The safest countries in the world to live. The safest countries in the world. For both sexes

  1. Frequent travel around the world.
  2. Studying various UN ratings and companies specializing in similar things.

In this article we will look at the country that is best suited for living in 2019. In addition, you will find out which state is suitable depending on your needs.

All information is based on data from BAV Consulting, US News & World Report.

In determining the best country, up to 65 criteria were used to compile the characteristics of each state. The following factors had a particular influence:

  1. The quality of life.
  2. Cultural influence.
  3. Opportunities for organization own business and so on.

The assessment process took into account 60 countries.


  1. Healthcare.
  2. Lifespan.
  3. Average income level.
  4. Education.

After Norway are Australia and Switzerland. The leading country is also one of the most prosperous countries in the world according to the Legatum Institute.

The main factors shaping the good image of the kingdom are the amazing landscapes, mountains and sea fjords.


Now let's look at the best countries according to the results of a joint study of specialized companies that we mentioned at the beginning of the article.

The state is ahead of its competitors in every respect. This leaves the UK and Canada behind. The research results were announced at the World Economic Forum.

The country was given high marks based on numerous factors, including the following advantages:

  1. Good conditions for organizing a business.
  2. Excellent infrastructure.
  3. Quality education.
  4. Qualified workers.

As for the “strength” factor, Germany has a fairly powerful military potential and shows regular economic growth.

Editor Brian Kelly noted that the United States ranked fourth in the ranking, also demonstrating military power and cultural influence. In addition, America is experiencing a decline in the quality of education. In this parameter, the USA is ahead of countries such as the UK and Canada.

Best country for quality of life

To determine the quality of life, the following indicators were primarily taken into account:

  1. Safety.
  2. Level of economic security.
  3. Income distribution.
  4. Quality of healthcare.

After Canada, the best countries are:

  1. Sweden.
  2. Australia.
  3. Netherlands.
  4. New Zealand.

The lowest standard of living was noted in the following countries:

  1. Iran.
  2. Russia.
  3. Algeria.
  4. Ukraine.
  5. Egypt.

The result of these findings is that these countries have serious problems with the personal safety of citizens. In addition, states lack economic opportunities.

Iran and Pakistan are the least favorable countries for raising children and starting a family.

Best country for women

USNews & World Report notes that Denmark is the best place for women. Denmark ranks second in the list of the best countries for children. Sweden is listed first.

In Denmark high level taxation, long winters and sunset at 4 pm. However, this does not interfere with the fair half of the sex living in the country. Experts say that this is where the high-quality social security system is located. This includes good education and healthcare. All this is provided free of charge.

Gender equality is based on a well-organized structure of severance pay and maternity leave. This is confirmed by a recent Eurostat study, the authors of which named Danish pensioners the happiest in Europe.

Where is the best place to raise a child?

Various countries are trying their best to support young families, but Sweden does this best. The standards and norms here cause great indignation on the part of the United States. After all, in America there are no paid leaves for the birth of a child in the family.

Sweden offers new parents up to 480 days of leave, 60 of which go to the father. In addition, the family is provided with a monthly payment for the child. Parents also have their working hours reduced until the child reaches the age of 8 years. All this information is available on the website - this is the official resource of Sweden.

Most parents argue that such a system makes it possible to provide the proper level of support to both mother and father, because raising a child involves many surprises that the mother is not always able to cope with, and the opportunity to take time off from work is an extremely important point for the father. As for other countries, families think about having children after achieving some career advancement.

Where is the best place for citizens?

Definitely in Sweden. In this state it is organized best system caring for the population. As the results of a US News study show, the death penalty is prohibited here. Sweden has introduced a ban on corporal punishment of children.

In addition to the leader, this list includes:

  1. Canada.
  2. Denmark.
  3. Netherlands.
  4. Great Britain.

It is interesting to note that the USA did not even make it into the top ten with its values ​​​​about freedom and so on.

Environment is Sweden

Surely everyone is familiar with the expression of the founder of the environmental movement, Barry Commoner - “the goal of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in harmony with it.” This statement previously looked very radical. But now this is the slogan of many who advocate preserving the environment.

Many countries striving to ensure good ecology are in a constant struggle for world primacy in this matter. The leader of the rating according to this criterion is Sweden. In assessing this indicator, the following factors were taken into account:

  1. Attitude of citizens to the state of the environment.
  2. Innovation.
  3. The attitude of the population towards their health.

As a result, conclusions suggest themselves. Sweden is a country where the population is conscious of their health and cares about the environment.

All results are confirmed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, whose participants rate Sweden's environmental performance quite highly. The country's population breathes clean air and drinks exclusively high-quality water.

The vast majority of respondents to surveys from US News & Report note that almost all European countries have a good state of the environment. This fact is confirmed by the fact that 11 European countries were included in the green rating and all were in the top 20 of this list.

