Bakalskaya Spit is a beautiful landscape park in the north of Crimea. Bakal Spit

Pinstripe sandy beach almost 12 km long, it curves like a sickle around the shallow Bakal Bay, cutting it off from the lake of the same name, and further from the Black Sea.

On the northwestern coast of Crimea, the Bakal Spit is one of the romantic places of “wild” recreation, which for decades has been gathering daredevils who settle in tents at the very edge of the earth.

Name natural object associated with the Turkic “baka” - frog. The consonance with Lake Baikal is interesting. Toponymy specialists are wondering if there is any connection in the geographical names of Crimea and Siberia, including the Angara River and the Angarsk Pass.

The protected piece of sandy land has amazing feature– on the right bank, which is flatter, there can be calm, calm and grace, always warm water, and on the left, 50-100 m across the width of the spit, there are cold high waves, almost stormy, carrying a lot of small shells.

Just 5 meters from the surf line, dolphins often hunt for shrimp; they are so nimble that no one has time to photograph them. Important gulls are more friendly towards vacationers and willingly accept small food gifts. By the end of August, purple jellyfish appear off the coast.

From the very morning, enterprising locals come to the spit, bringing stalls with drinks, food, as well as “entertainment infrastructure” - ATVs, bananas, parachutes, kites, and buns. In the evenings, the delicious aroma of barbecue lingers over the tent camp.

Nearest attractions

Lake Bakalskoye belongs to the group of Tarkhankut lakes, has large reserves of table salt and over 4 thousand cubic meters. m of therapeutic mud, which is used for gynecological, cardiovascular, skin diseases, and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Swan Islands is a natural reserve of international importance, located in the shallow waters of Karkinitsky Bay. A veritable kingdom of waterfowl, over 240 species, is attracted by the rich vegetation of the islands. Among the birds there are many herons, waders, cormorants, and laughing gulls. The special pride of these places is whooper and mute swans.

Kalos Limen is an ancient settlement in the north of the village of Chernomorskoye, founded in the 4th century BC, major center Scythian and ancient Greek culture, mentioned in the works of Strabo and Herodotus. The ancient buildings have survived to this day and are of extraordinary interest to visit and explore.

Where to stay on Bakal Spit

One of the accommodation options is tents right on the beach in the middle part of the spit; Closer to Cape Sandy, the land is subject to erosion by waves.

At the very base of the Bakal Spit, on the border with the reserve, there is a car camping “Dolphin” with cozy three-person wooden houses, an area for trailers and tents, fireplaces for cooking, washbasins and other signs of civilization.

8 km from the spit is the village of Steregushchee with a fairly well developed tourism infrastructure and conditions for accommodation in the Volna, Priboi, Raduga, Zhemchuzhina hotels, the Rubin boarding house, and the Neptune recreation center. Price ranges from 4-8 to 31 dollars per day per person.

Buses carry tourists from Steregushchey to Bakalskaya Spit all day long.

Useful tips for tourists

If you are planning to spend a long holiday on the Bakal Spit itself, you need to take with you not ordinary pegs for securing tents, but self-made ones - at least half a meter long. You can also securely secure the tent using heavy stones buried in the sand to a sufficient depth. Plastic bottles with a large capacity, filled with sand and also buried deep in the sand, are also suitable. The issue of securing tents on the Bakal Spit is important - there are strong gusts of wind at night.

If you decide to spend the night on solid ground at the very beginning of the spit, you need to take care of mosquito repellents - there are wetlands nearby, and there are plenty of biting insects flying around at night.

You definitely need sun canopies, panama hats and hats, sunscreen - on the spit, besides the sea and the sun, there is nothing, not a single building, with the exception of a house for amenities.

How to get to Bakal Spit

Russia, Crimea, Razdolnensky district, village. Steregushchee

From Steregushchy to the border of the reserve there is a paved road, then motorists humorously call the path a “washboard”, and along the spit itself the sands are so treacherous that even a car with all-wheel drive can get stuck.

A bus runs regularly from Yevpatoria to Steregushchy; there is a constant bus service between Yevpatoria and Razdolny, Steregushchy and Razdolny. The distance to Yevpatoria is 70 km, the fare is about 65 rubles, the travel time is a little over an hour.

