How to get to the Maldives: air tickets and other details. Budget holidays in the Maldives. How to save money? Maldives which budget island to choose

I personally always calm myself down with the thought that very soon I will be lying on the snow-white sand, swimming in Indian Ocean and not think at all about all sorts of tickets/suitcases/registrations/etc.

The only way to get to the Maldives is by air, international flights landing at the airport in the capital Male. I used to think that there were probably ferries connecting the islands with India or Africa, but during my first trip they explained to me that this was impossible: the islands are a huge coral atoll, which makes navigation very difficult. And if small boats and boats maneuver between sandbanks and massive reefs without any problems, large ships cannot do this.

Flight times vary from 9 hours travel to direct flight from Moscow to almost a day on a plane with not the most convenient transfer. Anyway, here are some tips that personally help me make my trip more comfortable:

  • if you sleep well on planes, try to choose a night flight: this way time will fly faster, and upon arrival in the Maldives you will have a whole day ahead of you;
  • be sure to wear comfortable clothes: believe me, in just a couple of hours you will be dreaming of comfortable pants or not so hot shoes;
  • take with you something that will help pass the time, for example, a laptop or your favorite book (by the way, many planes flying long distances are equipped with special multimedia screens, with which you can watch a movie, read the news, etc.) ;
  • if you are flying with a child, think in advance about how to entertain him during the flight without interfering with the rest of other passengers;
  • during the flight, do simple gymnastic exercises several times, stretch your legs, arms, back, neck, or better yet, get up and walk at least to the toilet;
  • Take with you a first aid kit with a basic set of medications.

Direct flights to the Maldives

Unfortunately, there are not many opportunities to fly to the Maldives without transfers: direct flights from Russian cities there are only from Moscow. Usually planes depart a couple of times a week, but during the high season their number increases to four or even five. The main carrier is Aeroflot. With a successful combination of circumstances, the price of a one-way ticket will be 15,000-20,000 rubles, however, as with any other trip, it all depends on how far in advance you purchase it. You can check the availability of tickets and their prices, as well as select suitable dates.

You will have to spend about 9 hours on the road - and this does not include the time you will have to spend getting to the airport and checking in! Be sure to re-read the tips written above, and also think about what you personally might need during this time. And remind yourself often of what a heavenly vacation awaits you. :)

Connecting flights to the Maldives

If you do not live in Moscow, then in any case you will have to fly with a transfer. It can be done both in the capital itself and in other cities. Most often, docking occurs on the Arabian Peninsula, for example, in Qatar or. You will spend at least 12 hours on the road and pay at least 25,000-30,000 rubles for a one-way flight - however, everything very much depends on your city and the season for which the trip is planned. More detailed information Prices and schedules can be obtained by entering preliminary travel dates.

In my opinion, the most comfortable and convenient options are offered by Emirates airlines and Qatar Airways, connecting at airports in Doha. For example, you can fly back and forth for a week in July with Emirates Airlines for about 46,000 rubles. A definite plus of this company is high level comfort. Even in economy class, the distance between the seats does not create inconvenience, the staff on board is friendly and helpful, during the flight they offer delicious food and an unlimited number of drinks, and special monitors are built into the back of the seat in front, on which you can watch a movie or play online games. games, read news. In general, there is everything to pass the time.

There are also options offering to fly to the Maldives with three transfers, for example, such flights from Moscow are offered by Etihad Airways. I can’t say that they are much cheaper (round-trip tickets in July will cost 40,000 rubles), but the flight will definitely take much longer. At best, you will spend 18 hours on the road, at worst – two days. Personally, I wouldn’t want to waste time on a long-awaited vacation or vacation sitting on a plane.

Charter flights to the Maldives

Charter flights- a real salvation for hundreds of tourists who decided to travel during the high season and did not bother purchasing tickets in advance. Such flights are not included in airport schedules, but are organized during periods of high demand (that is, during holidays and national holidays, as well as good weather conditions at the selected resort).

If you take a trip through a travel agency, a charter flight may be one of the options that will be offered to you. If you have not asked for help, then you will have to monitor the appearance of such flights yourself, for example, on specialized websites. Their undoubted advantage is the absence of transfers, as well as, as a rule, a relatively low price (20-30% lower than the price of regular flights).

Landing at Ibrahim Nasir Airport

Whichever flight option you choose, your flight will land at Male International Airport, which bears the name of the former President of the Republic of Maldives. Like most buildings on the island, it seems rather flimsy and low, which, however, does not prevent it from receiving a huge flow of tourists every day.

On the plane you will be given migration cards, which are better to fill out on the way, so as not to waste time on it later. You will give one part at passport control, and the other will have to be kept until departure (I usually put it in the foreign travel bag so as not to lose it). If you have any questions, contact the flight attendants, they will definitely help and explain everything.

Along with the stamp at passport control, you will be given a visa - a bright sticker, very different from the usual “Schengen” with gloomy photographs. There is no entry fee in the Maldives, but when leaving you will have to pay about 10 USD (however, if you are staying at a hotel, they may include this amount in the price return transfer).

Please note that at the entrance to the Maldives there is quite strict control and in addition to classic things that are prohibited from being carried on planes, you also cannot take here:

  • alcohol (also applies to products purchased at Duty Free),
  • narcotic drugs,
  • more than 200 cigarettes,
  • pork (as well as any products made from it),
  • explosive chemicals,
  • any type of weapon and military paraphernalia,
  • any elements of anti-Islamic propaganda,
  • dogs,
  • any pornographic materials.
  • After you have gone through the procedures described above and received your luggage, you will have to get to your immediate destination (unless, of course, you decide to stay in Male, which I personally do not really recommend doing). We will talk about possible transfers from the airport below.

