The largest abandoned building in the world. Terribly beautiful - the most fascinating abandoned places in the world. Abandoned house in Virginia, USA

In our amazing world every traveler will find something to see. Lovers of beauty simply must take a look at beautiful abandoned places, and lovers of thrills must discover scary sights that excite the blood. We invite you to go with us to the islands, among which there are both beautiful and scary ones. There are legends about them; scenes from horror or beautiful films are filmed here. And the good news is that there are many such places, and they are all unique.

Many of us sincerely believe that horror elements can only be seen on the TV screen, well, at least, at Halloween celebrations. However, there are many places in the world that just look chilling. It is impossible to remain indifferent to them: either you are afraid of them, or visiting such an area becomes the main purpose of life. If you are a thrill-seeker, sit back and go with us on a creepy journey called the scariest.

California - Winchester House

This huge house is located in San Jose, consists of 40 stairs, 160 rooms and a secret covered in darkness.

The inhabitants of the estate were strange, to put it mildly: a crazy widow lived here with a family of ghosts.

The history of this mansion began from the moment when owner Sarah Winchester lost her beloved rich husband, having inherited a multimillion-dollar fortune. After death, the spirit of her deceased husband appeared to her and told her a terrible secret about how he made money.

According to him, he built all his wealth on human bones, so their entire family is cursed, and ghosts will take revenge on them until death. Adding fuel to the fire, a fortune teller told Sarah that the spirits of every person killed with Winchesters purchased from her husband's weapons company would appear to her.

But in all this hell there was a thin straw of salvation - Sarah had to make peace and try to make friends with the ghosts. To do this, it was necessary to start building the house and not stop, because if the hammering ceases, Sarah will die. Thus began the construction of a house that was not to be completed throughout the widow’s life.

First of all, the poor woman bought an old mansion in California and hired workers. The house grew like mushrooms after rain. According to Miss Winchester's plan, secret passages, corridors, and balconies began to appear in it. Stairs usually led to nowhere to confuse the ghosts that haunted Sarah, whom she was deathly afraid of. The construction of the mansion did not stop for more than a day, but this madness lasted for 38 long years!

Today this abandoned place is open to tourists, but you can enter here on the condition that you do not leave the group, otherwise you will simply get lost in the creepy labyrinths. They say ghosts are still waiting for their victims.

Poisonous Danakil Desert

Ethiopian Danakil Desert. If you go there, it will be the scariest trip of your life! There is no such landscape anywhere else, probably not even in real hell.

Once you find yourself here, you are unlikely to want to fly to Mars, since it feels like being in space. You simply feel a catastrophic lack of oxygen, it becomes difficult to breathe, but there is an abundance of stinking, burning gases that are born under your feet in the volcanic surface with floating stones.

By traveling here, tourists literally shorten their lives. Heat + 50 degrees, the danger of stepping on an awakening volcano and being boiled in its red lava, inhaling sulfur vapor for the rest of your life and making it short - all these risks are present here. Moreover, in the struggle for water and food, semi-wild tribes of the Afar region often lie in wait for tourists here, who, as a rule, are armed and hungry. They can be an unpleasant addition to the unearthly beauty of the Danakil Desert.

Suicide Forest

The Danakil Desert is an eerie abandoned place, and there is nothing like it in the world. It is located at the foot of Mount Fuji, which is considered sacred.

This gloomy place differs from the forest we are used to in that they do not come here to pick mushrooms and berries, they do not barbecue here or relax with their family, but they come to say goodbye to life. For these purposes, it was chosen by authentic Japanese suicides.

They began to go into the forest forever in the early 1950s. Less than half a century had passed, and the number of people who died in the forest reached 500 people who voluntarily said goodbye to life. Rumor has it that the fashion for dying in the forest came to the masses after the publication of the book “The Black Sea of ​​Trees” by the author Seiko Matsumoto, in the plot of which two volunteers went to this forest in order to hang themselves. They walked holding hands...

The forest is so shady and gloomy that even on a sunny day it is easy to find a scary corner wrapped in grave twilight to do your dirty deed. In addition to skulls, corpses and bones, here you can find shields like “Think about your loved ones!” or “Think one last time!”

The problem of suicide in the forest became national in 1970. Since then, the government sends units there every year to clear the forest of “fresh” dead.

The area of ​​the Aokigahara forest is 35 square meters. m. For about a year, 50-100 corpses “mature” on the trees, depending on how “fruitful” the year was.

The bridge is a four-legged killer

The killer arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton; more precisely, it is located near the Overtoun mansion, which has become a haven for ghosts.

