Luxor from Sharm El Sheikh. Egypt. Sharm el-Sheikh. Excursion to Luxor Road under escort

Available only with air travel by plane. It so happens that the Sinai Peninsula is known primarily for its religious shrines. At the same time, many tourists who choose the Sharm El Sheikh resort for their holidays are interested in the history of Ancient Egypt, the heritage of the pharaohs, and their traces in history. This excursion is your only chance for those who preferred Sharm el-Sheikh to Hurghada, to touch the secrets of Luxor, which has preserved a large number of imprints of the distant past.

We offer you an unforgettable trip to Ancient Thebes (former name of Luxor), in which you will be picked up from your hotel around 04:00-04:30, and the road to the airport will take 20-40 minutes depending on the location of the hotel. Tourists who did not purchase an Egyptian visa upon arrival in Sharm El Sheikh will be able to purchase one before flying to Luxor. Departure usually takes place at 06:00. Upon arrival in Luxor your group will be met by a historian guide, with whom you will spend the whole day in Ancient Thebes.

Despite the fact that Luxor tries to be a modern city, it is more focused on tourists. Besides tourism, Upper Egypt is known as Egypt's agricultural region. Here in the Nile Valley, almost all vegetables and fruits known to the world are grown, collecting several harvests a year. Luxor can also be called one of the greenest cities in Egypt.

The excursion program includes the most significant sights of the Theban kingdom: the Temple of Karnak, the mysterious Valley of the Kings, the Temple of the great Queen Hatshepsut and the huge Colossi of Memnon.

Karnak Temple– one of the most popular places visited during an excursion to Luxor from Sharm El Sheikh. This majestic temple was built some 4,000 years ago, but you can still read the ancient Egyptian inscriptions on the ancient pylons and touch the virtually intact statues of the pharaohs. The temple is divided into several parts. Due to its enormous size, which is about 100 acres of land, you will not be able to explore it completely, but you will see the best preserved part of it, which includes the largest temple of the complex, the Temple of Amun. It is incredible to even imagine that the entire temple was built by hand without the use of even basic construction equipment.

Note! There are a lot of locals in Luxor who earn extra money by filming you with your own camera. If you ask a local resident (not a guide) to take a photo of you, be prepared to leave him small change from 2 pounds to 1 dollar.

Next excursion to Luxor from Sharm el Sheikh will take you to the Valley of the Kings, a huge open-air mausoleum. The pharaohs are buried in the valley, with whom their wives and children were buried until the beginning of the reign of Ramses the First. After which a separate place was allocated for the burial of wives called the Valley of the Queens. One of the most famous tombs, namely the tomb of Tutankhamun, was built in the Valley of the Kings. The surprising thing is that this pharaoh became famous for practically nothing other than the wealth of his tomb, which is partially located both in the Cairo Museum and in the most famous museums in the world. The Valley of the Kings was chosen so well that for a long time no one knew about its existence, but after its discovery, hundreds of “black” archaeologists began to plunder the tombs of the ancient necropolis. Now the Valley is under the strictest control of the Egyptian army and police; the export of jewelry of historical value is prosecuted by law.

Excursion to Luxor from Sharm El Sheikh will give you the opportunity to visit a temple built in honor of the truly unique female rulers of Egypt, Queen Hatchepsut. Like most temples, it was built after the death of the female pharaoh in her honor. On the bas-reliefs you can see images of the ruler herself and her parents, as well as the mythical deities of Ancient Egypt. The temple is monumental and huge, striking in its size and grandeur.

The last object of the excursion will be Colossi of Memnon- giant statues of another pharaoh Amenhotep the Third, whom the ancient Greeks called Memnon. These colossi guarded the entrance to the ancient temple, which, unfortunately, was destroyed before our era. The colossi themselves have undergone centuries-old changes, one of them was damaged due to constant floods of the Nile (the colossi are located near the “eternal river”), but then was raised and restored.