You can get from Simferopol to Steregushchy by direct bus, leaving twice a day - at noon and after 20 o'clock. The travel time is a little more than 2 hours, the distance is about 140 km, the fare is approximately 130 rubles.

To the territory of Crimea from Russia they fly to Simferopol airport, or get through the Port Caucasus - Kerch ferry crossing. Travel from Anapa to Simferopol – 350 rubles, distance 330 km, to Evpatoria – 420 rubles. and 400 km of travel.

GPS g. 45.791462,33.170555 (format used in online maps)
GPS g.m. 45°47.487", 33°10.233" (format used in navigators and geocaching)
GPS g.m.s. 45°47"29.26", 33°10"14"

The last attraction of Crimea when moving clockwise is the Bakal Spit. This is a unique natural object - a two-kilometer sand spit jutting into the sea perpendicular to the shore. What natural forces and sea ​​currents it was formed, not everyone can understand, that’s why it seems like a miracle.

On the “free” left branch of the road you can find such a cozy hostel, and if you don’t make any sudden movements, you can admire the organized life of our little brothers.

Luckily for us, there was a more passable vehicle ahead, which was forced to turn around due to the risk of getting stuck.
We also had to return and go through the barrier.
The main road to the Bakal Spit is just such a “grater”, along which you won’t have much speed and there will be time to admire the surroundings.

On the open surface, the wind drives the clouds and it is quite possible to walk calmly when showers are falling from heaven to earth around you, and any artist will envy the colors of the sky, sea, lakes and land.

And here is the place where you will have to give up your hard-earned money from your car in order to contemplate the miracle of nature. An adult ticket is 50 rubles, a child ticket is free, a car ticket is 150 rubles.

There is a detour for prepared cars to the south, but after the rain it is better not to go into the lowlands along the lake, but to have fun jumping on the “terka”.

Life hack: no one is going to spend the night at this post, so you can drive through for free in the evening.

"...reproduction and multiplication natural resources regional landscape park..." You can’t write anything, as long as they give you money! 2013.

And on every coast there is a guy with a metal detector who combs rocks and sand from morning to evening and from evening to morning... It is unknown what can be found in this way, they probably like the process itself. It’s not easy to walk along the sea!

People with flippers, people with wings dissolve in the water, wind, sun, go into a state of eternal harmony with nature... We are part of all this beauty.

And here is the Bakal Spit. It is worth visiting at least once in your life. Muddy foamy waves on one side, bluish-greenish calm on the other and a narrow, uneven strip of land.

The spit consists of sand and shells, whole and not so much, that once lived on the bottom of the sea and remained with it forever.

Let’s hope that the burnt out sign will save many more lives, because no matter how good a swimmer one is, it’s scary to go into the water there. You can't swim - there are strong currents, and they say that the bodies of those who flout the prohibitions are then caught near Odessa.

The sea has drawn strange patterns from the available material - sand - and continues to create.

Unfortunately, just recently, about half of the Bakal Spit was washed away, and quite recently you could walk and walk along a narrow strip of sand - the sea on the left, the sea on the right, and it must have been great and scary to feel on a small island in the sea connected to the mainland a narrow strip of sand. But now you can only see a metal tower far in the distance (the old “Bakal” lighthouse), which marks a place close to the previous end of the Bakal Spit. But even the remaining piece of sand is worth a walk - on the left there are large muddy waves, on the right - the quiet greenish azure of the calm sea. And the waves still want and cannot meet the calm, sleepy waves.

And here is the end of the Bakal Spit in its best times, it would be great to go through it entirely and end up at this tower, on a small island of sand 2 kilometers from the coast...

Here it is, the island, so close - it seems like it’s just a stone’s throw away. But you can't get there. The treacherous sea, on the left - Scylla, on the right - Charybdis (according to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, two monsters lived on the coastal rocks on both sides of the Strait of Messina: Scylla and Charybdis, who devoured sailors. The expression between Scylla and Charybdis is used to mean: to be between two hostile forces, in a position where danger threatens both and on the other side.).

