Transportation of luggage. Another great stepAeroflot carry-on baggage features Aeroflot Baggage allowance 1pc aeroflot

The established allowances for the carriage of specific cargo as main baggage or hand luggage are different for each airline. It is important for a person planning a flight in the near future not only to study them, but also to double-check for the absence of changes made the day before before departure.

For example, Aeroflot, the most popular carrier in Russia, makes adjustments to its rules every year. Given this, a person who has already used the services of an airline may make a mistake in 2020 when sorting things into luggage compartments.

Since the beginning of 2020, most airlines have adjusted their official carry-on baggage rules. If earlier passengers were allowed to take any number of things with them on the plane, provided that in total they do not exceed the established dimensions (36 * 30 * 27 cm), this year carriers are ready to offer their customers another option.

Now passengers can also carry with them things free of charge, the total weight of which is limited to 10 kg, and the dimensions are 36*30*40 cm.

In addition to this innovation, airlines allow their customers to take as hand luggage:

  • sports bag, backpack or handbag, no larger than 36*30*23;
  • indoor plants or a bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear (in case of a flight in the cold season);
  • food and necessary things (including medicines) for a child who is also a passenger of the aircraft;
  • child restraint;
  • items used by disabled people when moving (for example, crutches, a wheelchair, and so on);
  • goods purchased in airport shops (“duty-free”), in total not exceeding the established dimensions.
  • weapons, regardless of their type;
  • flammable cartridges or combustible substances;
  • liquids in a volume of more than 100 ml;
  • liquefied gases;
  • nail files;
  • corkscrew;
  • nail clippers with sharp ends;
  • scissors;
  • knives;
  • spokes.

In case of deviation from the rules and an attempt to bring more items or items from the “black list” onto the plane, the passenger will be asked to get rid of some of them (or all of them, when trying to carry prohibited items) on the spot (during check-in).

In case of refusal to reorganize hand luggage, the airline operating a specific flight has the right to cancel the previously purchased ticket of the “violator”.

Baggage rules

Baggage allowance (Aeroflot and Pobeda have very similar rules) also vary depending on the type of item itself. Having previously familiarized yourself with the requirements of the carrier regarding a specific item, the passenger will be able to avoid unforeseen situations during check-in for the flight.


Even absolutely healthy person It is recommended to have a first aid kit with you during the flight, consisting of a basic set of drugs necessary in an emergency. People with chronic diseases, regardless of their stage, should consider and take with them medicines that can be used in the event of a relapse on board the aircraft.

The difference in atmospheric pressure during takeoff and landing of an aircraft has a negative effect on blood vessels and mucous membranes, so each passenger, especially a child, must have ear and nasal drops with them. It is a mistake to believe that any drug sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription is allowed to be taken with you in hand luggage.

Most airlines do not provide for the possibility of transportation:

  • antibiotics, painkillers with a strong active ingredient in the composition, as well as hypnotics and alcohol-containing drugs;

drugs for motion sickness, as well as those that include:

  • phenobarbital;
  • chlorphenamine;
  • codeine;
  • diazepam.

It is not recommended to take with you more than 4-5 packs of pharmacy products. If it is necessary to exceed this amount due to a medical condition, you should have a prescription from a doctor with you, indicating the dosages and the total number of packs required by a particular patient.

Transported drugs must have a good shelf life and be in their "native" packaging in sealed form. In order to save space, it is not recommended to pour them into separate containers, as this may arouse suspicion on the part of airport workers. If it is not possible to identify the drug, it will not be allowed on board the aircraft.

In addition to basic restrictions, some countries prohibit the import of Corvalol, Valocardin, Nise, Melatonin in any way. Before the flight, it is required to clarify with the airline in advance the list of medicines allowed for import into the country of destination.


Baggage is also considered liquid, which the passenger takes with him. The norms of its transportation in the vast majority of airlines (including the well-known Aeroflot) are identical.

Traditionally, it is allowed to take on board the aircraft:

In addition to the above types of liquids, it is permissible to take with you any other compositions of a similar consistency as hand luggage. The only rule governing their transportation is that liquids must be packed in airtight containers with a volume of no more than 100 ml. The total volume of transported liquid should not exceed 1 liter.

