Convent Leningradskaya. Operating monasteries of the Leningrad region: women's, men's, to go to obedience, with a holy spring. John the Theologian Cheremenets Monastery

Several active monasteries in the Leningrad region are ready to receive people on their territory to get acquainted with the life of saints, miraculous relics. Not only the richness of nature conquers the hearts of people on this earth, but also Christian shrines, which have been worshiped by Christians all over the world for hundreds of years. All this is stored and protected on the territory of the monasteries of Russia.

Operating monasteries, including those in the Leningrad region, receive visitors, but before you go there, it is important to set a goal: a short visit for sightseeing or to live a long time.

The monastery began its history on the island of Konevets (XIV century) in Lake Ladoga. The main population of the island were Karelian pagans, whose object of worship was a huge boulder, in its shape similar to a horse's head.

In 1393, the Monk Arseniy Konevsky laid the foundation of the monastery. His main desire was the conversion of pagans to the Christian religion. The icon of the Mother of God brought by Arseny from Athos became the main relic of the cathedral. The best times for the temple came in the 19th century. The fame that reached the capital allowed the monks to start building a bell tower (3 floors), a cathedral with a bell tower (2 floors).

  • Nikolo-Medvedsky Monastery.

In 1704, by order of Peter 1, the construction of the city of Novaya Ladoga began, where the Volkhov River flowed into Lake Ladoga. The plans of the king was to establish shipbuilding. For navigation, Lake Ladoga, as it turned out, was unsuitable, as a large number of ships perished. This was the reason for digging a canal connecting the Volkhov and Neva rivers.

The foundation of the city began on the territory of the Medvedets peninsula in the 14th century, on which the Nikolo-Medvedsky monastery was located. To strengthen the defense capacity of the territory, a wall was erected along the perimeter of the territory and an earthen rampart was dug.

St. Nicholas Cathedral and the Church of St. John the Evangelist have survived to this day, on the territory of which restoration work began. Since ancient times, the beauty that reigns in this territory has attracted artists and ordinary travelers.

  • Vvedeno-Oyatsky Monastery.

The building does not have an exact date of its foundation. But according to experts-researchers, this event is approaching the boundaries of the XIV and XV centuries. This is one of the many women's cloisters, which enjoys its fame due to the holy spring on its territory. And even in today's conditions it is the most visited center by pilgrims.

The temple was founded on the coastal part of the Oyati River, about 200 km east of St. Petersburg. The excavations of coastal burial mounds made it possible to testify to the presence of Christian culture as early as the 11th century. Already in the XII-XIII centuries. for most of the local population (Karelians), Christianity became the main religion.

One of the oldest monasteries is located near the Volkhov River, on the territory of the first capital of the Russian state, founded in 753 - the city of Ladoga. The studies carried out cannot show the exact date of foundation of the monastery.

Some versions suggest that the construction of the temple was carried out by the wife of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, to whom the lands of Staraya Ladoga were presented as a dowry.

In the 17th century, due to the invasion of Swedish troops, the monastery was destroyed (the destruction did not affect the main church), but over time, in 1917, it was restored. According to historical data, on its territory, in the period from 1718 to 1725. the wife of Peter I, Evdokia Lopukhina, who was forcibly tonsured as a nun, lived, who was suspected of conspiracy.

How to visit the monastery

The monasteries of the Leningrad region, which are currently operating, receive various visitors:

  • Trudnik- a person who wants to take the vows in the future. Duties include attending divine services (prayer and work), participation in the life of the monastery. They must show humility and obedience.
  • Pilgrim- a person who wants to get rest by visiting church monuments, confess, and so on.
  • Volunteer- a person who wants to help in the household. The volunteer does not obey the will of the elder and is not obliged to carry out church service. Help is provided free of charge.
  • Tourist- a person who wished to get acquainted with the monastery, the surrounding nature. When visiting the monastery, the tourist must respect the current customs.

Basic rules to be observed in monasteries for pilgrims

Having decided in your decision to visit a particular monastery, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements and rules in force on their territory.

The most basic requirements:

Compliance Information

The monasteries of the Leningrad region, which operate today, receive on their territory workers who have come to give their labor in the name of faith, that is, without demanding payment for it. At this stage, he has no obligations and he has the opportunity to return to the world at any time - this is not considered a sin.