A long time ago, in a legend that appeared in a book in 1883 and has come down to us, an island is mentioned at this place. However, there are no islands in the area, which means that the spit was an island at that time? And we can only hope that the island will again, like a hundred years ago, be connected to the sea by a strip of land, delighting us with the uniqueness of natural processes.

Maybe someday the sea will let us go to the island with the tower?

The way back always carries a note of sadness - someday in our long and unpredictable lives will we find ourselves in places that once changed us?

And under your feet are free souvenirs that you can put on a shelf or make decorations out of.

A sea split in half can be so different at the same time.

And those who passed by to admire the spit envy those who settled in such fabulous place. It’s September and the end of vacation for us, for them it’s life.

And even in unique natural sites there is civilization, if you look around the corner.

Which hides something from view, and turns something out.

How many years has this braid existed, and who knows, maybe it will wash again? And people will come to look at this miracle of nature and be inspired by their little deeds in life.

Bakal Spit on an interactive panorama

The image in the panorama can be moved with the mouse cursor, as well as zoomed in and out (with the wheel).

The entire route from Askania-Nova to Steregushchy is about 180 km. Most interesting object This section of the route is the Perekop Isthmus, connecting the Crimean Peninsula with the mainland and separating the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea and Sivash. The length of the isthmus from North-West to South-East is 30 km, width from 8 to 23 km. The surface of the isthmus is a plain with steppe and semi-desert vegetation. The banks of the Perekop Isthmus are steep (up to 5 m).

In the very north Crimean peninsula, four and a half kilometers north of Armyansk highway cuts through a high earthen embankment. This is the legendary Perekopsky shaft, stretching across the entire isthmus. The unique fortification structure is an earthen rampart about 8.5 km long. and a width at the base of more than 15 meters. Adjacent to the rampart from the north is a ditch 20 m wide and 10 m deep. The bottom of the ditch and the slopes were lined with stone slabs. The height of the shaft from the bottom of the ditch is 18-20 m.

In the distant past, the ditch was filled with water, which allowed small ships to pass from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea and back. But over the centuries, the depth of both seas in the area of ​​the isthmus decreased significantly; the part adjacent to the isthmus Sea of ​​Azov turned into shallow Sivash, and the once shipping canal turned into a large steppe ravine. Time and wars have thoroughly destroyed the Perekop Wall. He no longer looks as impregnable as before. Nevertheless, even now the shaft amazes with its scale (photo on the right).

Historians and archaeologists still cannot give a single answer to the question about the origin of the Perekop Wall. Some argue that this defensive line is the work of the Cimmerians, and date it to the end of the 8th - beginning of the 7th centuries BC; Some people believe that the Scythians were directly involved in the construction of the rampart.

The Perekop Wall is sometimes called the Turkish Wall for the reason that in the 16th century the Turks carried out fortification work to restore the moat and rampart. On the shores of the Karkinitsky Bay, from the west, and at the eastern end of the rampart, near Sivash, high stone towers were built (the ruins of the west tower have survived to this day). There were other fortifications on the rampart. The main one is the Or-Kapu fortress (from the Crimean Tatar “Gate on the moat”), which was located in the central part of the rampart, on its southern side, and was the center of defense when the enemy attacked from the north.

To carry out raids from Crimea and return with loot, a bridge was used, which was held above the water by thick chains. This bridge lowered and rose, opening and closing the gates of the fortress. Every year, up to 60 thousand captives were brought to Crimea across this bridge.

In 1771, during the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774, the Or-Kapu fortress was taken by Russian troops under the command of Prince V.M. Dolgorukov and was destroyed, after which it was no longer restored. During Civil War 1918-1920 and the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place on the Perekop Isthmus for the capture of Crimea.

However, let us return from these historical memories to the village of Steregushchy, which we reached from Askania-Nova. This village is small. It stretches between the highway and the shore of Bakalskaya Bay (see map below). The abundance of naked people walking along the highway indicates that this village is a recognized resort center.

After the village, the road turns left at a right angle (see map on the left) and leads to the urban-type settlement of Chernomorskoye, and we should continue driving straight along the road leading to the Bakal Spit. However, after just a couple of hundred meters, it’s hard to call what our car is moving along “road”. The impression is that the coating was specially made to test the car (and passengers) for vibration resistance. The shaking is terrible, but we need to go.

