Marche city italy. Open the left menu of the brand. A brief excursion into history

The landscapes of Marche are breathtaking. They were and continue to be sung by poets and writers. What is interesting about this region today?


Marche is an area located in Central Italy. Its administrative center is Ancona. The city has approximately 100 thousand inhabitants. The region stretches from the Adriatic Sea to the Apennines. It has two climatic zones. Thus, the northern part of Marche is exposed to cold winds blowing from the northeast, so the climate here is more humid and also cooler. And in the southern part the climate is milder, rather dry. The sea coast has the mildest climate. The territory of the Marche is mainly mountainous. All rivers flowing through it flow into the nearby Adriatic Sea.


The name Marche traces its roots back to the ancient German word “mark”, meaning “border”. This is due to the fact that the territory was the border of the Holy Roman Empire in the 11th century.

Already during the Neolithic period, people began to inhabit the territory of this area. In the 3-2 millennium BC, Greek and Balkan tribes lived here. In the 3rd century BC, the Romans appeared in these parts. They were interested in exercising control over this particular area, since it represented a strategic exit to the Adriatic. At this time, two important roads were built - Salaria and Flaminia. Thanks to them, the coasts of the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas were connected. It was at this time that the city of Ancona gained its importance as the most important maritime trading point in the eastern part of the country.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory went to the Lombards, then for a long time it became part of the Byzantine Empire.

At the end of the 8th century the area became the domain of the church. For many years the coasts have been attacked by Saracen pirates, so the people migrate to the mountainous regions. In the 18th century, the area was occupied by French troops. In 1869 it became part of the Italian state.


As you know, it is one of the leading states in the world in terms of the scale of cultural and artistic heritage. Proof of this is the Marche region, where the rich nature is complemented by cities, palazzos, churches and cathedrals. A striking example is the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino - famous monument Renaissance architecture. Or Loreto, where the Santa Casa is located - the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary, which was transported from Palestine by the crusaders.


Every August the three-day Ducal Festival is celebrated in Urbino. The city is filled with the atmosphere of antiquity, because tournaments and battles, historical and gastronomic reconstruction of taverns and tasting of products prepared according to preserved recipes from the Renaissance period take place here. The highlight of the program is a theatrical performance that shows the scene of the celebration of the victory of the troops of Federigo da Montefeltro over the Duke of Milan, Francesco Sforza.

On the first Sunday in September, Ancona celebrates the Festival of the Sea. One of the most important moments of the Holiday is the ceremonial swimming of boats decorated with flowers and bright ribbons. It is also a unique way to honor those who have died at sea during accidents, battles or voyages.


Fish dishes that will amaze anyone with their variety. It is recommended to try a similar version of Russian fish soup - brodetto. In different provinces of the Marche, recipes differ: brodetto, for example alla Anconitana (Apsopa), alla San Benedetto del Tronto, alla Civitanova Marche. A fragrant dinner will be decorated with a bottle of wine labeled DOC: Falerio dei Colli Ascolani (white), Bianchello del Metauro (white), Rosso Conero (red) or Lacrima di Morro d`Alba (red, province of Ancona).

Brodetto. Photo


Let’s take a closer look at the Carlo Bo University of Urbino (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo). It was founded in 1506, during the reign of the Duke of Urbino, Guidobaldo Montefeltre, known for his passion for education and art. In 2003, the university received the name of Carlo Bo-rector, who made a great contribution to the development of this educational institution. Currently, 17 thousand students are studying at the university in 10 faculties. Among them we note pedagogical, medical, economic, philosophical and sociological.



The region is located quite far from central Italy, so its economy has lagged behind for a long time. Currently, the production of paper, electronic organs, and fashionable shoes is most developed here. Pharmaceutical, clothing, furniture, petrochemical and some other industries are also developing well.

In the Marche, grain crops are grown, as well as sugar beets and sunflowers. An important sector of the economy is fishing. This is evidenced by the large number of fishing ports. The most famous among them are Pesaro, Civitanova, Fano, San Benedetto del Tronto. More than half of the region's population works in the service and trade sectors.