The residence of a worker on the territory of the monastery must comply with the current schedule, fulfill obedience. For its part, the monastery provides him with housing and food.

Job Requirements:

Rules for employees

The monasteries of the Leningrad Region, which are open for visiting, oblige each worker to comply with the rules in force on the territory of the monastery. In case of its violation, the person is subject to eviction from the monastery within 24 hours.

Not blessed on the territory of the monastery and prohibited Strict observance of the daily routine includes
Bullying and violence.

Rudeness and profanity.

Taking various intoxicants, hallucinogenic substances and other prohibited drugs.

Reception of light-alcoholic and strong drinks.


Storage of any type of weapon.

Not careful handling of the property of the monastery. Compensation for the damage caused shall be recovered from the perpetrator.

Screams that violate peace and tranquility are unacceptable.

Absence from the monastery without permission.

Promote other beliefs.

Attendance at festive all-night vigils, on Sundays and holidays - Divine Liturgy.

Daily morning rule and prayer service of St. Alexander Svirsky.

Regular confession and communion.

On the territory of the monastery, it is required to comply with all the instructions of the “senior”, approved by the dean of the monastery. It is necessary to notify the dean of the monastery in a timely manner about the occurrence of any problem situation.

Where can women come to live

The monasteries of the Leningrad region, which are currently operating, combine women's cloisters.

Once they were opened to provide shelter for young women and girls, to receive help in various situations, so that it would be possible to determine the meaning of life, to get rid of suffering. A woman went to a monastery either by vocation or after life's trials and suffering.

On the territory of such temples there are approved rules and canons for strict implementation and a single charter for all. Having taken tonsure, any novice puts on appropriate clothes and devotes herself to serving and believing in God.

The convent began its history in June 1991 on the territory of the village. Tervenichi. Already today, it accepts not only tours of pilgrims, but also ordinary travelers who want to live the measured and spiritual life of nuns.

There are no recluses here, the inhabitants open their doors to visitors with hospitality. A prerequisite for living will be daily work and attendance at services. Every person is guaranteed food. You will need to take your passport, clothes for work and means that protect against insects with you.

  • Tikhvin Vvedensky convent.

The history of the temple began in the small quiet town of Tikhvin in the 16th century. The foundation of this building for female novices coincided with the foundation (1560) of the Mother of God Dormition Monastery for men at the direction of Ivan the Terrible.

At the end of the revolution of 1917, the territory of the monastery was occupied by a correctional colony for minors. Some time later, a sports hall was opened in the cathedral, in its main temple. It was only in 2005 that the restoration of the monastery began, and regular worship resumed in 2009.

Where can men come to live

  • Tikhvin Mother of God Dormition Monastery.

The history of the male monastery operating today begins in 1560. The royal decree of Ivan the Terrible became the basis for its existence. And his will was executed on the coastal part of the Tikhvinka River in the city of Tikhvin by Archbishop Pimen, who took over the administrative and economic concerns.

The main relic of the monastery is the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria, the appearance of which dates back to 1383. Today, pilgrims, travelers, as well as people who seek to move away from worldly existence and give themselves to the service of God, come to the walls of the holy monastery.

The territory of the monastery is located near Lodeynoye Pole (21 km). The foundation of the building falls at the end of the 15th century, and today it is a historical monument of architecture. These were the places of the deaf Olonets region, the territory of the pagan population.

Today - in this picturesque place near the Svir River, occupying the territory of the high shore of Lake Roshchinsky, people gather who are looking for peace and quiet.

Holy springs in the Leningrad region

Holy water is endowed with amazing properties and its healing power is recognized by the church, beating from springs in holy places.

  • A source in the Kuzovnitsa cave in the Luga region (Kleskusha village).

The opinion of researchers is inclined to the fact that this source, located on the territory of the Leningrad region, has the most ancient history. This amazing place, hidden in the thicket of the forest near the Luga River, is familiar with pagan times and the hidden services of the Old Faith.

Pilgrimage to this holy spring began in the 15th century. To receive Divine grace, it is enough to stay in this place for just a few minutes.