Best Country to Travel – Brazil

Research by US News & World Report has shown that Brazil is a favorable destination for tourism. One of the largest states on the South American continent is in great demand among travelers. Rio de Janeiro attracts a huge number of people to the famous carnival from all over the world. Everyone who loves beach holiday, you simply must visit the beaches of Brazil, because it has the longest coastline.

Canada and Turkey are in the top 20.

When researching the best countries to travel to, the following factors were taken into account:

  1. Attitude towards tourists.
  2. Climate.
  3. Nature.

The financial viability of the country plays a minimal role in such studies. The economic situation in Portugal, Greece, Spain and Italy leaves much to be desired, but this does not prevent these states from conquering the top 10 best tourism destinations.

Bottom line

In conclusion, we note that the best country in all respects in 2019 is Germany. If your emigration goals involve starting a family, having children, and you are also concerned about personal safety and social security, then Sweden will be your priority state for residence.

As for travel, every self-respecting tourist simply must visit Brazil.

In order to assess the prospects of each country considered in the ranking, you just need to go on some kind of trip and, if possible, communicate with the local population. This approach will give you more information that interests you at the moment.

Ecology of life: Every day we see a huge amount of gloomy and scary news about situations in different countries around the world. You need to be especially careful when planning a trip now - the chance of getting a whole bunch of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute of Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least safe countries Worldwide. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.

Every day we see a huge amount of dark and scary news about situations in different countries around the world. You need to be especially careful when planning a trip now - the chance of getting a whole bunch of problems instead of a well-deserved rest is too great. It is for this reason that the independent organization Institute of Economics and Peace has introduced its annual chart of the most and least safe countries around the world. This year, the first ten places were taken by these countries.


Slovenia came in last place. Minor internal conflicts force the state to use more police, which makes tourists feel safer.


It's hard to believe, but the former Asian Tiger is now considered one of the calmest and safest countries in the world. The low murder rate, the prohibition of carrying weapons for citizens and the innate calmness of the Japanese people make the state a real gift to the expat.


Canada is apparently too cold for any kind of illegal activity. This large, strong and reliable state is perfect for those who would like to live in peace and cut down trees for their own pleasure.


The position of indifferent neutrality in foreign policy has allowed Switzerland to become one of the most peaceful countries on the planet. Here you simply do not need to commit crimes to live well - just work is enough.


The Czech Republic is slowly but surely becoming more and more attractive for living. The abundance of tourists means prompt work by the police and intelligence services: relatively few crimes are committed here and the detection rate is very high.


Earlier this year, Condé Nast Traveler named Lisbon the most underrated city in Europe. Few tourists actually make it here, and for good reason: the beauty of Portugal, combined with the safety of the quiet streets of Lisbon, makes this place an excellent choice.

New Zealand

This country is increasingly being chosen by those who have decided to try to radically change their lives. Low crime, gorgeous beaches and no problems with drugs - what else is needed to be completely happy?


Robert Frost wrote that “good fences make good neighbors” and this statement works quite well at the state level. Borders with the Czech Republic (the center of European prostitution and drug trafficking) and Germany (migrants) did not in any way affect the situation in Austria itself.


Denmark regularly ranks among the most happy countries in the world, and now it is recognized as one of the safest. The most serious conflict for many years was a territorial dispute with Canada over the right to possess desert island. Problems with crime? Almost none.


For the sixth year in a row, Iceland has taken first place in the country's security index. Scandinavians have no border disputes (it is an island, after all), almost no murders, and terrorist acts read only on the Internet published .

This might interest you:

This page presents the most peaceful and calm countries for 2018. Previously, it was decided not to create a new page each time, but just change this one. I have already published ratings of countries around the world for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, followed by the long-awaited rating of the next year, 2018.

Or the most peaceful countries are ranked from first to last and criminal, respectively. The ranking was taken from the Vision of Humanity website, which is compiled by humanity from all over the world. In parentheses, each country indicates how many steps it has risen or fallen since the previous year. The safest countries are the countries of Scandinavia and Europe, however, as always :) This year, many countries have soared sharply, some up and some down. The African Gambia was especially surprised: it rose by as much as 34 steps, as well as the African Togo: it fell by 36 steps. But Russia is still close to 10th place in terms of the most criminal countries, has not distinguished itself much since last year. However, over the past 25 years it has always been like this... And Ukraine remains inferior to Russia, from the moment Poroshenko came to power. I wonder what it will look like in the future? Wait and see.

