Singapore miracle. Lee Kuan Yew: How to build a country without corruption and spitting on the ground. Colony of paradise regime. The secret of Singapore's "economic miracle" Development of Singapore over 20 years

The island state of Singapore, located in Southeast Asia, for many of our fellow citizens is something distant and unreal, like a ghostly phantom. Meanwhile, according to authoritative politicians and economists, Singapore is an exemplary state already living in the 22nd century. And almost all of his achievements are associated with the name of one person - the father of reforms, former Prime Minister of the country Lee Kuan Yew.

Since the 19th century, Singapore has been a British colony, so the influence of Britain, its language and traditions is still felt here. Located on 63 islands, this state has almost no natural resources of its own - even drinking water and construction sand have to be purchased from Malaysia and Indonesia.

But there are banks, skyscrapers, excellent roads and the best taxation, education, and healthcare systems in the world. The father of it all is Lee Kuan Yew.

It is said that in his youth, Lee Kuan Yew's father loved to visit gambling dens. At the beginning of the 20th century, in the port town of Singapore, they were located on every corner, so a gambling Chinese lost everything he could, and once even lost the family rubber plantation (rubber was to these places what rye was to Russia). Having lost to smithereens, he came home and took out all his failures on his wife, beating the unfortunate woman.

Lee Kuan Yew, born in 1923, promised himself that he would never be like his father. The diligent boy kept his word - he graduated with honors from school and Raffles College (today the National University of Singapore), after which he went to study at Cambridge.

After graduating from university, Lee Kuan Yew returned to his homeland and began working in a law office, learning the wisdom of law. The diligent, kind-hearted and stubborn young man was in no way like his father: rather, he was the embodiment of strong will, pragmatism and adherence to national traditions. Upon his return, Lee Kuan Yew joined the People's Action Party, five years later he became its general secretary, and five years later he became the country's prime minister.

It seemed to many that the young lawyer would build a social state, which is quite natural for Asian countries. And at first, apparently, he himself did not know which direction to move. But history made a choice for him - in 1965, Singapore, which at that time was part of the Federation of Malaysia, gained independence. The head of government had to solve many issues at the same time - from water supply to choosing a political system.

And Lee Kuan Yew overcame the difficulties: it was not for nothing that he served as the country’s Prime Minister for thirty years, and then for another seven years as a minister-mentor (something like a consultant). And now the country is led by his son Lee Hsien Loong, and his ninety-year-old father is a government consultant.

How did this person from the lower strata of society manage to lead the country from the “third world to the first” (that was the name of the book of memoirs of a famous politician)?

It can be said that Lee Kuan Yew learned his parenting lessons well. Having come to power and remembering his father’s problems, he banned gambling in his country (although this business appeared in Singapore after his departure) and greatly raised the price of alcohol. In Singapore, alcohol is sold only at unrealistically high prices in special stores.

But Lee Kuan Yew began his reforms by inviting foreign companies to his country. Singapore needed investment, and for this the Prime Minister did everything possible and impossible.

There is a legend about how the Singapore authorities invited financial tycoons to their place. They allegedly explained to English financiers, pointing to the globe: “The beginning of the financial world occurs in Zurich, where banks open at 9:00 in the morning. Frankfurt banks open later, and London banks open even later. After lunch, banks in Zurich are already closing, after which banks in Frankfurt and London stop working. At this time, banks in New York are still open. Under this scheme, London redirects financial flows to New York. New York banks will close in the afternoon, but by then they will have already transferred financial flows to San Francisco. And even then banks in San Francisco will stop working. Thus, until 9:00 am Swiss time, when local banks open, nothing happens at all in the financial world!

If we place Singapore in the center, it can take over from the San Francisco banks. With the closure of Singapore banks, financial flows will move to Zurich. This scheme will create global 24/7 banking.”

It is difficult to say whether this is true, but the most powerful financial corporations opened their offices in Singapore back in the sixties of the last century.

Having received an influx of money, Lee Kuan Yew began to fight corruption and crime. He explained this by saying that Singapore does not have any natural wealth, so their wealth will be income transparency and a high level of life security. It was a war of life and death: Lee Kuan Yew did everything to ensure that the rule of law prevailed. For this reason, he even put his closest friend behind bars when he was convicted of corruption. Once, when the prime minister was asked where to start reforms, he replied: “Start by imprisoning three of your friends. You know exactly why, and they know why.”

These unique measures led to the fact that corruption in Singapore quickly disappeared. Those who did not want to live honestly were treated the same way as the Minister of Social Development, who was caught taking a bribe of 315 thousand dollars. Before handing him over to the prosecutor's office, the prime minister spoke with him face to face. After this, the stealing minister came home and committed suicide.

