Holidays in January. Where to fly in January to the sea where it’s hot and inexpensive. TOP countries in January Where to relax at the end of January

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In winter, you want to escape from our cold weather and enjoy the warmth, and the January long holidays give those who wish this opportunity. But it’s better to prepare for this in advance, long before January 1, when choosing where to relax abroad in January 2019 inexpensively with a beach holiday.

Where is it better to go to the sea for New Year?

When planning a vacation in January 2019 and deciding where to go, we’ll make a list of the most popular countries where, even in winter, you can sit on the golden sand by the sea, warming up under the southern sun. There are not many such places.

Far from it full list possible destinations and countries for holidays in January:
Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand:

  1. Latin America: Dominican Republic, Cuba;
  2. Middle East: United United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel;
  3. Türkiye.

Each of these places has its own characteristics, and the choice of the optimal place for a seaside holiday is influenced by the weather in these places at the beginning of January, prices for tours, whether these are visa countries or whether you can go there without a visa.

New Year in Thailand or Vietnam

Very popular places for holidays in January among residents of countries with less favorable climates - these are countries South-East Asia. Among them, the most affordable tour prices are countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. They are similar in climate, sea water temperature during this season and the range of services provided to tourists.

In both Vietnam and Thailand, January is sunny, comfortable water temperature, warm sandy beaches. But there is also a difference. In Thailand in January the sea is not only warm, but also transparent, but in Vietnam it is cloudy, in the south it is still cloudy, although there is almost no rain. The best place to holiday in Vietnam in January is Phu Coc Island, where these disadvantages do not exist. The sea there is transparent, and the sky is clear and sunny.

If you choose between Vietnam and Thailand not by climate, but by the level of service and possible entertainment, then:

  • In terms of service level, Thailand and Vietnam are approximately at the same level, but Vietnam is a young, developing tourist destination shows great interest in the comfort of guests;
  • Thailand, where tourism has been developing for decades, offers a greater variety of entertainment, colorful shows, and exciting excursions;
  • In Thailand, which lives largely off tourism, prices for restaurants, shows, etc. noticeably higher than in socialist Vietnam, which has just embarked on this path.

Whichever of these two countries you choose, your January will be bright and unforgettable, because both Vietnam and Thailand give their guests:

  1. Beautiful tropical nature;
  2. Warm sea and wonderful beaches;
  3. Exotic cuisine and fruits;
  4. Excursion tours to the most interesting historical sights.

Last minute tours to Thailand in January

One of the disadvantages of tours to Thailand in January is their high price. January is the high season for this destination, when there is the highest demand for trips to this country, and accordingly their cost is higher. Average prices for trips during this period of time are from 60 - 70 thousand rubles for two (7 nights).

The only way to buy a cheaper tour is to count on last-minute tours in January. Such vouchers can cost 50–55 thousand, but they are rare. If you are not ready to pack up on one day and go on a trip, then it is better to buy or book in advance.

Holidays in the UAE (Dubai) for the New Year 2018 in January

Another opportunity to have a seaside holiday with children or together in January is to visit the United Arab Emirates. What makes this option attractive is not only the comfortable weather here at this time, but also visa-free entry into the country for Russians starting in 2019. More precisely, a visa can be issued without any problems directly upon arrival in the country, immediately at the border checkpoint.

At this time of year it is really warm here, but it is not as hot as in summer. The air temperature is from 25 to 30 degrees, you can swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beach.

But besides the sea and the beach, holidays in Dubai in January also offer more exotic entertainment:

  • See live the magnificent ultra-modern architecture: buildings, fountains, parks, and above them fantastic New Year's fireworks, which are watched live on screens and monitors by the whole world;
  • Experience a real adventure in the desert sands;
  • It is profitable to go shopping at the Shopping Festival, where you can find equally fantastic discounts;
  • Have fun at beach parties and attend a variety of holiday shows.

Another advantage of a holiday in the UAE in January is its fairly flexible price range. The average cost of a trip for two for a week is from 50 thousand rubles, but you can buy a last-minute tour for 30 thousand or pay more than 150 thousand rubles for one night in the most expensive hotel. The same difference exists in the cost of entertainment. But when going here to relax, it is worth remembering that this Muslim country, requiring compliance with certain rules.

Holidays in Tunisia in January

Another alternative to Egypt could be a holiday in Tunisia in January. This North African country is close to it in climate. The Tunisian sun is just as hot and the sea is warm.

There are also famous ancient remains of the legendary Carthage, excursions into the desert, and unique wellness treatments. The service is somewhat simpler than in Egypt, but still quite good. You can pay more to purchase an all-inclusive tour.

Cost of trip for two and with children

One of the advantages of Tunisia is the opportunity to choose a tour in different price ranges. In this country there are both two-star and five-star hotels, tours to which cost completely differently. The price of the tour is also affected by which meal option you choose without meals, including breakfast or all-inclusive.