Mystical events take place on this bridge, and they were often associated with a gloomy house, however, as it turned out later, it was not the mansion, but the bridge itself. Strange events began to occur on it in the mid-twentieth century. Dozens of dogs threw themselves from a height of fifteen meters and fell to their deaths; the survivors still repeated their attempt to jump from the bridge.

Even veterinarians and zoologists could not figure out what drove them to such actions, but the most interesting thing was that they all jumped from the same parapet.

During this time, many hypotheses were put forward. They said that perhaps the dogs were driven by the hunting instinct, and they rushed at the rats and minks living below. Others suspect that the bridge is located on the border of two worlds: the living and the dead, and the dogs smell the “smell” of the paranormal, follow the trail, and pay for their curiosity with death. Perhaps you know the secret of the Overtown Bridge?

Video about the most terrible abandoned places on the planet

Beautiful abandoned places

In addition to the creepy places that haunt our consciousness, there are also beautiful abandoned places in the world that are difficult to look away from. Despite their beauty, they evoke a feeling of pity, since they are abandoned and seem to be of no use to anyone. But in reality this is not so - hundreds of tourists come to look at them.

Italy, San Fruttuoso: Christ from the Abyss

This is one of the most beautiful abandoned places under water. The bronze statue of Christ is so realistic that hundreds of people come to San Fruttuoso to look at it at least once in their lives.

But we’ll immediately warn you that only those who love diving can see it, since the statue is located underwater in an Italian bay. Duilio Marcante erected a bronze sculpture in honor of his friend who died at sea - Italy's first scuba diver Dario Gonzatti. And it was created by the talented sculptor Guido Galetti. The height of the masterpiece is 2.5 m, it is installed at a depth of 17 m, so seeing it is not as easy as it seems. But those who were lucky enough to look at the grandiose statue will not be able to forget its noble, blessing image.

Japan, Gulliver's Adventure park

Gulliver's Adventure is another place that can be classified as one of the most beautiful abandoned places in the world. The theme park is located in Japan, in Kawaguchi, and was created according to the idea of ​​the local government to revitalize the leisure time of local residents.

But for some reason the project was not profitable and lasted only 4 years, after which it “successfully” went bankrupt. It has not been operating since 2001, but its main attraction, the 45 m long Gulliver sculpture, attracts tourists not only from Japan, but also from other countries of the world.

There are guesses that the park was closed due to the fact that there was little entertainment here: besides the sculpture, there was only a steam locomotive and several ordinary carousels, but no one knows what it really was like.

Abandoned and beautiful

It is worth noting that there are many beautiful abandoned places in the world where, however, many of these “pearls of the world” are open to visitors. The list of the most mysterious abandoned places includes the following:

  • The city of Kolmanskop (Namibia desert);
  • Dome houses in Florida, which have long been abandoned by people;
  • 15th century monastery in Germany (in the Black Fortress);
  • Bodiam Castle (England);
  • Dead City of Keelung (Taiwan);
  • Tunnel of Love (Ukraine).

The most terrible abandoned places

10 most beautiful places

If you love to travel and have seen other abandoned places (either the scariest or the most beautiful), please share photos and comments on the blog. After all, we know that our world is beautiful, and it is very difficult to fit it all into one article. Let's continue the story of the most beautiful and terrible abandoned places together. You probably have something to write about.

The mysterious unknown has always pushed people to do crazy things and awakened the spirit of exploration in them. The subject of interest of modern stalkers, diggers, roofers and other representatives of urban subcultures is no longer caves or wild corners of the world. Every year there are more and more abandoned places on the planet - the remains of human civilization. Such places are overgrown with secrets and legends, sometimes quite creepy, and this only increases the interest of young people to touch the dead atmosphere of structures created by man.

the site has prepared for you a selection of the most frightening and majestic abandoned places on earth, where loneliness and silence exist in symbiosis with nature, which has come to take its toll.

1. Pripyat and Chernobyl nuclear power plant

You don't have to look far for the first example. One of the most terrible man-made disasters modernity has left behind a whole dead city- an abandoned place where more than 50 thousand people once lived.

Residents of the city gathered in a hurry. You could take only the essentials with you, so most household items remained in their places. Now almost all buildings have already been robbed by looters, but a frightening atmosphere and an indescribable feeling of anxiety are constantly in the air. According to the stories of stalkers who regularly visit Pripyat, even the singing of birds is very rare in the city.

Many years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the city is captured by nature, which is trying to correct what man has done. New trees are growing through the cracks in the asphalt; the grass carpet no longer makes it clear where the playground was and where the lawn was. This symbiosis of two elements makes the atmosphere in Pripyat even more eerie, so if you are a fan of such places, do not miss the opportunity to visit the city on a tour.

