are getting hotter. The population of the city is a little more than 800 thousand people, but if we take into account migrant workers, then Krasnodar could have long been renamed a city with a population of one million. Although it may receive this status in the next few years, given the fact that the birth rate almost always exceeds the death rate. Located on the Kuban River, the settlement is divided into four administrative districts. It is worth noting that there are practically no large factories here, but there are no disruptions to jobs in the city due to the huge number of private businesses and small manufacturing companies. The average salary is about 31 thousand rubles. Where is it better to live in the south of Russia? Of course, in Krasnodar!

1 place. Kaliningrad

Many Russians like the coastal cities of Russia. Where is it better to live if you choose a place from the list of settlements that are located in this zone? In first place in Russia today is the city of Kaliningrad, which is conveniently located almost in the very heart of Europe. Despite the fact that this settlement is located quite far from Russia, today many consider it the most successful and profitable region. About 450 thousand people live in Kaliningrad, of very different nationalities. The history of this city is complex and ornate, but that is why here today you can meet a variety of people. Despite the proximity to European countries, wages here are low, on average about 25 thousand rubles. The city mainly makes money from shipbuilding and oil production, and there are also quite a lot of private companies that provide Kaliningrad residents with work.


Well, the last question that is worth considering outside the rating is “where is it better to live in Black Sea coast Russia." Due to recent circumstances, not a single Crimean city has yet entered the list of the best settlements in our country. But we can safely say today that this will not last long, because Crimea is a beautiful region that can boast amazing cities. Most likely, in the next few years, experts will be able to appreciate all the charm of the Crimean coast and give at least one locality this region's proud status best city our country!

Moscow is the most attractive city not only for residents of our country, but also for foreigners for many years now. large quantities years and even centuries. It attracts with its grandeur, unique beauty of architecture and, of course, history. In general, the exact time of the founding of our capital is still unknown, but in historical documents it is generally accepted that its birthday was 1147. It was at this time that one of the oldest chronicles first mentions a city with a similar name, Moscow, where Yuri Dolgoruky met with his like-minded people and friends. And only in the 13th century this city would become the center of the principality, and then the main city of our Motherland.

Moscow today

Capital of Russia. It is located on an area of ​​more than two and a half thousand square kilometers. Moscow is considered one of the most densely populated cities both Russia and Europe. At the beginning of 2012, the number of residents of the capital was 11,612,943 people. Since 1991, Moscow has been divided into twelve administrative districts, which in turn are divided into one hundred and forty-six main districts. The status of each district is determined by the Charter of the capital, as well as acts of the mayor and government.

The capital of our country performs an important function as a transport interchange, which includes 9 railway stations, 6 airports, 3 ports that have access to the oceans. Being the transport center of Russia, Moscow is increasingly experiencing serious transport problems. We understand that they are associated with an increase in the number of vehicles (by 2012 the number of cars in the capital reached 3.5 million cars) and a significant lag in the pace of construction highways. The main salvation for residents and guests of the city is the metro, which has been operating since 1935. Now the metro has 182 stations, 12 lines, which stretch for 301.2 km. In 1990, the construction of new stations stopped due to lack of proper funding. Today, construction is being resumed, and by 2015 the Moscow government promises to open more than twenty new stations.

Graphic image of the symbols of the city of Moscow

Streets of Moscow

Moscow is not only a capital with many districts, a strategic object, but also a city with its own centuries-old unique history, which is preserved to this day in monuments of architecture and art. Of particular interest to travelers and simply curious people are the streets that keep the secrets of many generations. Today there are 3500 interesting streets and small alleys, wide avenues and vast squares, mysterious embankments, endless highways and driveways. They stretch for many kilometers. It is known that if the streets are lined up in one line, we will get a straight line that exceeds the distance from Moscow to Berlin. Of course, the most famous Moscow square for us from early childhood has been Red Square, which is located on the eastern side of the Kremlin. Probably every Russian has been to this place at least once in his life, or is planning to visit. Other important attractions are the embankments located in the central part, near the Moscow River. These are Andreevskaya, Moskvoretskaya, Kremlevskaya, Sofiyskaya, Balchug, Bersenevskaya and Luzhnetskaya embankments, the name of each of them keeps its own history. Many streets remind us of names famous people, who made their invaluable contribution to the development and prosperity of Moscow. The development of the city does not stand still, so many streets were changed and renamed, some disappeared completely, and new, modern and more universal ones appeared in their place.

If netizens are interested in something about my hometown, I can talk at length and in detail. And the question of which region it belongs to, oddly enough, arises for many. So, I'm telling you.

What region is Moscow

Our capital is a city so large and significant that recognized as an independent region of Russia.

Only three cities in the Russian Federation are separate regions, the second and third are and. The so-called cities of federal significance.

More than 12 million people live in Moscow- there is nothing like this anywhere else in our country. The city is so huge and self-sufficient that residents have long jokingly asked the question “is there life beyond the Moscow Ring Road?”, speaking, of course, about the city’s ring road. Apparently, to clarify this issue a little, the authorities in 2011–12 annexed the outskirts of Moscow, thanks to which the city increased by almost 2.4 times! The capital's area has never expanded so seriously and quickly before. This raised Moscow to 6th place in the ranking of the most big cities world by area, and the Moscow region included a whole list of cities, villages and even hamlets.

