The city of refuge is a city of violent asses. Refuge City - City of Violent Ass Where to find a wrench in fallout 2

When creating a character, I recommend creating a highly specialized one, for example, a warrior, a thief, a diplomat, a scientist... A character that is too average is a bad choice, he will always be missing something, while a specialist, by the end of the game, will be able to resolve all issues by force.

1. Arroyo

The first test is more of a training session than a real test. Tactics hit&run (hit and run) is universal for clearing the temple from aggressive inhabitants. You should carefully search all the corpses and boxes - everything will be useful in the village. The fight is also quite simple - if you can’t handle it, you can put objects on the floor and pick them up during the fight, thereby providing yourself with some advantage. A diplomat character can avoid the fight altogether by persuading him to part ways with the world.

In the center of the village, having received a task from the elder, you can complete quests and practice hand-to-hand combat and use of melee weapons. What should be done right away is to upgrade the spear from Minoka. The most profitable and simplest option is without starting a dialogue with Morlis, activate barter exchange the stone for a scorpion tail. You can also rummage through Morlis in the tent - there are 100 coins. Geckos live in the hunting grounds - they can be eliminated using the help of a freed dog. There are also components for potions and stimpaks. Three bags of healing potions can be obtained from a shaman for completing a quest to weed his garden of carnivorous plants.


A small town, most of whose inhabitants make their living by hunting lizards.

When you arrive in the city, search the chests, drawers and shelves in all the houses. You'll find a small arms magazine and still enough junk to trade for leather armor, which you'll probably need. In an abandoned shop Vika(you will recognize it by the sign) there is a single-shot self-propelled gun, a broken radio and several flasks from Vault 13. It is very advisable to take the radio with you - you will still need it.

At the entrance to the city, on the corner near the pub Buckners, a local drunk is hanging around. Give him five coins for a drink, and you can ask him about Klamath, and at the same time receive the “sympathy” of the local residents for his generosity. By the way, he has a Molotov cocktail in his inventory - is he really drinking it?! In the tavern "Golden Lizard" a guy named hangs out John Sullivan. Talk to him, and he will offer to teach you hand-to-hand combat, as well as melee weapons (+150 exp. and 10% to both skills) for free. The tavern owner always has something “expensive and pre-war” on sale - either anti-radiation drugs, or pistols and cartridges for them. However, he doesn’t sell such things to just anyone - therefore, during the conversation, you should make a subtle hint about his “special sources”, and if the guy pretends not to understand, say that “he can give a real price for them” - it should work.

In addition to two taverns, the town has a butcher shop Danton brothers(fair crooks) and their sister's brothel Sally.

In the pub Buckners you will find a savage named Sulik. Slavers kidnapped his sister, and he came to Klamath to look for her, but could not find her. Vika, got drunk out of grief and started a pogrom. Now he must work out 350 coins - a hefty sum by local standards. If you talk to Maydoy Buckner and pay for Sulika, then he will be able to join you. The companion is not bad - quite tenacious, can carry a sufficient amount of cargo and is fluent in any melee weapon. However, it is better not to pay for it yet - soon you will have the opportunity to release it for free.

There was someone nearby behind the counter Whiskey Bob. He's broke right now, so give him some change for a drink. For this, the man will offer you a job - you need to throw some firewood into his moonshine still outside the city. Pays 50 coins, but if you haggle, you can get more. Go south to the trapper's pen. That's where the hut is located Boba, however, the path to it is blocked by several hungry lizards. You can sneak past them, you can kill them - it doesn’t matter. Go inside, throw some wood into the still (+100 exp.) and come back. After that you can go for your reward to Whiskey for Bob, or you can come to the owner "Golden Lizard" and in response to his questions, tell where the moonshine still is located. He will give 50 coins, and your karma will decrease by 15 units - this bartender has connections with alcohol dealers from Den, and he is interested in destroying the still. It is clear that Bean after this he will be furious and will not pay you anything...

Near the pub Buckners There's another guy hanging around - his name is Torr, he is the son Mrs. Buckner, a little touched. The poor guy is scared that the “bug people” are stealing Brahmins at night, and asks for help. Well, take him out to pasture. If you kill all the scorpions there, then after leaving the location you will receive experience points for saving the Brahmins and karma (+ 250 exp., +50 karma). But did you notice in the pasture Danton brothers? If you, without killing all the scorpions (!), talk to them and if they are not embarrassed by your good reputation, then they will ask you to help them drive away the Brahmins. You can even agree with them in advance - when the brothers come in the evening "Golden Lizard", invite them to compete - winning will increase your chances of getting this job. In this case, there is even an opportunity, by coming with them to the pasture, to dissuade them from stealing brahmins (+50 karma). Then then kill all the scorpions, be sure to talk to Torr and you can leave - the quest to protect the Brahmins is considered completed, karma and experience are included.

But let's say you still decide to steal the Brahmins. Scorpios are alive, and you are wondering what to do with them Torr, who guards the Brahmins. Idea! Come to Torru and tell him that you saw the bug people “over there” and you will guard the cattle while he runs for help. Torr runs away (-10 karma), and your Brahmins - approach Dantons and receive a reward, experience and another minus in karma (+150 experience, -50 karma). That's it, you can return to the city. Mrs. Buckner will complain that Torr has disappeared somewhere. It turns out that after you stole the Brahmins from him, this eccentric ran away to the canyon in the northwest. At the entrance to the location you will be greeted by a broken robot - finish it off, avoiding close contacts. In the depths of the canyon lies a crashed helicopter, and a completely distraught man wanders around it. Torr, who was scared to death of the robot. Grab it Torra with you and return (+200 exp., +50 karma) After talking with Mrs. Buckner you can take some money or ask them to free Sulik, then your karma will increase again (+75 units). And in general, it’s more profitable than paying the full amount for it.

There is another problem - trappers in the western part of the Klamath are suffering from rat infestations. Head there. In one of the buildings you will find a lonely man named Slim Picket. You can talk to him and he will tell you a lot of interesting things. Ask him for the key to the door leading to the abandoned part of the city. Tell him that you want to deal with rodents - then he will not refuse you. The key can also be obtained in another way - by feeding the dog in the eastern part of Klamath. You can do without this key altogether - break down a locked door, blow it up, or simply pick the lock.

In the abandoned quarter you will see an outbuilding with "GUNS" written on the wall. No, there will be no weapons there, but in the boxes there will be two pairs of boots and a handful of cartridges. You'll probably find both useful.

The rooms opposite are full of rats. Killing the rats that get in your way, go through all the rooms and find yourself near the hatch leading down. Aha, already something interesting! Come down.

You find yourself in a dungeon of unknown purpose - previously there was either a bomb shelter, or a warehouse, or some kind of factory. The empty barrels with radiation signs standing here and there are suggestive. There is no need to worry - if there was once radiation here, then everything has already evaporated. But you come across rats at every step... Methodically clear the corridors of them until you find yourself in front of the next hatch. Go down further. Here you will meet larger specimens of rats, and delving deeper into the dungeon, you will stumble upon a huge pink rodent - the king of rats. Defeating him is not so difficult: although he is tenacious and can bite very hard, this creature, like all rats, is sensitive to blows to the eyes and head. When you kill, you will receive 300 exp. for completing the quest. In one of the corridors lies the eaten body of a trapper - you will find a 10 mm pistol in his pockets! Then look for the second staircase up - it will lead you to the third part of the dungeon. Kill two grizzly moles there (these are the largest rodents) and all the remaining rats, and then pick up pliers from the floor in one place (they are quite helpful in repairs). The path to the last staircase will be blocked by a locked door. It is difficult to break into, but on the shelf nearby there is dynamite, which can easily be used to blow it up. That's it, get out into the fresh air.

In front of you is a completely fenced off block. Nearby you will find an old car on blocks. Pull out the fuel controller from the back seat - you will really need this part later. That's all, you can return the same way to the inhabited part of the city...

Talk with Ardyn Buckner, and find out that the trapper has disappeared Smiley. She will give you the coordinates "Poison Caves" (Toxic Caverns), where he went to discover the lair of the golden lizards. Leave the city and head there. These caves are full of lizards, mostly gold - rather unpleasant opponents at the beginning of the game. Be careful, their bites can also cause minor radiation exposure! You will often come across acidic puddles on your way - if you have rubber boots in your inventory, then you can safely walk through these puddles. However, be careful: the boots may eventually dissolve!

Not far from the entrance to the cave there is a closet in which you can find another pair of boots and other things. When you clear the top floor, go down and move on. Eventually you will find another room, in which sits Smiley. Radom - a cabinet in which there is a certain amount of anti-radiation drugs. There is a broken generator in the room that powers the elevator winch. It can be repaired, but the elevator door is still locked and can only be opened with an electronic master key, which usually appears towards the end of the game. The elevator leads to the lower floor, where a robot guard with a rocket launcher stands alone and there are many boxes with useful things. One way or another, rise with Smiley up. At the entrance to the cave, he will say goodbye to you and offer to get to Klamath separately, and your quest is considered completed (+1000 exp.). Before this, you can, if you want, either steal his fourth pair of rubber boots, or exchange it for one coin (they are worth nothing).

Back in Klamath, talk to Smiley. In gratitude for his salvation, he will teach you how to skin lizards (this is the Furrier perk, or Gecko Skinning). Ardyn Buckner will offer you a small reward, but if you have not yet released Sulika, then this is another chance to do it for free. That, in general, is all the quests in the city. If you have a good time in a brothel Jenny, there is a possibility that you will receive carmic trait "Gigolo" ("Gigolo" or "Sexpert"). It only affects what prostitutes say after you sleep with them.

Jenny can also tell you where the other nearest city is - Dan, or, as it is also called, “Yama”. Dantonov brothers you can kill with complete impunity, for this they will even increase your karma by 10 units, but only, of course, if you don’t touch anyone else.

Finally, there are four magazines in the city "Cat's Paw". One is in the toilet in the northwest, the other can be bought from Dantonov or remove it from their corpses, the third - steal from one of the prostitutes, and the fourth lies in the closet, in the locked room of Dantonov. The door there is very difficult to break into, it’s easier to knock it down or blow it up. You will still need these magazines, like many other things. Well, that's all - let's move on!

3. Den

A nest of laborers and the dregs of society. Although a very interesting place after Arroyo...