It is enough to explain your wishes and the travel agency will select the best tours for you, suitable for the price and level of comfort. The average price of a tour for two for two weeks is about 68 thousand. Holidays with children in January 2019 in Tunisia are also quite a budget option. Most suitable for family vacation with a child consider the resorts of Monastir or Mahdia with clean beaches and a gentle shore.

Holidays in Turkey in January

In January it rains in Antalya, the average daytime temperature is slightly above +10 - 12 degrees, and there are frequent storms at sea. Despite the fact that the weather in Antalya during the winter months is not at all conducive to swimming in the sea, holidays in Turkey in January are quite popular among Russians.

This is due to several reasons:

  • This period of time is the low season and prices for tours are noticeably lower compared to warmer times of the year. It is profitable to have a vacation in mid-January.
  • The all-inclusive system offered by hotels in Turkey is especially appreciated by our tourists, as it makes their vacation more profitable and comfortable. It is especially good to relax in such hotels with a child.
  • In the majority good hotels There are indoor pools with heated water in the winter months, so swimmers will not be left without it even during this time.
  • Although the weather in Antalya in January is noticeably cooler compared to Egypt or Thailand, it is still noticeably warmer than in most places in Russia. Moreover, it can be warm here even in January. sunny days when the air warms up to +20 degrees.
  • Interesting excursions, historical sights, as well as the profitable shopping that Turkey can offer are not particularly affected by the weather.

Online booking of tours to the Dominican Republic

If you have the desire and opportunity not just to go on holiday abroad, but to visit the legendary Caribbean in another hemisphere, then you should choose Dominican Republic. A holiday in the Dominican Republic in January can be just a sunny fairy tale.

At this time, on the Greater Archipelago Antilles, which includes the island of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, it is warm, like in a good Russian summer, about +25 - 27 degrees. The sea is also very warm, the water is almost the same temperature as the air plus 26 degrees.

Anyone who has watched “Pirates” has an idea about the beauty of the beaches and the sea. Caribbean Sea": white sand, gentle waves, exotic vegetation. The Dominican Republic is considered a paradise for diving enthusiasts, where particularly experienced ones can visit the picturesque system of underwater caves. You don’t need any special skills to admire the waterfalls near the city of Jarabocao or visit the Armando Bermudez Nature Reserve.

New Year's holidays are celebrated here with special taste and scope. Meet New Year, sitting at a festive table almost on the seashore, accompanied by fireworks and fiery music, will be a unique experience and a vivid memory for the whole coming year.

Such a vacation will be quite expensive. A January tour for two from Moscow for 10 days will cost about 300 thousand. To buy a ticket cheaper, in the best possible way It will be possible to book it online three months in advance. Then it can cost you about one hundred thousand rubles. Now there are many services that will help you do this.

Tours to Goa

Another popular destination winter holiday for Europeans it is the Indian state of Goa. This state, the smallest in territory, is nevertheless divided into Northern and South Goa. North Goa because of the less beautiful, gray sandy beaches and the muddy sea is considered less attractive for foreign tourists place.

Holidays here are cheaper, hotels are inexpensive, mostly 2-3 stars. Mostly poor Indians, foreign students and everyone who prefers to relax here budget holiday. Such a democratic holiday has its own charm. This is where the famous style originated electronic music“Goa-trance”, incendiary parties take place here, the youth spirit reigns.

South Goa is a more respectable holiday destination. Expensive hotels, golden or snow-white beaches, beautiful nature allow you to relax with comfort and pleasure.
Holidays in Goa in January allow you to combine a beach holiday and tourist excursions, because India is the land of one of ancient civilizations humanity.

A visit to Goa will allow tourists to enjoy exotic Indian cuisine, see crowded cities, ancient temples and palaces. To purchase tours to Goa in January cheaper, you should use early booking.

Weather with water and air temperature

During the winter months, this tropical state receives the largest number of tourists. At this time there is the most favorable season in terms of weather: dry, sunny, hot. In January there is no rain; you can take a break from the daytime heat (+32 degrees) at the end of the evening, morning hours and at night, when the temperature drops to +19. The water temperature in the sea is equally comfortable all year round, even in January not falling below 26 degrees.

Ski resorts 2019

Not all vacationers in January are eager to change winter to summer. Some people fear that such a sudden change in climate will become too much stress for the body, while others value winter for the sports and recreation that only it can provide. Therefore, another popular winter destination is visiting ski resorts.

Tourists also have a large choice here.:

  • Ski resorts in Russia and neighboring countries: Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Georgia. Most of them are not as comfortable as in Europe, but there are no visa requirements and budget prices.
  • Also very popular in Europe skiing. And there are resorts in the corresponding direction in many European countries: Austria, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, Andorra, etc.
  • If you want to combine the sea and the mountains, then you should go to Morocco, where in the south you can swim in the sea and ski in the mountains.
  • Those who are not afraid of long flights can go to the mountains South America, where on the slopes of the Andes in Chile all conditions for skiing are created.

