What to visit in Australia. The main attractions of Australia. Natural attractions and parks

A lot of interesting places: there are secret city tunnels, airplane graveyards, and strange pink lakes, and the steepest railway track in the world. We present a selection of the 10 most interesting places on the Green Continent.

1. Australia's UFO Capital

Wickliffe Well has been called the UFO capital of Australia. This tiny town in the Northern Territory is visited by thousands of tourists hoping for contact with extraterrestrial civilization. It is believed that aliens fly over the local skies so often that UFOs can be seen almost every night.

2. Tunnels under Sydney

Sydney is the most Big city Australia. Life is in full swing not only under the sun, but also underground, right under the business part of the metropolis. Going down, you can explore the tunnels in which underground rivers flow.

3. Pink lakes

Among the most unusual natural wonders of Australia are the pink salt lakes. They owe their unusual color to algae. One of these lakes is located in national park Murray Sunset, Victoria. Unusual bodies of water are also found in South and Western Australia.

4. Airplane Graveyard

Alice Springs Airport is the perfect location for filming a film about the end of the world, where there is a cemetery for retired aircraft. There is also a similar place in the Mojave Desert, California.

5. Sydney Observation Deck

From the view from observation deck Sydney's Tower Eye is breathtaking. From here you have a magnificent 360° panorama of the city: the coast, Botanical Bay and the airport. Plus, you can do yoga right on the site.

6. The steepest railway descent in the world

The Scenic Railway, the world's steepest incline railway, is located in the Blue Mountains, near Sydney. The angle of inclination, like a sheer cliff, reaches 64°. The 310m long path passes through a tunnel along the mountainside and through a rain forest.

7. Aboriginal village

To get acquainted with the history of the indigenous people of Australia, it is worth visiting Nyinyikai - a picturesque, secluded Aboriginal village located in the east of Arnhem Land (Northern Territory). Local activities include digging for wild yams, searching for turtle eggs and hunting.

8. The world in miniature

Cockington Green Gardens in Canberra is famous for its tiny villages that make you feel like Gulliver in the land of Lilliput. The houses form villages made in different styles. Among them, there is, for example, a traditional English village.

9. The longest postal route in the world

You can travel by plane along the longest postal route in the world. The distance from Port Augusta (South Australia) to the final point - Glengyle Station (Queensland) - is 2,500 km. Flights are operated by West Wing Aviation.

10. Spiritual homeland of Indigenous Australians

Uluru (Ayers Rock), known as the spiritual home of Australia's Aboriginal people, is located in the Northern Territory, 320 km from Alice Springs. Together with the Sydney Opera House, it is Australia's most recognizable landmark. You can stay next to this sandstone block at the Longitude 131 hotel, whose windows overlook good view to this miracle of nature.

Sights of Australia

1. Sydney Opera House

Home A landmark and iconic symbol of Australia is rightfully the Sydney Opera House, any background in which the Sydney Opera is present is instantly associated with Australia; in recognizing the image of the country with the opera, only the endemic of Australia, the Kangaroo, can compete.

Opened in 1973 and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Sydney Opera House is the main attraction that greets cruise ships entering Sydney Harbour.

Considered an architectural masterpiece of the 20th century, it is one of the world's most famous buildings and one of the most easily recognisable. The Sydney Opera House was designed and built by architect Jorn Utson, who tried to reflect the image of a huge sailing ship in the theater building. The Sydney Opera House hosts more than 1,500 productions a year.

Official website: www.sydneyoperahouse.com

2. Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reefis the largest in the world coral reef and the largest natural treasure Australia, he consists of more than 2,900 individual coral reefs and 900 small islets stretching more than 2,300 kilometers east of the Australian coast, covering an area of ​​approximately 344,400 square kilometers. R The colorful beauty of the reef's waters consists of 400 species of living and dead coral polyps, home to about 1,500 species of fish, 4,000 species of shellfish, 500 species of algae, 200 species of birds, 1,500 different sponges and half a dozen species of turtle.