  1. It is best to purchase air tickets at least 2 months before the flight, in this case the savings can be up to -29%. Then the cost increases and reaches its peak two weeks before departure.
  2. The price may vary by up to 60% depending on the availability and size of luggage, the day of the week and the time of day the plane flies.
  3. Midweek morning flights are cheaper than Friday evening and weekend flights.
  4. Round-trip air tickets are on average -32% cheaper than buying two tickets separately.
  5. During the low season, airlines and travel agencies often sell discounted and last-minute tickets and hold various promotions and sales.
  6. During the high season, it is possible to book tickets not only for regular, but also for charter flights in a general package with a vacation package. Tickets for such flights can be booked much cheaper than usual.
  7. The lowest prices are February, December and September.
  8. The most expensive months are June, May.
  9. The average cost of flights from Sharm El Sheikh to Luxor is 15063 RUR.

Excursion to Luxor from Sharm possible only with air travel, because Due to the location of this ancient city, it is very difficult to get to it from Sharm el-Sheikh by road. But this does not stop history-hungry travelers eager to get to the era of the pharaohs. With this excursion you can visit Ancient Thebes (as Luxor was called a long time ago).

You will be picked up at your hotel around 04:00 and after 20-40 minutes (the time depends on where exactly your hotel is located) you will enter the airport. There you will find the usual registration and security check procedures, plus our guide will help tourists who have not done so before obtain a visa upon arrival in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Most often, departure from Sharm el Sheikh is scheduled for 06:00. After a 50-minute flight, the plane lands in Luxor and you will be joined by a professional guide who will show you with interest the most amazing imprints of the past.

It will not be possible to explore all the antiquities that modern Luxor carefully preserves on its territory in one day, because almost every part of the city breathes history. But as part of the excursion from Sharm to Luxor, you will definitely enjoy the grandeur of the huge Colossi of Memnon, visit the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and breathe in the mystery of 2 unique stone-carved and at the same time very different temples: Hatshepsut and the Temple of Karnak.

Karnak Temple was built about 4000 years ago. Despite this, even now you can read the ancient Egyptian inscriptions on its buildings and the statues of the pharaohs greet you almost undestroyed. The territory of the Karnak complex is huge and completely inaccessible to visitors. You will discover the most interesting section - the Temple of Amon, the ancient pylons and statues of which are better preserved than anything else. Wander between them and be surprised, just like all the travelers who have visited before you - the temple was built by hand without any construction equipment.

Next, a huge “roofless mausoleum” awaits you - Valley of the Kings. Pharaohs and their families were buried in this place before the reign of Ramses I. Then the wives of the pharaohs began to be buried in a separate place, which we now call the Valley of the Queens. One of the most famous burials, the tomb of Tutankhamun, is also located in the Valley of the Kings. Tutankhamun did nothing noteworthy during the years of his reign, and his fame was brought only by the numerous riches buried with him.

The location for the Valley of the Kings was chosen very well. The ancient necropolis remained undetected for a long time. Unfortunately, after the discovery, “black” archaeologists managed to plunder some of the tombs. Currently, this place is under the strictest protection of the Egyptian police and army.

No less interesting Temple of Queen Hatshepsut will show you on an excursion to Luxor from Sharm. It was built in honor of the only female pharaoh to rule in Egypt. Like most of the temples, it was created after the death of Hatshepsut. The temple is huge and amazing; the bas-reliefs contain images of the queen herself, her parents and other divine persons of Ancient Egypt.

Gigantic Colossi of Memnon, built in honor of Amenhotep III, will be the end of a magnificent trip to Luxor. Once upon a time there was another Temple in this place, and these huge statues stood menacingly at its entrance. The temple was destroyed (BC), the Colossi were also influenced by time. One of them fell due to numerous floods of the “eternal river” (the statues are found in close proximity to the Nile), and was later understood and restored.

Included in price excursions to Luxor from Sharm el Sheikh includes lunch, drinks during which are paid additionally. The return flight is planned around 19:00, i.e. at approximately 21:00 you will already be within the walls of your hotel.

