Which countries have the highest crime rates? The most "criminal" country: where a record crime rate was recorded

Each year, the Global Peace Index (compiled by the Institute for Economics and Peace) attempts to measure the level of peacefulness of the world's 162 largest countries. Measuring the peacefulness of countries is a complex process based on assessing a wide range of indicators. There are a total of 22 indicators, including factors such as the number of external and internal conflicts, relations with neighboring countries, political instability, terrorist activity, number of murders per 100 thousand people, number of imprisoned persons per 100,000 people, nuclear capabilities and stockpiles of heavy weapons and many others. Since 2007, when the project was launched, Iceland has always been the safest and most peaceful country in the world. This year, the Top 5 most peaceful countries included Iceland (this year's index 1.189), Denmark in second place (1.193), Austria in third (1.200), then New Zealand (1.236) and, finally, Switzerland (1.258). In these countries, as well as in those that are next to them in the ranking, you do not have to worry about your safety. But let's look at the other end of the graph. The twenty-five countries we'll tell you about below have been listed as the most dangerous countries in the world and are definitely not worth choosing as holiday destinations or tourist destinations.

25. Mexico (2,500)

Crime is one of the most pressing issues facing Mexico, as Mexican drug trafficking cartels play a major role in trafficking cocaine, heroin and marijuana between Latin America and the United States. Consequently, drug trafficking and organized crime have been a major source of violent crime in Mexico.

24. Ethiopia (2,502)

Criminal and political violence in Ethiopia has resulted in numerous injuries and deaths. Pickpocketing, snatch-and-run thefts from cars, and other petty crimes are common in this country. In addition, there have also been cases of beatings, stabbings and kidnappings of expatriates and foreigners.

23. Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (2,546)

The country was affected civil wars, which broke out in 2002 and 2010. The Second Ivorian Civil War has escalated into a full-scale military conflict between forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, the Ivorian president since 2000, and supporters of internationally recognized President Alassane Ouattara. International organizations reported about numerous cases of human rights violations by both sides.

22. Ukraine (2,546)

Unrest in eastern and southern Ukraine has captured the world's attention since it began in February 2014. Protests in Donetsk and Lugansk escalated into an armed separatist insurgency that forced the Ukrainian government to launch a military counteroffensive against the rebels. The clashes have already claimed the lives of thousands of people.

21. Republic of Chad (2,558)

Chad is one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world. Most residents live in poverty, earning their living by raising livestock and farming. The country is plagued by political violence and periodic coup attempts. Political instability and crushing poverty have led to a rapid increase in crime and corruption.

20. Egypt (2,571)

In recent years, massive continuous protests have been taking place in Egypt. In 2012, tens of thousands of protesters began demonstrating against President Mohamed Morsi after Morsi's government announced a temporary constitutional declaration that essentially gave the president unlimited powers. The demonstrations, organized by Egyptian opposition organizations and individuals, mostly liberals, secularists and Christians, led to violent clashes between Morsi supporters and anti-Morsi protesters, resulting in dozens of deaths and severe injuries that left hundreds of people injured. In addition, there is currently persecution and discrimination against followers of the Coptic Orthodox Church on several levels.

19. India (2,571)

Although the Indian economy is the tenth largest by nominal GDP in the world and the third largest by purchasing power parity, the country continues to face problems of poverty, corruption, malnutrition, inadequate public health and terrorism. Crime is also a serious problem in India. Crimes against women, domestic violence, drug trafficking, arms trafficking and poaching are some of the most common crimes.

18. Republic of Guinea-Bissau (2,591)

Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability since independence in 1974, and no elected president has successfully served a full five-year term. In addition to the unstable political situation and overwhelming poverty, the country also suffers from high crime rates. Violent crimes such as murder and human trafficking are among the most common criminal acts.

17. Lebanon (2,620)

The battles of the Syrian Civil War spilled over into Lebanon as Lebanese opponents and supporters of the Syrian government traveled to Syria to fight and attack each other on Lebanese soil. Lebanon's Sunni Muslims largely support rebels in Syria, while Shiites largely support Syrian President Assad. Killings, riots and kidnappings of foreign nationals across Lebanon are widespread.

16. Republic of Yemen (2,629)

Yemen has experienced 11 civil wars in the past and social unrest and unrest are widespread in the country even today. In 2011, a series of street protests began against poverty, unemployment, corruption and against then-President Saleh. The government and its security forces, often seen as completely corrupt, have been responsible for torture, inhumane treatment, and extrajudicial killings. Freedom of speech, press and religion is limited, and homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death.

15. Zimbabwe (2,662)

Crime is a serious problem in Zimbabwe and is fueled by the country's declining economy. Although most crimes in Zimbabwe are non-violent, perpetrators are typically armed with weapons, which may include firearms. Several American tourists have been attacked or robbed while walking in Victoria Falls, especially after dark. Another common crime occurring in Zimbabwe is the "smash and grab" style of car theft, in which thieves break the windows of cars stopped at intersections and steal items from them.

14. Israel (2,689)

Even though Israel is a highly developed country with the highest standard of living in the Middle East, it is not where you would want to live. The main cause of security instability is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is an ongoing struggle between Israelis and Palestinians that began in the mid-20th century and continues to the present day. Recent fighting, which took place mainly in the Gaza region, has again led to an escalation of the conflict.

13. Colombia (2,701)

Colombia, like many Latin American states, developed as a highly segregated society, divided between traditionally wealthy families of Spanish origin and the vast majority of poor Colombians, many of whom are mixed race. As a result, various armed groups have emerged that are involved in drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping and other crimes.

12. Nigeria (2,710)

Despite vast government revenues from oil production, Nigeria faces a number of social problems. The human rights situation in Nigeria remains dire and government officials at all levels remain incredibly corrupt. Rape, torture and other brutal examples of inhuman or degrading treatment of prisoners, detainees and suspects are commonplace. In addition, the following crimes are also common in the country: human trafficking, social violence and revenge killings, child labor, child abuse and sexual exploitation of children, female genital mutilation, domestic violence, discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, region and religion.

11. Russia (3,039)

The very high crime rate is probably the reason why Russia is one of the most dangerous countries in the world. Crimes in Russia include drug trafficking, money laundering, human trafficking, extortion, murder for hire, fraud and others. Many criminal groups are involved in corruption, black market operations, terrorism and kidnapping. In 2011, Russia was among the countries with the highest murder rates, according to United Nations reports.