Thanks to the vast biological diversity, warm clear waters and easy accessibility for tourist boats, the reef is a very popular place among tourists, especially for scuba divers The nature of the reef is unique and can surprise even those who have traveled a lot: clear lagoons, unreal coral reefs, white sand beaches, amazing life sea ​​creatures. Coral reefs amaze the imagination with a variety of colors and bizarre shapes and serve as a habitat for many representatives of the animal and flora. It is corals that are the architects and builders of reefs; their polyps do not produce a large number of lime, which makes up their external skeleton, protecting and supporting their soft bodies. When corals die, new ones appear in their place, billions of skeletons merging together into a single monolith.

The best way to see the true natural wonder of the Great Barrier Reef is to book a day cruise from Cairns, Cape Tribulation, Port Douglas or Townsville. Also popular areExcursion sailing cruises during the day with fish feeding, reef diving and underwater safaris.

Official website: www.greatbarrierreef.org

3. Uluru

Uluru or Ayers Rock is one of the largest monoliths in the world, an oval-shaped orange-red rock formed 680 million years ago, located inUluru National Park in the Northern Territory, 450 kilometers from the nearest city. The height of the monolith is more than 350 meters. Uluru is a proud symbol and place of spiritual significance for the Aboriginal people of Australia. According to scientists, Aboriginal people lived in this place as early as 10,000 BC.

Ayers Rock is known for its fabulous colors at sunrise and sunset, when the surface of the monolith changes from ocher and brown to rich orange, making for some of the most magical photographs of the rock. Walking paths for excursions are laid along the monolith, ranging from simple 45-minute walks to 4-hour walks with opportunities to explore caves and sacred sites.

Website: www.crystalinks.com/ayersrock.html

4. Kakadu National Park

This is a unique archaeological and ethnological reserve, which was inhabited more than 40,000 years ago.Rock paintings, petroglyphs and archaeological sites from the hunter-gatherers of prehistoric times to the Aboriginal people still living there.This is a unique example of a complex ecosystem that provides habitat for a wide range of rare or endemic plant and animal species.

Located in Australia's Northern Territory, about three hours' drive north of the city of Darwin, Kakadu National Park is the country's largest national park.

Website: www.parksaustralia.gov.au/kakadu

5. Whitsunday Islands

This stunning archipelago of 74 islands lies in the Coral Sea, next to Great Barrier Reef, an ideal destination for travelers wanting to explore the amazing and colorful marine world.These islands are an ideal choice for tourists looking for a beautiful tropical island holiday or for those who love snorkeling and diving.

6. Blue Mountains National Park

National Park Blue Mountains or Blue Mountains, located in New South Wales, approximately 80 kilometers west of Sydney.Its proximity to Sydney has made this picturesque park a popular holiday destination for tourists and locals. The Blue Mountains offer stunning scenery of craggy sandstone peaks, valleys and eucalyptus forests.

The main attraction of the park are three rocks called Three Sisters, each peak has its own name. A giant staircase consisting of almost 1000 steps leads to the Three Sisters. Popular with tourists due to its proximity to Sydney day tours to the Blue Mountains. This is the most popular and famous park in Australia.

7. Purnululu National Park

Located in Western Australia, national park is home to one of Australia's most unique tourist attractions known as the Bungle Bungle Range - orange and black striped sandstone domes resembling huge beehives. This amazing example of karst rock owes its existence to the unique interaction of geological, biological, erosion and climatic phenomena. In 2003, UNESCO included it in the list of World Heritage Sites. Translated from one of the Australian Aboriginal languages, “Purnululu” means “sandstone”.

8. Great Ocean Road

Australia's Great Ocean Road is grand in every sense of the word and renowned for its long, empty beaches, powerful surf and magical scenery, it is one of the most famous and scenic roads in the world. And if you're looking for breathtaking seaside vistas and scenery at every turn, then you've found it.

The Great Ocean Road is located in Victoria, 243 kilometers of stunning views of rainforest, sheer cliffs and stormy ocean. Car or sightseeing tour doesn't matter as they all provide great opportunities to see iconic Australian attractions such as the Shipwreck Coast ( Shipwreck Coast), Port Campbell National Park, Twelve Apostles, Lock Ard Range ( Loch Ard Gorge), Te Grotto ( The Grotto) and London Arch.

