How to spend a perfect summer day. How to make the most of your summer holidays (tips for teenagers). Swim in the rain

Friends, a huge hello to everyone! How did your summer start? How's the weather? It's time to dream and make plans so you don't miss out on the best and brightest time of the year. Minutes, hours, days fly by at lightning speed. It seems as if there is a whole world ahead, a whole life full of impressions and new events. But in reality, every day can turn out to be similar to the previous one. Boredom is addictive. And only your sincere and frantic desire to decorate your life and take its course into your own hands can make the summer unforgettable.

I offer you a huge list of 100 ideas for the summer that will help you spend this time in a way that will be remembered for a long time. Here are also my plans and dreams. Something I'm actually going to make happen. And some points, alas, are absolutely unfeasible in our conditions at the moment. But let’s not give up and despair right away. Dreams come true for those who sincerely believe in them!

Perhaps the ideas will seem too naive and childish to you. And for the better! What better time to pamper your inner child than in the summer? This is happiness - at least for a moment, but immersing yourself in childhood. Well, less words, more imagination. And, of course, more business. Let's go... What do I dream of doing in the summer and what can I offer you...

1. Breathe sea ​​air and hear the sea.

3. See the mountains.

4. Visit an unfamiliar city.

5. Learn to knit and stock up on things made with soul for the warm season.

6. Make your own ice cream.

7. Have fun in good company.

8. Get a tattoo.

9. Play badminton and frisbee.

10. Go for morning or evening jogging.

11. Visit the forest.

12. Go to the cinema.

13. Look at the stars.

14. Drink fruit smoothies.

15. Eat fruit salads.

16. Close the jam or compotes for the winter.

17. Finally get rid of everything that is unnecessary.

18. Feel the morning coolness.

19. Take a walk in the rain.

20. And then have a cozy evening at home.

21. Sew a dress.

22. Create your own home greenhouse on the window.

23. Force yourself to be photographed. Well, at least in the summer!

24. Learn to take photographs not only in automatic mode.

25. Have a picnic.

26. It’s interesting to celebrate a birthday.

27. Receive something in the mail. (This point is especially difficult for me, but with a very strong desire, everything can work out).

28. Write and send paper letters to friends.

30. Walk a lot.

31. Work very hard. (It depends on whom, of course. But I don’t feel very good without it :)).

32. Watch family videos.

33. Meet with an old friend or girlfriend whom you haven’t seen for a very long time.

34. Remember happy moments.

35. Rollerblading and cycling.

36. Attend a cool event.

37. Organize a cool event.

38. Collect bouquets.

39. Weave wreaths.

40. Arrange a photo shoot. (To yourself or someone else).

41. Learn English.

42. Cross stitch.

43. Play with animals.

44. Write a lot of useful posts.

45. Learn new things.

46. ​​Write poetry.

47. Dance.

48. Hugging.

49. Smile.

50. Be sincerely happy.

51. Take a walk in the park and ride the Ferris wheel.

52. Have lunch in an outdoor cafe.

53. Walk barefoot.

54. Make a video clip with slices of life.

55. Take an overnight train ride.

56. Learn to go to bed early and get up with the first rays of the sun.

57. Live for a week in a village or country house.

58. Learn to swim.

59. Look at the city at night from the roof.

60. Make not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful breakfasts.

61. Meet new people.

62. Attend an interesting master class.

63. Take part in a new project or marathon or come up with one yourself. (After I added this item to my bucket list, on the evening of the same day I miraculously ended up in two of the most amazing marathons at once: one is a writing marathon, the other is related to achieving goals. Both are awesome! And over time I will tell you about each of them) .

64. Go boating.

65. Buy new beautiful office supplies.

67. Live an imaginary life. ( You can read about the idea of ​​imaginary lives in Nastya Chuprina’s blog).

68. Help someone develop their own online or offline project (which ultimately led to the opening my own blogging school).

69. Organize a success team to support each other and move towards goals together.

70. Have a party for no reason.

71. Decide to finally do what you have planned for a long time, even if the result does not live up to expectations.

73. From time to time, or better yet, pamper your “inner child” as often as possible. Why is this necessary, I explained in the article " " .