Ancona Airport (Aeroporto di Ancona-Falconara) serves 400 thousand people annually with the help of 5 airlines. It is 18 km from the center of Ancona. Ancona is considered one of the important strategic ports of the Adriatic Sea. Ferry routes go to Albania, Croatia, Greece and Turkey. The city is located at the intersection of an important railway line - - Ancona - Pescara -. Today there is no railway connection with Urbino. Until 1987, Fano-Urbino operated. The nearest station is in Pesaro. The cost of public transport in Marche is just over 1 euro.


Marche's population is 1.485 million people (13th place, according to estimates for 2003). Large cities - Ancona (100 thousand inhabitants), Pesaro (90,000), Fano (57,000), Ascoli Piceno (50,000), Macerata (42,000).


The most attractive town for tourists is probably the town of Urbino. It is located in the central part of the region. Urbino attracts with its picturesque landscapes and perfectly preserved medieval appearance.

Before you even reach the city, you can enjoy a mesmerizing, extraordinary panorama: from above it seems like a kind of backdrop for a medieval play. It feels as if from a sea of ​​towers and tiled roofs floats out huge palace. This is Palazzo Ducale - a famous monument of Renaissance architecture. It combines a picturesque layout and harmonious lightness. This masterpiece of architecture took almost a hundred years to build. Outstanding medieval architects such as Luciano Laurana and Francesco di Giorgio Martini participated in its construction. In addition to this palace, the city has many other attractions.

Due to the fact that the residents of Urbino were very proud of their city, it was even nicknamed “vain Urbino.” It is also known as the “city of mathematicians” because a whole galaxy of remarkable scientists came from here.

Urbino. Photo

known as a balneological resort. The Loggia Mercanti has been the symbol of the city since the 15th century. Despite the fires, the Italians were able to preserve the original style of this building. The spirit of past eras is felt in the picturesque enfilades and all kinds of bas-reliefs. The city has many monuments of antiquity, as well as the Middle Ages. Among them, the Triumphal Arch of Trajan (built in the early 2nd century AD) requires special attention. It is one of the symbols of the city. Its grandeur is only emphasized by the almost complete absence of bas-reliefs and the grayish color of the marble. The Roman amphitheater, or rather its ruins, is no less attractive to tourists. Also notable are the Romanesque Cathedral, Mole Vanvitelliana, Diocesan Museum, etc.

Ancona. Photo

Macerata is an equally interesting city for tourists in the Marche region. It is located near the sea, which gives it additional charm. The city is famous for its university. This is one of the oldest universities not only in Italy, but throughout Europe. In Macerata, you should definitely visit the Arena Sferisterio, where the opera festival, famous throughout the world, is held annually. It is necessary to separately highlight the Diamond Palace, which is a delightful building of the Renaissance. Also incredibly beautiful are the churches of Santa Maria della Porta and Madonna della Misericordi.

Macerata. Photo

Pesaro is a city with ancient history and aristocratic traditions. First of all, it is known as the birthplace of the outstanding composer Gioachino Rossini. In memory of him, there is a memorial museum here, and in opera house, which bears his name, annually hosts a grand festival of opera performers. Amazing with magnificence main square Pesaro called Popolo. Here you can’t help but admire the sparkling fountain made of unique sculptures of newts and sea horses. The military fortress, built in the 15th century, attracts visitors with its grandeur. Not far from it is the Cathedral. The most ancient mosaic floors have been preserved in it to this day. And the Museum of Ceramics invites you to get acquainted with the bizarre, unique pottery of local craftsmen. If this is not interesting to you, you can go to the Pinakothek and admire the true masterpieces of fine art of the Renaissance. And in the vicinity of the city you can visit medieval monasteries.

