Forest park Cape Cavo Greco. National Forest Park "Cavo Greko" How to get from Protaras to Cavo Greko

Cape Cavo Greco in Cyprus is the eastern point of the island and one of its most beautiful attractions. The atmosphere here is imbued not only with the beauty of the surrounding nature, but also with a veil of mystery - many places in Cape Greco are surrounded by legends that children will listen to with bated breath.

Bizarre shapes karst caves, inhabited by mysterious spirits, a picturesque legendary bridge, a turquoise sea with a colorful underwater world - this is just a short list of what Cape Greco will surprise you with. Walking along narrow paths and looking into the gorges of seaside caves, children will feel like real pioneers and daredevils.

Cavo Gkreko National Park

Cape Cavo Greco is a national park and is included in the European Union's Natura 2000 conservation programme. Previous excavations carried out here helped to discover one of the oldest settlements from the Neolithic times.

Now all local plants are under protection. The total area of ​​the park is 384.9 hectares. On the map, Cape Cavo Greco looks much larger, but not the entire area of ​​the island is open to visitors. So, part of it belongs to a British military base, where entry is prohibited. But if you go from the closed area to the right, you can stumble upon a beautiful stone in which you can guess the outline of a bear.

The nature reserve separates the bays of Famagusta and Ayia Napa. In its eastern part there is a lighthouse, and the western coast is rich in attractions. In the very center of the island there is a hill, to which many winding paths lead.

It will not be possible to get to the top by car - a barrier has been installed, the area is open only for walking. You will have to walk a lot. It will take about 2-3 hours to explore all the delights of this place.

There are few shady areas in the eastern part of the island, so do not forget to bring hats for yourself and your children, as well as water. If you plan to go down to the coast and wild beaches(and it’s worth doing), then also take care of comfortable shoes.

Despite the almost complete absence of trees, about 400 plant species grow in the protected area. Walking among juniper bushes, irises, crocuses and succulents, you will unexpectedly discover a large collection of orchids. As many as 36 species grow on Cavo Greco.

There are 14 species of endemic plants found only in Cyprus. In April-May, most plants bloom, and the park appears to visitors in all its glory. Trees here include dwarf pines and wild olives. The park is not lacking in fauna - it shelters various species of migratory birds, and hedgehogs, hares, foxes, snakes and lizards constantly live here.

Various options have been developed for tourists. walking routes, equipped with benches and gazebos. There are bicycle trails. The length of the routes can reach 4 km, and the total is about 16 km.

If you like to travel, then walking around the island will definitely appeal to you. Built at the top observation platforms, from which a wonderful view opens and beautiful photos of Cape Cavo Greco are obtained. There are also gazebos with benches and tables - places for a picnic.

A separate path leads to the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite. It existed in ancient times and now practically nothing remains of it. IN memorial place a pedestal with the image of the goddess of love was installed.

A stone bridge

The whimsical bridge, created from stone by nature itself, is one of the most popular attractions of the cape. It is called "Kamara Tou Koraka", which translates to "crow's arch". It is also called the bridge of lovers or sinners - as you like. It is located 450 m from the chapel, which is the only one on the island.

There is a legend among the locals that one day the bridge collapsed when the most sinful person on the planet climbed onto it. Others do not believe in this story and prefer to call the bizarre natural sculpture a bridge of lovers.

Desperate daredevils even go to the middle of the bridge for spectacular photos, but this is dangerous, it is better to take pictures from the side. The bridge could collapse, so it is fenced off to prevent people from crossing it again.

But on the island there is another miraculous formation, which is also often called the “bridge of lovers.” This arch differs from the previous one in that it extends into the sea and looks much more reliable. Many people jump into the sea from this cliff. In general, if you want to jump from cliffs into the sea, pay attention to the mosaics laid out at the very cliffs by tourists using improvised means. This is how they celebrate the most safe places for jumping.

Karst caves

The entire western coast of the cape is strewn with caves with bizarre outlines. Under the influence of moisture and wind, the rocks acquired picturesque shapes, which now serve as an excellent background for photographs. The local caves in all their glory can only be seen from the water. Although those who wish can make their way along rocky paths and a special ladder to the coast and look inside.

The salt crystals deposited on the walls sparkle amazingly in the sun, giving the caves a mysterious and fabulous quality. The names of these attractions are also beautiful. Here you will meet the “Captains’ Grotto”, “Shark’s Mouth”, and the “Image of the Virgin Mary” cave.

