How to get to India. India India get there

Goa is one of the states of India, located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, popular among Russian tourists. I have already written about preparing a trip to Goa (which area to choose for a holiday, how to apply for a visa, how to choose a tour or hotel) in an article.
Here I will tell you about the features of flying to Goa, how to behave on the plane, what to do at the airport upon arrival, as well as when flying back.

Buying air tickets to Goa

As I already wrote in a previous article, direct flights to Goa from Russia are organized by tour operators. These flights are considered charter flights. Biblio-Globus organizes flights by Aeroflot's subsidiary airline Rossiya, Anex-tour by Azur Air (formerly Katekavia), Coral Travel by the airline Royal Flight. The cost of charter tickets is about 30 thousand rubles per person round trip, but on some dates it may decrease. Regular flights with transfers in various cities (Sharjah, Delhi, etc.) are also available. Please note that according to Indian law, if entry into the country was carried out on a charter flight, then the passenger can also fly back only on a charter flight.
You can find the best flight to Goa.

Which airline should you choose? It's no secret that charter flights are delayed, and this happens quite often. We flew to Russia, the delay there was 3 hours, back 1 hour, which is considered within normal limits for Goa. Here's the return flight Royal Airlines The flight, which was supposed to fly back at 6.30, was delayed first until 13.00, and then until 15.00.

As part of travel packages, a charter flight usually costs less than if purchased separately. It is more profitable for tour operators to sell a ready-made tour than just a plane ticket, since they can then offer the tourist additional services. You can select and book a ready-made tour to India.

At the departure airport in Russia

So, you have already bought a ticket or voucher, received a visa and arrived at the airport.
There are no special nuances related to the fact that you are flying to India at the departure airport. Let me just remind you that if a child flies with one of the parents, at passport control they will be asked to show a birth certificate, and if he flies without parents - notarized consent.

Don’t rush to check in warm clothes or leave them with those seeing you off. For example, during a flight to Goa, I decided to put my jacket in my luggage, since the exit number 22 was already known, and it did not involve going outside. At Vnukovo airport, if the exit has a regular number in the form of only numbers, then passengers board the plane along the ramp. And if the exit has a number with the letter A, they are taken by bus. So, just before landing, they announced that there would be a replacement plane and changed the gate number to 25A. I, like many other improvident passengers, had to go outside without a jacket. It was in December, there was a slight frost of -5 degrees. Some passengers were wearing short-sleeve T-shirts. Fortunately, I didn’t get sick, but I was a little stressed.

In airplane

The flight time to Goa directly in the sky is approximately 6.5 hours. We fly over Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan. On the plane you are fed 2 times - the first time about an hour after take-off with a hot lunch, the second time - about an hour before landing - sandwiches with tea or coffee. At night, passengers usually sleep, and the flight is quiet and peaceful. Although our neighbors at the hotel, who arrived 3 days earlier than us, were less fortunate. One of the passengers took too much and began to become rowdy. Then he felt bad. The plane made an emergency landing in Pakistan, where he received medical assistance.
On the plane, passengers are given and asked to fill out these immigration cards, which they then need to present at passport control. Cards must be filled out separately for each passenger, including children.

Arrival at Goa airport

Goa Airport is located in the small town of Dabolim. The airport is called Vasco de Gama. It is small in size and is also military.
After leaving the plane, passengers are taken by bus to the airport building for passport control. The queues at passport control are very long and move slowly. Be prepared that you will spend at least 1-2 hours in them, unless some fantastic luck occurs. At the entrance to the airport building, people are divided into 2 streams - those who applied for an electronic visa (the vast majority of them) and those who applied for a regular one.

In the same room there is a currency exchanger. Don't be fooled! The exchange rate at the airport is very unfavorable; changing it later will cost much more.

