Excursion to Krasnaya Polyana: what to see. Weekend route. Krasnaya Polyana, Esto-Sadok and all, all, all. Complete guide Krasnaya Polyana there

The winter pearl of Sochi is the mountain-climatic modern resort of Krasnaya Polyana, the main advantages of which are:

  • the harsh climate of the Krasnaya Polyana mountains borders the sea coast (52 km)
  • large selection of hotels
  • 3 operating ski resorts, slopes: from green to black
  • developed infrastructure: cafes and restaurants, bath complexes, rental points, shops.

That is why the guide to Krasnaya Polyana will become your guide and assistant in all aspects. When visiting a ski resort, guests have a lot of questions: how to get there, where to eat, what to visit, etc.

The guide to Krasnaya Polyana will easily answer them and indicate the main attractions, worthy places of rest and leisure. This guide also provides information about what is interesting and important for an active traveler. The online assistant is compiled taking into account the interests and requests of guests of the mountain-climatic Resort.

  • grocery stores
  • pharmacies and cell phone stores
  • souvenir shops and sports equipment stores
  • department stores

In this section addresses and telephone numbers:

  • hairdressing and beauty salons
  • banks and bank branches
  • gas stations (gas stations) in Krasnaya Polyana

In this section:

  • addresses and telephone numbers of nightclubs and cinemas
  • descriptions and photographs
  • opening hours

In this section:

  • addresses and telephone numbers of bowling alleys and billiard halls
  • descriptions and photographs
  • reviews of bowling and billiard halls in Krasnaya Polyana, level of service.

In this section:

  • excursion objects
  • museums
  • apiaries and farms
  • hiking and jeeping

In this section, addresses, phone numbers and reviews:

  • bath and spa complexes of Krasnaya Polyana and Esto-Sadok
  • service list
  • types of massages

In this section, addresses and telephone numbers of food outlets in Krasnaya Polyana, Esto-Sadok and Rosa Khutor:

  • restaurants and cafes
  • snack bars and fast food restaurants

Full current maps of the village. Esto-Sadok, village. Krasnaya Polyana and Rosa Khutor district. On the map:

  • hotels and hotels
  • cafes and restaurants
  • baths, excursion sites, shops, banks, pharmacies

The ski complex is under reconstruction until 2014.

The Gazprom or Laura ski complex is located on the territory of the Grand Hotel Polyana hotel complex in the village. Esto-Sadok.

  • Trails of varying difficulty levels

The Gorki Gorod ski complex is located in the middle of the village. The Esto-Sadok Complex opened in 2008 and is located 700 m from the Gazprom complex.

  • no artificial snow on the trails
  • trails of any difficulty

The Rosa Khutor ski complex is located on the plateau of the same name, 6 km east of the village of Krasnaya Polyana on the northern and northeastern slopes of the Aibga ridge.

  • There is artificial snow on the trails
  • trails of varying difficulty levels

On this page you will find:

  • price lists for SKI passes for all operating ski resorts in the Krasnaya Polyana resort
  • telephone numbers for inquiries of ski resorts
  • opening hours, additional information

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For our parents, children and grandmothers, Sochi has always been a popular destination for a July-August beach holiday. For my peers, Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana are the places where the Winter Olympics took place in 2014. For me, this is, first of all, the crazy beauty of nature and mountains. So beautiful that a few years ago my wife and I left Moscow and now live in Sochi. In the five years since moving, I have already made more than 70 hikes in the Caucasus and decided that I have the moral right to make something like a “Guide” to this fantastic region for any tourist and outdoor enthusiast! On this large page (please be careful and patient), I have collected all the basic information for planning and organizing an independent hike in the outskirts of Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana.

Let me start with what attracted us personally to this place so much that we moved here to live?

Why Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana?