9. Twelve Apostles

The most photogenic attraction of Australia must be recognized as an amazing miracle of nature - the Twelve Apostles. Washed by the raging waves of the great ocean in close proximity to the rocky coastline western Victoria, the Twelve Apostles stand guard over the Great Ocean Road. Twelve apostles realsymbol of the sovereign power of nature and beauty.

The Twelve Apostles are a group of eight limestone rocks in Port Campbell National Park, Victoria. Once there were twelve rocks, but time and the ocean eroded four of them.

Victoria's wild west coast is the most stunning and beautiful part of Australia, the site of tragic shipwrecks of days gone by and the perfect setting for an exhilarating clifftop experience encountering wildlife at its finest.

The Twelve Apostles are located 250 kilometers west of Melbourne near Port Campbell.The best way to see them is to take a tour of the Great Ocean Road.

10. Litchfield National Park

Famed for its spectacular scenery, monsoon rainforests and, in spring, a realm of streams and waterfalls, Litchfield National Park is perhaps best known for its magnetic termite mounds, huge sculpted pyramids built by termites and aligned north to south.They make this area unique and inimitable in other parts of the world.

The attractions of Litchfield Park, in addition to termite mounds, are beautiful waterfalls with lagoons where you can swim, especially popular among tourists are the Vangi Falls and the Florence Falls, surrounded by monsoon forests, as well as cascading sandstone plateaus called the Ranje tabletop.

11. Seal Bay Conservation Park

One of Kangaroo Island's main attractions, Seal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is home to the rare Australian sea lion.

The reserve is a great place to observe sea lions, see them up close and observe their habits, anda few minutes walk from the picnic area there is an observation deck overlooking Cape Ganteum, where you can watch migrating whalesfrom May to October.A few minutes' drive from the playgroundiknikov is the beach of Tyuki Bay.

Approach the beach from sea ​​lions Possible only as part of an organized group with a guide. Be sure to take your camera with you,to capture every moment!

12. Fraser Island

This beautiful island, which is located in the state of Queensland, boasts tropical forests, sand dunes, over 100 freshwater lakes and lots of colored sand.Fraser Island, just a short ferry ride from Hervey Bay, is also considered the largest sand island in the world.

The island has rainforests, eucalyptus forests, mangroves, peat bogs, sand dunes and coastal heaths.Fraser Island is home to a small number of mammal species, as well as a variety of species of birds, reptiles and amphibians.

13. Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park

Open for myself living history indigenous peoples of Australia, pImmerse yourself in the traditional culture of the Tjapukai Aboriginal people, through exciting music, dance, legends and food of the indigenous peoples of Australia, all this in the Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park.

F folklore and myths come to life at the Creaton Theater; also in the park you can try your hand at throwing a spear and boomerang, taste the tucker, and buy authentic crafts from the indigenous peoples of Australia in the souvenir shop. Tjapukai Park is 15 minutes north of Cairns.

14. Bondi Beach

Sydney's most famous beach, Bondi Beach, is a curving stretch of light golden sand and turquoise waves. The sands of Bondi Beach are a popular spot for surfing, beach volleyball, yoga and social gatherings, and the beach is lined with a veritable parade of shops, restaurants and cafes. Bondi Beach is located in Sydney's eastern suburbs, just a few kilometers from the city centre.

15. Cable Beach, Broome

Kabel Beach is a 22-kilometer stretch of white sand beach at the eastern endIndian Oceanand the name of the suburb inBroome, Western Australia. The beach got its name in honor oftelegraphcable laid between Broome andJavain 1889. P According to many Australians, Cable Beach is one of the most popular places recreation for tourists and local residents, as well as a natural attraction of Australia.This stunning beach is known for its white sands, beautiful sunsets and the sparkling blue waters of the Indian Ocean.

Australia, officially called the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country located in the southern hemisphere of our planet and occupies the entire mainland of the same name and several adjacent islands. Due to its size, it is the sixth largest state in the world. The attractions of Australia are very numerous and varied, because this country has a rich history and a huge cultural heritage. World-famous unique natural phenomena, unique flora and fauna of the continent, as well as modern architecture Australian megacities - all this attracts a large number of tourists to this amazing continent. We will tell you in more detail about what to see and how to occupy your leisure time in this article.