10. North Korea (3,071)

North Korea is often blamed for having one of the worst human rights records in the world. The population is strictly controlled by the state and all aspects Everyday life accountable to the party and state planning. Amnesty International also reports severe restrictions on freedom of association, speech and movement. Violation of restrictions leads to arbitrary detention, torture and other forms of ill-treatment leading to death, and executions.

9. Pakistan (3,107)

Pakistan's post-independence history has been characterized by periods of military rule, political instability, and conflict with neighboring India. The country continues to face complex problems, including overpopulation, terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, and corruption. Pakistan is also among the countries with the highest income inequality.

8. Democratic Republic of the Congo (3,213)

This country is extremely rich natural resources, but political instability, lack of infrastructure and endemic corruption always limit efforts to develop mining and exploitation. The Congolese civil wars, which began in 1996, have devastated the country. Ultimately, nine African countries, several UN peacekeeping teams, and twenty armed groups took part. Wars have killed 5.4 million people since 1998, with more than 90 percent of these deaths due to malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and malnutrition, exacerbated by deplorable, unsanitary housing conditions where people lived in overcrowded quarters.

7. Central African Republic (3,331)

Since gaining independence from France in 1960, the Central African Republic has been dominated by a series of authoritarian leaders. The first multi-party democratic elections took place in 1993, when Ange-Félix Patassé was elected president. However, the period of peace did not last long, as the Central African Republic Bush War began in 2004. Despite the conclusion of a peace treaty in 2007 and another in 2011, armed clashes began between the government and Muslim and Christian factions in December 2012. This led to ethnic and religious cleansing and mass displacement in 2013 and 2014.

6. Sudan (3,362)

Sudan suffers from a number of problems. For much of Sudan's history, the country has been plagued by ethnic strife as well as internal conflict, including two civil wars and the War in the Darfur region. Sudan also has a dismal human rights record, particularly regarding issues of ethnic cleansing and slavery in the country. The Sudanese legal system is based on strict Islamic law.

5. Federal Republic of Somalia (3,368)

The Somali Civil War is an ongoing conflict that began in 1991 and continues to this day. It emerged from resistance to the regime of Siad Barre in the 1980s, but over time, many different factions, armed rebel groups and clan-based armed organizations joined the conflict, fighting for influence in the country. To date, the war has already claimed hundreds of thousands of victims.

4. Iraq (3,377)

Iraq suffered from the Iraq War, which lasted almost 9 years. It officially ended in December 2011, but the country remains in a state of conflict until today. Currently, the main problem in Iraq is the Islamic State, which is constantly expanding and capturing large areas in the north of the country, including the provincial capitals of Mosul or Tikrit.

3. Republic of South Sudan (3,397)

Since July 2011, when South Sudan became independent state, the country suffers from internal conflicts. Ethnic violence began as part of the Sudanese nomadic conflicts that arose between rival nomadic tribes. They resulted in large numbers of casualties and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

2. Afghanistan (3,416)

The war in Afghanistan began in 2001 and continues to this day. It refers to the intervention of NATO and allied forces in the current civil war in Afghanistan. The war began after the terrorist attacks of September 11 and its state goals were the destruction of al-Qaeda and the elimination of a safe basis for the activities of this organization in Afghanistan by overthrowing the power of the Taliban. As of 2013, tens of thousands of people have been killed during the war.

1. Syria (3,650)

The main reason why Syria is considered the most dangerous country in the world, is the Syrian Civil war. This ongoing armed conflict began in the early spring of 2011 with nationwide protests against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, whose forces responded with a violent crackdown. The conflict gradually evolved from popular protests into an armed uprising after months of military sieges. The armed opposition consists of various groups that were formed during the conflict, including the Free Syrian Army or the Islamic Front. Estimates of deaths in the conflict vary widely, ranging from approximately 110,000 to almost 200,000 people.

It is truly sad to see some of the things that happen in the most dangerous countries in the world. We hope that one day these countries will still be able to become safe and prosperous states.

Every year, the Institute of Economics and Peace compiles the Global Peace Index - the level of peacefulness and security of countries in the world. Institute specialists evaluate 163 countries using 23 indicators. Based on the Global Peace Index, risk maps are compiled for large international companies, as well as for tourists.

Indicators influencing the world index

Among the main factors on the basis of which the Global Index is calculated are:

  • level of terrorist threat;
  • number of thefts and thefts per 100,000 people;
  • number of murders per 100,000 people;
  • the number of people in prison, per 100,000 people;
  • the presence of internal and external armed conflicts;
  • political situation in the country;
  • diplomatic relations with other countries;
  • stockpile of heavy weapons and nuclear capabilities;
  • efficiency of law enforcement agencies;
  • weapons costs;
  • general crime rate, etc.

Considering the above parameters, it is not surprising that the most dangerous countries are those located in the Middle East and Africa. The presence of terrorist groups, long-term internal armed conflicts, a low level of the economy, the rise of crime - these and other factors prevent countries from ensuring the safety of not only tourists, but also their own citizens.

Top 10 most criminal and dangerous countries in the world


Ukraine is included in the top ten most criminal countries due to the ongoing military conflict in the east of the country. Armed actions began in February 2014 and are still in the stage of “smoldering” conflict. According to UN estimates, at least 2,725 civilians were killed during the armed clashes. This figure does not include 298 dead passengers Malaysian Boeing 777 MH-17. In addition, about 9 thousand civilians were injured during the conflict.

On a note! Taking into account these data, tourists are not recommended to visit the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine.

Central African Republic (CAR)

In 2004, a civil war began in the country, which continues to this day. Attempts were made to conclude a peace treaty twice – in 2007 and 2011. However, despite peace-loving efforts, already in 2012 the civil war began to gain momentum again. Ongoing military clashes between the government and Muslim and Christian factions led to religious and ethical purges. In this regard, in 2013-14. There was a massive relocation of residents of the Central African Republic to other regions.

On a note! Today, the CAR is not only one of the most criminal countries in the world, but also the poorest.