The background radiation in Pripyat still exceeds the norm, but this is not dangerous if you do not plan to stay there.

2. Mirny mine. Yakutia

One of the most impressive man-made structures of mankind and a legacy of the USSR. The mine is the second largest in the world among all pits ever created by man. The total length of the spiral road leading deep into the mine is almost 8 kilometers. The depth of the quarry is 525 meters, and the diameter is 1.2 kilometers.

This abandoned site was home to one of the largest diamond deposits in the area. former USSR. Over time, diamond reserves dried up and the development was closed in 2001. All that remains is a giant funnel, which is visible even from space.

3. Military hospital in the German city of Belitz

One of the directors' favorite settings for horror films is hospitals and psychiatric clinics. It is not surprising that when you find yourself in an abandoned military hospital in German city Belits, goosebumps run across your skin.

This place has quite a rich history. The hospital treated wounded soldiers during the First and Second World Wars. Adolf Hitler himself was even treated here, which, according to impressionable people, saturated the building with dark energy.

4. Willard Psychiatric Asylum

Continuing the theme of horror, it is worth paying attention to the old abandoned mental hospital of Willard, which could house up to 4 thousand patients at a time. The building was built in 1869 and was decommissioned only in 1995.

During its existence, the hospital received more than 50 thousand patients, half of whom died within the walls of the hospital.

5. Lier Sikehus Psychiatric Hospital

Another creepy hospital called Lier Sikehus was opened in 1926 and is located in Norway.

It is known for certain that experiments were carried out on patients in this hospital in an attempt to bring psychiatric medicine to a new level.

In 1985, four buildings of the hospital were decommissioned, and in great haste. They didn’t even bother to remove the equipment and personal belongings of the patients from there. All this remains in place to this day and adds an eerie atmosphere to those who dare to enter this abandoned place.

6. Church of San Juan Parangaricutiro in Mexico

In 1944, the Paricutin volcano erupted in Mexico. The lava not only destroyed the nearby village, but also buried an ancient church underneath it, leaving only the bell tower and the upper part of the building sticking out of the petrified rock.

Local residents consider it a miracle that the lava did not reach the altar, so they turned this place into a pilgrimage site.

Lava flows around the church formed a futuristic landscape, which in the evening twilight resembles the relief of abandoned places on an alien planet.

7. Abandoned amusement park "Jazzland", Orleans

Have you been afraid of clowns since childhood? Then you will definitely like the American abandoned amusement park called Jazzland, which is more creepy than zombie films.

This park was abandoned after the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina.

8. Gulliver's Travels Amusement Park, Japan

This park was built in 1997 at the foot of Mount Fuji. The authorities hoped to attract a lot of tourists, but the project failed, despite financial support from the state. Now this deserted place, with the huge figure of a lying Gulliver, is rather frightening. Well, that's why they are Japanese.

9. Flooded city of Shichen, China

One of the most atmospheric abandoned places on the planet is the city of Shichen in China, which is located under water. This is a very ancient city, which was founded in 670 AD. For many centuries, life was in full swing within the walls of this settlement and history was being made, but the Chinese government decided to flood this city in order to build a new hydroelectric power station.

Now this place is a kind of pilgrimage site for divers all over the world. The views underwater are worth getting a scuba diver's license to experience first-hand.

10. Canfranc train station, Spain

This station was opened in 1928, in spanish city Canfranc. It distributed railway traffic on the Pau – Canfranc route, which connected the two countries. The 240-meter building instilled awe in everyone who visited this place.

The station survived its second world war, which at first was a refuge for several thousand Jews fleeing France, and then was captured by the Nazis and served as a transit point for transporting stolen gold to Germany.

By the way, it was here that the famous film “Doctor Zhivago” based on the novel by Boris Pasternak was filmed.

11. Communist Party Headquarters, Bulgaria

This rather creepy building was erected during communist rule. In an attempt to create something powerful and pretentious in appearance, the builders went a little overboard, so the structure looks like something post-apocalyptic and terrible. After the collapse of the USSR, the object became an abandoned place, and became a favorite route for stalkers from all over Europe.

12. Miranda Castle, Belgium

The best place to get a heart attack from fear is Miranda Castle, in Belgium. It was built during the French Revolution by aristocrats, but during the Second World War it was used as an orphanage. The last people left the castle in 1980, and it has been empty since then.

Ghost hunters adore this abandoned place, which is overgrown with legends and strikes terror into the hearts of visitors.

