Seas washing Ukraine. Which countries have access to the Black Sea map Which countries have access to the Black Sea

Southern Territory Ukraine has access to the Black and Azov Seas, which has a positive effect on the development of its economy and industry. General coastline is almost 2 thousand km, where a significant part of mineral and natural resources is concentrated.

Access to the seas plays an important role in the development of the country's transport, recreational, strategic and fishing industries.

Black Sea

(Odessa commercial port)

It is considered an inland sea in the Atlantic Ocean. The Black Sea occupies 422 thousand km 2. It is connected through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits with Mediterranean Sea. And with the help Kerch Strait the sea has a connection with Azov. The following countries have access to the Black Sea: Georgia and Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria. The total length of the sea coast is no less than 4,090 km, of which 1,560 km falls on the territory of Ukraine. There are many gas and oil reserves in the Black Sea.

(The most secluded island Zmeiny)

The island belonging to Ukraine is Zmeiny. It is located in the Kiliya district of the Odessa region. The main bays are Kalamitsky, Feodosia, Dzharylgatsky, Karkinitsky.

On the territory of Ukraine, the coastal zone is smoothed. Although beyond the border of Ukrainian territories the shores are more rocky and steep. The shores are practically unbroken. The rivers Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, and Southern Bug flow into the Black Sea. The maximum depth recorded in the Black Sea is 2,245 m, the average depth is 1,271 m.

The organic matter of the Black Sea is located only in the surface spheres of water, since the deep layers (about 100-200 m) are practically not saturated with oxygen. Hydrogen sulfide predominates at depths. The waters of the sea are home to about 2,000 species of fauna, as well as 660 species of vegetation.

Located on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Azov is considered an inland sea in the Atlantic basin. In Ukraine, the southwestern part is washed by sea waters. Occupies a relatively small area - 39 thousand km 2, depth is approximately 4-10 m, and the most deep places reach up to 15 m. The sea stretches from northeast to southwest for 360 km. The Sea of ​​Azov connects with the Black Kerch Strait.

(Biryuchy Island with a spit)

Estuaries and bays spread along the sea: Berdyansky, Belosaraysky and Obytochny bays in the north-west, the Utlyutsky estuary, which is separated from the sea by the spit Biryuchiy Island. The Sivash Bay or Rotten Sea in the west of Azov is shallow (a meter deep), which is disconnected by the Arabat Spit. The uniqueness of the waters of Sivash is that it high level salt - 250 ppm. Salt mining takes place here.

(The Urzufe River flows into the Sea of ​​Azov)

Volumes Sea of ​​Azov replenish the waters of the Don, Kuban, Mius, Kalmius rivers, which saturate the sea with useful components and fresh water. It is in these places that organic life is most developed. Deposits of oil, iron ore and gas have been found on the shelf of the Azov Sea. The ecology of Azov today does not have a positive enough picture. Due to water pollution and decreasing water levels, many species of fish and animals are dying out. Today there are only 79 species of fish here.

Connected to the Aegean Sea. The Black Sea washes several states at once, in each of which it becomes a popular recreational object. The coast appears to be a high-quality resort area with a variety of recreational options.

Geographical location of the Black Sea

The Black Sea washes the coast of Russia, and its waters also belong to six other states. In each country, a considerable number of tourists go to the sea, wanting to sunbathe and swim in warm sea water. The best time to relax here is from the end of May to the beginning of October, when the water temperature exceeds 20 degrees and sunny weather promotes tanning. Geographical position It is good not only from a recreational point of view, it has important economic, transport and military significance.

The shape of the Black Sea resembles an oval.

The greatest length from coast to coast along the axis is 1,150 km, the longest great depth- 2,210 m. This makes the sea popular for deep-sea diving enthusiasts. In the northern part of the Black Sea is located Crimean peninsula. The sea separates the European and Asian parts of the continent. Interesting feature there is a lack of islands.

The Black Sea had many names, it was called Russian, in total more than 20 names are known. There are several versions of the appearance of the modern name; each culture adheres to its own versions. According to one version, the north on maps was previously marked as black, and the Black Sea is located just in the north. Another gloomy version connects the name of the object with the history of its appearance - in its modern form, the Black Sea was formed 7,500 years ago, with the formation of a connection with the Mediterranean Sea, salty water entered it sea ​​water. This led to the extinction of many freshwater inhabitants.

Scientists associate the name with the fact that objects raised from the bottom are black. The reason is hydrogen sulfide at a depth of 200 meters. Among the reasons are black silt washed ashore and strong storms (even desperate sailors found themselves leaving ports in bad weather). There is a widespread version among the Turks that the sea received its name because of the rebelliousness of the shores; when trying to conquer local cities, they had to face fierce resistance.