After 5 kilometers of shaking, we arrived at a barrier where we have to pay for entry to the spit: 5 UAH each. per passenger and another 15 UAH. for every day the car is parked on the spit, if it is planned. Another 2 kilometers of shaking and a terrible crowd of cars, tents and people will open before us, and in the center of this “Babylon”, on a hillock, a single stone building proudly rises - a toilet, designed in the best traditions of ancient times. The first desire is to run away from here, but let’s not make hasty conclusions.

In addition to the toilet, the centers of civilization are the stalls located right there with various drinks and food products. Sellers of pies, boiled potatoes, baklava and other delicacies successfully compete with these “markets”.

The Bakalskaya Spit protects the Bakalskaya Bay from the west, the water in which is theoretically warmer than the water on the other side of the spit. But since we were on the spit in mid-August, we did not feel this difference. Both from the east and west of the spit, the water temperature exceeded 30 degrees. The water in Lake Bakalskoe is even warmer (see map above), which gives reason to consider it healing for joints. Since 1972, the spit and the lake have the status of a natural landscape reserve.

The Bakal spit juts out into the sea for 8 km. Its width at the base is 100 m or more, and in the middle part it is approximately 30-50 m. The sandy cape ends the spit. The picture below gives some idea of ​​the beginning of the braid.

Having overcome the first negative impression of the abundance of people, we set off along the spit, realizing that the concentration of vacationers would decrease as we moved away from the objects of local civilization. And so it was. After 700 meters, the road laid on sand became impassable for ordinary cars. The jeeps got the farthest, but their number soon dried up.

After just one and a half kilometers the spit appeared before us in its pristine beauty. The white sand beautifully set off the turquoise water. The east wind drove the waves to our right, and on the other side of the spit the sea was completely calm. The surf threw ashore algae, which locals call “kamka”. These algae resemble freshly cut short grass in color and shape. They can be dried on hot sand and used as soft bedding. Since during a storm the waves rush over the spit, the sand is absolutely clean and washed everywhere. All this can be seen in the two photographs below.

We brightened up our journey with periodic swimming, first on one side of the spit, then on the other. Particular pleasure was given by entering the water along the snow-white sand, which very smoothly sank into the depths. We were also entertained by dolphins jumping out of the water nearby, and large light gray seagulls proudly walking around their sandy domain.

What was especially pleasing was the almost complete absence of people. Having moved about three kilometers away from the accumulation of cars, we felt desert island. And there were still about three kilometers to the end of the spit. You can walk along the final spit, Cape Peschany, along the left or right bank. Empirically, we were convinced that the first version of the passage is twice as long as the first.

A journey along the left bank of the cape soon leads to an abandoned tower (visible in the photo above), which once apparently served as a beacon warning boaters about shallow depths. Near the tower, the shore looks like an exotic desert (photo below) with soft white sand. This is an ideal place to pitch a tent and spend the night.

Unfortunately, our plans did not include spending the night in a tent. Otherwise we could enjoy the glowing surf at night. These are sparkling small (2-3 mm) creatures - ctenophores. More than 100 species of these creatures are known. The ctenophore Mnemiopsis is very common (photo on the left). This ctenophore is harmful to the Black Sea ecosystem, as it eats fish food - plankton. But another ctenophore, Beroe, feeds on Mnemiopsis, thereby inhibiting their reproduction.

When we looked at the Bakal Spit from where the cars were parked, Peschany Cape seemed to us a narrow strip of sand. In fact, it turned out that this was not the case at all. The cape occupies a large territory, on which there are many small lakes (photo below) and entire plantations of some “reeds”. It’s just that from a distance all this is projected into a narrow strip.

A journey along the shores of Cape Peschany leaves an indelible impression. Here, at a distance of 8 km. from the coastline, the pristine nature, unity with the sea and unique beauty are most acutely felt Black Sea coast. The small coves, washed by the waves in soft sand, are especially beautiful. The shallow water in them sparkles and sparkles in the sun, and the reflections from the oncoming waves shimmer at the bottom. One of these coves is shown in the photo below.

