Can I get a boarding pass after my trip? A business traveler has lost his boarding pass. If the ticket is lost after boarding

So, you have already checked in, and you have the long-awaited boarding pass in your hands. It must be saved throughout the flight, and not just before boarding the plane. However, there are always absent-minded passengers who lose it or forget it somewhere. What to do in this case?

How to get a boarding pass for an airplane using an electronic ticket and is it possible to restore the boarding pass for an airplane for reporting purposes? After all, a plane boarding pass for accounting is required document, which is provided when departing on a business trip.

In fact, this is a document confirming your right to board the plane. It must be presented with your passport and customs control, and also immediately before boarding.

Its design and colors may vary depending on the airline, but the information provided is the same:

  • last name and first name of the passenger in Latin letters;
  • city ​​of arrival and departure;
  • your flight number and company code;
  • boarding time (don't forget that boarding ends 15 or 30 minutes before departure);
  • boarding gate number (it may change, so you should keep an eye on the board for your flight);
  • number and row of seats in the cabin ( the letter is the place in the row, and the number is the number of the row itself).

The second part of the coupon.

The coupon consists of two parts, the first of which is torn off by airport staff upon landing, and the second remains for you. Sometimes this is not done, since an electronic system for boarding the aircraft is used. It's like being on the subway or train. You need to swipe the barcoded area over the illuminated surface of the turnstile to pass.

The second part specifically duplicates information. It is needed so that you can find your seat on the plane or to fill migration card. Also, if your luggage is lost, you will be asked for it.

What a plane boarding pass looks like, you can see a sample of it in the photo below.

Boarding pass.

Methods for obtaining a boarding pass

Usually it is issued immediately when you. Or you can print it yourself using this airline service.

Why is this necessary? So that you no longer have to stand in line. To do this, you need to go to the website or application on your smartphone and, following a simple algorithm, print it.

On the Aeroflot website, select the menu “ reference Information" to print your boarding pass.

At the airport, all you have to do is check in your luggage, if you have any.

How can I print my boarding pass at the airport without going to the check-in counter? In some of them this can be done on special printers located in front of the entrance to the departure area. For example, in they are.

How to restore it if lost?

Let's say you've already registered, but then you simply lost your ticket. There is no need to immediately panic and despair. All information about you as a passenger is stored in the company's database. So just Contact the front desk and ask for a duplicate. This will require Your passport.

If you have already entered the departure area and there are only a few minutes left before the flight departs, then do not waste time, but go straight to the boarding gate. There, try to explain your situation, and they will help you find a way out.

Some people who are going on a business trip need a coupon specifically for reporting to the accounting department. How to recover a boarding pass for a plane ticket report?

It's quite simple - you need to contact the office or service center the airline you flew with. You will need to write an application requesting a duplicate.

Or they will give you away a certificate confirming that you made this flight. It is a replacement for a coupon. In addition, you will need to provide a passport.

Most airlines charge a fee for this service. For example, at S7 Airlines such a certificate costs 800 rubles.

If your boarding pass is lost, purchase costs will be electronic air ticket can be confirmed with a certificate from the carrier. The Russian Ministry of Finance has issued new regulations regarding documentary evidence of travel expenses if an employee’s air ticket was purchased electronically. The agency indicated what documents can be used to prove costs incurred if your boarding pass is lost.

An organization contacted the Ministry of Finance of Russia with a request for a procedure for documenting the costs of purchasing an air ticket in the event that an employee has lost their boarding pass. In particular, the taxpayer was interested in whether, in such a situation, it is possible to indirectly confirm the costs of the flight with other documents certifying the fact that the employee is on a business trip (an order to send the employee on a business trip, a travel certificate, a copy of a foreign passport, a hotel bill, etc.). The department provided the following clarifications on this issue.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, income tax expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses. Documented costs mean costs confirmed by documents drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the case of issuing travel with electronic tickets, it is necessary to take into account that, according to clause 2 of Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 8, 2006 N 134, the route/receipt of an electronic ticket and baggage receipt is a document of strict accountability and is used for cash and non-cash payments. Thus, the documents confirming the costs of purchasing an electronic ticket are generated by an automated information system for registration air transport itinerary/receipt on paper and boarding pass.

The Ministry of Finance indicated that the boarding pass is issued by the air carrier. Therefore, if it is lost, a certificate containing the information necessary to confirm the flight issued by the air carrier or its representative can be accepted as a document confirming the costs of purchasing an air ticket.