  • Mild climate and super ecology. Despite the fact that in the winter months there are often prolonged rains on the coast, and snowfalls in the mountains, the climate here is, of course, much more comfortable for life than in my native Siberia, or in the Urals, or even in central Russia. There is no need to talk about the environment. There are no large industrial enterprises in Sochi, and daily morning sea and evening mountain breezes clean the city's air from exhaust gases.
  • Long hiking season. The climate of these places allows you to go to the mountains for six months - from June to November!! And if you pay attention not only to the mountains, but also to the coast with its numerous waterfalls and gorges, then the hiking season becomes year-round!
  • Huge opportunities for multi-sport. Those who love sports and mountains can find entertainment for every taste: classic hiking and mountain hiking, mountain biking, via feratta routes, rafting, canyoning and even bungee jumping!
  • Excellent infrastructure. The new railway from the airport and train station in Adler or Sochi will take you to Krasnaya Polyana in an hour, and excellent trails and even the presence of mountain shelters and tent camps allow you to walk in the mountains in comfort, even with small children, and at the same time enjoy the beauty of nature. A plane from Moscow is also inexpensive compared to flights abroad (just buy in advance!).
  • Safety. May the tolerants and cosmopolitans forgive me, Sochi and its surroundings are fundamentally different from other regions of the Caucasus. You can be sure that you will not have any hassles with the locals. The village of Krasnaya Polyana is historically populated by ethnic Greeks and Estonians, and Sochi by Armenians, who are known to profess Christianity, not Islam. The share of the Russian population here, in my opinion, is even greater in Moscow.

Minuses? From the point of view of “sports” tourism and mountaineering, the only disadvantage of the Krasnaya Polyana mountains is their low height. There are practically no serious glaciers or extended vertical walls here. Also, many are bothered by the fact that most of the Krasnaya Polyana mountains are located on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, which imposes certain difficulties with organizing hikes (more about them below), but in my opinion, the presence of the reserve is not a minus, but a plus. It’s scary to imagine what would happen to these beautiful mountains if they weren’t protected by law! As for the disadvantages of the city of Sochi in terms of a place to live, I personally want more direct flights not only to Moscow, but also abroad. And a couple or three embassies of European countries. Do not need anything else! But back to hiking, this is an outdoor guide after all!

5 Day Hiking Ideas All Year Round

Everyone who comes to Sochi for just a few days wants to see all the most interesting things. But how to do that? After all, the length of Sochi along the Black Sea coastline alone is more than 100 kilometers!! (by the way, one of the longest cities in the world), and if we add to this the gorge of the Mzymta River, in the upper reaches of which the village of Krasnaya Polyana is located with the new ski resorts Rosa Khutor, Gornaya Karusel and Gazprom-Laura "... And if we add to this the neighboring “friendly” Abkhazia.. How to manage everything?

To begin with, I will share a list of the TOP 5 easy and one-day routes that are available all year round - both winter and summer.


A walk through the relict forest along a beautiful equipped trail. Both routes are accessible to absolutely everyone, regardless of skill level. It is enough to wear sports shoes. A must have to get acquainted with the nature of the “coastal climate zone”. On hot summer days you can even swim in the canyon of the Khosta River!!

How to get there: 15 minutes from the Sputnik bus stop in Khosta.

Two circular routes - "Small Ring" (the walk will take approximately 1 hour) and "Big Ring" (from 2 to 4 hours).


Zmeykovsky waterfalls are unique in that even in the hottest summer months there is enough water in the Dikarka River for you to admire their extraordinary five (!), albeit small, waterfalls that are not similar to each other. Those who like to eat delicious food in nature will love the cozy restaurant near the lower waterfall.

How to get there: 10 minutes walk from the minibus or bus stop No. 120.

A walk through all five waterfalls and back will take from one and a half to three hours.


Walking towards the Orekhovsky waterfall is my favorite hiking option when you want to get some fresh air and take a break from the city. The route is not difficult - ordinary sneakers are enough equipment and is short - a walk to the waterfall and back can take a couple of hours! In addition, Orekhovsky waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in Sochi.

From the center of Sochi and back - from 3 to 5 hours.

How to get there: by taxi or half an hour on foot from the city bus terminus.


A cascade of three waterfalls in the picturesque canyon of the Agura River is one of the most popular places of pilgrimage for summer tourists, but these waterfalls are most beautiful in autumn and spring, when there is more water and fewer tourists!

