Education in Bulgaria for Ukrainians. Education system in Bulgaria. The best universities in the country

Bulgaria is a member state of the EU. As in most other EU countries, education here is free and secular.

Despite the fact that the government has submitted an application to join the Schengen zone, other participants have not yet approved it due to the high level of corruption.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • The Bologna system, which gives a European-style diploma upon graduation, formally accepted throughout the EU.
  • Programs in English, French, German.
  • Acceptable quality of knowledge.
  • Employment prospects after graduation, which opens the door to naturalization and EU citizenship.
  • The similarity of language, religious and everyday traditions, the complementarity of the population, which contributes to adaptation.


  • Low prestige of the diploma.
  • Relatively low level of teaching.
  • It is not possible to move freely within the Schengen area.
  • Limited scholarship programs and grants.

Structure of primary and secondary education


  • There are public and private kindergartens in the country.
  • The first type is cheaper, but not free, but it is difficult to assign a child there, since there are long queues. In addition, payments for foreigners are higher than for children of residents.
  • Private institutions offer expanded education and training programs, including foreign languages ​​and subjects that develop creative abilities.

Basic and intermediate


Stage / Stage



Basic education: 8 years Mandatory, free. However, there are problems with textbooks. They are given free of charge only to first grade students. The rest have to buy books and supplies at their own expense. Municipal subsidies are provided for poor families.
· initial 1–4 From the 2nd grade, one foreign language is studied, from the 5th grade a second one is added.

After each year a diploma is issued.

· pro-gymnasium 4–7 or 8 From the 7th grade, professionally oriented disciplines begin to be studied.

Upon completion, final exams are taken, which give the right to admission to the next level.

Average: 12 years Voluntary, free.
· gymnasium 5 Academic program in a wide range of humanities and natural sciences.
· vocational and technical 5 Special education in work areas.

A visa to Bulgaria for Belarusians is issued independently in the same way as when applying through a travel agency, the difference is that in the first case, documents must be submitted to the visa center independently.

5 `5 w5 _" D& )- s" (. K N7 P8 ^7 t The European Institute of Design is Europe's leading university in the fields of fashion, design, visual arts and communications. Teaching is conducted in English, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. All study programs are focused on the modern and rapidly changing fashion and design market.
3k/r&l! O" q* @ The institute's partners are leading companies in the fashion, industrial and decorative design industries of Italy, Spain and Brazil. They actively participate in the educational process, offering real tasks to create and develop new products, which become the topics of educational projects. IN THE FRAMEWORK OF COOPERATION WITH AT THE WORLD'S BEST FASHION AND DESIGN SCHOOLS, MANY IED STUDENTS SPEND A YEAR OF STUDY AT ANOTHER COUNTRY'S UNIVERSITY K+ ~# B- N2 S0 K
The institute has a rich library and modern computer centers. Open displays of students’ diploma projects, which are attended by eminent employers, become a real fireworks display of creative ideas. Often Russian students receive job offers even before receiving their diploma.
" J2 K6 Q: n4 @ )0 u In addition to undergraduate and graduate programs, IED offers year-long professional training programs for those who would like to gain basic knowledge and try their hand at carrying out creative projects. During the summer courses, participants attend lectures and workshops and perform small projects in the field of interest under the guidance of professors from the Institute Companies where IED graduates work: Fendi, Adidas, Arena, Cerruti, Honda, Ralph Lauren, Red Bull, Samsonite, Swarovski, Fiat, Artemide, Bombardier Transportation, L'Oreal, Unicef, Hitachi GmbH Siemens, Polaroid, Kodak, Kimberly-Clark, Hewlett Packard, ECM Records, Univercal Music, Alfa Romeo, Coca Cola and others.
* S3 v0 ~4 z2 k+ S" n" d5 P Year of foundation: 1966
# R7 z8 w% J* u3 d. X&Q4 o" h) q Location: Milan, Rome, Turin, Florence, Venice, Calgary, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Sao Paulo: F: f8 d0 J& g
Number of faculties: 4. ?) ^: _; f0 R3 d8 @
Number of students: 10,000 from 95 countries
4 N3 f& i) ^) u! M8_,_8B
2 R# I& E$ ?" C, n Programs: 4 . N#b
Beauty industry management
A# P. J# v$ G3 f. W Publishing# l) D6 c- H9 s
Vocational training:9 K) D- Q: f(?" G. y
Fashion design and fabrics $ T" h2 R4 P; _8 _6 |* m(U, g& T
Jewelry design 2 B* s) P8 P! V/ Q: l7 H0 d1 T
Interior design
2 i(q% ~; m# Z6 [! K, n Photograph
4 O) @1 t8 T* p: D; j/ F Design of accessories and shoes z5 ? P/ ? m Z
Summer courses:
* r" f" y0 A" \) C# N) O Store interior design
$ U: m(Q3 A" z! P7 t, | Lighting design
7 j# ?$ q2 c9 F7 `7 i" z7 O Furniture design5 N& U C7 F" ?$ F& o: ((w
Fashion design2 w& ?1 V, b- I" C(d
Marketing in the fashion world
1 e6 O8 g" J3 a% p" K Document submission period: starts on January 2 and ends on May 20./ Q6 a. C1 b3 I V5 i, C(N

For many years, studying abroad has been extremely popular among CIS applicants. Many European universities accept foreign students and provide quality education. In Bulgaria, as in many other EU countries, the structure of universities includes public (41 universities) and commercial educational institutions (10 universities). These are specialized schools, colleges and institutes, as well as academies and universities.


You can find the leading universities in Bulgaria and their locations in this table:

No. the name of the institution City
1. International University College Sofia
2. American College Sofia
3. College of Tourism Blagoevgrad
4. College of Management, Commerce and Marketing Sofia
5. Graduate School College of Telecommunications and Posts Sofia
6. Telematics College Stara Zagora
1. Higher Naval School "N.Y.Vaptsarov" Varna
2. APU "Chernorizets Khrabar" Varna
3. Higher Construction School "Lyuben Karavelov" Sofia
4. Higher Transport School "Todor Kableshkov" Sofia
5. Higher School of Insurance and Finance Sofia
6. International Higher Business School Botevgrad
1. Veliko Tarnovo University "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" Veliko Tarnovo
2. Technical University Varna
3. American University Sofia
4. University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" Burgas
4. University of National and World Economy Sofia
4. Academy of Music and Dance Arts Plovdiv
5. The University of Economics Varna
6. Southwestern University "Neophyt Rilski" Blagoevgrad
7. Medical University Plovdiv
8. Plovdiv University "Paisiy Hilendarski" Plovdiv
9. Technical University Sofia
10. University of Food Technology Plovdiv
11. Ruse University "Angel Kenchev" Ruse
12. National Military University "Vasil Levski" Veliko Tarnovo
13. Forestry University Sofia, Bulgaria
14. Medical University Sofia
15. Mining and geological "SV. Ivan Rilsky" Sofia
16. New Bulgarian University Sofia
17. Sofia University "St. Clement of Ohrid" Sofia
18. University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy Sofia
19. Chemical-Technological and Metallurgical University Sofia
20. Agricultural University in Plovdiv Plovdiv
21. Burgas Free University Burgas
22. Thrace University Stara Zagora
1. Higher Medical Institute Pleven
1. Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts Plovdiv
2. Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sofia
3. National Academy of Film and Theater Arts (NATFIS) Sofia
4. National Academy of Music “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov" Sofia

Features of training

Higher education in Bulgaria is no different from other foreign countries and fully complies with European education standards. Academies and universities in Bulgaria provide the opportunity to obtain a scientific degree in the humanities, social sciences, technical and natural sciences and, depending on the period of study and the chosen program, upon completion it is expected to receive the qualification “bachelor”, “master” or “doctor of science”.

Higher specialized schools are aimed at training in one narrow field. Some universities provide the opportunity to receive additional non-core education in conjunction with the main chosen specialty.


Higher education in Bulgaria provides the opportunity to obtain the following levels of accreditation of knowledge, depending on the time of study and the profile of the educational institution.

What difficulties may arise while studying in Bulgaria?

Education at Bulgarian universities is distinguished by its quality. The training system does not allow the use of simple copying of sources or the use of cheat sheets. Plagiarism noticed in the works of students of Bulgarian institutes and universities can cause expulsion from the university. All educational institutions in the country strictly monitor academic performance, so student debt is not allowed.

All the disadvantages and difficulties of studying in Bulgaria include: expensive price accommodation in dormitories of some universities. For example, in the city of Dobrich, living in a dormitory for 1 month will cost a student 150 EUR.

Documents required for admission

The admission committee of any Bulgarian university must send the following documents:

  • application form (downloaded from the website of the selected university);
  • a notarized copy of the certificate confirming secondary education and its attachment, in this case, the education documents must be translated into Bulgarian, and the translation must be notarized;
  • notarized translation into Bulgarian of the medical examination certificate;
  • results of the English language proficiency test;
  • copy of foreign passport.