There is an alternative position on this issue. The Ministry of Finance of Russia, as well as the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow, in their explanations indicated that if the boarding pass is lost, then the cost of the flight is determined by the route/receipt on paper, and the fact of the flight can be indirectly confirmed by an order to send the employee on a business trip, hotel accounts, marks of the customs authority about crossing the border of the Russian Federation (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09/07/2007 No. 03-03-06/1/649; letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated 06/20/2011 No. 16-15/059203@, dated 06/20/2011 No. 16-15/059203@).

Dyakonova Olga Nikolaevna

I lost boarding card. I need a certificate from the airline addressed to Olga Nikolaevna Dyakonova, born in 1963, who actually flew on the route Moscow-Egypt (Hurghada), on January 10. flight 676, time 13:40 according to e-ticket.

A boarding pass, like a ticket, is a mandatory document without which it is impossible to board the plane. The presence of a pass confirms that the passenger has the right to board. It is issued to every departing person after checking in for the flight.

Unfortunately, some passengers already before departure notice that the ticket has disappeared in the chaos of the airport. The question immediately arises: is it possible to restore a boarding pass and how to do it? The same problem may arise for a traveler upon returning home if the accounting department at the place of work is required to provide a documentary report that the employee actually used the services of an air carrier.

What to do if you lose your boarding pass after check-in

If you have just completed registration, but the coupon has already disappeared somewhere, do not worry. You need to return to the check-in counter as quickly as possible and explain to the airline employee about the trouble that has arisen and present your passport. Within a few minutes, a duplicate of the lost document will be printed for you.

These actions are only suitable if there are more than 10-15 minutes left before boarding the flight. If there are only a few minutes left before boarding, you will most likely have to miss the flight, and airline representatives will offer you to buy a ticket on the next plane. Money for unused air tickets is refunded, but not in full.

If it is not possible to wait for the next flight and you need to fly urgently, you should contact the flight attendant of the aircraft. If there are unfilled forms and empty seats in the cabin, you will be given a duplicate of the lost ticket.

Sometimes airline employees accommodate the client halfway and delay the plane's departure so that the forgetful passenger has time to get to the check-in counter and re-issue a boarding pass. But keep in mind that a delay in departure is only possible if the flight is direct. The departure of a connecting flight is not delayed, since passengers in another city suffer due to the delay of the aircraft.

All of the above methods are suitable for solving the problem of a lost coupon on Aeroflot lines. A passenger who has lost his document for boarding the plane has every chance to fly away without delay if he has chosen a direct flight and there is time left before boarding the airliner.

If your boarding pass is lost after a flight

A boarding pass is needed not only for boarding a plane. Sometimes it is required by the company’s accounting department for a report when an employee goes on a work trip. Upon return, the employee provides a coupon as confirmation that he actually used the airline's services.

In this case, write a statement to the air carrier. After checking your data, the airline will not issue a boarding pass, but a certificate stating that you used its services. The certificate will indicate the dates and places of departure and arrival, as well as the flight number. All this will allow you to report at work. The service of checking data and issuing a certificate is paid.

At Aeroflot, the service of issuing such a certificate costs 700 rubles. But they can also be saved if the accounting department agrees to accept another document instead of the lost boarding pass. Except him, The following documents can confirm the fact of the flight:

  • air ticket with cashier's receipt;
  • certificate with invoice;
  • invoice.

In each of these documents, in order for it to be accepted by the enterprise’s accounting department, the flight number, flight dates, route end points, and ticket price must be indicated. If a passenger purchased a ticket using a bank card via the Internet, information about this is left in the email messages, and a ticket payment receipt is printed to create a trip report.

If the passenger used online check-in

Online registration is more convenient and simpler than regular registration. It will save time before departure, which is not enough. If you lose your boarding pass, check-in, completed with all the comforts without leaving your home, can work a miracle and get rid of the problem at any stage of its occurrence.

For example, when flying on Aeroflot lines, proceed as follows: if a paper copy of the coupon received during online check-in is lost, you can print it again at a kiosk or at the self-check-in machine for baggage or the passenger himself. You should not rely only on the electronic version of the coupon, since not all airports have installed equipment for scanning them.

If the coupon is needed only for reporting, print it from an existing electronic medium.

You can restore your boarding pass, but before departure you should be more careful about the documents required for the flight. Restoring any of them will require time and additional financial investments. Being attentive will allow you to save money on both, and fully enjoy your trip.

Each passenger must receive a boarding pass before boarding the aircraft. This rule applies to customers of all airlines, including Aeroflot. The presence of the document confirms that the traveler has the right to use the services of the chosen airline and travel on a specific aircraft. Passengers can receive it after the registration procedure. If you do not have a boarding pass, you will not be allowed to board the plane.

