To Switzerland with a child. What to see in Switzerland with children? Nestlé Chocolate Factory

Most parents strive to give their children the opportunity to study the best systems education. For the decision to send a child, an additional bonus is living in a country with excellent ecology and a high standard of living. In this article we will look at the 5 most important things you need to know about studying in Switzerland.

This country has been famous for centuries for the most delicious chocolate in the world, luxury watches, winter resorts and beautiful mountains, but few people know that its graduates are Nobel Prize winners, famous researchers, and influential people around the world. This is not surprising, because they were taught by the best teachers who used effective and modern principles and teaching methods.

Russian students often ask the question: “How?” — yes, the organizing process is complex and lengthy, but it’s definitely worth it. Impeccable quality of education, varied educational programs, moral education, development of additional skills and learning foreign languages ​​- all this is available to any student in Switzerland. Among the world's elite and prominent personalities there is a large percentage of school graduates and

5 most important things you need to know to send your child to study in Switzerland

Education in Switzerland for children and schoolchildren: requirements, costs and prices

  • tourism
  • hotel business
  • banking
  • finance.

These areas are especially developed in Switzerland: there is no doubt that higher education The training received here will have no equal - teachers use teaching methods that help you immediately get to work after receiving your education.

Free language lessons are often organized in schools, since Switzerland has a large percentage of foreign students. The government takes care to maintain high level knowledge state languages. Some educational institutions offer paid language courses, which can also be combined with their main studies.

Swiss schools use modern teaching methods and principles; teachers have good communication skills with foreign students, easily find a common language with them, and increase children’s readiness for learning, taking into account the peculiarities of upbringing and education. With the youngest students in the primary grades, learning is done through play, so they enjoy immersing themselves in their studies and engaging in extracurricular activities.

Admission to the best schools in Switzerland using the example of Ecole International La Garenne

As an example, let's look at the admission requirements and tuition fees at a private school.

Documents required for admission:

  • medical certificate with translation into English and French languages
  • report card with grades for Last year
  • recommendations from the director and teachers of the last place of study
  • return ticket.

Cost of education:

Prices for additional services:

In addition to academic studies, students lead an active lifestyle, have time for entertainment, and play sports - all thanks to the developed infrastructure of the school campus. For an additional fee (490CHF/term), ballet, karate, ice skating or choreography classes with professional trainers are offered.

“What are the requirements for admission to a school or university in Switzerland” - this question worries every student who wants to study abroad, and when you contact SMAPSE, we will tell you everything. Every day our employees help Russian children and schoolchildren go to study at international educational institutions around the world, and a pleasant bonus is the absence of an enrollment fee. The best international schools and universities in Switzerland cooperate with us under partnership agreements.

10 ideas for holidays with children in Switzerland

Switzerland has the image of an incredibly expensive country, where only the wealthiest can afford a vacation. But, if you look closely, many ski resorts and cities offer free services and significant discounts for families and families with children. Free ski passes, free accommodation for a child in a room with parents, and even free travel on panoramic trains - you can travel around Switzerland with the whole family at no extra cost. We have selected 10 of the most interesting offers that will allow you to have a great time with your children.

1. Ride for free
This winter, many ski resorts in Switzerland are offering a free ski pass for children. Children up to 8-9 years old inclusive can ride without additional payment (in many countries, four-year-old children are required to buy a ski pass). This offer is valid in Zermatt, Samnaun, Leukerbad and some other resorts. Many resorts have special prices for family ski passes. There are also significant discounts for teenagers, young adults and grandparents.

2. Look down on you
At an altitude of almost 3 km, where the ski lift climbs above Les Diablerets (you can go up without skis, even with a stroller), such a panorama opens up that you involuntarily freeze with delight. A unique suspension bridge was built right on the glacier, from one peak to another. Peak Walk is unique Observation deck 107 meters long - connects two mountains on Glacier 3000. good weather you can see not only Mont Blanc, Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, the recognizable pyramid of the Matterhorn, but also many other beautiful peaks.
There are few pistes on the glacier itself, about 25 km, but nearby there is a more interesting and extensive ski area of ​​Villars-Gryon and Les Diablerets (125 km of pistes), and half an hour from the bottom station of the glacier lift is Gstaad (220 km of pistes). Children receive discounts and special menus in restaurants.