Per capita income is only $656. The low standard of living has led to constant human rights violations, murders, kidnappings and other forms of physical violence against people. Not only members of the government, but also employees of international humanitarian missions have been repeatedly kidnapped in the Republic. The CAR poses a particular danger to white-skinned tourists.


The Republic of Somalia is often called “a branch of hell on Earth.” And this name is fully justified. The ongoing armed conflict began in the 1980s. with resistance to the authoritarian regime led by Siad Barre. However, the fall of this regime in 1991 did not bring the desired peace. Instead, a civil war has begun, involving numerous political factions, rebel groups, local bandit clans and pirates. They are all fighting for power, which has already led to the death of several hundred thousand civilians.

Today there is no centralized government in the country. Each region is ruled by its own warlords, rebel leaders, or even pirates. Local residents are subject to constant persecution, hunger and unsanitary conditions. Somalis live on:

  • drug trafficking;
  • poaching;
  • piracy.

Attention! The country is dangerous not only for tourists, but also for ships of foreign countries sailing in extraterritorial waters.


The republic, located in southwestern Asia, has experienced 11 civil wars and unrest in the past year alone. The uprisings began in 2011 against the then leader of the state, President Saleh. He, together with his immediate circle, is accused of torture, cruel treatment of people, executions without trial, restriction of religious preferences and other crimes.

After the overthrow of the president and to this day, clashes between the government and the Houthis continue in the country. In addition, terrorist organizations and gangs are widespread in Yemen. They are engaged in torture and kidnapping of people, including foreigners.


Some 10 years ago, Libya was one of the prosperous states in northern Africa. However, today the country is among the TOP 10 most criminal and dangerous countries in the world. The overthrow of the ruling regime, military intervention by foreign states, and, as a result, ongoing civil conflicts - all this negatively affects attempts to restore Libya.

Attention! The high threat of terrorist attacks, as well as constant kidnappings, make this country dangerous to visit.

Republic of South Sudan

In 2011, the Republic voted for independence and separated from Sudan. It would seem that such a decision should have brought peace, but everything turned out quite the opposite. The country experiences constant military clashes between the rebels and the government, which lead to the death of civilians. In addition, ethnic cleansing is underway in South Sudan, which has resulted not only in numerous casualties, but also in the displacement of several hundred thousand local residents.

As noted by the UN, the militants are using scorched earth tactics, which has already led to a catastrophic humanitarian situation. More than half of the country's population (estimated at 7.1 million people) are in need of humanitarian assistance. Theft, kidnapping, extortion and murder are rampant in South Sudan. Moreover, the country is dangerous not only for tourists, but even for representatives of humanitarian missions. Since 2013, more than 100 employees of such organizations have been killed.

Republic of Mali

It is worth noting that since gaining independence (1960), the Republic of Mali could not boast of security. Periodic coups d'etat and hostilities have become commonplace in the country. The last coup d'état took place in 2012 and since then the civil war has continued in the Republic. Three main forces are participating in it: government troops, Tuaregs - fighting for the independence of the territory in northern Mali, and Islamists - opposing the Tuaregs. It is interesting that the government itself is trying to negotiate with the Tuareg rebels, but is waging a war with the Islamists until complete extermination.

Periodic coups d'etat and military actions are commonplace for the country

Attention! Constant terrorist threats, special operations to eliminate Islamist leaders, murders and kidnappings are the main threats for tourists wishing to visit Mali. In this regard, the Foreign Ministries of many European countries strongly recommend abandoning the idea of ​​visiting the Republic.


Iraq opens the top three most criminal countries in the world. The once prosperous country has turned into a burning cauldron. The main danger is the terrorist organization Islamic State, which is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks and shootings.

Militants still control part of the northern and western territories of the state. The fight against terrorists is carried out not only by the local government, but also by foreign countries. Even the UN cannot name the exact number of civilian casualties of military operations.

Due to these factors, the criminal situation in Iraq remains tense and could worsen at any time. So those tourists who decide to visit Iraq are strongly advised to move around the country only with armed guards.


The civil war in Afghanistan has been going on for several decades. In 2018, the country entered the 7th phase of the armed conflict. From time to time, NATO member countries and allied forces intervene in military operations, the goal of which is the complete destruction of al-Qaeda. Almost the entire territory of Afghanistan is a battlefield: the government is trying to fight terrorists, the rebels are demanding the withdrawal of foreign military forces, and meanwhile the terrorists are carrying out constant attacks with numerous casualties.

Attention! Hotels with tourists, as well as popular places to visit (old settlements, etc.) are often targets of terrorist attacks. In addition, there is a constant threat of kidnapping for ransom, and murder has long been commonplace.


Since 2011, there has been a civil war in the country. The armed opposition included several groups that formed during the conflict. Today, part of the country is under the control of terrorist groups. The official government uses various weapons to fight them: tanks, artillery, airplanes, etc. Foreign states also participate in the fight against terrorism.

Attention! Staying in Syria is dangerous not only for tourists, but also for local residents. There is a constant threat of terrorist attacks in the country, and killings and torture of civilians are common in areas controlled by militants. According to experts, during the conflict in Syria, from 200,000 to 450 thousand people died.

Video - Top 5 most dangerous countries in the world for tourists

Most people looking at a map of the globe have the illusion of freely choosing a place to live. It seems that you point your finger at random to where it is warm all year round, buy a ticket, pack your suitcase and go to meet a piece of paradise. But in reality, there are countries that you shouldn’t go to for a better life.

By what criteria is the danger of countries determined?

According to recent studies, it is customary to evaluate a country according to four main criteria:

  1. Level of medical care;
  2. Accidents of local transport;
  3. Street crime indicators;
  4. The degree of activity of terrorist groups.

There is also a Global Peace Index, which is calculated using a number of indicators and helps determine the level of danger or security of the country in question. For example:

  • by the number of internal and external conflicts of the state;
  • by the level of political instability within the country and in the international arena;
  • by the number of murders in the country;
  • on external and internal circulation of weapons and their availability;
  • and according to other criteria.

Today, many countries create their own ratings of dangerous places for their citizens. Due to the difficult political situation, there is an increased risk to the lives of representatives of certain nationalities in different parts of the world. For this reason, ratings compiled by specialists from different countries may differ.

