Why can they refuse a Schengen visa. Refusal of a Schengen visa: causes, consequences and actions of a tourist. Video on US visa denial and next steps

Denial of a Schengen visa is bad news for those wishing to travel to one of the agreement countries. Is such a decision of the consulate so scary, what are its reasons and what to do if this has already happened? Each of these questions deserves detailed consideration.

What is a Schengen visa

In accordance with the agreement of the countries of Europe, most of them are included in the union, called the Schengen area. The right to enter, stay and move within its territory is granted in the presence of a single document - a Schengen visa.

This stamp allows entry to 26 countries, including:

  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Finland
  • France
  • Czech
  • Estonia
  • Hungary
  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • and others.

Refusal of a visa

Additional Information! The UK is not a party to the agreement. However, the presence of a Schengen visa may come in handy in case of transit through England. In particular, persons traveling to Australia, the USA, New Zealand or Canada have the right to transit stay at the airport.

In what cases can they refuse

One of the most common motives for rejection is that an application was submitted through an unofficial intermediary. As a consequence of this or, due to accidental or deliberate actions of the applicant, the following reasons may arise:

  • provided invalid or forged documents;
  • lack of documents indicating the purpose of the trip (they are unconvincing, the dates of the reservation / vacation / flight, etc. do not match);
  • any conflicting information in the documents;
  • there are no guarantees of the availability of the remedy or they are not enough;
  • the applicant has been in the Schengen area for more than three months in the last six months;
  • lack of an insurance policy;
  • grounds to suspect the applicant of a threat to the rule of law or a violation of the law (no confidence may be expressed by one or more countries);
  • there is not enough reason to return to your country, suspicion (no certificate of employment, insufficient level of payment, precedents for using other visas for other purposes or with violations);
  • suspicion of intent to remain in illegal work;
  • non-use of a previously issued permit (a citizen received the right to enter, but did not cross the borders of the state whose consulate approved the visa);
  • other options.

Important! A separate category that attracts special attention of the inspection structures is people with a new passport (no stamps). If you have an old identity card that has expired, it is recommended to make copies of its pages and attach it to the application.

Letter with reasons for rejection

As you can see, all the reasons for refusing a Schengen visa are justified and many of them are related to mistakes or violations made by the applicant.

In what form is a denial reported?

The most “harmless” option for reporting a negative decision is to return an empty passport, with a cover letter indicating the reasons. This outcome is applicable in cases of minor error.

A more serious situation is the presence of a stamp with a certain combination of letters and numbers. The degree of complexity of the situation is determined by how this stamp looks. The letters, in this case, correspond to the type of visa, and the numbers - the type of refusal. For example, for an ordinary short-term visa, type C, the following refusal options can be applied:

  • 1 - entry ban for three months (not only to the requested country, but also to the agreement area as a whole);
  • 2 - it is necessary to appear for an interview at a diplomatic body (a question arose that can only be resolved through personal communication);
  • 3 - incomplete package of documents (accompanied by an indication of which paper should be added)
  • 4 - indefinite refusal of a visa (the most stringent measure, which is quite rare).

Important! Violation of the prescription for the first type of refusal, namely, crossing the border of the zone through another state, is fraught with serious problems. The minimum option is not to leave for 10 years, the maximum option is imprisonment.

Refusal stamp

What to do in case of refusal

Constantly arising questions, if a visa was denied - when can I apply again or how to challenge such a decision. In all cases, even when the visa is stamped with an “indefinite refusal”, the applicant has the right to reapply. However, an appeal against a decision is not practiced in every country. In the diplomatic structures of Sweden and Finland there is no procedure for challenging the decision. In others, you can formally challenge within a period of 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the norms of the law.

Appeal process

  • find out how the procedure is carried out (terms, features) from an official source (website of the country's consulate, hotline, visa center);
  • compose a letter according to the sample;
  • form a package of missing / incorrectly executed documents, a foreign passport and send it to the consulate.

Additional Information! If the reason for the refusal is insufficient financial justification, you can draw up and attach a sponsorship letter from one of your relatives, inviting person or employer.