74. Print your own business cards.

75. Wear bright colors.

76. Get a new haircut and acquire an arsenal of simple, interesting hairstyles.

77. Come up with several options for bright summer makeup.

78. Weave a bauble or choker from floss. (I just love this activity).

79. Play your favorite music loudly.

80. Do a good deed.

81. Add bright colors to the interior.

82. Print photos.

83. Make a summer inspirational collage.

85. Organize a meeting of bloggers.

86. Feel unity with nature.

87. Don't give up!

88. Play board games.

90. Learn to make lemonade.

91. Walk while eating ice cream.

92. Look for inspiration in everything.

93. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

94. Develop an ideal plan for organizing your time.

95. Write “morning pages” every day.

96. Fix everything that is broken.

97. Find new interesting blogs.

98. Find even more understanding and wise readers.

99. Make some amazing dessert.

100. Launch and successfully develop a group with training materials on blogging. (I’m revealing my secret plans to those who read to the end :)

I wish you all, friends, a fun and most unforgettable summer! Remember that everything is in your hands. Write a list of your ideal summer, imagine it in all details, visualize it, make a collage or save a folder with pleasant summer associations. And take action! Everything will work out!

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7 ideas on how young people can spend their summer interestingly and usefully.

The long-awaited summer holidays have begun. Although they seem long at the beginning of the summer, when students return to school they often don't know how to answer the question "what did you do over the summer?" It turns out that the summer flew by unnoticed and, in general, there is nothing to tell. So that summer doesn’t pass by this year, and warm memories delight you in winter, the youth motivational program “MOT. Choose courage! shares seven ideas for filling sunny and rainy days - with friends or alone.

On days when boredom creeps in or you are looking for inspiration for an interesting activity, the jar will tell you.

Let's live every day of summer!

Write a letter - a beautiful, long, real letter.

This could be a letter to yourself - a letter in which you look back at the past school year, remembering and recording all the successful moments and events. You'll be surprised there are so many of them. Formulate your further goals for the summer and the next school year or dreams of what you want to achieve in the future. Be honest with yourself! A conversation between pen and paper is not only a story you tell a friend, but also a conversation with yourself.

This is not easy and will probably take more than a couple of minutes, so the summer holidays are a good time to have an honest conversation with yourself.

Be sure to save the letter and re-read it in six months. You can celebrate what you have already achieved.

Visualization helps dreams come true - make a photo collage of your aspirations.

With visualization, dreams take shape and become reality. Find images that symbolize your wildest dreams and create a beautiful photo collage. Photos will not only please the eye every day, but also, perhaps, will help you get one step closer to your plans. Prefer to travel in your best dreams? This method can also be used to enjoy moments already experienced. Choose photos that reflect moments of happiness, loved ones, or just beautiful things, and decorate your room with a photo collage of beautiful moments.

“Mom washed the frame” - the first phrases in a new language

Always wanted to learn a foreign language, but never had enough time? Summer holidays are the best time! Start learning something new, the main thing is to set realistic and specific goals. For example, five new words every day, three new phrases every week. In June, learn to talk about yourself and your family, in July - about what is around you, and in August - about your dreams and plans for the future. If you learn 5 new words every day, by the end of summer you will already know almost 500. An excellent assistant is the free Duolingo mobile application.

Big closet cleanout - throw a party, have a good time yourself and help others

The holidays are a great time to finally sort out your clothes, because we all have things that we haven't worn in too long. A major revision of your closet will not only free up space in it, but will also clear space for you - by getting rid of unnecessary things, we create space for new things.

What to do with clothes that are about to leave your closet? What no longer suits you may suit someone else - throw a clothes swap party with your friends. The main condition of the party: before arriving, guests must sort out their closets so that they can take with them clothes, shoes and bags, for which it is time to look for a new owner. At a clothing swap party, not only will your “old” things find a new owner, but you yourself will be able to become the owner of something that you have wanted for a long time. Those things that cannot find new owners can be given to charity.