Having learned from Sulik about Vik’s disappearance and his possible whereabouts, go to Den. At the entrance to the city there are local stalls and attractions indicated. When shopping, be careful - local children steal as a living. If something is stolen from you, you should immediately use the “steal” skill on the offender - he will not attack.

After completing Becky Dyer's quest to extract money from the junkie, she will ask you to find the book “Lavender Flower”. You don't need to search for long - she's in the cemetery. Medal for Anna - Joy has a ghost, Mom will tell you about it. Buy the medallion from Joy, scaring him with the prospect of eternal haunting by Anna's ghost. If you are still a girl, then practice on Joy - will you get the Sexpert perk? After Anna turns into a pile of bones, take them to the cemetery and bury them in her grave. You will be informed that Anna's spirit has calmed down.

Mom will ask you to take the food to Smitty. Ask him about Highwayman. You don’t have to look for the controller in Den - you’ll come across it later. Talk to Metzger about Vic. Give Vic the broken radio. Will you buy Vic for 1000 coins, or 500 if you are her? Complete Laura's quests. Then get permission from Metzger to sort out the relationship between the gangs. Help Laura and sell the trophies.

If you have enough money, buy a Magnum revolver - a very useful thing.

In Mom's cafe, it is also worth talking to the drunkard sitting at the far table - this is Karl. Ask him about what happened to him - this information will be useful to you. You can also ask girls in cafes and bars - they will tell interesting stories.

If you don't care about karma, go rummage through the cemetery and join the guild of workers. To end the slave trade in Den, kill Metzger and his gang. To do this, you can first lock the doors in his building using the hacking skill.


On your way to Vault City, you will encounter the farming town of Modoc, devastated by drought.

The main quest here is to establish Modoc's relationship with the inhabitants of the Ghost Farm. To do this, talk to Joe, he will tell you where the farm is and ask you to find out what is happening there. After talking with the slugs (farm residents) and examining the dummies of corpses on stakes, you can return to this. This is where Karl’s story will come in handy. Find out from Balthus about his missing son Johnny and head to the slugs. Johnny plays with children near an underground reservoir. Inform the slug leader about Modok's agreement to cooperate and ask about Johnny. Return to Modoc to receive your reward - an upgraded leather jacket.

The watch is in the latrine. Go downstairs with dynamite? Set the timer for 1 minute and get out of there! After contemplating the picturesque fallen organic mud, climb up again. Kill the rat and take the watch.

You shouldn’t go to a fenced house in the north - the owners will be against it, and besides an evil female deathclaw, nothing awaits you there... Also, you shouldn’t pick up coins in the well - this will have a bad effect on your karma. If you have enough skill, heal the Brahmin's leg. What to do with it - decide for yourself. In Grisham's house you can take on a quest to repel the attack of wild dogs on the Brahmins.

Here you can also find a spouse. Cough cough.

5. City of Vault

The historical homeland of the Master. A closed community with very fascist views.

You can get into Vault City by obtaining a fake citizen ID or a day pass. You can obtain citizenship either by passing a test at the consulate, or by completing the main quest - saving the city from radioactive contamination. Vic will point you to the hut of the junk dealer who sold him your flask. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember anything. A boy, Curtis, is standing near the bar - he is looking for the missing doll of President Nixon - it is around the corner from Cassidy's bar. After overhearing the boy's conversation with the doll, take the wrench from the pile of stones near the bar.

At the bar at the entrance to the inner city, agree to get real alcohol - if you don’t have it with you, bring it later. Taking Vik with you, go to Valerie - she is a mechanic and his daughter. After listening to their conversation, contact Valerie - she will ask you to get the tools. You already have them - a wrench and a set of tools. Visit her after your first trip to Gekko. Don’t try to go into the city’s shelter without real citizenship - they’ll give you a pill. You can beg a couple of books from the librarian by complaining that soon there will be no books left.

Ask Consul Gregory McClure about the problem with Gekko and agree to help. Now head to Gekko and talk to Harold. Don't try to make comments about him appearance- He will be offended. Harold will tell you that for the power plant to work properly, you need a Magnetospheric Regulator (Why isn't it painted! Hehe). Return to Gregory and tell him about this - he will give you permission to obtain the regulator from the warehouse. Visit Valerie - she should receive several sets of tools. If you don’t come, wait a day; if you come, ask for one – it will come in handy. Complete the quests of the residents of the outer city - buy a new plow for Smith, give Rad-Avey to the vomiting Charlie, free Joshua and persuade Cassidy to travel with you.

After completing the quest with Gekko and becoming a citizen, visit the first citizen Linnet. She will tell you a lot. You can also now visit the shelter.

On the ground floor, you can get Vault City medical training from Doctor Troy if the doctor’s skill is more than 80. From the computer near the door to his office, if you have medical knowledge, you can learn about the technology of protective implants. If you have a strength of more than 8, you can profit from junk on the second floor. As a last resort, take Buffout. A grinding sound is heard from the ventilation grille - someone was snooping around with Fusion Power Cells. Don't sell them - they're a source of power for Highwayman. Download useful information from the computer on the third floor.

You can complete the security chief's quest to scout the area around Gekko. Repair Auto Doc in the suburbs using a tool kit. In the center of the city there is a guy yelling all sorts of nonsense. If you agree with him, he will ask you to take the suitcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno.

6. Gekko

A city inhabited by peaceful undead. The main local attraction is the nuclear power plant.

Returning with the Magnetospheric Regulator to Gekko, go repair the power plant. To access the main reactor you will need yellow and red key cards - they can be found in the cabinets. From the reactor terminal you can contact the Enclave and tease the assholes.

Insert the regulator into the panel (corresponding menu function). To successfully activate the repair program, you must enter this sequence of commands: 2 4 1 3 5 If the commands are entered correctly, then after the robot completes the program, two more items will appear in the menu: install the regulator and turn off the cooling system. Add the controller installation command and run the program again. Having adjusted the operation of the reactor, you need to take on the task of optimizing its operation. To do this, go down into the dungeon under the unfinished power unit in the northwestern part of the city and talk to the rat that looks like the rat king from Clamet. Rat will give you a tape with data for optimization.

Return to Gregory and obtain citizenship, then go down to the shelter and use the main computer to optimize the data on the disk. Take the Tool Kit from Valerie if you haven't already. Now return to the power plant and copy the data into the reactor terminal. Talk to Skeeter - the mechanic will exchange tools for a fuel battery controller. You must have at least 2500 bucks to install a controller and economizer on Highwayman. Get Skeeter the plasma regulator from the warehouse at the station - Harold has permission in the box.

After talking with Lemmy, take him to your team if his charisma allows. Percy is a very generous merchant - you can buy the FN-FAL rifle from him cheaply and, if your charisma allows, upgrade it for free from Skeeter. Agree to help Percy find his friend in the Den and return to the Den.

7. Redding

Mining town - gold is mined here. A bone of contention between major cities.

Having bought Highwayman and freed (the same mummy of Ananius), go to Redding. Here you will learn about the confrontation major cities for the right to own gold-bearing mines. If the level allows, complete the tasks of the sheriff or get the chip for the excavator from the mines inhabited by aliens. It is better to get there from the cemetery or through a well near the house. The same way you end up in a locked casino room. Be careful - the gray alien is a female. She is very dangerous, just like the female Deathclaw.

Give the chip to someone whose ideology you prefer. Having completed the sheriff's last task to eliminate the head of the local gang, you will receive from him a sheriff's badge, his duties and a warning about the other, older Morton brothers. Talk to the local doctor Johnson, he will tell you about the dependence of most miners on the jet. This can be reported to Councilor Gregory McClure and Doctor Troy in Vault City. For this purpose, take a sample of the jet with you.

Dr. Troy will investigate the jet and create an antidote. Take a sample of the antidote to Johnson Redding at the dock. You can overhear a conversation between the doc and the idiot he sheltered - very funny. In the center of the city, a little boy will talk about how his father Melchior, a magician and miner, was taken by the iron men. It was the Enclave who recruited miners to work at the Mariposa military base. Later you will meet him - he has changed a lot.

Now you can go to New Reno or Broken Hills.

8. New Reno

A city that specializes in entertaining its visitors and extracting money from them. Controlled by the mafia.

Talk to the jet dealer at the entrance - he will tell you a lot. In addition, the alcoholic priest will pour out his soul and leak information to you for a bottle of beer. Eldridge will offer you a Vault-Tec voice module for 3,000 coins. Buy it - you will need it. Here you can also become a boxing champion and a porn star with the appropriate, um, skills. This guarantees you the respect of the locals.

First, complete the quests of the Mordino and Salvatore families.

In the Stables you will meet Myron - a cynical asshole with a big ego. Nevertheless, he is useful - he can make stimpaks and an antidote. In order for him to learn how to do super-stimpaks, he needs to grow in level. At Golgotha, make Lloyd dig up the cache and when he comes down, climb after him. He will attack you, and you will kill him. You can dig up a corpse from a grave from where the rustling sound is heard. The poison cylinder for Salvatore is in the basement of the Desperado club, in the same place as Lloyd.

After completing the task of B. Jesus Mordino to eliminate the head of Salvatore, do not return to him. If you suddenly want to kill all the Salvatores, then at Mason you will find fashionable glasses - they say they increase charisma. They can also be stolen. M. Yesus has a unique knife - it’s a little cooler than a regular army knife. Returning to the main street and discovering the absence of a car, shake Jules. Intimidate him until he says that Highwayman was hijacked and shows where. DETERMINE all the assholes who dare to steal YOUR Highwayman and take it away.

Then you should take on the quests of the Wright family. Talk to the older brother Wright at the railway station and he will give you his recommendation. Father Wright will give you the task of finding his son's killer. In order to find the main evidence - a jet canister with poison, you need to ask his brother, who is guarding his father’s office, about the room, where he lies behind the cabinet. Ask drug dealer Jimmy G about the canister and he'll point you to Renesco the Rocketeer. Renesko lives in the Trade Quarter, in the same place as Eldridge the gunsmith. Renesco will cry to you that he was forced to make Salvatore's poisoned jet. Report Salvatore to Wright, it's better not to talk about Renesco. He, in turn, will cry that he has nothing to fight with Salvatore, and will invite you to explore the Sierra military base in the northwest of New Reno. Agree and receive a reward and a special set in the Eldridge store, becoming a member of the Wright family. Eldridge will also give you the task of finding a sample laser weapon for him.