13. Sunken yacht in Antarctica

On the one hand, there is nothing unusual here, but the dull gray sky over Antarctica, the lifeless landscape coastline and the mystical color of the water in these places together give such an effect that goosebumps run down your skin just by looking at the photo.

This yacht belonged to a Brazilian film crew who were trying to film a documentary in these waters. A sudden storm sank the ship, and the Brazilians had to leave the yacht and wait for help from rescuers.

14. Abandoned power plant in Belgium

This building was put into operation in 1921. The power plant ran on coal and supplied electricity to nearby towns. In 2006, the operation of the enterprise was stopped due to the inability to compete with nuclear energy. Now this abandoned place is empty, and the stunning view from the cooling tower is simply epic.

15. Liner "America"

This monumental ship has been carrying passengers since 1938, but in 1994 the ship was caught in a storm and lost control. The team tried to save the plane, but their efforts were unsuccessful. The ship ran aground Canary Islands. A couple of years later, its stern part fell off and sank in the nearby waters, and the bow of the ship remained aground, becoming an object of pilgrimage for tourists.

The ghost town has long been a symbol of the apocalypse for filmmakers. Writers, for many years now, have been exploiting this image “for full blast", showing us their forms, which are only possible: from the ghost town of 1948 from the western "Yellow Sky" by Gregory Peck, and ending with the empty streets of London in Danny Boyle's film "28 Days Later". Feelings of fear, anxiety, and tension are associated with both the popular 1990s video game Silent Hill and the post-apocalyptic wasteland in Pulitzer Prize winner Cormac McCartney's novel The Road. No matter where you turn, the topic has already been covered far and wide. It has become a magnificent setting for all types of entertainment genre, be it a film or a literary work.
But what is causing this massive population loss? One of the main factors is the depletion of local natural resources and poor connections with main highways and railways. Another, more threatening reason could be a catastrophe. For example, the case of Pattonsburg, Missouri. Its residents have been victims of about 30 floods since 1845, when their city was founded. But after two floods in a row, their patience came to an end, and in 1993, with the help of the authorities, the entire city was completely rebuilt at a distance of 3 km from the old place. It is now known as New Pattonsburg. Old Pattonsburg is a completely abandoned ghost town.
In this list we present 10 of the most interesting abandoned places on our planet, hoping in this way to bring the spirit real life into what many consider to be an entirely fantastic phenomenon.

Bodie, California

Founded in 1876, Bodie has become a veritable American ghost town. It began its existence as a small mining settlement, which over time became very successful due to the surrounding gold deposits. By 1880, Bodie's population numbered 10,000 and the town was thriving. At the peak of economic prosperity, at main street The city had 65 saloon bars and even had its own “Chinatown” with several hundred immigrants from China.
With time Natural resources very exhausted. Although it had lost its former significance, the city continued to exist, even after a fire that destroyed most of the city's business center. Bodie is now uninhabited.
In 1961 he received the title of National historical place. And in 1962, the town became Bodie State Historic Park, home to the few remaining old-timers.
Today Bodi is in a ruined state. Only a small part of it is still preserved. Here visitors can stroll along abandoned streets and look inside buildings where the interior is still the same as it was once left. Body is open all year round, but long road, which leads to it, is usually impassable in winter, so the most best time visit it during the summer months.

Sanzhi, Taiwan

Sanzhi was originally built as a futuristic luxury vacation spot for the wealthy. However, after numerous deaths during construction, the project was shelved. Lack of money coupled with lack of desire caused construction to stop completely. As a result, the structures, which look like alien flying ships, remain only a kind of reminder of those who are no longer there. There are rumors around this place that the city is now haunted by ghosts - the souls of those who died.
The government, which initially supported this project, tried to distance itself from the mysterious incidents. Thanks to this, the names of the architects remain a secret to everyone. Due to growing legends and all sorts of rumors, the project will probably never be restored and the place is unlikely to be used for anything else, if only because it is a bad omen to destroy the houses of lonely ghosts.

Varosha, Cyprus

Varosha is a district of the city of Famagusta in Cyprus, occupied by the Turks. Formerly a modern tourist area, it has become one of the most luxurious holiday destinations in the region. However, in 1974 the Turks captured Cyprus and divided the territory. Many residents left the island, hoping to return to their homes after some time. However, the Turkish military surrounded the place with barbed wire and took complete control of it. These days, no one is allowed to enter here except military personnel and peacekeepers. Oddly enough, there is a positive side to all this - rare species of turtles have begun to nest on deserted beaches.
There is a project to return the place of Varosha to the Greek Cypriots. Currently Laxia Inc. 3 luxury hotels have been developed and in the near future the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will apparently rediscover the territory of Varosha.