So, you received a stamp in your passport and went to the baggage claim area. Here, if you don't want to part with a few hundred rubles, don't get lost and don't let any people touch your luggage. The fact is that there are a large number of porters there who will pretend to be anyone - representatives of tour operators, disinterested assistants, they will ride your suitcase for a while, and then they will very persistently extort 500-1000 rubles for it. Just grab your suitcase and go. Here you can rent a cart completely free of charge. A representative of the tour operator is on the street immediately after leaving the airport. He will tell you the bus number and explain everything. If you do use the services of a porter, do not pay him more than 50-100 rubles. In my case, I, blinded by the Goan sun and heat, first gave 100, then, before reaching the buses, he said goodbye to me, and another representative, whom I for some reason mistook for the bus driver, quietly grabbed onto my suitcase. I also gave him 100 rubles. Then the bus driver had to pay too - that’s how they do it. On the flight back, I took the cart and drove all the porters away from it with menacing looks. And one of her compatriots, who did not expect to have to pay, was so pestered by the porter, demanding 500 rubles, that she could not get rid of him for about 10 minutes - he shouted and showed some papers. As a result, a hundred rubles still migrated to him.
And one more point that you need to pay attention to. If you bought a tour, but do not want to go to the hotel on a public bus, warn the guide about this. So you can easily earn yourself a plus in your karma. Just imagine that people who survived the flight, passport control and porters will sit on the bus for another hour and wait for passengers who left by taxi. In addition, the guide will give you a brochure with useful information and contacts of the receiving party. If you take a taxi, bargain; according to experience, the price can be reduced by almost 2 times.

Departure from Goa airport to Russia

So, you, like us, got up at 4 in the morning, got on the bus, visited a dozen hotels in the area, and arrived at the airport, ready to meet the Motherland. If you have some rupees left, when you get off the bus you can exchange them directly for rubles from the money changers running up to the bus. I didn’t find out the course, but I assume it’s unprofitable.
Since Dabolim Airport is a military airport, you must present tickets when entering it - in paper form or as a photo on your phone. The names on the tickets are checked against the names on the passports. Then, before heading to check-in, you need to stand in a separate line to check your luggage. There, only the things you check in as luggage are scanned and special stickers are placed on them. After registration, passengers go to passport control and search of hand luggage.
The airport itself, despite its small size, has enough space and seating. There are shops and cafes where you can buy coffee and sandwiches. Prices in Duty Free stores are approximately 2-3 times higher than in the city. Bargain and they will give in to you. You can bargain even when buying a sandwich, which costs about 300 rubles. Any currency is accepted - rupees, dollars, euros, rubles.

At the airport there are stands for charging electronic devices and sockets. It's free. Toilets are in reasonable condition. They are free, but there is a woman standing near the washbasins, handing over all the paper towels, asking for money. You don't have to give her anything.

And to top off our trip - farewell greetings from Goa. On the boarding gate board, after an hour delay, an inscription appeared that the plane was flying to Domodedovo (instead of Vnukovo). Considering that I, like many others, had my car left in the parking lot in Vnukovo, disappointment knew no bounds. And now on the plane - complete joy. It turns out that the Goans simply got confused, and we are flying, as expected, to Vnukovo. Here it is, simple, unexpected, but very strong happiness!
I wish you pleasant flights and a great holiday.

India is undoubtedly the most mysterious country in the world. But to see it with your own eyes, you need to get to India! Today we will touch on the burning topic of air tickets to India, what are the ways to fly there cheaply and conveniently, as well as our tricks and tips on where and how to catch low prices for flights to India.

How to get to India from Russia?

Direct flights to India

There are currently direct flights only from Moscow to Delhi. Not counting, of course, charters in Goa :) But for most travelers, it makes sense to start a trip to central and central Delhi from Delhi. northern India. Just 5-6 hours and you are already in India!

They fly there Aeroflot and AirIndia and Transaero. In general, you can choose any of these airlines, but we Lately stubbornly preferred Transaero, thanks to their pricing policy. Their ticket prices were almost 2 times lower than their competitors (Alas, this was the case until recently... added 10/05/15 )

Another advantage of Aeroflot is that it has convenient connections for those who fly to Delhi not from Moscow, but from other Russian cities. Although in this case you can choose a flight from one of the Arab airlines.

Flights to India with transfers

“Arabs” is what we call carriers that fly to almost all Asian countries, including India, with transfers to the UAE (Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah) and Qatar (Doha). These are known to everyone Etihad, Flydubai, Emirates, Airarabia, Qatar and some others. There are also Turkish Airlines(Turkish Airlines), which has flights to India with a transfer in Istanbul.

In what cases can the “Arabs” help us?