List of the most dangerous countries

For women

The state's level of danger for the female population is analyzed using indicators such as social status, level of violence, access to education and qualified medical care. Based on these data, we can identify 10 countries in which you should thank God for being lucky enough to be born a man.


Here there is a mortality rate during childbirth of about 10%, 9 out of 10 women cannot read, and almost 2/3 are forced into marriage.

Afghanistan is dangerous place stay is not only for women, in this state there are very often interethnic conflicts that affect uninvolved foreign citizens

2. Congo

In this country, the level of sexual violence against women and even girls is beyond statistics, and medical care is completely absent. Therefore, pregnancy becomes a game of survival.

Tens of thousands of women and girls have been subjected to sexual violence during armed conflicts in the Congo. Today, the practice of forcibly conscripting women into armed groups as field “wives” is widespread.

3. Pakistan

The concept of “honor killing” is widespread - within a family, men can take the lives of women if there is the slightest suspicion that they have tarnished the reputation of the family.

4. India

Kidnappings of girls are common in this country.

Women in India are often turned into human commodities: they are kidnapped and raped, and investigations into crimes related to violations of the rights of the fairer sex are extremely slow.

5. Somalia

The huge number of rapes and lack of medical care put this state on the list of the most dangerous. In addition, female circumcision is still practiced here, as a result of which girls die.

Pregnancy for a Somali woman is a game of survival. Due to the fact that there is virtually no medical infrastructure in Somalia, women often simply do not survive after childbirth

6. Guatemala

Women have no rights here; domestic violence is almost the norm.

7. Iraq

Real hell and gender discrimination.

8. Chad

Women have no rights; here they are married off when they are barely 10-12 years old.

9. Sudan

Attempts are being made to pass laws to protect women's rights, but this does not prevent the terrible number of abductions, violence and murders.

10. Mali

Circumcision and forced marriage are still practiced in this country.

For both sexes

There are also places where the risk to life is equally high for both sexes. This sad list includes countries where you can not only get yourself into trouble, but there is also a high probability of never returning home.

Gaza Strip

In this territory there is a high risk of falling under accidental fire or being taken hostage by terrorists.


The country lives in conditions of extreme poverty, so the population is consumed by terrorism.


Being here is equally dangerous for both sexes due to the huge number of kidnappings of foreigners for ransom.


Constant military clashes within the country have led to the fact that armed criminals feel confident and unpunished.


Regular kidnappings, murders and colossal volumes of drug trafficking have made the country very dangerous for living and tourism.

List of safest countries

Unfortunately, none of the countries of the former USSR even made it into the top ten ranking of the safest states with favorable living conditions.


Beautiful social programs for the population, low crime rates and minimal risk of natural disasters are all reasons why this country has the best living conditions.

A high standard of living, excellent climatic conditions, a low percentage of crimes committed per year - all this turns Denmark into a desirable place to live.


Untouched nature and zero crime rate give confidence and tranquility.


This tiny country has a very developed per capita economy.

New Zealand

A stable economy, isolation from the flow of immigrants, lack of political unrest and beautiful scenery make this country a paradise.


A state with a strong economy and political system, social programs that work well, and the crime rate is minimal - for these reasons many would like to live here.

Having studied crime levels in countries, experts have compiled a rating of places where tourists can feel safe.

  • Cyprus. Cases of theft or attacks on tourists are almost never recorded.
  • Singapore. Security is maintained here by strict laws.
  • New Zealand. Tourists have a lot to see here; there are no poisonous insects or snakes, and the crime rate can be called scanty.
  • Ireland. A country with the lowest crime rate, cases of attacks on tourists are very rare.
  • Iceland. Murders are rare here, and prisoners are even allowed to go home on weekends, which has no effect on crime statistics.

It is interesting that in the ranking of the most favorable countries for living, Russia, according to 2014 data, was not even included in the first 50 places and took 61st position. It was left behind by the countries of the former USSR: Belarus (58th place), Estonia (36th place) and Kazakhstan (47th place).

Highest crime rate

If there are countries in which crime can be compared to childish pranks, then chances are that at the other end of this scale there are truly hellish places.

  • Mexico. The power of drug cartels in this country is strong, which is why crime is rampant in the country.
  • Ethiopia. The extreme poverty of the people has led to the fact that foreigners are often kidnapped here. Car windows are broken to steal the contents.
  • Cote d'Ivoire. The civil war has led the country to a state of poverty; there is no law.
  • Chad. The only hope for the residents is cattle breeding and agriculture. People here are kidnapped for ransom and for the purpose of cannibalism.
  • Lebanon. A formerly prosperous state, today, due to political and religious contradictions, is unable to curb the wave of unpunished crime.
  • Yemen. State dictatorship, Islamist restrictions and government collaboration with criminal gangs have led to the country being listed as a high-risk location.
  • Zimbabwe. The collapsed economy has turned the state into a terrible corner of the earth.

Loyal attitude towards sexual minorities

Today, a flow of migrants with non-traditional orientation is sent to countries where people can feel free. The leaders are several countries that they choose most often to live in.

  • Netherlands
  • Iceland
  • Canada
  • Spain
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • Belgium
  • Australia
  • Malta
  • Uruguay

It is interesting that some countries did not participate in the survey and research, since for religious and other reasons it is impossible to study this issue in them. Among these states were Iran, Bahrain, Tajikistan, the UAE and others.

In search of a better life or for the sake of adventure, you can find a reliable corner of paradise, but there is also the risk of finding a final refuge that will seem like hell. Everyone is free to decide whether to pack their bags or think before going on the road.

The ranking of the most dangerous and safest countries in the world and accurate crime rate statistics will help you understand many pressing issues that are increasingly arising in the modern world. Is there a country in the world that is safe to live in? Many people are probably thinking about this. After all, every day we are driven into stress by news about how people are robbed, killed, kidnapped, terrorized, raped. Many countries are torn to shreds by civil wars. There are corners of the globe where people don’t leave home without a helmet, a knife, or even a firearm. Where do states take care of the safety of their citizens, and where do they not fulfill their responsibilities? Which countries should you avoid, and where can you go without fear? After all, we all want to live in a world in which our rights and dignity are respected in practice, not on paper, and in which our lives are not threatened.