Gunkanjima, Japan

Hashima Island (border island) - one of 550 uninhabited islands Nagasaki Prefecture, located 15 kilometers from the city of Nagasaki. It is also known as "Gunkan-jima" or fortress island. It all started in 1810, when the Mitsubishi company bought the island and began a project to mine coal from the bottom of the sea. This attracted a large influx of people, and in 1916 the company was forced to build Japan's first high-rise cement building on the island. It was a residential building needed to accommodate many workers.
In 1959, the population grew to reach 5,259 people with a coastline of about 1 km - one of the largest high performance world population (139,100 people per sq. km). As oil began to be used instead of coal in the 1960s, coal mines began to close across the country, and the mines on Hashima Island were no exception. In 1974, the Mitsubishi company made an official announcement about the closure of the mine and now the island is deserted and abandoned, but open to visitors.

Balestrino, Italy

It was extremely difficult to find any specific information about Balestrino, at least on this topic. No one can give an exact answer when the city was founded, although written references to it appeared before the 11th century, when Balestrino was the property of the Benedictine monastery of San Pietro dei Monti. Population records date back to around 1860, at which time the town had a population of about 800–850, mostly farmers who took advantage of its favorable location to grow olive trees.
In the second half of the 19th century, the northwestern coast of Italy was shaken by numerous earthquakes. In 1887, one of these earthquakes (magnitude 6.7) destroyed several settlements in the vicinity of Savona and, although there is no mention of Balestrino in official sources, this period coincides with massive renovation work in the city and a significant decline in population.
The city was eventually abandoned in 1953 due to "geological instability" and the remaining residents (about 400 people) were moved to the safer western region. The abandoned part of Balestrino, which has remained untouched and inaccessible for more than 50 years, is now being renovated.

Katoli World, Taiwan

Shouldn't we get out of the abandoned mossy slums and admire something like the Oscar-winning film Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki? Those who have seen it will understand that at the beginning of the film, a family wanders through an abandoned amusement park, built back in the 80s, but then lost its popularity and was eventually completely forgotten. This is common in Asia, where you can find many amusement parks that have now been left to rust. Katoli World is one of them.
Is located in picturesque place Dakeng on the way out of Taichung, Taiwan. It was opened in the mid-80s. It was quite a success and was one of several roller coaster parks on the island of Taiwan.
However, Mir Katoli was closed after a strong earthquake on September 21, 1999. Thousands of people died then, but no one was injured inside the park, since the earthquake occurred an hour before the opening. The place where children's laughter once sounded is now slowly becoming covered with rust.

Centralia, Pennsylvania

Centralia was founded in 1841 and by 1866 received the status small town. Here, in 1962, an open coal vein ignited due to weekly waste burning, causing a massive underground fire. Attempts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, and it continued to burn into the 60s and 70s.
In 1979, local residents realized the full extent of the problem when a fuel station at a gas station recorded a temperature of 77.8 degrees Celsius. This attracted widespread attention, which became even more intense in 1981, when a 12-year-old teenager nearly died when he fell into a 45-meter-deep crevasse that suddenly opened up beneath his feet.
In 1984, $42 million was spent on relocation, with most residents moving to nearby Mount Carmel and Ashland. In 1992, Pennsylvania declared all the houses in the town uninhabitable, leaving only a handful of people, mostly priests, of the 1,000 residents who lived there in 1981.
The underground fire is still raging and, according to experts, could still rage for the next 250 years.

Yashima, Japan

Yashima is a vast plateau northeast of Takamatsu, the second largest city on the island of Shikoku, one of largest islands Japan. At the top of this plateau is the Yashima Shrine - good famous place religious pilgrimage. This is perhaps the only place that draws crowds to this godforsaken geographical anomaly, but this was not always the case.
During the economic boom in the mid-eighties, the residents of Takamatsu decided that the plateau was perfect place for tourism and began to invest money in the development of this sacred land. 6 hotels were built, many parks with paths and even an aquarium. However, at some point, people realized that the Yashima Plateau was not such an attractive place. The number of visitors dropped sharply and soon dried up completely. Through bitter experience, having failed to conduct proper economic justifications, Takamatsu's management severely paid for their lack of foresight. The huge investments made in the project did not yield results, and the city of Yashima turned into a ghost town.