All containers with liquid substances are transported in a plastic bag provided by the airline free of charge at passenger check-in (1 bag is issued per person). Liquids purchased in duty free must be in their original packaging, the integrity of which is allowed to be violated only after arrival in the country or city of destination.


Alcoholic beverages are also among the types of liquids allowed to be transported on board aircraft. If the drink was purchased in duty free and is in the sealed packaging of the manufacturer, airlines usually do not impose additional requirements on it.

If alcohol was bought outside the airport, it must be transported in a small bottle, no more than 100 ml (according to the basic rules for transporting liquids on an airplane). This size usually corresponds to souvenir products.

In the luggage compartment, it is allowed to transport strong drinks only in accordance with the procedure established by the carriers:


Due to the fact that not all cities and countries have the opportunity to pay for their purchases by bank transfer, Each passenger is advised to carry a small amount of cash in their hand luggage.

They can be in the currency of the home country or the country of destination (in the case of an interstate flight). The amount of money allowed to be taken on board the aircraft is governed by the laws of the destination. Russian airlines are as loyal as possible in this matter and do not set restrictions for their passengers on the amount of money they carry with them.

The only thing that the traveler should take care of is the total weight of hand luggage and the safety of their own funds. In the event of their theft or loss on board the aircraft, it is almost impossible to prove that the finances belong to a specific person.

As for flights to foreign countries, before buying a ticket, the airline's client should clarify the conditions for importing currency into the country of destination. Some of them do not provide for the import of national money, and in some of them the amount is limited from 5,000 to 20,000 dollars.

If the total amount of cash in hand luggage exceeds $ 10,000 per person, they must be declared in the prescribed manner in the customs area of ​​the airport.


Own food on the plane may be required if during the flight free meals are not provided by the airline (economy fares or short flights up to 3 hours) or the traveling person is accompanying the child.

In this case, it is advisable to have products that do not fall into the list in hand luggage. prohibited by the legislation of the country of destination or the rules of the air carrier:

  • sandwiches;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate or glazed cereal bars;
  • cookie;
  • fruit;
  • fruit puree (in a package of no more than 100 g);
  • lollipops or caramels;
  • chewing gum;
  • bakery products.

If the traveler has allergies, you should collect a small set of foods that are allowed as part of the diet of a particular person.


Baggage allowance (Aeroflot and other airlines publish them on their official website) also includes rules related to the transportation of cosmetics.

It is advisable to take fragile items as hand luggage, but it is important to follow the established rules of the air carrier:

  • do not take on board the aircraft liquids or aerosols that are in a high-pressure canister (information about the type of packaging should be found on the canister itself);
  • the packaging of a liquid cosmetic should not exceed 100 ml in volume (regardless of the actual volume of the composition contained in it);
  • the number of packages of cosmetics, 100 ml in size, should not exceed 10;
  • liquid cosmetics must be transported in a plastic bag.

There are no restrictions related to the transportation of dry-type cosmetics (shadows, blush) by any airline. They can be taken with you in a regular cosmetic bag or packaged in a bag, depending on the preferences and convenience for the passenger.


The transportation of animals is controlled not only by the legislation of the countries and the rules of a particular air carrier, but also by the customs service, as well as the veterinary department of the airport.

There are several ways to travel with a pet:

  • check the animal in the luggage compartment in a special container;
  • take it on board the aircraft.

In both cases, the owner of the dog or cat must make sure before boarding that that he is going to transport a pet without violating the generally accepted rules:

  • the maximum weight of the container with the animal inside is 8 kg;
  • traveling by plane is allowed only with a cat or dog;
  • the total number of animals on board the aircraft at the same time must not exceed 5;
  • the total dimensions of the container for transporting animals should be no more than 115 cm (it is important to consider that during the trip the animal should be able to stand up, sit down and turn around in its temporary “home”).

Although transporting animals in the hold is a dangerous act, with most airlines, this is the only way to bring the animal with you.

Sports equipment and musical instruments

Sports equipment is most often checked in as baggage. Exceptions are items that comply with the maximum dimensions established by the airlines.

Carrier safety requirements related to sports equipment typically include:

  • the need for proper packaging of items, regardless of the presence of sharp corners, fragility or the number of components;
  • maximum dimensions of sports equipment - 190 * 75 * 65 cm;
  • oversized cargo should be reported in advance when buying a ticket (the maximum load of the aircraft depends on this).