To be fair, it must be said that not everyone welcomes the methods with which Lee Kuan Yew drove his country into the realm of abundance and order. What have they accused him of? The Singaporean politician was accused of neglecting democratic values. Indeed, there is no trace of freedom of speech in Singapore - any journalist, writer or publication that dares to criticize the government or its policies is subject to arrest or closure. Foreign journalists are no exception: for example, when one of the British living in Singapore wrote a book with accusations against Lee Kuan Yew, he immediately faced trial and imprisonment.

In Singapore, respect for the law is a real mania. A lot of things are prohibited in the country that other countries don’t even pay attention to. This applies to chewing gum (it, they say, pollutes the city) and even to such a harmless thing as graffiti. One day, an American teenager who came to the country thoughtlessly painted something. He was immediately arrested, punished with ten strokes of a stick on his heels, and immediately deported. On a stretcher, because the poor man could not walk from pain. When international organizations began to be indignant, the Singaporean authorities responded: “The law is the same for everyone, including visitors.”

Lee Kuan Yew once said in a newspaper interview about his attitude towards democracy: “You need stability, certainty and security above all else. Democracy is not effective in conditions of chaos. Have you heard the English expression “law and order”? The law will not work if there is no order.”

Of course, this can be reproached by politics. But remembering that Singapore today ranks lowest in unemployment and highest in income, education and medical standards, I don’t want to blame.

The country chose its own path and found a national leader who led it out of the deadlock. So why blame her?

Singapore only gained its independence in 1965. At this point, the island state was classified as the poorest and most problematic in the world. The country does not have large reserves of natural resources, fresh water- and it was delivered from Malaysia. The Singapore miracle is that today the capital of the state can be compared with New York in America. Thanks to the wise policy of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the economy of this corner of the earth flourished in a short time.

Who revived Singapore?

The Singapore miracle is the merit of the country's Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew. He was born in 1923, studied in his native country and graduated from Cambridge in Britain. In 1949, after returning home, Lee devoted himself to the practice of law. He was a regular participant in trade union movements. Between 1959 and 1990 he served as Prime Minister. It was under the leadership of this great man that the country managed to move from the category of “third world” countries to the category of the richest states. The prime minister’s unusual policy was based on the desire to revive the country at the expense of a successful and developing people.

What became the basis for the development of the state?

The secret of the Singapore miracle is hidden in Lee Kuan Yew's unique approach to the development of the country. He emphasized that all citizens of the state are overly interested in their personal growth and high incomes. The law of natural selection, which plays a key role in nature, was also taken into account. The concept of education under the authorship of Lee formed the basis for dramatic changes. She made it possible to change the statistics according to which the majority of smart and educated women never get married or have children. In parallel to this phenomenon, successful men gave priority to either poor or poorly educated Malaysian women. The Prime Minister decided to form a powerful basis for the development and creation of highly intelligent families that will give birth to a healthy and intelligent generation, which in the future will have a beneficial impact on the economy as a whole.

Marriage agencies - the foundation Under the leadership of the government, two major marriage agencies were formed, which contributed to Singapore's economic miracle. The main task of the organizations was to unite men and women of equal intellectual level and social status. One of the agencies still operates today, helping young, highly intelligent people create good families. The second helps other young people in the country. The selection of partners was carried out taking into account personal characteristics each person. Employees of the organizations organized personal meetings and created all the conditions for the favorable development of relations. After marriage, the young family received incentives from the state in the form of a housing loan. Uneducated women agreed to sterilization in exchange for solving the housing problem. Highly intelligent representatives of the country, on the contrary, were encouraged to give birth to a child.

It all starts at a young age

The Singapore miracle was made possible not only by the formation of new connections. It was preceded by significant reforms in the education system. It was decided to provide all children with the same development conditions. There was no division among children's schools and kindergartens. Every year, IQ tests were conducted in each educational institution, organized by English scientists. Children who showed the best results automatically became students best school Raffles countries. It was here that the training of the future leadership of the state took place. This approach provided the country with highly intelligent personnel. There is a shortage of specialists with medium and low qualifications.

An integrated approach gave stunning results

Lee Kuan Yew created the Singapore miracle gradually. And it became a natural consequence of an integrated approach to transforming the nation, which took into account numerous factors. The modernized education system has borne fruit. Today the state ranks first in the world in terms of intellectual development. The constant influx of young people with good education and intelligence ensures the continuous development of the state. The system of re-education of citizens has led to a reduction in crime, since chaos and development by their nature are simply incompatible.

What is the government's policy based on?