The letter from the applicant is drawn up in a free manner. In this case, you should express your disagreement with the refusal of a visa. There should be the following information:

  • basic data about the applicant (full name, date of birth, passport number);
  • the date the negative decision was made;
  • a detailed explanation why the refusal of a visa is unreasonable;
  • a detailed description of your purpose of visiting the country (tourist, visiting relatives, studying, events, treatment, etc.);
  • indicate the list of accompanying papers that can change the decision to a positive one.

Sample sponsorship letter


Important! In many cases, especially if the reason for the refusal of a visa is easy to fix on your own, it makes sense to simply resubmit the application. This approach is a chance to resolve the issue faster, as appeals take longer to process than a standard stamp application. You can make a second request even the next day, after receiving a refusal, providing a full set of documents and paying all fees.

In this case, it is worth considering the following features and recommendations:

  • take into account all the reasons for the return and correct them (supplement the package of papers, increase the amount of money in the account, attach certificates of real estate availability, arrange insurance, etc.)
  • you can send a second request through the visa center of another region (if the first one was sent in Kaliningrad, it makes sense to send the second, for example, in Moscow);
  • don't try to solve the problem with money. Intermediaries offering such services do not negotiate directly with the consulate, but falsify the document, for which the applicant may be locked up in prison;
  • you can change the planned route. Apply for a pass to another country and from there go to the right direction. Also, this approach is convenient for a tour in which several countries are visited. You should choose a more loyal direction and submit the document there.

An unsuccessful experience in obtaining a Schengen visa is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btraveling. There are a number of ways to resolve the issue, the main ones being a legal appeal and retrying to apply. It is important to take into account and correct the errors indicated in the refusal letter and not resort to methods that are contrary to the current legislation of the country. It is strongly recommended not to use the services of unofficial intermediaries and carefully study the entry requirements of the country before sending the application.

Reasons for visa refusal

1. Lack of documents

Each country, even one that is part of the single Schengen area, draws up its own original list of documents, which confirms the reliability and viability of a potential visitor. If the visa applicant forgot or intentionally did not attach a certificate from the place of work, a bank statement, a photocopy of a passport or a notarized permission (for children from parents), then such a package of documents is guaranteed to receive a “veto”. Most often, in the case of personal submission of documents, consular officers who accept papers will check their completeness in accordance with the list of requirements of a particular state, however, it is the visa applicant who is responsible for submitting an incomplete or incorrect set.

2. "Old" documents

All documents that the applicant submits to the visa center or consular service must be “fresh”, up-to-date. Many countries write the desired time on the list of requirements. For example, a photograph must be taken no later than 6 months before the date of submission of documents, a bank statement must be made 1 month before the “judgment day”, and the validity of the passport must be checked in accordance with the individual requirements of each country.

3. False information

Sometimes, in order to get the coveted stamp, a potential visitor deliberately deceives. A certificate from the place of work is bought or falsified, an invitation is fabricated by offices or people with a dubious reputation, the data in the questionnaire does not match the information in the civil passport - all these things are easily detected by consular service workers. If any document arouses their suspicion, they call the receiving person back or send a request to the competent authorities. In case of detection of lies or falsification of documents, the applicant is guaranteed to be refused, and the next time he tries to obtain a visa to another country, his documents will be processed with increased attention. Business visitors should be especially careful to indicate the reliable contact details of the inviting party. The inviting officer must also be warned of a possible call from the consulate, and must be ready to confirm and explain in as much detail as possible the need for the applicant's arrival.

4. Luggage from previous travels

Traveler reputation is a big plus in your business. If available, you should definitely provide the consulate with a previous foreign passport containing visas to various countries. The more visas there are in the applicant's "luggage of previous travels", the more trustworthy visitor he appears to the consular officer. However, in some cases, a recent visit to a number of countries may affect the decision to issue a visa negatively. This phenomenon is not widespread, it concerns mainly the countries of South-West Asia. People with an Israeli visa in their passport may not be allowed to enter hostile states. For example, to Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Iran. The same rule applies in reverse.