Beach holiday 2019, where is it hottest

As we can see, for those who want to change our winter weather to something warmer, travel agencies can offer a wide choice. One of the coolest beach destination countries in January is Turkey, where you can only admire the sea and swim only in indoor swimming pools. But it’s really hot in resorts located almost in the tropics. These are primarily the countries of Southeast Asia and India.

Winter is a great time to relax on the seas of warm countries. Moreover, now there are no problems with this. There are a lot of travel agencies offering holidays on the warm seas.

The problem, rather, will be the choice of vacation spot. Most tourists seek to escape the January frosts and sunbathe on sunny beaches. And there are so many tempting offers that it’s easy to get confused. In addition, each person has his own evaluation criteria for such a choice. Some people care about the cost of the tour, others

Vietnam in January

One of the places where you can go to the sea in January without unnecessary hassle with a visa is Vietnam. Here tourists are greeted by amazing nature and interesting excursions. In the ranking of tours, this destination ranks second after Egypt. It is better to go to, where at this time of year it is warmer than in the North. In addition to relaxing, you can eat exotic fruits here, which are sold in abundance on the city streets. The cost of tours is from 98,000 rubles.

Sri Lanka

A good place to spend a vacation or weekend is Sri Lanka, where you can safely go on vacation in January. On the coast best beaches They are waiting for their guests even in January.

It should be borne in mind that it is advisable to spend your vacation on southwest coast where there is less rainfall. warm ocean, beautiful nature, entertaining trips around the island and the opportunity to watch live whales will remain in your memory for a long time.

Bali in January

There are few tourists today who are not familiar with this island in Indonesia. The weather in Bali in January can be considered ideal for spending time on the beach. Holidays in Bali in January will be remembered for the warm ocean, fruits and moderate cost of services. January in Bali is characterized by the rainy season, due to which prices decrease. True, precipitation here occurs at night and has time to dry out by morning, so lovers of the sun’s heat do not suffer from this at all. The average air temperature is around +30 degrees. This is the weather in Bali in January.

The water temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius and is perfect for swimming. Fans of exotic excursions can hire a helicopter to explore the Kintamani volcano, surrounding jungles and nature reserves. Fortunately, the weather in Bali in January is favorable for such.


Holidays in the Philippines in January will also leave a lot unforgettable impressions. It is impossible to forget the clear warm water of the ocean and the snow-white sand of the Philippine beaches. The Philippines in January is a paradise for lovers extreme species sports on water and under water. Travel lovers can enjoy excursions along exotic routes.

Tourists remember with good words the colorful holidays held at this time, which begin with the celebration of Christmas and end with the Day of the Three Magi.

A trip to the Philippines is quite expensive throughout the year due to the flight distance and the constantly large flow of tourists. However, when deciding where it is better to vacation in January, it is worth remembering the Philippines.


This is probably the only country where you can combine visits archaeological sites With resort holiday on the shores of two oceans at once: the Pacific and the Atlantic, the birthplace of two great civilizations of the Aztecs and Mayans.

Fans of beach tanning and swimming can be advised to visit Cancun; history buffs can visit the ancient monuments of the Aztec and Mayan civilization, their cities and pyramids. Interesting excursions to later architectural monuments, forts, cathedrals, the Crocotown crocodile reserve, parks and caves.

India, GOA in January

Perhaps this is one of the hottest places on the coast Indian Ocean. Daytime temperatures do not drop below +35 degrees in the shade. And this is considered the norm here. Where is the best place to go on holiday in Goa in January and what is worthy of attention? Sightseeing lovers can recommend visiting the Dudhsagar Falls, Bandla Nature Reserve, Mollem National Park, as well as the 17th century Portuguese fort of Aguada, where there is a beach for fans of sunbathing and swimming.

An advantage when choosing Goa will be fast processing within five days, which can be issued via the Internet. The undoubted advantage of Goa is its price-quality ratio. With a steady increase in the cost of services at other resorts, they remain here, and the beaches are always open to everyone. The cost of a tour for a week's holiday for two will be from 36,000 rubles. Not every resort can boast such prices.

The warm sea and snow-white sand make it possible to have a great vacation. Goa is a good option for those who want at least a short time break away from civilization. Yes, and you can get a visa there quickly - However, do not forget about.


This is exactly the country where you can go in January without much hassle associated with obtaining a visa. There are enough places for lovers of historical and architectural attractions and for fans of beach holidays. Hainan Island is especially popular among tourists visiting China.

Hainan Island in January is the only point in China where a tropical climate prevails, the sun shines 300 days a year, and the average annual temperature is +26 degrees. By local standards, January is considered the coldest month; during the day the air temperature “drops” to +23, so this month is not the best month for swimming. In addition, on the island the rainy season begins just this month and cloudy days are not uncommon.

Precipitation, however, is not an obstacle to seeing the rich natural world islands, get acquainted with oriental culture. Many festivals and holidays are held at this time. There is a great opportunity to improve your health in Chinese medicine centers.