Musical instruments are recommended to be carried in hand luggage, provided that their dimensions correspond to the maximum allowable. This advice is due to the fact that the low temperatures of a standard luggage compartment have a negative effect on most musical instruments.

In order to ensure the safety of their “creative cargo”, the passenger should take out an insurance policy for it and properly pack it in a case or other packaging of appropriate hardness.


Entertainment gadgets, as well as professional audio and video equipment, are dangerous to check in the luggage compartment. For this reason, until 2018, passengers were allowed to take these items on board the aircraft in excess of the maximum size of hand luggage.

This rule has been revoked. Now, when taking a tablet, laptop, camera or other equipment with them, the passenger must make sure that its weight, together with the rest of the hand luggage, is within the allowable limits.

Otherwise, such baggage will have to be abandoned on the spot, paid extra for an additional piece of hand baggage (not provided by all air carriers) or moved to the baggage compartment.

Smartphones are not subject to restrictions, as they have a minimum weight and are not capable of creating an overload on board an aircraft.

What does baggage allowance mean in air tickets, designations 0pc, 1pc, 2pc

Baggage allowance (Aeroflot and other major airlines create the most loyal rules for their passengers) imply the use of special terminology. The most frequently asked question is the mark on the ticket 0pc (piece plan), 1pc, 2pc. Such abbreviations indicate the number of seats that a particular passenger is entitled to for his checked baggage.

1pc, 2pc means 1 and 2 pieces of large luggage, respectively. A person who has a 0pc mark on the ticket has the right to take only hand luggage with them free of charge. For everything else, the air carrier will charge him an additional fee.

Excess baggage and oversized baggage

If the baggage does not meet the requirements of the air carrier, the passenger is offered two options for resolving the situation:

Leaving some things at the airport is not the best option, so the vast majority of people choose the first option and pay extra to the airlines for extra baggage. The maximum allowable weight of baggage is 23 - 32 kg, depending on the selected class. If the total weight of the bags of one passenger exceeds 50 kg, they will not be taken on board even for an additional fee.

The question may also arise when carrying oversized baggage. This is considered a suitcase that does not fit into the framework of “free” in its size.

Without paying additional funds, passengers are allowed to carry baggage, the three values ​​​​of which in total give no more than 160 - 210 cm (the exact figure is established by the rules of a particular airline). It is forbidden to carry in hand luggage, even for an additional fee, bags with dimensions greater than 321 cm in the sum of 3 indicators.

By familiarizing yourself with the rules that dictate the maximum size and weight of bags in advance, the passenger will be able to avoid the need to reorganize their luggage at the check-in counter. The exact dimensions of the suitcase allowed for free transportation in a special compartment are always indicated on the official website of the airline chosen by the passenger.

Additional places

Baggage allowance (Aeroflot made important adjustments to its requirements in 2020) provides for the passenger the opportunity to purchase additional baggage in order to carry more items by plane.

Such a fee was charged at the rate of a certain amount of money per 1 kg in excess of the established norm. The latest changes made by popular air carriers to their requirements include a flat fee for more kg of baggage, regardless of their number.

For example, if the total weight of luggage is in the range from 22 to 31 kg, a person will have to pay an additional fee of about 49 euros (when flying between Russian cities) or twice as much (when flying abroad), and if the bag weighs from 31 to 49 kg, an additional the fee will be 99 - 140 euros (determined by the direction of travel).

Carriers made similar adjustments to the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo. If the baggage of one person in the sum of three indicators is from 158 to 205 cm, the surcharge for it will be about 99 dollars or euros (depending on the country of destination), with total dimensions exceeding 205 cm - 150 euros or dollars.

Airline regulations

In order for the passenger to be able to competently organize his luggage and hand luggage, he should familiarize himself in advance with the requirements of the particular airline of which he is a client. Such rules change periodically, therefore, before the practical use of the data obtained, one should make sure that they are up to date.