Local residents will be happy to delight children with legends about pirate treasures previously hidden in one of the caves, as well as about terrible monsters that lived among the rocks.

Among the weathered rocks there is a small beach where you can swim and relax. Everyone can jump here from 8-meter cliffs into the clearest waters Mediterranean Sea, and those who are not endowed with courage simply do beautiful photos. One of the stairs leading to the caves branches off from the chapel, which we will describe below.

Orthodox Church

On a small area not far from the parking lot there is the chapel of Aya Anagiri (the second name is the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries). The snow-white building with a blue roof contrasts effectively with the turquoise waters of the sea in the background. It was built at the beginning of our century, made in the Greek style.

There is a source of clean drinking water nearby, which you can fill in a bottle for free. There are many local cats roaming nearby - there are water containers for them; children will enjoy watching the animals.

Several stairs lead down to the sea. Be careful, as they are steep and the fences are quite symbolic. The water in this area actually has a different hue, which is why the place is called the Blue Lagoon. Divers, fishermen and snorkeling fans have chosen this area, and Cypriots come here to get married. There is an ice cream kiosk nearby, which is very useful in the summer heat.

Konnos Bay Beach

The picturesque landscaped beach is located on the edge of the Protas tourist area, near the foot of the mountains covered with dwarf pine trees. This is one of the most attractive beaches on the eastern part of the island, overlooking the church of Agia Anagiri.

For an additional fee, you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas, rent a catamaran, or go on a boat trip. Those who love privacy will love the wild areas on both sides of the bay. For families with children, the beach is convenient with a shallow and gentle entrance to the sea. Moreover, near the shore, due to the shallow water, the water is cloudy and almost hot, but a little further away it is cooler and crystal clear.

It is near this beach that the only restaurant on the island is located, called Konnos Bay Kiosk. It is interesting because of its open veranda, which offers a magnificent view of the sea surface.

What could be more pleasant than relaxing in such a comfortable place after a long hiking? There is an information desk on the territory of the reserve complex, where they help both excursion groups and individual tourists. There is also a kiosk where you can rent scuba gear and other diving equipment.

To summarize, it can be noted that Cape Cavo Greco is a must-see for all those who love hiking and beautiful natural attractions. For greater motivation, it should be noted that the Greeks, calculating income from tourists, said that Cape Greco surpassed even Aphrodite Bay in popularity.

Cape Greco (Cyprus) on the map of the island is also sometimes called Cavo Greco or Capo Greco. It is located on the south-eastern side of the country and is the end of the bays of Famagusta and Ayia Napa on the southern and eastern sides. Administratively, the region belongs to Ayia Napa.
Tourists and residents of the island recognized Cape Capo Greco as the most romantic place in Cyprus. It attracts with its excellent scenery and very clean sea. You can get there by bicycle or even on foot.

Cape Cavo Greco: description

This place, unique in its beauty, attracts with its unusual caves located in the west of the cape. Outwardly, they resemble amazing castles created by the most talented architects. In fact, they were formed as a result of sea waves.

Cavo Greco in Cyprus gained fame, among other things, as the most romantic place in Cyprus thanks to the “Lover's Bridge” - a unique rock hanging over the water and reminiscent of a real bridge. Here, beginners try their hand at diving from a height.
The small church, perched on a steep cliff, attracts young couples who choose a place to get married against the backdrop of the bright blue and clear blue sea.
On the shore you can find rare and endangered plant species, and sea ​​world amazes with its wealth. The water here is clean and transparent, making diving a great pleasure and leaving many new impressions. Spearfishing is also possible here.

At the very edge of the cape there is a lighthouse, surrounded by a fence and belonging to the territory of the English military base, and therefore access to the most beautiful view is closed. But this is only a minor inconvenience. You can still have a great time here. For this purpose, many gazebos have been installed where you can hide from the scorching sun and simply relax on benches after a long walk, enjoying the surrounding natural beauty.

Cape Cavo Greco (Cyprus): legends

There is a legend among the locals about a monster that lives in coastal waters. Residents call it the “friendly monster” (“To Filiko Teras”). This legend is based on ancient Greek myths and stories about the deadly Scylla.

Top things to do in Cape Cavo Greco

The cape is very beautiful and attracts lovers of scuba diving and snorkeling. clean waters, but very wild. Therefore, it will not be very comfortable here with children.