If for swimming, fairly large waves can discourage the desire to swim completely, then for surfing lovers this is exactly what is needed. precipitation nevertheless

We can safely say that Hainan Island is the place on earth where even the most discerning travelers will find everything they are interested in, from unique nature, waterfalls, nature reserves to historical monuments.

If January is not the most suitable month for swimming, then the sea can be successfully replaced thermal springs, of which there are many. And here the topic of health improvement becomes relevant, since almost all sources have medicinal properties. The water temperature in them is from 45 to 65 degrees. Various diseases are treated - from radiculitis to gynecological problems.


Liberty Island is one of the most beautiful places in the Caribbean. Warm ocean, beautiful beaches, amazing nature and most interesting story- this is what awaits tourists here. The cost of tours starts from 110,000 rubles. Daytime January temperatures range from 26 to 30 degrees. At night 20 – 25. In addition to beach holidays, there are many interesting excursions to historical places.

Maldives for January holidays 2019

Paradise and serenity - climate is associated with these concepts Maldives in January. Air temperature during the day is +30 degrees, at night – 28. Excellent conditions for swimming, sunbathing and beach relaxation. Thanks to the “eternal summer” the islands occupy their permanent place in the top ten best places for relax.

During the January holidays of 2019, tourists can expect excellent surfing, diving and snorkeling, warm water, beaches and excellent service. In addition, tourists are offered a wide and interesting excursion program. You can visit the Friday Mosque, National Museum. The cost of tours is from 150,000 rubles.

Holidays in the UAE in January 2019

For those who are not particularly attracted to southeastern culture, the United Arab Emirates can be an excellent alternative. While there are bitter frosts in Russia, summer reigns here. The water in the bays is warm +24, and the air does not heat above 28. The conditions are ideal for shopping, excursions and taking a light tan without the danger of burning. A special holiday destination in the UAE is January shopping at the Dubai shopping festival with its huge discounts. tourist routes. It is especially worth noting that the cost of the tour is affordable - only 55,000 rubles.

Where to go on holiday in January is the cheapest

It is quite logical that the cheapest prices in January will be for trips to places where the sea is cold and the opportunity to acquire a southern tan is unlikely. Among domestic resorts these are Sochi and Black Sea coast Crimea. Of course, only extreme lovers can swim in the sea at this time, but there is a great opportunity to enjoy a vacation without the fuss and absence of a mass of vacationers, and to taste local cuisine.

Among the options already considered, the most affordable prices in January are for tours to the UAE and Goa.

Where else can you go on vacation in January 2019 For the most discerning citizens who are not satisfied with the resorts of the Southeast and Arab countries, travel agencies can offer vacations on Canary Islands

. Moreover, the cost of winter tours is comparable to summer tours to Turkey. Tenerife is ready to welcome its guests with a varied program of excursions, warm weather and even the opportunity to swim in the ocean. In addition to the Canaries, there are many countries with warm weather. In January 2019, the Dominican Republic awaits its guests. January is high here tourist season

, lasting until March. The benefit of the tour is that the all-inclusive system works, there is no need for a visa, there is the possibility of traveling with children, excellent shopping and European service. The cost of the trip is from 130,000 rubles.

Where to relax at sea in January with a child Excellent conditions are provided in this regard in Thailand. There is a well-developed infrastructure and a large selection of hotels. different levels

and a lot of excursions and entertainment for children. You can feed them with exotic fruits from the heart.

The same opportunities have been created in the Dominican Republic and southeastern resorts. Most tourists tend to consider Vietnamese resorts more suitable for families with children due to their more puritanical morals. It is no secret that most south-eastern resorts have adopted more open relationships. For lovers of European service and active pastime, Tenerife is most suitable. Here children can enjoy killer whale shows, water parks, unforgettable nature

Of course, in all these countries, children can sunbathe to their heart's content and swim in the warm sea. In addition to a beach holiday, children can get acquainted with the culture of these countries, the flora and fauna of the tropics.

The information provided in this article is quite enough to make the right choice of country for a good holiday on the warm sea with your family. All that needs to be done is to dial the travel agency and order the selected tour.

Holidays at sea in January, video

TOP hot destinations where you can pamper yourself in January 2020 warm sea. An excellent beach holiday is guaranteed!

In January, in the midst of winter, I already really want summer! This is why every year I fly away to warm tropical countries for the winter. This review is based on my experience and plans for the coming January. I talk about interesting and hot exotic destinations and separately talk about countries where you can go without a visa and where to have an inexpensive vacation.


Thailand is the No. 1 country for those who want to relax at sea in January 2020. We have gone on vacation to Tai three times already and will definitely come back again. We love it for its excellent yarns and nature, pleasant climate, low prices and delicious food.

Where to go. Food, accommodation and tours are cheaper in Pattaya, but the beaches and nature in Phuket are better. Choose where to go - .

Things to do. Go on excursions to temples, National parks and nature reserves, go diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and take a yacht ride. In Thailand, holidays are celebrated brightly and on a grand scale. In addition to the European New Year, Children's Day and Chinese New Year are celebrated in January with carnival processions and colorful shows.