Security indices and ratings

UN Index

The potential danger to the life of a particular country is determined by the special Office for Combating Drugs and Crime operating under the UN. It has existed since 1997 and has many regional branches. The department compiles a country safety rating, the main criterion of which is the number of intentional murders per 100 thousand people in each country. This indicator is sometimes confused with the criterion of violence in society. But experts believe that these indices do not always coincide. Different countries have their own crime rating system. Sometimes states include all crime-related deaths in their statistics. It happens that this includes attempts on someone’s life or incitement to suicide.

But be that as it may, the UN Premeditated Killing Index always determines the level of security of individuals in a particular country, as well as the attitude towards human life in the society in question. This study is conducted every few years, and the latest data is for 2013 (published in 2014).

Global Peace Index

The Institute of Economics and Peace (together with the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney) also has its own rating. This is the Security Index or the Global Peace Index. This rating takes into account three indicators:

  1. Level of safety in society.
  2. The presence of internal conflicts or participation in international wars.
  3. How militarized is the country and is its foreign policy aggressive?

In total, 22 indicators are taken into account when compiling the rating. This Index is published every year and covers more than 160 countries. This also takes into account UN data on the murder rate. For each group of indicators, a score from 1 to 5 points is given. The lower the score, the more peaceful and safe the country is considered. The assessment is carried out annually.

Other indexes

The ValuePenguin agency also compiles its own rating of safe countries to live in. Their data is based on the number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, car accidents, thefts, assaults, life expectancy and police officers relative to population density in each state. However, their statistical study is divided into three categories - big countries(with a population of 20 million or more), medium (5 to 20) and small (up to 5 million). True, this statistics is true for relatively developed countries, as well as those states where the population size is more or less accurately known. It is advisable, based on all this data, to get a summary idea of ​​which countries are the safest and where it is actually scary to live.

Rating of the most dangerous countries according to the UN

The most dangerous countries according to the UN are Honduras, Venezuela, the US Virgin Islands, Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Lesotho, Swaziland, Saint Kitts and Nevis.


The first place in the ranking belongs to Honduras. The homicide rate, including intentional homicides, in this country in 2013 was more than 90 people per 100 thousand population. It is the tallest in the world. Not just accommodation, but simply an individual trip there for a foreigner is equivalent to suicide. In this state, military coups occur approximately every four years. But no government has been able to deal with drug cartels and street gangs. The military patrols the streets instead of the police. By evening, the city streets are empty, and residents do not even go out to the store - they could get killed along the way.

In Honduras, only military personnel dare to go out on the streets in the evenings.


Level violent deaths at the hands of criminals per capita in Venezuela in 2013 was already significantly lower (about 53 people per 100 thousand). There are many reasons why security in this country is lower than in neighboring states where there are wars and civil conflicts. But the main one is that the Venezuelan government does not have a policy aimed at reducing crime. The country's police and security forces are mired in corruption and do not fulfill their duties. In addition, there is no control over the proliferation of firearms, which flood the city streets. Venezuela is the main transit country for cocaine from Colombia, and drug trafficking is often controlled by high-ranking military officials.

Corruption and poverty are the main reasons for the high crime rate in Venezuela

US Virgin Islands

The US Virgin Islands are not too far behind Venezuela. The murder rate is 52 people per 100 thousand. It is an autonomous US territory, but the crime rate is 10 times higher than the average for the United States. There is a lot of theft of personal property here, and violent crimes are typical for the outskirts, deserted shores. When exchanging money on the street, you may be attacked in broad daylight. Criminal violence, however, is largely directed at local residents, but the level of security in the country is constantly decreasing. There have been several high-profile cases of tourist murders in recent years. The population on the islands is predominantly poor, with a low level of education. The police are doing their jobs poorly. However, the US Virgin Islands remain a popular cruise destination, and travel companies trying to hide real crime statistics from their clients.

Even in broad daylight, you should not exchange currency on the streets of the US Virgin Islands


Belize has the fourth highest murder rate in the world (more than 44 people per 100 thousand). If the villages here are relatively safe to live in, and order is maintained by the residents themselves, then in the cities the situation is diametrically opposite. Armed robbery, theft, fraud and corruption that has permeated the entire state system are far from a complete picture of crime in the tourist “paradise”. Belize also plays a role in drug trafficking from south to north. Although the police are trying to combat this phenomenon, it is a leading cause of the rise in violent crime. Downshifters from different countries who had the imprudence to settle here.

Belize is considered a tourist paradise, but has the fourth highest murder rate in the world.


El Salvador closes the top five most dangerous countries in the world according to the UN rating (murder rate 41 people per 100 thousand). An extremely unfriendly state. The police department of this state's capital records the same number of violent crimes on the streets leading to death in three days as is recorded in the UK in a year. There are so many murders in San Salvador that corpses that cannot be identified are dumped in mass graves at the city cemetery. The government of the country has declared war on banditry, but in this battle the victory is so far on the side of the criminals. The latter themselves organize raids on police officers and kill them. People are kidnapped and killed for various reasons - for political views, for money, for cooperation with the police. In terms of the number of murders of their own citizens, the bandits of San Salvador have surpassed even the Islamic State group banned in the Russian Federation.

Police in El Salvador wear masks because criminals also raid and kill them.

The most dangerous countries according to the Global Peace Index

Among the ten most terrible countries to live in, the Global Peace Index ranked Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Somalia, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Pakistan, and North Korea at the top of the list. All of them are torn apart by civil conflicts, which sometimes become international.


According to the Global Peace Index, Syria is considered the most dangerous country in the world in 2015 (3.65). It is engulfed in a civil war that began after protests against President Bashar al-Assad were violently suppressed by force in 2011. During this conflict, government troops and various opposition groups kill, arrest, and torture people, including women and children. Many civilians are killed by bombing and artillery shelling. The death toll in this conflict is approaching 200 thousand.

Syria is the most dangerous country in the world, according to the Global Peace Index.


This country's Global Peace Index score is 3.45. Iraq suffered first from conflict with the United States and then from a civil war that lasted nine years. Although the war is considered officially over in 2011, in reality it continues in a different phase. The terrorist organization “Islamic State,” banned in the Russian Federation, is aggravating this conflict, seizing more and more territory in northern Iraq (the cities of Tirkit, Mosul, Biji and others) and forcing thousands of people to abandon everything and flee from their homes in order to save their own lives. After the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, the country turned into a real hell for women.

