Post about new zealand. New Zealand. Geography, description and characteristics of the country. Vacation with children

An endless variety of fantastically beautiful places are scattered across the vast expanses of our planet. The article will tell you where it is New Zealand- one of the paradise corners of the globe.

New Zealand: location, description

New Zealand is a country that can be found at the southwestern point of the Pacific Ocean. This state is located on 2 large islands x (South and North) and approximately 700 adjacent smaller islands.

The Kingdom of New Zealand includes New Zealand itself, as well as the independently governed small Islands of Niue, Cook, the dependent territory of Tokelau (consists of 3 atolls) and the Ross Territory (Antarctic sector).

The islands of New Zealand are mostly covered with mountains and hills. Approximately 75% of the country's territory is located at an altitude of more than 200 meters above sea level. Most of the mountains of the North Island have a height of no more than 1800 meters, while the peaks of the South Island (there are 19 of them) are above 3000 meters. Spacious valleys stretch along the shores of the North Island, and on the western coast of the South Island there are fjords (sea bays with rocky shores).

People often get confused with the answer to the question of where New Zealand is located and on what continent. The islands themselves do not belong to the continents, they lie under geographical name"Australia and Oceania". Their coordinates are 41.44° south latitude and 172.19° east longitude. This isolated island is separated by waters (almost 2,000 thousand kilometers) from the shores of the continent closest to it - Australia.


Average temperatures in winter (July) range from +12°C in the north to +5°C in the south. In summer (January), the average temperature is +19°C in the north and +14°C in the south. The climate here is subtropical marine in the northern part and temperate maritime in the south. Air humidity and temperature on the eastern and western slopes differ quite significantly.

Where New Zealand is located, the hottest months are January and February (+27-30°C), and the coldest is July, especially in the south, where temperatures during this period can drop to 0°C. At any time of the year, mountainous areas are significantly colder compared to the weather on the plains.

The presence of precipitation also differs in western and eastern regions, where they reach values ​​of 3000 mm and 400 mm per year, respectively. At the same time, the intensity of their loss is almost the same. The wind almost always blows in these places.

State structure, religion, language

New Zealand is an independent parliamentary democratic republic and an independent member of the British Commonwealth. Formally, the head of this state is the monarch of Great Britain, who is represented on the islands by the governor general. The Prime Minister is the head of government. Parliament is the legislative body.

Where New Zealand is located, Christians of various denominations live, and approximately 33% of residents consider themselves atheists.

The official languages ​​of the republic are English and Maori (aboriginal language). Moreover, only 14% of citizens speak the latter fluently, and 41% of residents do not know the language of the indigenous population at all.


Fantastic landscapes and magnificent landscapes of the country attract to these Amazing places many tourists from all over the world. Mountains and hills covered with green forests, waterfalls, rivers and lakes, geysers, glaciers and wonderful beaches - all this is a paradise for ecotourism lovers. Diving and a variety of unusual entertainment attract the attention of extreme sports enthusiasts.

Where the island of New Zealand is located, the Maori people live. They call their country Aotearoa, which translates as “long white cloud.”

It is impossible to list all the attractions of the islands.

You can enjoy all the splendor of the nature of these places by visiting nature reserves: national parks Tongariro, Fiordland, Mount Cook (with its famous Tasman glacier), Mount Aspiring, Urewer, Egmont and Lake Rotorua, which is located in the crater of a volcano, and the valley are very popular here geysers.

A masterpiece of nature, the firefly cave in Waitomo gives the impression of traveling among the stars of the galaxy. This is the most amazing and exciting sight in the whole world.

Where is New Zealand? Where a huge number of interesting and wonderful places and wondrous beauties of nature have come together.

Attractions of this magnificent country can also be seen in its capital - Wellington. It is located in an amazing volcanic bay, which is surrounded by green hills. The cozy city has a huge number of squares, parks and green corners. National Museum, Sacred Heart Cathedral, City Art Gallery and Botanical Garden(one of the best in the whole world) - all these are the sights of the capital.

The other largest city, Auckland, is also interesting for its interesting places.


It should be noted that the film of the same name based on the famous work “The Lord of the Rings” by John Tolkien was filmed in the picturesque territories of New Zealand. Therefore, now the Tolkien Tour is also one of the popular routes of New Zealand tourism.