We came to the part of the spit farthest from the shore, rounding Cape Peschany clockwise. This end of the braid does not look pointed as it appears from afar. It is also a system of coves with fine white sand and absolutely clear water. And here, as throughout the spit, the sandy bottom very slowly sinks to depth (photo below).

If you continue to move clockwise along the shore of Cape Peschany to return, then in one place you will have to wade about 100 meters (knee-deep). Since this ford runs along the “reed” thickets, there is no need to look for it - the path itself will lead to the ford site.

The picturesque places of Cape Peschany are of interest not only for nature lovers, but also for rapana hunters. On the white sand, these tasty shellfish are visible even without a mask, but with equipment they are very easy to spot. This is what hunters use.

To conclude the topic, we note that, in addition to the option of spending the night on the Bakal Spit in a tent, there are other possibilities for stopping near the spit. 200 meters from the barrier there is a car camping site “Dolphin” with its own beach. And nearby (closer to the village of Steregushchy) two more coastal boarding houses welcome guests. There are many accommodation options in the village itself.

Despite the abundance of opportunities, we did not stop for the night, and in the evening we went along the Black Sea highway to the village of Olenevka (the former Tatar name of the village is Kara-Adzhi), which is the westernmost settlement of Crimea. This village is located on the shore of Karadzhinskaya Bay, bounded on the north by Cape Priboyny, and on the south by Cape Tarkhankut (see map) with a powerful lighthouse and a museum of ancient anchors.

Soon after entering the village, the road bifurcates: the main one goes straight along the main street named after Lenin, and the road to the former estate of General V.S. goes to the right. Popov - personal secretary of Prince G.A. Potemkin. These lands were granted to the general at the end of the 18th century. At the same time, a manor house was erected, and a garden and park were laid out around it. Now the former manor house has been restored and is one of the buildings of a large comfortable boarding house “ Sunny Valley" A new building of the boarding house and office premises were erected nearby.

Residents of Chernomorskoe often call their village a city and use the name “Chernomorsk”. Previously this locality was called Ak-Mosque (from Crimean Tatar - White Mosque), but in 1944, after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, the village was renamed “Chernomorskoe”.
Until 1953, the cape bore the Tatar name Kara-Mrun (Black Nose). He is the most western point Crimea.

Snow-white sand, transparent soft turquoise sea, endless horizon. No, this is not the Maldives. This is Western Crimea, a protected area (landscape park). A place ideal for a relaxing holiday with children, which you need to visit this summer, because the sea is gradually eroding the already narrow strip of light sand.

Figures and facts:
The length of the sand spit is 6 km.
Width - from 50 m to 1200 m.

The Bakal Spit separates the Black Sea (Karkinitsky Bay) and Lake Bakal, stretches in a narrow strip from Cape Peschany to the village of Steregushchee.

User Photos

Features of the nature of the Bakal Spit

Lake Bakal is quite large, its length from north to south is 3500 meters, and from west to east – 2800 meters. The maximum depth is one and a half meters. The toponymy of the name is interesting; in the languages ​​of the Turkic peoples, the word “baka” is used to call a frog.

The climate here is steppe, temperate continental, summers are dry and hot. The reservoir belongs to the group of Tarkhankut lakes and serves as a clear illustration of the process of formation of a salt lake.

On saline soils and vegetation, solonchak predominates: seaside wormwood, katran, solyanka, kermek. One half of the Sandy Cape is covered with reeds, the other half is occupied by beaches and sand spits. They are composed of small shell rock with a small admixture of quartz.

In spring and autumn, during migration, schools of geese, cranes, gray herons, and woodcocks are observed here. In winter, about fifty species of nomadic birds nest along the shores of the Karkinitsky Bay. Here you can find shelducks, terns, lapwings, thornbills, herbal plovers, sea plovers, stilts, and waders.

Bakalskoye Lake

A huge repository of table salt and healing mud. They are indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, spine and joints, nervous system, digestive organs, and female genital organs. Features of the holiday

It is said poetically about this place in Crimea, where the sea is divided into two parts. Therefore, when you come here on vacation, you get the opportunity to choose. You can swim in the cool water of the Black Sea, you can bask in the warm waters of a salt lake, you can take mud baths. Even during a storm, the water in the bay remains calm and warm. The depth on both sides of the spit is shallow, so it’s great for kids to swim and sunbathe here.