Mostly extreme sports enthusiasts come here to test their strength and jump from a high cliff into the sea (8 meters high). A little lower there is a small cliff 2 meters high, from which it is convenient for women and children to jump. The most cowardly ones will find a gentle entrance into the water, which can be reached via a rather mysterious descent.
There is a sports diving school on the cape, where instructors teach scuba diving and show experienced divers the most interesting places to explore the underwater world. There are also children's groups.
In addition to diving and jumping from heights, several other activities are developed on the cape active rest, including: hiking, parasailing, horse riding, rowing, swimming, fishing.

While traveling through Capo Greco, you can visit the Museum of Sculptures, operating under open air and located on the seashore. The museum's exhibition includes sculptures and installations from contemporary sculptors from different countries peace. Entrance is free, opening hours are seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Cavo Greco Forest Park

Cape Forest Park, starting from the eastern part and having total area of almost 385 hectares, received national status in 1993. The park is home to rare species of irises, orchids, crocuses and other plants.
The park's flora numbers over 400 various types plants. All vegetation is carefully labeled with nameplates
Special viewing platforms, walking and cycling paths, recreation and picnic areas have been created for vacationers. One of the routes leads to the ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite. In the most high point The park area is equipped with an observation deck with a wonderful view of the sea.

Photo: National Forest Park Cavo Gkreko

Photo and description

Cavo Greco Park is located in the eastern part of the famous Cape Greco (Ayia Napa) and covers an area of ​​more than 385 hectares. The main purpose of creating the park, which was announced National Nature Reserve, was the preservation of the unique nature and landscape of this part of the island, as well as attracting even more tourists to Cyprus.

On the territory of Cavo Greco, over 400 species of various plants now grow, including 14 unique species that can only be found in this place and another 14 that are extremely rare. In addition, the park boasts an excellent collection of orchids, which includes more than 30 species.

The park is famous for its juniper groves and beautiful views of the sea, which in that part of the island has an amazing azure color. This cape is ideal for diving, fishing and spearfishing - the sea off the coast is home to moray eels and octopuses, needlefish and sea bass.

Cavo Greco is very popular among tourists - this place is literally created for long walking and cycling walks, for which special trails have been equipped there. In addition, the park also has separate viewing platforms and picnic areas, and even a tourist office.

So, you can visit the ruins of the temple of Aphrodite and visit the cave of the Cyclops. But to get to the caves and grottoes in the huge limestone rock on the coast itself, you will have to take a boat. These beautiful palace caves were formed thanks to the surf waves that crashed against the rocks for many centuries. The famous two-kilometer Aphrodite trail also runs through the Cavo Greco park.

An ancient and mysterious land - Cyprus. This is the center of ancient trade, the crossroads of medieval sea routes, the cradle of many tales and legends. The abundance of cultural monuments and any sights in Cyprus is simply visible and invisible. And the delightful climate, sun and gentle sea make it one of the largest resort areas on the planet. The island is certainly small, and if you have a car and time, it can be explored in sufficient detail. Thus, it is possible with the history and culture of this ancient land get to know each other fully. Or in the usual way - by visiting excursions.

The town is located in the southeast of Cyprus. The mass of Ayia Napa hotels, restaurants and discos makes this resort especially popular and upscale. The natural attractions of Ayia Napa are magnificent and majestic - amazingly clear waters are fringed by excellent beaches with fine sand, and the surrounding hills are filled with orchards. Therefore, the beaches stretching to Protaras are a unique wealth of the region. And the Water Park, and the Dinosaur Park, and the Folk Museum with a collection of tools, and the Ayia Napa Church, and the famous mulberry tree from 600 summer history. But it is no coincidence that the name of the city means sacred forest.

Ayia Napa National Forest Park

In the eastern part of the rocky Cape Greco with many bays, lagoons, caves and grottoes, there is a national forest park in the southeast on an area of ​​more than 385 hectares. The priority tasks at the inception of the park were the protection of the landscape and the maintenance of tourism and recreation. The park has more than 400 species of plants, a large collection of orchids (30 species), crocuses, and irises. Only in this area and nowhere else do 14 plant species grow, and another 14 are rare. The park area is included in the environmental program of the European Union. In the Cape Cavo Greco National Park, specially equipped hiking trails, cycling routes, picnic areas, and observation decks have been created. Visitors can enjoy hiking, swimming, diving, horse riding, fishing, and parasailing. In the coastal waters you will find a lot of interesting things: reefs with soft corals and sponges, underwater caves, ancient amphorae, rock formations. During dives you can see moray eels and starfish, crabs and tarsi, groupers and needle fish, octopuses and red mullet. On the territory of the national park there are underwater sea palaces with rocks, the ruins of the temple of Aphrodite, the caves of the Cyclops, and the Church of St. Anargyri.