3. Have an A-grade rest
St. Moritz, where it began winter tourism in the Alps, has the reputation of being one of the most expensive resorts. But this year even in St. Moritz you can save a lot. A ski pass for the day costs 37 CHF (which is about half the price of many resorts with a smaller ski area). To take advantage of this offer, just book your stay at any of the participating hotels or apartments. Some hotels even offer ski passes as a gift. List of hotels participating in the promotion:

4. Take care of your health
Skiing during the day, and relaxing and splashing in a pool with healing water in the evening? This is quite possible if you go to Leukerbad - the largest thermal resort in the Alps.

Entry to the Leukerbad Therme wellness center is free for children under 8 years of age. This complex has outdoor and indoor swimming pools with hydromassage, water slides and attractions - you won’t get bored. You can also use the children's lifts in the center of the resort for free.

5. Play golf
From March 4 to April 3, the ski resort of Crans-Montana offers everyone a special price for a ski pass. When staying for 2 nights in any of the participating hotels, guests are entitled to receive a ski pass valid for 2 to 5 days at a price of 20 CHF for adults, 10 CHF for children born in 2002-2011. The ski pass is issued directly at the hotel.

The more adventurous can play golf in the snow with the whole family. The orange ball will not get lost in the snow, but unforgettable experience and emotions are guaranteed.

6. See the best
You can and should travel around Switzerland by train - it’s interesting, convenient, beautiful, and even profitable. So, when traveling with one of the parents who has a Swiss Travel Pass, a child under 16 years old travels for free. The offer is valid even on panoramic routes, water transport and many mountain railways. And in addition, the Swiss Travel Pass gives free entry to more than 500 museums.

7. Visit the tropics
Lions, elephants, hippopotamuses, lemurs, rainforest dwellers and Madagascar inhabitants – Zurich Zoo is definitely worth spending a few hours with your children. Now you can see elephant calves, snow leopard cubs, small tapirs, hippos and camels.

You can visit the zoo even if you only have a few hours to explore the city. Entrance ticket to the zoo: children under 6 years old - free, older children and teenagers up to 20 years old: 13-21 CHF, adults - 26 CHF.

8. Have a race
Transport Museum in Lucerne – absolutely extraordinary place. Even those who are absolutely indifferent to any trains or cars will certainly “hang out” in it for at least half a day. Children will especially appreciate the opportunity to be a Formula 1 pilot for a while, as well as have miniature car races.

However, the halls with rare locomotives and airplanes look no less impressive. And you can touch everything with your hands. The museum is open daily, even on holidays, from 10:00 to 17:00. With Swiss Travel Pass or Swiss Travel Pass Flex entry tickets to the museum - with a 50 percent discount. Nearest ski resorts: Engelberg, Andermatt, Stoos.

9. Frolic in the water
Le Bouveret is a real must for families with children. On the shores of Lake Geneva there is a large water park where you can spend the whole day. "Caribbean Adventure" includes all kinds of slides of varying heights, a wave pool, a pirate ship, a lazy river and other attractions. Nearest ski resorts: Villars, Portes du Soleil, Crans-Montana.

10. Have fun learning
Put your kids on skis or snowboards? No problem, and even free - this really happens. The Arosa ski resort offers group lessons for children and teenagers (with any level of skiing) absolutely free, you just need to book accommodation at the resort. The offer is valid for everyone under 18 years of age.

Photo: Switzerland Tourism, resort tourism offices


This year we decided to take our 10-year-old child on a three-day trip to Switzerland. In general, initially my husband and I planned to leave our son in the care of his grandmothers so that we could enjoy romance together, but then my dad thought and decided that it was necessary to introduce the younger generation to world culture, otherwise, apart from animators in Turkey, the child, by and large, had not seen anything in life . No sooner said than done, they took the child with them. We ourselves had already been to Switzerland, but my son was traveling for the first time, so his mouth opened with admiration at the station and did not close until the end of the trip. We have developed a special route for the child to make it interesting. Of course, first on the list (after a three-hour walk around the city, of course) was Zurich Zoo.