New Zealand is a mysterious country. Its main wealth is nature with unique landscapes. And it is guarded very carefully by New Zealanders.

New Zealand– an incredibly beautiful and picturesque country with a unique pristine nature, offering travelers the most interesting holiday in its open spaces.

All its splendor is tumbling waterfalls and soaring geysers, volcanic beaches and long-lasting glaciers, as well as lakes located on numerous large and small islands.

New Zealand on the world map in Russian

Mysterious and unique New Zealand significantly remote from other countries, but this makes it no less attractive to travelers.

Where is?

Isolated from the rest of the world, New Zealand is surrounded Tasman Sea And Pacific Ocean from all sides. The closest to it is located - 1700 kilometers, which is located on the other side of the Tasman Sea, as well as the islands of Caledonia and Fiji.

New Zealand has about 700 islands, most of which are uninhabited. The most populated are two large islands - North and South, each of which has a unique topography.

Most of the country is mountains and hills of volcanic origin, but there are slightly fewer of them on the North Island. But in its very center lies Volcanic plateau, where the heat comes from active volcanoes, geysers soar into the sky and beat mineral springs.

It is often observed here seismic activity. This is due to the fact that New Zealand is located within the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Between the various hills there are deep and wide rivers, there are many beautiful hidden lakes of volcanic origin, which tourists love to visit.

Watch a video about New Zealand's location on the globe:


In this country there is subtropical maritime climate. It's never too hot or too cold here. Summer in this country begins in and lasts until the end, delighting with temperatures of +20-30 degrees. The further south you travel, the warmer the weather will be.

The coolest considered to be a month when daytime temperatures drop to +8-10°C, in the mountains – +3-6°C.

Even this weather does not prevent travelers who come here from to from getting good Tan.

How to get there?

Traveling to New Zealand is not an easy task, since the country, located on the outskirts of the globe, is accessible only to travelers by plane to Auckland- one of several major cities.

A total of 20 airlines deliver passengers to the islands, among which are Cathay Pacific, China Airlines, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways.

They all deliver with transfer in Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur or Tokyo.

Use this search form to find an air ticket at an attractive price. Enter information about cities of departure and arrival, date, number of passengers.


Oddly enough, on the islands of New Zealand the traditional cuisine is not fish, but meat and fried potatoes, steaks and roast beef - dishes reminiscent of Anglo-Saxon cuisine. Despite the immediate location next to the sea and ocean, it is rare to find seafood dishes here.

The most popular and national thing that any traveler can try is fried or baked potatoes with various products cooked over an open fire.

Hotels and inns

New Zealand's hotel base is very diverse. Vacationers can, according to tradition, choose an overnight stay in 3-5* hotels or stay in a “lodge” - small houses located near water. Excellent places to relax are available in both major cities, and in small settlements.

The quick search form will help you choose a suitable accommodation option. Enter city, check-in and check-out dates And number of guests.


Residents of New Zealand, one and all, are fans of extreme entertainment, which, first of all, includes rope jumping. Any high place, such as the Sky Tower or the Auckland Bridge, offers the opportunity to perform a rope jump upside down.

Diving in this country is available all year round - the North Island has many stunning sites that maintain excellent visibility.

Other popular New Zealand activities:

  1. Hiking;
  2. Skydiving;
  3. Kayaking;
  4. Zorbing;
  5. Rafting;
  6. Diving;
  7. Skiing.


According to tradition, the souvenirs that travelers take away from this state are copies of props from the movie "The Lord of the Rings" samples of folk art indigenous people kiwi bird figurines, medical cosmetics from unique New Zealand plants.

  • Tourist season in New Zealand it continues all year round.
  • You can fully enjoy the beautiful nature by moving around on a kayak.
  • Tap water incredibly clean and safe.
  • On the streets It's customary to say hello to everyone and ask how things are going.
  • More often used in stores English unit of weight.
  • Tips in cafes are accepted only in large cities, they don’t take it in the provinces.

This beautiful corner of the world is ready to offer travelers an unforgettable adventure in picturesque spaces surrounded by unique nature.