Showforum tourism in Moldova statistics are like this. Tourism of Moldova. Medical resorts of Moldova

Tourism statistics in the Republic of Moldova are developed and disseminated National Bureau of Statistics, within its structure there is a department for statistics of market services. Legal basis for the collection, synthesis, analysis and presentation of statistical information on tourism are the Law Republic of Moldova No. 412-XV of December 9, 2004 (with subsequent additions and amendments) “On official statistics”, Law No. 352-XVI of November 24, 2006 (with subsequent additions and amendments) “On the organization and implementation of tourism activities in the Republic Moldova", Methodological norms and criteria for the classification of tourist reception structures with accommodation and catering functions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Moldova No. 643 of May 27, 2003.

The methodological basis for tourism statistics in the Republic of Moldova is IRTS-2008, EU Recommendation 1175/95 and Directive 95/57 EC parts A And IN, which regulate the collection and presentation of statistical data on tourist accommodation facilities, Methodological recommendations of the CIS Interstate Statistical Committee “Unified system of indicators of the functioning of the tourism sector in the Commonwealth countries”.

Tourism statistics in the Republic of Moldova are formed on the basis of data obtained by the National Bureau of Statistics as a result of statistical observations of collective tourist accommodation facilities, as well as tour operators and travel agencies. Main sources of information For statistical observations, a catalog of economic agents is used, containing information about collective tourist accommodation facilities, and a quarterly updated catalog of travel agencies and tour operators. The units of observation are business entities that manage collective accommodation facilities, regardless of the form of ownership, travel agencies and tour operators licensed to engage in tourism activities. Border statistics on the entry of foreign visitors into Moldova and the exit of Moldovan visitors abroad are also used. By order of the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova, special surveys of foreign and domestic tourists are carried out.

The main tools for statistical observation in tourism in Moldova are the annual report in form No. 1 -A-SC“Capacity of collective structures for receiving tourists with accommodation functions as of December 31,” quarterly report on form No. -B-SC" Accommodation of tourists in collective structures for receiving tourists with accommodation functions”, quarterly report on form No. 1 -tur“Tourist activities of travel agencies and tour operators”, as well as a number of classifiers of types of economic activities, types of structures, administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova, forms of ownership and countries.

Quarterly statistical surveys of travel agencies and tour operators are organized using the continuous observation method. Travel agencies and tour operators submit reports according to the established form No. 1 -tur, containing the main indicators of tourism activity (Table 9.6.1). Territorial statistical bodies collect information, check its quality, analyze it, and send data by mail to the Main Directorate of Information Technology. Aggregated statistical tables developed on the basis of the generated database contain the following information:

  • ? number of visitors (tourists and excursionists) participating in domestic, entry and outbound tourism;
  • ? number of tour days;
  • ? receipts from tourism activities;
  • ? number of people engaged in tourism activities.

Section 1. Key indicators of tourism activity

Number of visitors, people


tourist days

Receipts, thousand lei (with decimal place)




Domestic tourism

international tourism

Inbound tourism

including from CIS countries

leisure, recreation, rest - Total

including visits to viticulture and winemaking sites

business and professional

other purposes

Outbound tourism

including to CIS countries

leisure, recreation, rest

business and professional

other purposes


(page 01 + page 02)

Number of persons engaged in tourism activities at the end of the quarter _Human

Section 2. Data on the number of tourists served*, by country


‘Including excursionists

Along with statistical observations of travel agencies and tour operators, the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova organizes annual and quarterly statistical surveys of collective tourist accommodation facilities. They are carried out on the basis of a continuous observation method, during which information is collected on all units of the studied population of accommodation enterprises. Territorial statistical bodies receive information, check its quality, analyze it and enter it into the database (MS Access). This database allows you to create aggregated statistical tables that include the following data:

  • ? type and category of collective tourist accommodation facilities;
  • ? room capacity and one-time capacity of collective tourist accommodation facilities;
  • ? general and living space occupied by collective tourist accommodation facilities;
  • ? the volume of services provided by collective accommodation facilities;
  • ? the number of visitors (tourists) accommodated and the number of overnight stays provided in collective accommodation facilities;
  • ? number of rooms (rooms) available by the 1st day of the month, number of beds available by the 1st day of the month, number of rooms provided for accommodation, number of actually provided (occupied) room days, number of beds provided for accommodation, number of days of operation of accommodation facilities,
  • ? utilization rate of available beds;
  • ? number of people employed in collective accommodation facilities on the last day of work in the reporting quarter.