Sometimes situations occur when a passenger notices a missing boarding pass before boarding an airliner. This brings many problems to the traveler, and the ability to use the airline’s services is in question.

Tourists are interested in whether it is possible to restore their boarding receipt? Each airline has specific rules regarding the reissuance of a boarding pass. But any passenger can restore it. In certain cases, the procedure for restoring a boarding receipt is paid.

If you need to board an airliner and can't find your boarding receipt, don't worry. Stay calm and follow certain rules. You must return to the reception desk as soon as possible. You can contact an Aeroflot airline employee. Explain to the employee about the difficulties that have arisen.

Usually a duplicate boarding pass is issued on a different form. To obtain required document, present your passport to the Aeroflot employee. But the above steps are suitable for passengers on flights with more than 10-15 minutes left before boarding. If you discover the loss of your boarding document a few minutes before boarding the plane, most likely you will not be able to use Aeroflot services at the moment.

In this case, the airline's employees offer to purchase a ticket for the next flight of another airliner. You will receive cash for an unused ticket, but not in full.

If you are unable to wait for your next flight, please contact the flight attendant. If the flight attendant has blank forms and there are empty seats on the plane, your lost boarding receipt may be restored.

Sometimes Aeroflot employees may delay the departure of the plane so that the passenger has time to get to the check-in counter and complete the procedure for renewing the boarding pass. But a delay in the departure of an airliner occurs only if the flight is direct. Connecting flights cannot be delayed in order to avoid being late to board a connecting plane in another city. Then the passenger is not able to travel on this flight without a boarding pass.

Why it's better not to take photos and throw away your boarding pass!

Sometimes a boarding receipt may be required after the flight has been completed. If you have arrived in the required city and discovered that you have lost your document, then you need to contact Aeroflot. Airline staff will be able to issue you a duplicate ticket.

You should write a statement to the air carrier. But remember that you need to pay for the procedure. You will receive not a duplicate of your boarding pass, but a special certificate. The certificate will indicate that you actually used the services of Aeroflot airline. The certificate will indicate the flight number, place of departure and arrival, as well as dates.

You will receive a certificate of air travel only after Aeroflot employees check the necessary data. Airline employees need to make sure that you were a passenger on the flight. After processing the data, the air carrier's client will receive the necessary certificate.

If you used online check-in, your electronic boarding pass is in one of your email folders. Print it out in paper form and present it at the place of request.

Why do you need a boarding pass after a flight? Most often, the document is required for passengers who used Aeroflot services for a business trip. To report at your workplace, the passenger must submit certain documents. The list of official “papers” also includes a boarding pass.

If you could not find it after the air flight, you need to get a certificate or a duplicate of the document in order to report to work about the air flight. The cost of obtaining a restored boarding pass from Aeroflot is about 700 rubles. If your job is ready to accept another reporting document, then you can provide similar papers.

The list of documents confirming the fact of air travel includes:

  • air ticket, the purchase of which is confirmed by a cash receipt;
  • certificate of account;
  • invoice.

Certain companies accept any documents that contain certain information. The document confirming the fact of air travel with the help of the air carrier Aeroflot must indicate the air ticket number, as well as its cost, the exact date and time of departure and arrival at the designated place and route. If you purchased a travel document for an Aeroflot flight via the Internet, and paid with a bank card, you can print out a receipt for paying for the air ticket. You will find the required receipt in your email.

The accounting departments of many companies are ready to accept the above documents in case of lost boarding pass. Then you do not need to receive a duplicate receipt, and you will not have to pay extra for restoration.

Airplane boarding pass. Detailed analysis

How to restore bonuses

Aeroflot customers need to have their boarding pass restored for one more reason. The air carrier offers passengers to participate in the Aeroflot Bonus program. Program participants receive bonuses for covering a certain distance, measured in miles. The airline's customers can exchange the received bonuses for discounts for the purchase of future air tickets.

Currently, the route is automatically restored, so passengers who have lost their boarding pass may not have their travel document restored. No certificate is required either. To restore spent miles and receive long-awaited bonuses, an Aeroflot client must contact the office or send an electronic application.

You must indicate the date and time of the flight, its number, and the air ticket number. The required number of miles is credited to your personal account within 2-5 days. But automatic miles recovery occurs only for passengers on regular flights. You must contact Aeroflot no earlier than 14 days after the flight, but no later than 3 months. For those who have done chartered flight and lost your boarding pass, a more complex procedure for reinstating miles is required.

Despite the fact that it is possible to restore your boarding pass, you need to be more attentive to the documents before departure and after the plane lands. Restoring any document requires spending personal time, and sometimes Money. Be careful when traveling by air.

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