Cape Cavo Greco Forest Park on the map of Ayia Napa

An ancient and mysterious land - Cyprus. This is the center of ancient trade, the crossroads of medieval sea routes, the cradle of many tales and legends. The abundance of cultural monuments and any sights in Cyprus is simply visible and invisible. And the delightful climate, sun and gentle sea make it one of the largest resort areas on the planet. The island is certainly small, and if you have a car and time..." />

National natural Park Cavo Greco (Cape Greco National Forest Park, Κάβο Γκρέκο (Greek) - Greek cape) is considered one of the most beautiful natural attractions of Cyprus. Cape Cavo Greco Park covers an area of ​​384.9 hectares and is included in the European Union's Natura 2000 environmental program. Cavo Greco has become one of the favorite places to visit for supporters of outdoor activities and eco-tourism. Cape Cavo Greco received national park status in 1993. Administratively, the park belongs to the municipality of Ayia Napa. During archaeological excavations on Cavo Greco, one of the oldest Neolithic settlements on the island was discovered.

Cape Cavo Greco

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Cape Cavo Greco is located in the south-eastern part of the island of Cyprus, formed by the eastern end of Ayia Napa Bay and the southern end of Famagusta Bay. The extreme southeastern point of Cape Greco is occupied by the Sougl peninsula, connected to the cape by an isthmus. The Sougl Peninsula is closed to tourists - there is a British military radar base here.

Map of attractions of Cape Cavo Greco

Cape Cavo Greco is the beauty and naturalness of nature, bizarre landscape formations, crystal clear waters with shades from light blue to turquoise, emerald and dark blue, magnificent sunsets. The nature of the park attracts professional photographers, lovers of hiking and cycling, divers, naturalists, supporters of eco-tourism, and lovers of outdoor recreation.

Rocky coastline Cavo Greco, up to 10 m high, is indented by many bays, lagoons, sea caves and grottoes. Largest quantity coastal attractions are located on the western coast of Cape Greco. An amazingly beautiful complex of sea caves “Sea Caves”, located in the central part west coast Cavo Greco. The coast attracts tourists with its interesting and mysterious caves “the mouth of the shark”, “the grotto of captains”, the cave “Image of the Virgin Mary” and the “cave of pirates” located to the left of it. Most of the caves are associated with legends and stories about pirates who stored their treasures in them. You can see the caves of Cape Cavo Greco Park in all their glory only from the sea.

The shores of the cape are decorated with arched bridges of natural origin - some of them are especially popular among tourists and have their own names and legends. The most popular is the “Lover's Bridge”, located at the entrance to Ayia Napa. The second most popular bridge is Stone Arch or “Bridge of Sinners”, located on the opposite side of the cape, next to the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries (Agioi Anargyroi). All the decorations of the coast of Cavo Greco are of exclusively natural origin - they are carved into the coastal rocks by the wind and sea waves.

The flora of Cape Cavo Greco Park includes more than 400 species of plants - many of them are representatives of rare species. 14 plant species are endemic - found only in Cyprus. In a special way beautiful park Cape Cavo Greco appears in April - May, during the flowering of most plant species. Most of the vegetation in the park consists of dwarf Mediterranean pines, thickets of Phoenician juniper, wild olives, orchids (36 varieties), crocuses, irises, and crocuses. The inhabitants of the park were foxes, hares, hedgehogs, lizards, and snakes. Cape Cavo Greco serves as a resting place for many species of migratory birds.

The territory of the Cape Cavo Greco park is intertwined with hiking trails and cycling routes, with a length of about 16 kilometers. The park has become an excellent place for hiking (hiking), swimming, diving, horse riding, fishing, and paragliding. In some places of the park there are areas for picnics and recreation, as well as observation decks.

Cape Cavo Greco is rich in attractions and tourist “points of interest”. The most interesting and scenic spots The parks are presented in a clockwise direction: from Konnos Bay beach to the Sea Caves complex.