If you have an electronic master key, or a high hacking skill, feel free to go to the Sierra base. In any case, it’s worth shooting the turrets with something long-range and collecting weapons from the corpses of unlucky marauders.

In the Bishop family's Shark club, in the room near the stairs to John B.'s office there is a lot of useful stuff, and in the billiard table there is a magical and no less billiard ball. Rumor has it that with high luck this thing can be very useful...

You will also meet Bishop's wife and daughter Angela. The wife is bisexual. If you manage to treat them thoroughly (there are special perks for this), then before you fall asleep they will tell you a lot of things. The safes contain useful things: cosmetics, for example - they also say it increases charisma in women, but the most useful one is in John B.'s room - a map of the raiders (not to be confused with the map of the rangers) It will help you safely get into their lair in the east. The main thing is to carefully pick the lock on the safe and disarm the traps...

9. Broken Hills

Brocken Hills is a peaceful community of undead, humans and mutants who, despite their differences, try to live in peace. However, they are full of opponents - both external and internal.

If you drive into the city by car, you will run over a dead man. Luckily he won't be hurt too much. Complaining about the lack of road signs in the desert, he will talk about the time when he was hit by a truck with New York Cola and overturned (special encounter from Fallout1)

Talk to the doctor and listen to his story, after which he will treat you for free.

If you hate super mutants, complete Jacob's tasks - his pharmacy is behind the dock's house. Sheriff Marcus, a super mutant and one of the founders of the city, will give you the task of finding missing people - they are in the far corner of a dungeon with ants. Report this to Makus. Next, he will ask you to repair the air purifier in the uranium mine. Talk about this with Zaius the mutant mine manager, and he will send you to Renesco in New Reno, giving the appropriate instructions. Having brought it, you will have to install it. If you don't have Energy Armor, you'll need stimpaks - you won't be able to breathe in the mines. Zayus will give you a Combat Shotgun as a reward.

After repairing the mine, Marcus will agree to join you. If you go through the wall to the right of the mine entrance, you will meet a sleeping pilot who is well preserved. Next to him is a box containing uranium ore. Take the ore to the refinery - they will agree to clean it for 1000 coins. Come back a day later and they will offer you 1500 coins for leaving the uranium. Why do you need uranium? Better take the money! In the eastern part of the city there lives a stinking subject - this is evidenced by the many flies near his house. He will ask you to connect his house to the power grid so he can take a shower. Do it yourself, or persuade the dead man at the power station. In the garden bed near the hatch in the ants' dungeon there grows a talking plant, which will ask you to help it (you need a shovel), in gratitude it will tell you how to defeat the scorpion chess player.

In the house near which it will ask you to plant it, there lives a ghoul, he will promise to tell you about the treasure in exchange for some things - all this is in the city center, you just need to look. With the long-awaited information about the treasure, head to the well in the center. The treasure will be dropped by you to the bottom. Then contact treasure hunter Mickey, and he will agree to go down. However, this is a terrible fake - the bag will contain 10,000 bottle caps, long out of use. Being very upset by this circumstance, you will forget to pull Mickey out of the well.


If you complete the task of the chief of security of Vault City to reconnoiter the road to NKR, you will encounter a raider camp along the way. There are two ways to get there. One is through a cave with traps, the other is through a secret passage. The safe can be opened by collecting all the captain's tags in your inventory. Be careful, the safe is mined!

11.Sierra Outpost

One of the abandoned military bases.

To destroy the gate to the base, you will need a howitzer standing in the hangar. The shell for her is in a locked shed with an electronic lock. If you turn off the power plant, the power of the fields inside the base will drop.

Once inside, enter into the terminal the password written down on the table. On the top floor, find Corporal Dixon's eyeball, or open the door to the freight elevator. In one of the lockers there is Combat Armor. All shields can be turned off using a set of tools, but be careful - an unsuccessful attempt will lead to the activation of security robots. On the second floor there are many more useful ones, including a bitten cookie, which can be eaten before the fight with Horrigan - temporarily increases the number of action points by one. You can turn off the voltage supplied to the floor in the corridor leading to the armory from the terminal in the southeast corner of the room.

Don't go to the northern part - there are a lot of traps and nothing there. On the third floor, find the eye of General Clifton - he had access to the fourth level. Receive a task from Skynet. There are traps in the corridor to the biostorage on the fourth floor. To remove a cyberbrain, you need a science skill of more than 100. You can also remove the brain from any partner using an extractor and become like the local fascist scientist, whose diaries you will find in the office with the extractor terminal. However, what Skynet needs is a cyberbrain. By the way, the brains of prisoners of war were used for robots with brains...

After receiving the brain, return to the first floor and activate the alarm by rummaging through the retinal scanner. Remove the motivator from the dead robotic brain and go down to the third floor. Use all three components: biomed gel, motivator and brain on a broken robot. Launch the Activation program - now you can take him to the team.

With a report on the successful penetration into the base, return to the Wrights.

12. NKR

The New California Republic is a powerful alliance that includes several large and many smaller cities and has good relations with the Brotherhood of Steel. Once a small settlement called Shady Sands, organized by people from the fifteenth shelter, NKR is now a force to be reckoned with.

At the entrance you will see the tent of an arms dealer; he has a Gauss rifle and other useful things. People in cages are slaves. Rangers based in a garage in the central part of the city will ask you to free them, after which they will accept you into their ranks. If you are a laborer, it is better to stay away from them. Next to the garage there is a substation, a girl with a robot will ask you to stop the crazy cop Jack. Let it explode - the system is easy to fix. After successful repairs, the girl will give you some books.

Ask the doctor about his experiments - he will give you a serum that he developed in order to reverse the mutation process in super mutants. Try it on a mutant - is the effect amazing? Return to the doc with the report and he will give you his cyberdog. Ask the sheriff about work in the city. At the Westin Ranch, you can receive a task to find out the reason for the disappearance of the Brahmins. After standing and guarding them, you will see two talking deathclaws, who will leave when they see you. If you manage to follow them, you will go straight to shelter 13.

President Tandi will tell you about the Vault Dweller and give you the task of finding certain electronic devices in Vault 15, simultaneously dealing with the raiders.

13. Vault 15

Here lives a gang founded by the only raider who survived the liberation of Tandi 80 years ago. At the top there is a small settlement that supplies the raiders with recruits and serves as cover for them.

One of the residents of the settlement at the top, Rebecca, will ask you to find her daughter Chris. Follow the path to the northeast, tell the woman guarding the passage that the girl’s life depends on this and she will let you through. Kill the raiders guarding Chris and free her. There is a trap set on the door in the rock, and the settler leader has the key to it. There is another passage to the shelter - a hatch not far from the entrance to the settlement.

The raiders who meet you when you exit the elevator can be deceived by saying that you are new if you are a diplomat. A doctor captured by raiders will treat you for free. Repair the generator on the second floor. Electronic devices are in a warehouse on the third floor. Powerful 223 caliber pistol.

If you approach the gang leader, he will attack you. He is armed with a flamethrower. From the main computer terminal you will learn about the location of shelter 13. If you still decide to kill all the raiders, then you can negotiate with Tandi to provide assistance to the settlers and include the settlement in the NKR.

14. Vault 13
This refuge is inhabited by sentient deathclaw - they are the result of an experiment by the Enclave to breed cheap and effective cannon fodder. Forced to serve the Enclave, they stormed the shelter when the Enclave needed its inhabitants. The purpose of the Shelter 13 experiment was this: when the Enclave needs human DNA that has not been altered by mutagenic factors, they will find it in Shelter 13. Actually, this is precisely the main reason for the expulsion of the Vault Dweller - the altered DNA should not have gotten into Vault 13. This provoked an uprising of the inhabitants, and the overseer lost his post. After which, at the request of the residents of shelter 13, the Brotherhood of Steel installed a computer in the shelter that controls all systems of the shelter. Now that the deathclaws had fled, they found a place where no one bothered them. However, someone damaged the computer's voice module and it stopped executing commands. Deathclaws were forced to steal livestock to survive.

Talk to Gruthar, the leader of the pack. He will ask you to fix the computer, and you will ask him for G.E.C.K. for the quality of the board. This is where the voice module you bought from Eldridge in New Reno will come in handy - just insert it into the Brotherhood's computer. The warehouse contains combat armor and spare parts from the tanker's navigation computer - a very important thing. Goris, a special deathclaw, lives in the library. He travels a lot disguised as a human using a robe. He can be taken to the team.

15. Military base

Mariposa Military Base - FEV storage facility. The Enclave, finding it destroyed, recruited slave miners to excavate it.

To get to the base you will need a metal pole, dynamite and rope. Use all this on the trolley. By pushing it you will blow up the blockage and see the passage to the base. Inside you will find records of Enclave soldiers and super mutants. Fix the generator and the elevator will work. On the second floor there is Energy Armor, guarded by mutants. Eavesdrop on the conversation of mutants in the corridor - it's funny.

At the very bottom is the mutant Melchior - the same Melchior magician from Redding. Kill him quickly, otherwise he will summon very unfriendly deathclaws.

16. San Francisco

This city is inhabited by descendants of the Chinese submarine crew. Tolerance of harsh living conditions gave these people a great advantage in the post-nuclear world. As a result, they are experiencing rapid growth in all areas of activity.

The US government miscalculated its plans to deal with China.

Dr. Fung, who lives here, is a very qualified specialist. He can install protective implants much cheaper from the suburbs of Vault City (needs 1 set of combat armor for each operation).

Local stores are full of useful things - energy armor, gauss rifle, etc.

Local martial artists are at odds with each other. The dragon can teach you how to fight better. If you can defeat his students in test matches, then he will allow you to fight Lo Pan on his behalf.

Talk to the local representative of the Brotherhood of Steel - Matthew and he will give you the task of getting the blueprints for a helicopter from the Enclave base in Navarro - this is to the north along the coast. The emperor's advisor, Ken Lee, also needs blueprints for the helicopter. Matthew will copy them, and give the original to Ken Lee. Matthew will then let you into the Brotherhood bunker, where you will find a pulse rifle and another set of energy armor. A medical computer can increase your performance, this requires special chips.

Ken Lee will let you in to the emperor after dealing with the leader of the Hubologists. The Emperor is a computer, from his terminal you can give a command to refuel the tanker.

You can, of course, join the hubologists, but this will bring nothing but trouble. A scientist based on hubologists can upgrade energy armor.