Pesaro. Photo

Fano is one of the largest and most ancient cities of Marche. It received its name from the name of the goddess Fortuna (the word “Fanum” translates as “fortune”). The Arch of Augustus can be considered as a symbol of Fano. It was built by order of Emperor Augustus in the first decade of our era. Ancient walls with cylindrical towers, also built by Augustus, have also been preserved. In addition, tourists in Fano will definitely be interested in the Porta della Mandria gate and Malatesta Castle. In that medieval castle located today Archaeological Museum. Here you can admire ancient Greek figurines, brooches, amphorae, fragments of sculptures, etc. found by archaeologists. But the most impressive exhibit is the mosaic made in the 2nd-3rd centuries. ad. It depicts Neptune riding a chariot. While in this city, you should not neglect such palaces as Palazzo del Podesta and Palazzo Montevecchio. Columns, grand staircases, fountains - you need to see this with your own eyes. Among the majestic attractions of Fano is also the Church of San Paterniano, Cathedral Romanesque style, Church of Santa Maria Nuova. Outstanding artists and sculptors from different times took part in their design.

Fano. Photo


Raphael Santi (1483 - 1520) - “the bright genius of the Renaissance” was born in Urbino at the end of the 15th century. The first documented masterpiece of Raphael is considered to be the altar painting (1500 - 1501) in the Baronci Chapel of the Church of St. Augustine in Città di Castello, halfway from Urbino to Perugia. In April 1520, the artist was buried with the greatest honors in. On the marble sarcophagus of Raphael there is an inscription: “Ille hic est Raffael, timuit quo sospite vinci, rerum magna parens et moriente mori” - “Here is that famous Raphael, while he was alive, Nature was afraid that he would conquer her, when he was dying, Nature I was afraid to die with him.”

Italian motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi was born in 1979 in Urbino. He is the son of another famous motorcycle racer, Graziano Rossi. During his career, he won several championship titles and almost always wears number 46. He spent his childhood in the town of Tavullia. Especially in honor of the sportsman, the speed limit here is 46 kilometers per hour (instead of the usual fifty).

They say about Marche that it is Italy in one region. It has everything you would like to see on a trip: the blue surface of the sea, mountain peaks, architectural uniqueness, the best food and wine.

In Marche you can combine all your desires for Italian life and culture.

If you need to find the Marche region on a map of Italy, you need to pay attention to the East Coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy. Closer to the middle of the “boot”, a little to the south.

Location of Marche on the map of Italy

The capital of the Marche region is a major port city in Italy.

There is a lot to see in the Marche region:

You will learn more about the region and its attractions from the video:

The most vibrant cities for tourism in the Marche are:

Local kitchen

The cuisine of the Marche region, thanks to the special structure of the territory, where the mountains predominate, but there is also the sea, is very diverse. A cuisine that alternates meat dishes typical of mountainous regions with dishes based on shellfish, fatty fish and seafood.

The cuisine of the Marche region is very diverse

We should not forget the region's famous stuffed olives, one of the symbols of Marche products.

Typical dishes often found in Marche restaurants:

  • For snacks - "antipasti" on the coast they serve various variations of fish broth from 13 types of fish with saffron;
  • Moving deeper into the Marche region, dishes containing mushrooms and truffles;
  • Pasta with squid and mushrooms(calamari e funghi);
  • stuffed lasagna(lasagne all'ascolana);
  • Chickpea soup with pork(la minestra di ceci);
  • classic for Marche - tagliatelle with truffles(tagliatelle al tartufo).

In the mountains you can often find polenta with sausage, mushroom and truffle salad.

Desserts in Marche, as in all of Italy, are given a special place.
You can try it here:

    • "Bekutte" (beccute)— buns decorated with pine nuts and raisins;
    • "Caciuni"- ravioli stuffed with cheese, eggs, sugar and lemon zest;
    • "castagnole"- sweet dough balls sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Castagnole - sweet dough balls

Among the Marche wines, the most valuable are:

  • "Maceratesi Black Hills"- dry and harmonious taste;
  • "Rosso Conero"- dry, rich wine;
  • Rosso Piceno, Sangiovese— delicate bouquet and harmonious taste;
  • "Lacrima di Morro d'Alba" with an intense fruity aroma and rich taste.