How to get there: 20 minutes walk from the Sputnik stop (any minibus in the direction Sochi - Adler)

The walk to the first large waterfall and back will take about 1.5 hours, if you go further with a climb to the Prometheus rocks for at least 2.5 - 3 hours.


By some miracle, not included in all sorts of tourist guides in Sochi, the waterfalls on the Svanidze stream are not at all large, but amazing. The path to the upper waterfall constantly winds from one bank of the Svanidze stream to the other, in places dangerously approaching the cliff. If you leave early, you can manage to get further, to the Azhek waterfalls!

Start of the route: final stop of bus #102.

From the final stop to the waterfalls and back - 4 hours.


The mountain hiking season in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana begins no earlier than mid-June, when, after the snow melts in the mountains, the reserve opens routes. The best time for hiking is July-August, the period of the most stable and warm weather. Once the snow cover settles, the routes are closed again. This usually happens in mid-October.


Climbing to the top of the Stone Pillar is the most accessible mountain walk in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana. From the top a majestic all-round panorama of the Western Caucasus mountains opens up, and if you're lucky, you can even see the Black Sea. Absolutely anyone can climb the Stone Pillar, since from the cable car station to the top there is an excellent trail (in fact, a dirt road), marked with signs. It's impossible to get lost.

Start of the route: the upper station of the Rosa Khutor cable car.

The walk from the upper cable car station takes about 1.5 to 3 hours.


Thanks to a specially equipped trail and a relatively small height difference for mountains, today this is perhaps the only alternative to the route to the top of the “Stone Pillar” among the simple walking routes in the Krasnaya Polyana mountains available to everyone.

How to get there: by cable car "Gornaya Karusel" from Estosadok (Krasnaya Polyana).

Timing: the hike itself takes from one and a half to three hours, plus another half hour for the ascent and descent on the cable car.

(3) Khmelevskie lakes - Achipsinskie waterfalls

A walk from the Khmelevskie Lakes to the Achipsinskiye Waterfalls is an excellent option for a full-day mountain walk. To gain time and save energy, you can go up to the Khmelevskie Lakes in jeeps (from 4,000 rubles per car, you can arrange a pick-up right at the Rosa Khutor station square).

Timing: from the end of the road to the nearby lakes and back - an hour and a half, to Lake Mirror and back - 4 hours, to the Achipsinsky waterfalls - at least 5-6 hours there and back.

(4) Bzerpinsky cornice

Hiking the Bzerpisky Cornice is my favorite weekend mountain hike. I even wrote a small guide! You can climb to a height of 1600 meters by cable car, and in just two hours (of constant uphill climbing) you can find yourself in the area of ​​alpine meadows. Views of the surrounding peaks, blooming rhododendron and the Krasnaya Polyana gorge are guaranteed right under your feet!

How to get there: Pikhtovaya Polyana station of the Laura-Gazprom cable car to Rosa Khutor (Krasnaya Polyana)

From the upper station of the cable car and back - from 6 to 9 hours at a sports pace.

(5) Mount Achishkho

Achishkho is one of my favorite peaks in Krasnaya Polyana. I am also writing a hotel guide for this mountain. From the top there is a panoramic view of the Black Sea coast and a view of the Greater Caucasus.

To go to the top and back in one day requires either excellent physical training (a climb of almost 2000 vertical meters, and then the same amount of descent is not a task for the weak in body) or expensive, from 5,000 rubles per car to get to the Khmelevsky Lakes!


Multi-day hiking trips with an overnight stay in a tent are an eternal classic. Only in this format can you truly take a break from the pressure of modern civilization and chat with friends live while sitting around an evening fire, and not through instant messengers and social networks, because there is practically no connection on such routes :)

If you are not ready to plan your own route, are not sure that you can correctly determine the path, or simply do not have your own tourist equipment, in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana there is a unique opportunity for our country - to spend the night in the mountains in pre-installed tents of the Krasnaya Polyana Mountain Club or go with kids on unique trips combined with teaching tourism skills! And if you want, you can rent equipment from them and go on your own.