City attractions


One of the most famous buildings in the world is the main attraction - the Sydney Opera House. The unique design and the roof, stylized as the sails of a ship, create a unique image of this symbol of the city. The building is listed among the most outstanding modern buildings. The theater was founded in 1973. And since 2007 it has been included in the list of UNESCO protected sites.

The Harbor Bridge is one of the largest bridges in the world with an arched steel structure. Its opening took place in 1932. Accompanied by a guide, tourists can climb the bridge arches using stairs specially installed for this purpose in 1998. The top deck offers truly magnificent views of Sydney.

In addition, while vacationing in Sydney, you should definitely visit the Sydney Aquarium. Here you can admire 650 different species of local marine life.


Melbourne is commonly called cultural capital Australia. Various exhibitions and educational events are constantly held here. The main attractions of Melbourne in Australia are examples of Victorian architecture that have been perfectly preserved to this day. In the city you can see many buildings built in this style of the 19th century.


Adelaide is a city with convenient infrastructure and a large number of parks. Tourists can visit interesting museums and exhibitions in the city. Among them is the South Australian Museum with an exhibition representing the life of local residents. Another important attraction of Adelaide in Australia is the city zoo, where you can admire giant pandas.

Natural attractions

Kangaroo Island

One of the main attractions of Australia can be called amazing island Kangaroo. The island's territory was disconnected from the mainland during the Ice Age. Thanks to this, the island presents rare forms of animal and plant life that do not exist anywhere else on the planet.

Red Desert

Another natural mystery of Australia is the Red Desert. Travelers see majestic red monoliths rising under the sands. The largest of the monoliths is 348 m high and is called Uluru. Also nearby is a system of 36 rock formations red hue.

Twelve Apostles

As the main attraction of Australia, it is worth noting the chain of rocks called the “Twelve Apostles”. It is located on the coast of Victoria. From a specially equipped observation deck you can see twelve limestone rocks that grow straight out of the water. The rocks owe their bizarre shape to the centuries-old work of sea waves.

Currently, tourism occupies an important place in the Australian economy. So Sydney receives about five million tourists every year. In addition to historical tourists, the country’s unique natural attractions also attract tourists.

Australia is also highly developed ecological tourism, which in Lately became especially popular. Many reserves have been created here and national parks, which are distinguished by well-developed infrastructure, equipped parking lots for tourists and tourist routes. A special place in the rapidly developing tourism business also belongs to gastronomic and esoteric tourism.

Australia has attractions, both historical and natural, that attract tourists like a magnet, helping them get to know this beautiful country better.

The Opera House, located in the largest city of Australia - Sydney, is considered its calling card and is one of the most famous world attractions, as it is certainly outstanding architectural structure 20th century.

The outlines of the theater resemble a huge sailboat that is ready to sail to a land where fairy-tale elves live or huge ears listening to the singing of the sea wave.

The history of the construction of this theater is interesting, the idea of ​​which first came from Sir Eugene Goossens, a composer and violinist from England, invited to the country by the National Broadcasting and Television Committee. He proposed building a theater on the rocky headland of Bennelogue Point.

In May 1955, the state government announced a competition for the construction of a theater, which was won by Danish citizen Jorn Watzon. The project of this talented Dane was based on the idea of ​​​​ancient architects from China and consisted of abandoning the construction of ordinary walls and installing a series of dazzling white roofs in the form of giant fans on a huge foundation. However, the theater was completed without his participation.

The arch bridge is almost four kilometers long with the main arch rising above the water level by 53 meters, built in 1932. The bridge spans Potre Jackson Bay and is perhaps the most remarkable structure in the world invented by engineers.

At first, the cathedral was a modest chapel for criminals from Britain exiled to Australia, but in connection with the arrival of the first bishop John Paulding here in 1835, the chapel began to be called cathedral. First, the building of the former chapel was reconstructed in the neo-Gothic style according to the design of the talented English architect Yugastus Walby Pugin. But, unfortunately, the reconstructed cathedral burned down at the end of June 1865.

The new cathedral building was built in the Gothic style according to the design of an English architect Wilkinson Wardell. The architect took Lincoln Cathedral as the basis for his project, but made some amendments to his project, in particular regarding the reduced window glazing area compared to the Lincoln Cathedral.

Currently, the cathedral simply amazes with its splendor, and this is not surprising, since its length reaches 107 meters, and the width of the longitudinal room for believers is 24.3 meters with a ceiling height of 22.5 meters, the towers of the southern facade are 74.6 meters high. Today the majestic cathedral embodies the spiritual and cultural life Australia.

Location: St Marys Road.

The observatory building was built in 1858 and is, perhaps, the main historical monument Australian state. The observatory has a telescope, manufactured in 1874, with 29-centimeter lenses and an alpha-hydrogen telescope, with which you can observe the sun. There is also a planetarium under a huge dome.

Location: 1003 - Upper Fort Street.

The Australian Museum is located in Sydney. It was founded in 1827. It contains the most interesting collections of a historical, ethnographic and natural science nature.

Location: 1 William Street.

The Botanic Garden is the pride of the city of Melbourne. There are plants here that are known far beyond Australia. On the territory of this garden there is small house made of red brick with a tiled roof, which is surrounded by flowering bushes.

From the stories of the guides, visitors learn that James Cook, a famous navigator, was born here. The house was purchased in England and transported to Melbourne.

The new Parliament building, which was built in 1988, is considered the main attraction of this beautiful Australian city.

The building looks very unusual, as it is entirely hidden in the hill. Grass grows on its roof and tourists are allowed to walk on it and admire the War Memorial. Nearby is the Old Parliament building, which is of historical value. It currently houses the country's political museum.

The museum with a unique collection of almost four and a half million exhibits is located in the Australian city of Perth.

This unique natural attraction occupies an area of ​​more than 350 thousand sq. km It is one of the natural attractions of Australia and is the largest coral formation on the planet. It is located along the coast of Queensland and has a length of two thousand km.

The formation of corals includes 350 types of polyps, which includes three thousand reefs. More than 1500 species of fish a wide variety of colors and patterns. Among them are the humpback whale and as many as six species of the seven known sea turtles on the planet. Dugongs, belonging to the special type mammals. More than 200 species of birds find food in the coral thickets.

Every year a huge number of tourists come to admire the beauty of the Barrier Reef, which poses a threat to the existence of this unique attraction, since the corals are quite fragile and are easily broken by pleasure boats. Corals also cannot tolerate rising sea temperatures and pollution. Another real threat to them are starfish, which love to feed on coral.

Another Australian natural attraction is without a doubt Ayres Rock. At its base there are caves with wonderful rock paintings that date back hundreds of years. It consists of red sandstone, which changes color depending on the exposure to sunlight. The rock is named after the Australian Prime Minister Henry Ayres.

This bay has another name - Shark Bay. Despite the fact that the bay is called shark bay, it became famous not for sharks, of which there are not so many there, but for very unusual ancient bacteria containing various salts - stromatolites.

Bacteria live and multiply using solar energy. Their colonies in the form of huge formations are located at the bottom of the bay. The peculiarity of stromatolites is that they have not undergone virtually any changes for three billion years.

This island is considered one of the largest on our planet. It is covered with sand dunes, which are almost 400 thousand years old. This island has lakes with fresh water. Their number exceeds 40 pieces.

It still remains a mystery where the fresh lakes came from among the ocean sands and why the sand holds this water. Despite the wonderful sand beach amazingly white in color, occupying the eastern coast of the island and having a length of one hundred kilometers, swimming here is unsafe mainly because of jellyfish or, as they are also called, sea wasps. The sting of these wasps can cause death in humans. Tourists coming to the island, knowing this, swim in the lakes.

Local aborigines also call this island paradise not only because of the lakes, but also because of the beautiful tropical forests located here, consisting of huge eucalyptus trees and very picturesque swamps. Another attraction of the island are the wild dingoes.