Processing of primary survey materials and generalization of statistical data are carried out at the republican level. The data is grouped by types of accommodation facilities, forms of ownership, countries of the world, regions of the Republic of Moldova.

In addition to statistics of tour operators and travel agency firms, as well as accommodation statistics, there is statistics of the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova, which provides upon request information on the number of citizens who crossed the state border, distributed by citizenship, age and gender.

Issues of dissemination of statistical information, in particular on tourism, are paramount in the activities of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova. Official statistical information on tourism is distributed in paper and electronic form. Tourism statistics are used in publications such as quarterly press releases, the quarterly report “Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Moldova”, the Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, the short statistical collection “Moldova in Figures”, the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Moldova. The main form of dissemination of statistical information on tourism should be the portal of the National Bureau of Statistics. It currently hosts tourism metadata.

How to avoid paying bribes to Moldovan border guards?
Russian citizens do not require a visa to visit Moldova; Entry into this country is possible only if you have a foreign passport, which is stamped with the appropriate stamp. One of the travelers told about possible problems when leaving Moldova after entering the country through Transnistria and about ways to solve them.
Transnistrian Moldavian Republic(PMR), declared independent from Moldova on September 2, 1990, is actually a separate state with its own rules for the entry and stay of foreign citizens. Entry into the PMR is free for citizens of all countries.
By virtue of geographical location All the main transport arteries connecting Moldova with Russia and Ukraine pass through the PMR. In particular, these are three of the four trains Moscow - Chisinau, as well as all buses and trains from Odessa to Chisinau.
At the same time, the Moldovan side does not carry out border control on the border between the PMR and Moldova and, accordingly, does not put stamps on the tourist’s international passport. If departure from Moldova also occurs through Transnistria, there are no problems. But often tourists then travel through official Moldovan checkpoints.
And there, without seeing a stamp about entry into the republic, border guards often violate the rights of tourists, extorting money or threatening to take them off the bus/train. This is exactly the case described by a Russian traveler who entered Moldova through the PMR and then flew from Chisinau to Romania.
Not finding a stamp, border guards said that the tourist was obliged to register in Moldova within 72 hours. By failing to do this, he allegedly entered the country illegally. The Russian reasonably stated that, firstly, registration at the place of stay in Moldova for tourists was canceled, and secondly, he was in the republic only for two days off, Saturday and Sunday, when passport offices are closed. Thus, he could not register even if he wanted to.
Tourists need to be prepared that this information may not have any effect the first time. The border guards can and, most likely, will call the shift seniors, who just as definitely need to repeat these words. Moreover, the tourist does not have to prove how many days he was in the country - this task lies with the border service.
In cases where border guards persist, it would not be a bad idea to remind them of their rights. This is a call to the Russian Embassy, ​​drawing up a protocol and calling two witnesses. Without these procedures, the border service does not have the right to remove a traveler from transport or not allow him to leave the country.
It is worth noting that in this case, which the Russian spoke about, the border guards suddenly lost interest in him. The tourist not only knew the laws, but also knew how to calmly and confidently defend his rights. As a result, despite the “lack of registration” and an entry stamp into Moldova, the traveler flew to Romania.
Meanwhile, tourists who do not know all these subtleties are either thrown off the transport or “robbed” by border guards. The “tariff” is about $20.

Russian tourism portal Travel

Date of publication: Mon 8 Aug 2011

Ministry of Youth Education

Republic of Moldova

Slavic University

Faculty of Economics

Department of Service

Abstract on the topic:

“Features of business tourism in Moldova

Completed by a student

to9s tourism group /Frunze N./

Chisinau 2010.