In the region of Italy - Marche, climatic conditions have a wide range due to the difference in relief heights. IN mountainous areas Marche cool summer and cold winter with snow, which occurs quite often and heavily.

In addition, in inland mountainous areas, temperatures can be very low.

Along the coastal zone, north of Marche's capital Ancona, the climate is subcontinental. The hot summers are usually cooled by sea breezes, and there are also quite cold winters (Pesaro has an average January temperature of 3.8 °C).

Average temperature readings:

  • Winter temperature on the coast: 7-12C;
  • Winter temperature in mountainous areas: 0-3.9C;
  • Summer temperatures on the coast: 24-28C;
  • Summer temperatures in the mountains: 15-22C.

Best season for excursion holiday in March - May, early June. For the beach - end of June - September.

From late June to September you can enjoy beach holidays in the Marche region

Something else

For lovers of relaxation and spa:

  • not far from the capital of Marche - Ancona (60 km), in Pergola, at 16 Localita’ Bellisio Solfare, located thermal resort— Bellisio Solfare Terme Srl. Website
  • 106 km from Ancona, on via San Gianno, 7, in the town of Petriano, thermal resort - Terme Di Raffaello Di Riccione Terme. Website
  • Another thermal source— Terme Santa Lucia, 76 km from Ancona, on Viale Terme Santa Lucia, in the town of Tolentino. Website

Millions of tourists come to Italy, but in Marche, in Civitanova, they still have one goal - to visit the wonderful beaches.

The best of them: Promontorio del Conero and Gargano. Besides these the most beautiful beaches with “postcard” views, there are 17 more beaches in the Marche region that have received the prestigious Blue Flag award.

How to get there

The main motorway in the Marche region is the A14, connecting major roads with those leading to small villages and towns. These, in turn, are connected by an efficient bus network.


  • From the Adriatic side: Highway A14;
  • From (direction Florence): A1 motorway. Then, to Val di Chiana, A1;
  • To Perugia - - Foligno - SP 75 motorway;
  • From Foligno - Loreto - SS 3 Flaminia, exit at SP 77;
  • WITH Tyrrhenian coast(direction Rome): Motorway A1, exit at E45 (Orte - ) towards Terni;
  • SS 3 Flaminia, on Foligno - Loreto;
  • SP 77 on Serravalle del Chienti, Muccia, La Maddalena, Macerata.


Marche International Airport - Falconara Marittima (
From airport:

  • by car;
  • by bus, there are two lines, Line J (Falconare - Ancona) on ConeroBus (website
    Farabollini lines (Ancona - Macerata), website


From the airport station - Castelferretti, select the direction and go commuter train, buy a ticket at the box office/terminal/online and get to the desired point. Website:


Clean sea, Mountain peaks, care and concern for the environment and historical heritage, the best food and good prices on top of all this.

This is the Marche region.

The Italian region of Marche in the east of the country is an area that unites cities with very different histories and cultures.

This administrative region owes its name to the Frankish tribes who appeared here in the 10th century and called the border lands “Marka”. Marche is located on east coast Central Italy and is one of the smallest regions of the country.

Geographical location and climate

Located administrative Marche region the central part of the Adriatic coast, covering an area of ​​9366 km². In fact, this is the 15th largest area among all 20 Italian regions. The warm Adriatic Sea washes Marche from the east, in the north the region borders with San Marino and, in the west with Umbria, in the northwest with, and in the south with.

The administrative center and, in fact, the only large port in the region is Ancona. With the exception of a narrow coastal strip, the region's territory has a mountainous terrain. All the local rivers (Esino, Metauro, Cesano, Potenza and Tronto) flow into the Adriatic Sea.