Rating of countries of the world 2018

1. Iceland (0)
2. New Zealand (0)
3. Austria (+1)
4. Portugal (-1)
5. Denmark (0)
6. Canada (+2)
7. Czech Republic (-1)
8. Singapore (+13)
9. Japan (+2)
10. Ireland (0)
11. Slovenia (-4)
12. Switzerland (-3)
13. Austria (-1)
14. Sweden (+4)
15. Finland (+2)
16. Norway (-2)
17. Germany (-1)
18. Hungary (-3)
19. Butane (-6)
20. Mauritius (+2)
21. Belgium (-2)
22. Slovakia (+4)
23. Netherlands (Holland) (-3)
24. Romania (+1)
25. Malaysia (+4)
26. Bulgaria (+2)
27. Croatia (+4)
28. Chile (-4)
29. Botswana (-2)
30. Spain (-7)
31. Latvia (+1)
32. Poland (+1)
33. Estonia (+3)
34. Taiwan (+6)
35. Sierra Leone (+4)
36. Lithuania (+1)
37. Uruguay (-2)
38. Italy (0)
39. Madagascar (+5)
40. Costa Rica (-6)
41. Ghana (+2)
42. Kuwait (+16)
43. Namibia (+7)
44. Malawi (+4)
45. United United Arab Emirates (+20)
46. ​​Laos (-1)
47. Mongolia (-1)
48. Zambia (-6)
49. Korea ( South Korea) (-2)
50. Panama (-1)
51. Tanzania (+3)
52. Albania (+5)
53. Senegal (+7)
54. Serbia (+2)
55. Indonesia (-3)
56. Qatar (-26)
57. UK (-16)
58. Montenegro (+9)
59. East Timor (-6)
60. Vietnam (-1)
61. France (-10)
62. Cyprus (+2)
63. Liberia (+19)
64. Moldova (Republic of Moldova) (+2)
65. Equatorial Guinea (-4)
66. Argentina (-11)
67. Sri Lanka (+13)
68. Nicaragua (+6)
69. Benin (+10)
70. Kazakhstan (+2)
71. Morocco (+4)
72. Swaziland (+5)
73. Oman (+3)
74. Peru (+3)
75. Ecuador (-9)
76. Gambia (+34)
77. Paraguay (-9)
78. Tunisia (-9)
79. Greece (-6)
80. Burkina Faso (+11)
81. Cuba (+7)
82. Guyana (-1)
83. Angola (+17)
84. Nepal (+9)
85. Trinidad and Tobago (+13)
86. Mozambique (-8)
87. Macedonia (+15)
88. Haiti (-5)
89. Bosnia and Herzegovina (-4)
90. Jamaica (+2)
91. Dominican Republic (+8)
92. Kosovo (-16)
93. Bangladesh (-9)
94. Bolivia (-8)
95. Gabon (-8)
96. Guinea (0)
97. Cambodia (-8)
98. Jordan (-3)
99. Togo (-36)
100. Papua New Guinea (-3)
101. Belarus (Republic of Belarus) (+2)
102. Georgia (-8)
103. Rwanda (+10)
104. Lesotho (-14)
105. Uzbekistan (-4)
106. Brazil (+2)
107. Uganda (-2)
108. Kyrgyzstan (+3)
109. Algeria (0)
110. Ivory Coast (+11)
111. Guatemala (+6)
112. China (+4)
113. Thailand (+7)
114. Tajikistan (+4)
115. Djibouti (-8)
116. Guinea-Bissau (-6)
117. El Salvador (-2)
118. Honduras (-12)
119. Turkmenistan (Turkmenistan) (0)
120. Armenia (-8)
121. United States of America (-7)
122. Myanmar (-18)
123. Kenya (+2)
124. Zimbabwe (+3)
125. South Africa (-2)
126. Congo (-2)
127. Mauritania (+1)
128. Niger (-2)
129. Saudi Arabia (+4)
130. Behrain (+1)
131. Iran (-2)
132. Azerbaijan (0)
133. Cameroon (-3)
134. Burundi (+7)
135. Chad (0)
136. India (+1)
137. Philippines (+1)
138. Eritrea (-2)
139. Ethiopia (-5)
140. Mexico (+2)
141. Palestine (New)
142. Egypt (-3)
143. Venezuela (0)
144. Mali (-4)
145. Colombia (0)
146. Israel (-2)
147. Lebanon (0)
148. Nigeria (0)
149. Türkiye (-3)
150. DPRK ( North Korea) (-1)
151. Pakistan (0)
152. Ukraine (+1)
153. Sudan (+2)
154. Russia (-4)
155. Central African Republic (-1)
156. Democratic Republic of the Congo (-4)
157. Libya (-1)
158. Yemen (0)
159. Somalia (-2)
160. Iraq (0)
161. South Sudan (-2)
162. Afghanistan (-1)
163. Syria (-1)

In any country in the world, there is a chance of being deceived, robbed or embroiled in life-threatening street riots. The Tourism-Review portal has published a list of the ten safest countries in the world.