The hikes are listed in ascending order of duration and difficulty, starting with the easiest.

(1) Bzerpinsky cornice - Kholodny camp

If you are just dreaming of starting hiking and in the mountains in particular, a hike to the Bzerpinsky cornice is the best option for you. The equipped trail, the availability of rest areas, and the availability of cellular communications make this route as safe as possible for such an experience. And the views all around will make you rock. Just dress warmly, it’s cold in the mountains at night!

Start of the route: upper station of the Gazprom cable car

Duration: from 2 to 4 days.


Super popular place. Especially in the fall, when all the local photographers flock here. If you want to see something else besides the lake (climb the neighboring peaks) - plan for more days!

Start of the route: the village of Rosa Khutor or Engelmanov Polyany

The lake is located both on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve and in the border zone. So you will have to arrange for passes in advance.

Duration: from 4 to 8 days.

(5) Abkhazia

Lately, Abkhazia has been my favorite region for multi-day hikes. At the height of summer, when the surroundings of Krasnaya Polyana are full of tourists, there is absolute silence here, no hassles with passes or border guards. Maximum scope for creativity in building multi-day routes!

Start of the route: Lake Ritsa or Gegsky waterfall

Duration: from 3 to 7 days.

IMPORTANT! Since 2/3 of the mountains surrounding Krasnaya Polyana and Sochi are located on the territory of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve and in close proximity to the state border with Abkhazia, for most multi-day hikes you will need to obtain two passes - from the reserve (done on the spot) and from the border guards ( documents must be submitted at least one month in advance). In addition, you need to understand that you can only walk in the reserve along permitted routes (this is important!) and not at any time of the year (at the beginning of summer and autumn, the reserve is closed “for registration”. Scientists observe the animals and count them. All routes , listed above are included in the list of permitted routes. Read more about passes below.

Map of outdoor attractions in Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana

Krasnaya Polyana from A to Z: map of hotels and ski areas, slopes and pistes, lifts and passes. Vivid photos and videos. Reviews of ski tourists about Krasnaya Polyana.

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Krasnaya Polyana is bright. This resort rapidly blossomed and in just a few years earned the status of the most respectable ski cluster in Russia. Krasnaya Polyana, of course, owes its success and popularity to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. In preparation for this significant event, the village acquired new infrastructure, a wide, comfortable road was built from the airport, modern ski and snowboard trails equipped with comfortable ski lifts, a Luge Center, an extreme park, several tourist complexes of the highest level, excellent hotels and restaurants.

After the Olympics, the development of the resort did not stop, construction in Krasnaya Polyana continues, new cable cars are stretching into the mountains, cafes and entertainment centers are appearing, but all this is happening carefully, without disturbing vacationers.

By the way, winter sports are not all that Krasnaya Polyana is famous for. Hospitable people live here who prepare the most delicious honey in the Caucasus. In the summer people come here for fresh air and beautiful views, mountain hikes, the close sea and walks through chestnut forests.

Also, the Krasnopolyansky district includes three villages: Chvizhepse, famous for its mineral water springs, Kepshe is worth a visit for the honey hypermarket, and in Medoveevka, located a little away from the road, in addition to the ancient traditions of honey production, travelers will find an original guest house, a gastronomic pub and small company producing organic cosmetics.


You can travel between the stations “Esto-Sadok” and “Rosa-Khutor” by train, but given the rather sparse schedule and excellent mountain air, it is better to make this journey on foot - the walk will take about an hour.

A taxi ride between remote sites in Krasnaya Polyana will cost approximately 500 RUB, the average fare, even if it looks like a price fix, is 300 RUB.

If you are lucky enough to meet an adequate taxi driver on the first day, try to agree on permanent cooperation for the entire period of your vacation. So daily trips from the hotel to the slope and back will significantly reduce travel costs.

The same buses No. 105 and No. 135 run along the main streets of the resort, along the Mzymta River; the fare depends on the distance - from 35 to 188 RUB. Local bus route No. 63 also runs within the village, fare: 22 RUB. In total, there will be about a dozen stops within Krasnaya Polyana and its resorts.