    Transfer from Male Airport

    If you have not decided to spend your holidays in the capital Maldives(which I personally do not recommend doing - the recreation infrastructure here is much less developed than on the resort islands), then after going through customs procedures and receiving your luggage, another mini-trip awaits you.

    If you are staying at a hotel, everything will be quite simple: at the exit from the arrivals area, an employee will be waiting for you, usually with a sign with your name on it. He will accompany you and help you get to your vacation spot. Most hotels include the transfer price in the total cost of the holiday, but it is better to clarify this issue in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

    For those tourists who stay in guest houses or for some reason did not bother to organize a transfer in advance, the fun part begins: choosing a means of transportation. Below I will talk in detail about how you can get to neighboring islands and atolls.

    Seaplane: fast and expensive

    The cost of such a transfer will be several hundred dollars per person, making it the most expensive of the available options. On the other hand, you pay for speed: believe me, there is nothing faster than seaplanes in the Maldives. Seaplane transfer services are provided by two main companies - TransMaldivian and Maldivian Air Taxi.

    The cabin is a smaller copy of a full-fledged aircraft. The walls are so thin that the roar of the turbines will follow you until you land. So be sure to take earplugs, which are provided at the entrance to the plane, and also be prepared for the fact that the overall size hand luggage together with your luggage will be placed at the end of the cabin. However, they will do this quite carefully, but it is better to get the necessary things in advance.

    Another advantage of seaplanes is the stunning views that open from the small windows. It was they who at one time gave me my first impression of the Maldives, scattered throughout the ocean - a feeling of warmth, light, tropical brightness. I peered into the round circles of snow-white sand and tried to guess which island our plane would land on. However, in the end he landed next to a wooden platform in the ocean, on which we were landed along with our things. And then the plane took off... And only when a boat appeared, clearly hurrying towards us from a nearby island, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. The hotel employee hastily explained that for security reasons they couldn't land until the plane had taken off, but that didn't make me feel any better.

    If you choose a seaplane as a transfer, it is important to keep an eye on the time: their flights operate exclusively within daylight hours. Make sure you get there between 6:00 am and 4:30 pm.

    Boat: atmospheric and fresh

    The second most popular and expensive way to get to the desired place in the Maldives is a boat (here it is also called a “speedboat”). The price will also be several hundred dollars, but from the company. Usually tourists spend 300-500 USD one way, but most popular routes can cost less than 50 USD. It all depends on where exactly you are going, the range is quite wide. By the way, I don’t recommend taking a boat to travel to distant atolls: you will spend a lot of time on the way.

    The main problem with boats is seasickness. I personally saw people who went ashore green and said that before water travel They tolerated it quite calmly. Often the captain of the ship simply wants to deliver yours as quickly as possible, so he rushes through the waves as fast as he can. Just in case, I advise you to take medicine for motion sickness with you: it’s better to waste it than to regret that it wasn’t there at the most important moment.

    Boats run to the nearby islands around the clock, but if you have a long journey ahead, you will have, as in the case of a seaplane, to monitor the daylight hours: in the Maldives it lasts from 6:00 to 16:30. It's best to check in advance how long your transfer will take and whether it will be available in the evening and at night (if your main flight lands after sunset).

    Local airlines: unusual and uncomfortable

    In my life I also had the experience of moving between a resort island and the capital’s airport, like local airlines. It was chosen due to the fact that it was necessary to get to the airport after sunset. I’ll say right away that personally in my case the experience was negative, but so much the better for you - you’ll immediately know all the pitfalls. :)

    Firstly, the airport for local airlines has yet to be reached. As a rule, transfers are carried out by the hotel on its own boats, but loading luggage and people takes a lot of time. Secondly, local airports in terms of general organization bear little resemblance to those familiar to us. I, along with other passengers, sat in a small cafe, where workers came in every now and then and took away passports, suitcases, hand luggage... Thirdly, it is very difficult to clearly plan a trip. Local airlines seem to follow some kind of schedule, but in practice they often deviate from it. The result is unnecessary nerves. And finally, fourthly, the planes here are terribly uncomfortable! Even small seaplanes look more reliable.

    Ferry: measured and calm

    Good way for those who want to travel by water, but are not ready to overpay for a high-speed boat - ferry. A definite advantage is the low price: it depends on the distance, but is unlikely to exceed 10 USD. The main disadvantage is unpredictability. The ferry can be canceled, for example, due to bad weather conditions, and disruptions to the schedule even occur for no apparent reason.

    Ferries should be treated like the Maldives public transport: cheap, slow, not always predictable. They operate between the islands, so you can use the ferries not only as an airport transfer, but also for excursions, for example. But if you love comfort and speed, then this method is clearly not for you.

    Dhoni: authentic and slow

    In the local language, "dhoni" is a small traditional boat used by the indigenous people of the Maldives to travel between islands. It pleases with its low price, for example, a fifteen-minute trip to a neighboring island costs about 1 USD (the maximum price I have seen is 4 USD). True, the speed of the dhoni hardly exceeds 10 km/h, so I do not recommend choosing this vehicle for traveling long distances.

    Perfect for those who want to take a short excursion or get from the airport to one of the nearby islands: you can feel the local flavor and enjoy a boat trip.