Conventionally, the region can be divided into two climatic zones. In his southern cities The climate is dry and mild, in the northern climate it is humid and cool. The most comfortable climate, of course, is on the coast. Thus, the average temperature in Ancona in summer is 20.7°C, and in winter – 3°C. Time zone is UTC+1. In summer, time differs from Moscow by 2 hours, and in winter - by 3 hours.

General information and features of administrative division

An area of ​​9366 km² is about 3.2% of all Italy. The population according to the situation in 2013 is 1,545,155 people, of which 100,000 live in administrative center Ancona. The region consists of five provinces: Ancona, Fermo, Macerato and Pesaro e Urbino.

For many years the Marche region lagged behind in economic development from other Italian regions due to the lack of roads connecting it with the central part of the country. Today the region's GDP is 2.6% of Italy. The predominance of small land ownership and the lack of fertile land causes the slow development of agriculture. At the same time, Marche remains one of the main shipbuilding centers of the country.

Region Marche. A little history

The settlement of the territories of the Marche region occurred in the 9th–3rd centuries BC. e. during the Iron Age. Ancient times Adriatic coast was under the control of the powerful Senone tribe, which was constantly in conflict with the Romans. At the end of the 3rd century, the area known as Pisenum came under Roman control. Later there was the fall of the Western Roman Empire, wars with the Goths in 535-554, entry into the Ravenna Exarchate of Byzantium, the Lombards, conquest in 724-814 by Charlemagne and inclusion in the Holy Roman Empire.

Over time, the territory was transferred to the control of the Pope. But staying in the Papal States turned out to be a formality, since the real administration of the region was carried out by local clans. In 1796, Napoleon forced Pius to allow Ancona to be occupied. Then there was a short period of independence and entry into the Roman Republic in 1798. The territory became part of the united state in 1869.

The current capital of the region Ancona in 390 BC. e. founded by the Greeks. The name is translated from Greek as “elbow” and is due to its external similarity: the city harbor protected by a cape resembles an elbow. In use for quite a long time local residents there were coins with palm fronds and Greek.

Cities and attractions of Marche

Perhaps one of the most interesting from a tourist point of view is the city Urbino. This population center of about 15,000 people, located on the Folha and Metauro hills in the center of the region, has remained virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages. From afar, the city resembles a large-scale theatrical set in a medieval theater: among large quantity tiled roofs rises a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture Palazzo Ducale.

The construction of this palace was initiated by Duke Federico II and lasted a whole century from the middle of the 15th century until 1563. A few years after the start of construction work, the task of building the palace city was transferred to the Italian Luciano Laurano. The architect developed a project that combined new buildings and old buildings. It was he who became the author of the famous “Tower Garden”, the courtyard and the main staircase. In 1472, Laurano was replaced by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, whose main achievement was the interiors of the palace. In addition to the Palazzo Ducale, the Church of San Bernardino degli Zoccolanti from 1472 is worth visiting in Urbino.

By the way, it was in this city that the famous treatise “Foundations of Arithmetic” by Luca Pacioli was born in 1494, in which he considered some issues of accounting. Perhaps that is why Italian Urbino is considered the “cradle” of accounting.

The administrative center of the region is the city Ancona attractive to tourists as a balneological resort. Among the numerous monuments of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the Romanesque cathedral of the 11th-13th centuries and the Triumphal Arch of Trajan of the 2nd century are worthy of special mention. And, of course, the scale of the speleological complex of the Frassasi caves will not leave anyone indifferent. One of the oldest European universities, founded in 1290, is located in the town Macerata, but picturesque Pesaro famous as the birthplace of the great Gioachino Rossini. IN Loreto You can also see the earthly house of the Virgin Mary.

View available Marche region hotels on the map

Culture and art

It's no secret that cultural heritage of any power is not limited to monuments of architecture and art. And in Mark they even know how to turn the prose of life into art. Thus, the traditions of craftsmanship in the manufacture of textiles, leather goods and paper are not only passed on from generation to generation, but also form the basis of the production capabilities of enterprises. The Indesit company, which produces household appliances and manufacturers, is known throughout the world. musical instruments from Castelfidaro.

