The estates of the Naryshkins, Kuntsevo and Fili. Cafe estate in Filyovsky Park Fili Park where it is located

Along the right bank of the Moscow River, 280 hectares of Filevsky Park or Fili Park stretches 5 kilometers long. “Fili” is located on the site of the once existing villages of Fili, Kuntsevo and Mazilovo and is part of the Moskvoretsky natural and historical park.


As is known from the chronicles of the second half of the 15th century, the lands on which the village of Fili was located were owned by the boyar Peter Dobrynsky and donated them to Metropolitan Jonah of Moscow. In the first half of the 17th century, the mistress of the Fili lands was Princess Irina Mstislavskaya, and after her death Fili passed into the royal domain.

After Peter I handed over the villages of Fili and Kuntsevo to Lev Naryshkin, the transformation of these territories began. For almost two centuries, the Naryshkin family owned the lands of Fili-Kuntsevo. During this time, a manor house with a tower and a stone church with a regular park were erected. The park was quickly developed - gardens and greenhouses were created, ponds and squares were laid out. It is worth noting the construction of the Church of the Sign of the Mother of God and the Great Manor House.

In the 19th century, Filevsky Park was owned by Moscow textile manufacturer and book publisher Kozma Soldatenkov.

Sights and recreation in Filevsky Park

The air in the park is clean and fresh, like in a forest. Local residents just say “go to the Filevsky forest.” By the way, before the park was recognized as a monument of landscape art in 1978, people came here to pick mushrooms and look at the moose, who felt calm in their familiar wild environment.

Kuntsevo settlement

Interesting historical place Filevsky Park is the Kuntsevo settlement. From this archaeological site There are still earthen ramparts and ditches dating from the 11th to 13th centuries. During excavations in these places, ancient tools for casting metals, jewelry, bone products, parts of buildings and a palisade from the 5th to 8th centuries were found. The Kuntsevo settlement is located in the west of Filevsky Park, on a cape between two ravines, on the right bank of the Moscow River (entrance from Krylatskaya Street).

Terrible beliefs are associated with the Kuntsevo settlement. This place was considered a pagan temple, and therefore is called cursed. There is a legend that the Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, built here, disappeared underground along with the cross in just one night. No trace of her was ever found. And in the streams near the settlement, even today you can find belemnites (fossils similar to dart tips) or “devil's fingers,” as they are popularly called.

Voskresensky wrote about the hill of the Kuntsevo settlement in his novel “The Damned Place”.

Naryshkin estate in Kuntsevo

Another historical landmark is currently under reconstruction and is an object cultural heritage. This is the Naryshkin estate built in 1744.

The Naryshkins owned the Kuntsevo territories from 1690 to 1865. They built the main manor house, laid out a garden and a greenhouse, and also built the Church of the Sign of the Virgin. The main house was made of wood and was badly damaged during the fire of 1812. A few years later it was restored, and the front yard was decorated with wings in the Empire style.

Many eminent personalities stayed here, including Catherine the Great, the Prussian king Frederick William III, and Emperor Alexander II.

In the 70s of the 19th century, Kozma Soldatenkov became the owner of the estate. He builds a new house, installs statues of Juno and Jupiter, as well as an obelisk made of marble.

In 1976, the Kuntsevo estate experienced another fire. Restore main house already made of brick.

By the way, the original statues that once adorned the estate have survived to this day. You can see them in the House of Burganov museum.

Fire pillboxes

During the Great Patriotic War, a defense line passed through the territory of Filevsky Park. This is evidenced by the found machine gun caps and long-term firing points - pillboxes. The pillboxes have now been restored, and events dedicated to wartime are being held at their location.

Active recreation

Filevsky Park is a wonderful place for those who like to actively relax in winter and summer. For walking around picturesque places In the park in winter you can rent skis or skates, and in the summer you can rent bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, Segways or electric cars. The rental is open every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., and on weekends until 11 p.m., in two locations:

  • at the main entrance to the park
  • and from Bolshaya Filevskaya Street, next to the attractions.

You can rent transport for 30 minutes, 1 hour or day. Bicycles cost from 200 rubles, velomobiles from 250 rubles, a golf cart - 3000 rubles for half an hour, a children's electric car - 300 rubles for 10 minutes, a Segway - 800 rubles for 15 minutes. A detailed price list can be found on the official website of Filevsky Park.

After exploring the sights of Filevsky Park, walking along coniferous and deciduous alleys, you can sunbathe and swim in clean pools located on the water surface of the Moscow River. Two adults and one children's pool are open in summer season from 11 to 22 hours (on weekends from 10 to 22). A whole day of using the pool and sun loungers will cost 800 rubles (1000 rubles on weekends and holidays).

Next to the pools there is a volleyball court where anyone can try their hand at it.