Within a few weeks, the commission responds to a request for admission. In case of a positive result of the document review, the procedure for obtaining a long-term visa for 12 months at the Bulgarian consulate follows. After which, all foreign students are issued a temporary residence permit in the country for the period of study. Bulgarian universities accept documents twice in one year in February and September.

How much do you need to pay for Bulgarian higher education?

Education at universities in Bulgaria, both public and commercial, is paid for for all applicants. There is no free education in the country. The cost of obtaining a specialty and diploma averages from 3,000 euros. For one year of study you will need to pay from 1,000 to 5,000 euros. This price is one of the most competitive in Europe, which is why many students come to enroll in medical universities in Bulgaria to receive a quality EU standard education.

The advantage and distinctive characteristic of Bulgaria is the low cost of living. For proper nutrition, a student needs to spend only 100 euros per month and 100-150 euros during this period on current expenses (travel and others). Monthly rent for an apartment or dorm room will cost from 100 to 300 euros.

In Bulgaria there is a program that allows you to get a discount on the cost of higher education in the amount of 30% of the price of the entire education. This category of applicants includes:

  • foreigners permanently residing in Bulgaria;
  • citizens of other states of Bulgarian origin;
  • foreigners who have received refugee status in Bulgaria.

It should be noted that foreign students have the right to officially combine study and work. During the holidays, anyone can work without restrictions; at other times, there is a certain quota for part-time work outside of school hours.

Why Bulgarian education is attractive

Higher education institutions in Bulgaria have been accredited according to European standards. This allows everyone, upon completion of the training course, to receive a certificate of higher education, which is accepted by most countries in the world. A Bulgarian diploma allows you to continue your studies in any EU country.

In some universities, it is possible to simultaneously obtain two diplomas, carried out thanks to a partnership program among higher educational institutions of the country and individual universities of the European Union. One of these universities is the American University in Bulgaria, which provides the opportunity to obtain a double diploma of American and European standards. By purchasing a certificate confirming knowledge, a university or academy student can receive additional non-core education in absentia through a partnership program of one of the universities in Britain or another EU state.

Another advantage is that all foreign students have a temporary residence permit for the period of study. This makes it possible to travel around European countries during the holidays. Don't forget about the warm climate of this sunny country, which has long been famous for its resorts, where students can relax after passing the intermediate knowledge test during vacations or weekends.

Requirements for those wishing to enter universities in Bulgaria

Anyone who has graduated from a university can enroll in any university in Bulgaria. secondary school, or is a graduate of a vocational technical school. This means that an applicant entering a higher educational institution in the country must have a document confirming the receipt of secondary education.

In Bulgarian universities there is no entrance exams. They are admitted to universities and other higher educational institutions based on the average score of the certificate, which must be from 62%. At the same time, an Unified State Examination certificate is not required.

An important point when entering a Bulgarian university is knowledge of the English language, which upon admission is confirmed by international testing (ELTS or TOEFL). The test can also be taken at an accredited educational institution in your country.

The University of Plovdiv, named after the Bulgarian historian Paisius Hilendarski, is Plovdiv's leading cultural and scientific institution. It is the largest institute of higher education in Southern Bulgaria and the second largest Bulgarian university after Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohrid. The year 2001 marked the fortieth anniversary of the university.

The University of Plovdiv was built on the basis of the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, which was opened in July 1961. On January 12, 1972, the institute was transferred to university status when it adopted its current name "Paisiya Hilendarski" Plovdiv University.

In 1973, it became the first higher education institution in Plovdiv to offer language and literary studies, offering bachelor's degrees in Bulgarian language and literature and Russian language and literature. Shortly thereafter, a program in Slavic languages ​​and literature (with a specialization in Czech language and literature) was added. In 1984, the specialty "Education" was launched for the first time in 1984, law degree programs were introduced in 1992, and economics programs were released in 1994.

Today the University of Plovdiv is a true university by international standards. It provides training to students in four main areas of higher education: natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and economics. Paisii Hilendarski University was officially accredited by the National Council for Certification and Accreditation (Protocol No. 1 of February 15, 2001). More than 7,500 full-time and 5,000 part-time students are enrolled in programs and courses across the university's eight departments. The full-time teaching staff consists of 34 professors, 167 associate professors and 360 assistant professors.

1. Biology
2. Economics and social studies
3. Mathematics and computer science
4. Education
5. Physics
6. Languages ​​and literature
7. Philosophy and history
8. Chemistry
9. Law


The Faculty of Biology has existed as an autonomous academic department since 1990 and began offering courses forty years ago as the Biology program when Paisia ​​Hilendarski University opened its doors in 1961. The Department of Biology has highly qualified teaching and research staff and maintains consistently high academic and research standards. There are currently 64 full-time teachers: seven full professors, nineteen associate professors, 38 associate professors and 24 research assistants.