5. Trouble with the law

If a person had problems with the law in his homeland or managed to “sin” in one of his previous trips abroad, then the probability of receiving a refusal increases exponentially. One of the most common offenses is often ignored by whistleblowers for some reason. The reason for refusal may be unpaid traffic fines. Ideally, you should pay everything immediately on the spot, but if you didn’t, contact the country’s road department and ask for details to pay off the fine. In case of committing serious offenses, and especially in case of violation of the migration rules of the country of visit, the ex-prisoner can count on rest only in visa-free countries. The consular services of democratic countries will show special attention (with a positive decision) to a person who has served a term for political reasons.

6. Money

For many countries, the main argument in issuing an entry permit is the availability of funds from a potential visitor. The more of them (with legal origin), the higher the probability of obtaining the coveted stamp. The logic of the origin of funds in the account of a trustworthy applicant should be clearly traced. Large amounts suddenly appearing on the account, with a “ridiculous” salary, will certainly raise questions from consular employees.

7. Single women

Consular officers from Arab countries, the European Union and the United States can deny entry to young pretty single women if there is a suspicion that the lady is traveling abroad to engage in illegal activities. Of course, it is unlikely that applicants will decide to take care of the issue of changing marital status specifically for obtaining a visa. To avoid unnecessary suspicions on the part of the consulate, it is better to supplement the set of documents with additional papers that will demonstrate strong ties with the Motherland.

What to do if a visa is denied?

ATH American Express visa expert commentary

The work of the visa department of any consulate is based on the principle of the presumption of guilt. According to him, the consulate, just in case, considers every visa applicant a potential immigrant until he himself proves otherwise.

Having received a visa refusal, you should analyze the possible reasons for the refusal. Consulates have the right not to explain the exact reason for the refusal of a visa, but in practice each time it is individual and depends on the consular staff. The best option for you is if the employees explained in writing, or at least in words, what you did wrong. If there are no visible reasons for refusal, then your strategy should be as follows: calmly ask what is the procedure for filing an appeal, what days the consul takes, and make an appointment with him, if possible. Probably, there you can find out in detail why you were denied a visa, and then redo the documents for the next application.

For many, the refusal of a visa seems almost like a sentence - if they refused once, then they will never give a visa again. It is not true. Yes, indeed, difficulties may arise during the next application, but if you have eliminated the reason for the refusal, you can safely submit documents to the same embassy that did not issue you a visa.

In no case do not hide information about previously received refusals when re-submitting documents. For a number of countries (for example, the USA, Great Britain), the concealment of refusal data automatically entails a repeated refusal to issue a visa, and sometimes with a “visa quarantine” for a period of 3 months to 5 years or more. The new package of documents must be accompanied by a paper issued by the consulate describing the reasons for the refusal, and if such a document was not received, then a written comment from the applicant explaining the alleged reasons for the previous refusal.

If everything possible was done, but the visa was denied again, this means that the visa service has not only claims against the applicant - she is also sure that she does not want to see a specific person on the territory of her state. In this case, repeated submissions of documents without a break of 3-6 months and without a significant change in circumstances are unlikely to lead to the issuance of a visa.

Each applicant (unless otherwise stated in the waiver) has the right file an appeal, substantiating in detail his disagreement with the decision of the consulate. It makes sense to follow the path of appeal only if your trip has already "burned out", but you really want to get justice, or you have been shown a clearly biased attitude on the part of the visa officer, which you can confirm legally. However, it should be borne in mind that appeals are not considered at the consulate that issued the refusal, but at the competent authorities of the intended country of visit. The term for consideration of appeals can stretch for many months, and it is better to use the professional services of lawyers to prepare the necessary documentary justification for filing an appeal.

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The Schengen visa allows the traveler to stay in the territorySchengen countries . If you are going to apply for a visa yourself, read the article.

False Information

The usual list for a Schengen visa looks like this:

  • international passport;
  • a copy of a civil passport + a page with a residence permit;
  • purchased or booked round-trip tickets;
  • hotel reservation;
  • medical insurance with coverage from 30,000€;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • bank account statement;
  • photograph of the established sample;
  • completed questionnaire of the established form;
  • consent to the processing of personal data.