If you do not plan to visit Hurghada in the future, from where the journey to Luxor by bus takes no more than 4 hours, we strongly advise you to book an excursion by plane, because The history of Egypt will never be revealed to you without Luxor!

Departure: from Sharm El Sheikh

Dates: Wednesday Friday

Tour cost: adult – 170 $, child – 165 $

Egypt is one of the most popular holiday destinations, where every year resort complexes are increasingly being built and improved along the entire sea coast. Egypt is famous for its culture; it is not for nothing that there is a whole science - Egyptology. Therefore, tourists will always find something to see in this thriving tourist republic.

Of course, it’s simply impossible to visit Egypt and not visit Luxor! After all, Luxor is a city that is stunning in its architecture. It was Luxor, and once it was called Thebe, that was the capital of the Upper Egyptian Kingdom, which was located upstream of the mighty Nile River.

Now Luxor is a modern city, which is certainly not for nothing often called the “pearl of Egypt,” but its suburb is a real open-air museum. Archaeological excavations do not stop in our time, which constantly leads to amazing discoveries of ancient and previously unknown culture of the once powerful state.

Luxor is rightfully recognized as the world center of archeology, because you will not find a city in the world on whose territory such a staggering number of ancient monuments would be concentrated. The famous tomb of Tutankhamun is also located in Luxor. In the vicinity of the city you can visit the Luxor and Karnak temples, the Colossi of Memnon, and the temple of Queen Hatshepsut. The City of the Living, as well as the City of the Dead, the Valley of the Kings are monuments of architecture and antiquity of unprecedented beauty.

Surprisingly, it is in Luxor that monuments of art from different historical eras are located, and besides, they are not far enough from each other, which makes it possible to visit them all without much difficulty. An excursion to Luxor by plane will save you time and effort. You can get to this interesting city from Sharm El Sheikh by plane on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The flight will be fast and as comfortable as possible. The departure time according to the airline’s schedule is around 06:00 in the morning, and already at 7:00 you find yourself on the threshold of the “City of One Hundred Gates”, full of energy and ready for new impressions.

After arrival, the excursion begins on the West Bank of the Nile, in the famous Valley of the Kings, which is considered one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. This is one of the most popular necropolises of Ancient Egypt, which has more than 60 famous tombs of the pharaohs.

One of the most impressive architectural monuments is the stepped temple of Queen Pharaoh Hatshepsut, which you will also definitely see. At lunchtime you will have the amazing opportunity to enjoy delicious local cuisine in the restaurant

Having rested a little and renewed our strength, we will continue the excursion on the Eastern Bank of the Nile. A visit to the world's largest famous temple complex - Karnak - will leave a vivid impression. It is Karnak that is considered the most perfect embodiment of the cult ensemble.

In front of the temple, part of an unusual alley consisting of four stone sphinxes has been preserved to this day. These are absolutely identical and, moreover, equally distant from each other likenesses of the sacred animal god Amon, who has the body of a lion and the head of a ram.

There will also be an opportunity to see the Temple of the Gods Amun, Mut and Khonsu - the magnificent Luxor Temple in the very center of Luxor. The ancient Egyptians called it “Ipet-resyt”, which translated means “Inner Chambers”.

Every year at the end of summer, when the mighty Nile overflowed its banks and its water turned the scarlet color of blood, the Egyptians held the OPET festival, in which images of the sun god Amun, his wife the war goddess Mut, and their son the moon god Khonsu traveled in pompous procession from Karnak Temple to Luxor.

It was believed that after long months of drought, the earth was renewed in order to bestow its fruits on people, and along with it, God the King was renewed. Now you can visit these once sacred places.

This concludes the excursion. We return to the airport and by 19:00, according to the airline schedule, we arrive in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Be sure to bring your own drinks, or be prepared to buy them, as they are not included in the lunch price. If you want to eat on the plane, bring breakfast with you. You will definitely need sunglasses and a scarf. Bring sunscreen and, from November to March, a sweater or jacket. Naturally, comfortable shoes will become simply indispensable on this kind of travel.