  • Source of holy Kushela (Slantsevsky district).

This holy place has been known since the 18th century. On the territory of this village, according to legend, the appearance of the Mother of God took place. At the site of the miraculous event, a grotto was formed, in which two small springs began to break through.

Above one of them stood a wooden frame, which has not survived to our time, and above the other spring, a church was built of wood, the walls of which were also destroyed. Only in the 60s a metal cross was erected over this place by the local population.

  • Man-made well of Alexander Svirsky.

The well with holy water, together with the chapel, are located within the Holy Trinity monastery. The legend dates the appearance of the well to the beginning of the 16th century. The attraction of this place, according to legend, lies in the fact that the source was dug by the saint himself. This coincided with the construction of a church on the coastal territory of the Svir River.

  • Spring holy Zmeeva Novinka.

The source of holy water is endowed with its own legend, which tells how one peasant, at the time of the flood of the Sharya River, became the owner of the holy icon. And in this place, a spring broke out.

Such an action was regarded as a sign, which became the impetus for the construction of the temple. Unfortunately, the war did not allow to keep it. And only in 1998-2000. in its place a new church was built of wood. Today, a huge number of pilgrims and couples are striving to get here.

  • Holy spring in honor of Saint Paraskeva Pyatnitsa (Staraya Ladoga).

It belongs to the most ancient places located on the territory of the Leningrad region and even all of Rus'. This is confirmed by studies of carved crosses in a nearby cave.

The place is very popular these days. A huge number of pilgrims come for holy water. Above the source, local residents erected a cross with a prayer to St. Paraskeva Friday. Not far from the spring there is an equipped font with changing rooms.

Built many years ago, the monasteries of the Leningrad Region, which are still operating today, are not only beautiful buildings that have become the cultural heritage of all world Orthodoxy. These are places where holy relics are carefully guarded and kept.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about the monasteries of the Leningrad region

Monasteries of the Leningrad region:

The new Orthodox women's convent is located in the village of Leninskoye (Fin. Happolo) in the Vyborg region, not far from the resort villages of Repino and Komarovo. There has never been an Orthodox church in this village. Historically, this territory belonged to the Principality of Finland and the population was mainly of the Lutheran faith. The nearest Orthodox church was only in Roshchino, where Orthodox people lived. In 1998, an Orthodox community was created in the Leninskoye settlement. The place allotted for the construction of the temple was the place left from the club that burned down during the perestroika years. The construction was carried out at the expense of the patron Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov.

In June 1998, the laying of the church in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena took place, in February of the following year, domes were installed on the church. In December 1999, eight bells were raised to the belfry. The first service in the temple took place on the Nativity Fast in 1999, since May 2000 services have been held here constantly. The temple was consecrated in 2001 by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy.

For several years the church of Constantine and Helena acted as a parish church. But at the meeting of the Holy Synod on October 6, 2006, the petition of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vladimir for blessing for the opening of the Konstantin-Eleninsky Convent in the village of Leninskoye, Vyborg District, Leningrad Region, was granted.

The first sisters came here from the St. Petersburg Novodevichy Convent. Nun Hilarion (Feoktistova) was appointed superior of the monastery with the laying of the pectoral cross.

On the territory of the monastery there are now three churches: in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and a baptismal church in the name of the Nativity of Christ. Senior priest of the Constantino-Eleninsky Church, Fr. Feoktist.

The relics of St. Nicholas are kept in the Church of St. Nicholas. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Spiridon Trifunsky, martyr. Panteleimon the Healer, St. Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, St. Seraphim of Sarovsky, Anthony Dymsky.

Another temple was built in the name of the Nativity of Christ. This temple is also called "baptistery", it is intended for baptism. In fonts it is possible to baptize by full immersion not only for children, but also for adults and for adults.

There are more than fifty shrines in the monastery. There are arks with particles of the relics of the holy kings Constantine and Helena, the relics of St. Apostle Bartholomew and St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity - Hieromartyr Charalambius and Great Martyr Theodore Stratilates; head mts. Julitta, part of the relics of martyr. Kirika; svtt. John Chrysostom, Basil the Great, Spyridon Trimifuntsky, Filaret of Moscow, Theophan the Recluse and other saints, as well as a particle of the Tree of the Cross of the Lord.