Which federal district does the Moscow region belong to?

Russia consists of eight federal districts - large associations of Russian regions. Moscow is included in Central District , and she is his official center. It also includes Kaluga, Tver, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov and a number of other regions.

And here not included in the Moscow region- these are two different regions of Russia.

What number does the Moscow region have?

In the Russian Constitution, in Article 65, all regions of the country are listed. Traditionally, this sequence was used as the official number of regions, including when choosing automobile codes.

Which one number in the Constitution has a Moscow region? For a long time, the capital was in 77th place, which was fixed in many car license plates registered here. But when Crimea and Sevastopol were included in Article 65, Moscow moved to 78 position, where it is located today. But it was number 77 that remained as one of the capital’s automobile codes; 78 did not appear among them.

And I would like to add something else on my own about the question of what region. He too densely populated by people from completely different places . And they come here more often from where they live quite poorly. It is noisy and bustling here, but there is almost everything.

To the question what is a region? and how do I find out what region I live in? given by the author Nadya Nosova the best answer is Zayandexy

Answer from Yotiwi Perazo[newbie]
A region of a country, there are also regions, territories, and autonomous okrugs.
On the number on the car above the flag, what are the numbers?

Answer from Vova Adamov[newbie]
Region-region of a country or region of a region
you can find out different ways but here is a list of regions of Russia
01 Region code Republic of Adygea
02 Region code Republic of Bashkortostan (also 102)
03 Region code Republic of Buryatia
04 Region code Altai Republic
05 Region code Republic of Dagestan
06 Region code Republic of Ingushetia
07 Region code Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
08 Region code Republic of Kalmykia
09 Region code Karachay-Cherkess Republic
10 Region code Republic of Karelia
11 Region code Komi Republic
12 Region code Republic of Mari El
13 Region code Republic of Mordovia
14 Region code Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15 Region code Republic North Ossetia
16 Region code Republic of Tatarstan (also 116)
17 Region code Republic of Tyva (Tuva)
18 Region code Udmurt Republic (also 118)
19 Region code Republic of Khakassia
20 Region code Chechen Republic (old numbers)
21 Region code Chuvash Republic (also 121)
22 Region code Altai region
23 Region code Krasnodar region(also 93)
24 Region code Krasnoyarsk Territory
25 Region code Primorsky Krai (also 125)
26 Region code Stavropol region
27 Region code Khabarovsk Territory
28 Region code Amur region
29 Region code Arkhangelsk region
30 Region code Astrakhan region
31 Region code Belgorod region
32 Region code Bryansk region
33 Region code Vladimir region
34 Region code Volgograd region
35 Region code Vologda Region
36 Region code Voronezh region
37 Region code Ivanovo region
38 Region code Irkutsk region (also 138)
39 Region code Kaliningrad region
40 Region code Kaluga region
41 Region code Kamchatka region
42 Region code Kemerovo region
43 Region code Kirov region
44 Region code Kostroma region
45 Region code Kurgan region
46 Region code Kursk region
47 Region code Leningrad region
48 Region code Lipetsk region
49 Region code Magadan Region
50 Region code Moscow region (also 90, 150)
51 Region code Murmansk region
52 Region code Nizhny Novgorod Region(also 152)
53 Region code Novgorod region
54 Region code Novosibirsk region(also 154)
55 Region code Omsk region
56 Region code Orenburg region
57 Region code Oryol Region
58 Region code Penza region
59 Region code Perm region(also 159)
60 Region code Pskov region
61 Region code Rostov region (also 161)
62 Region code Ryazan region
63 Region code Samara region (also 163)
64 Region code Saratov region (also 164)
65 Region code Sakhalin region
66 Region code Sverdlovsk region(also 96)
67 Region code Smolensk region
68 Region code Tambov region
69 Region code Tver region
70 Region code Tomsk region
71 Region code Tula region
72 Region code Tyumen region
73 Region code Ulyanovsk region (also 173)
74 Region code Chelyabinsk region(also 174)
75 Region code Chita region
76 Region code Yaroslavl region
77 Moscow region code (also 97, 99, 177, 197, 199)
78 Region code for St. Petersburg (also 98)
79 Region code Jewish Autonomous Region
80 Region code Aginsky Buryat autonomous region
81 Region code Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug
82 Region code Koryak Autonomous Okrug
83 Region code Nenets Autonomous Okrug
84 Region code Taimyr Autonomous Okrug
85 Region code Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug
86 Region code Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug
87 Region code Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
88 Region code Evenki Autonomous Okrug
89 Region code Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Answer from Aleksand YouTube[newbie]
when you go to your rg, (Region: [your private] your private will be displayed in green. And if to another then in red.

Subject codes Russian Federation on Wikipedia
Codes of subjects of the Russian Federation

Regions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on Wikipedia
Look at the Wikipedia article about Regions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation