Description of the resorts of mysterious Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka: where is the best place to relax, attractions and interesting facts Sri Lanka another name

All about Sri Lanka, the land of ancient ruins, religious relics, beautiful beaches and colorful reefs. It looks like India, but it's not. We tell you about the best places, what you need to know and where to go.

The content of the article

Sri Lanka is a paradise island with a rich history that attracts travelers from all over the world and remains forever in their hearts. The island located in the Indian Ocean is an exotic world of romantic holidays and adventures in natural conditions. Each city in Sri Lanka is unique in its own way, one with its rich history, the second with the untouched nature of the surrounding world, the third with its developed infrastructure for tourism.

General information about the country


Sri Lanka- a small island in the Indian Ocean, located at the southeastern tip of India. By area it occupies 65600 sq.. This is a country that has EVERYTHING: beautiful beaches, high mountains (over 2000 m), tropical forests and many animals such as wild elephants, leopards, sea turtles, dolphins and whales.


Colombo city

Form of government

Mixed Republic


Buddhism 70%, Islam 8%, Christianity 6%

Sri Lanka is one of the most ancient countries of the Buddhist religion, which was first introduced to the island by the son of Emperor Ashoka in the 2nd century BC. A branch from the sacred Bodhi tree, under the shade of which Buddha achieved enlightenment, was installed in Anuradhapura; it was brought by the daughter of Emperor Senamitta. This relic is especially revered in the Buddhist world today. The atmosphere of Sri Lanka is literally saturated with religion; there are many sacred temples, the main of which is rightfully considered the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of Buddha, located in the ancient capital of the Sinhalese state of Kandy. Traditionally, the temple is visited with lotus flowers - a symbol of purity and perfection. Although the lotus grows in a swamp, it is able to grow beautiful and unsullied. The philosophy of Buddhism is based on the teaching that, like a lotus, a person has the power to purify his soul and overcome all the difficulties of life.


Sinhala - 74%, Tamil - 18%, Others - 8%. Approximately 10% of residents speak English fluently. Menus (in tourist restaurants) are served in Sinhala and English.


Sri Lankan rupee


22 million people

Country dialing code

Climate, when is the best time to go?

Tropical climate. Sri Lanka has two monsoon seasons, which run from May to July and from December to January. The average annual temperature is about 28°C in the lowlands and about 18°C ​​in the highlands.

The recommended time to travel to Sri Lanka is during the dry season - April to November for the east coast and December to March for the west coast and central highlands. Christmas and New Year are especially popular times to travel to Sri Lanka

Do I need a visa to enter Sri Lanka?

Anyone wishing to visit Sri Lanka is required to apply for a visa from 1 January 2012. The exception is citizens of the Republic of Singapore, the Republic of the Maldives and the Republic of Seychelles. But don't worry, it's quite simple, the only thing you need to do is apply for an ETA Tourist Visa online before entering Sri Lanka. The online visa is valid for 30 days from the date of arrival and can be extended for up to six months. The cost of the visa is $35 (children under 12 years old are free).

If you were unable to obtain an ETA in advance, you will need to go through the procedure to obtain it at the airport upon arrival (but you will have to pay $40, children under 12 years old are free)

What are the entry requirements for Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is a very easy country to visit and there are not many entry requirements. The only thing you will need when entering Sri Lanka, other than the online visa, is at least one blank page in your current passport, which must be valid for at least six months from the date of entry, also a return ticket with the exact date of departure, a voucher, a migration card (must be filled out in English, fill it out either on the plane or at the border) and cash in the amount of $25-50 per day.


Never travel without valid travel insurance! Travel insurance may seem expensive, but it's nothing compared to the fact that medical care can cost you even more. This is the one thing you should never skimp on!

How to get to Sri Lanka

It is more convenient to get to Sri Lanka by plane. During the season, you can fly from Moscow with Aeroflot; in winter, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways fly with stops to Male (Maldives).

What to do in Sri Lanka?

The island has an abundance of sun, sea and sand. The southern coast is considered the country's tourist center with golden sandy beaches, calm lagoons and picturesque nature.

Types of recreation presented to tourists on the island:

  • surfing
  • sailing
  • windsurfing
  • deep sea fishing
  • sightseeing tours

Due to its relatively small area, the island is easy to explore and has an excellent transport system, based on bus and train connections.

A paradise of eternal sunshine, the birthplace of aromatic tea and an unforgettable holiday, Sri Lanka opens its arms to travelers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Places to visit in Sri Lanka

The island is home to all sorts of cultural and artistic monuments in abundance, eight of which are under UNESCO protection: - Anuradhapura - a historical city; - Polonnaruwa is a historical city; - Sigiriya – rock fortress; - Singaraja – forest reserve; - Kandy is a sacred city; - the old part of the city of Halle with fortifications; Dambulla - golden temple; - the highlands of central Sri Lanka.

In addition to historical monuments, Sri Lanka is famous for its elephant nursery, turtle farm, and spice gardens. Near the city of Kandy is located the largest botanical garden in Asia, which displays rare tropical plants of various shapes and colors.

National cuisine of Sri Lanka

Thanks to the tropical climate Sri Lanka is rich fresh fruits, vegetables and spices, which are used in most dishes. Freshness plays a key role in cooking. Many families grow curry trees and vegetables, some of which are virtually unknown outside Sri Lanka, such as murunga (drumsticks), which are used in curries and accompaniments, and their leaves are a popular addition to the beloved crab curry.

A simple meal can consist of rice, sambol cooked with chillies, pickles or chutneys and of course vegetable curry or dhal. Also in the local cuisine there is a huge assortment of meat, vegetable and seafood dishes.

Sri Lankan cuisine- This is a labor-intensive kitchen, as many dishes are difficult to prepare. For example, Hoppers- These are pancakes made from rice flour, which are used to brew curry and rice. Even more labor-intensive are haircuts, which are thin pods of rice flour that are strained through a sieve and rolled into a small round mat and steamed.

Pros and cons of holidays in Sri Lanka

  • Beautiful people. The people of Sri Lanka are wonderful! They are sweet, kind and hospitable.
  • Tasty food. Sri Lankan food is fantastic! Their rice and curry dish is especially delicious.
  • Excellent climate. Sri Lanka has a subtropical climate, making the country ideal for visiting.
  • Magnificent beaches. Here you will find the most amazing beaches!
  • wild nature.Even though Sri Lanka is a small island, it has excellent wildlife. You can see animals such as wild elephants, crocodiles, leopards, sea turtles, whales, dolphins and many beautiful birds.
  • Everything is within reach. The best thing is that Sri Lanka is a small island which makes it easy to travel and see a lot in a short time.
  • Inflated prices. Probably one not-so-good thing about budget travelers is the rising prices in Sri Lanka. Just a few years ago, accommodation, transportation and entrance fees to attractions and temples were much cheaper than they are today. Sri Lanka is more expensive than other Asian countries that we are used to, such as Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia.
  • All entertainment is more expensive for tourists. Foreigners have to pay much more than locals to visit attractions and temples in Sri Lanka. Just keep in mind that entry fees eat up a large portion of your budget when traveling in Sri Lanka.


In Sri Lanka, in an amazing way, representatives of different cultures and religions live in harmony; Buddhism is considered the main religion; Buddha statues in various variations are found everywhere on the island. It should be noted that it is indecent to take photographs in front of the Buddha, standing with your back to the statue, visiting temples barefoot, and your knees, shoulders and back should be covered. In short, the natural beauty of Sri Lanka is closely intertwined with the rich history of the country.

Sophisticated tourists will appreciate the golden border of beaches hundreds of kilometers long, the clear waters of the Indian Ocean with a rich underwater world, rice fields, lakes and rivers, forests and mountains from which waterfalls fall, the cleanest air saturated with the aromas of jasmine and lotus - the sacred flower of the Buddhist religion. Welcome to the paradise of Sri Lanka!

Sri Lanka is the island of Sun and Sand. More than one thousand kilometers of sandy beaches with palm trees surround Sri Lanka. Until 1972, this country was called Ceylon. And although its name has changed, the best black tea in the world, Ceylon, is still grown there. In addition to beautiful beaches and tea, Sri Lanka has a large number of historical attractions, ranging from Buddhist and Hindu monasteries and temples to orchid gardens and colorful festivals.

Geography of Sri Lanka

The island nation of Sri Lanka is located in the northern Indian Ocean off the southern coast of the Hindustan Peninsula in South Asia. Sri Lanka is washed on all sides by the Pacific Ocean. In the northwest it has a maritime border with India, and in the southwest with the Maldives. The total area of ​​this country is 65,610 square meters. km

In the center and south of Sri Lanka there are foothills and mountains, and the rest of the territory is plains and coastal lowlands. The largest local peak is Mount Pidurutalagala, whose height reaches 2,524 meters.

The longest river in Sri Lanka is the Mahaweli, its length is 335 km. The Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka. More than 120 thousand people now live in this city.

Official language of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has two official languages ​​- Sinhala and Tamil.


More than 70% of the population professes Buddhism (specifically Theravada Buddhism), more than 12% Hinduism, almost 10% Islam, and about 7% Christianity.

State structure

According to the current Constitution, Sri Lanka is a presidential-parliamentary republic. Its head is the President, elected for 6 years by universal suffrage. The President is the Supreme Commander and appoints ministers.

Sri Lanka's unicameral parliament has 225 members elected by popular vote every six years. The President of the country has the right to dissolve Parliament.

Administratively, Sri Lanka is divided into 9 provinces and 25 districts.

Climate and weather

Due to its proximity to the equator, the climate in Sri Lanka is tropical and warm. The average annual air temperature is +28-31C. In hilly areas and foothills - +20C, and in flat and coastal areas - +27C.

The monsoon (rainy) season continues from May to July in the central, western and southern regions of the island. In the northern and eastern regions, the rainy season occurs in December and January.

The best time to visit Sri Lanka is from November to April (southwest coast and mountains) and from May to September (east coast). Thus, you can visit Sri Lanka all year round, because... there is always a dry season on some part of this island.

Sea in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is washed on all sides by the Pacific Ocean. The length of the coast is 1,585 kilometers. Local beaches are surrounded by palm groves. The average sea temperature in January is +28C, and in July - +27C.

Rivers and lakes

There are more than 100 rivers in Sri Lanka. The longest of them is Mahaveli, its length is 335 km. The Mahaweli flows through the central, northern and eastern regions of this country, and flows into the Bay of Bengal.


The history of civilization in Sri Lanka goes back more than 2.5 thousand years. In former times this country was called Ceylon. The first settlers were the Veddas. Around the 6th century BC. The Sinhalese arrived on this island and founded their kingdoms there. From the 3rd century BC. Buddhism begins to spread there. Until the 11th century, the capital of the most powerful Sinhala kingdom was Anuradhapura, and then it was moved to Polonnaruwe.

In 1505, the Portuguese arrived in Sri Lanka and monopolized the spice trade. By 1658, the Sinhala kings, with the help of the Dutch, were able to expel the Portuguese from the island.

The Dutch were more interested in trade and profit than in governing this country. Therefore, they did not resist the British very much when the British sailed to Sri Lanka in 1796. In 1815, Britain defeated the Sinhalese kingdom of Kandy, thereby establishing control over the entire island.

It was not until 1948 that Sri Lanka achieved independence. In 1972, this country received its modern name - Sri Lanka.

Sri Lankan culture

Sri Lanka has a multi-cultural society consisting of Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Therefore, the culture there is very interesting and diverse. Travelers will be able to experience colorful and unique festivals and celebrations in Sri Lanka.

In January, Sri Lankans celebrate the New Year, Durutha Perahera (held in memory of Buddha's visit to this island), Pongal (Hindu harvest festival); in February/March - the Buddhist holiday Navam Perehera and Maha Shivarathri Day; in April/May - Sinhala and Tamil New Year, Eid ul-Adha; July/August - Kandy Perahera and Vel Festival; September – kite festival, Hindu festival Navarathri; October/November – Ramadan, Lilavali (“Festival of Lights”); December - Sangamittha Perehera.

All these festivals are colorful processions, they are always accompanied by elephant parades, music and dance performances, fireworks and theatrical performances.


Sri Lanka's cuisine reflects the multi-ethnic composition of the island's population. The main food of the locals is rice and curry made from a mixture of spices, herbs and coconut milk. In general, almost all local dishes are prepared using coconut milk and spices.

Samba is pearl rice and is eaten on special occasions. During festivals, yellow rice is made, cooked in coconut milk and lightly seasoned with spices. Another popular rice dish is Kiribath (milk rice).

In addition, the people of Sri Lanka are real experts in preparing fish and seafood dishes. Fried fish is served with chips and salad, while curry fish is served with rice.

Popular dishes - Mallung Curry (finely chopped dried vegetables, prawns with grated coconut and spices), Sambol (spicy hot dish), Pol Symbol (grated coconut, onion, red pepper, lime and salt), Seeni Sambol (fish with spicy onions ), Lamprais (curry, cutlet, shrimp paste, eggplant curry, rice wrapped in banana leaf and baked), Buriyani (rice in meat broth), and Thalaguli and Wattalapam sweets.

The traditional soft drink in Sri Lanka is black tea, which is most often drunk with sugar and milk. Sometimes crushed ginger is added to tea. In addition, the inhabitants of this island love coffee, fruit juices and coconut milk.

Alcoholic drinks are also made in Sri Lanka - low-alcohol toddy (from coconut palm sap) and arrack (30-40%, from coconut palm sap).

Sights of Sri Lanka

According to official data, there are several hundred Buddhist and Hindu monasteries in Sri Lanka. And if we add to this temples, palaces, mosques, cave complexes, then the number of local attractions will reach several thousand. In our opinion, the top ten best attractions in Sri Lanka may include the following:

  1. Dalada Maligawa Buddhist Temple (Housing Buddha's Tooth)
  2. Fort in Colombo
  3. Sigiriya Fortress
  4. Dawatagaha Mosque in Colombo
  5. Cave Buddhist temple in Aluvihara
  6. Kochchikade Hindu Monastery in Colombo
  7. Ruins of the city of Anuradhapura
  8. Palace of King Kassiapa on Lion Mountain
  9. Buddhist cave temples of Dambulla
  10. Buddha's footprints on Sri Pada mountain

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in Sri Lanka are Kandy, Tricomalee, Kurunegala, Galle, Ratnapura, Kurunegala and Colombo.

Sri Lanka has many kilometers of beautiful beaches. Many of these beaches are located in picturesque bays surrounded by palm groves.

The best beach areas are Colombo, Trincomalee, Bentota, Arugam Bay, Hikkaduwa, Kogalla, Negombo and Kalutara. Many tourists believe that the best beach in Sri Lanka is Mount Lavinia near Colombo. All local beach resorts have good recreational infrastructure. There are also excellent opportunities for surfing, kitesurfing, wakeboarding, swimming, diving, fishing, spearfishing and scuba diving.

Near some beach resorts (for example, Trincomalee) there are hot springs, and therefore tourists can take medicinal baths there.


From Sri Lanka, tourists usually bring handicrafts, ceramics, jewelry, masks, leather goods (for example, bags), batik fabric, souvenirs made from coconut shells, spices, and, of course, local (“Ceylonese” ) Black tea.

Office hours

However, you can find a suitable hotel in Sri Lanka quite easily using our simple criteria. In this article we will try to help you choose a hotel in Sri Lanka that you will like.

- these are the best places for tourists where you can have a good rest and spend time on a beautiful beach, as well as stop while traveling around this country on your own. And although most tourists choose resort hotels located on the western and southern coasts of the island of Ceylon for their holidays, many more good hotels in Sri Lanka are located in all tourist places, including in the mountainous part in the middle of the island. However, we recommend booking only the best and most trusted hotels, regardless of whether you are visiting Sri Lanka for just a few days or a week or two.

In general, all hotels in Sri Lanka belong to one of three types:

  1. Hotels of the colonial era, you can feel the atmosphere of that time - Cinnamon Lodge
  2. Modern 3, 4 and 5 star hotels on the beaches and in the most picturesque places of the island - CoCo Bay
  3. Inexpensive guest houses (guesthouses - Flamingo) and cheap hotels (usually without stars - Basecamp)

It is important to know:

  • There is no uniform classification of hotels in Sri Lanka, as in many other Asian countries.
  • The number of stars is indicated very arbitrarily, and usually they do not quite correspond to the usual standards of a high level of comfort and service (such as, for example).
  • However, during the high tourist season, it is best to choose five-star hotels for a holiday in Sri Lanka, or at least “four” hotels with a high rating on Booking and good reviews.
  • Usually they are not as expensive as in other seaside resorts in the world. You can simply look at the suitable options for your dates using the link →

One of the best all-inclusive hotels in Sri Lanka with its own beach - Hikka Tranz Cinnamon 4* in Hikkaduwa

Food in hotels in Sri Lanka

Concerning food in hotels in Sri Lanka, then usually the price of a hotel reservation includes only breakfast (BB), but sometimes when choosing a room via the Internet you can also choose half board (breakfast + dinner, HB) or full board (three meals a day, FB). These options are not much more expensive than the basic one. There are also several good hotels in Sri Lanka that offer an all-inclusive option (unlimited food + alcohol, ALL). I will definitely tell you about them below.