Video review of the Bakal Spit

What is a must-do when visiting the spit?

Watch dolphins play. During a storm, they often take refuge from the waves in the calm waters of Bakal Bay.
Take a photo in the rays of the setting sun. The sunset here is a magnificent spectacle, the luminary rolls into the sea. Rent a boat or catamaran and go fishing. After a storm, the sea is literally teeming with crustaceans and shrimp. Fishermen catch mullet, roach, gobies, and garfish.

Feel like real savages, spend one day away from civilization in the style of “Robinson Crusoe”. Take a swim in the moonlit path. Not only is it romantic, but according to popular belief, it will bring health for the whole year.

Book a boat trip to the Swan Islands Nature Reserve and wander along the beautiful wide sandy beaches. Try fish soup and sturgeon kebabs, expertly prepared by local chefs.

    Helpful Tips:
  • 1. Take mosquito repellent. In the evenings they swarm in hordes.
  • 2. Consider ways to protect yourself from the sun. An umbrella, a homemade canopy, and an awning will come in handy.
  • 3. A gas burner is most convenient for cooking. Fast, economical, no need to worry about firewood.
  • 4. Check the quality and length of your tent pegs. It’s better to take long, metal ones so that they go deeper into the unstable sandy soil.

Parking places

Choose a place to relax according to your taste:
  • 1.guest houses and boarding houses in the village of Steregushchee. A vacation as close to civilization as possible.
  • 2.Car camping at the entrance to the reserve. Food, Crimean wines and water are purchased here at the campsite, or in shops in the village of Steregushchee. Entertainment options include beach soccer, volleyball, and evening discos.
  • 3. Arrivals (every 150-200 meters) to wild beaches on the road from Steregushchy to Sandy Cape. Wild, cozy, relaxing holiday.
Carefully: If there is a prohibitory sign at the entrance, then do not ignore it, do not drive into the sand in your car. Quicksand periodically forms craters, this is dangerous for you and your car!

How to get to the spit

While Crimea was part of Ukraine, entry to the spit was paid, now they do not charge for travel, you only need to pay for a place in the camping site.

It is more convenient to get there by car, along the highway from the port of Kavkaz to Simferopol, through Yevpatoria to Steregushchee.

Bakal Spit on the map of Crimea - coordinates

Address: Republic of Crimea, Razdolnensky district, village. Steregushchee, Landscape and Recreational Park "Bakalskaya Spit".
GPS Coordinates: 45°47’44″N 33°10’31″E Latitude/Longitude

In the west of the Crimean peninsula there are very unusual place, which will be interesting to see for lovers of the sea and its natural monuments. This is the Bakal Spit - a narrow and long strip of land that extends into the sea for several kilometers. Getting here is not so easy, since this territory is a natural reserve area. No more than fifty thousand people a year can enter the Bakalskaya Spit park (Crimea).

Geographical position

The Bakal Spit stretches from the northwest to the southeast of the peninsula. The map shows that it extends deep into the Black Sea. This strip of land is located between Lake Bakal and the bay of the same name. In the north it narrows and smoothly passes into Cape Peschany, where the lighthouse is located (now inactive).

The length of the spit is approximately 12 km, 5 km extend into the Black Sea. Coastline flat. Highest point about 1.3 m.

Bakalskaya Spit has the only paved road (of local importance). It goes from the village of Steregushchy to the narrowest section in the north.

Currently, the spit is gradually narrowing due to hydrological processes: powerful winter storms erode the lands of this natural site. The storms that occurred here in 2005 and 2007 greatly damaged the nature and infrastructure of the spit. Due to active illegal sand mining in the summer of 2013, Peschany Cape turned into a small island gradually being destroyed by waves.

Natural features of the spit

This is truly a unique place. The Bakal Spit (Crimea) is washed on all sides by different currents. Thanks to this, the sea can be stormy on its western shore, but remain calm and warm on the eastern shore. Each vacationer has a unique opportunity to choose which sea he wants to swim in.