    The idea to go to the Maldives was born in the summer after visiting Italy and its beaches. Italy was beautiful, but the beaches of the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas frankly disappointed. I immediately wanted a “bounty”, azure water, clean sand and a minimum of people. Where else can you go to the Maldives for this!
    Why did you decide to go on your own?
    The search began, of course, with offers from travel agencies, but quickly faded. Reason one: a standard and rather small selection of hotels was offered. Judging by the number of reviews on travel websites, travel agencies send all Russians to these 5-10 widely offered hotels. In each of them, unfortunately, we (again, judging by numerous reviews) found significant disadvantages for us. It turned out that there wasn’t much to choose from what the travel agencies offered. And we moved on to an independent search on the Internet. Scouring the sites also yielded disappointing results: everything that we liked and met our requirements and budget was no longer available at the beginning of November (it was in August) or did not offer the type of accommodation we were interested in (three adults) or meals (all inclusive). As a result, with the help of the English-language website tripadvisor and advice from experienced friends, the hotel was chosen. We asked the agency for the cost of a tour there. And they sank a second time: the cost turned out to be $1,500 more than when booking independently under the same conditions (type of accommodation, meals, flights, transfer). Of course, this amount was not too much for us, so, despite all the fears, the choice was made in favor of independent travel.
    And as it turned out, it was not in vain! Everything turned out just fine. And now below for those who, like us, doubt whether it is worth undertaking such a long journey without relying on an agency.
    Fear 1: Air tickets
    Actually, it was not a matter of booking air tickets itself - we have been successfully doing this on our own for a long time via the Internet and consider it a great advantage in itself: you do not need to overpay the agency for the purchase of each ticket, and in case of trip cancellation it is easy to return the tickets with minimal financial losses for yourself. In this case, the question was what to book in advance: tickets or a hotel. Of course, I wanted to do it at the same time. But the hotel didn’t work out for a long time, and while we were looking for the one and only one, tickets for direct Aeroflot flights were slowly disappearing. When the tickets for the date we were interested in were all sold out, and we had to shift the dates of the trip, thus shortening it by a day, we decided: we’ll take the tickets, and we’ll see! Therefore, my advice (for some it may have been obvious for a long time): if you find the flights you are interested in at a price that is acceptable to you, then do not hesitate - buy tickets, you will always find a hotel later. Delay in purchasing airline tickets is costly.
    Further, regarding the airline and the flight, I can say the following: Aeroflot did a good job in terms of information. The airline postponed the return flight, but promptly warned us about this by email. mail and SMS, sent new e-tickets and then, already in the Maldives, reminded the time and date of the return flight. There is online check-in for a flight from Moscow to Male, but the Aeroflot website is very slow. It was not possible to register for a flight online from the Aeroflot website back from Male (apparently this is impossible in principle). An Airbus 330 flies. There are two seats in a row on the right and left and four in the middle. The distance between the rows in the middle (where there are four seats) is very small, where there are two - wider. The Moscow-Male flight at night seemed more difficult than during the day. I was dying to sleep, but it was impossible to sleep normally in the uncomfortable chairs. The flight back was more cheerful - a personal monitor with a selection of films and music and two meals helped pass the time. The average flight is 9 hours.
    Fear 2: Booking a Hotel
    We did not rely on all sorts of online booking systems like Booking, but booked the hotel directly from the hotel’s website. No special knowledge of English is required for this. Everything is quite clear and accessible: I’m sure anyone can choose the dates, type of room, number of guests and type of food. The fear was different: what if something went wrong in their system and our reservation was lost? We arrive on the island, but they don’t expect us there. This is not Europe, where you went to the next street and rented another hotel. In the Maldives, there is one island - one hotel, so there is no way there from a submarine. But here everything was clear both from the hotel’s side (they sent a booking confirmation and a reminder a week before check-in by email), and we, for our part, did not let them forget about us and periodically wrote various letters to the hotel for 2 months before arrival, such as with thanks for the reservation, with information about rescheduling the return flight, with questions about the weather. Here, of course, knowledge of a foreign language will come in handy, although I think that there would be no shame in using an online translator.
    The only thing you need to keep in mind and be mentally prepared when booking a hotel on your own is the very strict cancellation conditions. Almost all the hotels in the Maldives that we reviewed, and the one that was ultimately booked, are charged to your account at least a month before arrival. credit card 100% of the entire stay. This is not Europe, where if you don’t check into the hotel you will lose the maximum cost of the first night of your stay. Here, if you don’t show up, you are unlikely to get anything back, and even if you cancel your reservation less than a month in advance, you still lose most of the amount. Therefore, it is not enough just to have a fairly impressive credit limit on the card. It is also advisable, of course, to insure yourself in case your trip suddenly does not take place for some reason. Otherwise it could cost you dearly. You can protect yourself by purchasing travel insurance. Travel agencies will not issue you such insurance if you do not buy a tour from them. In Moscow, at least, I learned that it can also be purchased by private individuals from insurance companies. The price of the issue in the insurance company, where I found out the conditions, was as follows: with a maximum coverage amount of 3 thousand dollars per person, the cost of insurance is 170 dollars per person. ( visa-free country). With indemnities of 2 and 1 thousand dollars, insurance is of course cheaper. Insurance cases are standard: if you are hospitalized, you must appear in court, if property is damaged, etc. To obtain insurance, you only need the original passports of those traveling, and this is done no less than 10 days before departure. To be honest, we debated for a long time whether to take out insurance or not, but in the end we regretted the money on it and relied on luck, although because of this we had to be nervous until our departure.