The faculty includes 34 members who have received a Ph.D. and nine of them are doctors of science. Many teachers have studied and conducted research in the EU, USA and Russia. The Faculty of Biology welcomed visiting lecturers from the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Spain, England, Greece and other countries,

The Faculty of Biology consists of the following faculties:
1. Evolutionary biology
2. Human anatomy and physiology
3. Plant physiology and molecular biology
4. Botany and biology for teachers
5. Zoology
6. Biochemistry and microbiology
7. Ecology and environmental protection

Academic training and research are carried out at the Faculty of Biology, located just above the Roman Amphitheater, in the genetic engineering laboratory on Hristo Karpachev Street and the well-equipped microbiology laboratories on Kostaki Pieva Street. The Faculty of Biology has its own LAN and computer room.

The Faculty of Biology provides training in the following programs:
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in the field of biology, ecology and environmental protection, molecular biology and biotechnology
BS in Biology and Chemistry with Teacher Certification
Those who receive a bachelor's degree from the University of Plovdiv are eligible to conduct research in the fields of molecular, cellular and organismal biology in industry, agriculture and forestry. The Faculty of Biology also offers master's programs in microbial and plant biotechnology; Organismal biology with specializations in zoology, botany and physical anthropology; Ecology; and environmental protection.

Graduates of master's programs can pursue careers in Bulgarian scientific institutes under the auspices of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and can conduct research in laboratories specializing in the fields of microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, ecology, agriculture and hygiene.

Biologists trained at the University of Plovdiv can also pursue careers in natural science museums and national parks and can work in the pharmaceutical, microbiology, food and beverage industries. Graduates of bachelor's and master's programs are eligible to participate in the Ph.D. program. program.


The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences was founded in 1994. It soon established itself as a viable scientific activity at the University of Plovdiv and quickly developed into:
Modem academic center of excellence providing training in economics and political science
Active part of the academic life of the University of Plovdiv
A respected and highly sought-after partner in interuniversity and international cooperative exchanges.

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences offers bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs:
International economic relations
Political science
Graduates of bachelor's programs in economics, as well as graduates of other university faculties, are eligible to participate in master's programs, which include:
international trade
Public Administration Policies and Strategies
Health Economics
Corporate finance
Personnel Management
Business Administration
Organization and methods of accounting The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences also provides professional training and specialization in the following
areas: Capital markets and investment brokers
Financial management
Health Economics and Health Management
Social management
Control agriculture. The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences is involved in projects that examine a wide range of current and important economic, governance and social issues.

Every year, the faculty celebrates its Academic Excellence Day, on which it awards academic honors to students in the department, presenting them with awards worth BGN 3,000,000. In the name of the famous Bulgarian scientist Professor Kirill Grigorov. Research staff from the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences have carried out a number of inter-university and international projects as participants in the Tempus and Socrates programmes.

The new master's degree courses have been prepared in collaboration with colleagues from the Greek-British Association for Education and Development; University of York Center for Health Economics; Free University of Brussels; universities of Utrecht (Netherlands); universities of Magdeburg and Bielefeld (Germany); University of Limerick (Ireland); Umeå (Sweden); Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridski; and the New Bulgarian University.

The core curriculum includes innovative academic courses in risk theory; Comparative European Law; Strategies for entering international markets; Health Economics; Mechanisms of motivation and motivation of management and organizational effectiveness; and Organizational design of human resource management system.

The curricula of all programs include courses in English, German and French for general and specific purposes. An achievement test in one of these languages ​​is required and administered by the State Board of Examiners.

Exchange programs allowed students to study in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, funded by various European programmes.

The academic staff of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences includes one corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, seven full professors, sixteen associate professors, sixteen associate professors, two doctors of science and 25 candidates of science. holders. A number of faculty are in demand as expert consultants on issues related to privatization, financial and insurance management, modern banking, accounting auditing, sociological and policy research and analysis, and human resource management.

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences is divided into the following faculties:
Department of History and Theory of Economic and political systems
Department of Marketing and International Economic Relations
Department of Management and Quantitative Methods in Economics.


The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was the first autonomous faculty established at the University of Paisia ​​Hilendar Plovdiv. The courses were first offered in 1961, when the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences (predecessor of the current university) was founded in Plovdiv. The initial curricula at that time were mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.