Baggage allowance in Aeroflot economy class
Airline name Free baggage weight Weight of hand luggage for free transportation
Aeroflot In the range of 22 - 31 kg (depending on the class of service); in the sum of 3 dimensions, the dimensions should not exceed 158 cm From 10 to 15 kg (depending on the class in which the flight is carried out); strictly less than 120 cm in the sum of 3 values
Victory 29 - 31 kg (economy or business class, respectively);

The total number of dimensions should not exceed 150 cm

Maximum weight - 11 kg; permitted dimensions - 36 * 30 * 40 cm
S7 Airlines For 1 piece of baggage no more than 22 kg; the total sum of the 3 values ​​must be within 203 cm The total weight must be more than 9 kg; maximum allowable dimensions - 54 × 39 × 19 cm
Red Wings The maximum weight of a suitcase is 22 kg (the minimum air carrier fare does not include baggage); the sum of the dimensions for 3 indicators must be more than 201 cm From 5 to 10 kg (depending on the fare chosen by the passenger); the maximum allowed luggage dimensions are the same for all fares - 19*39*54 cm
Ural Airlines From 9 to 31 kg for 1 piece of baggage; total dimensions must be less than 202 cm From 4 to 14 kg (depending on the class of service); in dimensions - no more than 119 cm in total
Utair Weight from 22 to 31 kg (determined by the selected class of service); total dimensions - 202 cm Weight - no more than 9 kg; dimensions for 1 piece of luggage - up to 114 cm in total
Nordavia Weight of baggage - no more than 22 kg; total dimensions - 201 cm per 1 seat Permissible weight - strictly up to 9 kg; permitted dimensions - 109 cm in the sum of 3 indicators
KLM The total weight should be no more than 22 cm, and the dimensions in total - 157 cm Weight of things allowed for transportation on board - 9 - 11 kg; dimensions - 54 * 34 * 24 cm (regardless of the class of service)
Russia Baggage weight - from 19 to 29 kg in the sum of three indicators (depending on the flight number); total size - 157 - 202 cm Weight - from 4 to 14 kg (depending on the flight number); allowable dimensions - 114 cm (regardless of flight number)
Turkish Airlines The weight must be within the permitted limits - 9 - 29 kg (depending on the age of the passenger and his class of service); dimensions - 157 cm by the sum of height, width and length The weight of hand luggage must not exceed 7 kg; and dimensions in total - 117 cm

Any baggage transportation is organized by the airline in a specific way in order to maximally secure the transportation of passengers.

Each traveler needs to follow the established rules, and if there is a desire to carry a bag or suitcase larger in size, you need to pay at the check-in counter the amount set by the carrier’s tariff (for example, Aeroflot charges a fixed overweight fee, and Rossiya calculates according to the actual the number of excess kg).

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Airplane baggage allowance video

What to take with you on the plane and what are the baggage allowances:

Aeroflot Group is the first among Russian airlines to announce that it is applying the new 1pc baggage allowance. What does this mean and how will flights change for ordinary citizens? First of all, we note that the practice of RS or the Piece Concept is by no means a Russian invention. It is widely used by aviation companies in the world.

In contact with

What does 1pc baggage allowance mean?

In flight practice, various methods are used to evaluate the baggage that people carry with them. For example, you can set baggage rationing by weight. In air tickets, such rationing is indicated by the letter K. Another type of accounting - piece by piece. It is he who is designated by the letters R or RS. And the figure in front of this reduction means the number of things allowed for transportation. Thus, the norm means that you can carry one suitcase or bag for free.

Piece counting does not negate weight and dimensions

Introducing new norms Aeroflot(as well as other companies that follow the same strategy) have not abandoned the previously existing restrictions on size and weight. Thus, three standards are in force today:

  • by the number of bags;
  • by weight;
  • by dimensions.

If you violate any of them, you will have to pay extra. The amount can be very significant, so knowing the standards is very desirable.

Baggage and hand luggage allowances

Aeroflot has the following regulations. Flying in Economy and Comfort classes, you can carry in the cabin a bag that weighs no more than 10 kilograms and does not exceed 115 cm according to the results of adding up the length, height and width. This category will include, for example, a bag 40 cm high, 50 cm long and 25 cm deep. For business class, the dimensions and number of free baggage allowances correspond to other categories, but the weight is not 10, but 15 kilograms.

As for baggage, the holder of an economy class ticket can carry one piece in the baggage compartment free of charge (according to the classification - 1pc), weighing no more than 23 kg, and with a total size of no more than 158.

For Economy class with Premium fares and Comfort class, there is a 2pc scheme - two free baggage pieces. Each of them meets the standards for weight - 23 kg and dimensions - 158 cm.