It just so happened that Marche gave the planet many Italian composers, musicians and cultural figures, including Maria Montessori, Donato Bramante, Giacomo Leopardi, Rafael Sabbatini, Gioachino Rossini and Valentino Rossi. But the most famous native of this area is Rafael Santi. On Via Contrada del Monte in Urbino, the house in which the artist was born is still preserved.

Of course, comparing Marche with large tourist centers Italy would be incorrect. But every year an increasing number of tourists come to the region, preferring a relaxing holiday amid nature.

The amazing Italian region can be proud of having given the world unique, talented people. The Marche region is home to outstanding architects, mathematicians, sculptors, musicians and artists. Its capital is the port city of Ancona, located on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. In this part of Italy you can see and learn a lot of interesting things. One of the rulers of Urbino in the 15th century dreamed of creating an ideal city, so he invited the best craftsmen of that time. Thanks to its excellent acoustics, the Teatro Sferisterio, located in Macerata, hosts annual opera festivals. The karst grottoes of Frasassi are so large that the famous Milan Duomo could easily fit there. There are many parks in Marche, one of which contains caves that once served as a haven for hermit monks. The Riviera Conero stretches from Ancona to Numana. And also...

  • In the 13th century, technologies were invented in Fabriano (province of Ancona) that made paper stronger and more affordable. The first watermarks appeared here.
  • Medieval Ancona was second only to Venice in its power. There is a period in its history when goods arriving at the port were not subject to any tax.
  • The number of students studying at the University of Urbino is 2/3 of the city's population. The establishment was founded at the beginning of the 16th century.
  • The composer, author of the opera “The Barber of Siville” Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868), was born in Pesaro, the great Rafael Santi (1483-1520) was born in Urbino, and the greatest master of architecture, author of the project for St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, Donato Bramante (1444-1520), was born in Fermignano. 1514), in Fano - Italian composer Vincenzo Rastrelli (1760-1839).
  • Marche is the birthplace of Carlo Maratta (1625-1713), recognized during his lifetime as the greatest artist of his time. Today his works can be seen in many museums around the world, but most are in Rome.
  • At the end of the 12th century, in the province of Ancona, Silvestro Guzzolini was born, the founder of the monastic order of the Silvestrines, whose representatives adhered to the most extreme severity in their pursuit of poverty.
  • Six popes come from the Marche region. These are Sixtus V (1521-1590) and Pius IX (1792-1878), Clement XI (1649-1721) and Nicholas IV (1227-1292), Leo XII (1760-1829) and Pius VIII (1761-1830).

A little history

In ancient times, the lands of the Marche were inhabited by the Piceni, and the territory was called Picenum. In the 4th century. BC. The Greeks founded a colony - Ancona, and about a century later the Romans appeared here. They conquered local tribes, laid capital roads across the territory, and turned Ancona into a full-fledged sea ​​gate, intended for the importation of goods and sending legionnaires for triumphal conquests. After the fall of the Western Empire, power over the territory changed hands. As a result of the confrontation between the Lombards and the Pope, the lands in the 8th century came under the control of the Franks, led by Charlemagne. He decided to mark the boundaries of his possessions by forming separate marks (border areas). Soon their combined name appeared - Marche.

Charles transferred part of the lands into the possession of the papacy. But the pontiff was unable to cope with the desire of individual cities to gain self-government. As a result, Ancona acquired the status of an independent maritime republic, became successful and rich. Supporters of the popes fought with the local lords, realizing how much of a tasty morsel Marche was. In the 14th century they managed to return some cities to the control of the Papal State in the mid-16th century. it included Ancona, and almost 100 years later - Urbino. Apart from a few years at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, when the Marche lands were under the control of Napoleon, papal power in the region lasted until 1860. It was then that the territory became part of a united Italy.