The dance floor is always noisy and fun. Adults and children can take part in outdoor activities, yoga, recreational gymnastics or Nordic walking. Football or hockey games are held on the equipped sports ground. But adrenaline junkies will have a great time in Panda Park on a 20 meter high rope course.

IN pavilion "Pyramid", which is located next to the main entrance to the park (Barclay Street, 22), entertaining master classes and celebrations, performances and concerts, seminars and lectures are held all year round. The “Sphere” pavilion houses the “Filka” art studio. Here, children and adults are taught theater skills, personal growth training, dance clubs and much more. The art studio is open daily from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

There are many playgrounds in the park; children have plenty of places to climb and tumble. There is even a chess house where lovers of openings and gambits meet.

For the convenience of visitors, the park has a mother and child room, changing cabins in the beach area, cafes and restaurants.

Outdoor cinema

From May to October there is a summer cinema in Filevsky Park. It has a roof and seats, but no walls. Muscovites like movies in the open air surrounded by trees. The Karo-Fili cinema seats 250 people, everyone is given pillows and blankets for greater comfort when watching a movie.

Museum and Educational Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

On the territory of Fili Park at st. Bolshaya Filevskaya, 32a, Russia’s first Museum and Educational Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began its work. All areas of the center are open and accessible to visitors.

The history of rescue work and the stages of its development in Russia are presented here. Those interested can use interactive firefighting training simulators, put on special firefighter clothing and try to put out a fire using a hydraulic tool.

Also on display are rare and modern fire and rescue equipment, in which you can sit, touch everything and feel like a rescuer, even for a few minutes. Children will definitely love it here.

In memory of the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who died in service, an Alley of Heroes was organized in the center.

The Museum and Educational Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is open on weekends from 10 to 18 hours, admission is free.

How to find the Ministry of Emergency Situations center in Filevsky Park

Moscow longevity

The “Moscow - City of Longevity” project takes place in Filevsky Park from March 1 to December 31, 2018. It is focused on the comprehensive development of older people, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and strengthening an active life position in old age. For people 50-55 years old, the park hosts computer master classes and classes English language, yoga, Nordic walking, fitness, dancing.

Once I found myself in the west of Moscow, I decided to take a walk in Filevsky Park. It was once part of the vast estates of the famous Naryshkin family, who were close relatives of Emperor Peter the Great. They owned, among other things, two estates, Kuntsevo and Fili, which I want to talk about in more detail. What remains of the first estate is a dilapidated, heavily rebuilt house and the restored Znamensky Church, and in Fili you can see a real masterpiece of the “Naryshkin baroque” - the Church of the Intercession. This is where we will begin our walk. You can get to the temple from the Fili metro station by walking a little along Novozavodskaya Street. Already from a distance you can see a chic pink church, decorated with carved white stone decor.

It was built in 1690-1693, when these lands became the property of Peter the Great's uncle, Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin. Until now, scientists are arguing about who was the author of the project of such a stunning architectural object.

Some attribute the authorship to Yakov Bukhvostov, who similarly decorated the Assumption Cathedral in Ryazan and the Spassky Church in Ubory. Others claim that the architect of the Intercession Church in Fili was a certain Pyotr Potapov, who allegedly built Novodevichy Convent. Still others see a clear similarity of this church with the Church of the Sign in the center of Moscow, where the city residence of L.K. used to be. Naryshkina. Personally, the Intercession Church reminded me very much of Spassky in Ubory near Moscow. Likewise, there are several tiers, an open walkway, to which stairs lead and stunning white stone carvings decorating the windows and pediments of the building.

The upper church, which is open only in the warm season, now houses a branch of the museum named after. Andrey Rublev. However, I was unable to get there, since for some reason the stairs were closed. It’s a shame, because it was in the upper church that unique interiors were preserved, which were lost in the lower one. I walked around a little, the church is surrounded by a small green Park, where there are very few people.

A huge contrast with this ancient architectural masterpiece is the modern towers of the Moscow City complex, which are visible in the distance.

Bolshaya Filevskaya Street goes by. Previously, people used this road to go on pilgrimage to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in Zvenigorod. Walking along this street, you can get to another estate of Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin - Kuntsevo. She, along with the surrounding villages, was taken away by Peter the Great from the Miloslavskys and presented to her mother’s relatives - the Naryshkins. In 1744, Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin ordered the construction of a new church in Kuntsevo on the site of an old wooden church. stone temple Signs of the Mother of God. At the beginning of the 20th century, under the new owners of the Soldatenkov estate, it was rebuilt in a very rare neo-Byzantine style. Thus, the appearance of the renovated temple began to differ strikingly from what it was like under the Naryshkins. During Soviet times, the church was partially destroyed; it was restored in the 90s of the 20th century. They say that only the floor has been preserved since 1913.