It’s also good to travel along the streets of the Krasnaya Polyana resorts by bicycle - the chic embankment, wide sidewalks and special paths make this possible. Bicycle rentals are not difficult to find, the average price per hour for renting an adult bike: 200 RUB, per day: 900 RUB. Children's - 100-250 RUB and 600-800 RUB respectively.

Rent a Car

Ski resorts in Krasnaya Polyana

The most important component of the Krasnaya Polyana resorts is skiing and snowboarding. You can choose thoughtfully, based on personal preferences, experience and stories from experienced ones, or you can try the largest number of trails of all Krasnaya Polyana tourist centers and complexes.

"Mountain Carousel"

Multi-level complex on the northern slope of Mount Aibga. Part of the Gorki Gorod resort. The first, the lowest of the three levels of lifts, begins in Esto-Sadok at 540 m above sea level. Three more stations are located at altitudes of 960, 1460 and 2200 m. By the 2015-2016 season. "Mountain Carousel" has prepared 10 gondola and chairlift cable cars and 15 modern ski trails.

Several slopes of the "Mountain Carousel" make up the longest area for evening skiing in Krasnaya Polyana.

GTC "Gazprom"

World-class all-season resort. In winter it specializes in skiing and snowboarding, and in summer it offers the services of a tourism and recreation center, a health complex, and a sports training facility. The center also has an all-season water park, an entertainment center, cinemas and an ice arena. Entertainment and business events of various scales are held at the Gazprom State Tourist Center; the resort hotels can simultaneously accommodate about 2 thousand guests. Much attention is paid to recreation with children.

The resort's ski slopes are presented at three levels of difficulty, 8 slopes run along Pikhtovaya Polyana, another 15 slopes are developed on the Psekhako plateau. A third of the slopes are equipped for evening skiing.

Mountain amusement park "Alpika-Service"

The first ski resort of Krasnaya Polyana was opened in 1993 on the site of a branch of the Spartak sports base. Today it is part of the Gazprom State Transport Center. Work on the creation of the resort has not yet been completed; old trails are being improved and new ones are being developed, cable car lines are being built, and infrastructure for winter and summer recreation is being developed.

Ski and biathlon complex "Laura"

One of the largest and most convenient sports facilities of this type in the world. The Laura complex is located on the Psekhako ridge, at an altitude of about 1500 m above sea level. In summer there is a roller ski track and bicycle rentals. Nearby there is a hotel complex “Polyana 1389 Hotel and Spa” with 28 cottages, 70 apartments and 139 rooms. The complex has its own children's club, indoor pool, and spa center.

"Rosa Khutor"

A ski resort whose slopes are located on the northern, northeastern and southern slopes of Mount Aibga. The resort offers accommodation in hotels of international chains such as Mercure, Radisson, Tulip, as well as original local hotels for riders and eco-friendly guest houses, including accommodation at an altitude of 1170 m.

Guests of the resort are served by 20 gondola, chairlifts, rope tows and conveyor lifts. The Rosa Khutor trails stretch for 77 km, the maximum elevation difference exceeds 1500 m. Also on the territory of the resort is the Olympic Extreme Park, consisting of a Snowboard Park and a Freestyle Center.

Hotels in Krasnaya Polyana

Entertainment and attractions of Krasnaya Polyana

Krasnaya Polyana is famous not only for skis and snowboards; here you can have a fun and interesting time even for those who look at the steep snow slopes with envy and fear.

Cultural and ethnographic center "My Russia"

A collection of 11 thematic pavilions telling about the architecture, culture and traditions of different regions and peoples of Russia. Here the Buryat datsan neighbors the Kazan Kremlin, the Caucasus is represented by hot cuisine, and the Urals are represented by the classic Demidov brick factory. It will be interesting to visit the park with your child, tell him about different parts of the country, try unusual treats and learn something new about the vast homeland.