    There is a positive aspect to paying 100% for a hotel. This is that directly on the island there is no need to think about money. Those. You may forget to take them with you, lose them, or something else, but you know for sure that your accommodation and meals (if you are all-inclusive, of course) have already been paid for. Actually, of the money we took with us, we spent almost nothing, only $400 on 2 excursions (5-hour private fishing in the open ocean and a trip to a neighboring island) and $100 on tips for the staff (room boy, waiter in the restaurant, the bartender, the crew of the boat that took us fishing). We spent another $300 on the way back to duty-free in Male. In general, in combination with “all inclusive”, during our vacation we completely abstracted ourselves from everything material: we didn’t sign checks, didn’t carry cash with us, cards were immediately put in the safe, and we didn’t count the amount of food we ate and drank during the day. Having signed up once and completely for one amount and mentally come to terms with it a month before the trip, you simply enjoy your vacation and don’t think about anything else. It turned out so wonderful!
    Fear 3: Transfer
    Of course, everyone knows that it’s not enough to fly from Moscow to Male, you still need to get to your island hotel. In the case of purchasing a tour through an agency, this is not your headache. As it turns out, the same applies to self-booking. If you book a hotel from the hotel’s website, you will always be offered a transfer option: by boat or seaplane (or one or the other depending on the distance). The transfer amount is immediately added to the hotel stay amount and debited from your card along with the rest of the amount a month before arrival. The hotel will then send you a voucher confirming your round trip transfer. In our case, it was a seaplane and the cost was $400 for a round trip flight for one adult (total of $1,200 for three). Apparently, this price depends on the duration of the flight, because... We saw hotels where the cost was 250 dollars per person, and somewhere even 600.
    Of course, we were worried about how we would even find these seaplanes at Male airport, but in reality everything turned out to be very clearly organized. Upon arrival, after collecting your luggage, you leave the arrivals area and immediately to the right (still under the roof of the airport itself) you will see the air taxi check-in counter. The employee at the counter just needs to tell you your name and the hotel you are flying to. He will collect your luggage, give you your boarding passes and tell you what time your flight is. Next, he shows you the bus stop, which you take and go to your terminal (there seem to be three of them: A, I and C, so pay attention to the terminal number on your boarding board). The drive from the arrivals terminal is approximately 10 minutes. There is a cafe and toilet in the seaplane terminal, so you can pass the time quite comfortably. Flights are announced (the flight number will be on your boarding ticket), there is also a departure board and special employees who collect passengers. In general, there were no problems at this stage; there was no need to be afraid!
    Fear 4: Weather in early November
    Naturally, when planning a trip for November, we looked at various sites for information about the weather in the Maldives in November. Everywhere it was written that the high season in the Maldives is not from May to October, but the high season is from December to April. Everyone said about November that the weather there was good. Our fear began about a month before the trip, when, having looked at the weather forecast for a month in advance, we saw that it was raining heavily every day in the Maldives and that it was not going to stop before our arrival. Several Internet resources were found that transmitted images from web cameras on some islands, but it was difficult to get an idea of ​​the weather from them. Acquaintances experienced and unexperienced in the Maldives convinced us that it rains there for 20 minutes, and then the sun shines, but all the sites stubbornly showed rain at night, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening during our stay in the Maldives, as well as before. We have already become despondent and even come to terms with the idea that, having paid a large sum for our vacation, it may happen that we will sit out in the rain all this week. We brought books with us and downloaded movies to our iPad.
    I'm glad to say that in fact everything was not as terrible as we feared, but the weather wasn't great either. Arriving in the Maldives on Saturday, November 2, we were greeted by bright sun, blue skies, and all our fears were quickly forgotten. It turned out to be in vain. On Sunday at lunchtime the sky was filled with low, leaden clouds and it began to rain. And he walked until Monday afternoon. Frankly speaking, we were upset at first. All our fears immediately came to mind, and we decided that this would be the weather for the rest of the week. We watched two parts of “The Godfather” while listening to the sound of rain. Then the rain somehow became less frequent, and although there were still leaden clouds, the temperature of the water and air did not actually change, it was just as warm as without rain, so we went swimming and snorkeling. In general, what can I say: I would characterize the weather in early November (the first week) as unstable and capricious. It rained every night, sometimes all night, sometimes even for a couple of hours in the morning. Once there was heavy tropical rain during the day, but it quickly ended. There were always clouds of varying degrees of density in the sky. In general, the best weather in the Maldives probably starts at the end of November-December. And at the beginning of November - it depends on your luck. Although I’ll be honest, no vagaries of the weather spoiled our vacation. We managed to swim and tan. One time the rain almost ruined our fishing plans, because... It rained all morning on the day we planned to go fishing. But the fishing was promptly postponed to the next day and the weather did not interfere with us.
    All other fears
    Well, what else were they afraid of in the Maldives? Firstly, all kinds of living creatures. I am a squeamish person and I am deathly afraid of all kinds of spider bugs. Here my fears were not justified. No special nasty living creatures or insects were noticed in the Maldives: no mosquitoes, no flies, horseflies, butterflies, caterpillars, cockroaches and other nasty things. There were small harmless ants in the bathroom and on the sun loungers on the beach. Nothing much else. Well, of course, there were geckos running along the walls of the houses (outside) and trees, crabs on the sand, flying foxes flying, but these living creatures did not cause concern or negative emotions. The ocean is also calm: no one was bitten or pinched. Along the shore, where we simply swam in the azure water, only small and harmless reef sharks paraded and once we saw stingrays in the shallows. All other living creatures were found in large quantities on the reef around the island, which were observed with masks.
    The sun, despite the clouds and even clouds, is still hot and harsh, it is necessary to protect yourself with creams. But it’s better to snorkel in a T-shirt.
    Bring ear drops with you. Many people in the Maldives experience ear infections. As the local doctor said, this is due to some plankton in the sea. We took a small branch of the pharmacy with us, but we didn’t think about ear drops, because such a problem had never arisen in all our trips. This time the inflammation occurred in my husband and just on the day of the excursion to the neighboring island. We were saved by a couple of British people who had the drops with them.
    Well, as always, I wrote a bunch of text! Sorry. I hope that someone was able to complete it to the end, or that someone will find this information useful when deciding whether to go to the Maldives on their own or through an agency. We made a clear conclusion for ourselves: only on our own! You have a much wider choice of hotels (just plan and book in advance) and some savings on money. There are actually no objective difficulties. Well, surprises can happen on any trip.

