The highest waterfall in the world. The largest waterfalls in the world. How did the double name of the waterfall come about

There are a lot of unique, beautiful places on our planet and the most impressive objects of mother nature are waterfalls. They are truly beautiful, you can look at them for hours watching how tens of tons of water in a continuous stream falls from the ledge, creating an incomparable view. But which waterfall is the highest on earth, and where is it located - that's what we'll talk about in today's article.

The highest waterfall in the world - this is Angel in Venezuela with a height of almost 979 meters (although some believe that it is 75 meters higher and its real height is 1 km. 54 m, but despite this, it takes an honorable first place).

For the first time, it was mentioned by the Venezuelan researcher Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz in 1912, but still did not officially publish his discovery.

21 years later, on November 16, 1933, American pilot Jimmy Crawford Angel accidentally noticed him when he was flying in his small plane, and the waterfall was named after him.

After a few years, he decided to return to him and learn more about him. Taking their wife and three comrades with them, they tried to land nearby, but due to the fact that the plane was damaged and its wheels were completely sunk in marshy soil, they had to descend on foot to the very bottom. It took them 11 days to reach civilization.

A little later, after 18 years, the Latvian explorer Alexander Laime in 1955 decided to independently reach this area and, as a result of long efforts, he succeeded. In the mid-60s, it was possible to raise the fallen plane and it was taken to one of the aviation museums.

Angel Falls is one of Venezuela's top tourist attractions, but even today, getting there is not an easy task.

3. The Three Sisters waterfall is located in Peru, deep in the forests and got its name due to the fact that it is divided into three parts. Its height is 914 meters.

4. "Olupena" - the highest waterfall in the United States, located in Hawaii, it is only 14 meters less than the "Three Sisters". Around him, there are several, so getting close to him without special transport is impossible in principle.

5. "Yumbilla" - located near the well-known Amazon River. As for its height, here the numbers diverge a little. Some sources claim that its real height is 870 m, but other slopes claim that it is 25 meters higher.

6. Norwegian V.Vinnufossen ranks sixth in our ranking, and is the highest waterfall in Europe - 860 meters.

7. In Russia, Talnikovy waterfall is considered the highest - 600 meters.

The spectacle of falling water is one of the most enchanting natural phenomena. And the higher the waterfall, the more picturesque it usually looks. It is difficult to answer the question which of the world's highest waterfalls is unambiguous, since the difference between them is a matter of meters. Therefore, we bring to your attention the ten largest waterfalls on our planet.

10 highest waterfalls in the world

An interesting fact is that Zeygalan in North Ossetia (about 600 m) is the highest waterfall in Russia. Now you know where the highest waterfalls in different parts of the world are located.

Angel Falls - the highest in the world

This waterfall, the highest in the world, is located in Venezuela, near the Guiana Plateau. It was named Angel after an aviator named James Angel (his last name is Ángel in Spanish, meaning "angel"). It was he who became the discoverer of the waterfall, and thanks to his surname Angel is sometimes called the waterfall of angels.

Angel was little known for a long time, since it is located in a place that is very inconvenient for tourist travel. On the one hand, the wild, impenetrable jungle adjoins the highest waterfall in the world - the tropical selva, and on the other - steep cliffs of a mountain range over 2500 meters high. Pilot Angel made his discovery in 1935, and moreover, quite by accident. He was flying over the Carrao River, seeking to find a deposit of gold ore, when the wheel of his monoplane broke just above the swampy jungle at the very top of the plateau. As a result, Angel had to make an emergency landing, and after that he had to walk down the mountain for 11 long days. Upon returning, the pilot immediately reported his grandiose discovery to the National Geographic Society, and since then the highest waterfall on the planet has been named after him.

A little earlier, in 1910, Sanchez la Cruz, a famous explorer, became interested in this natural phenomenon. However, due to an unfortunate coincidence, he was unable to announce this to the whole world, and officially the opening of the waterfall belongs to Angel.

As for the height of the highest waterfall in South America, it is almost a whole kilometer, or rather, 979 meters. Falling from such a huge distance, the water stream partially turns into the smallest water dust. Such fog can be seen at a distance of several kilometers from Angel.

The highest waterfalls in the world

Waterfalls have always attracted tourists. Water falling from a height is very mesmerizing. Especially if it's a dizzying height. Your attention is invited to the five highest waterfalls in the world, which attract both ordinary tourists and extreme lovers.

1. Angel Falls

Salto Angel is the highest waterfall on our planet. It is located in an exotic country - Venezuela. True, there are still disputes regarding the height of this waterfall: some argue that the water falls from 1054 meters, others insist that it is necessary to count differently, and the height is only 979 meters. The only thing that no one disputes is that this is the highest waterfall in the world.

The local name of the waterfall - Churum-Meru comes from the name of the river Churum, which feeds the waterfall. It enters the Orinoco river basin.