Amazing Banana Beach in Phuket with a minimum of people, clean sea and sand, lack of infrastructure and picturesque views.

India (Goa)

Where can you relax at sea inexpensively in January 2020? Head to the beaches of India!

Things to do. Popular entertainments include elephant riding, excursions to ancient cities and temples, and youth trance parties. In January there are several public holidays are celebrated with magnificent parades.

Where to go. North Goa is preferred by young people - there are lower prices and vibrant nightlife. Respectable tourists choose the solitude and tranquility of South Goa.

(Photo © / @2renkov)

Sri Lanka

You can have a good rest at sea in January 2020 on the island of Ceylon. This year we traveled around the island for a whole month - we really enjoyed it. Nature there is just space!

Weather. It is relatively cool on the island in January: during the day on the coast +27...+30°C, the sea +28°C, in the evenings it is warm +24°C, but mosquitoes interfere with walks. Rains are rare and short-lived.

Things to do. What impressed us most about Ceylon was the nature: we went on a safari and it was very inexpensive and very exciting. Be sure to go to the mountains, to the village - this is Heaven on Earth. Also try surfing or fishing. In Ratnapura you can go down into the mines and see how sapphires are mined. There are many excursions on the island: to tea plantations, elephant nursery and a turtle farm, on sacred mountain Adam and to Buddhist temples.

Curry in Sri Lanka is a delicious dish!


Many believe that the best beach holiday in January 2020 should be sought in the Caribbean, for example, in Mexico. We have been flying to Asia in winter for many years, and now we also decided to go to American coast. Let's see how good it is there!

Weather. Warm and sunny: during the day +27...+30°С, at night +19...+21°С, sea water temperature +24°С. There is little precipitation and it usually falls at night.

Things to do. Dolphins and giant sea turtles can be seen here, and the coral reefs are considered to be among the largest in the world. Tourists explore volcanoes, caves, cenotes, Mayan pyramids and colonial architecture.

Cancun, Mexico (Photo © / @bigvicmedia)


Cuba is another country where it is warm in January 2020 and you can relax by the sea. We are also planning a trip to Liberty Island in December-January: we want to see Havana, Varadero and ride around the island.

Things to do. Active water activities: diving, parasailing, scooter and banana rides, paragliding. Go on excursions to Havana and Trinidad, taste Cuban rum and cigars. In January, Cubans noisily and cheerfully celebrate Liberation Day.

(Photo © xoracio /

Weather. In January, cyclones reign, bringing heavy short-term precipitation and high humidity up to 80%. Most often it rains in the afternoon. Nevertheless, the air temperature confidently remains at +30°C, the water in the ocean is +27°C, but in the mountains it is a little colder.

Things to do. In January, in addition to beach holidays, you can go surfing, kiting, diving and deep-sea fishing. Mauritius has unique bays, lagoons, volcanoes, waterfalls and sugar plantations. Visit national parks and reserves and watch exotic animals and birds.

Mauritius (Photo © / @petefogden)

Where to go in January without a visa

Where else can you have a good rest by the warm sea in January 2020? Here is a list of suitable destinations where you can go without a visa or with simplified entry:

Where to have an inexpensive holiday in January 2020

Below I will list countries where you can inexpensively go on vacation abroad in January 2020. Here are the current prices for tours for two with departure from Moscow:

  • . Consistently the cheapest tours! From 16,000 rubles.
  • - from 30,000 rubles.
  • - from 32,000 rubles.
  • When to fly: any winter month.
  • Ticket price from Moscow for one in both directions: from 35,000, on New Year - from 80,000 rubles.
  • from 1199 RUR/night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa: up to 30 days.

Ao Nang Beach, Krabi Province

Thailand is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about where to holiday abroad in the winter. Winter is the height of the season: no rain, the sun is shining, +30 in the air, and +28–29 in the water. Mango and papaya are singing. Nightclubs on Bangla Road are operating at full blast. Along with good weather, tourists fly to Thailand - prices for flights and accommodation become more expensive.

New Year in Thailand is a holiday exclusively for tourists. With fireworks, a Christmas tree and festivities. Locals celebrate Chinese and Thai New Year on a larger scale.

Phuket is an excellent choice if you want to scuba dive, lie in comfort on the beach, and have a blast at crazy parties in the evening. There are excellent conditions for diving and snorkeling, full of beach cafes, massage parlors and hangouts for every taste. Family tourists with children will also have something to do: the island has aquarium (about 3-5 $), amusement park FantaSea With theater show elephants (about $55), water park Splash Jungle ($18-30). Stay in Nai Harn or Karon - these are the most calm and cozy areas.

