Powerful and strongest armies in the world. Rating of the most powerful armies in the world: South Korea

10.19.2015 at 11:12 · Pavlofox · 94 690

Top 10 Most Powerful Armies in the World 2015

There is only one way to know for sure which state has the strongest army in the world, but, fortunately, it is unacceptable. Today, the military forces of the largest states do not participate in full-scale military conflicts. How to evaluate the power of armies different countries? There is a global firepower index for this purpose. It includes more than 50 factors by which military strength is assessed. This is the amount of equipment, manpower, the size of the defense budget, the availability of natural resources, etc. It should be noted that this data is constantly changing and needs to be clarified. In addition, many indicators, while reflecting quantity, say nothing about quality. For example, a country may have many submarines, but they will be outdated and significantly inferior in combat effectiveness to modern models. In addition, not all countries have access to the sea, and therefore do not have a navy. The firepower index takes this factor into account and does not exclude such states from the rating. So, the most powerful armies in the world in 2015 - which of our neighbors around the globe should we be wary of?


Opens the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. Despite the fact that according to the country's constitution, it does not have the right to have an offensive army, Japan's military forces are very powerful. The country's arsenal includes all types of weapons, and the technical equipment of the army is one of the best in the world. Due to territorial disputes with the DPRK, the country intends to further increase defense spending. Japan currently spends about $49 billion on military needs.


In ninth position among the most powerful world– . After World War II, the country was limited to defense forces only, but in recent years Germany has been increasing its military strength. Military spending is $45 billion. The number of troops is about 185 thousand people. Despite such a small army, German ground forces are in no way inferior to Russian ones.


It ranks 8th in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world. The country spends $34 billion annually on military spending. The size of the army is about 640 thousand people, in the reserve there are about 3 million inhabitants. Due to the constant threat from its closest neighbor, North Korea, the country is constantly increasing its military capabilities.


In seventh place on the list of the strongest armies in the world is. The country spends about $18 billion on military needs, but this spending is expected to increase due to the difficult situation in Syria. The Turkish army is considered the best in the Middle East. It actively participates in many NATO operations.


It occupies sixth position in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. The key to the success of this country, whose army numbers 230 thousand people, is the presence of a full range of weapons of its own production. And don’t forget that France is one of the nuclear powers.


Ranked 5th in the list of the most powerful and combat-ready armies planets. Gone are the days when England had unhindered dominance of the seas. But, although the status of the strongest maritime power has long been lost, the country continues to remain on the list of the most serious military forces in the world. England has all types of weapons in its arsenal, and a military budget of 53 billion dollars allows it to improve and modernize the army.


In fourth place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world is. It's a paradox, but this one is far from the best rich country surpassed many economically developed countries in terms of military strength. The secret lies in the number of troops. The country's army numbers about 1 million 300 thousand people. In addition, India has nuclear weapons and a navy, which increases its combat capability. The country's military spending is $46 billion a year.


The third place in the ranking of the most powerful armed forces on the planet is occupied by a country that evokes fear and respect at the same time -. Thousands of years ago, numerous discoveries were made here that allowed human civilization to take a big step forward. And today, China continues to amaze the world with its tenacity and ability to quickly make amazing strides both in the economy and in the development of military technology. China has reached third place in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world not only due to the number of its troops - and they number more than two million people. In the event of a military conflict, the Celestial Empire can call up another 5% of the population and the size of the Chinese army will increase to 60 million. The numbers are simply stunning. In addition, the country has nuclear potential and a large amount of military equipment. China has long been suspected of using industrial espionage to copy the best weapons of other countries, in particular Russia and the United States. Spending on the military budget is the second in the world ($126 billion). It is possible that China unofficially spends much more on equipping its army.


It is in second place in the list of the most powerful armies in the world in 2015. It has advanced military technology, and its army is considered the most powerful ground force in the world. The country has a strong and large navy, including more than 60 modern nuclear submarines. The power of the Russian army's air force is comparable to that of the United States Air Force. Russia surpasses the United States in the number of heavy military equipment, in particular tanks. country - the largest in the world. The army consists of about a million people. Russia spends approximately $80 billion annually to support the combat capability of the army. All this together gives the country the right to consider its army one of the strongest in the world in 2015.


1st place - . Whatever one may say, the United States has today the most powerful military force. No other country in the world has a military budget like here. Almost 613 billion dollars - this is how much the United States spends on annually increasing its power. And this despite the fact that the country reduced spending on the army by 7% in connection with the withdrawal of its troops from Iran and Afghanistan. The size of the army is almost one and a half million people and about 700 thousand are in reserve.