No one feels safe in Iraq


In the Global Index ranking, Afghanistan has a score of 3.43. The war in this country has been going on for 15 years. This is a civil conflict involving NATO countries and their allies. Although the goal of this war was to destroy the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and overthrow the power of the Taliban group, the official government of Afghanistan still controls only the capital of the country and some adjacent territories. The Taliban intimidate the local population and carry out terrorist attacks. Tens of thousands of people died during this conflict and continue to die violent deaths to this day. Afghanistan is also considered the most dangerous country in the world for women. 90% of them are illiterate, and the Taliban kill girls who want to go to school. 80% of women are forced into marriage.

War is part of everyday life for most Afghans, especially in the provinces

South Sudan

The country, which has a peacefulness score of 3.38, became independent in 2011. The region, inhabited by black Africans, has long been subject to forced Islamization by Sudanese Arabs. In connection with this, endless civil wars raged here, which in a few years claimed the lives of 2 million people. However, even independence from Sudan did not resolve the situation, since the region is inhabited by different ethnic groups, including nomadic tribes. Conflict broke out again between them in 2013, and the country continues to suffer from ethnic wars.

Despite gaining independence, South Sudan continues to suffer from tribal conflicts

Central African Republic

The history of the CAR is sad. This is a former French colony, whose rating today is 3.33 points. Since independence, it has been ruled by authoritarian regimes, military juntas and adventurers. Democratic elections and the establishment of a republic did not overcome terrible corruption and political instability, and in 2004 a civil war began between the government and Muslim and Christian movements. The government was overthrown by Muslim rebels in 2013, and both sides have been killing civilians ever since. There was even a danger of genocide on religious grounds in the country. The election of a female president, whose candidacy was approved by both sides of the conflict, somewhat eased the tension. But peace is still very far away.

Interreligious conflicts in the Central African Republic almost led to genocide

Which countries has the UN recognized as the safest?

According to the UN Premeditated Homicide Index, the safest countries in the world are Liechtenstein, Monaco, Singapore, Japan, Iceland, Hong Kong, Kuwait, French Polynesia, Bahrain and Indonesia.


Liechtenstein, an Alpine principality, is one of the smallest and richest countries in the world. The intentional homicide rate in 2013 was zero. Liechtenstein's sources of income are the sale of unique postage stamps and tourism. It is considered to have the most beautiful scenery in the world. Economically, Liechtenstein is closely connected with Switzerland. The atmosphere in the country is very calm and relaxed. The people are friendly, polite, welcoming. You don’t feel the tension that grips you in almost all the world’s capitals.

The atmosphere in Liechtenstein is very calm and relaxed


The Principality of Monaco also boasts a zero intentional homicide rate. This country is very small - only two square kilometers, surrounded by French territory. You could say that it is just a rock in the sea, where houses are huddled on ledges. But the influx of tourists here is huge. In addition, Monaco owes its prosperity to the gambling business. Therefore, the government has taken unprecedented security measures. Every ten people are protected by at least one policeman. The country has the most advanced 24-hour video surveillance system. All roads in the principality can be blocked in a matter of minutes, and very severe sentences are imposed for the most minor crimes.

Monaco has zero intentional homicide rate


The small Asian state of Singapore ranks third in the world in the Intentional Homicide Index (0.2 per 100,000 people). Experts believe that the whole point is a perfect police system, strict living rules and large fines. For example, throwing out garbage in the wrong place will cost you 500 US dollars, and smoking or chewing gum in places not intended for this will cost you a thousand. Moreover, in Singapore, the laws are not only strict, but also strictly enforced.

In addition to the fine system, corporal punishment in the form of blows with reed sticks can be used in Singapore (for example, for attempted murder). The country has the death penalty by hanging, which is used for the most serious crimes: brutal murder, drug trafficking, etc.

Singapore owes its safety to professional police work and strict laws and regulations


Although we are used to detective stories and thrillers about the Japanese mafia (Yakuza), in reality it is a very calm country. The rate of intentional homicide here is slightly higher than in Singapore (0.3 per 100 thousand), and the size and population are much larger. In Japan, not only is there little violent crime, but also there is little robbery and theft. The population takes lost items to the lost and found office, where they wait for their owners. This is a country where people can safely walk the streets at any time of the day, without fear for their lives or property. Here the doors are often not locked at night, and cars are left in the parking lot without hiding expensive gadgets. The reasons for this are the professionalism of the police, which the population trusts greatly, as well as their hostile attitude towards criminals. The latter are not surrounded by any romantic flair, but become outcasts in society and family.

Japan is a calm country where you can walk the streets at any time of the day.


The “Island of Vikings and Geysers” is on par with Japan in terms of safety and level of violent deaths. Although the country suffered from an economic crisis, this did not in any way affect the peace and hospitality of its inhabitants. There are about 2-3 hundred prisoners in Iceland, who are allowed to go home on weekends to see relatives, and the police do not carry weapons. Icelanders are trying to solve all political problems through “electronic democracy” (online voting). Maybe this reduces the degree of tension in society. Conservatism and modernism coexist in this country, and there is enough room for everyone.

In Iceland, the police do not carry weapons, and many problems are solved through “electronic democracy”

Safest countries in the world according to the Global Peace Index

The Global Peace Index has its own rating of safe countries. It does not exactly match the UN rankings, although countries such as Iceland and Japan are in the top ten of both Indexes. The most safe states according to the Global Peace Index, these are Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, Finland, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the Czech Republic. Since Iceland (Peace Index 1.15) has already been described above, it is advisable to pay attention to four more countries from the top five leaders of peaceful life in the Global Peace Index nomination in 2015.


Denmark's peace index is approximately 1.15. Like Iceland, this country is one of the calmest in the world. Local residents often learn about murders and violence only from the news. In Denmark it is customary to be friendly to others. There are so few political upheavals or even major events that Denmark is almost never in the news.

Residents of the “Danish kingdom” often learn about murders and violence only from the news


Austria ranks third in the Peace Index (1.2). This country has one of the most effective police forces in the world, a high level of income, a disciplined, law-abiding and educated population. Violent crime is very rare here.