Spicy garden on the windowsill

Do you see empty jam jars in the kitchen? Choose a day to start your own herb garden. All you need is empty glass jars, material for labels (you can use black construction adhesive tape and write the name of the plant on it with white chalk - simple and effective), soil, water and, of course, the seeds of your chosen herbs. When decorating the jars, give free rein to your imagination. Do you like colored jars? Paint them!

Do you want a transparent jar with a view? Decorate its contents: before pouring the soil, beautifully line the bottom with stones, shells, etc.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter, or Making supplies for the winter

Summer gifts of nature will definitely be tastier if you take part in their preparation. In addition, a jar of homemade jam or linen bag with dried apples will be a great gift for the holidays.

Do you want to preserve the taste of summer and vitamins for gray autumn evenings? Freeze berries - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries. Frozen herbs also help prolong the taste of summer. You can freeze dill, parsley, green onions. Just chop them up and put them in ziplock bags or boxes and place them in the freezer.

Tea for cold winter evenings: When the plants are in bloom, it is time to harvest and dry them. Mint, chamomile, raspberry and currant leaves, red clover - a magical mixture of Latvian herbs will help keep your spirits up, and in a beautiful package it will become an original gift.

Homemade ice cream. What could be better?

In the hot sun, what could be better than cool ice cream - other than homemade ice cream? Strawberry? Gooseberry? Sorrel? Watermelon? You can freeze freshly squeezed juices and green morning smoothies. Maybe you prefer creamy refreshment? Unleash your imagination, try new recipes and become a culinary expert for a day - so you will not only use your creative imagination, but also delight yourself and your loved ones with the taste. And remember: a healthy treat in the freezer will always come in handy.

Additional activities that can be added to the anti-boredom jar (don’t forget to add your own ideas to the list):

- home SPA: procedures for face and body care using available fruits, berries and vegetables;

- fall asleep looking at the stars: organize a hike with an overnight stay in a tent;

- remake old clothes (for example, make a bag from old jeans);

- learn and prepare a green smoothie for your family (using seasonal fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs);

- the magic of board games: organize a gaming evening with family and friends - on a warm evening in a park near your home or in the forest, and in rainy times - at home at the table;

- create a playlist of your favorite songs;

- try your hand at solving or composing crossword puzzles;

- bake a healthy cupcake;

- go on an expedition - discover uncharted territories in your area;

- remodel your room;

- challenge of the week - learn to jump rope well (100 jumps every day).

Every vacationer wants to spend summer days generous with adventures as fruitfully, fun and on a grand scale as possible. In order for your vacation or weekend to go according to the most favorable scenario, you need to prepare for it in advance. The first thing every vacationer needs to know is how to spend an unforgettable summer without destroying your material well-being. Otherwise, rest will bring a lot of negative things.

Spending your entire vacation having fun and in constant motion is a true art, supported by the ability to organize not only your life, but also those around you. How to spend an unforgettable summer? Of course, you need to work on your own emotional mood every day, because by taking a good mood hostage for the entire vacation, you can easily squeeze the necessary maximum out of any trip.

How to spend the brightest and most unforgettable summer? Having embarked on the mission to “have a blast in the summer”, it is worth sketching out a rough plan where you can clearly define all your desires and equate them with your own capabilities. If foreign travel, dynamic safaris and everyone’s favorite islands do not fit into the budget allocated for vacation, you can organize a memorable vacation in your native and colorful lands.

Unforgettable summer

Lovers of rich and colorful active rest they can safely rally a small team and go on a hike. Don’t underestimate hiking or cycling, because during such a vacation you can learn a lot of new and interesting things not only about the area, but also about your friends and acquaintances. Everyone, even the most small town has a lot of unsaid and unknown things, and enriching memories and emotions is a must for any vacation (weekend).

Hike and music fest

A hike is a great opportunity to organize a music fest with friends in an open area (the main thing is to think about the energy side - after all, speakers and other similar devices will require constant power). An interesting solution would be to celebrate Ivan Kupala near the river with Slavic songs in a modern interpretation. Each of the participants is required to prepare a themed outfit so that the evening is filled with a special mood. And so that the moments don’t disappear without a trace, you can invite a professional and creatively-minded photographer to take part in the party with the company.