In addition to the listed documents, since September 2015, it is required to take biometrics - fingerprints - once every 5 years. After passing the procedure, a special VIS stamp is put on the visa.

If there are not enough pieces of paper in the package of documents, or the time has come to retake biometrics, the consular staff will tell you about it. For example, you work for an individual entrepreneur, and then among the documents there should be not only a certificate from the place of work, but also the OGRN. Sometimes managers at the consulate go forward and accept the missing document in electronic form.

Another thing is if you try to deliberately deceive the consulate. For example, book a hotel and then cancel your booking before you get your visa. Or return the purchased tickets. A fake certificate from the place of work also increases the likelihood of refusal. Sometimes it happens that in a hurry the applicant indicates different information in the questionnaire and documents: in the questionnaire he writes about his real place of work, and he brings a certificate with a high salary from a familiar individual entrepreneur. During the check, the fraud is revealed, and the applicant is refused.

Problems with a passport

Before buying tickets to Europe, make sure that your passport is in order. It must expire no earlier than 3 months after leaving the Schengen country. There must be 2 blank pages in the passport.

If the passport expires earlier, or all pages are filled out, before planning a vacation, issue a new document. In this case, it is obligatory to submit both passports to the consulate at once- the old one with visas and marks of border guards and the new one. If you bring only a new foreign passport, this will increase the likelihood of rejection. Consulates are suspicious of first-time tourists without a visa history.

Unused visas

If you have collected a package of documents, successfully submitted it to the consulate, received a visa, and then did not go anywhere, the next time you may be refused. Consulates are interested in the fact that wealthy travelers regularly visit the Schengen countries, otherwise there is no point in issuing visas.

Some issue visas through intermediaries without buying a tour. This is how they do it in yo those for seasonal last minute deals. As a result, a profitable tour may not coincide with a vacation, and a visa made in reserve will burn out. And besides, there will be problems with obtaining the next Schengen.

Previous failures

If you have repeatedly opened a visa and traveled around Europe, it will be easy to get another Schengen. But if you have already been refused and put the appropriate mark in your passport,- this is the reason to refuse again.

Schengen visa denials must be appealed. If the matter is in missing documents, for example, the consulate requires 2– 3 pieces of paper in addition to the usual list, this is easy to complete. Sometimes the applicant is called for an interview to confirm the information and make sure of his honest intentions.

Here are the types of tourist visa denials:

  • 1 - entry to the Schengen countries is closed for 3 months, and the consulate will not consider documents during this period;
  • 2 - call for an interview;
  • 3 - there are not enough documents;
  • 4 - indefinite denial.

Along with the rejection mark, a letter from the consulate comes with detailed explanations. If you received a refusal 2– C or 3 - C, then you need to collect additional documents or go for an interview. But it is recommended to file an appeal in any case, even if refusal came 4 - C.

The most common reason for refusal of a Schengen visa is points 2 and 8 in the reasons for refusal form (other reasons will be indicated below). Why is this happening?

Most often, everything happens like this: you applied through a visa company, and brought there only a passport, a certificate from work (or from a bank) and money. You have been requested a visa either to the country where you were not going to go(if you have been informed at all about which consulate of which country your documents will be submitted), or you did not plan to stay at that hotel, the reservation of which was attached to your visa application. In this case, the refusal was most likely due to a fake hotel reservation. A fake for the consulate will be both a reservation drawn on a computer and a hotel booked that you actually didn't plan to stay in(and your signature on the form confirmed to the consulate that you planned to stay in this hotel on these dates).

Unscrupulous visa companies (however, often with the consent of the clients themselves) also falsify air tickets, invitations, your certificates of employment.

Consulates have a special refusal clause: point 1 - fake documents, but this particular point of the consulate is rarely marked - against such a reason for refusal, you would be more likely to object (write an appeal) and more likely to receive a visa after an appeal, or after going to court, and against points 2 and 8 of such chances you have less order.