For business class, the 2pc option is retained, however, with the same dimensions, the maximum weight of one suitcase can be 32 kg. In total, a representative of this class can carry 64 kg of cargo for free.

Let's summarize:

Surcharge for excess

Because there are three rules, each of them can be violated. For example, a person is entitled to one free placement of luggage, and he has two. Or the weight is not 23, but 25 kg. Or the dimensions are not 158, but 185 cm. For each of these violations, you will have to pay an additional more or less significant amount. Let's figure out how much you have to pay for what.

Suppose a person has two luggage suitcases, of which he can carry only one for free. In this case, you will have to pay 2,500 rubles for "extra" baggage. What if there are three suitcases? Four? Five? For each additional place, except for the first one, you will have to pay 7,500 rubles.

But what if a person flies in Comfort class, he is entitled to two free baggage pieces, and he has three suitcases? In this case, even the first excess suitcase (as well as all subsequent ones) will also cost 7,500 rubles.

Now consider the situation of excess weight. If the weight of the suitcase is more than 23 kg, but less than 32, the surcharge will be 2500 rubles. If the weight is from 32 to 50 kg, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles.

If the sum of all dimensions of the luggage exceeds 158 cm, but does not reach 203 cm, the surcharge will be 5,000 rubles, if 203 cm is exceeded - 7,500 rubles.

Tariffs in other companies of the Aeroflot group

The Aeroflot group includes several companies, in particular, the Pobeda low-cost airline, whose tariff policy is very different from other companies in the group. This is explained by the specifics of the company's activities.

The low-cost airline should offer customers the cheapest flights. But in order to reduce ticket prices, a number of free services had to be abandoned and transferred to the category of paid ones.

In particular, Pobeda today essentially has no free baggage at all. But the possibilities of transportation of paid goods have been significantly expanded.

A client of Pobeda can carry hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg, no more than 36x30x27 cm in size, which is only 93 cm in total. Everything else is only for a fee. However, the amounts of surcharges look quite forgiving, and, importantly, a person has much more choice than in other airlines.

For example, you can pay for and check in baggage weighing 10 and 20 kg. In the first case, you need to pay 499 rubles, in the second - 1499. Moreover, the amount does not depend on the distance of the flight in Russia. It does not matter which city you are flying to - Surgut or Ulan-Ude - luggage costs the same. But there is another alternative - for 1499 rubles you can check out not 20 kg of luggage, but 10 kg of hand luggage. It would seem that this is not a very profitable alternative - after all, at the same price, it turns out to be two times less in weight, and with the same weight, it is three times higher in price.

But there are certain amenities that are worth the money. First of all, it is an opportunity not to wait for baggage claim. The second convenience is not so obvious: a person, getting used to the fact that everything that he is carrying has a cost, wean himself from putting unnecessary things in his luggage. And the one who used to fly with several suitcases suddenly discovers that a bag containing 10 kilograms of useful stuffing is more than enough.


Experts evaluating the introduction of the 1pc system in Russia express opposite opinions.

Some believe that such a system is convenient for people, others that it creates additional difficulties for them. A special issue is bonuses if a person flies without luggage. After all, if an airline takes money for excess baggage, then, theoretically, it should stimulate those who fly light.

However, Russian airlines are not yet ready for such a formulation of the issue.

For many years in our country, Aeroflot has been considered the No. 1 company among air carriers, noticeably winning in many respects. Hundreds of people fly on this company's planes every day, most of whom have luggage with them, and almost every passenger has hand luggage.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to find out in advance the baggage allowance in Aeroflot 2020, and focus on them while preparing for the trip.

How to carry luggage with Aeroflot?

To have the most complete understanding of the passenger baggage control system, you should find out the basic concepts and rules of transportation:

  • All belongings of passengers are divided into baggage and hand luggage. Bags and suitcases that are carried in a separate compartment of the aircraft and are marked with a special tag are called checked baggage.
  • A passenger can take hand luggage and the most important things, such as a handbag, with him into the cabin.
  • All items for transportation must go through a mandatory screening procedure at the airport for security purposes.
  • Every traveler can count on both personal and luggage.
  • On all Aeroflot destinations, a single calculation of the registration of bags is made, that is, by the number of seats. This calculation is carried out depending on the selected ticket class and fare on a particular route.