    You can try to organize independent trip and thereby save a certain amount, but you definitely won’t be able to relax as cheaply as in Turkey or Bulgaria. The whole reason is the long and expensive flight. A direct flight lasts approximately 10-12 hours and there is a direct flight to the capital of the Maldives from Moscow. But a direct flight is not the best option for a budget tourist. To save on a flight, you need to review the offers of dozens of airlines (mostly Asian and Arab) and perhaps in this way you will be able to find a good option. Experienced tourists advise choosing options with one or even two transfers. The cost is also affected by the waiting time for the flight (connection). There are good options for air travel to the Maldives from Sri Lanka. In any case, you need to spend more than one hour, and perhaps more than one day. At the same time as choosing a flight, you need to select a hotel so that the dates coincide, and this is sometimes very difficult to do.

    The Maldives includes about 1200 islands, but only a number of them are very popular among tourists and that is why prices on those islands are simply off the charts. There are islands that are predominantly inhabited by local residents who... Lately began to ask questions about the development of the tourism business. And it is on such unpromoted islands that you need to look for housing. In this case, we can talk about significant savings.

    After tourists arrive at the airport of the capital of the Maldives, the city of Male, the first question that arises is how to get to the desired island. Under no circumstances use the services of the so-called “water taxi”, for which you will have to pay a lot of money (100-200 or more dollars). Local residents do not use such transport and travel by ferries. It may be much slower, but the fare does not exceed 2 dollars. Tourists can also travel on these ferries without any problems. If for some reason the ferry does not suit you or you are late for it, then you can negotiate with private owners for 30-50 dollars.

    There is no point in going at the height of the season, since at such a time you can only dream of saving money, but during the rainy season from May to October you can not only have a good rest, but also save a lot. Rain alternates with sunny days, so you won’t have to sit in your room the entire holiday.

    Prices for souvenirs, food and even ordinary drinking water are high only in popular, well-promoted resorts, but on other islands they are quite affordable even for an ordinary tourist. Since the Maldives is a Muslim country, a budget tourist can only dream of alcohol. The fact is that it is prohibited in the country, and importing it is also prohibited. Alcohol can only be found in a few luxury hotels, but its price there is exorbitant.

    If the price of a souvenir is steep, you can try to bargain. This, although not always, helps. You will have to refuse excursions (especially sea excursions), since their prices are too high. The only thing you can try is to negotiate with some local residents, but they themselves are well versed in prices and how much you can earn from a tourist.

    Whatever one may say, when people talk about the Maldives, they immediately mean a resort where only rich people relax, but in fact, if you try hard, you can relax for relatively little money.

    Each of us strives to spend as little as possible on vacation and get as much as possible. This is normal, everyone does it. If we talk about Southeast Asia (Thailand, India, Indonesia, etc.), then we know that now you can have a very inexpensive holiday there. Housing availability and sufficient low prices entertainment make this region a very attractive destination for tourists from all over the world!

    This statement did not apply to the Maldives until recently. While remaining aloof, the islands were considered a paradise for tourists with big wallets. Just about 5 years ago this changed and now there is an opportunity relatively vacation on a budget in the Maldives. The so-called Budget Maldives have appeared.

    Why relatively? Because, after all, the whole trip will, in general, cost more than to other regions of Asia, and there are many reasons for this. However, there are ways to save money in the Maldives. I'll tell you about them.


    A direct flight to Male, the capital of the Maldives, takes about 9 hours and is operated by Aeroflot. It costs about $400 round trip! Not much, I would say. Tickets can be purchased from one of the aggregators or directly from the carrier. The flight is carried out 3 times a week:

    Moscow — Male: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Departure at 22.50 from Sheremetyevo, arrival at 9.35 ( local time) to the International Airport. Ibrahim Nazir on the island of Hulhumale (near Male).
    Male — Moscow: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday. Departure at 11.15 (local time) from International airport them. Ibrahim Nazir on the island of Hulhumale, arrival at Sheremetyevo at 18.30.

    If possible, choose a window seat. From the height there is a wonderful view of the islands!


    Budget holiday in the Maldives includes accommodation not in “star” hotels, but in guest houses. Essentially, these are the same hotels, but smaller in size, cost and lack of official stars. Here you do not overpay for the brand. The cost depends on the location of both the guest house and the distance of the island from the capital.

    How to choose a guest house?

    The choice of guesthouse begins after selecting a suitable island.