The zoo is huge, all animals are in excellent condition, conditions are close to natural for all inhabitants. Have you ever seen arrogant peacocks? And I saw it! They walk along the paths and don’t even turn when you approach. From afar I saw how a peacock jumped onto the visitors' table, without any embarrassment! And who was there in the zoo: penguins and tropical inhabitants, elephants and giant turtles, all sorts of animals from the Red Book. You can spend the whole day at the Zurich Zoo! We ate at a wonderful restaurant and continued our walk. We went to the Zoolino pet farm, it’s such a touching zoo - you can pet and feed the animals. Afterwards we were in Masoala - tropical forest Madagascar. We walked until closing time - until 18.00, and tiredly went to the hotel, however, on the way we stopped into a chocolate shop and enjoyed delicious fresh, still warm buns with hot chocolate. The child was happy.

On the second day we went to the private Toy Museum. The museum is small but rich. They wrote on the forums that there were always a lot of visitors there, I didn’t believe it, as it turned out, in vain. The museum has many old toys produced during the war years in Germany. An amazing museum, I highly recommend visiting it.

On the same day - Paleontological Museum of Zurich. We looked at a collection of fish and marine reptiles that lived 240 million years ago. The exhibits are amazing, the son looked at the fossilized skeletons, shells, shells as if spellbound... But the child, the husband was no less amazed.

On the third day, early in the morning we went to the Dinosaur Museum, and from there, after a delicious second breakfast in a cafe, straight to the Alpamare water park. It is located on a hill on the shores of Lake Zurich in the town of Pfäfikon, a 45-minute drive from Zurich. Slides, tunnels, a wave pool - an amazing place. We stayed for two hours and felt incredibly tired.

We spent such three absolutely gorgeous days in Switzerland. It seems that we prepared a program for children, but we ourselves were very interested and I’m glad that the child unwittingly forced us to look at the zoo and the museum of dolls, prehistoric sea creatures... If someone, like us, wants to take a child with them to Switzerland, take advantage of our route - you won’t regret it.

Switzerland is a fertile country. You can relax here at any time of the year. For example, in winter you can go with your children to the southwest of Switzerland to the canton of Valais, where the most high mountains and dozens ski resorts. Breathtaking views of snow-capped alpine peaks, trails for every taste, abundance of snow - all this attracts lovers of active winter recreation here.

Summer holidays on the beautiful lakes of Switzerland are no less attractive. This is a worthy replacement and alternative for those who are tired of the heat, bustle and crowds of tourists in the southern resorts. On lakes with equipped beaches, the necessary infrastructure, and swimming areas, you can have a great swim and sunbathe, getting a full dose of sun and summer.

But today we're going to virtual trip at the very big lake in the country - Lake Geneva. Experts note that it is enough to visit the shores of Leman (as the locals call their main lake) to get an idea of ​​the whole of Switzerland.

Here, aristocratic resorts, private estates and palace-villas of stars, rich people and celebrities, palm trees, yachts and other attributes of luxurious life, as if straight from the cover of a bright glossy magazine, are closely intertwined with the completely democratic life of the region, where there is absolutely no place for pomposity and stiffness, with tiny villages and small houses farmers among green meadows, with endless vineyards along the modern railway, covered with snow mountain peaks, painted with a dense network of trails for leisurely walking and rapid skiing.

And the public vacationing in the vicinity of the lake is very diverse. From year to year, celebrities, music lovers and regulars of music festivals, amateurs gather here active rest and nature. And those who are attracted here by new gastronomic experiences.

Lake Geneva, with clear, calm and cool waters, is located between French and Swiss territory. It is the largest in the Alps. And it's always great. And the numerous towns and villages located in the canton along the northern part of Lake Geneva east of Lausanne attract tourists from all over the world. This region is literally created for relaxation.

It has a unique coastal microclimate. Along the very shore of the lake, protected from the cold winds by the Alps, palm trees grow in the open ground even in winter. The surrounding hills are completely planted with vineyards. And at the beginning of April it’s already real spring here. The coastal strip along the lake is covered with a blooming carpet of colorful tulips, poppies, hyacinths, and daffodils. This magnificent unique spectacle amazes with its diversity and beauty. During the day the temperature rises above +20°C, but the nights are still cool, so you need to take some warm clothes with you.