1. Modern business tourism market

2. Organization of intensive tourism

3. Problems and prospects for the development of business tourism in Moldova





The volume of international contacts connecting Moldova with foreign countries is constantly growing, which is why the priority for the development of the hotel business in Moldova is considered to be the construction of comfortable, conveniently located congress hotels (usually categories 4* and above). Moldova hosts not only many major international exhibitions dedicated to various sectors of the economy and areas of production, but also scientific conferences and fairs for a wide range of visitors. They gather a lot of specialists from abroad and Moldova. At the same time, the country has branches and representative offices of hundreds of foreign trading firms, airlines, banks, and communications companies, to which new employees or partners come from other cities.

If necessary, travel companies provide their business clients with not only standard services - transportation, accommodation, meals, excursions, but also specific services: collecting information about a potential partner, translating documents into another language, organizing a meeting, etc.

A special feature of business tourism is that business travelers leave much more money in the country than average tourists. Therefore, Moldova follows the example of many countries in the world and hosts many international forums.

Moldova has a high potential to become popular place for the business world, because:

· No visa is required to visit Moldova for citizens of the CIS, European countries, USA and Canada

· Hotels in Chisinau offer all the necessary conditions for holding congresses, symposiums, conferences, bilateral and international meetings.

· Chisinau offers a wide range of accommodation, 5* - 2* hotels, and private houses

· Chisinau Airport has direct flights to the following airports:

· Athens, Bucharest, Budapest, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Kiev, Larnaca, London, Lisbon, Moscow, Milan, Prague, Paris, Rome, Vienne, Verona

· 24 exhibitions per year taking place in Chisinau are organized by two Organizers: Moldexpo and Poliproject.

· However, data on the reasons for foreign tourists visiting Moldova in 2009 are as follows (%):

· 70.3 - relax and have fun

· 25.1 - business

· 4.3 - treatment

· 0.3 - other reasons

Source: National Bureau of Statistics of Moldova.

In addition, travel agencies in Moldova offer business tourists:

· Booking accommodation in Chisinau

· VIP services at the airport

transfer airport - hotel, hotel - airport

· transport services during your stay in Moldova

· organization of conferences in the Republic of Moldova

· wide range interesting tours and excursions, including panoramic tours of Chisinau, 8 legendary wine cellars, tours of famous Moldavian monasteries, etc.

Business forums can be held in the first-class hotels Leogrand.Jolly Alon.Nobil and Codru.

The Convention Center of the National Palace in Chisinau is particularly suitable for large international forums.

With the development of business tourism in the domestic tourism market of Moldova, the need arose to develop new types of tourism products that meet business standards foreign tourists. When developing tours, festivals, international conferences, fairs, holidays, ecologically clean regions, and natural resources have become increasingly used.

1. Modern business tourism market

business tourism moldova

In Moldova, instead of the term “business tourism”, experts often use the English abbreviation MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exibilions - “business meetings, intensive tourism, conferences, exhibitions”). This special term and English abbreviation (acronym) are widely used in the international practice of business tourism to designate 4 key English words that characterize the components of business tourism. The abbreviation includes the first letters of the following words: M - Meetings, I - Incentives, C - Conferences, E - Exhibitions, always in the plural. The concept of the MICE industry itself consists of 4 components of the business tourism industry. Moreover, to be completely precise, the term MICE is mainly used by corporate buyers. A certain part of service sellers (suppliers) prefer to use another common related and more academic term - meetings (Meetings), hence the Meeting Industry. Therefore, when talking about the business travel industry, three terms can be used equally: business tourism or business travel, the MICE industry and the meetings industry.

Business tourism plays a vital role in the development of the national economy of any country and actively contributes to its integration into the world market. Business tourism is very multifaceted. It includes individual and group business trips of managers and employees, participation in events organized by industrial and trade corporations, participation in congresses, conferences, seminars organized by political, economic, scientific, cultural, religious and other organizations, visits to trade and industrial exhibitions and fairs and participation in their work, incentive trips for employees and clients (incentive tours). But the busy business part is also usually combined with an extensive excursion program for regional studies.