1. You prefer to fly not from Moscow, because... it’s inconvenient for you to get there, it’s far away, etc.

In this case, you can be happy, because flights to India are possible from major cities Russia, and you can choose the one that is convenient for you. By the way, the cost of these flights is often cheaper than the road to Moscow and a direct flight from there.

  • Etihad is ready to offer flights to India from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Samara, Ufa with a transfer to Abu Dhabi;
  • Flydubai flies from Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Ufa, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk via Dubai;
  • WITH Emirates you can fly to India from St. Petersburg;
  • U Qatar there are flights from large quantity cities, but they all have an additional connection in Moscow, which is not very encouraging;
  • Turkish Airlines surpassed everyone. They have the widest network of departure points from Russia. Moreover, not only cities of the European part of Russia were included here. The list is very impressive, there is Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Murmansk, Rostov, Sochi, Stavropol, Syktyvkar, Tyumen and much more. But, unfortunately, flight prices are not encouraging, to Delhi Turkish Airlines flying is frankly expensive, although in case of promotions and sales there are acceptable options.

2. You are not flying to Delhi, but to another city in India.

If your itinerary in India includes many cities, returning back to Delhi for your flight home may not be possible. the best option. Or you desperately need to go to Mumbai. Or somewhere else, but not in Delhi. This is where Arab airlines come in very handy, because they have a very wide network of departure points throughout India.

When we traveled with groups on a route that included a holiday in Varkala in southern India, returning to Delhi for a flight home was very inconvenient. And the nearest international airport is Trivandrum (or Thiruvananthapuram, if you can pronounce it :)) is only 1-1.5 hours away from Varkala. So the guys booked tickets Moscow-Delhi and back Trivandrum-Moscow. One of the advantages here is the reasonable price for the flight. The only downside is, perhaps, the connection on the Moscow-Delhi route.

Looking for cheap flights to India

How to fly away cheap to India? This question worries many travelers on a budget. Us included :) Therefore, we constantly monitor prices for air tickets to India, both for us and for our tourists. It’s most convenient to look for tickets on search engines like and, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look directly at Websites of airlines flying to India.

Based on our experience, the cheapest flights to India are here:

  1. Flydubai indispensable if you are flying to India not from Moscow, but from other Russian cities. The prices are very reasonable, but you need to book tickets quite a long time before the departure date, at least several months, and, of course, keep an eye on sales.
  2. Air arabia- a dark horse. This is a low-cost airline, and their ticket prices are set differently from other carriers. If you book with Airarabia round trip flight(and the return flight can be from any point), then a discount is given, and a significant one, sometimes tickets are 50% cheaper. Air Arabia also has the already mentioned flight Moscow-Delhi and back Trivandrum-Moscow, and the price is lower than a similar flight from the same Qatar or Etihad. Previously, Airarabia flew from different cities Russia, now - only from Moscow, after all, the crisis is having an impact, eh...
  3. Air Astana, the national carrier of Kazakhstan, has recently been pleased with low prices for flights to Delhi from different cities of Russia. Of course, the flight will have a transfer in Astana, but the connections are short in duration.
  4. Aeroflot cannot be discounted either; from time to time they have good prices for flights Moscow-Delhi.

This is what booking flights on the Airarabia website looks like

At the same time, air ticket search engines, for example, the respected one, sometimes do not take into account this Airarabia discount on a return flight at all! Therefore, the price of Airarabia air tickets in search engines can be higher than the real one. Be sure to check out the airline’s website, you can buy cheaper tickets there!

Everyone independent travelers those exploring Asian destinations should pay attention Airarabia Special attention. After all, they fly not only to India. We chose this airline for a tour to Nepal (where flights are traditionally expensive), both for ourselves and for our groups. Round trip costs less than $450, transfers are of acceptable duration. And here one way tickets from Airarabia turn out to be a little expensive, it makes more sense to buy a round-trip ticket from them.

Do you want to go to India? Join us!

For beginners, India is not an easy country. We have been bringing groups here for 3 years now. Our travels allow you to see the country from the inside and are not like ordinary ones sightseeing tours. At the same time, you will be with an experienced guide-accompany, and not left to your own devices, and you will be able to see, taste and feel the fantastically interesting India without unnecessary nerves and troubles. See the description and current schedule of upcoming tours to India

Let's fly to India cheaply: how and when to catch air tickets?