The local landscapes are especially impressive: on one side there is a huge lake, on the other - the picturesque Karkinitsky Bay and the Black Sea.


"Bakalskaya Spit" is a unique natural reserve. It includes the spit that gave the complex its name, the lake of the same name with its healing mud and salt marshes, and the Karkinitsky Bay, known for its shallow depths and clear waters.

This territory is real paradise for everyone who wants to improve their health, relax by the sea, and live away from noisy cities.

These scenic spots received reserve status in 2000. Today the area of ​​the landscape park is 1520 hectares. Of these, 87 hectares of land and 100 hectares of the aquatic complex are reserved for recreation. Every summer, tent cities appear here, where those who want to relax in such an unusual place gather.

Healing mud

Many tourists come to these places not only because of the extraordinary beach holiday. People come here because of the healing mud for which Lake Bakalskoe is famous. It is the third largest on the Tarkhankut Peninsula - 7.1 square kilometers. These are salt waters, estuaries, brine and mud, which have a healing effect on the human body in case of various diseases - infertility, inflammation of the joints, etc.

The village of Steregushchee is the nearest settlement. Those who want to spend their vacation not in tents, but in more comfortable conditions, can stay here. Steregushchy has hotels, a small market and shops. A little further away there are larger resort villages - Razdolnoye and Chernomorskoye. The standard of living in them may be higher, but from here it takes longer to get to the spit.

This year the All-Russian youth educational forum “Tavrida” was held here. Bakalskaya Spit hosted young people from all over the country from July 2 to August 26. The forum discussed problems of youth, education, and the participation of young people in the political life of the country. The guests of the forum were businessmen, politicians, and scientists.

Bakal Spit: rest

You can relax on the spit in different ways. At its base there is the Dolphin camping site, where you can stay with a tent or rent a wooden house. There is a site for trailers and caravans. You can also stop on the spit itself, but in this case a small fee is charged for entering the reserve during the season - per person and car.

Bakal Spit, recreation center "Volna"

This nice place is located in the village of Steregushchee, 65 km from Yevpatoria. It was built almost on the very seashore (50 meters from the water). Its territory is 3.5 hectares.

In this place, the Black Sea shelf forms unique zones of sandy beaches for the peninsula, which are blown by breezes. The combination of modern design and privacy attracts tourists here. Fabulous sea ​​air has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

At the base you will be offered accommodation in separate wooden houses designed to accommodate two, three or four guests. On a green and well-kept area there is a dining room for 500 seats. The territory of the recreation center is guarded around the clock.


Anyone who wants to visit the Bakalskaya Spit nature reserve can stay at the Priboi recreation center, which occupies 6 hectares of the park.

You can come here with families or with friends. Comfortable rooms are available for accommodation in one- and two-story buildings. They are designed for two, three and four guests. All rooms have air conditioning and refrigerators.

There are summer shower cabins on the shore, and on the territory of the base you can take a hot shower. If you need more comfortable conditions, you can stay in houses equipped with a toilet and shower. They are designed for two or three families. There is free parking near all buildings and houses.

On the territory of the base there is a medical center (24 hours a day), where qualified employees will advise you and provide the necessary assistance. Here you can also visit the massage room.

Industrial and vegetable markets, a cafe, and a bar are at guests' disposal. And at a local travel agency you can buy a trip to Crimea for any route that interests you.

For lovers active rest Volleyball courts have been created. Little vacationers will have a good time on the equipped children's playgrounds.

The beach, located at Volna, is sandy and well-groomed. The sea is deep, but without cliffs or holes, with a smooth entrance, so it is perfect for families with small children.

Boarding house "Rubin"

The territory of the base occupies three hectares of parkland. Families prefer to settle here in cozy rooms in a three-story building. Deluxe rooms are equipped with refrigerators, TVs, and air conditioners. The rooms have a bathroom. All of them have balconies. “Junior Suite” - without TV and air conditioning. Free parking is available on site. Guests of the boarding house can eat in the dining room or cafe (at their discretion). In the evening you can visit the bar. If you wish, you can play volleyball or basketball on the equipped courts.