What to do in winter in Phuket

  • Swim, sunbathe or snorkel on the tranquil coastlineNai Harn or (entrance to the beaches is free) and feel like a hero from the movie “The Beach”.
  • Look at the temple and take the obligatory photo from the observation deck Big Buddha View Point (all locations are free).
  • Take a walk in the evening along the party street Bangla Road and go to a ladyboy show Simon Cabaret (~ 18-30 $ / 1220-2035 rub.).
  • Rent a motorbike (~ $6-10 / 405-675 rubles) and drive around the entire island, counting Buddha statues along the way.
  • Order a real Thai massage session in a street salon (from $9 / 610 rubles per hour).
  • Watch the sunset in the south of the island on the most beautiful observation deck Promthep Cape (Prom Thep Cape).
  • Become a fruitarian for a week and try all possible exotics - jackfruit, mango, rambutan and durian - for the price of a kilogram of potatoes in Russia.

Vietnam, Nha Trang

  • When to fly: February.
  • Ticket price from Moscow in both directions for one: from 56,000 rubles.
  • from 1299 RUR/night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa: 15 days.

Ha Long Bay

A hospitable country with tropical nature, delicious food, cheap diving and surfing. Compared to Thailand, there are more cool climate, there are fewer tourists on the beaches, the resorts are quieter. Vietnam is good for independent travel together, family or company. Therefore, choose a hotel that is cheaper, but with a convenient location - you won’t want to sit by the pool.

On New Year's Day, all festive events are held for tourists in hotels. Maximum - banquet and countdown to midnight. Fireworks are rare in the country.

Nha Trang is the most developed, interesting and fairly budget resort in Vietnam. Winter is the low season and good beach weather starts towards February. In December-January it is still cool and windy, but tickets are the cheapest. Don’t be afraid of bad weather: even in the off-season you can sunbathe (+25-28 in the air), in February you can swim (in the water it’s already +24-26), and on cloudy days you can go on excursions. It rains at least three to four times a month, but more often at night.

What to do in winter in Nha Trang

  • Spend the whole day lying on the white sand of Paradise Beach.
  • Go on an excursion to Dalat, see Cao Dai Temple and Linh Phuoc (entrance to the temples is free), Ba Ho Waterfall and Yang Bay Park.
  • Visit rice and coffee plantations, see how Luwak and Kuli coffee are made.
  • Try Vietnamese cuisine: Pho soup (~ 1-3 $ / 70-204 rub.), marinated pork Bun Cha (~ 1.5-2 $ / 100-140 rub.), street spring rolls and egg coffee with condensed milk ( ~ 0.5-2 $ / 34-140 rub.);
  • Travel with children to Winpearl Island (~ 28-38 $ / 1900-2580 rubles) and have a blast yourself, riding slides, electric sleds and carousels in the water park. You can get to the park by cable car(~ 0.3 $ / 20 rubles) or by ferry.

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

  • When to fly: December-early January.
  • Ticket price from Moscow in both directions for one: for the New Year - from 120,000 rubles. In January, February - from 70,000 rubles.
  • from 1099 RUR/night for two.

View of Rio de Janeiro

The famous Copacabana beach, carnival, legendary football - all this is Brazil. Winter is the ideal time to travel to Rio. You can sunbathe, swim, look at the famous statue of Christ and Sugarloaf Mountain. The air temperature throughout almost the entire country is +28–29, the same in the water.

New Year's Eve in Rio is big: all residents dress in white, come to the Copacabana coast, throw flowers into the ocean and watch fireworks. You will celebrate the holiday without chimes and Olivier, but right on the beach and to the sound of the waves.

Holidays in Rio de Janeiro in winter are a dream come true: ocean, tropical nature, authentic culture and countless attractions. The only negative is the peak season, hence the high cost of the flight. You can fly here alone, as a couple, or in a group. But it’s not worth it with small children: the flight lasts from 17 hours, plus acclimatization and jet lag - it will be difficult for the little ones.

Ipanema Beach

What to do in winter in Rio

  • Dance in New Year's Eve to the rhythms of salsa on Copacabana beach.
  • Take a mini-train ride to see with your own eyes the famous statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado (from $48 / RUR 3,255 round trip from the station on Rua Cosme Velho).
  • Walk through the largest "inner city" rainforest in the world - Tijuca forest (the entrance is free).
  • Jump in the ocean waves at Ipanema Beach (free admission).
  • Take a tour (from $10) or at least look at the famousMaracanã Stadium , where the World Championships were held twice (1950 and 2014) and the 2016 Olympics opened.
  • See the world's largest floating Christmas tree, 85 meters high, in Laguna Rodrigo de Freitas.
  • Choose what tastes better: Brazilian coffee from the oldest confectionery Confeitaria Colombo or a glass of Brahma from the brewery"Lapa"

Azerbaijan, Baku

  • When to fly: New Year's Eve.
  • Ticket price in both directions for one: from 17,000 rub.
  • from 949 rub./night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa: up to 90 days.

Flame towers in Baku

If you don’t want to spend a lot on a flight, but want to get away from the desk and TV, go to Baku. There is a lot to see in the city: ancient fortresses and palaces, the Flame Towers skyscraper, the Caspian Sea and the snow-capped Caucasus. There are rarely frosts in the capital of Azerbaijan; the temperature on the coast is around +10, but it can be rainy.