Boat swim

How to spend an unforgettable summer? An equally beneficial solution to the problem can be a boat swim with friends. Hire water transport Nowadays it won’t be too difficult, the main problem will be collecting a suitable company. A boat, even the largest one, always remains a closed space, and when gathering a group for relaxation, it is worth taking into account interests and preferences, otherwise the time spent together will remain in the memory as a terrible embarrassment. To prevent the swim from turning into a monotonous party, you need to take care of the cultural program.

Entertaining game

The twister game will give you an inimitable experience. Due to the waves and the movement of the boat, familiar sensations will be favorably transformed, and such fun will receive a share of novelty. You can complicate the rules of the game with bets; each player can bet (money or coupons) on one of the players. As a result, the losers will be obliged to fulfill the wishes of the winners.

Bungee jumping

Those hungry for adrenaline will enjoy bungee jumping, which is now rapidly gaining popularity. Lately lovers of extreme adventures organize entire fan meetings where they exchange their own experiences, advise newcomers and organize evening gatherings or whole weekends together. In order for the jump to be remembered only by a surge of a colossal dose of delight, it is necessary to check all documents and permits with the organizers of the meeting in advance. A photographer and support team are also a must for those making the jump.

Dachas of Joseph Stalin

How to spend an unforgettable summer? Fans of Soviet times may not even think about it. Fabulous Abkhazia decided everything for them. Any of Joseph Stalin's five dachas would be an excellent place to visit during your vacation. The dacha on Kholodnaya Rechka is considered famous; its walls did not lend themselves to cosmetics or major repairs, even though the building was erected in the distant and mysterious 30s of the last century. The chic and at the same time laconic structure, at Stalin’s request, was located on a strong and sloping rock, so that it was not visible from the sea and the adjacent land.

The engineers laid out the entire territory of the dacha in the middle of the famous forest - its main asset). The building itself is three floors, but only the ground floor and the first floor are open to tourists; on the upper floors there is the leader’s personal cinema and a spacious billiard room. Inside, each room is decorated with wood; the rooms have their own purpose, which is why special wood was selected.

unforgettable for a teenager: a list of interesting ideas

If there are children in the family, you should also think about how to spend the holidays for them. If a child shows remarkable independence and efficiency, you can calmly allow him to manage the summer himself, but at the same time regularly take an interest in his successes in the field of recreation. If he asks for advice, you can offer to engage in active sports with friends. Summer days, deprived of the obligatory early rise and the same early bedtime, are the ideal time to comprehend new things. Scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, horse riding and swimming will give a teenager a lot of impressions, and will also perfectly sharpen his communication skills and tolerance.

A trip with an artistic twist

If the child is interested in art, crafts or design, you can organize a trip for the esthete to one of the camps with an artistic bias. The program of such camps is full of excursions, creative evenings and master classes. Spending time among positively minded like-minded people and savvy opponents will give the child the necessary foundation and allow him to decide on his future.

Now it’s clear how interesting and unforgettable it is to spend the summer. When thinking about such a question, it is worth approaching the search for a solution with creativity and enthusiasm. You should not follow fashion trends; memories will never become warmer and brighter from the understanding that the event was organized only because “it was customary at that time.”


Now you know how to spend an unforgettable summer. We have provided you with a list of interesting options.

The more eventful and diverse the program is, the brighter and more valuable the time spent on vacation will be. You don’t have to strive to see sweet Paris or the ever-bubbling New York; you can have a great rest in the noble Peterhof or visit Essentuki, see the wonderful Carpathians in Ukraine, go through the whole of Minsk or mysterious Prague. The main task of summer vacation is not to remain insipid and colorless, devoid of emotions and pleasure.

Summer flies by quickly. Before you know it, autumn will come, followed by cold winter. Warm, sunny days want to live cheerfully and full blast, enjoying every moment. Therefore, things to do and have fun for June, July and August, as well as how to spend the summer profitably, must be planned so that you don’t regret missed opportunities later.