Sri Lanka hotels for young people

For an active holiday in Sri Lanka, it is better to choose a hotel near the diving center and surfing spots on the southern beaches of Weligama, Matara and for kitesurfing on the west coast in Kalpitiya. Also important is the presence of a water sports center (where you can rent a scooter or go water skiing), a swimming pool, a sandy beach and sports fields (for example, for playing volleyball).

  • A small hotel with cozy bungalows, a beach, wonderful service - Eraeliya Villas & Gardens 4*
  • Youth hotel with vegetarian breakfast, yoga and fast Wi-Fi Internet - Basecamp
  • Hotel in Matara for a relaxing holiday and surfing - Surf Lanka Hotel 3*
  • The cheapest accommodation on Kalpitiya beach, youth hangout - Scoop Cabana Kitesurfing

Concept hotels

Some hotels in Sri Lanka are built in the colonial style in very picturesque places, with beautiful green areas and buildings with architecture typical of the period of English influence. Unlike modern hotels, here you can still feel the spirit of this country of the last century. The interiors of the rooms are quite interesting; the predominant color of the walls is white, against which ebony wood stands out.

  • One of the best 5* spa hotels in nature, with colonial architecture, is located on a lake in the Cultural Triangle area next to Mount Sigiriya - Cinnamon Lodge Habarana

There are also several specialized hotels in Sri Lanka offering procedures for restoring health according to the Ayurveda system.

  • One of them is located in nature, very close to Sigiriya - Isiwara Paura Aurveda Lodge

There are also quite interesting hotels with an eco-concept in Sri Lanka. Their activities are based on a careful approach to natural resources, and they are located right in the middle of nature. Right from your room window you can watch rice growing, herons catching frogs and crocodiles basking in the sun.

  • For example, inexpensive wooden bungalows on stilts in Chisamaharama - Lake view Tree House

Do you want to come on holiday to Sri Lanka and not have to worry about anything? Nothing could be easier! Choose an all-inclusive hotel where, in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will have unlimited access to alcoholic drinks in the bar and restaurants.

Recommendation: Is it worth taking all-inclusive tours to Sri Lanka? It all depends on the place where you are going to go. For those who don’t want to waste time on vacation and worry about additional expenses, yes rather than no. This only applies to the best 5-star hotels, where they serve amazing dishes on the buffet. But in hotels 4* and below, most likely there will be food that is fairly standard for all hotels without seafood. And then it is better to take meals on a breakfast or half board basis, and go to cafes and restaurants located nearby during the day and evening.

Colombo Hotels

It is believed that there is not much to do in Colombo, but this is far from true. For example, you can go shopping there and buy a lot of quality clothes, or see the city center and other attractions, book a tour and go to local restaurants, devoting a whole day or even two days to this.

  • Ideal clean new hotel in the historical center - Fairway Colombo 4*
  • Conveniently located fresh hotel for those who need something cheaper -City Beds The Regent

And for the most sophisticated travelers who, after exploring the city, leave by train from Colombo to the southern resorts, the stunning new Movenpick Hotel 5*

Hotels near the airport

Sometimes the distance from the hotel to the airport and the organization of transfer upon arrival are very important. The closer the hotel is to the airport, the faster you will be in your room after arrival and can go to the beach.

  • The closest resorts in Sri Lanka to the airport are Negombo, Kalutara, Beruwela and Bentota. All of them are located on west coast countries. It’s worth going here in winter and early spring, when there is little rain and it’s sunny, the waves are calm and the ocean is clear.
  • Hikkaduwa, Galle, Weligama, Mirissa, Matara, Unawatuna, Tangale and Hambantota are located on the south coast of Sri Lanka and it takes much longer to get to them from the airport. The tourist season lasts from November to April.
  • well and on the east coast There are the famous beach resorts of Trincomalee, Nilaveli, Batticoloa, Arugam Bay and Pothuvil, which are not at all a short distance to get to, and it is better to get a good night's sleep before the journey. These resorts are not as crowded as in the west of Ceylon, and the tourist season lasts from May to September.

It is very important not to get lost at the Sri Lanka airport and get to your holiday destination safely. Many large hotels offer to arrange a meeting at the airport and transfer to the hotel. You will be greeted with a sign at the exit from the arrivals hall and transported without any problems by car or comfortable bus. You don't have to worry about anything, and the additional payment for a transfer is usually quite small, but it is very convenient.

Hotel near the airport of Sri Lanka – Airport Garden by Taj 5*

Helpful advice: If you arrive in Sri Lanka late or have an early flight, it is better to spend the night quietly in a hotel near Colombo airport.

  • The best 5* hotel near the airport, with breakfast, spa and swimming pool - Airport Garden
  • Inexpensive hotel two minutes from the airport with transfer and breakfast - Igloo Airport Villa
  • New wonderful 3* hotel 6 km from the airport with clean rooms, transfer - Rohini Residence

Sri Lanka.