The tanker is inhabited by punks. There are two shops inside with good goods and prices. In order for the captain to agree to help, you need to help his friends. At the entrance you will meet Chip - he lost his spleen in cards. She was sold to Dr. Wong - he is in the emperor's palace. Tell Wong that it is human, and he will give it to you. In the hold, save your friend from mutants and aliens. To activate Nav Com you will need parts from shelter 13 and the FOB key from the Navarro base commander's office.

When the computer is restored and the fuel is filled, you can go to the Enclave.

17. Navarro

Enclave outpost and transfer base for helicopters.

You still have to kill the man in the robe, so do it right away. Open the hatch in the shed attached to the gas station and go down.

Tell the quartermaster that you are new to the base, and he will send you to the warehouse. Take improved energy armor and a plasma rifle. Go to Dr. Schreber and close the door, now kill the fascist. K-9 robot dog will want to join you. The motivator for K-9 is in Raul's hangar. Tell him that Schreber sent you and he will give you the motivator. Take the card from the door to the ventilation duct from the table.

Talk to the guard guarding Xarn deathclaw-war, saying that the doctor sent you and free Xarn. You can enter the base commander's office by posing as a janitor. To do this, ask the guard about who has access to the commander. The FOB key is in the locker. You need to sneak up, pick the lock and drag him away.

If you talk to the sergeant on the surface, you will have to hide from him in order to avoid a reprimand for leaving his post without permission. If the sergeant notices you doing this three times, he will attack. The helicopter plans can be obtained from Quincy by convincing him that Raoul needs them. To do this, you need to find out about the disagreements between Raul and Quincy from the cook at the base.

18. Enclave
The stronghold and citadel of the US government. Based on an oil platform in the Pacific Ocean. Residents of shelter 13 and your village were brought here for experiments with the new FEV toxin. The hour of the last battle has come.

It is better to leave your partners near the terminal at the entrance and walk around the Enclave in energy armor, otherwise the security system will recognize you as an enemy. After climbing through the cabinets and drawers at the dock level, climb down the stairs at the entrance. Talk to the elder of your tribe and the leader of the inhabitants of Vault 13. Go downstairs.

Here you will see a labyrinth. In the side rooms there is another G.E.C.K., many weapons and Mark II Improved Power Armor. After going through the labyrinth, you will get to the floor where the president’s office is located. The President has a card that activates special security protocols. Kill the President with dynamite to get it.

The card can only be used from the terminal in the hall on the dock level at the entrance. Here is the doctor who developed the new FEV toxin. He will tell you about the Enclave's plans. With a sufficiently high conversation skill, he can be convinced of the immorality of these actions, after which he will release the FEV toxin into the ventilation system of the Enclave base.

Climbing the stairs will take you to the reactor control terminal floor. You can blow up the main control panel located in the eastern part, or you can use threats to convince the chief engineer in the southern part of the room to overload the reactor. The second option will not be possible if toxins enter the ventilation system.

After the reactor is overloaded, it is activated. Now you can get to the dock level through the opened door on the level with the president. The president's bodyguard, Frank Horrigan, a cybernetically enhanced super mutant, is now in the hall.

Use the Presidential Clearance to activate the turrets and use the turrets and your companions to kill him. The path is clear!

Some general tips:

1. If during a chance meeting you are not confident in your abilities, then click on the “A” key, thereby you will immediately enter combat mode and be able to assess the situation. If there is no threat, then you can always leave the battle.

2. Money from merchants is updated after some time. If you have a lot of things, but the merchant does not have money, then buy ammunition.

3. Myron makes stimpaks from an empty syringe, brock flower and xander root. Super Stimpaks are made from regular Stimpak, fruit and New York Cola, so it’s better to stock up on these in advance. The antidote is prepared from scorpion tails. All these things need to be in your inventory.

4. Caravaners are found in Vault City, Redding, Broken Hills and NCR. The further south you go, the more dangerous the route.

5. After defeating the Enclave, return to Vault City, go down to the main computer and download information about your adventures into it. Now go to the library to the terminal near the wall - every time you click on the terminal, you will receive 20,000 experience points.

(from Silver Dragon & Helga)

“Friends who can join you” and what needs to be done to get them to join:

Sulik- In Clamas, pay 350 bucks for it. Handles Unarmed well, swings a sledgehammer, God willing. Operates SMG.

Cassydy- In VaultCity, wields Small Guns, has excellent command of the Shotgun (very useful in the beginning). At the end he shoots great with the Gauss Cannon.

Myron- In NewReno, a complete degenerate and goner, and also an addict. You can cure it with an Antidote for Jet (by the way, he invented it, not Antidote but Jet;)). Very useful as a second Shaman, in the sense that he can make Stimpaks and Oh Miracle Super Stimpaks. And all you need is a bottle of Nyuka-Cola and a mutated fruit that looks like an apple. Sometimes he tries to shoot (this is extremely rare for him). You can’t keep anything in his inventory that can be swallowed :), he keeps trying to grab them. Especially drugs. He shoots relatively well from the GaussPistol. You can take him to a prostitute to raise his morale;))

Sheriff of Broken Hill, He's Super Mute. To take it, you need to repair the air conditioner in the mine. Spare parts for air conditioning in New Renault. And find missing people. More on this below. Skill BiGGANS, He has a good machine gun. In the beginning, it’s better not to stand in his way. He also doesn’t wear Armor, it’s too small for him ;)

Pretzel from Geko- Doctor, complete bullshit. He's a Ghol by the way.

Goris - Vault13 - On DesKlov:(). It urinates well, but it dies, constantly, constantly climbing forward. He sits on the third floor. So wrapped up, hunchbacked. He will then leave you, but you can pick him up back in Vault 13 after dealing with the scrappers there. Records on the computer you repaired. After this showdown, the Brotherhood Guard will also kick back (or rather, they will help him). You can also watch the recording on the computer in their closet.

Vic- The merchant is captured by the Slavers, $1000 ($500 for the woman) to the boss, or a lot of scalps and he’s yours. He fixes it well. Subsequently, he is proficient in Small Weapons. I gave him a Gaussian! Useful bastard.

Doggie from "Cafe of Broken Dream", good old DogMeet. In order for him to go with you, you need to take off your armor and show up to him in your original T-shirt.

Random Encounter, Lonely Dog (750HP)- random location - in the middle of a battle, this creature reduces your and your enemies' luck to 1 and all your weapons fall out of your hands. A very annoying creature, it is of no use; if you knock it over, its corpse will haunt you.

You can get married in Modoc. Moreover, there are a lot of funny glitches with this moment. Such as, for example Man for Man, Baba for Baba. These two are complete suckers and it’s better not to take them at all. It’s better to get away from dad and then talk when he calms down. By the way, you need to run away from the wedding ceremony and clean the store before the owner returns.

Brain Bot- the robot you assemble in the Sierra is a cool beast, it fires very well from gauss. You can put the brains of someone from your party into it, whose brains the robot takes over those characteristics.

Two cyberdogs, but more on that below. One in Navarro one in NKR

Secrets and tips:

1. There is a very arrogant, unscrupulous, uninteresting and very quick way to get rich. (Are your eyes already burning? ;) At the very beginning of the game, go to San Francisco. On a tanker, there, from a man (sometimes from a woman), you can steal Gausska. And a bunch of other goodies. San Francisco is located two cells to the right of Klamas and exactly down without turning anywhere. If you downloaded Biggans, then you should be pleased that the merchant’s guards in NCR have a cannon called Bozar, with some difficulties they can easily remove it.

2. Steal more and more often, take the Steal skill at the beginning and upgrade it to at least 100%. As unpleasant as it may be,...

3. Sunglasses, when you hold them in your hand, add Charisma.

4. Operations to raise characteristics can be done again in the Brotherhood. Only with a computer that can perform operations for you, something happened, it doesn’t work: (It will work if you use special modules on it (Green, Blue, etc. there are 4 of them in total). There is one at the base in Navarro like one at Sierra Army Depot, another one at like Vault 13/15 And one at Vault 8 in VaultCity on the second floor in a box.

5. The drug (Mentat) adds charisma, you can (should) grab it before an important conversation. So as not to get used to it, s/l :)

6. There is also a free way to boost your OutDoors Man skill to 300 units. You have to constantly ask Smily to teach you how to catch geeks, and each time he adds 5 units. Imho it’s a bug, probably, this can’t be done in a patched version.

7. A simple drink can help with theft; you just need to give someone a drink and it will be easier to steal things. IMHO

8. If your character is good at gambling, then you can make a lot of money just by playing in a casino.

9. If you are overloaded, you can use the glove compartment of your car or your friends as a carrier of luggage, and if all this is also overloaded;) you can load your friends with any amount of cargo in one clever way. To do this, you just need to tell him to wait for you, and then barter for him whatever you want.

!Warning! If your Friend is overloaded, then he is very reluctant to get into a fight, and may lose his reservation.

Random Locations:

1. The talking head gives you a pebble, you use it and something is added to you.

2. A dog in the middle of a massacre. written about him above.

3. Beating up a certain Spammer (funny!), in the boxes that are there you can get some steam packs and other little things.

4. The bridge is guarded, the monk asks you to answer 3 questions. You answer the third with a question, and it explodes, leaving behind a very good armor (more precisely, a robe, similar to the KombatArmor only weighs 10 kg less). If you kill him they give 7000exp.

5. Federal Shuttle (I haven’t met it myself). There are corpses lying next to him, they have something like a syringe. This is something like a Mega Stimpak, it heals you until you are completely cured.

6. An animal like a whale is dead. There are flowers lying nearby. You can pick it up as a souvenir, but it doesn’t give you anything.

7. Cafe of Broken Hopes. Higher...

8. A guy in PowerArmor asks for an oil can, then gives him 150 MGF for it.

9. Various caves with all sorts of evil, a lot of experience! It’s especially cool if bandits hang out in this cave. Lots of trophies. You just have to be pumped up.

10. King Arthur's knights, they all have the names of famous knights. They are looking for a holy hand grenade. They may ask you for 2 plasma grenades. In retaliation, they may give you a Plasma Pistol.

11. Stone gates in the middle of the desert, you pass through them and find yourself in Vault13 80 years ago (there is no Huck there;) but there is no one there and only the computer on the third floor (the one with the water chip) beeps. I won’t tell you what’s going on;) But until you find an experimental pistol (rulez!), don’t touch the computer.