    You can read about how to choose the right local island and not be disappointed in the post

    When choosing a guesthouse, you need to consider the following:

    — the island on which it is located and the number of guests on it. Different islands have different taxes. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will need to add 20-22% of the original amount to the final cost. Prices and taxes in the Maldives are a separate issue. You can read in more detail.

    Reviews on Tripadvisor, Booking, Agoda. The most adequate and complete ones are on Tripadvisor, and pay attention, first of all, to the negative ones.

    Date the guest was posted on Booking or Tripadvisor. New guest houses that do not yet have reviews or ratings usually have a lower cost of accommodation than those that already have a certain reputation. But in this case there is, albeit a small, chance of stumbling upon the inadequacy of the staff. However, I have not heard of such cases.

    The cost of living varies from $50 to $200 per night. You can try to find options for $20-30 on AirBnB, but without a separate shower, air conditioning and, perhaps, even without a separate room. Don't expect accommodation prices to drop much in the next couple of years.

    "Why so expensive?" - you ask, because in Thailand you can find accommodation for $20-40 per day. There are many reasons for this. The main ones:

    - high cost of electricity. It is produced by a diesel generator, which supplies the entire island with electricity. Diesel still needs to be purchased somewhere and delivered to the island.

    - high cost of building materials, which are necessary for the construction of the guest house. It is clear that the owners are trying to recoup the cost of construction as quickly as possible.

    - high cost of drinking water. All the water that flows in the taps on the islands is rainwater, so it is scarce and not cheap. By the way, it is not advisable to drink it; it is better to buy bottled

    - tourism taxes. Another expense item for guest house owners, which affects the cost and cannot be avoided. And since October 2016, a new Green Tax has been introduced, which is $3 per person per day.

    - competition among guests. It’s clear that the more competition there is on the island, the lower the prices. Many local islands only have 3-5 guest houses, so they set prices whatever they want. With the development of transport networks between the islands, this will change over time.

    Where to book a guest house?

    It would seem that the answer is obvious - through Booking, Agoda, etc. There are often discounts there and it is more profitable to book there. All this is true, but for guests in the Maldives, different rules apply (at least for the most advanced of them).

    All of the above aggregator sites charge a percentage of bookings on these sites (about 15%). Therefore, to get an additional discount, find out the cost of excursions, etc., it is better to contact the guest house directly.

    Another important point. On booking you can only book accommodation, and pay for excursions and meals on the spot. Therefore, some guest houses offer to buy a package of services from them right away. It includes accommodation, excursions, meals and transfers. This is very profitable, you can save up to $400! If the guest does not have information about the package on their website, feel free to ask them.

    The lowest prices for accommodation are May-September, the highest are December-March.


    The Maldives is not a cheap country, I think you are already convinced of this. Along with housing, food is one of the main expenses. The country imports almost everything, so the cost of products is quite high.

    Each guest house has its own mini restaurant with local and continental cuisine. If you say when booking that you also need food (lunch or dinner), it will cost $10-15 per person. In case of payment on the spot - depending on what you order, but usually more than the amount indicated above.

    For children from 2 to 11-12 years old, there is usually a discount on meals in the guest house; check this point with the manager.

    You can also catch crabs, which are simply teeming on the beach after sunset, and ask them to cook them on the grill. The locals themselves do not eat this for religious reasons.

    Almost every island has cafes for locals, where you can taste Maldivian cuisine at very reasonable prices. For example, a main course and fresh juice will cost $7-12. The only negative is that all dishes are very spicy. You can read about the dishes.


    Everyone chooses the type of holiday on the islands: active or beach. The second, of course, is cheaper, but at the same time you will not be able to fully enjoy all the beauty of the Maldives. But this is not only snow-white beach, bright sun and turquoise water.

    The amazing underwater world will leave unforgettable experience about the Maldives!

    In general, the list of activities varies little depending on the island. Does diving on one island, for example, mean that it is better than on another? - No. Each island and its surroundings are unique in their own way, so there is no point in comparing.

    Let's look at the main activities on the islands:

    - Fishing. There are several types of fishing: morning(from $20), daytime(from $20), evening(from $35), night(from $35), big game fishing(“hunting for big fish” from $100). They all vary in cost and what type of fish you are looking to catch. Evening and night fishing are the most expensive, because... At this time, the chance of catching a large fish increases significantly!

    The caught fish can be cooked in the kitchen of your guest house (cooked by the cook). And it won't cost you anything! But first agree with the manager so that there are no problems.

    - Snorkeling. The most popular and simplest type of activity, which in many cases will cost you free. Why? Because next to the islands there is a house reef where you can swim at any time. However, the most interesting points are located outside the house reefs, and you need to get there by boat. The cost of such a trip starts from $20 and includes visits to at least 4 different points. The trip itself lasts about 3 hours. This time is more than enough, believe me.

    I went on a similar trip to Rasda. That day there was a noticeable disturbance in the ocean, but everything was calm under the water, and the water itself was as clear as on ordinary days. We were taken out to the outside of the reef, and you can really feel the current there! I recommend this activity for those who have chosen exclusively beach holiday without unnecessary movements.

    On different islands, depending on the time of year, you may also be offered snorkeling with manta rays, turtles or whale sharks. The cost is about the same.

    - Diving. Thousands of divers from all over the world visit the Maldives every year to experience the unique underwater life. The clean, clear and warm water of this place makes diving accessible to everyone. Almost every island has one or more dive centers. The cost of services there differs little from each other, but it will be cheaper in the one to which your guest house is attached, but this is not an axiom.