During its first ten years, the mathematics program witnessed steady growth, culminating in the creation of the Department of Mathematics in 1970 as one of the first two university departments. The Master of Mathematics offered courses in Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics and Industrial Mathematics. (The other department, founded in 1970, was the Faculty of Science and offered programs in physics, chemistry and biology).

After the Computer Science major was launched by the Mathematics program and with the introduction of the Mathematics and Computer Science program, the Department of Mathematics was renamed in 1990 to the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. New training programs were introduced: information technology (offered jointly with the Plovdiv branch of the Sofia Technical University), computer technology and computer science with a specialization in computer technology in business.

There are currently bachelor's degree programs in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science (full-time or part-time), Mathematics and Computer Science (full-time or part-time). Students are also enrolled in master's and doctoral programs in mathematics, computer science, and information technology.

There are 86 full-time academic faculty, supported by nine departmental staff. Among the teachers, 43 achieved the academic rank of professor or associate professor. Five faculty members have earned doctorates and 48 have earned Ph.D.

Many faculty members have studied, conducted research, or served as visiting lecturers at accredited universities in the United States, Europe, Africa, and Japan. There are teachers who have been appointed members of scientific committees and specialized scientific councils by the Commission on Higher Education Certification. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science consists of the following departments and research units:
Algebra Department
Geometry Department
Real Analysis Department
Department of Complex Analysis and Differential Equations
Department of Applied Mathematics and Modeling
Department of Computer Science
Department of Computer Systems
Department of Computer Technologies
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Teaching methodology
Computer Equipment Department
English training block

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is located on the university's new campus, where modern classrooms, auditoriums and seminar rooms facilitate academic research. Faculty facilities include ten computer rooms, a dedicated server and intranet network, and wireless Internet access. The University Library maintains growing specialist collections in mathematics and computer science.


The Faculty of Education is a major scientific department of the University of Paisia ​​Hilendarski Plovdiv. It has been located in a modern facility since 1992, at 236 Blvd. Bulgaria, Plovdiv 4003. The Faculty of Education provides education to 1,486 students (1,007 full-time and 479 part-time). The goals of the Faculty of Education can be defined in two directions, those related to academic teaching and those that concentrate on educational research. Academic goals of the Faculty of Education:
Offer training in a variety of degree programs that meet national and regional requirements and standards;
help students gain knowledge and skills in the theory and practice of education;
plan and develop educational and other social activities;
Assess and forecast trends and processes in the areas of teacher training and social inclusion;
Develop creative approaches to problem solving as needs for teacher training or other forms of social practice:
Provide opportunities for practice in educational and other social institutions, as well as in non-governmental organizations;
Establish connections and continuity between different degree programs.

The Faculty of Education's research objectives include:
Involving teachers and students in research;
Writing and publishing scientific articles, monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, reports, articles, etc.;
participation and holding conferences related to pedagogy;
Participation in international research projects.
The Faculty of Education was founded in accordance with Decree No. 27 of the Council of Ministers of July 22, 1983 and initially offered programs in the fields of primary education and pre-school education. Faculty of Education
The Faculty of Education is recognized throughout the country and is a highly respected and important branch of the university. Some faculty members have participated in EU programs in collaboration with other faculties. Contacts have been established with universities from Greece, Turkey and the Netherlands, and international students from Greece and FYR Macedonia have enrolled in some of the Faculty's programs. Academic and research activities at the Faculty of Education are organized in the following departments:
pedagogy and psychology
Primary school education
Preschool education
Physical education and sports theory and methods


The Department of Physics, established in 1974, began its work as a physics program when the university was first established in 1961. The Faculty of Physics has highly qualified research and teaching staff.

Almost half of its members received the academic ranks of professor or associate professor, and almost 60% received postgraduate degrees. Teachers studied and conducted research in Russia, India, France, Italy, Norway, Denmark, England and other countries.