Singapore's economic miracle and its causes are based on strong government rule based on the rule of law, which overcame shortcomings such as the lack of natural resources, minerals and fresh water. The world crises of 1998 and 2001 did not affect the country in any way due to its extraordinary development. The country has accepted unquestioning obedience to the law. Any legal violations require full responsibility on the part of the violator, whose social status does not play a role in this matter. Singaporean society is based on discipline at every social level. Family discipline is built on the traditions of three cultures at once: Chinese, Malay and Indian. Residents of Singapore have character traits that are unique in nature, such as a high level of efficiency and cunning, business acumen and a desire for success. The “father” of the Singapore miracle focused attention on another feature of the people - their obedience. A society of law, order and financial success is based on cultural characteristics.

Global changes at the economic level

The author of the Singapore miracle, Lee Kuan Yew, was not only involved in restructuring society. During his reign, a decision was made to develop the oil refining business. Cooperation was established with Brunei and Indonesia, which, although they were developing oil deposits, could not process it independently and efficiently. The world's largest companies were invited to implement the project. It was with the help of their funds, experience and connections that today's largest oil refining industry was built. Immediately after the heyday of this segment of the economy, construction began on the first Singapore port, of which there are already four today.

The creator of the Singapore miracle initiated the construction and development of the airport, banking business, electronics sector, trade and tourism. All this became the prerequisites for the splendor of modern Singapore. The state, which was drowning in debt back in the 1970s, now has investments abroad amounting to $300 billion. Moreover, the government has about $200 billion at its disposal for future projects. Singapore, which has a population of about 4 million people, is home to at least 50 thousand millionaires and billionaires. The Singapore miracle, which Lee Kuan Yew created throughout his life, is today considered an example for many countries around the world. Although Lee is now retired, he remains a minister-councillor and proudly bears the title of leader and father of the nation.

Encouraging investors and fighting corruption

According to Lee Kuan Yew, the modern Singapore miracle can be observed thanks to the active attraction of investors to the country in all possible ways. The government literally went out of its way to help foreigners realize their projects. According to unofficial data, foreign investors save at least five hundred billion dollars in the country's banks. Today the country's GDP is equal to 55 thousand dollars per capita. It is by this indicator that the country is almost two times ahead of Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Germany and even America. The state is also in the forefront in terms of the level of intellectual development of the population. A special part of history island state can be called the fight against corruption. The authorities have significantly simplified decision-making mechanisms and limited the number of permits and licenses. The term of criminal punishment for bribery was significantly increased. There was an expansion of the powers of law enforcement agencies. An investigation, for example, can now be launched due to the families of officials living beyond their means.

Integration into the global banking system

Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore economic miracle was not complete without integration into the global banking system. The country received the status of a financial center for making 24-hour banking services possible. The country has filled a niche that was previously vacant. Thus, funds from Zurich, whose banks open at 9 am, are redirected to Frankfurt and then to London. After banks in Zurich close at lunchtime and financial institutions in Frankfurt and London close later, New York takes over, followed by San Francisco. Due to the specifics of time zones, from the moment banks closed in San Francisco until 9 a.m. in Switzerland, the financial world was previously asleep. Today this niche belongs specifically to the banking segment of Singapore. This approach to the development of the financial industry has made the country not only a major financial center in the region, but also provided it with a worthy place on the world stage. According to experts, the Singaporean economic miracle is a standard for how an effective economic system should be built.

What does Singapore look like today?

Since 1965, one of the poorest countries in the world has become the richest state on the planet. What everyone can see today was achieved by Singaporeans solely through their own strength and intellect. The world financial center, decorated in high-tech style, is distinguished by sterile cleanliness. Concern for the environment is evident in a small number of cars. The reason for the lack of traffic jams is hidden in the too high cost of cars and the price of obtaining a permit to drive a vehicle. Pleasant little things that make the life of the country's citizens better are noticeable everywhere. Just look at the benches installed at an angle, allowing everyone sitting to clearly see the number of the approaching vehicle. The country has strict fines. A cigarette butt thrown out of a window can cost the offender about 15 thousand dollars. Not only the country's economy, but all aspects of its life look impeccable.

Singapore Economic Miracle

Singapore only gained its independence in 1965. At this point, the island state was classified as the poorest and most problematic in the world. The country does not have large reserves of natural resources; fresh water was supplied from Malaysia. The Singapore miracle is that today the capital of the state can be compared with New York in America. Thanks to the wise policy of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the economy of this corner of the earth flourished in a short time.

The Singapore miracle is the merit of the country's Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew. He was born in 1923, studied in his native country and graduated from Cambridge in Britain. In 1949, after returning home, Lee devoted himself to the practice of law. He was a regular participant in trade union movements. Between 1959 and 1990 he served as Prime Minister. It was under the leadership of this great man that the country managed to move from the category of “third world” countries to the category of the richest states. The prime minister’s unusual policy was based on the desire to revive the country at the expense of a successful and developing people.