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Even at the dawn of human civilization, people created armed forces to protect their borders. Back then, wars were won thanks to the size of the army and the skill of the commanders. Today, the military places emphasis on modern technology, which allows even countries as small in area as Israel to have a powerful army. In our review we will talk about the most modern and powerful armies in the world.

1. North Korea

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is known for its repressive government and its antagonistic relationship with much of the world. Currently, North Korea is armed with 4,200 tanks, 944 aircraft, and 967 warships.

Despite the impressive numbers, North Korea's weapons are considered very outdated. For example, of the 70 submarines currently in service, 20 are rusty wrecks of the Romeo class, made using 1950s technology.

2. Saudi Arabia

The Royal Saudi Armed Forces consists of infantry, air force, navy, air defense, the National Guard, as well as a number of paramilitary units. In total, there are over 230,000 people in the army of this country on active service. These are some of the richest militaries in the world.

3. Australia

China's continuous development has led Australia, as well as most countries in the Asia-Pacific region, to continuously modernize their armed forces. Despite its small size, the Australian army is considered one of the best and most effective in the world.

4. Canada

Despite the fact that this country has been one of the most peaceful and friendly throughout its history, Canada's army is one of the 25 strongest in the world. Canada currently has 181 tanks, 426 aircraft and 63 warships.

5. Iran

The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran have a total strength of approximately 545,000 personnel. Without a doubt, it is one of the most powerful and dominant forces in the Middle East.

6. Thailand

Historically, the military has been the basis of unity and peace in Thai society. While the country boasts an impressive number of troops and tanks, the most fascinating fact is that Thailand has an aircraft carrier but no combat aircraft (since all AV-8S Matador aircraft were retired in 2006). .

7. Taiwan

Under constant threat of invasion by a gigantic Chinese army that still has plans to invade and occupy its neighbor, Taiwan has focused its military development entirely on building defenses. That's why such small island has more helicopters (307) than most countries in the world. Also, the number of tanks (2,005) and aircraft (815) in Taiwan is quite impressive relative to its size.

8. Poland

The tense situation in Ukraine forced the Polish government to start spending huge amounts of money in Lately for the defense industry. As a result of this, the level of the Polish army increased significantly in just a few years.

9. Vietnam

The Vietnamese People's Army is considered one of the most prestigious and sacred concepts in local culture. This became especially aggravated after the brave (and victorious, in the eyes of most historians) people's army fought against such superpowers as France and the United States in the twentieth century. The Vietnamese army is an integral part of the culture of this country and is considered one of the strongest in Asia.

10. Israel

Despite its small size, both in territory and population, and its very short history, Israel can proudly claim that its defense forces have been one of the most active (if not the most active) in the world for the past five decades. Due to constant tensions in the region, Israel has created an incredibly strong and modernized army.

11. Brazil

With the second largest armed forces in the Americas (after the United States) and the largest in Latin America, Brazil currently has 486 tanks, 735 aircraft and 110 ships, and 330,000 military personnel and officers. .

Although South America A relatively peaceful continent, Brazil borders 10 countries and therefore requires a significant number of military personnel.

12. Indonesia

The Indonesian Army was formed during the Indonesian National Revolution, when it engaged in guerrilla warfare. Today, with approximately half a million troops and modern technology, it is considered one of the most powerful armies in Asia.

13. Pakistan

Pakistan's military is the 13th strongest in the world, thanks to the country's constant improvement in its military technology. In addition, Pakistan's armed forces are the largest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping efforts, with more than 10,000 Pakistani Army personnel permanently deployed abroad.

14. Egypt

The Egyptian military is not only the largest in Africa and the Middle East, but also one of the largest in the world, with 470,000 active personnel. It is also one of the most ancient armies, as it was created in 3200 BC.

15. South Korea

The fact that this country borders a dangerous, unpredictable northern neighbor ( North Korea), forced South Korea to spend crazy amounts of money on military equipment and weapons, making its army one of the most modernized and powerful in the world. Currently, the Asians boast an army of 625,000, 2,381 tanks and 1,451 aircraft.

16. Italy

The Italian armed forces consist of the regular army, navy, air force and carabinieri (who also serve as military police). At the end of 2014, the 320,000-strong Italian army is the third largest in the European Union and the fifth largest among NATO countries.

17. Germany

The reform of the German armed forces taking place today is the most radical revision of the Bundeswehr in the entire history of the country. The problem of international terrorism and global cooperation have led to the need for a smaller, more flexible force structure that will not have as strong a defensive function as in the last few decades.

18. Türkiye

The Turkish armed forces are considered the second largest in NATO (after the US military). The estimated strength of the Turkish army is 495,000 people.

19. Japan

The Japan Self-Defense Forces were created after World War II. Although they have been inactive for most of the last fifty years, tensions in the area have been steadily rising recently (particularly due to North Korea). This forced Japan to urgently modernize its army.