Konnos Bay beach. Cape Cavo Greco.

Konnos Bay Beach – picturesque, sand beach, located on the edge of the tourist area of ​​Protaras. The beach occupies a quiet bay at the foot of the mountains covered with dwarf pine trees. Natural beauty, a moderately active atmosphere, infrastructure, and privacy have made Konnos Bay one of the most attractive beaches on the east coast of Cyprus.

Konnos Bay Kiosk or Vendor. Cape Cavo Greco.

Cafe-restaurant Konnos Bay Kiosk is the only permanent restaurant in the Cape Cavo Greco park. The restaurant is located on Konnos Bay beach, at its southern edge. Konnos Bay Kiosk features an outdoor terrace with magnificent views of the beach and Konnos Bay. The restaurant's menu offers all kinds of fast food items that can be packed for a picnic.

Picnic area. Cape Cavo Greco.

The picnic area is located on the top of a hill with beautiful view on the eastern coast of the Cape Cavo Greco park. For tourists, the site is equipped with wooden gazebos with tables and benches. You can get to the site along an asphalt road leading from the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries in a western direction. The path to the site is marked with a road sign.

Church of Ayia Anargigi. Cape Cavo Greco.

The Church of Agioi Anargyroi or the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries is an active Orthodox Church, built on the edge of a rocky cliff. The beauty of the area and the romantic atmosphere attract tourists and Cypriots who want to get married to the Temple. From the elevated shore near the Church there is a staircase leading to the sea. Agia Anargyri is one of the few places in the Cape Cavo Greco Park where you can safely go down to the sea.

Jumping off a cliff into the sea

Fans of adrenaline and extreme diving from a steep cliff are frequent guests of the Cape Cavo Greco park. The two most popular places for jumping are the rocks near the Sea Caves complex and the rocks near the Agioi Anargyroi church. Near the Church, extreme sports enthusiasts can test themselves by jumping from a cliff 7 meters above sea level. For safer jumps into the water, here you can go down to a rocky ledge of a cliff, two meters high. Tourists who want to safely cool off in the sea during their walk can use the stone staircase with wooden railings that descend directly to the water. The staircase is located to the left of the Church of Agioi Anargyroi. Along the coastal cliffs of Cavo Greco, on ledges close to the sea, you can find mosaics made from improvised materials. In this way, tourists mark the safest places for jumping from rocks into water.

Kamara tou Koraka (Stone Arch). Cape Cavo Greco.

Camara tou Koraka is an arched bridge created by nature over a rocky shore. The bridge is unique for its almost symmetrical shape of the arches and is in danger of destruction. Camara tou Koraka (crow's arch) is also known by other names: “Bridge of Lovers”, “Bridge of Sinners” and legends associated with these names. The Kamara tou Koraka Bridge is one of the most popular attractions in Cape Cavo Greco Park.

Ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite. Cape Cavo Greco.

In ancient times, the temple of Aphrodite Cypris was located on the territory of the Cape Cavo Greco park. Currently, practically nothing remains of the temple. The site of the temple is marked by a pedestal depicting the ancient goddess of love. A path leads to the ruins of the temple from the visitor center in a southern direction (marked with a sign).

Approximate coordinates Google Maps 34.968829, 34.071498

Blue Lagoon Ayia Napa Cyprus

The Blue Lagoon is one of the places that fully lives up to its name. In spring and summer, the water of the bay surprises with its bright blue color. The bay of the Blue Lagoon is formed by high, rocky shores. The rocks create a magnificent seascape, but make it difficult to descend from the shore to the sea. The best way swim in the Blue Lagoon - regular boat excursions departing from Ayia Napa and Protaras. It is believed that swimming in the Blue Lagoon will bring wealth and prosperity.

Tourist routes

On the territory of the Cavo Greco Park there are walking paths. tourist routes with a total length of about 16 kilometers. The routes pass through rough terrain and cover visits to the most interesting sights of the Cavo Greco park. In terms of difficulty, the hiking trails correspond to beginner and intermediate levels. The paths are marked with signs.