Business tourism provides an opportunity to get acquainted with new technologies, meet with investors, partners, suppliers and consumers of the company's goods or services. Business travel provides fresh ideas for business development. Business tourism is associated with the development of foreign economic relations, the desire to use the best practices of other countries and peoples in the creation of spiritual and material values, which contributes to the expansion of international contacts among representatives of the scientific community of different powers. Business tourism has a positive impact on the countries where it occurs. In general, these impacts are similar to those of other types of tourism, but there are differences.

Firstly, business tourism is expensive and therefore profitable. The majority of business travelers are senior and mid-level managers of companies, so sellers of expensive, high-quality services have the greatest benefit (for example, three-star hotels and higher, transport companies with first-class service, etc.). Revenues from this type of tourism go to the state budget through taxes. If large events, such as conferences, exhibitions and others, are accompanied by a cultural and entertainment program, then restaurants, local tourist attractions, transport, souvenir shops, etc. also benefit;

Secondly, many business trips are made during a period that is not the busiest for a tourist center, so they always count on business guests, regardless of seasonality;

Third, business travelers are less concerned with the environment than other tourists. They spend most of their time at meetings and discussions of various issues, so they have little time left to visit beaches, recreation areas, ski slopes etc. Business guests do not take up much space on local transport and do not create unnecessary queues in stores or at the post office;

Fourthly, guests who visit a tourism center to participate in conferences or exhibitions, as well as on incentive trips, are good ambassadors for this center and promote it completely unselfishly. Often it is very famous people, whose opinion can significantly influence the formation of the image of a tourist center in their homeland. This explains the interest of local authorities in attracting as many business guests as possible to their city or region. By carrying out such events, local authorities hope that their business guests will tell their relatives, friends and work colleagues about their city, region and country, and also that they will come again as vacationers or open a branch of their business here. business.

A business tourist is a businessman or a senior or middle manager traveling on business. The World Tourism Organization has long calculated that such people spend three to four times more on trips than ordinary citizens on vacation ($1,200 instead of $300). It is clear that there is a real hunt for them all over the world. The business tourism market segment is very important. Sixty percent of global tourism comes from business tourism. Between 55% and 60% of hotel beds around the world are filled by business travel. This dynamic market annually generates 610 million business trips and nearly $430 billion in financial turnover. In the structure of world business tourism, individual business trips prevail (70.8%). In approximately equal shares - trips to conferences and seminars (12.6%) and visits to exhibitions (10.9%). Congress tours and incentive tourism occupy approximately 3% each. In the global tourist flow, the share of business tourists is approximately 25-30%.

One of the components of business tourism is the organization of meetings, exhibitions and conferences. According to the objectives of the business travel industry, meetings are organized events that bring people together to discuss various issues and can take many forms and have different names. For example, a congress is a formal meeting of delegates, usually belonging to a particular field of human activity or involved in special research in a particular field, to discuss various issues. A conference involves a formal exchange of views at a meeting or meeting to discuss issues common to all participants. The summit is the same conference with the participation of high officials, right up to heads of state. Congress - a meeting of people with common goals, in particular, a meeting of delegates political parties for the purpose of policy formation and elections to governing bodies. A symposium is an event accompanied by conversations in a relaxed atmosphere, or a formal meeting when experts do short messages on a specific topic or several topics related to each other. A seminar is a lecture accompanied by an exchange of opinions between participants.

Although more lively tourist routes lie a little away from the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, but travelers from almost all of Europe come to this country of viticulture, early Christian monasteries and national cuisine. In terms of what can tourism Moldova, can provide each of the travelers who come to this country, first of all, it is worth noting the presence of a fairly large number of early Christian rock monasteries and medieval Orthodox cathedrals, which, despite their decent age, are quite well preserved.

In particular, one of such historical artifacts can be called a rock monastery located near the village of Tsipovo (Ţipova), in the Rezinsky district. The historical appeal of this sights of Moldova is that, founded in the 6th century, it became such a revered center of Orthodoxy in the Middle Ages that one of the kings of Bessarabia, 15th century Stefan III the Great (Ştefan cel Mare) was married in this monastery with his wife Maria Voykitsa.