Of course, be sure to take cameras and video cameras with you, because, believe me, you will have something to capture, because Luxor is a beautiful and interesting city on the banks of the Nile River.

This excursion will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions. Egypt is a country of extraordinary beauty. Of course, it takes time to discover all its treasures. And an excursion by plane to Luxor, the pearl of Egypt, will help you with this, because this city is exactly the place where every lover of adventure and travel should definitely visit.

Luxor- the capital of the pharaohs of antiquity, it is here that you can fully feel the spirit of the unique Egyptian culture, full of mysticism and mystery. Of course, it allows you to see the Great Pyramids and the Egyptian National Museum, but without visiting Luxor, your acquaintance with the culture of Ancient Egypt will be incomplete. Today Luxor is a unique open-air museum that preserves a third of the architectural monuments of the Ancient World. If you, like us, are fascinated by the mysteries of the culture of the ancient Egyptians, then you should definitely visit Luxor. The beauty and grandeur of this ancient city inspired admiration a thousand years BC. Monumental temples, statues of ancient gods and tombs of the pharaohs, full of the spirit of mysticism and mystery of Ancient Egypt, amaze travelers even now. If, in addition to the secrets of Ancient Egypt, you are interested in the history of the world's largest religions, we invite you to

Luxor is a modern city formed on the site of ancient Thebes. Thebes was the capital of the Egyptian pharaohs during the New Kingdom (1550-1069 BC). The Egyptians called the city Uast, the Greeks named it in honor of their Thebes (a city in central Greece), the Romans formed a military town (castra in Latin) on the site of the temples, later the Arabs turned this name into “El Uxor”, which translated means “ fortress, castle." So in our time, this amazing mystical city bears the name Luxor.

During the time of the pharaohs, the Nile River divided the city into two parts. People lived on the eastern bank, it was called the City of the Living, and on the western bank there was a necropolis of the pharaohs ( City of dead). During the New Kingdom, the pharaohs no longer built pyramids; the tombs of the necropolis were carved into the rocks, which were supposed to hide the treasures of the tombs from the attacks of robbers. The Theban Tombs number 63 tombs and are part of the heritage of world art; UNESCO included them among the World Heritage Treasures. Modern Luxor is populated on both banks and has a population of 300 thousand people.

During your excursion to Luxor you will visit the following attractions:

Valley of the Kings(or Valley of the Pharaohs) is the famous City of the Dead, where several generations of pharaohs were buried for five centuries. This is the largest cemetery in the world. Here in 1922, explorer Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun, the treasures and secrets of which still amaze researchers to this day. The treasures contained in the tomb are now kept in the Hall of Tutankhamun in the Cairo National Museum, which you can visit during. Not far from the Valley of the Kings is the Valley of the Queens, where members of the royal families were buried.

XRam of Queen Hatshepsut. Queen Hatshepsut was the wife of Pharaoh Thutmose II and after his death, with the support of the Theban priests, she took the throne from the rightful successor, Thutmose III, ascended the throne and became one of the greatest women in world history. Her reign lasted 22 years and was marked by the construction of a grandiose funeral temple for the queen and an expedition to the unknown country of Punt. The temple is carved into the rocks and with its size, decorations and architectural design amazes even the imagination of a modern person. The Temple of Hatshepsut was decorated with numerous intricate bas-reliefs and statues (about 200 statues, 140 of which were sphinxes). The statues represented the queen in the images of the pharaoh, Osiris and the sphinx. However, after the death of the queen, when Pharaoh Thutmose III, the legal heir of Thutmose II, finally ascended the throne, he ordered the destruction of everything that was created by the queen and reminiscent of her reign. The sculptures were destroyed and buried in the sand next to the temple. Modern archaeologists have managed to restore the picture of the former grandeur of the temple and once again make it the property of mankind.