Austria ranks third on the Peace Index

New Zealand

New Zealand falls into third place. Island state, where the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed, is popular among tourists because of its fabulously beautiful landscapes and excellent ecology. Experts believe that the reason for the low crime and murder rates is the absence of political conflicts, the religiosity of the population, the stability of the economy and a kind of isolation from the rest of the world. New Zealand was one of the first countries to establish equality - it gave women the right to vote back in the nineteenth century. Living here is beautiful and comfortable.

Living in New Zealand is not only beautiful, but comfortable and safe


The level of peacefulness of the Swiss for 2015 is 1.28. Although in the old days this country supplied mercenaries to its warring neighbors, now it is an oasis of peace and tranquility. Many nationalities live harmoniously here, there are four official languages. Her most populous cities- Geneva and Zurich can become examples for other capitals of the world, it’s so pleasant to live here. Law enforcement officers are professional, polite and punctual.

Geneva and Zurich, despite being crowded, are the safest major cities in Europe

Safe countries according to ValuePenguin

As already mentioned, this agency has its own system for rating the safest countries to live in. According to the agency, among large countries the safest are Spain, Japan, Italy, France and Australia. Among the middle ones are Switzerland, Singapore, Greece, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. And the safest small countries are Cyprus, Ireland, Iceland, Costa Rica and Luxembourg.

TOP 10 countries where it is better to be born a man

When we talk about choosing a safe country of residence, we also have in mind the criteria for maintaining gender equality.

Although most people believe that women's rights are not under threat in our time, in fact there are countries where representatives of the fair sex constantly and systematically become victims of violence and discrimination.

Sometimes the law does not even consider them as equal to men. Many expert organizations around the world regularly identify leaders in gender inequality, that is, countries where it is better to be born a man.


Afghanistan ranks first in terms of danger for women. But it is not only killings by paramilitary groups that threaten women in this country. Pregnant women receive virtually no medical care, and therefore deaths during childbirth occur every 30 minutes. Afghan women have the highest suicide rate. More than 1 million widows are forced to make a living through underground prostitution. 87% of women suffer from severe forms of domestic violence - they are beaten, their noses and lips are cut off.

Other countries with terrible conditions for women

The Democratic Republic of Congo, where more than 3 million people have already been killed in civil war, has not spared women. Rape, including mass rape, is such a systematic phenomenon there that UN experts called it unprecedented. Many women die and get AIDS. They are forced to get food and water for their children literally under bullets.

Millions of women in Iraq are forced to stay at home because it is dangerous for them to work. The Islamic State forces those living in occupied areas to provide sexual services to militants, and if they refuse, they kill them along with their children.

Nepal is characterized by early marriages and the “selling of daughters.” As a result, many girls die from early childbirth. Widows are victims of discrimination and accusations of witchcraft. Maoist militant groups force girls to join their ranks.

The ongoing conflict in Sudan is claiming the lives of many thousands of women. Others are kidnapped, raped, and denied access to justice.

Indeed, in some countries it is not worth being born a woman, no matter how unfair it may sound.

Poor and rich

But it is not only countries with civil conflicts and underdeveloped economies that are dangerous and difficult for women to live in.

Guatemala is a poor country. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has one of the highest rates of domestic violence, rape and HIV/AIDS in the world. Women are often killed by bandits who leave taunting messages on their dead bodies.

Mali and Somalia are poor countries, rocked by civil wars and with virtually no security systems. In addition, the cruel practice of “female circumcision”, which involves mutilation of the genitals, is widespread there. Between 80 and 90 percent of women become its victims.

So-called honor killings are common in Pakistan. A woman or girl can be “executed” by relatives on the mere suspicion of tarnishing the family’s honor. In addition, in rural areas it is still common to rape women as punishment for the crimes of their husbands and brothers.

But even in such a rich country as Saudi Arabia, women are looked at as inferior creatures, absolutely dependent on male relatives. They are prohibited from driving a car or communicating with other men. Their lives are limited by harsh laws, the violation of which is punishable.

Level of homophobic attitudes

IN Lately Research is being conducted on where the level of homophobia is lowest, and which states are dangerous for people with non-traditional sexual orientation. It is no secret that they often become victims of attacks, discrimination and even murder.

The public organization ILGA-Europe conducted such a study in Europe and found that the people who are most friendly towards such a group of people as LGBT are:

  • Great Britain,
  • Belgium,
  • Norway,
  • Sweden,
  • Portugal,
  • Spain,
  • France,
  • Netherlands,
  • Denmark,
  • Germany.

But in the countries of the former socialist camp, especially in Bulgaria, there is a high level of homophobic sentiment among citizens.

In most Muslim countries, homosexuality is a criminal offense and is punishable by death, and in Iraq, since 2013, a real hunt has been organized for such people. Dozens of them were brutally killed.

Crime Score

States' rankings on levels of violence, murder, discrimination and civil conflict do not always coincide with their rankings on crime rates. After all, the latter is not always associated with a threat to life. Such statistics are collected and published annually in the Numbeo website database, based on user data. A rating below 20 points is considered a very low level of crime, and a rating above 80 is considered a very high level of crime. According to the Numbeo database, the most criminal countries in the world in 2016 are:

  • Venezuela (84.5 points),
  • South Sudan (81.3),
  • South Africa (78.4),
  • Papua New Guinea (77,6),
  • Honduras (76.4),
  • Nigeria (74.1),
  • Trinidad and Tobago (72.6),
  • El Salvador (72),
  • Brazil (71.2),
  • Kenya (69.5).

And the lowest crime rate is observed today in:

  • South Korea (14.3),
  • Singapore (15.8),
  • Japan (19.3),
  • Hong Kong (20.8),
  • Taiwan (21.2),
  • Georgia (22.2),
  • Qatar (22.3),
  • UAE (23.1),
  • Austria (24),
  • Estonia (24.7).

Despite the many approaches of international organizations and experts to assessing the level of violence and crime in countries around the world, it is easy to see that security directly depends on the development of the economy, employment and education of residents, the level of corruption, and the professionalism of law enforcement agencies. Civil conflict plays a huge role in the country. After all, it often threatens the collapse of the entire system of management and control over crime. Some states are unsafe, but at the same time they are popular tourist destinations. There, the degree of risk for living is seriously reduced depending on the region where you are. Safe countries are also similar to each other. As a rule, these are not very large states in terms of territory and population. Although there are such giants as Japan. They have harsh laws, and local traditions do not encourage criminals and their way of life. These countries can be conservative and religious, or, conversely, open and free. The death penalty, as practice shows, does not play a deterrent role. But well-being and law-abiding, as well as trust in the actions of the police, are mandatory signs of a safe country.