I live in a country that has access to the shores of the Black Sea. I love this sea, I love coming to it in the summer and leaving all the negativity and fatigue. Traditionally, the majority of people in all countries of the world strive for the sea, which significantly increases the profits of the tourism business.

Landlocked countries

Of course, not only tourism brings income to the state, the sea is also transportation and source of different types of raw materials. Many countries have access to the sea, this is an additional plus to their economy. Let me give you examples:

The Pacific seas wash the shores of Asia and Australia, and near the shores of both Americas Pacific Ocean forms large bays.

Landlocked countries

All countries are different from each other, some are rich natural resources or they are distinguished by a huge territory and access to the sea, while there are countries that do not have such access. In most cases, these are countries that are located far in the depths of a huge continent.

Of course, this leaves an imprint not only on their geography and climate, but also on the economy; these are additional difficulties in farming and higher transport tariffs. Among such countries are: Mongolia, Slovakia, Bhutan, Vatican City, Belarus, Armenia, Chad, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Hungary, Niger, Liechtenstein, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Serbia, Uganda, Czech Republic and others.

No matter how rich the land of a particular state is, access to the sea does not guarantee economic prosperity.

Which countries have access to the Black Sea map

What is a geographic map

A geographic map is an image of the Earth's surface with a plotted coordinate grid and symbols, the proportions of which directly depend on the scale. A geography map is a landmark by which you can identify the location of an array, object, or place of residence of a person. These are indispensable assistants for geologists, tourists, pilots and military personnel, whose professions are directly related to travel and trips over long distances.

Types of cards

Conditionally divide geographic Maps There are 4 types:

  • in terms of territory coverage and these are maps of continents and countries;
  • by purpose and these are tourism, educational, road, navigation, scientific and reference, technical, tourist maps;
  • content - thematic, general geographical, general political maps;
  • by scale – small-scale, medium-scale and large-scale maps.

Each of the maps is dedicated to a particular topic, thematically reflecting islands, seas, vegetation, settlements, weather, soil, taking into account the coverage of the territory. A map can only represent countries, continents or individual states plotted on a certain scale. Taking into account how much a particular territory has been reduced, the scale of the map is 1x1000.1500, which means a decrease in distance by 20,000 times. Of course, it’s easy to guess that the larger the scale, the more detailed the map is drawn. And yet, individual parts of the earth's surface on the map are distorted, unlike a globe, which is capable of conveying the appearance of the surface without changes. The Earth is spherical and distortions occur, such as: area, angles, length of objects.

This small country is located in southeastern Europe. In the east, Moldova has a border with Ukraine, and Romania adjoins it in the west. The state is located between the Dniester and Prut rivers. Moldova currently does not have direct access to the sea. The area of ​​the state is almost 34 thousand square meters. km.

The country's topography is quite complex: it is a hilly plain, dissected by river valleys. The average height above sea level is about one and a half hundred meters. Maximum height- just above 400 meters (Mount Balanesti). Moldova boasts deposits of gypsum, limestone, sand, and gravel. There are not very significant gas and oil deposits on the territory of the republic.

The proximity of the sea largely determines the climate of Moldova: there are mild winters and long and hot summers. During the observation period, the maximum temperature once exceeded 42 degrees Celsius. The average annual precipitation usually does not exceed 500 mm.

The territory of the country includes a rather narrow strip on the left bank of the Dniester in its lower and middle reaches (the so-called Transnistria). But Moldova lost actual control over this territory back in the 90s of the last century. The country has always gravitated towards the Black Sea and its adjacent regions. To some extent, the problem of access to the sea coast is eliminated by the presence of access to the Danube River.

Access to the sea for Moldova

In March 2009, the first in the country was opened on the basis of the Giurgiulesti port complex sea ​​port. The first sea route was the line to Istanbul, along which the passenger ship Princess Helen set off.

Thus, Moldova, through the Danube River, gained access to the sea and can establish direct message with everyone coastal countries Black Sea region. The opening of the new port immediately changed the country's image on the international stage and its geopolitical status. Now, with reservations, Moldova can be considered a maritime power.

At the same time, the republic’s leadership developed a plan to create and maintain a highway that would connect new sea ​​gate with other regions of the country.

Work on the construction of the port complex began in 2005. The project was created with the support of investors from Azerbaijan and Belgium. An oil terminal was built on the territory of the complex, the construction costs of which exceeded $30 million. The construction of trade and grain terminals is also envisaged.