Experience level is located at 00668130 and 005709C0, 005707AC (hacking through the artmoney program)

Yes. Cassidy says that Vault City in fallout 2 is a city of cruel asses (sometimes such a line is overhead when we enter the city). But he says "tough" and not "cruel". I think this is a typo. Because otherwise, how do you understand it - “hard asses”?

So, after Den, we find ourselves in Vault City (although we can, of course, take other routes). This is so hypocritical and Big City in the second fallout. Powerful, advanced, well guarded. Hypocritical, because real slavery flourishes in it. In this case, slaves are simply called servants. Powerful, because the defense is good, there are laser turrets on the walls, a lot of guards. Advanced, because all sorts of technologies are present. For example, as the chief librarian says, the First Citizen ordered that a terminal connected to a central server be installed in every house. But this is not a cheap pleasure and not every city can afford it. Actively participates in trade with other cities. Buys ore, gold, uranium, servants. Sells medicines. There is quite strict control over society. There are even breeding cycles. That is, children can only be had during certain periods of time, and then only in vitro. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited. The inner part of the city is clean and well-groomed, the houses are white and neat. But the outside is not very good. The population of townspeople is 102 people. And not the townspeople - unknown.

According to Vic, this is where Ed lives, from whom flask 13 of the refuge was purchased. Ed didn’t tell us anything useful because he doesn’t remember anything anymore. The flask was purchased a long time ago. But it tells us that we can look up information about other shelters in the central computer. This is a good idea. But in order to gain access to the computer, you must become a citizen of this very City of Vault.

How to Access the Vault City Main Computer

And although such a task is not displayed in PipBoy, it is nevertheless our main goal in this city.

How to get into the city. No one will just let us in there. We may get a day pass or fake citizenship documents. False documents seem preferable to me. Because there are several advantages. Firstly, you can enter the city at night. Secondly, you can bring alcohol and drugs with you. Thirdly, we get access to the warehouse (where there are books and magazines). With fake citizenship, we just won’t be able to get into the shelter itself. In front of the entrance to the city there is a customs building. We go there and talk to Skiv. He will give us fake citizenship for only 200 rubles. You can blackmail him and get 300 back. But for this, your karma will be slightly reduced. You can talk to Wallace about getting a day pass or steal it. There are many ways: just persuade, be in a shelter suit (without armor, that is). Many people say that if there is an ore shard, then we can pretend to be a merchant (as if we are selling ore).

Become a citizen. Firstly, you can enter the shelter through the guards in combat mode. There is no need to hit anyone, just press the A key and enter. After that, no one is offended at us and in general everything is fine. But still, this is somehow half cheating. Therefore, let's go the honest way. You need to get citizenship. There are two ways. First- take a test with Proconsul Gregory (in the consulate building). To successfully pass, you need high intelligence, wisdom, developed science skills and should not have a sixth toe. This finger can be obtained by running a lot through green radioactive puddles. If suddenly the finger is present, it can be removed by “Doctor” Andrew in the Suburbs. I've never been able to pass the test (that's without cheating). Therefore, I don’t know the exact numbers. They say that you need 9 intelligence and wisdom and more than 90% science. Another person said that 8 intelligence and science is enough about 100%. The third said that in addition there should be great luck. When I cheated a little and set all the basic skills to 10, then with science less than 75%, I passed the test. Again, there may be such different opinions due to different versions of the game (or maybe not). In general, I don’t know for sure. Second way- solve the problem with the power plant in Gekko. There is an option - to obtain citizenship by passing a test, and then deal with the station.

After we have become a pious citizen of the City of Vault, we go to the shelter itself. The central computer is located on the third floor. We approach it, apply science and find out that nothing is known about the 13th shelter. Sadly. However, there is information about 15 shelters. Wow. So we are on our way there.

Solve the Gekko power plant problem

The quest is long, requires a lot of body movements, and besides, the same task appears for Gekko. Moreover, in Gekko it can be implemented more fully (that is, in Vault City we complete only part of the task). Therefore, the task about the power plant is described in the walkthrough for the city of Gekko. And, in fact, after solving the problem, the chairman of the council, MacLure (in the Consulate building), will grant us citizenship.

Sergeant Stark's missions

The assignments are issued by Sergeant Stark, head of the Correction Center in Vault City. They are all extremely simple. Sometimes it happens that Stark suddenly attacks us. This usually happens when we want to talk to him and run up. Therefore, you must, firstly, save before each conversation, and secondly, go two or three steps into the correction center and only then speak. That is, you need to speak while standing still, and not run up to the sergeant.

Get a plow for Mr. Smith

The task is given by the ordinary farmer Smith, who stands behind Dr. Andrew's hospital, near the vegetable garden in the Suburbs. He and his wife need a plow, the price of which is 800 rubles (we can negotiate even cheaper). The plow can be purchased from the merchant Happy Harry, whose store is very nearby. As a reward he will give us a Desert Eagle (desert eagle), which costs a little over 800 rubles. And couldn’t this same Smith walk two steps to the store and exchange his magnum for a plow?

Save Joshua, Amanda's husband

Amanda stands in one of the Suburban tents and cries. Her husband Joshua was taken as a servant to the City. We go to the servant distribution center, ask about Joshua there and say that he has the syndrome. And he is released. Joshua can also be redeemed.

Deliver Moore's suitcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno

The task is given by a certain preacher who stands in the center of the city. After listening to him and being inspired by his speeches (that is, we answer “Amit, brother!”, “Exactly, it’s time for this city to wake up!”, etc.), we receive a suitcase. If necessary, we'll take it to New Reno. Just don’t ask for money for this, otherwise Moore will put a note in the suitcase and Bishop will attack us to fight.

Deliver drinks to Lydia (10 each)

Lydia, the owner of the City tavern (located right at the entrance), asks to smuggle in real alcohol. 10 bottles of beer and 10 buzz. While we are not citizens of the city, alcohol and drugs cannot be brought inside. You can give them to your partner.

Get Valeria's wrench and pliers

Valeria asks us to bring her pliers and a wrench. The wrench is hidden very cleverly. In exchange, Valeria will give us a super repair kit. And then, by the way, you can steal four more pieces from Valerie. The wrench may be part of the quest to obtain the car (or it may not be).

In the suburbs of Vault City, in front of Cassidy's bar, Curtis is seen crying. Because I lost my doll - Mr. Nixon. This doll is located not far behind the bar, in a nook. If you give it to Curtis, he will start playing with it. You need to stand next to him and watch him drink tea. After a while, there will be a mention of a wrench in the conversation. And only after that you can go to the pile of stones and there will be a wrench there. If you search the stones without giving away the doll, then there will be nothing there. Also, if you break the doll, there will be nothing in the stones either. And in the future, the key will not be found very soon.

And pliers (which are simply called a tool) are quite easy to find. Found in the Caves of the Rat God in Klamath. In Smitty's closet in Den. In Vault City itself, next to Valerie, there is a store that also sells pliers.
There is another wrench on the second floor of the shelter in one of the rooms. But you must have a high hacking skill to open doors.

In Vault City, we can take Cassidy into our campaign. He's hanging out at his bar in the Suburbs. Cassidy has "Cat's Paw" and "Guns and Bullets" in her closet.

At the very beginning of the Suburbs, an incomprehensible person lies in a tent. This is Charlie. He lies there, moans, vomits and generally doesn’t feel well. Poisoned by dirty water. You can use Rad-Avey on it. As a result, Charlie will recover. And he won’t thank us in any way.

Dr. Andrew's clinic in Suburbia can repair your autodoc. However, it is also free.

At the servant distribution center you can sell one of your partners. Essentially into slavery. This is ugh.

It turns out that Valerie (the one who needs a wrench and pliers) is Vika’s daughter. But to find out, Vic must be with us in company.

In the shelter itself on the second and third floors, the doors to the rooms can be hacked using an electronic master key (the nearest master key is written about in the quest about toxic caves) or with a high hacking skill. Some of the doors are jammed, they can only be opened by being very strong (must be 10, you can eat a buffout if you don’t have enough, or be in power armor). You can break open doors with a crowbar (not all doors, but only jammed ones), but even in this case the force must be high.

On the ground floor there is a computer with medical archives. If the doctor's skill is high, then you can delve into medical archives and learn something interesting about subcutaneous armor. Dr. Troy will also give us a tour and we will receive the “Training in Vault City” bonus. And then (after the excursion), if we come to him poisoned or irradiated, he can give us vaccinations that increase resistance to radiation and poisons. But, usually, this happens much later (that is, not on the first visit to the City).

On the second floor you can repair the ventilation. Also in one of the iron cabinets there is a memory module for increasing strength. In other cabinets you can find a "Cat's Paw" and a science book. There, in one of the boxes there is a voice module, which will be useful in shelter 13.

A watchman wanders around on the third floor and sings nasty songs. But if you praise his singing, a unit of karma will be added.

Where to go? After digging into the central computer, we find out that there is a 15th shelter. Next to him is NKR. Therefore, this will be our next goal. But many other cities have already opened, and you can run around them too. New Reno, Redding, Broken Hills, Modoc. I'll probably choose Modoc. Because we have to go back to Den to get the car, and Modoc is on the way. By the way, there will be a task for which you will need to go to Den. And you will have to return to Vault City several more times. For Stark, after studying the NKR. For breaking doors, after purchasing an electronic master key. To receive vaccinations from Dr. Troy (because, most likely, the doctor’s skill will not be high right away).

1. Farrell has a rodent problem. Clear the garden of reptiles.

How to get. Bazarim and Farrell are a man in red who trims trees. He has a shack in the eastern part of the location with a hotel.
Performance. After talking with Farrell, you find yourself in his garden. Kill all rodents. You can pick up a rope; you will need it to go down into the well.

2. Cornelius lost his gold watch. Find and return them to him.
3. Farrell wants you to find Cornelius's gold watch. Find them and give them to Farrell.

Cornelius is standing in the hotel. You already know where Farrell is. Let's go to the toilet. We leave our companions at a safe distance - away from the restroom. We go down into some cave through the toilets. We plant explosives and get out. We go back down and kill the grizzly mole. The clock is nearby. Give them to whomever you want. If you give them to Cornelius, tell him they were taken by a rat. Don't slander Farrell.

The following quests are best described together.