The hero of the American writer Ray Bradbury's story “Dandelion Wine” brewed a bottle of the drink from the simplest summer plants every summer day. A piece of paper indicating the exact date was glued to the vessel. So he tried to catch precious summer moments and record every single day so that he would have something to remember in winter. For those who want to follow his example and preserve the colors of summer, here are exactly 30 ideas on how to do this. Most of the advice, of course, is related to nature...

  1. Wake up early in the summer morning in the village to the crowing of a neighbor's rooster. Drink real warm milk from a local cow, and understand that there is still a whole summer ahead, which is worth spending fun.
  2. Go to the sea. For a city dweller, this is probably an obligatory annual ritual: listen to the splash of the waves, sunbathe and breathe enough sea air to last for the whole year.
  3. Read interesting book- without rushing anywhere, enjoying the plot, thinking about what you read, and changing internally, receiving new information.
  4. Visit a city you have never been to before. It may not be located so far away, because it’s not without reason that we often don’t notice the most interesting things up close.
  5. Do a lot of house cleaning, but, of course, “without fanaticism.” Set up a summer corner for yourself on the balcony - bring a chair and blankets there for summer evenings.
  6. Learn something you couldn't do before. For example, knitting from wool, at the same time providing yourself with warm clothes for autumn and winter.
  7. Get creative: draw a picture that reflects a summer day, record your summer song, fortunately in the age of computers you can do this (and professionally) anywhere - if only you had your favorite gadget at hand. Who knows, maybe creative activity will benefit you in the future?
  8. Start keeping a diary. In the first days it will be a little strange and not entirely easy to trust your thoughts to paper, but gradually it will become a habit and a mandatory moment of every day.
  9. Gather a noisy group at home and have fun. You need to meet with friends more often - with or without reason.
  10. Go on a picnic. Delicious food, good friends, sun and outdoor games will remain in your memory for a long time.
  11. Buy crayons and soap bubbles. Go to the park with them, draw hopscotch - even if you are already an adult. Feel like a kid again - it's fun! Positive emotions bring health benefits.
  12. Take photographs every day. Label the resulting frames by date and place them in one folder on the computer to create a kaleidoscope of the entire summer season.
  13. Take a bike and take a walk through the forest. Don’t forget to stop along the way - listen to the birds singing, admire the flowers.
  14. Support street dancers - join those who dance on the city streets in the evening.
  15. Go on fun rides in the park at least once a summer.
  16. Start drinking fruit cocktails prepared with your own hands. Make your own ice cream using a recipe from the Internet.
  17. Write a letter to yourself - in winter. Or maybe even “further”: indicate on the envelope that it will be possible to open it in ten to fifteen years.
  18. Spend at least a day without a mobile phone, TV or computer.
  19. Add a bright item to your wardrobe - it could be a hat, T-shirt, skirt or pants in an unexpected color. There is no need to be afraid that the outfit will be too daring or provocative.
  20. Start learning a foreign language (for example, Chinese) or brush up on your school knowledge of English. A sure way to make the most of your summer.
  21. Communicate with animals: horses - on a horseback ride, with a cat you accidentally met on the street, for a walk with a neighbor's dog.
  22. Feel like a tourist. Spend a weekend in nature - pack a backpack, pitch a tent, catch fish in a forest river.
  23. Relax by the fire, bake “pioneer” potatoes late in the evening over coals. Listen to the chirping of grasshoppers and look at the stars.
  24. Don't sleep the whole night - have fun walking around the city, taking pictures, chatting with friends, enjoying the warmth and fresh night wind.
  25. Get a good night's sleep. If possible, devote a whole day to this activity (preferably a rainy one).
  26. Conduct an experiment: answer all people only “no” or only “yes” for 24 hours a day. Observe the reactions of those who hear the same mechanical answers.
  27. Go to a tattoo parlor to get a washable design (this one can be removed after a while when you get tired of it).
  28. Go for a daily morning jog. And - get a double result: excellent health for the whole day and the feeling that summer “does not pass by.” It's fun, plus it has huge health benefits!
  29. Make jam for the winter. Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry or gooseberry - it’s a matter of your taste.
  30. Have a wonderful dinner in an outdoor cafe. After all, such an opportunity will really only be in the summer.