A lake with a mirror surface, mountains with snow-capped peaks, natural beauty, a unique climate, warm mineral water, a high concentration of magnesium, sulfur, calcium and other useful active components, healing mud - all this attracts those who want to restore health, rejuvenate, and just have a good rest, have an interesting time and admire the beauty of these places.

A lot of the most interesting things are concentrated on the coast of the lake. different resorts: prestigious and expensive hotels and more affordable and accessible ones, such as cozy apartments with friendly hosts.

By the way, they speak here mainly French.

Virtual walk along the Swiss Riviera

Our the route will pass from Geneva to picturesque small villages and ancient resort towns located on the shores of the lake: Lausanne, Montreux, Vevey, Villeneuve and their surroundings.

Due to the proximity of the airport and well-established public transport, it will not be difficult to move around quickly, conveniently and easily. A direct flight from Moscow to Geneva will take approximately 3 hours. The Swiss value comfort very highly and in everything. And this is felt both on board the airlines delivering tourists and at the airport itself, where excellent conditions have been created for passengers. You can go through passport control and claim your luggage in a matter of minutes.

From here to your destination Montreux is 92 km. It takes a little over an hour to get there by car. In about the same time you can get there by comfortable train.

Even if no one is meeting you, you can easily move from the airport area to the station area to board the train. It's very simple, because the airport is combined with the station, and the entire movement pattern is intuitive. When moving along the boarding platform and entering the carriage, there are no inconveniences with transporting luggage. Everything is done for the comfort of people.

By the way, about trains. They are very comfortable, and carriages of any class. Travelers note the quietness and smoothness of movement. And there are even special silence cars for those who need to work or simply take a nap.

How to save money: At Geneva Airport, you can get your ticket free of charge at the baggage claim area using the ticket machine. With this pass you can travel on any transport throughout the city for 80 minutes. During this time you can practically get to any hotel. The savings are significant, since if you take a taxi to the city center from the airport, you will have to pay about 35 francs (about 2,000 rubles).

Charming Montreux

On the road to the resort, which stretches along Lake Geneva, amazing pictures flash outside the window beautiful nature Switzerland with its monumental snow-capped Alps, which cannot leave anyone indifferent. And so - famous resort Montreux, where we will stay longer.

This one is small, cozy and beautiful city, with the aromas of flowering plants, with quiet “postcard” landscapes, stretching for kilometers along the intricately curved shore of the lake, to which city streets quickly descend straight from the mountains, is recognized as the unofficial capital of the Swiss Riviera.

It is extremely popular among tourists and is the center of resort life in this region. This magical place for life, creativity and inspiration was chosen by the most talented people different countries. Vladimir Nabokov lived here, Lord Byron found inspiration here, and Freddie Mercury created his hits here.

In the city center is the oldest and most famous hotel of the resort - Montreux Palace. It is over 150 years old. P.I. once stayed at this hotel. Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, Leo Tolstoy. Vladimir Nabokov spent 16 years at Montreux Palace with his wife. One of the apartment rooms (by the way, residential) is dedicated to the writer. There are photographs of him and his wife everywhere in the room, and his desk is also in the room.

Opposite the hotel there is a small garden in which there is a monument to Vladimir Nabokov. Here in the park on the Avenue of Jazz Stars there are sculptures of B.B. King, R. Charles, E. Fitzgerald, M. Davis.

Two more city attractions are associated with music - the most popular monument in Montreux (and the only one in the world) to the cult musician Freddie Mercury, leader of the group Queen, and his own recording studio (now the Recording Museum), admission to which is free. Here you can see personal belongings of Queen members, their concert costumes, videos from concerts, and letters.

Adding to the glory of this town is the annual world jazz festival held here in the summer with the participation of the best musicians from all over the world. And therefore, whoever, and music lovers all over the world know the name of this very well small resort on Lake Geneva, even if you have never been there.