    If you have no experience or certificate at all, then you will be offered to take a beginner course. You will dive with an instructor. The cost of such a dive starts from $70 (the cost depends on the island). For more experienced divers with a certificate, the cost of a dive starts from $30 (the price includes a guide, boat and equipment), in groups it is cheaper.

    - Picnic Island. Near many of the local islands there are tiny uninhabited islands where tourists are taken daily. Usually for the whole day. Cost starts from $30. This includes boat transfer, barbecue and refreshments.

    Some islands offer the Robinson Crusoe service. The idea is that you are taken to a desert island and left there alone for the night. The asking price is $300 (including tent and dinner). I've only seen this on .

    - Visiting resorts. There are resorts near many local islands. But not all of them can be visited with a tour. This is due to the rules on them. However, for a fee (starting at $25, but the usual cost is around $100) you can visit this luxurious place. The price includes transfer, food and drinks, alcohol. You can stay overnight or have a spa treatment for an additional fee.

    On some islands, for example, it is possible to book a day excursion to 3 different resorts and it will cost $150-200.

    - Walk with dolphins and romantic dinner for two. The cost of the first one starts from $30, which includes a boat and drinks. The trip itself is usually in the evening, at sunset.

    A romantic dinner can be either on the beach or the territory of a guest house, or on desert island(if there is one nearby). This dinner will cost you from $90. You can ask the manager to take a photo of you, this will not affect the cost.

    I have highlighted only the main activities and excursions; in addition, you can also be offered water skiing, jet ski rental, kayak rental (a great opportunity to see the whole island), a sailing catamaran trip, etc. Upon request, we will send you a price list with all these services.

    The cost of activities greatly depends on the island and on the guest house, while there is no single standard and everyone offers something of their own to the best of their ability. Maldivians love to bargain, so don't hesitate to ask for discounts!


    Perhaps the biggest obstacle to the development of local tourism is transfer between islands. Although he is regular, he does not go often. The situation is gradually changing, but it is still far from perfect.

    In this regard, the cost of this service varies greatly depending on the type of transport you choose. Let's consider the possible options.

    Private or public ferry. The cheapest but slowest type of transfer. Its cost ranges from $3 to $10. Travel time is from 1.5 hours to 10 hours. There's no rush at all, right? At the moment, not all islands can be reached by ferry; the only way to get to remote ones is by local airlines, which will be discussed further.

    Another advantage of this transport is that within one atoll you can go to neighboring local islands in the morning and return back in the evening.

    Speed ​​boat. It runs between the islands on a scheduled basis. At the moment there are not many routes between the capital and the local islands. Over time, of course, there will be more of them. This transfer costs $40-120 depending on the island. Travel time is no more than 2 hours. A bit of a breeze. Some routes can be viewed on this website. It is better to check with the guests for the availability of others.

    Hydroplane. Fast, but not at all cheap transfer. Usually it is provided to those who are planning their trip to the resort. Its cost starts from $250 per person, and there are certain limits on luggage. Travel time is 20-40 minutes. Another advantage is that you can enjoy magnificent Maldivian views from a low altitude! This transfer is available upon request and only operates during daylight hours in normal weather.

    Local airlines. Currently, 11 airports have been built in the Maldives (7 local and 4 international). There is a constant air connection between them. Some remote islands, such as Gan or, can only be reached by local airlines. The cost of the transfer depends on where you book your ticket. If through a guest house, it will be cheaper, because... they have an agreement with air carriers. Such a flight will cost $200-400 round trip.

    Private boat. Each guesthouse provides a speedboat upon request. The cost of the trip starts from $500 per boat. This type of transfer is beneficial if you are a group and do not want to wait for the ferry.

    In general, now you can get to almost any Maldivian island using one or more types of transfer. The only question is the price.

    Also, do not forget that Fridays Neither ferries nor speedboats (but not to all islands) operate. If it so happens that you arrived on this day, then the simplest and cheapest solution would be to stay overnight in Male.

    Other expenses

    This includes souvenirs, food in stores, mobile communications and the Internet.

    - Souvenirs. How can you visit the Maldives and not buy some trinket? If you choose a souvenir shop in Male or on the local islands, then I give preference to the latter. Each local island has several such places. The souvenirs there are very different, mainly made of wood, coconut with elements of fish bones and shark teeth. A simple magnet will cost $1-2. Shop owners make many souvenirs themselves.

    In one of them, I asked the owner to paint a T-shirt for me, and he happily agreed! At the same time, he didn’t take anything from above. They are willing to make contact and, at your request, can make an individual souvenir. Well, don’t forget that you need to ask for a discount.

    - Products in stores. There are usually several grocery and hardware stores on the islands. In the former you can buy fruits, juices, sweets, etc. The prices are quite normal and on average correspond to ours (in dollar terms). The assortment is also pleasantly surprising; don’t be put off by the slightly disorderly arrangement of goods, this is the norm for them.

    Both rufiyaa and dollars are accepted. Exchange rate 1$ = 15 rufiyaa.

    - Mobile communications and Internet. In most cases, the Internet in guest rooms is free, but the speed leaves much to be desired. It is enough for messengers, but there may be problems with Skype. Alternatively, you can purchase a SIM card from one of the three Maldivian operators. 2 GB of Internet will cost $20-30. Another option is to rent a modem from one of the Internet providers, the cost is about the same.

    This issue is best resolved immediately upon arrival, because... not every island has offices of operators and providers.