Skypark AJ Hackett Sochi

The only high-altitude adventure park of this level in Russia, created by the founder of bungee jumping, AJ Hackett. The rope park is located in the Akhshtyrskoye Gorge, approximately halfway from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana. Those who want to test their nerves and clear their heads are offered jumps from 69 and 207 m, free flight in the Sochi Swing, and a walk along the world’s longest suspended pedestrian bridge (length 439 m with a height of 207 m). As a soothing bonus, there are panoramic views of the Black Sea and the Caucasus Mountains and the relict forest around.

If the ride back over the suspension bridge is too much for you, try the MegaTroll ride. 700 m of flight at a speed of 120 km/h will fly by in moments, but will be remembered for a lifetime.

Walking in the mountains

From Medoveevka you can go on a cycling or walking tour to the observation tower on Mount Akhun, Eagle Rocks, Akhshtyrskaya Cave, Aibga Ridge and Stone Pillar, Black Pyramid, Khmelevskie Lakes, Psakho Canyon, Semiozerye, yew-boxwood grove and other interesting places. Walks take from one and a half hours to 2 days and require different levels of training.

"Sochi Park"

Thematic amusement park at the Olympic Park station in Adler. It’s worth getting out for a day, when the slopes, skis and bright costumes of the skiers finally become familiar. The attractions in the park are designed for both adult extreme sports enthusiasts and children. A single ticket is presented at the entrance and entitles you to unlimited access to shows and attractions.

Museums, architectural and natural monuments

In the village itself there is a Museum of Flora, Fauna and Mineralogy of the Western Caucasus. Here you can learn about the unusual plants and animals of the Caucasus Nature Reserve and examine interesting discoveries of scientists. Worth going with a child. History buffs are welcome at the local high school - there is a local history museum "Krasnaya Polyana".

In the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana there are several dolmens at once - these ancient megaliths keep no less secrets than the famous Stonehenge. It’s not worth climbing onto or into the tombs for the sake of a funny photo - they have stood for several thousand years, let them continue to stand. There are also younger buildings - ruins of fortresses from the early Middle Ages. The algorithm is the same - we look, but don’t touch.

The surroundings of Krasnaya Polyana are continuous protected nature reserves. You can admire, take photographs and breathe fresh air, but you cannot pick flowers, pick up stones, bird feathers and animal fangs, in a word, upset the balance of the biosphere.

It is also full of caves, waterfalls, mountain paths leading to natural viewing platforms and wild lakes.

Living world

At the Laura cordon there is a small zoo - the Aviary Complex of the Caucasian Nature Reserve. Come meet raccoons, roe deer, bison and badgers. And on the way to Krasnaya Polyana, in the village of Kazachiy Brod there is an ostrich farm called “Three Sophias”. Here you can see not only the titular ostriches - African and Australian, but also parrots, swans, ducks and golden pheasants. Nearby is the largest trout farm in the region. In summer you can go on an excursion and learn how this delicious fish is bred.

6 things to do in Krasnaya Polyana

  1. Organize an improvisation on the theme of “Caucasian Captive” with friends on the banks of the Mzymta.
  2. Take a day trip to Adler's Sochi Park before it becomes more popular than Disneyland.
  3. Drink real, not “plastic” mineral water from springs in the vicinity of the resort.
  4. Give up the principles of a skier and finally get on a snowboard. It's simple: one board - two legs.
  5. Give up the principles of a snowboarder and start skiing. Two at once. Yes, it's strange, but there's nothing to be done.
  6. Come in the fall and pick chestnuts at Stalin's Dacha. She, of course, is not Stalinist at all, but local chestnuts are delicious.

In the list below I have selected the most beautiful and interesting peaks for climbing in the vicinity of Sochi and Krasnaya Polyana. And although the “mountains”, in the strict understanding of scientists, begin only at a height of 2000 meters, in the coastal zone there are hills from which beautiful views of the warm Black Sea and the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus open. Here are some of them!