The list goes on and on - there are endless ways to spend your summer usefully. Although it’s probably worth putting an end to this very place. If you manage to implement all of these thirty points, it will be great. A summer season it'll be fun.

Summer is the warmest, brightest and most positive time of the year. Most schoolchildren and students have been looking forward to the summer holidays since the New Year. Summertime is associated with many plans and hopes. We bring to your attention a proven way to make your holidays as bright and eventful as possible. Make your own list of “100 things to do in summer” in advance, and then you will definitely have an interesting and bright time!

Activate summer mode!

1. Create a new daily routine.

Summer holidays are a reason to take a break from the alarm clock. Getting up a few hours later than usual or waking up at dawn during this period is entirely your own business. Don't forget that you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

2. Meet the dawn.

Even if you plan to sleep until lunch in the summer, try to get up at dawn at least 1-2 times. Watching the sunrise is equally pleasant both in the city and in nature.

3. Take a walk every day.

The most important item on any list of “100 things a teenager needs to do in the summer” is walking. Don’t be lazy to go out into the fresh air, even if you have no one to walk with or the weather is cloudy. On the coolest and rainiest days, you can “walk” on your own balcony or near an open window.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

There is no need to give up ice cream and pizza, but fresh fruits and vegetables should be the basis of your summer diet.

5. Clean out your closet.

Warm weather is a reason to put away your down jackets and jackets, and also reconsider your summer wardrobe!

6. Get rid of everything unnecessary.

Sort out the clothes you no longer want to wear. Organize your school supplies. The beginning of summer is a reason to sell last year's textbooks and make room in your closet for new outfits.

7. Plan your summer.

Coordinate your summer plans with your parents and friends. Perhaps a trip to the seaside or to a summer camp awaits you?

8. Make a summer shopping list.

Perhaps you've been wanting to buy a kite, a new bike or accessories for outdoor sports? Don't forget to stock up on various little things like soap bubbles and water pistols.

9. Decorate the room.

Creating a summer mood is not difficult at all. Rearrange the furniture in the room, hang a bright framed picture and add colorful decor to the interior.

10. Make your own “wish map.”

Remember everything you have long dreamed of. Set aside free time to create a personal “wish list” or paste pictures depicting everything you want on a large sheet of paper.

Caring for beauty and health

11. Get a henna design or temporary tattoo.

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with your own appearance. Try to make a fashionable transfer tattoo or draw something interesting with henna on your own body.

12. Go shopping.

Buy bright T-shirts, fashionable ripped jeans and comfortable sneakers. Or any other clothes you like.

13. Change your hairstyle.

Among the 100 things a girl needs to do in the summer, there must be an item - “get a new haircut.” However, it would be useful for a guy to update his hairstyle too. Summer is a time for change; you can even try temporary hair coloring with colored mascara or special crayons.

14. Make shorts from old pants.

Try repurposing some old clothes. Did you know that it’s easy to make original shorts from an unwanted pair of denim pants?

15. Refill your makeup bag.

This summer list item is addressed exclusively to girls. Although guys can also buy perfume and hair styling products.

16. Take care of your own appearance.

You can accomplish a lot in three summer months. Perhaps you would like to improve your figure or get rid of skin imperfections? Stop dreaming - start acting!

17. Buy clothes for the beach.

Be sure to purchase at least two new swimsuits.

18. Remember the taste of natural food.

Take the time to find and purchase farm dairy products, wild berries and country vegetables.

19. Instill healthy habits in yourself.

Scientists have proven that any new habit is formed in 21 days. In the summer, it's time to accustom yourself to systematically exercise, exercise, or simply become more responsible and punctual.

20. Buy new sunglasses.

In addition to a fashion accessory, you can also purchase products to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Unforgettable city breaks

21. Draw pictures on the asphalt.

Remember your childhood and draw a simple sun, or try to create a real masterpiece.

22. Go on rides.

Set aside one day to visit the amusement park.

23. Blow bubbles.

Believe me, it's just as fun as when you were a kid!

24. Take photographs of the sights of your hometown.

Charge your camera and go for a walk.