The longest direct route of Cavo Greco “Sea Caves – Church of Agioi Anargyroi” is 4 km in length; Estimated travel time is 4 hours. The route runs along the sea line and corresponds to the initial level of difficulty. The trail covers visits to almost all the attractions of the park, with the exception of the Peace Monument and the Kavos observation deck. The route includes attractions: the Canyon grotto, the Blue Lagoon, the Camara tou Koraka bridge. Cool off with drinks and replenish your food supply at the Food cart mobile snack bar near the Blue Lagoon. The Cavo Greco route “Sea Caves – Church of Agioi Anargyroi” is part of the pan-European walking route E4, developed by the European Walking Association. Route E4 covers the most picturesque places of the Mediterranean coast and Central European countries.

The circular route “Konnos Beach – Cyclops Cave – Konnos Beach” corresponds to the initial level of difficulty. The length of the route is 2.5 km, the estimated travel time is 45 minutes. The path from the beach to the cave runs almost right next to the sea - here there are areas of flat stones from which you can go down into the water and swim. The return path from the cave to the beach runs along a hill - all the way you can enjoy beautiful views of the bay and Konnos Bay beach.

The circular route “Agioi Anargyroi”, with an entry level of difficulty and a length of 2.3 km, will take about 45 minutes. Starting point of the route – administrative center park Kavo Greko Visitor Center. The route covers the Camara tou Koraka bridge, the Church of Agioi Anargyroi. By turning left from the Church onto the asphalt road, you can additionally visit the picnic area. You can stock up on food and drink at the Louis’ mobile snack bar near the civic center.

The circular route “Kavos” corresponds to an average level of difficulty. The route includes a visit to the highest point of Cape Kavo Greco (70 meters above sea level), where the Peace Monument and the Kavos observation deck are located. The length of the route is 2.3 km, the walk will take about 45 minutes. The starting point of the route is located in a small dirt parking lot for cars.

The circular route “Aphrodite's Path” passes through the place where the temple of the goddess of love was previously located. The temple has not survived to this day; The location of the temple is marked by a pedestal. The entry-level route “Aphrodite's Path” with a length of 2 km takes 2 hours. The starting point of the route is the administration building of the Kavo Greko Visitor Center. A path descends from the building to the south to the site of the temple. The Aphrodite Trail route includes a visit to the Blue Lagoon and the Camara tou Koraka bridge. After the “Arch of Ravens” the route turns left, along an asphalt road leading to the starting point near the administrative center.

Kavo Gkreko Visitor Center

The administrative, exhibition and educational center Kavo Gkreko Visitor Center begins operating in May 2017. The Kavo Gkreko Visitor Center is located in the central part of the park, near the Kavo Greko Road. Near the visitor center there is a stop for regular buses, No. 101 and No. 102, heading to Cape Cavo Greco Park from Ayia Napa and Protaras, respectively. Kavo Gkreko Visitor Center is an excellent place to start exploring National Park Cape Cavo Greco. Roads and paths lead from the Center building to all the attractions of Cavo Greco.

The Kavo Gkreko Visitor Center is equipped with exhibition and excursion halls, where visual and audio guides will introduce you to the ecosystem of Kavo Gkreko. The visitor center is equipped with three aquariums in which visitors can view the inhabitants of the coastal waters of Cavo Greco. The Center will have a tour desk, an observatory, lecture halls, a garden, recreation areas, a sanitary room, a cafe, and a souvenir shop.

Aya Napa Monster

Mythical monster Scylla

According to ancient folklore stories and myths of local residents, the Aya Napa Monster lives in the coastal waters of Cape Cavo Greco Park. The mythical creature is nicknamed “To Filiko Teras”, which translates as “friendly monster”. The monster received this name because it does not harm people. Locals say that “To Filiko Teras” is a sea monster from ancient Greek mythology, Scylla. Currently, the Ayia Napa Monster is found only in the stories of local residents and tourists who were lucky enough to see “To Filiko Teras”.

Peace Monument

The Peace Monument is a monument depicting a flock of birds flying into the sky. The inscription on the pedestal plate reads: “From Cyprus to the World, from the World to Eternity. A message about peace, friendship, freedom, faith in God and Man.” The monument was created by Cypriot sculptor Philippos Yiapanis and installed in 2000. Locals sometimes call the Peace Monument the “Bird Monument.”

View Point

The View Point or “observation deck” is located at the highest point of Cape Greco - this the best place to watch the sunset and explore the surroundings of the park with binoculars. The vantage point offers stunning views of the entire Cape Cavo Greco park and the endless Mediterranean Sea. The sunset from View Point is literally mesmerizing with its beauty. Tourists from Ayia Napa and Protaras come here to spend romantic evening in the gentle rays of the sun sinking below the horizon.