Many people try to buy tickets almost a year before departure. This rarely pays off. Yes, in the case of low-cost airlines like Airarabia and Flydubai It’s better not to delay the purchase, but you shouldn’t try to buy tickets as early as possible at any cost.

Firstly, your plans can change over many months, and tickets, especially cheap ones, can be non-refundable.

Secondly, this does not at all guarantee that you will save money, believe me. Moreover, many airlines throw away worthwhile special offers fairly short time before departure, a month or two or three. So it makes more sense to monitor the shares of airlines that fly in the desired direction.

You can subscribe to special offers on airline websites, and you can find out about new promotions on air tickets to India. on Buruki- a convenient search engine - follow this link, they constantly post interesting airline promotions, or subscribe to their newsletter and receive information about ticket sales by e-mail.

Have a good flight everyone and enjoy exploring India! Perhaps we will meet there :)

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Step-by-step instructions on how to save money on a trip to GOA, visit no less interesting places than travel agencies offer, to live in more comfortable conditions for less money.

  • Step 1. Airplane tickets Russia – India

    Charters. For those who love comfort and are willing to pay to fly directly Moscow - GOA or St. Petersburg - GOA. Most often, Transaero planes fly from Moscow to GOA, starting from October 29 and then 3 times a week. There are also flights from St. Petersburg to GOA, but less often. Ticket prices depend on the time of year and days of stay in India. Tickets can be purchased directly from the carrier, or through intermediaries (Moscow - Naren, St. Petersburg - Ayurveda). It is far from a fact that prices will be lower directly from the company, so call and find out.

    Economical option. St. Petersburg / Moscow – (Istanbul/Zurich/Doha) – Delhi \ Mumbai – GOA (Dodalim)

    Moscow – Zurich (4 hours wait) – Bombay. From 18,000 rub. It is very convenient because you can extend your stay up to six months by paying an additional 150 euros. And the service in my opinion is the best.

    Moscow – Doha (up to 12 hours of waiting) – Bombay. From 700 US dollars.

    Planes fly to Mumbai from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Helsinki. The latter option is usually 200+ euros cheaper. The minimum cost is about 420 euros round trip. All flights are direct.

    All tickets can be issued by credit/debit card directly on the company’s website, or in cash at the offices. Yes, and a piece of advice - it’s better to first call the reservation department and ask for advice on which dates will be the best cheap ticket, and websites don’t always have information about promotions

    …Prices for air travel depend on the airline, date and length of stay. The longer the stay, the closer to the New Year, the more expensive...

    • Step 2. Visa

    You can get a visa to India without any problems, within a few days. At the consulate it costs approximately 1,500 rubles for 3 months. I advise you to do it for three months…. Sometimes people here throw away their return ticket on the third day of their stay and get stuck for a much longer period than they originally intended: =)) If you are too lazy to go to the consulate yourself, fill out a huge form, collect a bunch of documents, I advise you to contact a travel agency. The following contacts have been tested multiple times:

    St. Petersburg: “Ayurveda Tour”, Ligovsky pr., 10. +7 (812) 337–5-888

    Moscow: “Ayurveda Tour”, Krasnobogatyrskaya, 72, +7 (495) 950–5-888

    • Step 3. How to get there:

      to Goa from Delhi/Bombay:

    • local flights: (cheap and not very cheap)
    • Railway:
      • Delhi - GOA:

      The only option is a plane. Since both trains and buses go to GOA for more than a day. From 6000 rupees, flight 2 hours. The first flight is at 11 am and then every hour. I can’t say for sure what to see in Delhi and where it’s best to stay, but they advised to go to the pahargani area, where you can find a bunch of inexpensive hotels and also a very cheap market with clothes.

    By the way, you can exchange currency right at the airport, there is a good exchange rate there now.

    You can buy a ticket via the Internet - which is better, you can do it upon arrival, but it will be more expensive. Prices for domestic flights here:

    You can also buy a ticket there by paying by card.

    Bombay - GOA. Airplane:

    Airplane. Price from 3000 rupees. Flight 50 minutes. The first flight is at 6.20 am and then every hour until 19:00. The price depends on the flight time and airline.