Particularly revered is the image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" of the Athos letter, the icon of the Not Made Image of the Lord by Vasnetsov, the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, painted in Athos in 2002, the ancient image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - a gift from V.V. Putin.

On the territory of the monastery there are two monuments - gifts of famous sculptors. The sculpture of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, donated by Zurab Tsereteli, is installed at the entrance to the church of St. Nicholas.

Opposite the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, another sculpture was installed: a kneeling figure of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky - the work of sculptor A. Charkin. According to the guide, she was exhibited at the competition of the monument to Alexander Nevsky on the square of the same name near the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. However, another sculptural work won the competition. Now this monument is located in the Kostantino-Eleninsky Monastery. It is part of the war memorial. Next to it there are boards with the names of the inhabitants of the village who died for their homeland in the battles of the Great Patriotic War and subsequent wars. Residents of the village gather near the memorial for the holiday of May 9th. A memorial service is served here, and then other burials are visited.

A Sunday school operates at the monastery, and an almshouse is being built for the elderly clergy and clergy. The monastery accepts disabled pilgrims, children from church Sunday schools, laborers with the blessing of parish priests. You can also come here in groups of up to thirty people by prior arrangement. Pilgrims are provided with food and lodging for the night in rooms with good heating and hot water.

Since 2007, a monastery courtyard has been operating in St. Petersburg -.

Recently, the monastery has another courtyard: the Holy Trinity Monastery in (the village of Ogonki, Vyborgsky District). This monastery was built with the blessing of St. John of Kronstadt at the expense of the Neronov landowners. During the Finnish war in 1939, he was evacuated to Finland, where he continues to exist.

However, now, on the historical site of Lintula, the revival of the old monastery has begun: the design of the temple and the private building is underway.

On August 4, 2008, a 10-kilometer religious procession was organized from the Constantino-Eleninsky Monastery to the former Lintulsky Monastery.

Monastery address:
188839 Leningrad region, Vyborgsky district, pos. Leninskoe, st. Sovetskaya, 44.
Tel.: 343-67-88
Fax: 343-67-89
Directions: by electric train from the Finlyandsky railway station in St. Petersburg (Vyborg direction) to the station. Repino, bus number 408 pos. Leninskoe.
Travel by car: a / d Repino (from the railway platform) - Simagino (A122).
Photos taken May 30, 2009.

Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena.
Photo: 2009.

The altar of the temple.
Photo: 2009.

Mosaic on the altar wall.
Photo: 2009.

On the eastern side of the temple there is a place for future burials of the nuns of the monastery. Fragment of the fence of the burial site.
Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Kings Constantine and Helena from the southwestern side.
Photo: 2009.

South facade of the temple.
Photo: 2009.

Mosaic icon of the Mother of God above the southern entrance to the temple.
Photo: 2009.

South entrance doors. In the temple, an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is read.
Photo: 2009.

Icon above the south doors. Healing the paralyzed.
Photo: 2009.

The western part of the main Constantino-Eleninsky temple. Main entrance and bell tower.
Photo: 2009.

Church of Sts. Constantine and Elena. Western facade.
Photo: 2009.

A fragment of the main entrance and the bell tower of the Constantino-Eleninsky Church and the Church of St. Nicholas, located on the south side.
Photo: 2009.

Mosaic icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands, above the main entrance to the Constantino-Eleninsky Church.
Photo: 2009.

Doors of the main entrance to the temple.
Photo: 2009.

Icon above the main entrance. Saints Constantine and Helena erecting the Cross of Christ.
Photo: 2009.

View from the porch of the main entrance to the Church of St. Nicholas and the Church of the Nativity.
Photo: 2009.

Porch of the northern entrance to the temple.
Photo: 2009.

Mosaic icon of St. Constantine and Helena above the northern entrance.
Photo: 2009.

Icon, directly above the doors on the north side: healing of a bleeding wife.
Photo: 2009.

Church bell tower. Ringing tier.
Photo: 2009.

Bells. White specks are bird cherry flower petals flying around.
Photo: 2009.

Church of Sts. Constantine and Elena. South facade. On the right is the fence of consecrated water by pilgrims.
Photo: 2009.