The disappeared state of Ceylon.
Years of existence: from 1505 to 1972.
In ancient times, the land where the Vedda tribes lived had the historical name of Sri Lanka.
In the 6th century BC, the Sinhalese invaded the island.
In the 3rd century, the Tamils ​​invaded.
At different times, Sinhala and Tamil states existed here.
By the beginning of the 16th century, there were at least thirty principalities in Sri Lanka, the rulers of which were at enmity with each other.
In the 16th century, the island became Portuguese, and a fortress was built here. The Portuguese exported cinnamon, precious stones and elephants.
In the middle of the 17th century, Portuguese power was replaced by Dutch power,
By the end of the 18th century, the British gained a foothold on the island. Sri Lanka became Ceylon and was declared a British colony in 1802. The British managed to subjugate the entire territory of the island.
On February 4, 1848, Ceylon became an independent dominion state within the British Commonwealth of Nations.
In 1972, the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka was proclaimed. The ancient name was returned to the independent state.
The capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.

Geographical coordinates

7°38′30″N (7.641643)
80°41′31″E (80.691979)

Directions from Moscow

By plane - 12 hours. to Bandaranaike Airport.

Travel from St. Petersburg

By plane - 13 hours. to Bandaranaike Airport.

Distance from Moscow

Distance from St. Petersburg

Description in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron (published at the border of the 19th-20th centuries)

Ceylon (Ceylon), ancient. Ta probane, native. Singhala - Bol. island in the Indian Ocean, crown colony of Great Britain, in the southeast. from the Hindustan Peninsula, between 5°53′-9°51′ N. w. and 76°42′-81°55′ E. d.

Space about 64000 sq. km, the greatest length from north to south is 450 km, width - 230 km.

Residents 3,576,000 (1901); the main element of the population is the Sinhalese; some of them are descendants of colonists from the Ganges Valley who first settled here in 543 BC. In 1901, there were 2,334,570 Sinhalese, 950,844 Tamils ​​(a race of South India), 249,572 Moors (Moormen), 23,253 Euphrasians and others, 9,583 Europeans. There are also Veddas (see), Afghans and Malays.

Orographically, Ceylon is divided into two extremely different regions.

The northern half of the island is low-lying plains, mostly covered with extensive tropical forests; the south is a country of mountains and valleys; central part of the south The region is occupied by a mountain range stretching between 6°40′-7°40′ N. w. and reaching an average height of 2000-2500 m; the most significant peak, Pedrotallagalla, rising in the center of the ridge, at 2524 m; the most famous of these mountains is Adam's Peak (2262 m high), according to the native Samanella, in Buddhist books called Kripada (Saripada, Cripada), which means “Imprint of the sacred foot” of the Buddha, as well as Sumanakuta, Devakuta.

Others most lofty peaks of the main ridge: Kirigalpolla (2380 m) east of Peak Adam and Totapolla (2353 m). This whole mountainous region, rightly called Sinhalese Switzerland, abounds in picturesque views and beautiful and fertile valleys; well watered and intersected with forests and cultivated fields, and enjoys one of the best climates in the world. Geologically, the ridge of the mountains consists of gneiss, intersected by veins of quartz, and in places granite; near the coast, basalt looms large in many places. Individual spurs of mountains and hills dot the vast undulating plains that encircle the mountain range and gradually slope toward the shores. On the N. and NW. The coast islands are flat, monotonous, dotted with lagoons; in the south and east they are elevated and rocky. Despite the fact that Ceylon, in its general circumference, is rich in small bays, it has only one real roadstead, extensive, deep, well defended and combining all the conditions of an excellent military and commercial port - Trincomalee, on the eastern coast of the island; the other two, Pointe de Galle and Colombo, are insignificant.

Rec there are many and quite large, especially 10 on the west coast, between the bays of Pointe de Galle and Manard. There are even more rivers on the eastern bank, but they are less significant; in low-lying areas, where there are terrible heat and where evaporation is very significant, the sources are insufficient to constantly feed the rivers. The most significant rivers of Ceylon: the Mahavelliganga in the North, forming a vast delta, the main branch of which flows into Trincomalee Bay; Kalaniganga, flowing to the West near Colombo; Malwatta Oya - to the NW; very few of pp. Ceylon is navigable; there are no lakes, but the ancient rulers of Ceylon dug reservoirs and irrigation canals, the size of which is still a source of amazement.

Climate Ceylon is more level and pleasant than the Indian subcontinent, from which it is separated by the Gulf of Manaar; generally hot and humid, with very slight fluctuations throughout the year: the averages of the warmest and coldest months differ by only 2°-3°, the average year in Colombo is 27°, in the east. bank ½° higher. It's colder in the mountains, for example. in the famous sanatorium Nevera Elia (1890 m) 15.0. Ceylon is located in the monsoon region, from May to October southwest, bringing rain to the western part of Ceylon. From November to April north-east. monsoon and rains in the east. The division of the year into rainy and dry periods is sharp only in the north and east, where less rain falls; in the south and west there is little rain in all months, and even more even rain in the mountainous center. The average amount on the coast is 1800 mm per year, in the north and east 1000-1200, in the mountains much more, up to 4000. The climate of Ceylon in populated and cultivated areas is quite healthy; Fevers are rampant in the dense forests in the north and east. Here in ancient times there was the densest population and huge structures for artificial irrigation. Some dams were hundreds of square meters. km area. Now it is all in disrepair, the water has stagnated and the area has become unhealthy.

The population is now concentrated mainly in the West, where there are huge coconut groves and rice fields, and in the mountainous center, where the British established huge coffee plantations and, since the 1870s, when coffee was affected by disease, plantations of the Assam variety of the tea bush. A significant portion of the workers are Tamils ​​from India.