4. Johnny is missing. Find him and bring him to Baltas.
5. Johnny sits in the Slugs' cave. Find a way to bring him home.
6. Something strange is happening on the farm northeast of Modos. Find out what's going on and report to Joe.
7. Deliver Slugs' offer to Joe from Modos.
8. Joe doesn't believe in slugs. Find out what the dead bodies are on the stakes and where Karl disappeared to.

We take quest No. 6 from Joe and No. 4 from Balfas (Joe is in the General Store, Balfas is in the building to the north). We go to the ghost farm, fall through a hole in the floor. The guards escort you to Veger, the leader of the slugs. Let's bazaar, we get task No. 7. We scour the caves and find Johnny near an underground lake. We go to Modos, report the situation to Joe, get quest No. 8. We talk again with the leader of the Slags, we learn that the corpses are fake (you can find out this just by looking at them), and that Karl is alive and well. Let's rub it all into Joe. If he doesn’t believe you, you can tell him that you met Karl in the Pit (if you chatted with him there). Joe agrees to cooperate. We tell this to Veger, he gives you an assault rifle for this (in my version it is an AK-112, 8-16/45/24 5 mm) and allows you to pick up Johnny. Brute Joe is deceiving you about KOSOGOR, but he will tell you about Gesko. Balfas will give you a combat leather jacket (it's cooler than leather armor).

  • Talk to the owner of the slaughterhouse and receive the quest to protect the Brahmins. For each killed Brahmin, 100 coins are deducted from the fee. Advice: immediately go north to intercept the dogs.
  • Climb into the well, you will find some money (if you take it, your karma will decrease).
  • You can cure a sick Brahmin, but then he will follow you everywhere.
  • You can kill the deathclaw (deathclaw), it is in a shed littered with stones and guarded by dogs, but it is the property of Cornelius' wife.
  • You can get married (by the way, regardless of your gender) to one of the children of the slaughterhouse owner (only then will they constantly follow you and you won’t be able to leave them anywhere).

City (Vault City, Vault City).

1. Take Moore's briefcase to Bishop in New Reno.

A man in green standing in the inner quarter preaching a certain word will ask you to take the suitcase to Bishop after you ask him to prove his devotion to his faith. We head to New Reno, go to Second Street. Bishop is sitting in the Shark club on the third floor. We give the miracle and get another quest (see New Reno). Well, then we stomp to the City to report. According to some reports, Moore should not be charged money for this task; problems with Bishop may arise.

2. Buy a plow for Mr. Smith.

A peasant in the courtyard asks to buy a plow. We go to the shop and pay $700-800 (depending on your charm) for the plow. We return to Smith, we receive words of gratitude and a good pistol (Desert Eagle).

3. Give Dr. Troy a sample of Jet.

Doctor Troy is located in the shelter itself on the first level. I don't think there will be any problems here - the jets are stuck in Redding or New Reno. In a couple of months he will make an antidote (he treats drug addiction to jet). Take it to the “Painless Doctor” in Redding.

4. Solve the problem with the Gesko power plant.

The task is given by the first citizen Linetta. We go to Gesko and find out from Harold (he’s in the Manager’s office) that to repair the reactor you need a magnetosphere regulator (or something like that). We go to the City, the consul (he stands in the large hall of the government complex) gives permission to take this device from the convenience official. Let's go to Gesko, where you can give the device to someone, or you can install it yourself. To install it yourself, we go to the robot control room and work with the computer. If you picked up the global code, you can talk with the officer from Navarro (available with high science). Although he promises to send a patrol, he most likely will not detect you, so do not be afraid. If you didn't pick it up, no problem. We select the local code (it seems to me that these are the 2nd, 3rd and 1st passwords). Then you need the computer to ask you to insert the regulator, then we write a program - we read the names of the devices in the reactor, we send the robot clockwise from one mechanism to another (in fact, there is the order of the planets of the solar system), the last point of the program is to install the details. You can, of course, close the cooling damper (also a possible program action), but it is better not to do this. Yes, when you return to the City, don't forget to talk to the consul and you will become a citizen of the City.

5. Rescue Joshua, Amanda's husband.

Amanda is on the outskirts of the city in one of the tents. Joshua is either at the correction center or at the servant distribution center. You need to donate a small amount to free him. According to some reports, you can first become a citizen, and then say that Joshua is too violent and should be released so as not to set a bad example. Then they will give it to you for free (only available with good chatter skills).

6. Provide Lydia with drinks - 10 vodka and 10 beer.

Lydia is the owner of a tap house in the inner quarter of the City. For execution collect the required amount of booze and bring it to Lydia, the main thing is that the alcohol is not radioactive.

7. Take the pliers and wrench to Valerie.

See the task “Find super tools for Skeeter” in Gesko.

8. Scout 8 sectors around Gesko and return to Stark.

Stark is at the center of the correction - a black man in iron armor. We go around 8 sectors around Gesko and return for bucks - it’s elementary.

9. Get to the NRC and return to Stark.

Stark's second mission. This shouldn't be a problem, especially if you have a car with a fuel conditioner (or whatever it is called, it reduces fuel consumption and is purchased in Klamath).

  • You can get into the City in various ways: buy a “day pass” from Wallas, buy a fake pass from Skeeve, appear to Wallas dressed as a Vault Dweller (in the latter case you will receive a pass for free), or after defeating the riders (they are on the way from the City to the NRC or Brokenhill).
  • If you bought fake documents, you can blackmail Skive and then pawn him to your boss.
  • Tell the consul about the drug problem in Redding. Then, if you give AntiDot to the doctor in Redding, also tell the consul.
  • Repair the auto-doc at Dr. Andrey's clinic (a hospital in the suburbs).
  • A sick man lies in a tent below the hospital. Give him Rad-Avey.
  • Find a doll for the child, it lies in a pile of garbage next to the bar.
  • You can pass the citizenship test with high intelligence and possibly luck (10 each). Don't forget to remove the sixth finger first, if you have one.
  • Talk to the guy from the information center, he will give you a couple of books.
  • Talk to Dr. Troy's assistant; When playing as a man, you can make a donation to a sperm bank. You can also persuade Phyllis to see the world, then invite her to dinner (the latter in a high-pitched conversation). For all this you get a small amount of experience points.
  • Find out the location of shelter 15 in the main computer of shelter 8.
  • By applying “science” to the library computer at level 3, you can get experience points.
  • On the second floor you can repair the fan.
  • If you have a lot of strength, you can open the door to the room with the locker. It contains a red memory module. Look out for wall cabinets, some are not immediately noticeable.
  • With a high “doctor” (>80%) and applying a scientific approach to the computer on the 1st floor, you can learn about the so-called “combat implants”. They can be made by Dr. Andrei (to do this, you first need to repair his autodoc) or a doctor in San Francisco.
  • Also, with a high “doctor”, you can consult with Troy - you will learn a lot of new medical information.
  • Convince Cassidy to join you - he's a good guy (he's a bartender at a bar in the suburbs).
  • After giving Lynette the Bishop's holodisk from New Reno and the papers from the raiders' safe, you will receive the task of delivering a message to Westin in NKR, and the latter will ask you to deliver the holodisk to Lynette. For this whole thing, in addition to experience, you will receive a PP that fires 4.7mm caseless (fail-safe) cartridges.

Gesko (Gekko, Gecko).

1. Solve the problem with the Gesko power plant.

See task #4 for the City.

2. Optimize the reactor.

How to find out. After repairing the reactor, talk to Festus.
Performance. After the conversation you will receive a cold disk. We go to the City, then to the shelter on the 3rd floor. After working with the main computer, we use the disk on the computer in the robot control room (this is already at the power plant).

3. Find super tools for Skeeter.

Skeeter stands in big house at the Gesko landfill. After talking with the mechanic, we go to Val (she is in the City), we find out that she needs pliers and a wrench. We find the key in Redding, and the pliers are either in the Pit in one of the lockers in Smitty's house, or somewhere else - a fairly common item. (According to unverified information, this junk is lying around in the shelter itself). We give it all to Val. We go to her in a couple of days and get super tools. We take them to Skeeter, he gives you a part for the car.

4. Bring Skeeter a plasma transformer.

Skeeter's 2nd quest. You can get the device different ways, for example, take the necessary papers from Gordon’s desk (the ghost in charge of the power plant) or get them from Festus. We receive the device in exchange for a statement (you need to talk to the warehouse manager). You can barter with Jeremy or steal this item from him. After completing this, ask the mechanic to improve the weapon - increase the magazine on the Kalash (up to 100 rounds!) or install an optical sight on a hunting rifle (good for shooting the enemy at a long distance, close up it smears like I don’t know what).

5. Save Percy's friend.

(I quote the name of the quest from memory - in general, this is the meaning). Percy is a ghost in a landfill, standing in a house right next to the crossing point.
Performance. Let's go to the Pit. There we go to the man who is showing off the mummy. We look at the mummy and find out that it is a ghost. We persuade him to escape.

  • In one of the sheds at the landfill there is a descent into the dungeon. There, talk to the rat, feeding it cheese - it is lying on the shelf of the ghost's house, who gives you a disk with economic calculations.
  • Take a disk with economic calculations from some ghost in a landfill and show it to the consul in the City.
  • According to some reports, you can hire a ghost in Mananger's office (not Harold) as your assistant. This requires a conversation of about 80%.
  • If you still decide to blow up the reactor (which is strongly not recommended - you will be thrown out of the City, you will not receive some quests, which means experience, etc.), then first take out the guards - each AK-112 (assault rifle, already mentioned) and the packaging of cartridges for it (BP type), as well as a steampack. In fact, they themselves will turn on you after closing the cooling damper.


1. Kill Morton the Frog.

Sheriff's 4th task. Go to the Wanamingo mine location and take out the gang. After this, Morton's brothers will haunt the entire game.

2. Investigate the murder of a prostitute.

Sheriff's 3rd mission. Talk to the owner of the Malamount salon. After that, go to the miners’ camp, to the barracks of the Morningstar mine. Maniac - a man in green, according to the description - covered in fat.

3. Find the excavator chip.

How to get a. Any of the mine owners.

Go down to the Wanamingo Mine, kill the interfering aliens, remove the chip from the mining machine. Another chip lies nearby between the barrels. But I couldn’t push both chips.