The famous and most beautiful brewery in Australia was built in 1824. Its founder is considered to be Peter Degraves. The granite building, whose facade is made in the form of steps, looks like a medieval royal palace. The building is surrounded by a well-kept garden.

Location: 131 Cascade Road, South Hobart.

The prison is located on the island of Tasmania. It once housed a woodworking factory, which lasted only three years: from 1830 to 1832, and already in 1833 a penal colony for men was located on its territory, which lasted until 1877.

This lagoon is located in the smallest state of Australia - Tasmania and is considered the World natural heritage UNESCO. This heritage includes those natural objects that are the property of humanity.

Mount Field National Park

Tourists coming to Tasmania must visit Mount Field to admire the picturesque mountain landscapes, lakes with clear water, heathlands that give a huge boost of energy, alpine meadows and amazingly beautiful cascading waterfalls. Among them, the Russell Falls stands out especially, around which there are a huge number of ferns.

The island is famous for the fact that many ships often suffered disasters near it. Tourists arriving on the island will be shown the remains of such ships by their guides.

There is also wonderful wildlife here. In general, Australian nature is diverse mainly due to its isolation from other continents. Little penguins and petrels live in large numbers on Bonnet.

Tourists arriving on the island will be shown the dazzling white lighthouse on Wickham Cape, which is 48 meters. It is considered the highest in all of Australia.

In addition, the restaurant business is well developed on the island. Therefore, you should definitely visit local restaurants and try, for example, dishes with so-called premium beef or enjoy delicious cheese dishes.

Blue Mountains National Park Sydney

The name of the park is associated with the color of the haze that shrouds the eucalyptus trees growing there. Some of them are over two thousand years old. In the park you can not only just relax, but also go hiking.

The town of Katoomba, which grew out of the village, is located in its central part. Of interest to tourists is the rock called “Three Sisters”, as well as the cable car and railway.

Tourism does not provide for any restrictions or prohibitions in terms of visiting certain states. It all depends on your financial situation and personal preferences. with their own major cities, are known to many. However, Australia remains a mystery to most tourists. And some of them don’t even know what to see there. And there is a lot of interesting things in this country.

Among the architectural attractions, an interesting building was erected in 1898 in honor of Queen Victoria. This building is included in the list of objects cultural heritage. Now there is a large operation inside the building shopping mall. Tourists can visit fashion boutiques or jewelry stores.

Once inside, you can not only purchase the necessary goods and souvenirs, but also see large hanging clocks, as well as look at a small exhibition of royal clothing.

  • Where is: in Sydney's business district.
  • Work time: from Monday to Wednesday, as well as Friday - from 9:00 to 18:00, Thursday - from 9:00 to 21:00, Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:00, Sunday - from 11:00 to 16: 00.
  • Entrance: free.

It is in Australia that tourists can go to the zoo, which is named after Steve Irwin. From an early age this man was engaged in catching crocodiles for his parents' reptile park. As he grew older, he did a lot of useful things for the development of documentaries about wildlife, often finding themselves in extreme situations.

The 40-hectare zoo now houses many different species of animals. Its territory is divided into separate pavilions. The central stadium, where a show with crocodiles, birds and snakes takes place, deserves special attention.

A widely known architectural landmark is the huge Anglican Cathedral in Melbourne. The building is a majestic structure with unique decoration and graceful shape. It contains one of the largest organs made in the 19th century.

St. Paul's Cathedral was built on the site where the first services were originally held immediately after the founding of the city. Before the appearance of the parish church, there was a market here.

While in Sydney, it is worth visiting the tallest building in the city. It is the second tallest tower in all of Australia. The height of the facility, built in 1981, is 309 meters. Anyone can get inside. The building is open to the public.

At the top there is an observation deck with a good restaurant. You can get there by one of three high-speed elevators. With their help, tourists reach the top in just 40 seconds.

The Great Ocean Road stretches along the Pacific coast, construction of which began back in 1919, when Australian soldiers returned from the war. During the work, practically no special equipment was used. Everything was mostly done with hand tools.

The large construction was completed in 1932, after which it became one of the largest war memorials. A 104 km long pedestrian route was eventually opened along the highway.