The vegetation of Ceylon is luxurious, as on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, with which it has great similarities, second only to the north and east. The main product of the soil is rice, cultivated for local consumption; under its crop in 1900 there were 672,584 acres, under other crops - 109,095 acres; tea occupied 405,405 acres, coffee - 7,086 acres, coconuts - 846,115 acres, cinnamon - 39,619 acres. The forests are vast and their species are varied.

Ceylon is rich in minerals, especially precious stones (rubies, sapphires and, in great abundance, garnets); There is an abundance of pearl fishing in the Gulf of Manaar. Gold, silver, iron (excellent quality), lead, coal (anthracite), kaolin. Almost all the animals of Hindustan are found in the forests of Ceylon, with the exception of the tiger and horse; the most important representative of mammals is the elephant; herds of elephants roam in the southwest. areas of the island. Ivory mining; turtle and pottery products, mat weaving, fan making, wood carving. The salt industry is a government monopoly. 298 railway miles roads (1900), 367 post. and telegraph offices and 2,451 miles of telegraph wire.

Administration of Ceylon in the hands of the governor, an executive council of 5 members and a legislative council of 18 members (including the governor and members of the executive council). Representatives of the main races of the island sit on the legislative council. For administrative purposes, Ceylon is divided into 9 provinces, headed by government agents. Large cities have their own city government; in the districts the natives retain their village councils and courts for matters of lesser importance.

Main religion Buddhist - 1,877,043 people; Hindus 615932, Mohammedans 211995, Christians 302127.

Public education has made significant progress since it was organized under a separate department of education; in 1899, 193,468 students attended school. The only higher government school is the Royal College, but many private English higher schools receive subsidies. Technical College with 125 students; agricultural and forestry schools; 32 professional schools.

Finance of Ceylon in 1900: income (in rupees) 27325930, expenses - 28948925. Imports amounting to 122339758 rupees, exports - 94962277.

Main city Colombo; other wonderful cities are Jaffna, Kandu and Gall. Ceylon was conquered by the Portuguese in 1505 in the west and south; about half of the 17th century he was taken from them by the Dutch. In 1795-96. The British took possession of the foreign colonies of the island, which was annexed to the Madras Presidency. In 1798, Ceylon was recognized as a separate colony. In 1815, after a successful fight against the native tribes of the central regions, the entire island was subject to British rule. Wed. Emerson Tennent. "Ceylon" Schmidt, "Ceylon" (1897); Geiger, "Ceylon" (1898); Van der Aa, “Ile de Ceylon. Croquis, mœurs et coutumes" (Leuven, 1899); Minaev, “Essays on Ceylon and India”; Klingen, “Among the Patriarchs of Agriculture. T. II. Ceylon and India."


Where is Sri Lanka
The majestic Mount Sigiriya is one of the main attractions of Sri Lanka. Built in the 5th century on the top of a mountain, the stone fortress was a reliable shelter for the king. After a short climb up the stone steps, 11 amazing frescoes are revealed, painted with natural paints of a special composition.

At the top of the “lion” rock there is still a giant royal throne.
In the city of Polonnaruwa, the ruins of the ancient capital of the Sinhala state have been preserved. Here you can see the remains of a palace with huge Buddha statues and the beautiful Watadage Temple. In the northern part of Polonnaruwa there is the largest sculptural ensemble of this area - three huge statues of Buddha carved into the rocks.
In the suburb of Kandy - Peradeniya - there is the largest botanical garden in Asia with rare palm alleys and a huge number of different types of tropical vegetation.

Lore from all over the tropical world is represented here.
Sri Lankan cuisine and its features
Curried rice is the most common food item. They also serve dishes of meat, fish and seafood (sea shrimp and lobster), poultry, and vegetables. Magnificent and inexpensive tropical fruits: pineapples, bananas (more than 200 varieties), avocados, mangoes, papaya, oranges, and coconuts. Arak and beer are popular local drinks.
Population, language, religion
70% of the population of Sri Lanka are Sinhalese, 20% are Tamils. Small nations and ethnic groups of mixed origin include the Moors - descendants of ancient Arab and Persian traders, the burghers - descended from mixed marriages between the Portuguese and Dutch, on the one hand, and the Sinhalese and Tamils, on the other. About 42 thousand Malays live on the island. In the mountainous forest region of the island's interior, near the city of Nuwara Eliya, small groups of Veddas (about 850 people) - descendants of the island's oldest population - have survived.
The official languages ​​are Sinhala, Tamil, and English.
The bulk of the inhabitants (70%) profess Buddhism - mostly Sinhalese. Most of the Tamil population is Hindu. The Malays and Moors (7%) adhere to the Muslim religion. There are also 7% of Catholic Christians on the island - these are burghers and part of the Sinhala population. Veddas - where is Sri Lanka, the country of primitive religion. Religious beliefs and superstitions are very strong among the population of Sri Lanka; there is still a division into castes. There are about 20 castes in total.
Customs regulations, visa, currency, embassies
Visa. The usual time frame for processing documents at the embassy is 1 day. Required: international passport, 1 application form with photo and air tickets. A consular fee will be charged. For Russian citizens staying for up to 1 month, a visa is not required - a tourist voucher is enough.
Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean, located 800 km. north of the equator. The total area of ​​the island is 65,610 sq. km, the length from north to south is 445 km, and from west to east 225 km. The main part of the island is occupied by a plain, the height of which rarely exceeds 100 m above sea level. The Central Mountain Range is located in the center of Sri Lanka. The average height of the mountains ranges from 1000 to 2000 m above sea level, but some peaks rise much higher. Numerous rivers of the country flow down from the mountains. The largest river is the Mahaweli Ganga 335 km. Some of the island's rivers are navigable. The highest points of the island - Mount Pidurutalagala has a height of 2524 m. Then Mount Kirigalpotta has a height of 2395 m. However, the most famous is the majestic Adam's Peak (Mount Sri Pada) - 2243 m. See more >
Tea production is of utmost importance in Sri Lanka. The island produces 9-11% of the world's tea. More than half a million people work on the plantations. Almost all the tea produced on the island is exported. As a tea exporter, Sri Lanka occupies a leading position in the world. Another important export crop is the rubber plant Hevea. As in tea production, the bulk of rubber is produced by relatively large plantations. They have factories where the collected latex is processed and sheet rubber is produced. The third export crop is coconut. A significant amount of copra, coconut oil, and coconut milk powder are exported from Sri Lanka. Of the other agricultural commodities exported, spices (especially cinnamon) are the most important. Exports of industrial goods have increased in recent years. Of these, the most significant part is textile products. Precious stones continue to be an important source of income.
Modern Sri Lanka is a country of plantations created during the times of the British. In 1977, the country was the first in South Asia to take the path of transition from a centralized state economy to a market economy. Colombo has the largest seaport through which a huge volume of container traffic passes. The state receives its main income from the following sources:
- free trade zone, attracting foreign investment -