4. Prevent a bar brawl

Sheriff's 2nd mission. Go to the bar and persuade the man in iron armor to stop the outrage. You can put him in jail to discourage him.

  • The sheriff's first task is to throw the old lady out of the house. If you give her money to pay off a debt, you will gain experience and positive karma.
  • Buy the Wanamingo mine from the mayor. Wander around the dungeons and take out all the strangers (and at the same time the small animals that come across). Then sell him the mine back. You will earn $1500 from this. By the way, “Painless” Dr. Johnson treats you and your companions for $100 - a good help for clearing the Wanamingo mine.
  • The sheriff's bad leg can be healed.
  • If you wish, you can accompany the caravans.

Broken Hills.

1. Repair the air purifier in the mine.

We talk with the mine dispatcher. We get the parts from Renesco-Rocketman in New Reno. According to some reports, they are radioactive. We return to Brokenhill and “use” these parts on the air purifier.

2. Tell Marcus where the people went.

Talk to Marcus, and then to Dan (Den), the latter will ask you to find your missing wife.

In some hole in the eastern part of the city there is a descent into the dungeon. We wander around it and find a bunch of corpses (what cynicism, isn’t it?). On the remains of Den's wife we ​​find a note from Francis to Zaius. We speak first with Dan, then with Francis (before that it is better to try to beat him in arm wrestling), only then with Marcus.

3. Take more electricity to Eric's house.

Eric is a sweaty fat ghost, he stands in a house “over which there are more flies gathered than you have ever seen anywhere together” (a description of this kind)
Performance. We run into the manager of the power plant, and everything is in order. Don't forget to whip up something from Eric (for example, Buffout).

4. Defeat Francis in arm wrestling.

You can try to do this by taking Buffout. In general, this requires steep strength/endurance indicators (approximately 10 each). By the way, Francis is standing in a bar led by a ghost bartender.

  • I heard out of the blue that there are a couple more quests, the essence of which is that you need to free someone from prison, and then blow up the air purifier. It is best to lay the conspirators to Marcus.
  • You can defeat a Scorpio at chess after transplanting Seymour - he will tell you about the weaknesses of the Scorpio.
  • Talk to Typhon, son of Set. He will ask you to bring him a magazine, an inflatable doll, meat and ask you to transplant Seymour. After this you will gain experience and he will tell you about the treasure. Examine the well, tell the treasure hunter about the treasure.
  • In the mine, to the right of the entrance there is a secret room. There is uranium ore there, take it to the factory and get experience.
  • Listen to the doctor's life story and get a discount when purchasing medications.
  • After completing quests N 1 and 2, you can take Marcus with you.

Other parts of the guide:

3. In the run-up to VaultCity, you can receive a rescue mission
someone's husband from the correctional center (Conver... center)
4. In the city itself, in a pub, if you ask the barmaid about
drinks, then she will offer you only synthetic ones, and you tell her
real. Here she is very worried that there is no place to get it, but so
Since you travel a lot, maybe you’ll find five bottles somewhere
real bear (beer) and five bottles of something else. So that's where
find these bottles? :*)
5. When you take out the raiders, go to the First with a note from their safe
Citizen. You get exp.
6. You can talk to the doctor's assistant in Vault and suggest
contribute to the sperm bank. A little experience won't hurt. If
play as a girl, you can spend a long and
interesting conversation on the topic of pregnancy and sex (very
educational :). For this you will be given the Vault City Training perk and
Will slightly increase Doctor and First Aid skills. You can tell her about
difficulties in Redding with drugs. You can also persuade her
get out of this rotten place.
7. In Vaulte you can find 50 micro cells. On the 2nd floor there is
brokenvent - it still makes sound
::Scrattle:: - we need to fix it and... You can
talk about suspicions about the low reproductive rate of residents
Vault8 that this is due to radiation. Moreover, from a computer on the 3rd level
Radiation data in VaultCity has been lost. This will also give exp... There
on the second floor there is a VoiceModule for vault13
8. On the ground floor, look for important information on the doctor’s computer.
(in my opinion, you need a big Science or Doctor). Something about
implantation... Be sure to download the information in your pipboy.
in the suburbs you can Implant Combat Armor! But here he is
amateur, will blow you up. But the doctor in San Francisco... (below). IN
version 1.0 the doctor seemed to be able to carry out the support normally, I myself
9. The child asks to find his Mr. doll. Nixon. There is a doll next to
Cassidy's bar in the corner behind a pile of garbage.
10. Not far from the child, in a tent, there is a man lying, we need him
relieve radiation poisoning. Use Rad-X on him
(for reliability 2, and Rad-Avey) 100exp + karma
11. A guy in the Downtown library can give you a couple of books.
12. Take a suitcase with technology from a guy on the street in the city
vault. It must be taken to Bishop in NewReno. Demand money from him
no need - Bishop can get to the bottom of it later!
13. The man to the right of the “hospital” will ask you to find him a plow, his
buy from the store right there, then just with this guy
talk and the quest will be protected. (250exp). He'll give you a gun for help.
Desert Falcon and 20 rounds of ammunition for it.
14. Vika’s daughter in Vault City will ask you to bring her pliers and
wrench, for this little weather she will give you a set of sperm
tools. A little further from the place where you found the doll
boys there is a scattering of stones, there you can find a wrench
which she asks for. I don't think there will be any problems with the tongs. She's also
Maybe I can upgrade some weapons for you. Who wants to go to
upgraded Enclave armor??? If you want to,
then go up to her (the armor must be in inventory!!!) and she
will upgrade it for you for a tidy sum (although I checked it in 1.02
does not work).
15. Reflecting on the topic of survival in Fallout2 (watching all
Solyushiny or almost everyone) came to the following conclusion: Is it really possible that no one
I didn’t find the subcutaneous armor!
There are 4 types of PB:
1. Subcutaneous armor (+5%) - normal, explosion, etc.
2. Improved subcutaneous armor (+10%) - normal, explosion, etc.
3. Subcutaneous armor of the "Phoenix" type (+5%) - fire, laser, plasma.
4. Improved subcutaneous armor of the "Phoenix" type (+10%) - fire,
laser, plasma. One drawback for each PB improvement is -1 Charisma
(total: 2).
To get it you need:
1. Doctor skill 85%-90% or more.
2. 4 combat armor.
3. about $200,000. IN
Vault-City in the vault on the first level (where Dr. Troy) we climb into
computer and download information about this very armor, then go to
suburb of Vault-City and repair the AutoDoc and then approach
to the doctor
(must be combat armor) and perform the operation, repeat the procedure
once and that's it. Note: surgery is performed by all doctors (or almost
in any city, but I don’t recommend doing it in San Fran

In Vault City, you are given the task of dealing with the reactor in Gecko.
How to do it?
1. You can just come to the city, go to reactor building number 5,
using a robot to overload the reactor, which will lead to its
destruction. Entry order:

Operation name in the command list
(I don’t know whose translation) Her position
in the list of commands
Strengthen Plutonium-Gamma shield. 2
Disharmonize the Neptunium Impeller. 4
Calibration of the uranium rod motor. 1
Set the voltage to the Saturn-class capacitor. 3
Check the Jupiter-wave collector. 5

If you enter them correctly, another one will appear in your list
you need to add the command and run the program), as you
start the robot and immediately run out of the building, because as soon as
will turn on the overload, the engineer will turn on the siren and everyone will attack you
reactor protection (well, it’s better before turning on the overload
kill everything that moves in this building). No need to worry
robot, you can just gobble up a couple of RAD-Hovs and manually drive
fix the "red tap" (just leave your
NPC, otherwise they will understand what “warmth” means according to the goals). After
come to FirstCitizen she will give you citizenship. If so
then it will be impossible to take a ghola NPC as a companion, an assistant
Harold. In addition, they give very little experience.
2. Go to Gecko Town. And go into the hut in which there are two
ghoula. One of them is a doctor, the second is a local boss, old man
Harold. He will tell you what is going on here, that, supposedly, the reactor
old, one part broke in it, so it began to pollute, and
in VaultCity they don’t give us this detail because they don’t consider us
of people. Tell him you will try to help. Leave the hut and
go to the screen above. Junkyard is there. Find the descent there
down, it is in the barracks, which is to the left of the broken one
go downstairs. Go along the corridor and find a large rat (it
in a large cave). Just don't start shooting at her, huh?
talk to her. You can treat her with cheese, this is a box with
with the inscription chees and a happy face, this box can be found somewhere
steal it earlier, or go straight to Jankyard in the long house on one of
shelves Then the rat will grow richer and give more experians points. She
will tell you again about the essence of the problem. And he will also give you an amulet, with this
with the amulet, go upstairs to the house that is to the right of the Ghol, which you
upgrades the weapon, there is a ghoul there - he will give you a disk with
information about how beneficial it will be for both cities if the reactor
will fix it. take this disk and return to VaultCity. Go to that
the same building where FirstCitizen sits. But go not to her, but to
advisor. He is in the very left room (staring at the monitor all the time.
Tell him everything as it is and give him the disk. He promises
with other management and says - go to the warehouse (It is located
to the right of the house with daughter Vic). Tell the guy in the warehouse - give it to him
this part, I have permission to receive it, and he
to you
will give it. Together with this piece of iron, go back to Gecko, to the reactor.
Then everything is simple - go into the room with the computer. Climb into
computer, there is an option to give the part to the robot (Something
related to repairs) Then you will need to dial the correct
sequence of commands (see above current instead of turning off
select install part). You can give the part to one Gol
who is alone in the room, he will install it himself. Then an engineer
(he is located opposite the blue door) will say that it would also be necessary
optimize the operation of the reactor and will give another disk. He will say -
go to VaultCity and run it through the computer there. Yes and
do it. Talk to the same advisor, he will pass the disk through
computer. Then go back to the reactor and insert the disk
the computer there (the same one that controls the robot). After
go to the same adviser in VaultCity, he will give you citizenship.
Once you obtain citizenship, you can enter
On the first floor of the vault, the doctor will ask you to bring him a drug
called Jet, in order to make an antidote, he
will pay
you'll get a thousand if you bring him the drug. By blackmail
(Karma will decrease) you can put it on the counter;)). After all
500 thousand per week (or half a month).
There are a couple more interesting things about Gecko:
1. The doctor, next to Harold, may join you
2. The mechanic can upgrade your Assault Rifle and Desert Eagle, this
is very expensive. But if you bring him Plasma Motivator or
something like that, he’ll give you a free upgrade to choose from
gun. One of the Ghols in the Reactor has a motivator. Then it seems
you can steal back from this ghola (which upgrades)
motivator and repeat it all over again. I’ll say right away that I haven’t checked it. He
can also give you spare parts for the car that the seller requires in
Dene. To do this, he needs to bring a set of Super Tools.
3. You can play cards and buy drinks from the bartender.
4. In the reactor, in the computer behind the closed red door, you can
go online to the Enclaves. The operator will take you for one of his own,
Take this opportunity to talk to him and learn a lot of useful information.
information. Even if you split, it's no big deal
will happen. (They'll just send a team and bomb Vault City
the end of the game... :)). To get on the network you need to
sequence enter codes 9x7299-707644-008221 Maybe somewhere
mistake, but it doesn't matter.