The Montreux embankment deserves special attention. There is an endless pedestrian road along the shore of Lake Geneva, which is literally buried in various strange flowers and plants. Kilometers and kilometers of fragrance. Here, even simple walks in themselves give vivid impressions.

The embankment is the busiest place in the resort, which, like a magnet, attracts tourists and townspeople here. Mothers and children walk by the lake, children ride scooters, couples bask in the sun on the emerald lawns, there are a lot of vacationers, and Freddie Mercury “waves” to ships passing by. And there are birds everywhere. There are a lot of them here. Perhaps because the lake never freezes.

There are nice cafes and restaurants right by the water where you can have a snack, drink coffee, eat delicious ice cream or dessert.

The sunny and warm weather and stable mild climate add to the popularity of this resort, thanks to the special location of the city in a bay, surrounded on all sides by snow-capped Alpine peaks and vineyards. Convenient location of Montreux with the opportunity to make numerous excursions around the lake and in mountainous areas– another attraction for inquisitive tourists.

The small town on the shores of Lake Geneva has become famous for its other striking attractions. After seeing all the most interesting things in the city, you can head to its surroundings. And, at a minimum, visit Chillon Castle, sung by Byron in poetry.

In the prison of this ancient fortress, the courageous and persistent Lord Francois Bonivard was once imprisoned, whose story inspired the poet to write the poem “The Prisoner of Chillon.”

About 4 kilometers walk along the lake along a beautiful walking path bordered by exotic plants and flowers - and we are at our goal. Walk to the very famous castle Switzerland can be reached in about 30 minutes. For those who find this distance incredibly tiring, you can get from the city to the castle by bus.

Chillon Castle is a very impressive structure of the 12th-13th centuries, consisting of 25 buildings, 3 courtyards, surrounded by towers and fortress walls. Initially it was the residence of the Dukes of Savoy.

The castle is located on a rocky small island ten meters from the shore and you can get into it via a bridge. Today it is historical monument and a museum in which interior rooms, state rooms, bedrooms, underground vaults, painted walls of the 14th century, medieval furniture, ancient weapons, knightly armor, and the famous dungeon with a prison are available for inspection.

Not seeing this with children is unforgivable. And adults will find it interesting here too. In addition to the impressive exhibits, the museum has a wonderful souvenir shop. You can also buy rare castle wine here.

Fans of excursions, without staying long in Montreux, rush to go to other interesting places.

From blooming subtropics to eternal winter

From Montreux you can take the company train along the cogwheel railway with multi-colored rare carriages from the station to the top of the Rocher-de-Nay mountain. The journey will take no more than an hour. Along the railway, which winds past meadows, forests and rocks, the train quickly climbs up, makes several turns, and passes through tunnels.

And, at the same time, the view of the lake is constantly changing, coming into view each time from different sides, now to the right, now to the left as the train progresses. And from the very top of the mountain there is an absolutely stunning view of Lake Geneva, its surroundings, the French and Swiss Alps.

If you are traveling with children, this trip should definitely be included in your plan. In the mountains you can meet charming animals – Marmottes, which are bred on a special farm “Marmottes Paradise”. These are alpine marmots that sleep in winter, and in summer, if you’re lucky, you can get to know them better and even pet them and feed them succulent leaves.

In the small alpine garden, laid out among the rocks in 1896, you can admire a collection of alpine plants and flowers growing in the mountains. Almost 1000 species are collected here.

Already in April you can sunbathe right on the snow among dazzling glaciers. And then warm up with grog in the cute restaurant Panoramique Plein Roc, which is perched on the edge of a cliff. Here you can also try delicious Swiss cuisine, such as the famous fondue.

From Montreux on the Golden Pass Classic (panoramic train) you can take one of the routes on a trip through the mountains and admire the famous alpine meadows, snow-capped mountain peaks, cute villages with fabulous chalets, and famous vineyards right from the window.

Traveling by train on panoramic routes is an interesting and exciting way to explore and get to know the country. In addition, this is perhaps the only opportunity to take an excursion to the mountainous regions of Switzerland, to places untouched by civilization, where, sometimes, simply cannot be reached by other transport.