The secret of the Singapore miracle is hidden in Lee Kuan Yew's unique approach to the development of the country. He emphasized that all citizens of the state are overly interested in their personal growth and high incomes. The law of natural selection, which plays a key role in nature, was also taken into account. The concept of education under the authorship of Lee formed the basis for dramatic changes. She made it possible to change the statistics according to which the majority of smart and educated women never get married or have children. In parallel to this phenomenon, successful men gave priority to either poor or poorly educated Malaysian women. The Prime Minister decided to form a powerful basis for the development and creation of highly intelligent families that will give birth to a healthy and intelligent generation, which in the future will have a beneficial impact on the economy as a whole.

Under government leadership, two major marriage agencies were formed and contributed to Singapore's economic miracle. The main task of the organizations was to unite men and women of equal intellectual level and social status. One of the agencies still operates today, helping young, highly intelligent people create good families. The second helps other young people in the country. The selection of partners was carried out taking into account the personal characteristics of each person. Employees of the organizations organized personal meetings and created all the conditions for the favorable development of relations. After marriage, the young family received incentives from the state in the form of a housing loan. Uneducated women agreed to sterilization in exchange for solving the housing issue. Highly intelligent representatives of the country, on the contrary, were encouraged to give birth to a child.

The Singapore miracle was made possible not only by the formation of new connections. It was preceded by significant reforms in the education system. It was decided to provide all children with the same development conditions. There was no division among children's schools and kindergartens. Every year, IQ tests were conducted in each educational institution, organized by English scientists. Children who showed the best results automatically became students of the best school in the country, Raffles. It was here that the training of the future leadership of the state took place. This approach provided the country with highly intelligent personnel. There is a shortage of specialists with medium and low qualifications.

Lee Kuan Yew created the Singapore miracle gradually. And it became a natural consequence of an integrated approach to transforming the nation, which took into account numerous factors. The modernized education system has borne fruit. Today the state ranks first in the world in terms of intellectual development. The constant influx of young people with good education and intelligence ensures the continuous development of the state. The system of re-education of citizens has led to a reduction in crime, since chaos and development by their nature are simply incompatible.

Singapore's economic miracle and its causes are based on strong government rule based on the rule of law, which overcame shortcomings such as the lack of natural resources, minerals and fresh water. The world crises of 1998 and 2001 did not affect the country in any way due to its extraordinary development. The country has accepted unquestioning obedience to the law. Any legal violations require full responsibility on the part of the violator, whose social status does not play a role in this matter. Singaporean society is based on discipline at every social level. Family discipline is built on the traditions of three cultures at once: Chinese, Malay and Indian. Residents of Singapore have character traits that are unique in nature, such as a high level of efficiency and cunning, business acumen and a desire for success. The “father” of the Singapore miracle focused attention on another feature of the people - their obedience. A society of law, order and financial success is based on cultural characteristics.

The author of the Singapore miracle, Lee Kuan Yew, was not only involved in restructuring society. During his reign, a decision was made to develop the oil refining business. Cooperation was established with Brunei and Indonesia, which, although they were developing oil deposits, could not process it independently and efficiently. The world's largest companies were invited to implement the project. It was with the help of their funds, experience and connections that today's largest oil refining industry was built. Immediately after the heyday of this segment of the economy, construction began on the first Singapore port, of which there are already four today.

The creator of the Singapore miracle initiated the construction and development of the airport, banking business, electronics sector, trade and tourism. All this became the prerequisites for the splendor of modern Singapore. The state, which was drowning in debt back in the 1970s, now has investments abroad amounting to $300 billion. Moreover, the government has about $200 billion at its disposal for future projects. Singapore, which has a population of about 4 million people, is home to at least 50 thousand millionaires and billionaires. The Singapore miracle, which Lee Kuan Yew created throughout his life, is today considered an example for many countries around the world. Although Lee is now retired, he remains a minister-councillor and proudly bears the title of leader and father of the nation.

According to Lee Kuan Yew, the modern Singapore miracle can be observed thanks to the active attraction of investors to the country in all possible ways. The government literally went out of its way to help foreigners realize their projects. According to unofficial data, foreign investors save at least five hundred billion dollars in the country's banks. Today the country's GDP is equal to 55 thousand dollars per capita. It is by this indicator that the country is almost two times ahead of Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Germany and even America. The state is also in the forefront in terms of the level of intellectual development of the population. A special part of the history of the island state can be called the fight against corruption. The authorities have significantly simplified decision-making mechanisms and limited the number of permits and licenses. The term of criminal punishment for bribery was significantly increased. There was an expansion of the powers of law enforcement agencies. An investigation, for example, can now be launched due to the families of officials living beyond their means.

Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore economic miracle was not complete without integration into the global banking system. The country received the status of a financial center for making 24-hour banking services possible. The country has filled a niche that was previously vacant. Thus, funds from Zurich, whose banks open at 9 am, are redirected to Frankfurt and then to London. After banks in Zurich close at lunchtime and financial institutions in Frankfurt and London close later, New York takes over, followed by San Francisco. Due to the specifics of time zones, from the moment banks closed in San Francisco until 9 a.m. in Switzerland, the financial world was previously asleep. Today this niche belongs specifically to the banking segment of Singapore. This approach to the development of the financial industry has made the country not only a major financial center in the region, but also provided it with a worthy place on the world stage. According to experts, the Singaporean economic miracle is a standard for how an effective economic system should be built.

Singapore's incredible economic breakthrough in the second half of the 20th century is often called the "Singapore Miracle". On September 16, the man who can rightfully be called the author of the “Singapore miracle” would have turned 95 years old. Lee Kuan Yew led the “Lion City” (that is how the word “Singapore” is translated) for more than thirty years, but even after leaving the post of Prime Minister of the city-state, he retained the largest influence on political and economic processes in the country.

The twentieth century knows many examples of the incredible success of states that, in just a few decades, transformed from backward and poor countries into the richest, with very high level life of the population. But the example of Singapore is unique in that, unlike Qatar or Kuwait, the UAE or Saudi Arabia, Singapore has no mineral reserves. The success of Singapore is largely the work of Lee Kuan Yew personally, and it is this circumstance that places the politician, who died just three years ago, among the most extraordinary and significant statesmen of the twentieth century.

In fact, the roots of the “Singapore miracle” go back to the colonial era. On January 28, 1819, a British expedition headed by the famous diplomat and expert on the countries of the Malay Archipelago, Sir Stamford Bingley Raffles, landed on the small island of Singapore, which then belonged to the Malay Sultanate of Johor. Being an experienced and knowledgeable man, Raffles quickly appreciated the advantages of Singapore's geographical location and managed, for relatively little money, to obtain permission from the Sultan of Johor to build a British trading post on the island. By this time, there were only about a thousand local Malays living on the island, but after the British built a stronghold here, the Chinese gradually began to arrive in Singapore, concentrating on trade and the nascent industry.

Since 1826 Singapore has become administrative center British colony of the Straits Settlements on the Malacca Peninsula. By the beginning of the twentieth century, Chinese immigrants already made up the majority of the population of the “Lion City”. Following the Chinese, Indians, primarily Tamils, also came to Singapore from British India.

The future father of the “Singapore miracle” Lee Kuan Yew was born into a Chinese family in Singapore. The politician's father was Chinese - Hakka, and his mother came from the Peranakans - this is how the Malayized Chinese are called on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, who have lived in the region for a very long time and have largely adopted the Malay language, culture and customs (with the exception of religion). Lee Kuan Yew's parents did not belong to the elite of colonial Singaporean society, although they were not poor people. Both the father and mother of the future politician were Anglophiles and even spoke English at home, not speaking their native languages. Subsequently, this circumstance had a very significant impact not only on Lee Kuan Yew’s career, but also on his worldview - until the end of his days he remained a staunch supporter of the English language and believed that the most important thing for a Singaporean is to speak English, and only then his native language.

After receiving his primary education at Telok Kurau School, Lee Kuan Yew entered Raffles College in Singapore, graduating in 1945, and left for the UK. In the metropolis, he received two degrees - economics at the London School of Economics and law at the University of Cambridge. The capable young man received two excellent diplomas, which guaranteed him rapid advancement in the colony. Returning to Singapore in 1949, he began practicing law and advised Singapore trade unions.

By the time Lee Kuan Yew was a young lawyer, the communists had a very strong position in Singapore. The success of the Chinese Communist Party and its victory in the civil war, and then the victory of the communists in Vietnam, contributed to the growing popularity of the communist movement in the countries of Southeast Asia. Ethnic Chinese became the main support of the communist parties in the countries of Indochina and the Malay Archipelago, and since they made up the majority of the population in Singapore, communist ideas also spread there. But Lee Kuan Yew, unlike many of his fellow tribesmen, never sympathized with the communists, although in 1954 he founded the social democratic People's Action Party (PAP). Among Singaporean social democrats, Lee Kuan Yew took a right-wing position and leaned towards the concept of a free market.

In the late 1950s, although Singapore was a strategically important British port and transshipment base, it had a very weak level of economic development. Most of the population lived in poverty, agriculture was in poor condition, there were very big problems with infrastructure, and even fresh water had to be brought to the island from neighboring regions. In addition, Chinese mafia structures felt at ease on the island, and the local authorities of the colonial administration were riddled with corruption. It was in such a city that Lee Kuan Yew became prime minister in 1959.

The young and ambitious lawyer set himself, as it seemed then, an almost unattainable goal. He decided to turn Singapore into a real economic center of Southeast Asia, but this required attracting numerous investments, which was very difficult to do. Western businessmen did not want to work with the corrupt and underdeveloped Singapore and Lee Kuan Yew had to make a lot of efforts before impressive investments began to flow into the Singaporean economy.