Opposite this temple, Filevsky Park stretches for several kilometers, also laid out at the end of the 17th century. Citizens love to walk in this park; there are recreation areas, cafes, well-groomed alleys and a cozy embankment. One of the ponds is still called Naryshkinsky.

For a long time I tried to find the remains of the main manor house, and only when I entered some sluggish construction site, I realized that the Naryshkin mansion was in front of me. Now it is an extremely sad sight, but once it was a stunning, very elegant building.

The building was rebuilt after the War of 1812 and later, at the end of the 19th century, when the estate became the property of the entrepreneurs Soldatenkovs. It was built of wood, the roof was decorated with a belvedere. There were two wings on the sides, and the space around was decorated with a marble obelisk and statues of Juno and Jupiter. The Kuntsevo estate was visited by top officials of the state and members of the imperial family, as well as artists. Catherine II and Nicholas I's father-in-law, King Frederick William III, and Alexander II and his wife visited here. Visited Kuntsevo M.Yu. Lermontov, later L.N. Tolstoy, A. Herzen and N. Ogarev, artists A. Savrasov and I. Kramskoy painted views of the estate. Indeed, the house is located on a high hill, and if now there are thickets around and the Moscow River is practically invisible, then before the area was well-groomed and the plants were carefully looked after, and there was a convenient descent to the river.

In recent decades, the main manor house has burned down several times. Another fire in 2014 practically destroyed the building - only the walls remained, and although it has been officially restored since then, there has been no significant improvement in its appearance not visible. The statues have long disappeared from the park, and in the place of the obelisk stands a dusty plaster vase. It’s good that at least Filevsky Park has been preserved, which is a real green oasis in the west of Moscow. This is a wonderful place with an extraordinary hilly topography, its wooden stairs in some places are reminiscent of Kolomenskoye, perhaps the main house will someday be restored. I would like to hope so.

Cafe "Usadba" is located in Fili-Kuntsevo Park - one of the most picturesque corners of nature in the west of Moscow.

The beauty of the high banks of the Moscow River and the Filevskaya floodplain, Kuntsev and Krylatsky, was appreciated by our distant ancestors. Even during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, there were grounds for royal hunting - hounds and falconers. Since the 18th century, these territories were owned by noble family The Naryshkins are one of the most famous and influential in Russia. And among the royalty who visited the estate were Catherine II and the Prussian king Frederick William III. During the times of early classicism, the estate acquired a flair of grace and comfort - in the spirit of the surrounding nature. And if time and history destroyed the manor house and outbuildings, then the beauty of the park - lyrical and exquisitely modest - turned out to be beyond the control of centuries.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Fili-Kuntsevo pleases not only with its picturesqueness, but also with the atmosphere of old Moscow - quiet and homely. It has something of Russian classical literature. An ancient pond and park with pines, oaks, lindens and elms, “Turgenevsky Square”: these places were mentioned by the writer in the novel “On the Eve”.

Such places today are like oases of peace and beauty, which, like a life-giving balm, heal the soul tired of the speed and stress of the metropolis. And the Usadba cafe is a place created primarily for relaxation. There is no loud music, no noisy parties, no fuss. Only silence, a pleasant lounge as a backdrop for leisurely communication, a bright interior and delicious food in the Russian style. What else is needed for relaxation, giving the soul a feeling of contentment with life?

“Usadba” is a modern-style house on the shore of an ancient pond. The tones of natural wood and snow-white fabrics are combined with the Provence style. High ceilings, light curtains and elegant furniture create an atmosphere of carefree and relaxation. In the large panoramic windows there is a pond surrounded by old elms. In the summer, an open veranda is set up under the crowns of pine trees: the aromas of delicious food are even tastier against the backdrop of the smell of pine trees and linden trees.

The café serves traditional Russian cuisine. Taste familiar from childhood, original incarnations of long-familiar dishes and dishes based on forgotten recipes - not only satiate, but give real pleasure. Appetizing roasts and other dishes in pots, meat and fish dishes, salads with juicy vegetables and spicy herbs, rosy potatoes from the oven and home-cured herring: Russian cuisine still has a reputation of not only being simple and tasty, but also inexpensive.

Since the park has become a favorite vacation spot for both adults and children, all opportunities for family vacation. Children's playground with attractions under the shade of trees, winter activities- slides, sleds and tubing, skating rink, child Center recreation: all this helps to make children's leisure time interesting and fun. Adults can not only take a walk in the park, but also take a boat ride on the pond, and on hot days, sit in a sun lounger on the shore under the shade of elms.

It is worth noting that the nature here is picturesque at any time of the year. Sparkling snow on a pond in winter, a blooming apple orchard in spring, morning silence and birdsong in summer, the smell of pine trees in sunny afternoon, romantic autumn sunsets, which are so good to watch while sitting with a cup of tea on the veranda, and the night panorama of Moscow lights from the high bank of the river... Newlyweds are attracted to Fili-Kuntsevo Park by romantic alleys, boats on the pond and the possibility of on-site registration in the lap of nature, and , of course, the Usadba cafe, where everyone will find their mood for a pleasant stay.