25. Have a picnic.

In the list of “100 things that must be done in the summer,” you simply need to add the item “organize a picnic in the fresh air.”

26. Read interesting books.

Make your own reading list for the summer.

27. Don’t forget to lie on the grass!

Even if you have to spend most of your vacation in the city, be sure to find time to go to a park where walking on the lawns is not prohibited.

28. Eat watermelon and ice cream every day.

Try to indulge yourself in the most delicious summer treats.

29. Go to museums, cinemas and exhibitions.

Don't be lazy to learn something new and expand your horizons.

30. Try to find seasonal work.

During the summer holidays, you can significantly replenish your own piggy bank if you find a part-time job that suits your liking and strength.


31. Go boating.

Be sure to conquer a river, lake or pond this summer.

32. Fly a kite.

This is fun without age restrictions!

33. Ride a bike.

If possible, give up traveling by transport completely in favor of a two-wheeled horse.

34. Master a skateboard or roller skates.

Making your "100 Crazy Things to Do in Summer" list? Be sure to try to learn how to roller skate or skateboard.

35. Climb a tall tree.

Another great way to remember your childhood is to climb trees again.

36. Run in the park.

Regular jogging is a sport accessible to everyone.

37. Exercise every day.

In the summer it is especially pleasant to exercise; start doing morning exercises or repeat some set of exercises every day.

38. Play team sports.

Football, basketball and volleyball are great options for summer leisure activities with friends.

39. Pick mushrooms and berries.

In the warm season, it is very pleasant to go for a walk in the forest. Picked mushrooms and berries can be a pleasant bonus.

40. Jump over the fire.

For example, on the holiday of Ivan Kupala. The main thing is to remember to be careful and safe.

Rest in the village

41. Go fishing.

And catch the biggest fish.

42. Go on a hike.

If possible, spend the night in a tent. But also one-day hiking will bring no less positive emotions.

43. Bake potatoes in the fire.

No culinary talent is required, just bury the tubers well in the smoldering coals.

44. Fire up a shish kebab or barbecue.

In addition to meat, you can deliciously cook vegetables and fish over an open fire.

45. Live a week without the Internet.

Take a break from the virtual space, just don’t turn on your computer for 7 days.

46. ​​Work in the garden.

During your holiday in the village, don’t be lazy to help water, weed and harvest.

47. Make a herbarium.

Collect beautiful wild plants and carefully dry them between the pages of the book.

48. Walk barefoot in the morning dew.

Make sure there is no debris or sharp branches under your feet - and go ahead!

49. Ride a horse.

Horseback riding gives a lot of positive emotions.

50. Take pictures of nature.

Arm yourself with a camera and record the flowering of meadow grasses, the flight of a butterfly, a rainbow, the beauty of the forest and local reservoirs.

Relaxation by the water

51. Swim as much as you want.

In the summer heat there is nothing more pleasant than going to the beach!

52. Tan until bronze.

Don't forget to apply protective cream!

53. Build a sand castle.

Or try to build another interesting figure.

54. Find a shell or pebble as a keepsake.

Be sure to pick up your trophy from the beach!

55. Take a swim in the fountain.

Sometimes this is the most effective way to cool down on a hot day.

56. Bury yourself in the sand.

Ask your friends to bury you so that only your head is visible.

57. Dive while swimming.

Learn to swim underwater, dive from bridges and towers on the beach.

58. Visit a water park.

And ride down the highest slides.

59. Learn to swim.

Don't forget to take an inflatable ring with you for your first lessons.

60. Go on a cruise or river trip.

If possible, be sure to go on a boat or boat.

Try something new!

61. Think about what clouds look like.

One of the 100 things to do in summer is to look at the sky more often.

62. Don't hide from the rain.

If you are unexpectedly caught in a warm rain, try not to open your umbrella.

63. Eat an exotic fruit.

Be sure to choose one that you have never tried before.

64. Discover the cuisine of other countries.

Visit a national restaurant in another country or try to cook something yourself using a previously unknown recipe.

65. Sign up for courses.

Find a topic you like: crafts, programming or vocational training.