The porch of the main entrance to the Constantino-Eleninsky Church.
Photo: 2009.

Church of Sts. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena. East facade, altar part.
Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Nicholas. On the right is a fragment of the altar wall of the Constantino-Eleninsky Church.
Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Nicholas. Western facade, entrance to the temple.
Photo: 2009.

Near the entrance to the St. Nicholas Church - a sculptural image of St. Nicholas (author - Z. Tseretelli).
Photo: 2009.

Sculptural image of St. Nicholas (fragment).
Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Nicholas.
Photo: 2009.

A feature of the monastery was the use of artistic forging products in temples and premises.
Photo: 2009.

Church of St. Nicholas. East facade, altar part.
Photo: 2009.

Lattice on the window of St. Nicholas Church.
Photo: 2009.

Nikolsky Church from the north side.
Photo: 2009.

Eminent guests of the monastery plant Christmas trees in memory of their stay here.
Photo: 2009.

This Christmas tree was planted by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy.
Photo: 2009.

Memorial complex on the territory of the monastery.
Photo: 2009.

Sculpture of St. led. Prince Alexander Nevsky (author A. Charkin).
Photo: 2009.

The image of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, before which the noble prince bowed.
Photo: 2009.

One of two memorial plaques with the names of the dead.
Photo: 2009.

Baptismal church in the name of the Nativity of Christ (baptistery).
Photo: 2009.

Temple in the name of the Nativity of Christ. In front of him are those preparing to receive the sacrament of baptism.
Photo: 2009.

Icon above the entrance to the Nativity Church.
Photo: 2009.

Christmas temple. Unfortunately, the font for adults is far from the entrance and therefore did not get into the frame.
Photo: 2009.

Eastern part of the Nativity Church.
Photo: 2009.

Nativity Church, eastern part. In front of him is the feeding of the pilgrims.
Photo: 2009.

Meal of the pilgrims.
Photo: 2009.

Those who wished could dine outdoors.
Photo: 2009.

And whoever wanted - could settle for a meal in the gazebo.
Photo: 2009.

Apparently, there will be a fountain in the gazebo over time. In any case, the sculpture in the center suggests such reflections.
Photo: 2009.

A spruce tree planted by the current Patriarch Kirill during the time when he was a metropolitan and visited the Constantino-Eleninsky Monastery.
Photo: 2009.

Nursing building and chapel.
Photo: 2009.

Corps whose purpose I do not know.
Photo: 2009.

Roof painting.
Photo: 2009.

Monastery building.
Photo: 2009.

Monastery bus.
Photo: 2009.

Monastery technology.
Photo: 2009.

The courtyard of the monastery is paved and kept in perfect cleanliness.
Photo: 2009.

The lawns are blooming with dandelions.
Photo: 2009.

Monastery Guard. Despite the good-natured appearance, the dog is serious.
Photo: 2009.

This is how the church looks from the road.
Photo: 2009.

Lake or pond near the village of Leninskoye, opposite the monastery.

Road to the monastery.
Photo: 2009.

Vozlyadovskaya A.M., Guminenko M.V., photo, 2009

The history of the Leningrad region as a territory inhabited by intelligent people has its roots in the depths of the Middle Stone Age. The nature of this region is also very rich, as well as the culture and ethnic group of people inhabiting these lands. However, they are all united by a single religion, which can be easily traced by the abundance of Orthodox monasteries and sketes, which we will talk about in this material.

Alexander Svir Monastery

This Orthodox male monastery in the Leningrad region is located 21 kilometers from the city of Lodeynoye Pole. It was founded in the 15th century by the forces of Alexander Svirsky in a place where only the pagans Chud, Veps and Karelians had previously lived. Quite quickly, Svirsky had disciples and followers, and already in the 16th century, during the life of Alexander himself, the stone Church of the Intercession and a refectory were added to the parish with the money of Vasily III. In the Soviet years, the buildings of the monastery housed a children's home for invalids. Today it is a functioning monastery courtyard and an architectural monument, where you can see the relics of Alexander Svirsky himself, a copy of the Shroud of Turin, the relics of some saints and drink water from a sacred healing spring.