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The megacities of our day accommodate millions of people, not all of them have a good environment, in addition, there are problems with living space, the social situation can be difficult, and getting to work is a problem. However, if it takes at least 2 hours to get to the office, and there are no suitable jogging paths or green parks in the area closest to you, there is no need to be upset, because in the world there are not only inconvenient places to live, but also life-threatening ones. Today we will look at the most crime cities planets where normal life cannot exist.

Ciudad Juarez is a metropolis in Mexico, located on the coast of the Rio Grande River, which at this point forms a natural border area between the United States and Mexico. On the opposite side of the coast there is a large US population center - El Paso; Juarez, together with this city, forms a border-type agglomeration. Juarez, on the border, has become a strategic transportation hub, representing one of the main logistics points between the United States and Mexico.

The ongoing fights between drug cartels and a huge number of murders have “glorified” this city. Every year at least 3 thousand murders are committed here, about 7-8 such events occur every day. The harsh reality for this city is the constant confrontation between gangs and police officers, the heads of people lying on city streets in broad daylight, as well as the daily increase in freshly dug graves in city cemeteries.

Here you can see special forces checkpoints and police outposts everywhere, and sirens do not stop day or night. Corruption has long and firmly sprouted into the system of maintaining order; every day the number of murders and thefts is only increasing.

Most residents of Ciudad Juarez have one or another connection with the processes of crime in the city, since it is this way of life that allows them to bring the standard of living to the norm they need. During the day it is difficult to see people here; almost all doors and windows remain closed. The population is 1.3 million people, but you can hardly see even one pedestrian on the streets.

Caracas is the main city of Venezuela. The population of the capital exceeds 3 million people. Venezuela is one of the richest countries in the world, ranking third in terms of crude oil exports. However, the population of this state has almost never lived prosperously, since a small group of oligarchs and huge corruption in the country do not allow oil income to reach the common population.

Former President of the Republic Hugo Chavez often mentioned in his speeches that the crime level near Caracas is similar to the 5th American column of the Yankees. Crime is supported by the local rich and wealthy bandits of Colombia. However, the situation is not simple. The President himself also relied on criminal groups. In 2002, the military decided to overthrow him from office and arrest him. Criminal groups in poor areas have become a stronghold of the head of state. They took up arms, surrounded the putschists and forced them to release Chavez.

History knows many cases where crime supported coups. The social reforms created by Hugo Chavez in the republic did not escape the same trend. As a result, Caracas became the most criminal and life-threatening city on the planet in 2008. Here, per 100 thousand population, 130 murders were committed, and judging by unofficial statistics, their number reached 160 people. The number of serious crimes increased by almost 68 percent compared to 1998.

Robberies on city streets have become commonplace. The police do not recommend leaving home after 6 pm, and tourist groups are warned that if they are approached and told to give up their camera, they must immediately comply with the request. Drug trafficking has also become commonplace. Venezuela has become a transit point between the United States and Colombia. Even a child can get heroin in Caracas.

San Pedro is located 60 kilometers from the Caribbean coast, located in the Sula Valley. The population of San Pedro is 800 thousand people. The general plan is standard, there is Town Square, park areas and a large cathedral; nearby there are a large number of residential areas, museums and hotels. Just outside the city are the tropics and all the colors of picturesque nature. It may seem that everything is within the standards, what can attract foreigners, especially extreme tourists, to the city?

It's simple, San Pedro has long been at the top of the list of the most criminal cities on the planet. Do you know for what reason? Every year there are 169 murders per 100 thousand population. This figure is huge even for Honduras - the figures in other cities are 20 times less. Also because this city has become one of the most major centers transfer of drugs from South America to the United States. Perhaps the point is also that you can own weapons here on completely legal grounds, you can buy a whole arsenal of weapons. At the same time, the authorities are completely unwilling to confront the world of crime (not surprising, given the level of corruption in this city). Yes, don’t forget, more than 85% of crime in San Pedro is committed with firearms.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a small city located in Central America. About 570 thousand people live in the city. According to data, per 100 thousand people in this place there are 95 murders annually. According to the results of 2015, there are facts of more than 2,200 murders committed here. The statistics give me goosebumps.

The MS-13 and Barrio gangs take full responsibility for these statistics, because they are the ones who create tension in the locality. San Salvador has become the capital of violence, and the population can die at any moment from shootings in the streets. It must be said that these gangster groups have the same system as the Italian mafia or the Yakuza, their main specialization is assault and robbery. Here they can not only rob, but also take their life.

It is the capital of the state with the same name and has long been famous for its rebellious character. Back in the 13th century, Guatemala became the main stronghold of resistance to the colonialists from Spain. The Mexicans followed them here to develop their influence as colonizers. However, this did not work out: Mexico managed to take Guatemala for only one year.

It’s a pity, but the country was tormented not only by the encroachment of the colonialists. In 1826, a civil confrontation broke out here, and the city also did not remain indifferent. This war changed the local government, new reforms took place, and trade relations experienced serious growth. In 1839, when another confrontation occurred, Guatemala became the main city of the state. However, the discord also affects today: the criminal situation in the metropolis remains tense. The police are unable to take control of the situation; Guatemala accounts for up to 41% of all murders in the country, which equates to 90 crimes per 100 thousand citizens.

The city was founded in 1536 in the western part of Colombia. Colonizers from Spain, under the leadership of Sebastian De Belalcazar, were able to survive all the indigenous Indians who lived in the Cali Valley.

Today's Cali is the metropolis of Colombia, its population is smaller only than Bogota and Medellin. The city is being built up at a rapid pace, and skyscrapers are being built here. The tallest building not only of Cali itself, but of all of Colombia is the Cali Tower. Considering the antenna spire, the height of the building is 211 meters, which has become the main attraction of the entire city.

However, the city is also known as a place of constant clashes between drug cartels, which have grown in large numbers due to the abundance of raw materials for drugs. The divisions of gangsters lead to the fact that there are up to 80 murders per 100 thousand of the city’s population per year.