66. Learn a foreign language.

If you memorize about 10 foreign words every day, in six months you will be able to communicate at an everyday level with native speakers.

67. Educate yourself.

Try to learn some new facts every day, read encyclopedias and watch documentaries.

68. Find new places in your hometown.

Sometimes interesting sights are located on the next street.

69. Study the traditions of countries around the world.

Getting to know the culture of other peoples is an incredibly exciting activity.

70. Play sports.

Perhaps you have long wanted to join a sports section?

Vacation with friends

71. Have a water fight!

Prepare bottles and water guns in advance.

72. Play badminton.

All you need for this game is a pair of rackets, a shuttlecock and a reliable partner.

73. Play sports outside.

In the warm season, you can organize a real pull-up or push-up tournament in the fresh air.

74. Go to a concert or city festival.

Attending such events will be an excellent leisure activity.

75. Write real letters.

Stop using modern gadgets with your friends and exchange paper letters.

76. Sing songs with a guitar.

In any company there is a person who knows how to play the guitar.

77. Volunteer.

I would like to add something useful to the list of “100 things to do in summer”. Why not try yourself as a volunteer? Volunteers are needed today for animal shelters and a wide variety of social organizations.

78. Communicate in person.

In the summer, it is much more pleasant to meet friends in person more often than to communicate on social networks and by phone.

79. Celebrate new holidays.

You can have a lot of fun if you remember dates such as Ivan Kupala, Neptune Day or International Hug Day. Create a personal holiday calendar.

80. Weave flower wreaths.

Having learned the art of weaving wreaths, you can have a fun time and take bright photos.

Summer with family

81. Go visit relatives you haven’t seen for a long time.

You can write a letter to those who live in other cities.

82. Have a family weekend.

Don’t be shy about inviting your parents and brothers and sisters to go for a walk or go to nature.

83. Give your mom flowers.

In the summer, it’s not at all difficult to please your loved one.

84. Help your parents.

Do not refuse to do household chores and offer your help at every opportunity.

85. Go to the village.

Be sure to have time to visit relatives living in the village or neighboring town over the summer.

86. Take pictures with your parents.

One of the most important 100 things to do in the summer is to take a photo with your parents. If you wish, you can even arrange a whole photo session.

87. Spend the day with your brother or sister.

If you have a younger sister or brother, take the time to spend the whole day with her (him).

88. Help arrange the dacha.

Invite your parents to buy or make something interesting for their summer house.

89. Learn from your parents.

We are often embarrassed to ask our parents for help or consult with them. Add “learn something interesting from your own parents” to your top 100 things to do this summer.

90. Prepare breakfast for your parents.

Surprise mom and dad on the weekend by getting up early and making delicious pancakes or an omelet.

Don't forget to get ready for autumn

91. Collect natural materials for crafts.

Stock up on twigs, moss, shells and cones, from which you can create real masterpieces on rainy autumn evenings.

92. Take at least one photo every day.

You can review bright pictures and lift your spirits.

93. Make a collage of your best photos.

Collect all the brightest summer photos, place them in one frame and decorate the interior of your own room.

94. Visit seasonal sales.

Shopping must be included in your list of “100 things to do with friends in the summer.” At the beginning of the warm season, you can buy things for the winter inexpensively, and at the end, pay attention to the liquidation of summer collections.

95. Understand your computer.

Sort out all unnecessary documents and organize folders on your desktop.

96. Plant a plant.

Try growing something from seeds and enjoy the sight of fresh greenery all year round.

97. Prepare spicy herbs and medicinal plants.

Mint and lemon balm are excellent additions to tea, and basil can be used in cooking meat dishes.

98. Sign up for preparatory courses.

Usually in the fall it can be difficult to get involved in the educational process. It is useful to include among the 100 things that a teenager needs to do in the summer, the need to enroll in preparatory courses or a private tutor in August.

99. Prepare for your studies.

Before the start of the school year, you need to purchase stationery and teaching aids; start doing this early.

100. Make a to-do list for the fall.

Summer is ending and it's very sad. But don’t forget that you can arrange for yourself an equally bright and eventful autumn!