Pripyat, Ukraine

Pripyat is an abandoned ghost town located in a closed zone of northern Ukraine, in the Kyiv region, on the border with Belarus. Before the evacuation, the population of the city was about 50 thousand people, these were mainly workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. There was a disaster here in 1986, and the site was abandoned due to the threat of radiation. After this, for a long time Pripyat remained a kind of museum, perfectly demonstrating the history of Soviet life. However, over time, the city was completely looted, nothing remained, even toilet seats were stolen.
Some more years must pass before the city can be lived in, but even then people will not dare to rebuild it again.

Craco, Italy

Craco, is located in the region of Basilicata, province of Matera, about 40 kilometers inland from the Gulf of Taranto. It was built on the edge of a cliff. Since its founding in the 8th century AD. e. suffered repeatedly from invaders and earthquakes.
In 1891, Craco's population was more than 2,000. However, due to crop failures between 1892 and 1922, more than 1,300 residents of the city left. In addition to underdeveloped agriculture, such disasters as landslides, earthquakes and war were added. All this caused mass relocation. Between 1959 and 1972, Craco was devastated by natural disasters. In 1963, the remaining 1,800 inhabitants were relocated to the nearby Craco Peschiera valley, and the original Craco remains deserted and ruined to this day.

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Planet Earth is rich in places with beautiful natural attractions, where the picturesque landscape is complemented by exotic fauna. There are no less places with architectural, cultural and historical monuments. However, among admirers of exotic tourism, there is a certain category of travelers who prefer to visit the most terrible abandoned places, several of which have become objects of a kind of pilgrimage.

Abandoned and dangerous places to visit

Start reviewing the attractions that can be considered as the most creepy places in the world , follows with city ​​of Pripyat , which after the catastrophic accident at the Chernobyl power plant in 1986 turned into a dead city. The thirty-kilometer zone surrounding it poses a real danger to the lives of people who wander into it due to the high concentration of radionuclides.

As you know, “the forbidden fruit is always sweet,” and today there are many tourists who have made exploring this territory their hobby. Despite regularly appearing proposals for groups to visit the exclusion zone, the presence of outsiders in it is officially prohibited and is dangerous to health. A whole trend dedicated to tourism to the Chernobyl zone has appeared in popular culture. This is first of all:

  • gaming Universe “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.”;
  • a book series with the same name “STALKER”;
  • a series of documentaries – “We”, “The Bell of Chernobyl” and “Pripyat”;
  • feature films “Nuclear Zone Ranger” (Belarus), “Forbidden Zone” (USA), “Disintegration” (USSR);
  • Comedy-fantasy “Road movie” of the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone" and the Ukrainian mini-series "Moths".

An equally depressing impression is left by the one located at the foot of Fujisan stratovolcano (Japanese island Honshu) “Suicide Forest” – Aokigahara. This forest area is not visited by collectors of mushrooms and berries, which grow here in huge quantities. Aokigahara is a cult site of Japanese suicides. The first self-hanging in the forest occurred in 1950 and, according to expert psychoanalysts, the reason for this was reading the book “The Black Sea of ​​Trees” (author Seiko Matsumoto).

In 1970, the Japanese Government recognized the Aokigahara Forest, where 50 to 100 people voluntarily die each year, as a national problem and a special police unit was created to clear the area of ​​uninvited guests.

Located in the Avar Basin in northern Ethiopia, which has a second name - “Hell on Earth”, can rightfully be classified as the most terrible abandoned place in the world. Saharan habitat will appear a piece of paradise compared to the landscape and atmosphere of the Danakil Desert. Travelers in this area face the following risks:

  • heat stroke from ambient temperature exceeding +50.0°;
  • the likelihood of stepping on a smoking hummock and awakening a volcano,
  • inhale sulfur fumes;
  • stumble and swim in an oil lake or a pool of sulfuric acid.

Despite the high danger, there are many fans of extreme tourism who want to visit this terrible corner. True, just one visit to the Danakil Desert and staying on its territory for 24 hours can shorten a traveler’s stay on Earth by ten years. Tour operators, describing all the “delights” of this terrible place, forget to mention the ever-hungry semi-wild tribes of the “Afars”, whose purpose of existence is the armed struggle for food and water. The accompanying guides cannot rule out meeting them.

Beautiful abandoned places on our planet

In addition to scary and dangerous territories, there are also magnificent parks on Earth, the territory of which a person rarely sets foot on. These locations were once inhabited and attracted many tourists. Over time, due to economic reasons or due to natural disasters, they lost their charm and today are open to the public. However, there is no widespread interest among travelers, despite the fact that the areas remain objects of close attention for lovers of everything unusual.