To admire the beauty of Angel, tourists must first get to the capital of Venezuela, the city of Caracas. Then their path lies to the Indian settlement of Canaima. Thanks to the influx of tourists, Canaima has become a real tourist center, with hotels, entertainment centers and shops. From November to May, in case of favorable weather, the waterfall can be admired from the board of a small aircraft, which allows travelers to enjoy beautiful views of Angel and its surroundings, flying over Mount Auyan Tepui (Devil's Mountain), from which the highest waterfall falls. In addition, from Canaima to the lower reaches of Angel can be reached by motor canoe, however, in this case, the tour will last for the whole day. The most courageous travelers get to the waterfall directly, through the jungle.

The second highest is the Tugela Falls, which is located in South Africa. Its height is 948 meters. It got its name from the Tugela River, on which it is located. In winter (winter in the southern hemisphere begins in June), the mountain ledge Amphitheater, on which Tugela is located, often freezes. But in the summer, the waterfall is visited by many tourists. It is especially popular with lovers of mountain biking and fishing. In addition, via two suspension bridges you can get to the observation deck located above the waterfall and admire the five-stage cascade of the Tugela waterfall.

On the third line of this rating is Gokta. Until recently, Yosemite Falls occupied this place, but in 2005, Gokta Falls, 771 meters high, was discovered in Peru. As you can see, geographical discoveries are still taking place today. Gokta is located 650 kilometers from the capital of Peru, in an impenetrable selva. The discoverers from the Peruvian-German expedition named the waterfall after the nearby village of Gokota. Nearby are the ruins of the Chachapoya Indian fortress Kuelap. In the years 1000-1400, a rather large city of Kuelap was located here. Unfortunately, at present, only tourists who prefer extreme sports can admire this waterfall.

This is the highest waterfall in North America. Its height is 727 meters. It is located in the USA, in the state of California, in Yosemite National Park. In years with little snow in winter, the waterfall dries up in autumn (sometimes this happens at the end of summer). So it is best to visit this waterfall in the spring when it appears in all its glory.

Norway is famous for its many waterfalls. The highest waterfall in Europe Utigard is also located here. Many tourists visit the surroundings of Lake Duen to admire how water falls from a height of 610 meters, originating on the Jostedal glacier. Numerous tourists are attracted by the virgin beauty of this area.

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You won't believe how high the tallest waterfalls in the world are. Whether it's curiosity or scientific meticulousness, people have always sought to measure the height of the world's waterfalls, but it has been difficult to compare the measurements obtained. This is because there is no standard or consensus on how to measure overall height, and besides, some of the tallest waterfalls are extremely difficult to access. Therefore, the data obtained, as a rule, are approximate.

Using some of the known waterfall height data, we have compiled a list of the tallest waterfalls in the world. From Yosemite Falls in California to the famous Angel Falls in Venezuela, here are the 25 tallest waterfalls in the world.

25. Avalanche pool waterfall, Montana, USA - 707 m

Located in Glacier National Park in Montana, Avalanche Pool Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls in the continental United States. It is fed by the northernmost part of the Sperry Glacier, dozens of mountain lakes and snowmelt streams.

24. Kjeragfossen, Norway - 715 m


Located in a very picturesque natural area in the municipality of Forsand in Rogaland County, Norway, Kjeragfossen is a free-fall waterfall that is usually active about 5 months a year.

23. Manawanuy Falls, Hawaii, USA - 719 m

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Located in the stunning Manawainui Valley on the Hawaiian island of Maui, Manawainui Falls is one of the most impressive and tallest waterfalls in both the state and the world.

22. Olmaafossen, Norway - 720 m

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One of many on the list of Norwegian waterfalls, Olmaafossen is located in Raumadalen in Rauma municipality in Western Norway. The waterfall is fed by small lakes and glaciers, but its strength varies greatly depending on the season.

21. Cascade waterfall de Trou de Fer, Reunion, France - 725 m

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Located in the Trou de Fer Canyon on Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, the Trou de Fer Cascade is the highest and most spectacular on this French island.

20. Yosemite Falls, California, USA - 739 m


Falling at a total height of 739m, Yosemite Falls is the tallest waterfall in Yosemite National Park and one of the tallest in the United States. This is the main attraction of the park, especially in late spring when the water flows down from the top of the mountain.

19. Johannesburg Falls, Washington, USA - 751 m

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Located near the Cascade Pass in North Cascades National Park in Washington DC, Johannesburg Falls is a massive spectacular waterfall fed by small streams that flow from glaciers on Mount Johannesburg .

18. Kjelfossen, Norway - 755 m

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Located near the village of Gudvangen in Sogn og Fjordane County, Western Norway, Kjellfossen is listed as the 18th highest in the world. However, the height of the falls has never been accurately measured, so it may be higher. Some sources indicate that the height of the waterfall is 840 m.