    Tickets can be purchased in advance online. You can immediately upon arrival, still at international airport. As soon as you leave passport control, there are representatives of all local airlines inside the airport. Check everyone's prices and choose! If you arrive too early and everything is still closed, you can first get to local airport(Local airlines) and buy tickets there.

    Bombay - GOA. Taxi:

    There is such a cute thing “Prepaid Taxi”. The booth is where you go, tell your destination, pay for the trip and they give you a driver with a car. Very useful - it will protect you from extortion by taxi drivers, who are very fond of scamming new people and may even take you to the wrong place. I strongly recommend using the “Prepaid Taxi” service. Any police officer will tell you the location of the booth. There are such things at all airports and railway bus stations.

    Now you have to wait for several hours. You can put your things in a storage room and travel around Bombay/Delhi by hiring a taxi or auto-rickshaw for 300 - 600 rupees for several hours. But I warn you - the shock will be such that you will immediately want to go back to Europe, since Bombay is one of the dirtiest and most impoverished cities in the world. Don’t be scared and make conclusions about India just based on your first impression. Although it may just be the other way around, after such impressions of GOA It really will seem like paradise :=). What I can’t say about Delhi is that it’s worth a visit.

    Well, you can just sleep at the airport, since the seats there are comfortable and the air conditioning is excellent.

    Bombay - GOA. Bus:

    Bus. 12–15 hours. From 300 to 1000 rupees. 300 is a seated bus without air conditioning, from 700 is a slip bus with air conditioning, where there are shelves, like in a train. There are a whole bunch of buses and companies, they all leave in the late afternoon and travel all night. There are also several departure locations; you need to check with the carrier company by phone. Again, I strongly advise you to buy tickets only in advance, via the Internet. The comfort is relative, it’s especially hard right after the flight, but it’s cheap. You arrive in Mapusa, where all the guest houses and hotels in North Goa are just a stone's throw away.

    Bombay - GOA. Train:

    Train. 12–15 hours. From 400 to 1500 rupees depending on the class. Departure location: CST (Shiva Kashi Terminal) or VT (Viktoria Terminal). The comfort of the trip is not much different from Russian trains, and in some respects even better. I strongly recommend going by train only if you can buy a ticket in advance via the Internet, since when you arrive at the station they may easily not be available, and you will have to spend the night in a hotel in Bombay for at least 1000 rupees per night. The station where you need to get off is called Tivim, but you need to buy a ticket to Madgaon (the final station in South Goa), since the computer does not show intermediate stations.

    Classes of Indian trains (from expensive to cheap):

    You can go either way, from my own experience I can say that they are practically no different from each other and, in principle, it doesn’t matter. There is only one global difference - there is no air conditioning in the Sleeper class. Well, advice - be careful with things, because, just like Russian trains, they are sometimes stolen.

    • For those who were stuck in Bombay

    Here are some contacts of hotels where you can spend the night inexpensively.

    Lots of inexpensive hotels, right next to each other, in the Regal Cinema area, next to the Sport Bar.

    The conditions are so-so, but it’s clean and in general you can sleep and take a shower. The price varies from 700 to 2000 rupees per room per day, and please note that they usually have check out at 12 noon, so if you haven’t checked out at this time, they will charge you for two days. They are located in the center of Bombay, which is about 1.5 - 2 hours drive from the airport (approximately 400-500 rupees), and 10-15 minutes (100-150 rupees) to the station and bus.

    You can get around by taxi - there are a lot of old black cars, or by auto-rickshaw, which is a little cheaper.

    What to see in Bombay? Well, for example Gate of India, from where you can walk on foot through very nice and clean streets with a bunch of shops and restaurants.

    • Step 4. You are in GOA!!! Housing:

    So, congratulations, you are there - at Dobalim airport (Goa) / railway station Tivim/bus station in Mapusa. We look for “Prepaid Taxi” and name the destination.

    You can find accommodation yourself by asking the taxi driver to drop you off at any guest house. Pay in the first place you come across for 2-3 days of accommodation, and during this time you will get the hang of it a little and look for what you like on your own. Be prepared for the fact that during these 2-3 days you will pay a price “slightly” higher than the real one, you will remain a “white rabbit” for a little longer: =))

    And of course, during the season many sweet spots are packed and you have to be content with what you can find. You might get lucky, or you might not.