Cyprus- an island in the Mediterranean Sea, is a place where your personal safety is guaranteed. Despite the conflict with Turkey, which divided the island into south and north in the 1970s, Cyprus is one of the most safe places in Europe. The crime rate is so low that you don't even have to close your door at night.

Denmark- northern European country, which is also one of the safest countries in the world. There are 0.88 murders per 100 thousand people. The likelihood of pickpocketing is also very low. You will not be attacked by any wild animals or hit by any natural disaster. This is the perfect place to ride your bike, where you don't have to worry about it being stolen while you're buying ice cream.

Iceland very popular for its geysers and untouched nature. If you prefer places where there are few people, then Iceland is the perfect country to travel to. The murder rate here is almost 0 and it is without a doubt the safest country in the world. There are only 130 prisoners in the entire country who are allowed to go home on weekends. Iceland has the lowest crime rate.

Ireland- The green island, famous for its culture, whiskey and beer, is also one of the safest countries in the world. Here there are 0.32 murders per 100 thousand people. Also, according to statistics, Dublin is much less dangerous than the capitals of Japan, Australia and Canada.

Japan. There are many Europeans who would give a lot to eat authentic Japanese sushi while looking at Fuji. The country has much more to offer. In terms of crime, Japan is close to Singapore - there are 0.44 murders per 100 thousand inhabitants per year. Theft is also very rare in Japan, and compared to other Asian countries, this fact is a “bonus”. Japan also has a lost property office.

Luxembourg- a tiny state with only half a million people. People living in Luxembourg are said to be some of the most satisfied with their lives in the world and this is not surprising - the country has a very developed economy, and the highest GDP per capita in the world.

New Zealand. The beautiful landscape, mountains, lakes and coastline make this country every traveler's dream. The absence of political unrest, a stable economy and "isolation" make New Zealand one of the safest countries in the world. Serious crimes are practically never committed here. No poisonous animals such as spiders and snakes are found in New Zealand. There are no recorded cases of shark attacks on people, and there is virtually no risk of natural disaster as the island is too remote for tropical cyclones.

Norway is a Scandinavian country popular for its fjords and white nights. The crime rate in the country is 0.71 per 100 thousand people, which also makes it one of the safest countries in Europe. There are no threats of war, political unrest, or even natural disasters. This is an ideal country for a holiday, especially if you don't like the heat. However, you may not expect that your vacation will be cheap - among Scandinavian countries Norway is the most expensive.

Singapore- Very popular place from tourists. Here you can see a mixture of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Arab and Western cultures. It is also one of the unique places in the world where there are virtually no conflicts between cultures. Singapore is rightfully one of the safest places in the world. The murder rate is 0.38 per 100 thousand inhabitants. This is an extremely low figure compared to, for example, Venezuela and Honduras.

Every year the UN publishes a report containing ratings of the most favorable countries to live in. The assessment is carried out from the point of view of general well-being, population health, level of general education, life expectancy, etc.
We offer you the top 10 countries where, from the UN point of view, people live most comfortably.

10. New Zealand

Residents of this country live the longest - on average 82 years. When around you Blue Mountains, amazing wild nature and such fabulous views - you can live happily ever after.

9. Canada

Canada has the highest level of education - 68% of residents have higher education and work in their specialty.
In addition, Canada is real paradise for those who love to travel. There are a huge number of wonderful national parks for every taste, with rocky mountains and wide open spaces.

8. USA

There is one of the highest levels of financial well-being here. The average annual income for the average American is approximately $51,843.

7. Ireland

The country with the lowest crime rate. In addition, the fewest suicides occur here - 1.2 per 1000.

6. Germany

People with the most high rate health. The average life expectancy of Germans is approximately 83 years.

5. Netherlands

This state is often called the country of equals. It has the lowest level of income inequality between different segments of the population and has continued to decline since the mid-90s. There are also 30,000 km of bike paths in the Netherlands. If you are thinking about moving, be sure to buy a bicycle.

4. Denmark

Education and healthcare in Denmark are completely free. The difference in wages between men and women in the country is 15%. This figure continues to decline due to labor protests. In the USA, for example, this ratio sometimes reaches 64%.

3. Switzerland

A country that produces so many types of the most varied chocolate cannot, by definition, be unhappy :) Switzerland has one of the most affordable educations in the world. Tuition at many schools is as low as $1,000.

2. Australia

Over the past ten years, the Australian government has been systematically increasing investment in education. As a result, today, the majority of Australians study for up to 20 years.
Australia also has a very low level of environmental pollution from human waste, despite the national love for massive barbecue parties.

1. Norway

For the second decade in a row, this country ranks first in the ranking. There is a high level of education, social well-being, personal freedom and security, as well as high life expectancy.
It is believed that climbing one of the local mountains called Skala takes away all of a person's worries and concerns. Maybe this is the whole secret of the Norwegians?)