Akhun (663 m)

Mount Akhun is one of the main attractions of the city of Sochi. A paved road leads to this peak, just over 600 meters high. The “sports” option is to climb Akhun along the path through the Agur waterfalls, and descend by taxi. In summer, come to Akhun in the evening to enjoy the coolness and warm rays of the sun setting directly into the sea. At the top there are several cafes, restaurants, and since last year even a Ferris wheel!

Pshegishkhwa (2216 m)

An excellent viewing peak in Abkhazia, from which you can admire the views of the famous Lake Ritsa and the Main Caucasus Range. In good weather there is a chance to even see Elbrus!!

Best time: June - October

Difficulty: hiking

Tabunaya (2351 m)

The closest and most accessible of the mountain peaks in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana. A favorite option for hiking with children. Climb to a height of 1600 meters by cable car, and then just two hours along an excellent equipped trail - and here you are at a wonderful vantage point overlooking the surrounding mountains and valleys. Available for everyone!! IMPORTANT: before taking the cable car you must buy a ticket to the reserve.

Best time: June 15 - October 30
Duration: 4 to 8 hours
Difficulty: trekking

Big Thach (2368 m)

A very beautiful rocky peak in the foothills of the Western Caucasus. In the near future!

Achishkho (2391 m)

My favorite "training" mountain! I’ve been to its summit four times already, and I’ll be there again! From the top there is a fantastic view of the sea, Abkhazia, the village of Krasnaya Polyana and the Greater Caucasus. There is a beautiful marked path leading to the top. At the foot there are several waterfalls and mountain lakes. Among the difficulties, the route involves a climb of almost 2000 vertical meters or an expensive transfer in a jeep.

Best time: June - October
Days for trekking/climbing: 1 - 3
Difficulty: trekking

Peak Bzerpi (2482 m)

For me personally, this is the best option for a short hike in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana with a climb to the top. Only in 2015 I was at the top of Bzerpi peak twice. If you're lucky with the weather, the top offers excellent views of the valley in which Krasnaya Polyana is located!

The route to Bzerpi Peak (aka “Claw”) is logical and technically simple. Physically strong athletes can have time to “run” to Bzerpi in one day, and tourists can spend the night on the Bzerpinsky cornice.

The peak is located on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. A pass is required.

Perevalnaya Yuzhnaya (2503 m)

For tourists climbing the Bzerpinsky Cornice, this is the second most accessible peak after Mount Tabunnaya. The climb to the southern peak, visible from the camp, takes about an hour. The only problem is that according to the rules of the reserve, climbing to the top is prohibited. Rangers, if they are on site, like to watch would-be tourists descending from the mountain and issue a fine.

Stone pillar (2509 m)

The most accessible mountain peak in Krasnaya Polyana. From the top there is a majestic panorama of the mountains and even the Black Sea! Anyone can climb the Stone Pillar, since the upper station of the Rosa Khutor cable car is located a kilometer from the top. From the cable car station to the top there is an excellent trail.

Best time: June 15 - October 15
Days for trekking/climbing: from 2 to 3
Difficulty: walk

Pshekho-Su (2743 m)

One of the three peaks of the Fisht-Oshtenovsky mountain range, often called Lagonaki. My first mountain of the Western Caucasus!

Loyub (2970 m)

One of the most popular peaks for climbing for tourists visiting Lake Kardyvach. The climb from the lake and back takes one easy day. It takes 1-2 days to walk to Lake Kardyvach from Krasnaya Polyana. You definitely need a pass to the border zone!

Igolchaty Peak (3168 m)

An inaccessible rocky peak in the heart of the Biosphere Reserve. Dream!

In June 2014, my friends and I walked directly next to the peak (the Bezymyanka-Laba hike) and now I know the approach route personally%)


Sugar Pseashkho (3189 m)

A beautiful and most accessible trekking three-thousand-meter peak in the Western Caucasus in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana. An excellent trail starts from the Olympic Biathlon Stadium.

The peak is located in the “closed zone” of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. If caught, the reserve's rangers will face a fine. Read more about the features of hiking in the reserve at the link.

Best time: July 10 - September 15
Days for trekking/climbing: 3 - 5
Difficulty: mountain tourism