Attractions Marche

Each city in the region offers something special to see. In Urbino it is worth visiting the Palazzo Ducale, and in Loreto one of the most revered places by Christian pilgrims is the Sanctuary of the Holy House. The city of Osimo became famous for its amazing Cathedral, made in the Roman-Gothic style, and the Sanctuary Holy Virgin in Campocavallo, built on the site of the Miracle that took place over 10 years. At the top of a hill in Pesaro lies the Villa Imperiale, once owned by the Sforza Dukes. In Ascoli Piceno you can see many unique monuments, and its travertine and tuff structures are admirable.

When to go to Marche

Marche weather

The coastal zone is characterized by a sub-continental climate, which means that summers are hot and winters are rainy and moderately warm. The average temperature in January is about four degrees Celsius. In the south of the region, winter temperatures are within +8 degrees. In the foothills and hills, summers are mild and winters can experience heavy snowfall. Spring is considered the rainiest. In the mountains summer season pretty cool. In winter it is cold and there is a lot of snow, sometimes critical snow drifts are observed.

Long coastline with many beaches and picturesque bays, it offers a comfortable holiday on the Adriatic Sea in the summer. Here you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also do aquatic species sports, and go fishing. The mountain range attracts fans of winter sports and mountain walks.

Castles, fortresses and other historical and cultural attractions are open to guests all year round. Tourists enjoy visiting abbeys, basilicas, archaeological sites and museums that house real masterpieces from famous masters of the past and present. Almost every town in the Marche region has its own charm.

The region invites lovers of culinary delicacies 12 months a year. Marche cuisine is a successful combination of centuries-old traditions, supported by unique natural conditions. Except traditional dishes, tourists will be offered to taste sour cherry wine and caraway liqueur, salami, which includes figs and nuts, and also enjoy Casciotta d'Urbino cheese, which Michelangelo himself admired. To collect white and black truffles, it is worth coming in the autumn-winter period.

Marche on the map of Italy

The Marche territory is located just above the middle part of the Apennine Peninsula. It stretches: on the one hand, along the sandy and pebble coast of the Adriatic Sea, and on the other, along a mountain range that crosses the entire Italian boot. The rivers in the Marche region are short, there are no large natural lakes, but the compact bodies of water are extremely beautiful and attractive from a landscape point of view. In Mark there is National parks and nature reserves, caves and sea beaches.

The area is considered one of the most hilly in Italy (69%). The rest of the territory is occupied by mountains. Most high peak has Mount Vettore - 2476 m above sea level. The region is considered earthquake-prone. The Marche region borders on Umbria, Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, and quite a bit on Tuscany, Lazio and the Republic of San Marino. The region is divided into 5 provinces.

How to get to Marche

18km from Ancona there is international Airport Falconara, named after Rafael Santi. Lands here aircraft from several Italian as well as European and Middle Eastern cities. The closest international airport from the Marche region that receives planes from Moscow is in Rimini.

Along the coast is laid highway Taranto-Bologna. Secondary roads fan out deeper into the peninsula, connecting big cities with small villages. A large railway line connects the coastal settlements. The Marche region has developed sea ​​view transport.

Marche is a region in eastern Italy, located on the Adriatic coast. The region is famous for the fact that almost 10% of all its territories are considered protected areas and are protected by the state of Italy. Marche combines beach, mountain, and historical types of tourism, which is why it is so attractive to travelers. However, many of them bypass the area, poisoning themselves in more popular places: Florence, Rome or Venice. And completely in vain. Marche is in no way inferior to other regions in the number of beaches and architectural monuments.

History of Marche

The capital of the region, the city of Ancona, was founded in 387 BC. e. Greek colonists. Before this, the territory was inhabited by scattered tribes of Etruscans, who were later driven out by the Romans. Italy (including Marche) was the most developed part of the world in antiquity, and Ancona, being located not far from Rome, grew quite rapidly. At the same time, the city became the center of Italian trade, and the Romans called the settlement “the eastern gate of the country.”