“Sri Lanka is a unique world where, in a small area, there is such a diversity of cultures, landscapes and climatic zones that you cannot find even in countries whose territory is ten times larger.”

Sir Arthur Clarke

Autumn has come. The rays of the last autumn sun are flickering outside the windows, and everyone begins to think about how to extend their summer. Many of you will soon be chasing the warm rays. However, this raises the question “where?”
The answer is obvious. We are all going to Sri Lanka, the land of eternal summer, located near the equator. You will ask why"? There are many reasons, because in Sri Lanka everyone can find something to their liking.


Meet the amazing unique, diverse climate.

In 3 - 4 days of travel you can feel tropics on the coast Indian Ocean, enjoying the sun on endless sandy beaches, see ancient shrines of Buddhism and the oldest Bodhi tree, which is more than 2250 years old, to perform south african safari by jeep in a national reserve, enjoy the temperate climate of the central part of the island, admire the waterfalls and feel the coolness of the highlands, where the best famous Ceylon tea grows on fog-shrouded plantations.
Sri Lanka has the largest number of waterfalls relative to its land area than any country in the world.

2. Meet smiling faces and feel Sri Lankan hospitality, about which there are legends.

Sri Lankan hospitality is renowned throughout the world. People are friendly and ready to help those who are not familiar with local customs. Sri Lankans are very hospitable and are happy to invite people into their homes, no matter how humble they are. At first, it will seem unusual that everyone around you is smiling. However, after you return from your trip, the smiles of the island's residents, coming from the heart, will warm you in cold times.
Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic society, the result of several waves of immigration. The main ethnic groups are Tamils ​​and Sinhalese. Muslims, Malays and Chinese also live here. The Portuguese and British brought with them Kaffirs from Africa, and the Dutch brought a special type of European traders - burghers.

3. Admire the rich cultural heritage civilization with a 2000-year history.

The richness of Sri Lanka's culture has been recognized by UNESCO, which has declared 6 of the country's archaeological sites as World Heritage Sites:

  • Holy City Anuradhapura(4th century BC) - the first ancient capital
  • Ancient city Polonnaruwa(10th century AD) - second ancient capital
  • Golden Cave temple in Dambulla(1st century BC)
  • Lion fortress on the rock Sigiriya(5th century AD)
  • Holy City Kandy(17th century AD) - last royal capital
  • Old City Halle and him fortress(17th century AD)

The seventh World Heritage Site is an ecological reserve - Sinharaja tropical rainforest, the jungle of which is officially one of the 34 most unique places on the planet in terms of its biodiversity.
Visiting the area called the “Cultural Triangle” , travelers can see huge dagobas(domed structures or stupas) and the remains of ancient buildings in the ruins of the cities of Anuradhapurai Polonnaruwa, climb the amazing stairs to the Dambulla Temple , behold sensual frescoes with the image of girls of divine beauty on the Sigiriya rock.
In the central part of the country is the last royal capital, the city of Kandy, considered the cultural center of the island and where it is located Dalada Maligawa Temple or the Temple of the Tooth, where it is kept sacred tooth of Buddha.
Galle Fort, with its 14 massive fortifications, regular streets and original Dutch-style single-storey houses, is as bustling with life as it was in the Middle Ages.

4. Feel the pulsating energy national holidays and festivals.

The diverse civilization of Sri Lanka has endowed the island with a stunning cultural heritage of colorful festivals related to Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.
For every full moon there is a holiday Singing. The most important of holidays, Vesak, Full moon day in May, which celebrates the birth of Buddha, his enlightenment and death.
The festival that attracts the most attention from tourists visiting Sri Lanka is Kandy Esala Perahera held in Kandy for 10 days in late July or early August . Among the Hindu festivals, it is worth noting Vel, held in Colombo in July, and festival in Kataragama on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, during which a torchlight procession is held. Hindus also celebrate Thai Pongal("harvest festival") Maha Shivaratri(“Great Night of Shiva”), the most important festival of the year for followers of the god Shiva, who are in the majority among Hindus in Sri Lanka, and Deepavali(“Festival of Lights”).
Lankan New Year, usually falling in mid-April, is a non-religious holiday that is celebrated by the entire population of the island, regardless of their religion.