    I will describe a little the features of local housing.

    Accommodation prices depend on the length of stay and season. A discount on housing is usually provided for stays of more than 2 weeks.

    Factors influencing the price of a rented home:

    • Length of stay (discount from 2 weeks)
    • Month of residence – “hot” season under New Year– prices jump 3 times and there are practically no free places anywhere. November, December, January - prices are 1.5 - 2 times higher than in other months.
    • Air conditioner
    • Room cleaning
    • Wash
    • Availability of bed linen and towels
    • TV
    • Room service - tea and breakfast in the room upon call
    • Proximity to the beach
    • Security
    • Pool
    • Type of occupant
    • Geographical location (cheaper to the North)

    Bungalow. Small houses, usually on the shore, made of palm branches or other lightweight materials. The house has a bed, a shower - usually with cold water, and a toilet.

    Guest House. Small 1-2 storey houses with several apartments. Guest House includes a kitchen (not always with dishes), a living room with all the necessary furniture, a shower (not always with hot water). Towels and bed linen - again, not always. Services - room cleaning and laundry are negotiated for a separate fee.

    Resort. The most comfortable living conditions. Necessarily present - daily cleaning of rooms, change of bed linen and towels, room service - breakfast in bed:=)), security, swimming pool.

    A private house.

    I hope that after these instructions, it will be much easier for you to adapt and settle in Goa)

How to get to Goa: by plane, train, bus or car. Current prices, useful tips, all the nuances and details of the route to Goa from “Subtleties of Tourism”.

  • Last minute tours Worldwide

India is not the place where people go to relax as a “vegetable” - lying on the beaches and drinking cocktails. There is a lot to marvel at and why stay. If your vacation is no more than two weeks, the best way to save time is to take a direct flight to Goa. But there are plenty of other options. Tourists often choose a slightly more time-consuming, but much more picturesque route through Delhi and Mumbai: there by plane, and then by train or taxi.

And a very extreme, but quite feasible option is to spend several weeks (or even months) on the road and get to Goa by land, visiting Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Iran, and Pakistan at the same time.

By air

By taxi

This travel option is convenient if you are traveling in a large group and want to get to your destination among “your people” and in comfort. A taxi ride from Mumbai to Goa will take 8-12 hours and will cost from 10,000 INR. Iron rules when dealing with a taxi driver in India:

  • negotiate the price in advance and do not give money up front;
  • indicate your destination, arrival time and the fact that you will not pay extra money if the driver gets lost;
  • Find out if you will have to pay for luggage separately.

Theoretically, you can also get to Goa from Delhi by taxi, but this method of transportation, to put it mildly, is not very popular among tourists. A trip of almost 2 thousand km will not only tire you, but will also cost a serious amount of money. Moreover, the driver may demand payment for his stay at the hotel.

By rented car

This option, judging by the reviews of tourists, is almost never practiced. The fact is that if you rent a car in Mumbai, you will have to return it there. It is inconvenient to constantly travel by car in Goa due to the chaos on the roads, there is almost no parking there, and besides, the car may simply break down, which will create difficulties when returning it to the agency.


First, decide for yourself whether you really want to go to India? If you are a fan of all-inclusive holidays, then this is definitely not the place for you. And the level of service in most Indian hotels (except perhaps a small handful of five-star hotels) is frankly lame. But if you want to plunge into the unique culture of this country, learn about ten million gods, visit ancient temples, see the famous Goan sunsets - pack your bags and fly!

To make your life easier, you can buy a ticket from a travel agency. The package includes flights, transfers, accommodation and meals at the selected hotel. All you have to do is decide whether you will go to the north of Goa - where there are many discos, bars and budget hotels, or to the south, where hotels are more expensive and it’s quieter. When choosing a hotel, please note that in India almost all beaches are public; only a couple or three hotels located at a great distance from civilization have their own. There is no point in choosing all-inclusive meals. Firstly, there is very specific food there, which you may not like, and secondly, having lunch or dinner in a restaurant on the shore (the so-called neck) costs absolutely nothing - 80-300 rubles per person, including alcohol.