Vvedeno-Oyatsky Monastery

Women's Orthodox convent in the Leningrad region, located about two hundred kilometers east of St. Petersburg. There are many assumptions about the date of its foundation, but the opinions of experts for the most part converge at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. The wooden churches and buildings of the monastery at the beginning of the 19th century were rebuilt from stone, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the territory of its possessions extended to 500 hectares, despite the rather modest number of novices. At that time, the parish was completely male, and acquired the status of a female only in 1993. Here, in the 16th century, an icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria was painted, which is now kept in the Russian Museum.

Zelenetsky Trinity Monastery

The first buildings on the site of the future male monastery on the banks of the Rossokha River in the Leningrad Region appeared as early as 1564 through the efforts of the monk Martiry and the noble family of the builder Fyodor Syrkov. The first wooden buildings, together with the fence, were burned during the raid of the Swedes, after which they were restored, mostly from stone, by 1690. With the advent of Soviet power, the parish was closed, partially destroyed, and the remaining buildings were used for household needs. Today the monastery is functioning again, but restoration work is still being carried out in some places.

Staraya Ladoga St. Nicholas Monastery

It is located in the village of Staraya Ladoga, Leningrad Region. Its history goes back to the 13th century, when Alexander Nevsky ordered the construction of a new monastery named after Nicholas the Wonderworker in those places in honor of his crushing victory over the Swedes. The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are still kept in this parish. In troubled times, the monks of the Valaam Monastery hid from the Swedes in the monastery, taking with them the relics of its founders Sergius and Herman. In the Soviet years, the buildings of the monastery were used as a motor-tractor station and began to be restored only in 2002.

Konevsky Nativity-Bogorodichny Monastery

This Orthodox monastery in the Leningrad region dates back to the 14th century, and is considered by many as a twin of the famous Valaam Monastery, especially since they are located on the same Ladoga Lake. On the island where the monastery was built, in the Middle Ages, there was a Finnish pagan sanctuary, where they worshiped a huge boulder in the shape of a horse's head, from which the name of the island came. The monastery was founded by the Monk Arseniy Konevsky, who wanted to bring Christianity to the Karelians. After the Swedish invasion, the parish was forced to evacuate to Novgorod, and after the war of 1812 it went to the Finns. The monastery was visited by many saints, as well as well-known writers and artists. In the 20th century, Finnish troops were based there, and after the war the monastery returned to Russia again. Today there you can see the relics of Arseniy Konevsky himself, an ancient iconostasis and a library.

Old Ladoga Dormition Monastery

Probably the oldest monastery on the territory of the Leningrad region, since the official date of the beginning of the construction of an Orthodox church on this site is 1156. The main church of the monastery - the Assumption of the Most Pure Mother of God - is the oldest Orthodox building in pre-Mongolian Rus'. In the 17th century, the architectural ensemble was almost completely (with the exception of the main church) destroyed during the invasion of the Swedish troops, then restored. Here, from 1718 until the death of Peter the Great, his wife Evdokia Lopukhina lived, forcibly tonsured a nun for disagreeing with the tsar. Since 2005, there has been an active restoration of the premises of the monastery and outbuildings, and the city hospital is located in the already restored buildings.

In the Leningrad region, about 200 km from the northern capital, there is the Vvedeno-Oyatsky Convent. The modest monastery, which in our time is experiencing a period of revival, is located in a beautiful area, on the banks of the Oyat River, to which it owes its current name.

The history of the monastery dates back several centuries, presumably it was founded in the late XIV - early XV centuries. Its old name is Vvedensko-Ostrovsky. The first part - from religion - on the main temple, dedicated to the feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple. The second - from the natural features of the area. During the Oyati flood, the monastery was surrounded on all sides by water and for some time really turned into an island. The monastery is associated with the name of the revered Orthodox saint - Alexander Svirsky, who, thanks to his monastic deed, brought many new followers to the Christian faith. Vvedensky monastery until the middle of the XVIII century. was assigned to the Alexander-Svirsky monastery.