The category of beautiful but abandoned places in the world should first of all include the one located in Taiwan San Zhi city . The project was developed in the late seventies of the last century resort town, according to the investors, was to become one of the most attractive places for tourists. However, after construction was completed, all potential clients were scared of living in houses made of glass and plastic, and the residential area turned into a ghost town. Today its popularity is increasing, as its unusual architecture attracts connoisseurs of the exotic.

What you see on your monitor screens is not still images from horror films, although each of the locations captured in these photos can become a ready-made film set for a chilling thriller or horror film. And in some places the filmmakers have already worked. The online magazine Unusual Hotels invites you to go to virtual tour through abandoned places on the planet, the sight of which makes even the most convinced pragmatists uneasy. 1.

Nowadays it is a ghost town in the Kyiv region, which was founded in 1970 in connection with the construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and was empty in April 1986 after the explosion of one of its power units. At the time of the disaster, about 43,960 people lived in Pripyat, including 15,500 children. Most of the townspeople were employees of the ill-fated facility.

Mir underground diamond mine.

It is located in the village of Mirny in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Western Siberia. Strictly speaking, this field is still being actively developed today, so it cannot be called abandoned. However, mining is now carried out only underground, and the open part of the mine, 525 meters deep and 1,200 meters in diameter, has not been used since 2001. This quarry is the 4th deepest in the world after another Yakut deposit “Udachnaya”, the Chilean Chuquicamata and the American Bingham Canyon.

Abandoned house on Seneca Lake, New York, USA.

The gloomy cottage, abandoned long ago by its inhabitants, makes an even more eerie impression from the fact that in its immediate vicinity several old cars found their final resting place.

Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea.

Its construction began back in 1987. According to the original design, the height of the Ryugyong Hotel was supposed to be 330 meters. If it had been submitted on time, it could have become the most high hotel and the 7th tallest building in the world. Futile attempts to complete the construction of Ryugyong continued for more than 20 years, until the authorities of the North Korean capital announced their intention to partially put the facility into operation in 2013. Which, however, has not happened so far.

Willard Psychiatric Asylum in New York.

Is it worth explaining the reasons why such an oppressive atmosphere reigns here? The institution was founded in 1869, a year when methods of curing mental illnesses were not distinguished by any kind of humanity. The patients were within the walls of Willard not of their own free will and were subjected to rather cruel procedures. The clinic has been closed for 20 years.

UFO houses in Sanzhi, Taiwan.

Also known as saucer houses. This is a complex of 60 buildings in a futuristic design that has never been put into operation.

Six Flags amusement park in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

The once grand entertainment complex ceased to exist in 2005 after the infamous Hurricane Katrina virtually destroyed the city.

Gulliver's Travels amusement park in Kawaguchi, Japan.

The magnificent view of Mount Fuji did not save this complex from ruin. After operating for less than 5 years, Gulliver's Travels closed due to financial problems of the owners.

Bannerman Castle on Pollepel Island, New York, USA.

Frank Bannerman was a wealthy arms dealer from Scotland who made a huge fortune from the resale of ammunition during the Spanish-American War. Not finding best place to store goods, he bought an island and built a castle on it in the traditional European style and used it as a warehouse. In 1969, a severe fire caused irreparable damage to the buildings, and the state government, which had purchased the land several years earlier, decided not to restore them.

Disney's Discovery Island Park in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA.

The area, owned by the Walt Disney Company, has been used as a zoo and nature reserve since 1974. The island was closed to visitors in 1999, and all its inhabitants moved to a nearby theme park Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Lighthouse on Cape Aniva in the Sakhalin region.

The 31-meter-high structure was built in 1939, but has not been functioning for many years and has been plundered by looters.

Train station in Canfranc, Spain.

Station international traffic was opened in the municipality of Canfranc near the French border in 1928. The station managed to survive the Second World War, but the collapse of a railway bridge in 1970 led to its closure.

Castle Miranda in Sele, Belgium.

Built in 1886, the building has been unoccupied since 1991 due to legal disputes between the heirs of the former owner and the local municipality.


Stopped functioning due to the complete depletion of the field.

Eilean Donan Castle on an island in the Loch Duich fjord, Scotland.

It was erected in the 13th century along with a stone bridge, which provided communication with the mainland. In 1719, during another battle between the Scots and the British, the structure was destroyed. At the beginning of the 20th century, representatives of the MacRae clan bought the castle and began work on its restoration. Today this place is a tourist attraction and receives tourists from all over the world.

Hashima Island, Japan.

This is a small Pacific island located near the city of Nagasaki. The area has been rich and populous since 1810, when coal was discovered here. After supplies dried up, the mines were closed in 1974. The population left the island within a few weeks.