There are benches along the perimeter of the View Point plateau for comfortable enjoyment of the beauty of nature, and there is a gazebo in the center of the plateau. Some tourists prefer to sit on a blanket spread on the edge of the rocks. You can only get to the viewpoint on foot - the road is blocked by a barrier. You can park your car in the dirt parking lot in front of the path to View Point.

>Diving area

The sea on both sides of the isthmus connecting Cape Cavo Greco and the Sougl Peninsula has become one of the favorite places for divers. The local waters are interesting for beginners and professionals. The depth at the isthmus is about 12 meters, the water temperature ranges from 16 to 28 degrees. In calm seas, visibility under water reaches 40 meters. Divers are attracted to the local depths by reefs with soft corals and sponges, underwater caves and their inhabitants - moray eels, starfish, crabs, tarsi, groupers, octopuses. Adding excitement to diving to the depths of Cavo Greco is what happened near the cape in 306 BC. naval battle between the Egyptians and Macedonians. Even today, at the bottom you can find artifacts of antiquity, scatterings of broken amphorae.

Sea Caves

The Sea Caves Cavo Greco complex, also called the “stone castles”, is the crown jewel of the Cape Cavo Greco park. The fantastically shaped caves and grottoes are washed by an amazingly clean and transparent sea of ​​shades of blue, turquoise, emerald and deep blue. The caves are only accessible from the sea. During low tide you can walk inside some caves. Carved by the sea and wind over many thousands of years, caves, grottoes, arches, columns, and rock labyrinths attract with intriguing myths, stories about pirates and treasures. At the eastern edge of the complex there is a famous cliff with a through cave in the shape of a needle's eye.

Wish tree

The Lone tree or “wishing tree” is the juniper tree, one of the few tall trees growing in the Cavo Greco park. Previously, many trees grew in the park. At the beginning of the twentieth century, with the development of industry, almost all trees were cut down. Lone tree is the only tree that survived the massive felling. Later, the Cypriot authorities made attempts to replant trees on the territory of Cape Greco. But due to strong seasonal winds and a thin layer of soil, the young seedlings did not take root. Now the “Tree of Wishes” greets tourists coming to the park from Ayia Napa. In the shade of the spreading crown there are two benches where you can relax. According to local belief, if you tie a ribbon on a tree branch and make a wish, it will definitely come true.

Guru boutique suites Ayia Napa. Cyprus

The exclusive boutique hotel Guru Boutique Suites is the only hotel located in the Cape Cavo Greco park. The hotel embodies the highest standards of relaxation and service. Guru Boutique Suites accepts adults only. The All Inclusive system is included in the room price. Each of the six guest rooms at Guru Boutique Suites offers a unique atmosphere and setting. The hotel provides a number of VIP services to guests: transfer by executive class cars from/to the airport, transfers to the beaches and clubs of Ayia Napa, escort shopping, butler services in the room. A quiet, tranquil garden for spiritual practices, yoga, meditation, and reading invites you to completely immerse yourself in relaxation.

Safety precautions when visiting Cape Cavo Greco Park

When visiting Cape Cavo Greco Park, it is recommended to take sunscreen, food and drink supplies, glasses, comfortable clothes and shoes with thick soles, and hats. There are snakes in the park. There are no amenities, rescue services, and virtually no infrastructure on the cape. The best time to walk through the park is early morning or late afternoon. To avoid misunderstandings, it is not recommended to take photographs or videos of the British military base.

How to get to Cape Cavo Greco Park

The most popular among tourists are regular buses departing from Ayia Napa (bus no. 101) and Protaras (no. 102). Bus intervals are 20 minutes, ticket price is 1.5 euros during the day; 2.5 euros after 21.00. The main bus stop is located in the center of Cape Cavo Greco Park, next to the visitor center. Walking routes lead from the visitor center building to the main attractions of the park. The bus driver can make an additional stop upon request.

When leaving Ayia Napa or Protaras by car, you need to take the asphalt road Kavo Greko Road, which will lead to the administrative visit center of Cape Kavo Greko Park. Then the trip can be continued along dirt and asphalt roads leading to some attractions. You can leave your car in one of the parking lots: at the visitor center, Ayia Anargyri Church, Blue Lagoon, before going up to observation deck“Kavos”, near the picnic area.