20. UK

Despite its relatively small size compared to countries such as the US, Russia and China, and the fact that the British government plans to reduce the size of its armed forces by 10% by 2018, the once globally dominant United Kingdom -still has one of the most powerful armies in the world.

21. France

France may not be the military power it once was, but it is still in the top ten most powerful in the world. Basics of it fighting most recently the fight against terrorism in Mali, Afghanistan, Libya, and currently the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS).

Russian Army.

Global modernization and a huge military procurement program carried out by Putin over the past two decades have made the Russian military one of the most powerful in the world.

25. United States

Despite recent geopolitical misadventures and America's withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States military continues to hold the distinction of being the world's most powerful military with the world's largest defense budget.

However, even in the most powerful armies, embarrassments occur. For example, such as the appearance of .


It's no secret that since ancient times, the strength of a country has been determined by the power of its army. Maintaining control within the state and protecting from external enemies is the main task. It is not for nothing that countries are so sensitive to the issue of financing this area. Below are the ten most powerful armies in the world. This rating was compiled taking into account the number of the army, its modernity and the power of the equipment used and the budget. And naturally, the most powerful armies are armed with,. So, top 10

The most powerful armies in the world.

No. 10. Israel

240 thousand soldiers and 600 thousand people are in reserve reserves for a total population of 7.9 million people - a good indicator. The military equipment includes 13,000 units, including 1,964 aircraft units and 64 naval ships. There are a large number of girls among the soldiers. The amount that is used for the military forces is 15 billion dollars.

No. 9. Japan

Another small country with a population of 127.8 million people, including 247 thousand military personnel, as well as 60 thousand people who are currently in reserve. Official data indicate the following figures: 5320 units of ground equipment, 1965 - all kinds of aircraft, 110 units of naval weapons. Unofficially, there are suspicions about the latest developments in the field of military science. Army funding amounts to $58 billion.

No. 8. France

In France there are 230 thousand military personnel and 70 thousand reserves, plus 105 thousand police officers. 10,621 ground defense equipment, 1,757 air defense equipment, as well as 289 ships. Funding amounts to more than 44 billion euros. These are good indicators for a state with a population of 65.4 people. And she's in eighth place among the strongest and most powerful armies in the world.

No. 7. South Korea

There are 640 thousand active military personnel, 2.9 million people in reserve, 13,361 ground military installations, 1,568 air assets, 170 naval installations. This is not surprising, given the characteristics of the neighbors. Financing 27 billion. dollars.

No. 6. Türkiye

There are 660 thousand military personnel, 579 thousand are in reserve, and this is with a total population of 74.7 million people. 69,744 units of ground equipment, 1940 - air, 265 - sea. Financing of more than 25 billion dollars.

No. 5. England

Among the 62.2 million people living in the UK, 220 thousand are serving in the army, 181 thousand are in reserve. The armed forces have 11,630 thousand ground equipment, 1,663 aircraft and 99 defense vessels. Funding equates to $74 billion.

No. 4. India

It is strange to see India in fourth place with a population of 1.2 billion people. 1.325 million people on active duty, 2,142,821 people on reserve. In addition, the country has 2,452 aircraft and 175 ships with a total military funding of $48.9 billion. Fourth place in the Top 10 strongest armies in the world.

No. 3. China

China is famous for its largest army, which has 2.2 million people engaged in military activities and 800 thousand people who are on reservations. Military equipment includes 57,575 ground equipment, 5,176 aircraft and 972 ships. Total funding is more than $106 billion.

No. 2. Russia

Russia is in an honorable second position. The population is 143.1 million people, of which more than 1 million are those who serve in the army and 20 million are reservists. In addition to 91,715 ground defense equipment, the defense forces have 2,747 air defense equipment, as well as 233 ships. Total funding is $74 billion. Although she ranks second in this ranking, she holds the first position among.


No. 1. United States of America

The leading first place is the most powerful and powerful world army, consisting of 560 thousand active military personnel and 567 thousand reserves with a total population of 311 million people. Ground defense equipment is represented by 56,269 objects, air defense equipment - 18,234 units, of which 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as 32 satellites, maritime equipment includes 2,384 ships. Total budget – 692 billion dollars.

The ranking of the ten strongest armies in the world for 2018 was compiled based on data Global Firepower. The military power of each state was assessed according to more than 50 different criteria. The economic situation of the states also played a significant role in its place in the ranking.