Fallout1 City (Vault 15)

How to get into Vault 13 or how to get coordinates? Just in
in this Vault you will find the long-awaited GECK First of all, you need
find out where Vault 15 is located.

Yes. Cassidy says that Vault City in fallout 2 is a city of cruel asses (sometimes such a line is overhead when we enter the city). But he says "tough" and not "cruel". I think this is a typo. Because otherwise, how do you understand it - “hard asses”?

So, after Den, we find ourselves in Vault City (although we can, of course, take other routes). This is such a hypocritical and large city in the second fallout. Powerful, advanced, well guarded. Hypocritical, because real slavery flourishes in it. In this case, slaves are simply called servants. Powerful, because the defense is good, there are laser turrets on the walls, a lot of guards. Advanced, because all sorts of technologies are present. For example, as the chief librarian says, the First Citizen ordered that a terminal connected to a central server be installed in every house. But this is not a cheap pleasure and not every city can afford it. Actively participates in trade with other cities. Buys ore, gold, uranium, servants. Sells medicines. There is quite strict control over society. There are even breeding cycles. That is, children can only be had during certain periods of time, and then only in vitro. Alcohol and drugs are prohibited. The inner part of the city is clean and well-groomed, the houses are white and neat. But the outside is not very good. The population of townspeople is 102 people. And not the townspeople - unknown.

According to Vic, this is where Ed lives, from whom flask 13 of the refuge was purchased. Ed didn’t tell us anything useful because he doesn’t remember anything anymore. The flask was purchased a long time ago. But it tells us that we can look up information about other shelters in the central computer. This is a good idea. But in order to gain access to the computer, you must become a citizen of this very City of Vault.

How to Access the Vault City Main Computer

And although such a task is not displayed in PipBoy, it is nevertheless our main goal in this city.

How to get into the city. No one will just let us in there. We may get a day pass or fake citizenship documents. False documents seem preferable to me. Because there are several advantages. Firstly, you can enter the city at night. Secondly, you can bring alcohol and drugs with you. Thirdly, we get access to the warehouse (where there are books and magazines). With fake citizenship, we just won’t be able to get into the shelter itself. In front of the entrance to the city there is a customs building. We go there and talk to Skiv. He will give us fake citizenship for only 200 rubles. You can blackmail him and get 300 back. But for this, your karma will be slightly reduced. You can talk to Wallace about getting a day pass or steal it. There are many ways: just persuade, be in a shelter suit (without armor, that is). Many people say that if there is an ore shard, then we can pretend to be a merchant (as if we are selling ore).

Become a citizen. Firstly, you can enter the shelter through the guards in combat mode. There is no need to hit anyone, just press the A key and enter. After that, no one is offended at us and in general everything is fine. But still, this is somehow half cheating. Therefore, let's go the honest way. You need to get citizenship. There are two ways. First- take a test with Proconsul Gregory (in the consulate building). To successfully pass, you need high intelligence, wisdom, developed science skills and should not have a sixth toe. This finger can be obtained by running a lot through green radioactive puddles. If suddenly the finger is present, it can be removed by “Doctor” Andrew in the Suburbs. I've never been able to pass the test (that's without cheating). Therefore, I don’t know the exact numbers. They say that you need 9 intelligence and wisdom and more than 90% science. Another person said that 8 intelligence and science is enough about 100%. The third said that in addition there should be great luck. When I cheated a little and set all the basic skills to 10, then with science less than 75%, I passed the test. Again, there may be such different opinions due to different versions of the game (or maybe not). In general, I don’t know for sure. Second way- solve the problem with the power plant in Gekko. There is an option - to obtain citizenship by passing a test, and then deal with the station.

After we have become a pious citizen of the City of Vault, we go to the shelter itself. The central computer is located on the third floor. We approach it, apply science and find out that nothing is known about the 13th shelter. Sadly. However, there is information about 15 shelters. Wow. So we are on our way there.

Solve the Gekko power plant problem

The quest is long, requires a lot of body movements, and besides, the same task appears for Gekko. Moreover, in Gekko it can be implemented more fully (that is, in Vault City we complete only part of the task). Therefore, the task about the power plant is described in the walkthrough for the city of Gekko. And, in fact, after solving the problem, the chairman of the council, MacLure (in the Consulate building), will grant us citizenship.

Sergeant Stark's missions

The assignments are issued by Sergeant Stark, head of the Correction Center in Vault City. They are all extremely simple. Sometimes it happens that Stark suddenly attacks us. This usually happens when we want to talk to him and run up. Therefore, you must, firstly, save before each conversation, and secondly, go two or three steps into the correction center and only then speak. That is, you need to speak while standing still, and not run up to the sergeant.

Get a plow for Mr. Smith

The task is given by the ordinary farmer Smith, who stands behind Dr. Andrew's hospital, near the vegetable garden in the Suburbs. He and his wife need a plow, the price of which is 800 rubles (we can negotiate even cheaper). The plow can be purchased from the merchant Happy Harry, whose store is very nearby. As a reward he will give us a Desert Eagle (desert eagle), which costs a little over 800 rubles. And couldn’t this same Smith walk two steps to the store and exchange his magnum for a plow?

Save Joshua, Amanda's husband

Amanda stands in one of the Suburban tents and cries. Her husband Joshua was taken as a servant to the City. We go to the servant distribution center, ask about Joshua there and say that he has the syndrome. And he is released. Joshua can also be redeemed.

Deliver Moore's suitcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno

The task is given by a certain preacher who stands in the center of the city. After listening to him and being inspired by his speeches (that is, we answer “Amit, brother!”, “Exactly, it’s time for this city to wake up!”, etc.), we receive a suitcase. If necessary, we'll take it to New Reno. Just don’t ask for money for this, otherwise Moore will put a note in the suitcase and Bishop will attack us to fight.

Deliver drinks to Lydia (10 each)

Lydia, the owner of the City tavern (located right at the entrance), asks to smuggle in real alcohol. 10 bottles of beer and 10 buzz. While we are not citizens of the city, alcohol and drugs cannot be brought inside. You can give them to your partner.

Get Valeria's wrench and pliers

Valeria asks us to bring her pliers and a wrench. The wrench is hidden very cleverly. In exchange, Valeria will give us a super repair kit. And then, by the way, you can steal four more pieces from Valerie. The wrench may be part of the quest to obtain the car (or it may not be).

In the suburbs of Vault City, in front of Cassidy's bar, Curtis is seen crying. Because I lost my doll - Mr. Nixon. This doll is located not far behind the bar, in a nook. If you give it to Curtis, he will start playing with it. You need to stand next to him and watch him drink tea. After a while, there will be a mention of a wrench in the conversation. And only after that you can go to the pile of stones and there will be a wrench there. If you search the stones without giving away the doll, then there will be nothing there. Also, if you break the doll, there will be nothing in the stones either. And in the future, the key will not be found very soon.

And pliers (which are simply called a tool) are quite easy to find. Found in the Caves of the Rat God in Klamath. In Smitty's closet in Den. In Vault City itself, next to Valerie, there is a store that also sells pliers.
There is another wrench on the second floor of the shelter in one of the rooms. But you must have a high hacking skill to open doors.

In Vault City, we can take Cassidy into our campaign. He's hanging out at his bar in the Suburbs. Cassidy has "Cat's Paw" and "Guns and Bullets" in her closet.

At the very beginning of the Suburbs, an incomprehensible person lies in a tent. This is Charlie. He lies there, moans, vomits and generally doesn’t feel well. Poisoned by dirty water. You can use Rad-Avey on it. As a result, Charlie will recover. And he won’t thank us in any way.

Dr. Andrew's clinic in Suburbia can repair your autodoc. However, it is also free.

At the servant distribution center you can sell one of your partners. Essentially into slavery. This is ugh.

It turns out that Valerie (the one who needs a wrench and pliers) is Vika’s daughter. But to find out, Vic must be with us in company.

In the shelter itself on the second and third floors, the doors to the rooms can be hacked using an electronic master key (the nearest master key is written about in the quest about toxic caves) or with a high hacking skill. Some of the doors are jammed, they can only be opened by being very strong (must be 10, you can eat a buffout if you don’t have enough, or be in power armor). You can break open doors with a crowbar (not all doors, but only jammed ones), but even in this case the force must be high.

On the ground floor there is a computer with medical archives. If the doctor's skill is high, then you can delve into medical archives and learn something interesting about subcutaneous armor. Dr. Troy will also give us a tour and we will receive the “Training in Vault City” bonus. And then (after the excursion), if we come to him poisoned or irradiated, he can give us vaccinations that increase resistance to radiation and poisons. But, usually, this happens much later (that is, not on the first visit to the City).

On the second floor you can repair the ventilation. Also in one of the iron cabinets there is a memory module for increasing strength. In other cabinets you can find a "Cat's Paw" and a science book. There, in one of the boxes there is a voice module, which will be useful in shelter 13.

A watchman wanders around on the third floor and sings nasty songs. But if you praise his singing, a unit of karma will be added.

Where to go? After digging into the central computer, we find out that there is a 15th shelter. Next to him is NKR. Therefore, this will be our next goal. But many other cities have already opened, and you can run around them too. New Reno, Redding, Broken Hills, Modoc. I'll probably choose Modoc. Because we have to go back to Den to get the car, and Modoc is on the way. By the way, there will be a task for which you will need to go to Den. And you will have to return to Vault City several more times. For Stark, after studying the NKR. For breaking doors, after purchasing an electronic master key. To receive vaccinations from Dr. Troy (because, most likely, the doctor’s skill will not be high right away).