    So, from all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusions:

    1. The cheapest and fastest way to fly is Aeroflot.
    2. Book your guest directly. If possible, buy a package, it will be cheaper.
    3. The cheapest accommodation is in the low season from May to September.
    4. Alternate meals in the guest house and in local cafes.
    5. When booking multiple excursions, ask for a discount.
    6. The cheapest but slowest transfer between the islands is by ferry.
    7. It is better to buy souvenirs on local islands, and not in Male. You can negotiate a discount.
    8. The total cost of a budget holiday in the Maldives starts from $2000 for two.

    Budget holidays in the Maldives. How to save money?

    5 5 votes

    I love to travel and try to travel to new countries several times a year. So that the passion for travel does not greatly ruin the family budget, I plan my vacation myself, saving on hotels and tickets.

    This year I decided to visit the Maldives. Organizing a trip to the paradise islands is more difficult than visiting the Eiffel Tower or the Vatican. Tours are expensive, and the idea of ​​creating your own itinerary seemed too daunting. But then I realized that the logistics of a trip to the Maldives are no different from planning a European vacation, the main thing is not to oversleep the transfer to the island.

    I’ll tell you how I went to the Maldives for 1900 €, approximately 134,000 rubles for two. A tour through an agency would cost us $4,000 or 227,000 rubles.

    Tickets: 900 €

    I started planning my trip by looking for inexpensive tickets. I spent several hours studying and comparing ticket prices through different aggregator sites and found a budget option. Qatar Airways offered tickets from Berlin to the island of Hulhumale for 450 € per ticket, approximately 32,000 rubles.

    You could search further and find more cheap option, but then we would have to spend more than a day on the road. I don’t like long layovers, so I chose the option from Qatar Airways. For two tickets I paid 900 €, approximately 63315 ₽ - the main part of the expenses.

    Airport transfer: 7 €

    There are more than 1200 islands in the Maldives. For a budget holiday, 4 are suitable: Hulhumale, Male, Maafushi and Thoddhu. The remaining islands are uninhabited or have expensive hotels with closed beaches.

    I chose Maafushi: there are many inexpensive hotels there, the whole island can be walked around in an hour, and the capital Male is only 27 km away.

    We took a ferry to Male Island to spend the night and go to Maafushi. We got from Male to Maafushi in 2 hours on a state ferry. Ferry tickets cost 7 €, approximately 500 ₽, and a night at the hotel cost 70 €, or 5000 ₽.

    We are approaching our island

    8 nights in Maafushi: 370 €

    At 11 o'clock we boarded a local ferry and at around 13:00 we sailed to the island, where colorful lanterns were hung on palm trees, and local residents greeted us with cocktails and flower garlands.

    I booked the Water Breeze hotel in Maafushi - 7 nights cost 300 € or 21,000 ₽. I decided to stay on the island for another day and booked the Kaani Beach hotel for 70 € or 5000 ₽ per night.

    The hotels are located practically on the beach and a 10-minute walk from the center of Maafushi. The rooms are not very large, but cozy and with free wi-fi.

    Both hotels provided us with breakfast, and Kaani Beach had a swimming pool.

    I compare prices for fruits and walk around the hotel grounds

    Getting to know the island

    Ferry from Male to Maafushi Island

    Excursions: 485 €

    A budget holiday in the Maldives does not involve deserted white sand beaches - there are a lot of people on public beaches. I didn’t want to sunbathe in a crowd of locals and tourists, so I planned active entertainment.

    We spent 6 out of 8 days traveling and having fun. All excursions were booked at a nearby hotel through local travel companies.

    On the first day we went fishing in the open ocean, and then they prepared dinner for us from freshly caught fish with a side dish and vegetables. For the excursion we paid 45 € or 3160 ₽.

    The next day we went to look for 15-meter sharks with which we could swim and take photographs. We didn't find any sharks, but we took pictures with turtles, fish and saw stingrays. Between dives we were invited to lunch with meat, rice and vegetable side dishes. The excursion cost 160 € or 11,217 ₽. Due to the fact that the sharks never arrived, we were given a discount on all other excursions.

    On the third day we went to the Vadoo island resort. First we went snorkeling - we swam with fins, a mask and a breathing tube. And then we went to the evening show, where we were shown feeding sharks and other sea ​​creatures. We were fed 3 times with local cuisine and treated to cocktails. A day on the island cost 180 € or 12,600 rubles for two.

    During the remaining 3 days of excursions we observed fish, turtles, sea ​​urchins, met sharks and dolphins. We went to a hotel with houses on the water and to a small island in the ocean, where we were fed lunch and offered soft drinks. We spent another 100 € or 7000 ₽ for two on these excursions.

    Meeting with a shark, stingrays and dolphins

    Snorkeling on the island and feeding the fish

    Fish that I caught while fishing and then ate with vegetables for dinner

    While snorkeling I saw a turtle and tropical fish - you can photograph them without flash

    Meals: 100 €

    We practically didn’t go to restaurants for dinner; breakfast was included in the hotel price, so we spent 100 € or 7,000 rubles on food. There are grocery stores on the island - we bought fruit and food for dinner there. People in the Maldives love Asian noodles, so we sometimes made them too.

    The menu of Maldivian cafes includes many variations on Asian themes, European steaks and burgers, as well as local dishes: fried pies and tuna balls, caramelized fruits, rice cakes and coconut donuts. Tourists often order Tom Yum and egg noodles. Dinner at a restaurant will cost 40 € or 2809 ₽.