Trains are convenient for travel. For traveling with children, there are family carriages that provide games and entertainment for children. Catering provided.

The cost of such a trip depends on the distance and direction. It is not at all necessary to travel the entire route. You can limit yourself to only some part of it and use the panoramic route as a separate excursion to places that you especially want to see.

By the way, the Swiss railway is a very convenient, popular and comfortable form of transport. This is quality, comfort and punctuality. Railroad tracks run through the entire country, connecting big cities and the smallest villages.

In addition, traveling by train can save a little money (Switzerland is a very dear country and the prices for everything are high). To do this, you need to buy a special ticket for foreign travelers Swiss Travel Pass (“all in one”) - a ticket with which you can travel on any city and intercity transport: train, ferry, bus, trolleybus, and also visit some museums for free or with discount.

You can purchase such a single tourist pass, valid for a certain time (depending on its cost), at travel agencies in Moscow or at Geneva airport upon arrival in the country. With the Swiss Family Card, children under 16 years of age travel free of charge (only when accompanied by their parents).

Accommodation in Montreux

  • Fairmont Le Montreux Palace 5* is a luxurious oldest hotel for the most discerning clients.
  • Of the four, there is the elegant and classic Grand Hôtel Suisse Majestic, located on the shore of the lake near the station.
  • Eurotel Riviera Hotel – good for family vacation(possibility of accommodation in spacious rooms with parents of two children).
  • Hotels for economical accommodation – the stylish and cozy Tralala Hotel 3*. Located in the historical part of the resort town.
  • Throughout Switzerland there are budget hotels SBH Swiss Budget (these can be mountain villas, small family hotels, guest houses), focused on economical holiday with breakfasts.

You can have lunch and dinner in the hotel restaurant. And if you want to save money, you can have lunch on trains (if you spend your days traveling along a route drawn up in advance), and have dinner in inexpensive cafes near the hotel or right in your room with what you bought in the supermarket.

For the duration of their stay in any hotel, everyone is given a coupon, which allows them to use public transport for free (except for trains) and at a reduced rate or free visit cultural events, museums and exhibitions. An example of such accommodation is a small cozy hotel 6 kilometers from Montreux in the town of Villeneuve - Hotel Du Port.

Villeneuve is very small resort town with miniature streets in the Old Town, with medieval houses, a 12th-century church, and the city hall.

The attention of tourists is often attracted by a house with red shutters and clay cats of different sizes and shapes on all the window sills.

From Montreux the road leads us to Vevey - Old city with a centuries-old history, where you can take a walk, make inexpensive purchases in numerous shops and replenish your photo archive with beautiful pictures. The travel time by bus from the hotel in Montreux to Vevey will take 25-30 minutes.

Cozy town of Vevey

The distance from the airport to the city is 84 kilometers (it’s a little over an hour by car or train).

This miniature town, like Montreux, was visited by eminent guests and brilliant celebrities. For example, our compatriots visited here - N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky. Charlie Chaplin once lived and worked here. In memory of this, a life-size bronze sculpture was installed in the city park.

Of the old architectural buildings, the Russian Church of St. Barbara, once built by Count Shuvalov, and the Church of St. Martin (16th century) attract attention.

Among the modern objects, the “fork in the lake” food monument is interesting. A giant fork (its height is 8 meters) rises directly from the lake. The Nestle company installed it in honor of its tenth anniversary, and left it that way. Now it's already recognizable symbol and Vevey himself.

Another attraction owes its appearance to the same Swiss chocolate company - the Alimentarium Food Museum.

A must-see in Vevey with children is the Poyet chocolate factory. On interesting excursion you will be invited to taste the most exotic types of chocolate, for example, chocolate with pepper, and take part in the preparation of chocolate yourself.

Vevey is famous for its peasant fairs, which are worth visiting. In the city center, farmers' markets sell delicious village products: cheeses, pickles, wines, smoked meats, fruits, vegetables, freshly baked bread. And in the fall, on Sundays, winemakers organize wine festivals with tastings here.