To ensure the influx of investment, Lee Kuan Yew developed a strategy for the development of Singapore, quite simple in theory, but complex in practice. Her first point was to fight corruption as harshly as possible. Lee Kuan Yew appointed a new judicial corps from among young and honest lawyers like himself, increased their salaries, and then carried out a total reform of law enforcement agencies. The entire Singapore police force was disbanded and re-recruited from young people. It must be said that the old police were very opposed to the “loss of the trough” - some police stations had to be literally stormed, attracting units of British troops stationed in Singapore. But in the end, Lee Kuan Yew completed this task - he created a new police force, which was no longer so corrupt. At the same time, police personnel were replaced from the Malays, who had served in law enforcement since colonial times, to the Chinese, who were considered more loyal and law-abiding.

The Prime Minister has always believed that to ensure the effective functioning of the state and its economy, a strict system is needed that prevents any manifestations of corruption, crime, and immorality. Lee Kuan Yew was guided by the principle of the inevitability of punishment and believed that crime and even misdemeanor should be punished as harshly as possible in order to prevent other people from wanting to take the path of breaking the law.

Singapore has become one of the safest cities in the world, despite the fact that it is located in a very problematic region - in Southeast Asia, and in fact in the 1950s - 1980s. in Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries in the region there were protracted guerrilla wars, Act of terrorism, organized crime of all stripes blossomed rapidly - from racketeering to drug trafficking. It was these tough methods that allowed Lee Kuan Yew to bring order to Singapore that other Asian states could only dream of. While fighting corruption, the Prime Minister did not pay attention to long-standing friendly and even family relationships - many of Lee Kuan Yew’s good friends and relatives were under investigation.

The second point of the “Singapore miracle” strategy was to ensure the most favorable conditions for foreign investors and business development in general. Lee Kuan Yew realized that investors could only be attracted by much freer and simpler business conditions compared to other countries. To achieve this, the conditions for registering a business in Singapore were simplified as much as possible, which could even then be completed in literally half an hour. Thus, on the initiative of Lee Kuan Yew, a maximum favorable regime for foreign and Singaporean businesses was created in Singapore, and soon a variety of enterprises began to open in the city. Investors were attracted by the ease of registration, low taxes and cheap labor for that period. The Singapore port received a new lease of life, and soon financial institutions began to develop rapidly in Singapore.

Following the rapid growth of the economy, the standard of living of the population began to rise rapidly. Singaporeans living by the early 1950s. in total poverty, turned into one of the richest nations in the world. Suffice it to say that Singapore's GNP from 1959 to 1990 increased from $400 to $12.2 thousand per capita. Rising living standards and incomes have led to more Singaporeans pursuing higher education and becoming an expensive and skilled workforce. Singaporean companies began to move their production to countries with cheaper labor, while financial institutions and high-tech industries that required the participation of very skilled workers began to concentrate in Singapore itself.

Knowing full well that in a state like Singapore, where there are no significant Natural resources, the main national wealth is people, Lee Kuan Yew laid the foundation for the development of the Singaporean system of higher and secondary education, which quickly became one of the strongest in Asia. First of all, this was facilitated by the fact that all Singaporeans study English language and own it almost freely. Secondly, the Singaporean government invested heavily in paying for the education of Singaporean students at the best universities in the USA and Europe, which also contributed to the emergence of a large number of its own highly qualified specialists. On the other hand, Singaporeans themselves, knowing full well that only quality education can help in life, invest very large amounts of money in the education of their children. According to an Australian study, 60% of high school students and 80% of junior students in Singapore schools use tutoring.

Singapore's foreign policy deserves special attention. Throughout its independent history, Singapore remains in the orbit of Western influence and most of all cooperates with Great Britain and the United States, although economically, ties with its neighbors Indonesia and Malaysia are very important for the country. Realizing that Singapore is located in a very turbulent region, Lee Kuan Yew, and then his successors, invested heavily in strengthening the national security of the state. If at the time of the declaration of independence the country's armed forces consisted of two infantry regiments under the command of British officers, now the Singapore armed forces are very combat-ready by regional standards. Thus, about 72 thousand people serve in the country’s ground forces. Interestingly, Singapore is one of the few countries in which the famous Nepalese Gurkhas continue to serve. Currently, a Gurkha unit of 2 thousand troops is stationed in Singapore. There are also a number of American military bases located in Singapore.

Maneuvering between major countries– neighbors, the Western world, China, Singapore emphasizes its neutrality. For example, China is now Singapore's third-largest economic partner, but the city-state also maintains close ties with Taiwan. Realizing that in the event of a conflict, the tiny state would not be able to withstand a clash with its neighbors, Singaporean leaders always counted on the support and intercession of the Western powers - the USA and Great Britain, which ensured the need to maintain a special relationship with the Anglo-Saxon world.