Visitors to Australia can visit one of the largest aquariums in the world. It is home to many different animals. Its territory is divided into separate sections, and this is done on a geographical basis. The most interesting is the collection of sharks - the largest on the planet.

The entrance to the building is easy to find. When visiting, you will have to walk through the mouth of a huge shark. It is worth considering that the aquarium is quite impressive in size, so a full inspection of it will take quite a lot of time.

In the vicinity of Uluru-Kata Tjuta Park there are huge mountain, which is a single stone, which is the largest on the planet. Its height reaches 348 m. If desired, tourists can climb up with a guide or simply walk next to the massive cliff.

In ancient times, the stone lay in the middle of a large lake and acted as a kind of island. Now it is surrounded by desert, and rock paintings adorn its surface.

The Harbor Bridge is one of the largest bridges in the world. Not only cars move along it, but also pedestrians, cyclists, and railway transport. It was opened in 1932 to provide communication between the North Bank and the central part of the city.

The length of the arched span is 503 meters, and its total length is 1149 meters. The structure weighs about 54 thousand tons. The steel parts of the structure are connected with rivets. Mighty towers located on opposite banks act as holding elements.

This unusual rock formation can surprise any tourist, as it has the shape of a huge wave. The length of this object, created by nature itself, is 110 meters. The alternation of light and dark rocks enhances the resemblance to a sea wave.

There is an assumption that the rock took this shape due to deformation under the influence of winds and precipitation. To avoid further destruction of this composition, a retaining wall was added to it.

Kakadu National Park has archaeological, natural, and ethnological value. Its name is not related to the breed of famous parrots. This is what the local tribe calls itself. This natural wonder is isolated from the outside world on all sides, so rare species of animals have been preserved here.

The park began to become popular not only because of the abundance of unique flora and fauna. On its territory there are interesting caves, the walls of which are decorated with rock paintings.

Not far from the Sydney Harbor Bridge is an important cultural attraction - the Opera House. It has an unusual shape - it resembles a huge shell. The building was erected in the style of structural expressionism. For his project, the architect received an award in the field of architecture, and the object itself was included in the UNESCO list.

The huge structure is washed by water on three sides. It stands on a pile foundation, the elements of which are driven as deep as possible. Beautiful evening illumination looks impressive, the building turns into a shining stone.

No less interesting is the Blue Mountains National Park. Its picturesque area is represented by eucalyptus forests, numerous cliffs and waterfalls. In the villages you can find a cozy guest house to spend the night or just take a break from a long journey.

The presence of eucalyptus forests makes the air especially healthy. It is rich in essential oils, so it is very pleasant to inhale. More than 90 species of eucalyptus trees grow in the forest areas.

The attractions of Australia include the entire island stretching along the east coast. Its length is approximately 120 km, while its width ranges from 7-23 km. Of the sandy islands, the Fraser Islands are the largest in the world.

It is surprising that there are a large number of fresh lakes here. There are more than a hundred of them. They receive food from streams originating in peat bogs. However, it should be noted that all of them are significantly contaminated.

Many will want to be at the easternmost point of Australia - Cape Byron. This is one of the most scenic spots throughout the continent. With a fairly high popularity among tourists and a relatively developed infrastructure, this place has retained its original appearance.

The Eastern Cape attracts travelers with its rich and highly diverse nature. Here you can go surfing, hang gliding, swim with dolphins or just wander around the area.

A natural attraction in the form of horizontal waterfalls may be of interest to many travelers. There is a place in Australia where two ridges converge at a short distance from each other, forming narrow crevices through which the bulk of the water rushes during high tides.

If you wish, you can order sightseeing tour and enjoy the views directly from the seaplane, and then plunge into clearest waters bay. Fans of extreme entertainment can ride a surfboard here.

Let's sum it up

You may notice that natural sites are more often mentioned in the list of listed attractions in Australia. There are plenty of them throughout the country. Thus, if you are more attracted by picturesque views and unusual representatives of flora and fauna, then you should definitely visit this state.

Another option may be an alternative solution. You will be able to visit interesting natural areas, waterfalls, parks and beaches, as well as other places created by nature.