Tourists can stay in the respectable hotel Le Mirador Kempinski 5* with a unique location and the best panoramic views, in an elegant – Grand Hotel du Lac 5*, in Trois Coronnes 5* with a huge wellness center, in a comfortable hotel Astra4*.

From the town of Vevey you can continue your journey to Lausanne by train or by boat, which departs regularly from the embankment. Going by water will take more time, but the journey itself past the magnificent vineyards of Lavaux and the mountainous alpine slopes will be a pleasure. You can get from Montreux to Lausanne by bus in about 40 minutes.

Lausanne is the main city of the canton

You can get to Lausanne from Geneva Airport (63 km) by car in 55 minutes, by train - in 45 minutes.

This dynamic city, full of life, is located on picturesque hills surrounded by vineyards. And at its foot is Lake Geneva with shady embankments planted with tropical plants.

The city has many architectural monuments, cultural and historical attractions, a variety of museums: from history and painting, to inventions and coins.

You can endlessly walk along the embankment and numerous parks of Lausanne, which are famous for their chic flowers and various well-groomed plants, or leisurely stroll along the medieval streets of the Old Town, admire the Gothic Cathedral of St. Francis, the famous Cathedral, Ryumin's palace, the oldest beautiful fountain La Justice.

With children, it is interesting to visit the Museum of the History of the Olympics or go on an excursion to the Cailler chocolate factory, where Nestle’s Cailler chocolate is produced.

You can stay in Lausanne in the oldest hotel where Coco Chanel once lived - Beau-Rivage Palace 5 *, in Lausanne Palace 5 * in the city center, in hotels - Chateau d'Ouchy 4 *, Moevenpick 4 *, Angleterre Residence 4 * .

Not far from Lausanne is the center of Swiss winemaking - the Lavaux region with terraced vineyards that stretch along the lake for tens of kilometers and occupy 830 hectares of mountain slopes. This territory contains 14 small towns and small villages.

Having reached the village of Chabre, from there you can take a walk through the vineyards, which descend in numerous steps along the slope to the foot of the lake.

You can admire the amazing views of the mountains, and at the same time spend a couple of hours outdoors in a pool with warm water, by visiting the wonderful thermal springs Lave-les-Bains.

A little about children's entertainment

In fact, there are a lot of places in Switzerland where you can relax and have fun with your children. But we will not deviate too far from the route, and therefore we will focus only on those located near Montreux.

  • In the village of Le Bouveret (it takes 20-25 minutes to get from Montreux by car) there is a park of railway miniatures “Swiss Vapeur Parc”.

Here you can have a blast on small trains (1:4 scale) along the same miniature railway among the trees and flowering plants of a green park on an area of ​​17 thousand sq.m.

  • In the same village there is a giant water park. This is a huge area with various water slides, a special area with interesting entertainment for children, an area for parents with fitness, saunas, solarium, massage, tropical pool, as well as a coastal area with an outdoor pool, a beach and a children's area for outdoor games. .
  • Not far from Montreux there is another place that will be interesting for children - this children's park Pré Vert, located at an altitude of 707 meters, from where you can admire Lake Geneva, the Alps and vineyards. But the park itself is not boring at all. Lots of sports entertainment - rope rides, table tennis, mini golf, small Formula 1 cars, funny clown performances, dances and concerts. There is an animal corner where you can watch domestic animals up close, and if you go a little deeper into the forest, you can see deer.
  • largest amusement park in Switzerland. It is located in the town of Grange, about an hour's drive from Montreux.

  • Labyrinth Adventure Evionnaz (25 minutes drive from Montreux in the town of Evionnaz) is the largest recreation and entertainment park not only in Switzerland, but also in Europe. open air with more than 50 attractions and playgrounds. But the most important thing here is the green labyrinth, built from thousands of thuja bushes.

A little about Swiss delicacies

How can you live without cheese in Switzerland? You should definitely try the fondue (one of the ingredients of this traditional dish- cheese). And who especially wants to find out everything about this product, you can go to the charming picturesque town with medieval buildings of Gruyères (located 116 kilometers from Geneva) - the homeland of the famous Swiss cheese of the same name.

This place is very popular among tourists, because right in the cheese factory you can watch through large glasses how the cheese making process takes place. And then taste it all and even grab something for future use.