Aeroflot free baggage allowance

In the economy class of Aeroflot, the baggage allowance is 1 piece for bags or suitcases, while it should not exceed 23 kg. If an air passenger purchases a ticket in economy class at premium fares, then he is entitled to two free seats weighing no more than 23 kg.

Comfort class travelers can also carry two pieces of baggage no more than 23 kg free of charge. At the same time, in all classes, weight is determined not by the total amount, but by individual baggage.

The maximum amount of baggage transportation is also indicated for business class. When buying such a ticket, you can carry two pieces of baggage, the weight of each must not exceed 32 kg.

Another important rule of Aeroflot's 2020 baggage allowance is that if you measure a thing by length, width and height, then the total amount should not be more than 158 cm.

The next point that must be taken into account is this. Dimensions are determined by three components - width, height and thickness, which should have the following average values ​​​​- 55 * 40 * 20 cm. And the total amount of dimensions of things that can be taken into the cabin of the aircraft according to free norms does not exceed 115 cm.

Air passengers purchasing an economy and comfort class ticket can carry one piece of hand luggage in the cabin free of charge, the weight of the item is not more than ten kg. Business class buyers are also entitled to one piece of baggage in the cabin of the aircraft according to a free standard, the maximum weight is 15 kg.

Sometimes Aeroflot conducts codeshare flights with other airlines, which are called codeshare. In this case, the free baggage allowances set by the partner firm will apply. Rossiya and Aurora Airlines belong to the Aeroflot group of companies, so the same rules apply there as when flying on the flights of the main Russian air carrier.

Baggage allowance 1pc Aeroflot 2020 – what does it mean? Such a phrase is on the ticket and means the amount of free baggage carried by the passenger. The figure indicates the number of bags or suitcases - from 1 to 3, including luggage and things transported in the cabin.

How much do I need to pay for excess baggage in Aeroflot?

In which case will you need to pay extra for overweight? Items fall into the category of excess baggage if they exceed the norm in terms of the number of pieces, dimensions or weight.

When, according to the rules, a passenger is allowed to take only one place in a separate compartment with things, then 2,500 rubles must be paid for the second additional bag or suitcase. For every third, fourth, fifth and more place you have to pay 7,500 rubles. Also, 7,500 for each additional item will be paid by travelers who are entitled to two free compartments per bag or suitcase in a special compartment.

Where do I need to pay for Aeroflot's excess baggage? This is usually done in the next window not far from the check-in counters. In any case, you can always check with any of the airport staff.

If free or paid baggage weighs more than the established standards, but not more than 32 kg, then the passenger will have to pay 2,500 rubles for overweight. And with the weight of a unit of transported items from 32 to 50 kg, you must pay 5 thousand rubles for the excess.

In 2020, Aeroflot also sets the baggage and carry-on baggage allowances for dimensions. If three dimensions are exceeded, 5,000 rubles should be paid, if the total amount is not more than two meters 3 centimeters. With the sum of dimensions over 203 cm, 7500 is paid for each piece of baggage. At the same time, in all cases, we are talking about both free and additionally paid things.

To summarize all of the above, we note how many things Aeroflot passengers can take with them:

  1. Buyers of an economy ticket can transport luggage up to 23 kg and items for storage in the cabin up to 10 kg free of charge.
  2. When buying a premium fare in economy, it is allowed to carry two pieces of baggage of 23 kg each, hand luggage up to 10 kg - the same conditions apply to comfort class passengers.
  3. Business ticket air passengers can take two items weighing up to 32 kg each and 1 item for storage in the cabin up to 15 kg.

If you did not find the information you need, please follow this link. You will be taken to the official website of Aeroflot, where you can ask a question to the customer support service about the rules and conditions of baggage allowance.

For a long time, baggage was limited in accordance with two criteria - size and weight, relatively recently a third parameter was introduced - the number of pieces. The Piece Concept (pc) standards are widely used in European countries, in Russia the system was first used in Aeroflot. In accordance with the new standards, the airline determines the number of free seats for which the passenger is entitled. Each piece of baggage occupies a cell in a special baggage compartment of the liner. It is worth noting that the rules, standards and restrictions in different companies may differ, all the nuances should be clarified in advance.