In Azerbaijan, as in Russia, the New Year is celebrated on a grand scale. Restaurants offer a special New Year's program with a Caucasian flavor, and reservations must be made early.

The capital of Azerbaijan is an excellent choice for a family holiday. On holidays it is interesting to walk around the center of Baku. The city is decorated with colorful garlands and installations, the main Christmas tree is being erected in the National Seaside Park, and there will also be fireworks at night.

When walking around the city, dress warmly and often go to a cafe to warm up. There are many authentic tea houses serving nut jam, restaurants with national dishes- kutabs, dolma with lamb and cognac (only if you are very cold).

Heydar Aliyev Center, Baku

What to do in Baku in winter

  • Walk through the fabulous town of “Little Venice” in the seaside park and ride a gondola there (free admission, gondola ~ 3.5-5 AZN / 140-200 rubles per person).
  • Take a photo atFountain Square with the Azerbaijani Father Frost Shakhta Baba and his Snow Maiden Karkyz.
  • Take a walk through Old Baku and remember scenes from the film “The Diamond Arm”;
  • Try traditional Azerbaijani pilaf with lamb, pumpkin, nuts, which is always prepared on New Year’s Eve (for example, in a restaurant"Nargiz" , ~ 8.5 AZN / 340 rub. a portion).
  • Leave the city for more than a couple of days to experience a special spa procedure - treatment with special oil at the resort Naftalan (from 157 AZN / 6250 rubles per night for two).

In order not to miss the best places in the capital, read ours.

Indonesia, Bali

  • Ticket price per person from Moscow in both directions: on New Year from 80,000 rubles, in January-February - from 55,000 rubles.
  • from 899 RUR/night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa: up to 30 days.

Balangan Beach, Kuta

In terms of natural beauty and level of comfort, nothing compares to a holiday on the islands of Indonesia. The easiest (and cheaper!) way to get to Bali is by direct flight: you can fly directly to Denpasar (the capital of the island). There is a developed infrastructure, excellent hotels and magnificent beaches. If you are flying with children, choose the resort of Sanur, you want something noisy nightlife- the city of Kuta or Seminyak, if you love peace and quiet - the Canggu region.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year in Indonesia, don’t be surprised that the locals won’t even remember about the holiday. The night from December 31 to January 1 is celebrated exclusively for tourists in hotels and noisy areas, while the Balinese themselves celebrate their New Year Nyeppi in the spring.

Winter is considered the low season in Bali, but Russian tourists really like to come here at this time. Rains do occur, but usually in the mornings or at night and beach holiday don't interfere. But if you plan to scuba dive, keep in mind: visibility in the water may be worse than in clear weather. Choose for relaxation calm beaches Nusa Dua, Seminyak, Sanur - there is usually less rainfall and calm water.

Tegallalang Rice Terraces

What to do in winter in Bali

  • Visit a popular beach Jimbaran , in the mecca for surfers Canggu , deserted and quiet Nikko Beach and Balangan with constant waves to create your own top of the best.
  • See the real ones rainforests, ancient temples and powerful volcanoes of Kintamani, Gunung Batur.
  • Spend the whole day at the water park Waterboom (from 22 $ / 1490 rubles per person) and get a powerful adrenaline rush from an almost vertical fall on the CLIMAX slide.
  • Go on an excursion to Ubud (on average ~ $30 / 2035 rubles per person): visit the monkey forest, see Hanging Gardens and find that same old Balinese healer from the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.”
  • Take a surfing course (from $30/2035 rubles per lesson) and catch a wave in Kuta or Uluwatu;
  • Buy branded items at a price three times lower than in Moscow in Kuta shopping centers (for example, in Beachwalk Shopping Center).
  • Try Balinese seafood skewers and gorge yourself on fruit.

Russia: Crimea (Yalta) or Krasnodar region (Gelendzhik)

  • When to fly: New Year.
  • Ticket price per one from Moscow in both directions: to Simferopol - from 14,000 rubles. To Krasnodar (there are no flights to Gelendzhik in winter) - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Hotels in from 1099 RUR/night for two and from 1199 RUR/night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa as long as you want.

In Yalta or Gelendzhik, even in winter there is a resort atmosphere. Of course, you won’t be able to swim and sunbathe on the beach. But you'll breathe fresh sea ​​air, buy honey and churchkhela, walk along the mountain paths and pine forests, feed the seagulls and local cats. From December to February, these regions have humid, cloudy weather, but there are sunny days and +15. You won’t see snow: only on the tops of the mountains, and even then not always.

Celebrating the New Year is the same as everywhere else in Russia: people walk the streets, buy cheap trinkets at Christmas markets, go to cafes and shopping centers. Only the main tree stands on the square near the sea, where mass celebrations and the countdown to the New Year usually take place.

Fly alone, as a couple, with children. For entertainment, you can take a boat ride, go on an excursion to the mountains, go to the zoo, or have a beach picnic.