10 Germany

10th place - German Army

Germany opens the top ten strongest armies in the world. Until July 1, 2011, in Germany, all adult citizens of the country were required to serve under conscription (6 months of military service or alternative labor service in social and charitable organizations). Now the Bundeswehr has moved to a fully professional army. Germany has been a member of NATO for many years, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

9 Türkiye

9th place - Turkish Army

Ninth place is the Turkish Armed Forces. Military service is mandatory for all male citizens aged 20 to 41 who have no medical contraindications. The service life in all types of aircraft is 12 months. A Turkish citizen can be exempted from conscription after paying an amount of 16-17 thousand Turkish liras to the country's budget. One of the strengths of the Turkish army is its extensive combat experience: the Turks have been fighting various terrorist organizations near their borders for many years.

8 Japan

8th place - Japanese Army

The total strength of the Japan Self-Defense Forces is 248 thousand people, in addition, there are 56 thousand reservists. The Japan Self-Defense Forces are staffed on a voluntary basis. This country has the third largest economy in the world, so it is not difficult for Japan to allocate serious money for the maintenance and development of its army. Japan's military budget is $44 billion, which is quite significant for a military of its size. The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese still have not concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

7 South Korea

7th place - South Korean Army

The official date of the creation of the South Korean armed forces is considered to be November 30, 1948, when the “Law on the Establishment of the National Army” was published and the conscription system was introduced. Military service in South Korea is compulsory for all men over 18 years of age, and its duration, depending on the type of military service, ranges from 21 to 24 months. The upper age limit for conscripts is 36 years. South Korea has been living in a state of war for more than 60 years - peace has never been concluded between Pyongyang and Seoul.

6 UK

6th place - British Army

The armed forces of the United Kingdom have a long history, having participated in many European and colonial wars, including the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic Wars, and the Crimean War. In Great Britain, conscription was introduced only for short periods, primarily due to the world wars of the 20th century, and the last conscripts were demobilized from the army in the 60s. Meanwhile, Great Britain participates in almost all military conflicts where the United States is present (wars in Iraq, Afghanistan). Therefore, the experience of the British Army is not lacking.

5 France

5th place - French Army

Fifth place is occupied by the armed forces of the French Republic. On the eve of the First World War, France had the largest army in Europe. France is a nuclear weapons country. The official position of the French government has always been the creation of a "limited nuclear arsenal at the minimum necessary level." Since February 1996, the army in France has transferred from a conscription system to a contract system. However, at the beginning of 2018, speaking to representatives of the country’s armed forces, French President Emmanuel Macron said: “I want to assure everyone that universal conscription will be introduced. It will be managed by all ministries related to this, not just the Ministry of Defense,” Macron emphasized.

4 India

4th place - Indian Army

The fourth place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world in 2018 is occupied by the Indian armed forces. There is no compulsory conscription in India. India ranks first in the world in terms of arms imports. He is also a member of the nuclear club. IN modern history India has had three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are unresolved territorial disputes with huge China.

3 China

3rd place - Chinese Army

The top three are opened by the People's Liberation Army of China. There is military conscription in this country, but it is not compulsory. Military service is voluntary and prestigious. The conscript must pass various tests, since it is very difficult to get into the army. The armed forces of the People's Republic of China are divided into five military command zones and three fleets, organized according to territorial principles: east, north, west, south and center.

The Chinese army is constantly improving its technical level. If 10-15 years ago, most types of military equipment in service with the PLA were outdated copies of Soviet models, today the situation has changed dramatically. Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth-generation fighter; its latest developments in the field of tank building and missile weapons are not much inferior to models made in Russia or the West. Considering the enormous resources (financial, human, technological) that China has, the armed forces of this country in the coming years will become a formidable rival for the countries that occupy the first positions in this ranking.

2 Russia

2nd place - Russian Army

Second place is taken armed forces Russian Federation. Military service in the RF Armed Forces is provided for both by contract and by conscription. Military service is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”. Males aged 18 to 27 years are subject to compulsory military service.

The Russian army has the world's largest stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and a well-developed system of means of delivering them. Russia's problem is the fact that most of its army's weapons are outdated Soviet models; new military equipment is entering the troops, but this process is slow. Rearmament costs enormous amounts of money; it is not a fact that the Russian economy will be able to withstand this burden. It is worth noting that in the coming years, Russia may be displaced from second place by China.


1st place - US Army

For many years, the US Army has confidently held first place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. Americans have their military bases almost all over the world. American soldiers have the most modern military equipment at their disposal, which is updated frequently. The United States has a huge nuclear potential, which includes about 7 thousand nuclear warheads. Navy has 20 powerful aircraft carriers, the state also has the largest air fleet in the world, which numbers about 13,362 units.

The strength of modern armed forces largely depends on their funding (here the United States is the leader by a wide margin). Therefore, the huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows the Americans to develop and purchase the most modern (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army with the highest level, simultaneously conduct several military campaigns in different parts of the world.