Abu Simbel (Temples of RamsesІІ ). The temple ensemble is represented by two temples - the Large Temple is dedicated to Ramses II himself and the gods Amun, Ra-Horakhta and Ptah, the Small Temple is dedicated to the wife of the pharaoh Nefertari-Merenmut, represented in the image of the goddess Hathor. The temples were lost in the sands of the desert until the 19th century and were rediscovered by the Swiss Johann Ludwig Burckhardt (the same one who opened) in 1913. The most grandiose elements of the temple complex are the 20-meter statues of Ramses II and his wife, carved into a monolithic rock and located at the entrance to the temple. The skill of ancient architects created the statues taking into account the characteristics of the rock layers, in which layers of sandstone are mixed with iron oxide, which in turn ensured the strength of the sculptures and painted them in beautiful shades from pink to red and purple.

Colossi of Memnon. The name of the colossi was given by the Greeks, who saw in the giant statues the image of the hero of Troy Memnon, who, in fact, had nothing to do with the statues. These statues were located at the entrance to the temple of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and depicted the pharaoh himself. The temple complex itself, unfortunately, has not survived to this day, but during the time of the pharaohs it was one of the most luxurious temples, surpassing the famous Karnak Temple in scale. Time also “tattered” the colossi themselves, erasing their facial features. It is not surprising, because over three thousand years the colossi were repeatedly exposed to the Nile flood. Another amazing phenomenon is associated with these statues - according to the Greeks, when rays of light hit the northern statue, it began to sing, that is, make sounds similar to the breaking strings of a harp. By order of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, the statue was repaired, as a result of which the statue fell silent forever, but the name “Singing Colossi of Memnon” has survived to this day.

Karnak Temple - the largest surviving temple complex, the total area of ​​which is more than 80 hectares. The Karnak Temple is not a separate building, but a whole complex of religious buildings, built by several dynasties of pharaohs over 13 centuries, this is an entire temple city. Each subsequent pharaoh completed the construction of temple buildings in his own way, trying to bring even more pomp and monumentality from himself. In terms of brightness and power of impressions, the Karnak Temple can compete with the monumental pyramids of Giza and the Cairo National Museum. It is here that you feel with your whole being the spirit of the antiquity of past centuries, it is here that you feel history alive, as if for a second becoming part of a history textbook of the Ancient World.

Pprogramexcursions to Luxor from Sharm:

  • At 4-5 am the transfer will pick you up from the hotel. Transfer to the airport – 15 minutes.
  • Departure from Sharm El Sheikh at 6 am, flight time 45 minutes. We admire the views of Egypt from above.
  • Meet a Russian-speaking historian guide who will accompany you on the excursion.
  • Visit to the Valley of the Kings (2 hours)
  • Visit to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut (1 hour)
  • Visit to the Colossi of Memnon (15 min.)
  • Visit to the exhibition of stone products (20 min.)
  • Walk along the Nile (25 min.)
  • After the walk – lunch (40 min.)
  • Karnak Temple (2 hours)
  • At the end of the program, visit to the papyrus exhibition (30 min.)
  • Departure from Luxor at 19:30
  • We will meet you at Sharm El-Sheikh airport and take you back to your hotel.

You need to take with you:

  • International passport (Attention, for this excursion visa required!!!)
  • Packed rations and water (especially important during the hot season). We recommend taking a significant supply of water with you.
  • Sunglasses
  • Headdress
  • Clothes for the season. During the hot season, it is important to choose clothing that covers your arms, legs and shoulders. A lot of time will pass in the open sun.
  • Comfortable shoes.
  • Camera
  • Money (for souvenirs)
  • A good mood and a desire to touch the breath of history.

Priceexcursions to Lukor from Sharm El Sheikh:

Adult 170$, Child 160$

Day of the week: Wed.

The price includes: bus transfers, plane tickets, Russian-speaking guide, entry. tickets, lunch.

Duration of the excursion to Luxor from Sharm El Sheikh :

We leave the hotel at 4-5 am and return at 20:30.