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Marche was captured by the barbarian tribes of the Goths. For some time the territory was under the rule of the heir of Rome - Byzantium, but after the arrival of the Lombard tribe, it lost control over the region. The Lombards actively fought with the Pope until they were conquered by the Frankish state. Having seized the lands, the king of the Franks handed over Mark to the Pope, who was his vassal.

In the 11th century, the region gained independence, becoming a free trading republic. For many centuries it withstood the sieges of its powerful rival, Venice. The Republican government was subsequently replaced by hereditary rule. The territory was ruled by the Dukes of Urbino from the Montefeltro family. Only in the 16th century was the Pope able to restore his authority over the Marche region.

At the end of the 18th century, Ancona was captured by Napoleon's French army, and then became part of the united state of Italy. The Marche is still its administrative unit.

Castle of the Dukes of Urbino

The castle was built by order of Frederico da Montefeltro at the end of the 15th century. He bought out Florentine architects and set out to build the ideal residence for the ruler of a small state. However, the Duke of Urbino died suddenly, and work on the construction of the castle was suspended.

Centuries later, work on the castle was resumed. Upon completion of construction, the Ducal Palace became a classic example Italian culture Renaissance. Now the castle is actively visited by tourists. There are numerous excursions here, including to the castle's art gallery.

Holy hut

The Basilica of Santa Casa (translated as “holy hut”) is one of the most revered Christian shrines for which Italy is famous. Marche has many Catholic churches, but this one stands out among others for its unique story. Biblical legend says that once upon a time in the Holy Land, not far from Jerusalem, there was a house where Mary, the mother of Christ, grew up and was raised. A church was subsequently built on the site of the house, which was later destroyed by Muslims. Then the crusaders moved a miniature model of the temple, first to Dalmatia, and then to Ancona. By order of the Pope, a real church was erected based on a miniature model.

Pilgrims to this day strive to visit the shrine, and ordinary tourists are attracted by the original architecture of the building. The basilica is a cultural monument of the Renaissance; numerous ancient frescoes and outstanding sculptures are stored here. In addition, the church has its own treasury, which contains valuable jewelry.

Monte Conero Park

Besides historical monuments, tourists are attracted by the beautiful landscapes for which Italy is famous. Marche, where holidays are designed for lovers of virgin nature, can offer a visit to the Monte Conero park, located at the foot of the mountain of the same name. It is open to tourists. Moreover, excursions here are conducted by experienced guides who can create an individual itinerary if desired.

The park territory covers an area of ​​almost 6000 square meters. m. There are numerous walking and cycling paths, a walk along which allows you to walk through real forest thickets. All of them lead to the rocky coast of the Adriatic Sea. From here you have a magnificent view of the beaches and the capital of Marche - the city of Ancona. Along the way, tourists can meet many species of birds and animals: peregrine falcons, eagles, martens, badgers. Here you can also “stumble upon” park attractions: caves and white cliffs. Tastings of local wines and delicacies are often held on the territory of Monte Conero.

Ancona Cathedral

The main church of the city was built back in the 11th century, and, of course, it is one of the main attractions of Ancona. The building was built in and designed in the shape of a Greek cross. The remains of Catholic saints Jude Cyriacus and Marcelinus of Ancona are kept here. According to chronicles, a Roman temple was once built on the site of the current cathedral, dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite.

The cathedral was rebuilt several times, although the facade retained its historical appearance. The first restoration work was carried out at the end of the 19th century, and during the First World War the temple was partially destroyed by bombing. The building itself was restored, but the famous frescoes and paintings were irretrievably lost. The church was subsequently bombed again during World War II. It was also heavily damaged by an earthquake in 1972. However, now the Ancona Cathedral operates as usual, Catholic services are held here, as well as excursions for tourists who decide to visit the state of Italy. Marche, photos of the sights of which can be seen in this article, will amaze travelers with the grandeur and antiquity of its monuments.