Mill building in Ontario, Canada.

One can only guess why no one showed interest in the restoration. historical building, which fell into disrepair because the equipment used in flour production was hopelessly outdated and the mill was closed.

City Hall underground station in New York City, USA.

Grand opening new station New York subway took place in 1904. After 40 years, it became obvious that the structure did not meet technical operating standards. City Hall was closed in 1945.

Orpheum Theater in New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA.

Was popular place entertainment for the urban public from 1912 to 1958. After closing it was used as a warehouse for tobacco products. Currently charity organisations are raising funds to help restore the theater to its former glory.

Holy Land Park in Waterbury, Connecticut, USA.

Probably, the biblical stories on which the theme of the park was based ceased to be popular among visitors, and the establishment was closed in 1984.

Power plant building in Monceau, Belgium.

More precisely, its cooling tower for water, which over many years of inactivity was overgrown with moss.

Liner SS America, castaway off the coast of the island of Fuerteventura in the Canary archipelago.

Over more than 50 years of operation, the ship has changed several names and many owners. At the beginning of 1993, it was decided to arrange a 5-star hotel on board. But this never happened, as the liner was caught in a storm and ran aground.

Underwater city of Shi Chen in China.

Territory ancient city found itself flooded by an artificial lake after the completion of the construction of a local hydroelectric power station. Mysterious city, buried under 26-40 meters of water, is well preserved and continues to attract the attention of numerous researchers.

Domino Sugar Factory in Brooklyn, New York, USA.

The area, empty for several decades, has finally attracted the attention of investors. In the near future, a new residential area with developed infrastructure should appear here.

Munsell Sea Forts - Sealand, UK.

These are fortifications erected during the Second World War to protect the United Kingdom from the German invasion. They received the name of their developer Guy Munsell. The troops abandoned these structures in the 50s, after which they were used for other purposes. Thus, one of the forts turned into an unrecognized state called the Principality of Sealand.

Section of the Great Wall of China, China.

This is a monumental border fortification that was erected to protect the borders of the Chinese Empire from raids by nomads from the north. The construction of the wall began before our era, and throughout its history it has been destroyed and forgotten more than once. Despite the fact that restoration work has been carried out for more than 30 years, remote from tourist routes sections of the wall are still in poor condition.

Michigan Central Station in Detroit, Michigan, USA.

It existed from its opening in 1913 until January 1988, when the decision was made to cease operation of the station.

Dadipark amusement park in Dadisel, Belgium.

It was opened in 1949. After an accident that led to a serious injury to a child, the park was closed for reconstruction in 2002, but never resumed operation.

Military hospital in Belitz, Germany.

Located 40 km from Berlin, the complex of buildings was built between 1898 and 1930. After World War II, this territory was occupied by Soviet troops, and the hospital came under their jurisdiction. The fall of the Berlin Wall and subsequent political events led to the cessation of the institution's work.


Wherever he is, music has not been heard here for a long time.


Partially preserved Gothic stained glass windows let in little light, but chairs still await parishioners.

Wonderland amusement park in Beijing, China.

Its construction was suspended in 1998 due to financial problems, and never resumed.

Railway depot in Częstochowa, Poland.

Both the depot building and the trains themselves were not needed by the city.


This is just one of many military industrial facilities that fell into disrepair in the 90s.

Hotel Del Salto in Colombia.

In 1923, a mansion was built according to the design of the architect Carlos Arturo Tapia, which was later turned into a hotel. Due to the deterioration of the condition of the picturesque Tekendama waterfall, located nearby, the flow of tourists began to dry up. In the 90s, a period of decline of the building began. Currently a hotel that has received facility status cultural heritage, reconstructed and turned into a museum.

Christ from the abyss of San Fruttuoso Bay off the coast of Italy.

The bronze statue did not sink at all. It was installed by scuba diver Duilio Marcante, wanting to perpetuate the memory of his deceased colleague. The height of the statue is 2.5 meters, the depth of placement is 17 meters.

Railroad in Lebanon, Missouri, USA.

Apparently, it was unclaimed after the closure of iron ore mines.

Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

The neo-Gothic building, erected in 1829 according to the design of the architect John Haviland, a hundred years later was honored to host the famous gangster Al Capone, convicted of illegally carrying weapons and sentenced to 10 months in prison. The prison was closed in 1971, and currently tours are held here for everyone.

Tunnel of Love in Klevan, Ukraine.

A 4 km long section of the railway track has become a natural monument attracting the attention of tourists. Thickets of trees and bushes are tightly intertwined, forming a picturesque tunnel with an ideal arched shape.