The faculty has created numerous (long-term international research contacts and jointly participated in international projects with EL). Academic and scientific work at the Faculty of Physics is carried out by the following departments:
1. Department of Experimental Physics
2. Department of Nuclear Physics
3. Department of Theoretical Physics
4. Department of Electronics
5. Department of Solid State Physics
6. Department of Physical Education
Each of the departments is staffed with highly qualified personnel and benefits from modern research facilities: fifteen physics laboratories, a computer room, two research laboratories, a Microtron laboratory and four workshops. These facilities provide high standards of teaching and, as a result, physics graduates are highly respected for their scientific achievements worldwide. Programs offered by the Faculty of Physics:

Engineering physics - physical, physical, physical, D. in physics
Physics and Mathematics - BS in Physics and Mathematics with Teacher Certification
. The department also plans to offer degrees in computational physics. The Department of Physics provides instruction to students enrolled in five other disciplines. Students who receive a bachelor's degree in physics from the University of Plovdiv are qualified:
Scientific and applied scientific research in the field of physics, electronics, laser technologies, nuclear physics methods, polymers and computer science;
Research, development and implementation of existing facilities and installations in various technological processes;
Development of new experiments and improvement of existing methods for controlling physical testing of materials and automating physical experiments;
Operators in various industries. Studying in higher education provides thorough, fundamental instruction in a variety of areas.

The following physiology departments offer the following degrees:
1. Optics and laser technology
2. Nuclear physics methods
3. Physics of polymers
4. Physics of condensed matter
5. Medical radiation physics
Depending on the choices and needs of the students, areas of study may be added or omitted. Those who earn a master's degree in physics can continue their studies for a Ph.D.


The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature was created as an autonomous department in 1991, although the first programs in the humanities were offered approximately eight years earlier in the 1973-74 academic year, when the Faculty of Bulgarian Language and Literature was created. The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature is the largest of the eight faculties at the University of Paisia ​​Hilendar Plovdiv.

It provides education to 4,300 students in 14 programs. Students from the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures make up more than a quarter of the entire student body of 16,000. There are 2,800 full-time students, including thirty international students and 1,500 people. The total number of students who graduated from this faculty exceeds 6,300; of this number, 3,622 completed the Bulgarian language and literature program.

International humanities exchange programs were created with the universities of Poznan (Poland), Szeged (Hungary), Novi Sad (Yugoslavia), Brno (Slovakia), St. Petersburg (Russia), Charles University (Prague), Minsk (Belarus), and Paris, France). Other newly established contacts include universities in Lisbon (Portugal), Ghent (Belgium), Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris), University of London (UK) and Dresden (Germany).

Bachelor's programs offered by the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures:
Bulgarian language and literature
Bulgarian language and literature (part-time study)
Russian language and literature English
Linguistic and literary ethnology
Bulgarian and Russian languages
Bulgarian and Russian
Bulgarian and English
Bulgarian and French
Bulgarian and German
Russian and French
Russian and English
Russian and German
Bulgarian and historical
Bulgarian and History (part-time)
Master's programs were initially offered only in Slavic languages ​​and literature, but many other postgraduate programs have recently been approved, including English, German and European studies.

Currently, the faculty employs 167 people, 30 of whom are studying at the University of Plovdiv under a second contract, their home institutions are located elsewhere. Of the 137 full-time teaching staff, there are two professors, 29 associate professors, four doctors of science and 46 candidates of science. in languages ​​and literature.

Forty-two members of the full-time teaching staff are also graduates of the University of Plovdiv. Language and literature teachers visited lecturers in Kyiv (Ukraine), St. Petersburg (Russia), Aix-en-Provence (France), Vienna (Austria) and Poznan (Poland).
The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature is divided into 11 departments, providing training in 14 programs:

Bulgarian Language Department
Department of General Linguistics and History of the Bulgarian Language
Department of Slavic Languages ​​and Literature
Department of Literary History and Comparative Literature
Department of Bulgarian Literature and Literary Theory
Department of English Language and Literature
Department of German Language and Literature
Department French and literature
Department of Russian Language and Literature
The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures is located in the main building in the center of Plovdiv, where lectures and seminars are held in lecture halls, auditoriums and conference rooms. The Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature has one computer room with its own dedicated server ( and local network.

Libraries with specialized holdings in Slavic and Western languages ​​are available to students and staff, as well as a language center. The objectives of the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures are as follows:
Providing specialists with specialists in various fields of the humanities;
Integrate deeply missed historical and cultural heritage in the region into modern European models scientific community and promote interaction between ethnic groups, languages ​​and cultures.
Initiate innovation in education and research methods in the humanities.
Provide the region and country with personnel in the field of education, culture and science; create and manage intangible areas of public life; further profitable relationships and commercial activities related to the humanities, such as media, advertising and publishing. To complete its mission, the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures:
Develops appropriate information, academic, scientific and administrative infrastructure through synergistic exchange with groups and communities in Plovdiv, Southern Bulgaria, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Balkan region, Central Europe and the European Union;
Participates in international accreditation agreements and creates educational and research structures that will allow the adoption of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).