And at the same time you can visit the Cailler House (near the village of Gruyères), which is at the same time a museum, a factory, and a milk chocolate store, or the Poyet confectionery in Vevey. The famous Swiss chocolate in historical confectioneries is still made by hand with the addition of completely unexpected and amazing ingredients: mountain herbs, tea, pepper, flowers, wasabi.

And, of course, it’s impossible to visit Switzerland without trying the famous pastries and chocolate cakes. And adult tourists should know that real Swiss wine can only be tasted in Switzerland itself (only 1% of this product is exported). During excursions to the winery, you can purchase excellent wine at no extra charge and save up to 50% of its cost on one bottle.

In this gastronomic paradise, which rightfully includes the Lake Geneva region, which has collected in its collection greatest number Gault-Millau points and Michelin stars in a country full of good restaurants and a cafe. And there are quite a variety of food-themed museums.

It is clear that Switzerland is a country of amazing discoveries. And I hope that this short tour of its cities and resorts will help you when choosing your next route for traveling with children.

– a wonderful country for children to relax all year round. Clean mountain air and natural beauty are an excellent alternative to sea travel. Swiss air is perfect for children with allergies, asthmatics and those who are contraindicated from the scorching sun.

Useful tips

The Swiss have a perfect transport system, so it is enough to purchase a Family Card for a child under 16 years of age, accompanied by an adult, to travel around the country for free. The list of such transport includes intercity buses, trains, ships and public transport any city.

Almost all provide the service of a separate cradle for a child under 4 years old. In four- and five-star hotels this service is free; in three-star and lower hotels you will need to pay a little extra. Some hotels give discounts for children or even accept children under 6 years of age free of charge - it depends on the specific hotel. Hotels with apartments usually do not give discounts for children, but they have a number of significant advantages, for example, the presence of a kitchen for preparing food for a little gourmet and a separate bedroom for parents.

Entertainment for children in Switzerland

  1. located in the very heart of the country. This city has a lot of opportunities for relaxing with little children. Lucerne has the steepest railway in the world, and you can also take a funicular ride to the top. Even with children, it is worth visiting the Tierpark safari park, riding the miniature railway Luzerner Gartenbahn, visiting the most interesting and be sure to take those with a sweet tooth to the Aeschbach Chocolatier chocolate factory.
  2. will surprise its little visitors with an abundance, for example, the museum of dinosaurs, such interesting places for relaxation and walks, like child Center Kindercity, Sport-und sports park, Adventure Park Rheinfall. We recommend taking your children to the Kart-Bahn Zurich and flying in the Body Flying wind tunnel. Despite the fact that it is a rather expensive city, visits to most museums are free for children under 6 years old, and with discounts for children from 6 to 16 years old. You can also go on excursions around the famous.
  3. The most convenient way to get around the city is by bicycle, especially since most provide bicycles and child seats for them free of charge. This will significantly save on expenses, and will bring more joy to children than boring walking. By bicycle you can get to the Jurapark wild animal park, where the famous one is located. You can also relax with your child at the Yatouland children's entertainment center, and you can also interest teenage children.
  4. From the funicular you can see incredible views of the city. You can also visit the Kindermuseum Creaviva, where children create works of art with their own hands, and be sure to stop by the Grabenmuhle nature reserve, where children and adults can freely interact with animals and see wildlife. Another recommended place for tourists to visit is. Many children will enjoy riding the Dampftram steam tram and mini railway.
  5. On in Davos there is a children's amusement park called Kids'land, which has many slides and plenty of opportunities to have a lot of fun. There is also a park called Gwunderwald Heidboden, where children are taught in a playful way about the local flora and animals of the country. Davos tourists also note that the Adventure Park Farich amusement park and the Eau La La water park are well equipped, have excellent service and are very suitable for children's relaxation.
  6. IN Lenzernheide You can walk along the Globi path. The trail has three routes and is designed for three ages of children. The shortest one can be walked by a mother with a baby in a stroller. While walking along the trail, children are accompanied by a cartoon character who helps them get to know nature through puzzles and games to recognize animal tracks, types of clouds and the age of trees.