Many passengers do not have a clear idea of ​​​​what 1pc baggage means in relation to luggage, especially since the norms in one company depend on the class and other nuances. Economy class ticket holders suffer the most from the restrictions.

Aeroflot regulations

Economy class baggage allowance:

  • 1pc - 1 piece of 23 g in the luggage compartment + 10 kg of hand luggage, the size of the bag must be less than 158 cm;
  • 2rs - 2 pieces 32 kg +15 kg hand luggage.

Special conditions are provided for members of the Aeroflot Bonus program and regular SkyTeam customers:
Platinum players get 2 extra. places;
SkyTeam passengers - 1 extra. place.

Norms for other classes:

  • economy premium - 1pc - 23 kg + 1pc -10 kg;
  • comfort — 2pc — 23 kg +1pc — 10 kg;
  • business - 2pc - 32 kg + 1pc - 15 kg.

The dimensions of hand luggage are limited, they are 115 cm, there are no restrictions on the transport of outerwear, women's bags, umbrellas, the passenger has the right to carry 1 electronic device.

The ticket price includes the cost of transporting luggage, it does not change when carrying fewer items, but you will have to pay for the excess.

Conditions in other companies

The new standards are widely used in other Russian companies, the standards depend on the pricing policy. The transportation norms for low-cost airlines are lower, in Pobeda 1pc = 10 kg, it is forbidden to take luggage and hand luggage into the cabin. It is allowed to carry 1 item from the established list, goods from duty free must be paid in accordance with the established tariffs:

  • 700 rub. - in the Russian Federation;
  • 10 euros - when departing from another country.

1pc standards in other airlines:

  • "UTair" - 1 pc = 23 kg, 203 cm, hand luggage 10 kg and 115 cm;
  • S7 - 1 pc = 23 kg, 203 cm, hand luggage - 7 kg.

These conditions apply when traveling in economy class, the standards for other classes are different.

Overweight actions

Baggage is measured at the airport, if the standards are exceeded, an additional payment for overweight is carried out, the calculation takes into account the size, weight and number of pieces. The type of flight also affects the cost, the prices for regional flights are lower than international ones, so the consequences should be calculated in advance. The best option is to take 2-5 bags with a total weight of up to 23 kg, rather than trying to carry an oversized heavy suitcase.

Overweight payment on international flights:

  • extra seat - 50 euros;
  • weight of 1 item over 32 kg - 100 EUR. at home/150 euros in other countries;
  • sizes over 158 cm - 100 EUR;
  • sizes over 203 cm - 150 EUR.

Please note that at some European airports, a suitcase or bag heavier than 32 kg is not allowed for transportation due to restrictions on one-time lifting of weights.

Specific baggage

When transporting non-standard luggage, the passenger must notify the company personnel about this at least 1.5 days in advance. This will take care of the safety of transported valuable and fragile items.
The passenger has the right to carry 1 pet weighing up to 8 kg, the animal must be accompanied by the necessary documents, a veterinary certificate. If the weight of the animal exceeds 8 kg, the flight is carried out in the baggage department, with the exception of guide dogs.

To meet the standards, you should read the rules approved by the carrier in advance. When following connecting routes, it is important to check the standards. Before departure, it is recommended to check the dimensions and weight of the luggage. When transporting special/dangerous goods, you should familiarize yourself with the carrier's standards on its website or by phone.
If you don't have luggage, you can save money by choosing a fare with 0pc, this will help you avoid overpaying when buying a 1pc ticket, the price of which includes the price of luggage.

When transporting a large number luggage should be evenly distributed. A distinctive feature of the flight by low-cost airlines is the advance payment for an extra seat. It should be borne in mind that when transporting a large amount of luggage, choosing a low-cost airline is often not advisable; this option is more suitable for passengers traveling light.

pc increase

1pc luggage cannot be reduced or refunded for unused space, but subject to payment, it is possible to convert the seat to 2pc. Conditions for providing additional space for different carriers are different. Most often, this can be done on the company's website, at the box office or when boarding.


Carriage of luggage in any company has its own restrictions, 1 pc gives the right to transport 1 piece with a specified weight and dimensions. Exceeding the weight or dimensions requires a surcharge, in order to avoid problems before departure, it is recommended to weigh and measure luggage. Low-cost airlines have the most stringent baggage requirements, they are more suitable for tourists traveling light.