The saint's parents lived in the Vvedensky Monastery, who took the tonsure under the names of Sergius and Barbara, and after death were buried on the territory of the Church of the Transfiguration. In those days, in small monasteries, there was a practice of joint stay of men and women, who were accommodated in separate cells. Only much later the monastery became exclusively male. The monastery was planned in the form of a rectangle, the four corners of which symbolized Heavenly Jerusalem. Most of the first buildings, including the two-storey Transfiguration Church with several aisles, were made of wood in the monastery, so from time to time they were destroyed due to fires.

For this reason, the composition of the churches changed, but there were always dedications to the feasts of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, the Epiphany and the Transfiguration of the Lord, the apostles Peter and Paul, the Monk Alexander of Svir, and the icons of the Mother of God - Tikhvin and the "Life-Giving Spring". The territory of the monastery along the perimeter was surrounded by a fence with holy gates, decorated with icons and paintings. Since the status of the monastery was unimportant, it did not have too many lands and inhabitants, its development proceeded at a slow pace. The final architectural ensemble took shape in the first half of the 19th century. A stone Vvedensky Cathedral with side chapels was erected, utility rooms were rebuilt - cellars, a brewery, warehouses.

The refectory adjoined the temple as a symbol of the ongoing worship. Along with the cells of the monks, they were located on the eastern side of the monastery. Rooms were also provided for pilgrims, who built outside the fence. In 1910, the most beautiful Epiphany Church in the neo-Russian style appeared on the territory of the monastery, built according to the project of the architect A. Aplaksin. During the Soviet period, the monastery was abolished, an economic commune was organized on its territory, church valuables were confiscated, the Vvedensky Church became a club, and the Epiphany Cathedral was dismantled to the ground, uncomfortable and cramped dwellings for workers were arranged in the cells and even in the bell tower.

The beginning of the revival falls on the beginning of the 90s of the last century. A small group of women, on the initiative of Lidia Konyashova, having received a blessing to organize the community, took on the hard work of restoring the monastery, which acquired the official status of the Vvedeno-Oyatsky convent. Today, a temple, a bell tower, track buildings and a chapel are located on a small square. A real miracle is the source with healing radon-mineral water, over which a chapel was placed. Near the pond, where the healing water flows from the source, there is a wooden closed font.

The main relics were donated particles of the relics of Sergius of Radonezh and Anna of Kashinsky, the icon of the Virgin Hodegetria with a particle of her Robe. The patron saints of the Vvedensky Monastery are Sergius and Varvara Ostrovsky, whose tombs were also miraculously found in the foundation of the ruined temple. The sisters, for a meager remuneration, conduct excursions in which they tell about events related to the history of the monastery.

Vvedeno-Oyatsky Monastery in the photo

Address: 187725, Leningrad region, Lodeynopolsky district, st. Oyat, p / o Dawn

Nikolsky Monastery is located in Staraya Ladoga, on the right bank of the Volkhov. This is not only a spiritual architectural monument, but also a monument to the glory of Russian soldiers.

The monastery was founded in the XIII century by Alexander Nevsky after the victory in the battle with the Swedish invaders. True, there is a version that a temple built in the 12th century already existed on the site of the monastery.

The modern monastery for monastic life was reopened in 2002. And in 2003, a great relic was donated to the monastery from the city of Bari (Italy) - part of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The main temples of the monastery are the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Church of St. John Chrysostom.

Constantino-Eleninsky Convent

The Konstantin-Elenensky Orthodox convent is located in the village of Leninskoye, not far from the famous resort villages of Komarovo and Repino. In the village "Leninskoe" in 1998, the first Orthodox community was created. The construction of the temple was planned to be carried out at the expense of Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov. In the summer of 1998, a church was founded in honor of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Saints Helena and Constantine. The first service was held here in 1999, and since May 2000 services have been held continuously. In 2001, the temple was consecrated by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy.

For several years the church of Helena and Konstantin acted as a parish church. But on October 6, 2006, at a meeting of the Holy Synod, the petition of the St. Petersburg Metropolitan Vladimir for a blessing for the opening of the Konstantin-Eleninsky convent was granted. The first sisters arrived here from the St. Petersburg Novodevichy Convent. The nun Hilarion (Feoktistova) was appointed abbess of the monastery. Now on the territory of the monastery there are three churches: in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in the name of Saints Helena and Constantine Equal-to-the-Apostles, as well as a baptismal church in the name of the Nativity of Christ. The senior priest of the Constantino-Eleninsky monastery is Father Feoktist.