On the eve of a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or any other holiday, there is so much to do - decide on the list of invitees and inform them about the time and place of the gathering, choose a menu, and, of course, find a suitable restaurant. Despite the fact that there are a lot of similar establishments in Moscow and the Moscow region today, it’s really hard to find cozy banquet hall– the task is extremely difficult. Do you want to deal with it as quickly as possible, spending a minimum of your own effort and finances? Then contact our company and we will tell you how to do it!

The most common pitfalls when renting restaurants

When registering for the first time order a banquet in a cafe or a restaurant, most people have no idea how many problems they will have to face later. The most common are the following:

  • A very large selection of different establishments. On the one hand, such diversity allows you to find exactly what meets all your needs, but, on the other hand, it is quite easy to get confused in the assortment. On our website you will find a convenient and functional search form, which contains only proven restaurants, cafes and hotels with an impeccable reputation;
  • The website of your chosen establishment on the Internet contains outdated or even unreal photos. Result - VIP banquet halls in fact, they turn out to be cramped, stuffy rooms, which, of course, spoils the holiday. You can avoid such trouble if you search for a restaurant through our website - we carefully check all the proposed establishments and ensure that information about them is updated in a timely manner;
  • Inability to reach contact numbers. Imagine, you have found an establishment that meets all your requirements, and have already planned a holiday there, but then another “surprise” awaits you - no one answers the phone numbers listed on the website. Of course, you can spend a lot of personal time and go to the address and find out everything there, but there is an easier way - contact us! We will help you rent beautiful banquet hall, we will contact its owner ourselves and agree on the formalities, and, if everything suits you, we will agree on when and where you will talk;
  • Having found a suitable venue, it is extremely difficult to rent it at an affordable price and for the date you need. The goal of our company is to offer cafes and restaurants that will best meet the customer’s requirements;


The imposition of animators, decorators and presenters, extra dishes on the menu, for which you then have to pay extra, and other similar troubles may well overshadow even the most carefully prepared holiday. So the best solution would be to entrust the search for a venue to professionals - namely, the employees of our company.

Why should you contact our company?

If you are used to celebrating holidays cheerfully, without encountering any problems, and want to continue doing this, but with less expenditure of your own time, effort and finances, cooperation with us is what you need! We will help you place an order for a wedding banquet in a suitable establishment (cafe or restaurant), we rent a tent, a spacious veranda, and even organize a trip to nature! In addition, our specialists will develop a menu for you and find talented presenters and designers. But, most importantly, we know various ways to reduce prices without sacrificing quality, which will ultimately allow you to invest in any budget.

Working in Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 5 years, we have collected a fairly large database of various entertainment establishments, each of which has its own unique features. In any of them your holiday will surely be unforgettable!

If you don't know where to celebrate a wedding, you can also contact our company! More than 300 couples have already done this and were satisfied with the services provided. In total, we have successfully held about 500 different events, so we can easily organize your event!

Among our regular clients are such well-known organizations as the Courier Service Express company, Correct Toys, Egida, Moscow Petrochemical Bank, Gallery Media, and so on.

Do you want to cooperate with us? You can either use the service yourself or ask our staff for help. In both the first and second cases, you can rest assured that you will definitely find the establishment where your holiday will be perfect!

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    Leave a request for restaurant selection right now and take advantage special offer from our partners:

  • Cafe Usadba in Filevsky Park is located in Moscow. Here you will be offered delicious dishes, a cozy atmosphere, you can spend time with friends, have lunch, or order a special event. The establishment is located in the Filyovsky Park area. You can get here by your own car, search coordinates on the map are 55.7376, 37.4590. It is also possible to get there by metro (the nearest station is Pionerskaya), from which the Usadba Cafe in Filevsky Park is only 500 meters away. The establishment was rated by 4 visitors who left their reviews. Based on them, a rating of 3.5 was formed. You can preliminary assess the situation using 22 photographs. This establishment is included in category 1. You can book a table and get more information by using the phone or website.

    • The terrace in our establishment will allow you to relax in the fresh air and enjoy delicious food.
    • Having Wi-Fi allows you to have lunch and work at the same time.
    • At Usadba Cafe in Filevsky Park you can choose dishes that you won’t try anywhere else, thanks to the unique signature cuisine.
    • Caucasian and Russian cuisine, the dishes of which are prepared by chefs, will delight you with its variety and characteristic taste.
    • The presence of a banquet hall allows you to celebrate anniversaries, weddings, and other special events.
    • In a restaurant by the water you will feel the closeness of nature, peace and comfort.