The Faculty of Philosophy and History was founded in 2004. It offers training to students in 4 programs - philosophy, history, ethnology and sociology. The total number of first-year students is 100 people per year.
However, the predecessor of the faculty was created in 1994, when ethnological studies were first introduced in Bulgaria, and in 1995, the sociology program was launched and the department of ethnology and sociology was created in the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literatures. In the same year, the Department of History was created.

Independent programs "History and Philosophy" began in 2002. The teaching staff of the faculty, a total of 33 people, is distributed over 3 faculties - the Department of History with 10 teachers, the Department of Sociology with 9 full-time teachers and the department. ethnology and philosophy with 14 teachers.
The main focus of the faculty is the organization of four study programs. Teachers from the Faculty of Philosophy and History also give lectures to students from other faculties of the university - the Faculty of Languages ​​and Literature, the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, as well as branch colleges in Smolyan and Kardzhali. In the 2005/2006 academic year, the faculty offers 8 master's programs. The unique combination of programs and specialists in the Department of Philosophy and History offers resources for interdisciplinary development. The Faculty of Philosophy and History has the largest number of graduate students at the university - only 8 people. ECTS operates at all degree levels. The faculty has 3 computer rooms and a local computer network.


The Faculty of Chemistry was established in 1991, and like other faculties, it began as an academic program in the early days of the Hilendar University of Paisia ​​in Plovdiv about forty years ago. The Department of Chemistry has an impressive and renowned faculty and maintains very high standards of academic teaching and research.

The staff of eight includes fifty faculty members, five of whom are full professors, fifteen associate professors, thirty assistant professors, and thirty support staff. Five members of the faculty were awarded the degree of Doctor of Chemistry, and eighteen more received the degree of Doctor of Chemistry. Most of the faculty have studied and conducted research at reputable universities in Russia, USA, Germany, England and other countries, a prerequisite for maintaining the high level of teaching and research that the Department of Chemistry requires.

The Faculty of Chemistry has established long-term international contacts in the field of research and development and has been a partner in international projects involving universities from Germany, France, Spain, Austria and other countries. The Faculty of Chemistry consists of the following faculties:
1. General and inorganic chemistry for chemistry teachers
2. Analytical chemistry
3. Organic chemistry
4. Physical chemistry
5. Chemical technology
The faculties, which do most of the academic and research work, are staffed with highly qualified staff and have the necessary facilities and materials to carry out their work, such as laboratories, chemicals, modern scientific instruments and equipment.

The University Campus is a four-story building located next to the Main Building in the center of Plovdiv. Instruction is provided in classrooms, seminars, academic and research laboratories located on faculty premises. total area, allocated to the Faculty of Chemistry, including laboratories and office space, is 2200 square meters.

The Faculty of Chemistry also has two computer rooms, its own dedicated server (http: // and a LAN network connecting the departments of the faculty.
* Chemistry
* Chemistry and physics
* Chemistry and Physics with teacher certification
The master's program offers a comprehensive foundation of the discipline along with a wide range of specializations. These specializations are:
1. Inorganic chemistry
2. Organic chemistry
3. Analytical chemistry
4. Applied chemistry
5. Medicinal chemistry
6. Chemistry and environmental studies
7. Food chemistry
Graduates of the master's program can continue their studies in areas such as chemical production facility management, research in various fields of chemistry, biological research and medicine. Students who receive a Master's degree in Chemistry at the University of Plovdiv are eligible to study for a Ph.D.


The Faculty of Law of Plovdiv Pacey-Hilendarski University was founded in 1992. The mission of the Faculty of Law is to prepare legal experts who pursue a career in the administration of justice and the application of law, working in conjunction with central and local authorities in order to protect the interests of citizens and facilitate the activities of legal entities.

Training in the Law program complies with the requirements of the state and the laws in force in the Republic of Bulgaria.
During its relatively short life, the Faculty of Law has established itself as a respected member of the university community. Widespread interest in the Law program comes from both the highly qualified teaching staff and the cutting-edge and rigorous curriculum developed by them.

Along with government required courses, the curriculum offers modern courses such as copyright law, patent law, human rights, EU law, etc.
The Faculty of Law has 41 full-time employees. Among them are 21 professors and associate professors. One of the teachers is an emeritus professor, two are doctoral students, and 22 are Ph.D.
The School of Law has established a Legal Advice Center, which has seven offices that specialize in the preparation of court and prosecutorial documents, providing defense to attorneys in criminal cases, initiating labor actions, and applying and interpreting administrative and tax laws.