Anthony-Dymsky Monastery

Anthony-Dymsky Holy Trinity Monastery is located in the village of Krasny Bronevik near Tikhvin, Leningrad Region. It was founded by St. Anthony in 1200. In 1611, the monastery was ravaged by the Swedes, and in 1687 the Dymsky Monastery burned down, but was soon rebuilt. Since 1709, there was a parochial school with him, in which children from nearby villages were trained. Also in the monastic use were vegetable gardens, arable land, a lake, forest and meadow land.

By the beginning of 1990, a cell two-story building, the skeleton of a four-tiered cathedral bell tower, a small shelter for the homeless, several wooden outbuildings and the building of the parish school were preserved from the monastery complex. In 1919 the monastery was abolished. In 2000, the restoration of the main cathedral of the monastery began, which continues to this day. In 2003, thanks to Father Superior Evfimy, the relics of St. Anthony were transferred to the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery. Today the monastery belongs to the St. Petersburg diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Alexander Svir Monastery

The Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery is one of the fertile places in the Leningrad region. The monastery is located in a rather remote place near the border with Karelia. But there are always many pilgrims here.

The Monk Alexander of Svirsky founded a monastery in the local pine forest in 1508, after a divine sign appeared to him. In the 16th-17th centuries, a whole complex was formed here with two centers - Troitsky and Preobrazhensky. It looks very picturesque and keeps hidden, primordially Russian features in its appearance.

The oldest building of the monastery is the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin of the 16th century. In total, there are six temples on the territory of the complex. Icons and wall paintings of the 18th century have been preserved in the Trinity Cathedral.

After the revolution and during the Great Patriotic War, the monastery was looted and destroyed. In 1997 the monastery was returned to the church. At the same time, the holy relics of Alexander Svirsky returned here. Nowadays, all the buildings of the monastery require restoration, but even in a dilapidated form, it looks majestic and leaves an extraordinary impression.

Konevsky Nativity-Bogorodichny Monastery

The male Orthodox Konevsky Nativity of the Theotokos Monastery is located on the island of Konevets in Lake Ladoga. It was founded in 1393. The founder of the monastery was Arseny Konevsky, a native of Veliky Novgorod. For a long time he was looking for a place on Lake Ladoga where he could form a monastery. Konevets Island fell just for this purpose.

Father Arseniy had the goal of making Orthodox Karelians out of pagans. All his strength was given to this during his life in the monastery. In 1421, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in the monastery, where the Miraculous Icon of Our Lady of Konev, which Arseny brought from Athos, was located.

During its existence, the monastery was invaded by enemies, in particular the Swedes, the monks had to leave the monastery. After the victory of Peter the Great over the Swedes, the monastery was again returned to the monks.

The 19th century became a "golden age" for the monastery. The monastery was visited by Emperor Alexander II, many prominent artists.

In the 20th century, the monastery survived the revolution and wars, the monks left it, leaving for Finland. Only in the nineties of the 20th century the monastery was again returned to the Orthodox Church. Now this famous place is visited by many tourists and pilgrims.

Tikhvin Mother of God Dormition Monastery

The Tikhvin Monastery, located in the city of the same name on the banks of the Tikhvinka River, was founded in 1560 by decree of Ivan the Terrible. The main shrine of the monastery, which people come to worship, is the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria.

After the church was closed in Soviet times, the icon "wandered" around the world - it was in Riga, Germany, Chicago. The shrine returned to Russia only with the complete revival of the monastery in 2004.

Today the monastery consists of the Cathedral of the Assumption, the Church of the Intercession with a refectory chamber, a bell tower, cell buildings of the late 16th - early 17th centuries and a fence with towers.

You can get to the monastery from St. Petersburg from the bus station on the Obvodny Canal or by train from the Ladoga station.

Cheremenets St. John the Theologian Monastery

The St. John the Theologian Cheremenets Monastery is located in the middle of the amazingly beautiful Cheremenets Lake, twenty kilometers south of the ancient town of Luga and 130 from St. resurrected once again. And now it is being actively restored.

Sights of the Leningrad region