The second no less remarkable direction in the tourism activity of Moldova is its winemaking, because thanks to its geographical location and favorable climate, this sector of the economy of Moldova has been the main one since prehistoric times. After all, archaeological excavations clearly indicate that starting from the 3rd century BC, there were quite strong ties between the winemakers of the then Moldova and their colleagues from Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. So, with a high degree of confidence we can say that modern wines and cognacs of Moldova have quite ancient history of its origin.

An equally remarkable element that creates tourism here is the national cuisine of Moldova. Taking into account the fact that the fertile land of Moldova allows not only to grow a significant variety of agricultural crops, but also an equally significant amount of diverse living creatures, this significantly influenced its national cuisine. And if, at least once, having arrived at any of the resorts in Moldova, it is simply impossible not to try such masterpieces of this fertile land as the same corn “mamalyga” and sheep’s “cheese cheese”. Moreover, if on your dinner table there is a bottle of “White Stork” and a portion of lamb goulash seasoned with vegetable salad, then any trip to Moldova will be truly unforgettable.

Resorts of Moldova

The main area where the main resorts Moldova, is located on the coast of the Dniester River, which has not only favorable climate, but also a picturesque landscape, which is simply adapted for the location of numerous hotels, sanatoriums and recreation centers. And the most popular of them is the Vadul lui Voda resort, which is located just 23 kilometers from Chisinau and has a fairly good infrastructure for the development of tourism and resort business.

Ski resorts in Moldova

This is how it turns out purely historically, but in this territory there are no natural ones, although purely climatic conditions and the abundance of winter snow completely allow the organization of this kind of tourist service. It was for these reasons that several years ago the “Slanic Moldova” project was implemented in Moldova, which involved the creation of a number of artificial ski slopes used in the summer as a balneological resort.

Medical resorts of Moldova

One of the main reasons for construction ski resort“Slanic Moldova” was the fact that on the same territory of the Republic is located one of the oldest balneological resorts in the Balkans with the same name. So, medicinal resorts Moldova have quite a long history, since “Slanic Moldova” (“Slanic Moldova”) was discovered back in the mid-nineteenth century based on the presence of more than twenty mineral, healing springs.

Tours of Moldova

Due to the fact that Moldova does not have decent territories, and this is only 34 thousand square kilometers, then in Lately Among the numerous tourists visiting this republic, tourist buses are the most popular. Which, as a rule, begin in the capital of the Republic of Chisinau, and then the travel route runs through such cities of Moldova as Balti, Tiraspol, Bendery and Rybnitsa.

Holidays in Moldova

Despite the fact that Moldova does not have such tourist brands as France, England or Spain, but rest in Moldavia has its positive sides too. In particular, to spend one and a half or two weeks in this Republic meaningfully and with pleasure, traveling around its main attractions on a comfortable bus or living the same time at a resort such as “Slanic Moldova”, you can spend much less money . After all, a similar vacation in Greece or Bulgaria will cost much more.

Beaches of Moldova

Based on the fact that Moldova is landlocked, the main beaches Moldova concentrated on the banks of its largest river, the Dniester. In particular, the largest number of them is concentrated in a resort such as Vadul lui Voda.

Hotels in Moldova

Taking into account the fact that the tourism and resort business of Moldova has a different rich history, then today there are three main types of hotels in Moldova. First of all, it is worth noting hotels Moldova built in the last one and a half or two decades, which are distinguished by the presence of European standards of service and architectural layout of rooms and interior spaces. The second type of hotels in Moldova includes quite a large number of sanatoriums and recreation centers created during socialist Moldova, which are not particularly distinguished by their sophistication and quality of service. And the third type of hotels in this Republic can be called the so-called rural hotels, created by private entrepreneurs in rural areas and in the suburbs of Chisinau, Bendery and Tiraspol.

Transport of Moldova

Considering that Moldova is European country, since Moldova is not only a member of the UN, but also an associated member of the European Union and NATO, there was no doubt that it has a fairly developed system of automobile and railways. As well as other transport communications, including international and intercity airlines and river lines for transporting passengers and cargo along the Dniester.