Interestingly, Lee Kuan Yew treated Russia quite well. Of course, in Soviet times, relations between the USSR and Singapore were not friendly, but Lee Kuan Yew always emphasized the importance of the Russians as a great nation capable of making a huge contribution to the development of mankind. In the 1990s, when Russia switched to the capitalist path of development, attention to the “Singapore miracle” in our country grew greatly - many economists seriously talked about the fact that the Singaporean model could become a model for Russian modernization. Lee Kuan Yew himself became an honorary doctor of MGIMO and the Diplomatic Academy of Russia, was awarded the Order of Honor, and was a member of the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.

Lee Kuan Yew died on March 23, 2015 at the age of 92. Having accepted Singapore as a backward British colony, he left it one of the ten richest states peace. One may not agree with the politician’s ideas and methods, but it is difficult not to recognize their effectiveness in relation to Singaporean realities.

One of the most talked about economic breakthroughs is the Singapore Miracle. What is it? What were the preconditions for its occurrence? What reasons contributed to the emergence of one of the most resilient and successful economies in a small and poor territory?

general information

The recognized father of the Singapore miracle is Lee Kuan Yew. He ruled the island for thirty-one years. A ruthless pragmatist and prudent strategist was able to transform a tiny territory that lacked natural resources into a full-fledged prosperous economic system. He was able to rally the people of Singapore to achieve what is called an economic miracle, in which public and private capital were amazingly intertwined, making the people living here some of the richest in the world.

How did they achieve this? At what cost? What did they have to do? What state of affairs has been created in the country?

Where it all started

The creator of the Singapore Economic Miracle, Lee Kuan Yew, was born into a family of Chinese immigrants. His education at school was interrupted by the Japanese occupation. After that, he traded on the black market. Lee studied for some time at the London School of Economics, after which he transferred to Cambridge. It was there that he began to consider himself a consistent socialist. Therefore, after returning to Singapore, he joined the trade union movement, where he quickly established himself as one of the best lawyers. In 1954, he founded the People's Action Party, and Lee himself took the post of general secretary. In 1959, when Singapore gained de facto independence, the PAP was able to take a majority of seats in Parliament. At the same time, its secretary general becomes the prime minister of the country.

First steps

It cannot be said that he was very lucky with the country. The situation was difficult. Therefore, the author of the Singapore Economic Miracle decided to unite into a federation with Malaysia. He hoped that this would help overcome the colonial past. But the union did not last long. A series of violent clashes between different ethnic groups and ideological contradictions led to Singapore being expelled from the federation and gaining full independence.

As Lee later recalled, it was not an easy decision, and he had to make a painful choice. But military and commercial ties were maintained between the countries. Britain also agreed to leave its military base here as a guarantee of the security of states.

Changes in the state

Now let's look directly at the Singapore economic miracle itself and its reasons. Following the Malaysian situation, Lee began to implement a large-scale program of change that would ultimately transform Singapore into a modern, industrialized state. Initially, all spheres of life of the city-state were taken under strict control. First of all, politics. And even now, Singapore is one of the most regulated societies in the entire world.

Lee's opponents quickly found themselves in prison without investigation or trial. The press was strictly censored. Access to information from abroad was limited. A large number of journalists were arrested. Everything was subordinated to primary needs. The justification for these actions was that the newspapers were financed by foreign ill-wishers. It should be noted that this has borne fruit. From 1960 to 1980, gross national product per person increased fifteenfold.

What is the essence of the Singapore Economic Miracle?

Lee Kuan Yew chose a competent development strategy. Initially, it was decided to jump over other countries in the region and attract international companies. He also understood the importance of good neighborly relations with a regional giant like China. In this he was significantly helped by his personal friendship with the leader of the People's Republic of China Deng Xiaoping. A focus was also placed on the educated population. Widespread support and stimulation of learning was introduced, and marriages between smart and successful people were promoted.

And most importantly, a fierce fight against corruption was launched, which was an integral part of colonialism. In addition, a focus was placed on the construction of low-cost housing, industrialization and job creation.

Demographic and social policy

Singapore now has the most difficult population repopulation situation in the world. This was largely due to certain distortions demographic policy. For example, there are taxes on children. True, educated girls are exempt from them. They taught all people to be polite and less noisy. All graffiti was promptly destroyed. The rules of decent behavior were literally hammered into people's heads. But what is the value of the Singapore Exchange now!

The economic miracle showed that, although it was difficult, it all paid off with increased prosperity. Although such a tough approach caused dissatisfaction among young residents of the country, who regularly voted for the opposition. An interesting, although unattractive, policy is still being pursued.