Tourist visa denial

Documents for a tourist visa are usually forged, although the visa company will promise you that the visa is for your purpose of travel - for example, business, or to visit relatives (in fact, there will most likely be no visible differences on the visa). They can even take the invitation you have, but... they won't provide it to the consulate. A common deception of travel agencies also lies in the fact that they take money from you, for example, for a German visa, and in the end it turns out to be French in your passport. "It's okay," the travel agency convinces, "it's a Schengen visa, you can go wherever you need without any problems." That Problems may arise when applying for the next visa, you are usually not told.

When we are approached for a visa after a refusal received in other visa agencies, even such cases come up: the client submitted to the visa company a complete set of documents for a business, guest, or medical visa. And the consulate refused him as a tourist. Several times we even tried to show us a package of documents on the basis of which the refusal was made (although this is a very complicated procedure). And what it turned out was that the documents that were submitted to the consulate were not at all the same documents that the client submitted to the visa company. Invitations disappeared from the package (in French, Lithuanian, German - in order to read them - you either need to know these languages ​​or have many years of experience), and fake hotel reservations for the same dates appeared ...

No invitation

A frequent case when you want to go to friends, but do not want to burden them with issuing an invitation. At the same time, you are going to receive a visa by booking a hotel, although you are actually going to live with friends.

But the consulate cannot issue a visa if there is no documented purpose of the trip, usually an invitation, or a voucher / reservation from a hotel. In this case, you may be offered to issue either a fake invitation, or a real invitation from a person or company that does not know you at all, and therefore indicate false information in it (about friendship or cooperation with you), or a fake hotel voucher (in this case usually with fake tickets).

The refusal will be according to paragraph 1, 2 or 8 (see above).

Multivisa, annual Schengen visa without invitation

However, there are many consulates in which tourists multivisa is not given: for example, in German, Austrian. However, a more authentic visa can be obtained for a business or guest multiple trip. Therefore, without an invitation to receive a multivisa at that consulate will not work.

You pay money for a long multivisa. But if you buy a multivisa, we can only talk about buying a fake invitation. Those. this is either a 100% fake made on a color printer, or this is an invitation from a person or from a company that doesn’t really know you, which is the same fraud for the consulate (i.e. fake).

Your situation is complicated by the fact that, in addition to you, such an invitation is being sold to hundreds of other clients. And someday one of the clients will get caught with a fake in the consulate. Then there is every chance that your documents will be removed from the archive, and the visa will either be revoked (annulled - and you will know about it only when border crossing), or a note will be made in the database in case of your next visa application (and it does not matter if you bring real documents from a real inviting person - the consulate has every right to refuse you a visa).

Will it be possible to get a visa with fake documents, or not?

In about half of the cases, you will have every chance of obtaining a visa only if the travel agency diligently approaches the forgery of documents. By the way, in case you are refused - the travel agency will never tell you that they forged papers badly - most likely, according to them, "this consulate always refuses for no reason!".

There is also a high chance of getting caught when applying for the next visa, as the previous and future inviter and the purpose of the trip can be compared. So, for example, without even suspecting that people received visas as “terminally ill applicants going for treatment”, as “going to the funeral of their mother living in Europe”, there were also tractor drivers who traveled at the invitation of universities for a scientific program.

What are the problems with visa denial?

All our experience suggests that soon any consulate will be able to obtain any information on you on previous visas, the purpose of the trip to the Schengen countries and visa denials. This is also evidenced by how much more information is stored on violators in Schengen database second generation - Visa Information System(VIS or VIS).

How to get a Schengen visa for sure?

You should not perceive embassies as enemies who only sleep and see how not to let anyone in. Visa departments in them exist precisely in order to issue visas, but not to give them if fake documents are attached, or the situation of the applicant is completely incomprehensible. Therefore, all you need is:

  1. Soberly analyze the possibilities of obtaining a visa in your case.
  2. Do not settle for dubious options.
  3. Choose your visa service provider carefully.

For example, we know what to do in difficult cases - how to get a visa if there is no certificate of employment, no invitation, no official place of work and no bank account. Unlike other firms, we will not make you fake certificates or invitations - we know which of the documents you have usually satisfy the consulate in such cases. Work experience and knowledge of visa legislation allow us to assert that, in fact, consular officials have become quite liberal in recent years and can accept other logical evidence of your trustworthiness.