What to do at sea in winter

  • Sitting on the beach with a thermos of hot tea, watching the sunset and listening to the seagulls.
  • Rent equipment and try your hand at windsurfing or kite surfing - windy weather makes for cool fun.
  • Go to Safari Park (from 1500 rub.) in Gelendzhik or Yalta Zoo (from 250 rubles) and feed all the animals with crackers (we didn’t advise you to do this).
  • Get out for the whole day from Gelendzhik to Abrau-Durso to taste champagne (900 rubles per person), and then admire the magnificent views of the lake.
  • Take a walk along the resort alleys, parks, sanatoriums and be amazed at the silence around.
  • Take a ride on a pleasure boat (~ 400 rubles per person), taking with you bread for the seagulls - they will catch food right on the fly.
  • Celebrate New Year's Eve on main square at the Christmas tree, drink champagne and dance on the beach until the morning.

South Korea, Seoul

  • When to fly: any winter month.
  • Ticket price per person from Moscow in both directions: on New Year - from 50,000 rubles, in January-February - from 35,000 rubles.
  • from 1199 RUR/night for two.
  • You can vacation without a visa: up to 60 days.

A country tall skyscrapers, modern technology and the cult of anime. In winter, the South Korean Alps are covered with snow caps, national parks become even more beautiful, there is an excellent ski complex built for the 2018 Olympics. Korea has a real winter, with snow and an average temperature from +5 to -5.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, no special festivities are expected in Seoul: Koreans celebrate their Seollal New Year at the end of winter or beginning of spring. The best option celebration - book a table in a restaurant, then walk around the city or look for continuation in one of the nightclubs, always with karaoke.

In one trip you can visit several cities. Stay in Seoul and travel from there. From the capital to the farthest city of Busan, it is only a four-hour bus ride. Come here alone, with a group or with your family - the country has entertainment for everyone. Seoul - interesting city for walks. Ancient palaces of the rulers of Korea, antique shops, art galleries, thousands of cosmetic shops and nightclubs. In Busan great beaches, in Jeju there are romantic views, and in Yeonpyeong and Hyundai Seonggu there are ski activities. choigozip Hongdae ,~ 6-20 $ / 410-1360 rub. for dinner), where the food is prepared right in front of you, try traditional Korean alcohol - soju.

  • Ice skating with your kids at a Seoul indoor amusement park Lotte World "(~ 14-55 $ / 950-3730 rubles) and get caught in artificial snowfall.
  • Buy Korean masks and patches in the Myeongdong shopping district for yourself, your friends and all your relatives with a supply for the next five years.
  • Belarus, Minsk and Belovezhskaya Pushcha

    • When to fly: New Year's Eve.
    • Ticket price per one from Moscow in both directions: from 10,000 rubles.
    • Hotels in from 2199 RUR/night for two
    • You can vacation without a visa: 90 days with an internal passport.

    You will be surprised how interesting it can be in a neighboring country in winter: snow-covered fairytale castles, Belovezhskaya Pushcha with another residence of Father Frost, ski resorts. The climate of Belarus is similar to Russia, but winters are milder, without strong winds and frosts. This is an ideal option for a holiday trip with children.

    Will you celebrate the New Year in Belovezhskaya Pushcha- you will feel like the hero of the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”: there is silence and a dense snow-covered forest all around. To keep you from getting bored, the hotel staff will hold a night disco, a banquet, and a meeting with the real Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters.

    Stay in Minsk and go on excursions from there. A whole entertainment complex has been opened in Belovezhskaya Pushcha: fabulous forests with snow-covered edges and thousand-year-old oaks, the hut of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the Museum of Nature with bison and other wild animals. You can stay directly in a hotel on site reserve - There are hotels of different levels of comfort here. Prices for two people for accommodation with breakfast in December - from 108 BYN / 3385 rubles. per night. Book your hotel in advance, there is a rush here in winter. If you vacation from December 28 to January 14, you can buy a tour package that includes food and accommodation along with New Year's entertainment..

  • Take a minibus (from the Central Station ~ 6.5 BYN / 205 rubles) on an excursion to Nesvizh (~ 6.5-13 BYN / 205-410 rubles entrance) and admire the ancient castles, which look even more majestic in winter;
  • Ride a sleigh through the fairytale forest of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and take photos in Estate with Father Frost and Snow Maiden (entrance to the hut ~ 6.5-9 BYN / 205-285 rubles).
  • Find Nastenka from the fairy tale “12 Months” in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, warm up with her by the fire and dance around the tallest spruce tree in Europe.
  • Celebrating the New Year is a repetitive activity, and why not celebrate it in a new way every time. Last year you stayed at the festive table at home, but this year you will celebrate the first of January on the beach hugging a Balinese palm tree, or devouring Azerbaijani kutabs, or raising a glass of Korean alcohol. Just plan as soon as possible. If you want to celebrate at home, that's fine too. From mid-January there is a lull and you can go on vacation quite inexpensively. Dream. Book. Rest. (And don't freeze!).