In 1982, Lee Kuan Yew noticed that smart men choose beautiful but stupid wives. Whereas for intellectually developed representatives of the fair sex, finding a mate is problematic. Therefore, a reward is being introduced for men who marry certified girls. If there is no education, then, starting with the second child, you have to pay a fine. Also, people without a diploma are offered a large sum of money for sterilization. Free cruises are offered for educated couples.


During his activity, Lee Kuan Yew was able, together with the party, to win elections seven times in a row. He only retired in 1990. And now he holds the record for the longest tenure as prime minister. Although even after his resignation he actively participated in politics.

Why was he able to win elections for such a long time? How did Singapore turn from a poor country into a leading industrial power in Asia?

Many believe that success was achieved at the cost of personal freedoms and through the persecution of opposition-minded funds mass media. But the man who created the Singapore miracle told Chinese television in 2005 that in the new world it is necessary to find small corners for oneself, niches where it is possible to be in a useful role for the whole world. This approach and tangible changes allowed him to stay in power for a long time.

Country today

What is Singapore like today? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The territory where the Singapore miracle took place occupies only six hundred square kilometers (four times less than Moscow). Only five million people live there (half that of the capital Russian Federation). More or less friendly relations have been established with all neighbors, although we should not forget about significant regulation. Singapore has many high-rise buildings whose residents earn high wages, some of the highest in the world.

And this came from a poor country that even imported construction sand. Why, fresh water was also imported from abroad. The Singapore miracle was also achieved thanks to significant ideological control. Thus, at the time Lee Kuan Yew came to power, approximately a third of the population sympathized with the communists, whom the prime minister considered personal ideological opponents.

About corruption

To attract investors, an individual approach was widely practiced. As Lee Kuan Yew recalled, everyone was welcomed. To help expand production, the government went out of its way. But international investors are afraid of corruption. Lee Kuan Yew described this situation as one of the features of the Asian way of life. He acknowledged that rewards are accepted openly and are part of life. It was decided that corruption must be combated by simplifying decision-making procedures and removing ambiguity in laws. Clear and simple rules. And if necessary, cancel permits and licensing. No sooner said than done.

In addition, judges' salaries were sharply increased. The best private lawyers were hired to work in their positions. Judges received several hundred thousand dollars a year; in the 90s, this amount exceeded a million. Mafia groups, the so-called triads, were brutally suppressed. Civil servants who held positions of responsibility received salaries commensurate with the monetary rewards of top executives of private corporations. An independent body was created that was engaged in the fight against corruption in the highest echelons of power. Investigations were initiated even against close relatives of Lee Kuan Yew. Ministers who were found guilty of corruption were sentenced to imprisonment, committed suicide, or, in the best case scenario, simply fled the country.

Now Singapore is deservedly considered one of the least corrupt countries in the world. This is what happens when there is no leniency even towards people close to the ruler. And this deserves respect and inheritance.

Legal changes

Particular attention was paid to instilling the principle of the rule of law before people and equality before it. In order for people to feel the change, significant attention was paid to increasing the number of homeowners. A mortgage lending system was created and housing construction increased. Unusual and at the same time strict laws are being introduced. Thus, it was forbidden to spit on the ground, smoke in public places, throw away used paper, park cars in the city center, and leave water in saucers (this attracted mosquitoes). In case of violation, the person was fined 1,500 Singapore dollars.

In addition, it is prohibited to ride alone in cars after six. If the speed exceeds 80 km/h, special sirens installed in the car deafen drivers. Every car owner is required to give rides to fellow travelers and work colleagues. Theft, violence, drugs and corruption are punishable by death. Sold as hanging. Punishment with a whip is practiced.

Can achievements be used for our benefit?

Undoubtedly. Although it is necessary to take into account a number of specific features. Thus, Singapore is a relatively small state in area, which does not have significant logistical problems. In addition, it is necessary to take into account a rather unfavorable situation (at the time of Lee Kuan Yew’s reign there was an overwhelming number of young and active people). And although now our birth rate is much better than in Singapore, then the situation was much better. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the high level of burden that is placed on society.

Moreover, not all solutions can be applied in our case. So, for example, it was decided to replace the police personnel from the Malays with the Chinese. This was done due to the greater discipline of the latter. We won’t be able to pull off a similar trick due to disproportionality.


So the Singapore Economic Miracle was briefly reviewed. Of course, there are many specific points that have not been described. But all this proves that you can achieve a better situation if you make real efforts to achieve your goal, and not imitate hectic activity, which sometimes takes up more resources than solving important problems. I would like peace and tranquility to reign in our country, crime to be near zero, and people to be able to lead a prosperous and comfortable life. But we should not forget about the negative sides of such a policy. Thus, Singapore is now experiencing significant demographic problems; freedom of speech and self-expression is being severely suppressed. For everything you have to pay your price.