If you are not looking for easy ways and want to save money, you can organize a vacation. To do this, you will need to buy a ticket and book a hotel or apartment. There are several air carriers in Russia that operate direct flights to Goa. Aeroflot flies on a regular basis, Transaero and several other smaller airlines have charters. The cost of the flight is from 20,000 rubles and above. Consider purchasing your ticket in advance. Major carriers often have sales, and flights on certain dates are sold at a huge discount. This will significantly reduce your vacation costs.

Purchasing a ticket from foreign airlines will allow you to reduce your flight costs even more. But in this case there are no direct flights; you will have to make a transfer. Etihad Airways (transfer in Doha), Emirates (Dubai), Qatar Airways (Doha) will take you to Mumbai or Delhi, from where you will travel to Goa on local airlines or by taxi. Ticket prices are from $150 and above + transfer to the hotel ($100-200 round trip).

Choose any flight option and go to Goa! Believe me, you will remember this trip for the rest of your life. And even though the Indian streets are not very clean and the bed linen in the room is changed once a week, all this will be covered by the fountain of impressions from the beauty of waterfalls, Hindu temples, Portuguese forts that you can see in this country. And, of course, the ocean, plunging into the warm and gentle waters of which you will forget about all your problems. Good luck to you and have a nice rest!

Video on the topic


When you obtain a visa yourself at the embassy, ​​you will be asked for proof of a hotel reservation. Book your hotel online and print out the confirmation email sent to you. Remember that if you wish, your reservation can be canceled within 10 days without penalty.

Helpful advice

Buy tickets in advance - this will significantly reduce the cost of the flight.
Keep an eye on airline promotions.
Children under 2 years old do not need a ticket, you only pay boarding pass.


India is a mysterious, mystical Asian magnet. We bring to your attention the answers to the most important questions when preparing to travel to this country. They will help you plan your trip and spend an unforgettable time without much hassle.


Why go?

Decide for what purpose you want to visit the country. First of all, India attracts tourists who want to enrich their own spiritual life. People come to this country in search of the meaning of life, hoping to gain new knowledge from teachers in Ashrams (a place for meditation, prayer and self-knowledge). On the other hand, many vacationers are attracted to Goa, a state that is one of the best Asian resorts.

How to get to India?

Select an airline. Airplanes from Aeroflot (flights from Moscow), Air India, Turkmenistan Airlines (Turkmen Airlines), Qatar Airways (Qatar Airlines), Kyiv Airlines, Emirates, Etihad Airways fly to this country " Non-stop flights are operated only by Aeroflot (6 flights per week to Delhi and 3 to Bombay). From the point of view of saving money, it is most profitable to travel with Turkmenistan Airlines, which is now developed at the European level. Flight cost from 15,000 rubles. up to 24,000 rub.

Do you need a visa?

Resolve your visa issue. India is a visa country. You can obtain a visa yourself by contacting the Indian Visa Center (IVSC) in Moscow. To obtain a visa, the following documents are required: a valid passport and its copy, 2 photographs 3.5x4.5 according to the requirements posted on the website, copy of Russian passport, completed questionnaire, declaration, copy of round-trip air ticket, voucher for hotel accommodation in India. Visa processing takes 5-7 working days for Russians. In special cases, the embassy may invite you for an interview. Most travel agencies will help you not only obtain a visa, but also book a hotel.

What types of hotels are there?

Select your place of residence. Hotels in India are varied. These are luxurious 5-star hotels such as Sheraton and Taj (an average room per day costs from $300), and average 3-4* (from $100 per day), and economical 2* (from $60 per day), and cheap non-star (from 50 rupees per day). Moreover, prices are significantly reduced if the room is booked in advance.

What to see and how much will the trip cost?

Make a plan for cultural events and sightseeing. Of course, first of all, this is the “Golden Triangle”: Delhi-Agra-Jaipur, tours from $420. Trip to the Ashram: Ashram in Delhi (Sri Aurobindo Ashram), accommodation from 10 to 65 rupees per day or Ashram in Bombay (Sathya Sai Baba Ashram “Dharmakshetra”). In total, taking into account flights, hotel costs and excursion programs, for a two-week trip you will need about $1000.

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