The Faculty of Law is located in the main building of the University of Paisia ​​Hilendarski Plovdiv. It maintains a large and growing library of laws, which includes the latest editions of relevant textbooks, reference books, etc.
The Faculty of Law prepares highly qualified lawyers, providing not only theoretical knowledge, but also creating the right conditions to acquire practical skills.

Thus, it prepares them excellently for their chosen fields of law. The Faculty of Law already has ten classes of graduates: lawyers who work as judges, prosecutors, investigative magistrates, lawyers, civil servants.

University website:

They have been studying in Bulgaria for 12 years. The first 4 years are primary school. Upon completion, a celebration is held and a diploma is issued. Then education continues until the 8th grade (basic education, a diploma of completed basic education is issued). And then you can study both in a regular secondary school (SOU) for 3-4 years, and in specialized schools for 4-5 years. Admission to specialized schools is possible after finishing the seventh or eighth grade; it involves passing exams depending on the profile of the school.
Classes in Bulgarian schools are the most ordinary. Secondary education can also be obtained in technical schools, i.e. technical schools (admission after the seventh or eighth grade, duration of study, respectively, 4 or 3 years).
Another option is vocational schools (colleges) with a three-year training program.
Educational training programs in technical vocational schools offer a 2-year course of study after completion of basic education. At the same time, students receive a profession.
In specialized language schools (“ezikov gymnasiums”), education is conducted from grades 8 to 12/13. Upon admission, you must pass exams.
Specialized secondary schools involve in-depth study of certain subjects - natural sciences and/or mathematics, humanities, sports, art, etc. Training is conducted from grades 9 to 12/13.

Features of Bulgarian schools

Photos of the best school students are placed on honor boards. The grading system is six-point. 6, 5 and 4 are considered good grades; it seems like no one gives 1s. “Six” corresponds to “five plus.” Excellent students (that is, those who have only “sixth grades”) are congratulated in every possible way at the end of the year, and in some schools they are even awarded. Their portraits hang on honor boards, everyone looks at them reverently and admires them. However, it is not customary to stress too much about studying here. At least there is no such hysteria as in some Russian schools.
The academic year begins on September 15. No one comes with large bouquets (except perhaps in elementary schools); usually they limit themselves to one beautifully packaged flower. Classes finish studying at different times: grades 1-4 - May 31, pre-gymnasium classes (5-8) - June 15, seniors - June 30. The year is divided into 2 semesters: from the beginning of the school year in Bulgaria on September 15 to the beginning of February, and from the beginning of February all the way. The longest holidays (except summer) are Christmas: you don’t have to go to school until January 5-7 (Christmas in Orthodox Bulgaria is celebrated on December 25, they don’t equate religion with the calendar). Due to snowfalls or a flu epidemic, for example, winter holidays may be extended. They also rest on Easter, between semesters (literally a couple of days), and a couple of days in the fall.
From the second grade, children begin to learn English language, from the fifth – the second foreign (usually Russian or German). Of course, in different schools there are options: in some places, the role of the first foreign language is not English, but, for example, French.
The Bulgarian analogue of the Unified State Exam is called matura. Bulgarian and literature are required + the second subject from the main ones + sometimes the third optional.

What is needed to enter a Bulgarian school?

If the child has already attended school in Russia, a document indicating the grades received is required. The document must be translated and legalized at the local department of the Ministry of Education (there are such departments in regional cities, including Dobrich).
But schools may have other requirements. Therefore, before entering school, in any case, you will have to talk with the director on this topic. For example, we were asked for a copy of the long-term stay permit - a document that is received at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And some schools require you to present medical cards.
Do I need to pay for my studies? For citizens of the country - definitely not. Holders of residence permit status, theoretically, do not pay for their studies either. But in practice, in some regions of Bulgaria they still took money from foreigners for training. For example, in Varna, secondary education for Russians was paid: since 2014, the situation has changed for the better, education has become free. In Dobrich, foreigners studied and study for free.

Russian schools in Bulgaria

Russian school in Sofia - at the embassy Many Russians are interested in whether there is one in Bulgaria. There really is such a school (it’s called “Sveti Naum”) – at the Russian Embassy in Sofia. Training is paid. According to reviews, this is a good school that works according to Russian programs, teaching is conducted in Russian, and at the end you have to take the Unified State Exam. The Bulgarian language is not studied in Russian schools in Bulgaria. This is probably a good option for children of embassy employees. But for those who are going to live in Bulgaria and enroll in universities here, it’s probably better to stay at a regular Bulgarian school. Children learn Bulgarian very quickly through immersion, and we have never heard of anyone having difficulties because the language of instruction is Bulgarian.

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