5. Meet someone unique diversity of wildlife.

Thanks to the influence of Buddhism, which calls for honoring all living things, Sri Lanka pays great attention to environmental protection. In total, on the island there is 12 national parks and 52 nature reserves, occupying 14% of the total area of ​​Sri Lanka.
A safari in the national park gives you the opportunity to see 91 species of mammals (including 16 that live only in this region) - elephants, leopards, sloth bears, sambar deer, sika deer, wild pigs, mouse and barking deer, wild boars, porcupines, anteaters, civet cats (a genus of wild cats), lemurs, giant squirrels, monkeys(including macaques, langurs gray and with pimples on the face).
National Park Yala considered the place of greatest concentration leopards in the world. National Park Uda Walawe famous for its huge population elephants.
Sri Lanka is one of the best places on earth to observe blue whales And. Sperm whales, killer whales, pilot whales and dolphins also regularly encountered during trips along the coast of Mirissa (southern coast of the island). On the beaches of the island you can often see turtles seven varieties.
The island is a paradise for those who love to watch birds. 233 species live here (33 endemic) - the number of bird species, taking into account migration, increases to 482. There are 171 species on the island reptiles(101 of them, including two species of crocodiles, are found only here), 244 species butterflies and 120 species dragonflies.

6. Replenish the lack of adrenaline adventures and active sports.

An island with a coastline of 1,340 km. is the ideal place for windsurfing, water skiing, jet skis, surfing, sailing, scuba diving(including diving on sunken ships), snorkeling, speed boats, and banana boat rides. The best places for water sports are located on the west coast - in the Negombo region ; on the southwest coast - in Wadduwa, Kalutara and Beruwella; and also in Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Tangalle and Hambantota on the south and southeast coast. Aquatics centers are supervised by certified PADI instructors.
Sri Lanka has more than 100 thousand rivers, lagoons and reservoirs. You can ride here all year round kayaking And canoe, combining these activities with hiking and camping stops. The fast current and rapids of the Kelani Ganges next to Kitulgala ideal for rafting between November and April.
Alternative activities include activities paragliding, rock climbing, caving (caving) and mountain biking.

7. Relax in the best hotels Asia, combining the highest service and design.

There are various hotel options in Sri Lanka.

In Colombo you will find modern five star hotels, and colonial era hotels, in which you can feel the charm and romance of past centuries.
The island has stunning hotels in amazingly beautiful places. On the coast, especially in the west and south, there are a huge number of resort hotels. Several of them were designed by one of Asia's most famous 20th-century architects, Geoffrey Bawa. Bawa's designs are in a style called "tropical modernism", which is characterized by blurring the boundaries between external and internal space, so that the architecture and landscape of the surrounding area interact with each other. Also on the western and southern shores the number of boutique hotels.
In the cities of the mountainous region of the country such as Kandy, Nuwara Eliya and Bandarawela , concentrated hotels of the colonial era. For those who are going to fairly remote regions of the island, perhaps for the purpose of sporting adventures, there are wonderful colonial-style houses, factory buildings on tea and rubber plantations, jungle huts, tree houses And eco-shelters, and campings.

8. Enjoy exotic national cuisine.

The variety of types of rice, spices, vegetables and fruits, coupled with the customs brought to the island by foreigners, formed the varied and interesting cuisine of Sri Lanka. Rice used with curry(any dish made from eggplant, potatoes, green bananas, chicken, fish, etc. with the addition of spices) of varying degrees of spiciness: from spicy-spicy to dynamite-like spiciness. Just as traditional hoppers(a snack similar to pancakes) thong hoppers(steamed rice noodles) and pita(a mixture of coconut and flour). Dish lamprais, rice and additional meat or vegetable ingredients baked in banana leaves, was inherited from the Dutch. Always available in large quantities fresh fish, shrimp, crabs, squid and lobsters. Desserts include fermented milk buffalo milk curd, watered palm honey, and similar to caramel, vatallapam.
In Sri Lanka there are various cutlets, pies, malu pang(fish bun), and Kimbula Banis(crocodile shaped bun).
Fruits mango, pineapple, banana, papaya, and lesser known but wonderful sapodilla, mangosteen, rambutan, woodapple(a fruit with a very hard skin, called wood apple), durian, passion fruit, avocado, etc.

9. Try it Ayurvedic procedures and relax in spa center.

Sri Lanka is a place where you can restore not only your body, but also your spirit. The most popular method to restore and rejuvenate a tired body and soothe a weary soul remains Ayurveda- the world's oldest system of medicine.

Ayurvedic programs consist of a number of herbal treatments and various types bath And massages, as well as cleansing and rejuvenation techniques such as yoga, meditation and special diets.
In spas located in hotels, guests are offered not only Ayurvedic, but also other types of treatments, such as Thai massage, hydrotherapy, herbal baths, reflexology and beauty treatments. For those who need an energy recharge, we offer meditation courses.

10. Commit profitable purchases.

There are different ways to shop in Sri Lanka:

  • Bargaining with a souvenir seller, spending time on the beach;
  • Choosing fruits in a village shop, making your way between bags of rice;
  • Visiting fashion sales (Sri Lanka is a major clothing exporter), enjoying strolls through the modern shopping centers of Colombo.

Stop by the gift shop and purchase a piece adorned with the island's national animals such as the makara (mystical animal), lion, swan, elephant and lotus, which are intricately engraved on the copper products(boxes, trays, lanterns, vases) and silver products(jewelry decorated with filigree carvings, tea sets. In addition, very popular national masks, lacquered ceramics, batik, textiles, lace, wood carving.

Where is Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is known as an exotic island nation.

But where is Sri Lanka?

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Sri Lanka is known as an exotic island state located off the southeastern coast of Hindustan in the Indian Ocean. It is located in the tropical zone 650 km from the equator.It is located in the tropical zone 650 km from the equator.