17. Mutarazi Falls, Zimbabwe - 762 m


The second largest in Africa, Mutarazi Falls is located in Nyanga National Park in Zimbabwe. The summer season, characterized by heavy rains, is the best time to visit this place, as the water flow reaches its maximum at this time.

16. Gokta Falls, Peru - 771 m


Gocta Catarats Falls is a year-round waterfall with two levels, located in the Peruvian province of Chachapoyas (Chachapoyas) in Amazonas (Amazonas). Although the waterfall was well known to the locals for centuries, the world did not know about its existence until 2005, when an expedition organized by the German Stefan Ziemendorff and a group of Peruvian explorers took place.

15. Mongefossen, Norway - 773 m

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Mongefossen, located in the Rauma Municipality in Norway, is the highest waterfall in the world that can be seen from the train station. There is some controversy regarding the height of the falls, but it is usually given as 773 m.

14. Colonial Creek Waterfall, Washington, USA - 788 m

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Located in North Cascades National Park in Washington DC, Colonial Creek Falls is the tallest waterfall in the continental United States. The water stream falls from a total height of more than 1300 m from 13 separate levels with an average slope of 65 degrees.

13. Waihilau Falls, Hawaii, USA - 792 m

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Fed by the Waihilau River, the Waihilau Falls was found in the picturesque Waimanu Valley in Hawaii, which, like many other major valleys in the Hawaiian Islands, is covered in lush green vegetation.

12. Ramnefjellsfossen, Norway - 818 m


Located on Mount Ramnefjellet in the municipality of Stryn in Sogn og Fjordane County, Norway, Ramnefjellsfossen is a 818 meter waterfall fed by the Ramnefjellbreen Glacier. You can get to it by boat, plane, or by road, and there is a campsite within walking distance with a waterfall.

11. Strupenfossen, Norway - 820 m

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Fed by a huge glacier called Myklebustbreen, Strupenfossen is another famous Norwegian waterfall. It is not very powerful, but it is unique in its shape. Summer is the best time to see it, because at this time the water from the melting ice on the glacier reaches its maximum.

10. Brown Falls, New Zealand - 836 m

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New Zealand is famous for its stunningly beautiful waterfalls, but only one of them made the list. Browne Falls is located in Fiordland National Park on the South Island of New Zealand, surrounded by stunning scenery with many species of plants and birds.

9. James Bruce Falls, Canada - 840 m


James Bruce Falls, located in Princess Louisa Marine Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada, is the tallest of dozens of waterfalls that tumble down the cliffs into Princess Louise Bay. The falls are fed by a small remaining glacier located at an altitude of 1,524 m above sea level.

8. Pukauku Falls, Hawaii, USA - 840 m

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The Puukaoku Falls formed on one of the highest cliffs in the world (Haloku Cliffs), which are located in the northeastern part of Molokai Island. The water jet of the waterfall is very thin and deeply pressed into the rock, so it is rarely seen and photographed.

7. Balaifossen, Norway - 850 m

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Balaifossen is one of the highest waterfalls in Norway and is located in the municipality of Ulvik in the southern part of the country. It is fed by the Balai River, which flows down 850 m and ends at Osafjorden, a huge fjord.

6. Vinnufossen, Norway - 860 m


Located east of the village of Sunndalsora in the municipality of Sunndal in the county of More og Romsdal, Norway, Vinnufossen is the highest waterfall in Europe and the sixth highest in the world. It is part of the Vinnu River, which flows down the Vinnufjellet Mountain and is fed by the Vinnufonna Glacier.

5. Umblilla Falls, Peru - 896 m


Hidden deep in the lush rainforests of Peru's northern Amazonas region, Yumbilla Falls is an impressive 896m high. report by researchers from Peru's National Geographic Institute.

4. Oloupena Falls, Hawaii, USA - 900 m

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Oloupena Falls is a waterfall located in the northeastern part of the Hawaiian island of Molokai, and due to its stunning height of 900 m, it is considered the fourth highest waterfall in the world. It was formed by a fast, short seasonal flow, and falls off the edge of one of the highest sea cliffs in the world.

3. Tres Hermanos Waterfall, Peru - 914 m

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Located in the protected Parque Nacional Otishi National Forest in Peru, Tres Hermanas Falls (translated as "Three Sisters Falls") is the third highest waterfall in the world. It stands at an astonishing 914m high and is named after the three distinct parts that make it up.

2. Tugela Falls, South Africa - 948 m


Tugela Falls is a complex of seasonal waterfalls located in the Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is considered to be the second highest waterfall, but in fact, it is he, and not Angel Falls, that may be the highest waterfall in the world. The total height of its 5 spans is 948 m, but a Czech scientific expedition recently made new measurements, resulting in 983 m.

1. Angel Falls, Venezuela - 979 m


Perched on the edge of Auyantepui Mountain in the Canaima National Park in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, Venezuela, Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, with a staggering 979 m and a free fall height of 807 m. Although the waterfall is located in an isolated jungle and difficult to access, it has become one of the country's most popular tourist attractions.