Sevan city, Armenia. The city of Sevan in Armenia. Sevan - holidays with children

Sevan is a small town on the shore of the largest lake in Armenia with the same name, located at an altitude of 1900 m above sea level. The city was founded in 1842 on the Hrazdan River, in the place where it flows from the lake.

The town with nondescript buildings, whose population is only 23 thousand inhabitants, is at the same time a major tourist center. Amazing nature, clean water in Lake Sevan and developed tourism infrastructure attract thousands of tourists from all over the world.

Climate and weather, location

The city and lake Sevan are located 66 km from Yerevan in the depths of the Armenian Highlands. They usually get to the lake from Yerevan airport by taxi, bus or minibus.

The climate in the Sevan region is quite harsh due to its high location. The weather here is cool in summer, and winter is quite warm. Thus, the average summer temperature is +15°C, and winter -7°C. The area around the lake is characterized by high humidity and fairly strong winds.

Sights of Sevan

Beach in Sevan

In Sevan, like in all resort towns, there is a Central Beach, as well as others, equipped with everything necessary for the comfort and safety of vacationers. Lovers of free wild beaches will also find a convenient place for themselves. The beaches on Lake Sevan are both pebble and sandy.

The water in the lake warms up to +20°C in summer, which creates a pleasant cool atmosphere. Thanks to this, in the summer heat, many locals gather here along with tourists.In winter, the lake rarely freezes, because in the depths it is filled with multiple springs.

Lake Sevan is divided into:

Rent a car in Sevan

Embankment in Sevan

The embankment in the city of Sevan is distinguished by a large number of cafes, kebab houses, and restaurants, where there is a lively and crowded atmosphere.

Here you can walk around the amusement park, enjoy water activities and wander through the hills, exploring monuments of Armenian architecture.

Other attractions

Not far from the city of Sevan there is another attraction - the Selim gorge. For a very long time it was the main route for local traders transporting valuable cargo and jewelry to the west.

For such travelers, a shelter was built, which is a structure with three rooms. There are holes in the roof for lighting, so there is always twilight and silence here.

Another significant place near Sevan is the Noratus open-air museum. Once upon a time it was a small Armenian village, but today it represents only numerous ruins. This village is home to the world's largest cemetery of khachkars (a stone stele with a cross carved on it), the oldest of which dates back to the 5th century AD. e.


The highlight of the local cuisine is, of course, the fish that is found in Lake Sevan. The famous Sevan trout is on the menu of many restaurants, but it is difficult to determine whether it is “wild” or artificially grown. Also very popular is the whitefish fish, which was released into the lake at the beginning of the last century.

As in any other city of Armenia, in Sevan you can enjoy meat kebab or crayfish kebab, pork or whitefish kebab, khorovats, khashlama (lamb with vegetables), fish gata, matnakash (Armenian bread) and many other Armenian dishes.

On the Sevan embankment you can find many cafes where you will be offered to simply drink beer and eat boiled crayfish, a favorite snack of local residents.


Both on the shore of the lake and further in the mountains there are many hotels to suit every taste. The price per room ranges from 1500 RUR. before 4000 RUR. If desired, you can rent an entire villa (from 20,000 rub.) or apartment (from 11000rub.). Hotels of the highest category in Sevan are in no way inferior to European ones.

Entertainment and relaxation

In Sevan, as in any resort town, there is a lot of entertainment for tourists.

Water activities:

  • Water bicycle;
  • Yachts;
  • Catamarans;
  • Boats and pleasure boats;
  • Trampoline;
  • Surfing.

Not far from the city, a cable car was recently built leading to the mountains, where an amazing view of the lake and the surrounding area opens up.
Sevan has a water park, swimming pool, volleyball and football courts.
One of the main entertainments in Sevan is a walk through the park of the same name.


The most famous Armenian souvenir, of course, is cognac. Its merits have long been known. Wine from Armenia is also worthy of attention.

Wonderful dried fruits are sold in Sevan. They are often designed in the form of beads or still lifes, which makes them a good gift for relatives and friends.

In Sevan, local craftsmen create amazing handicrafts from pomegranate. These can be candlesticks, boxes, vases, key rings. In Armenia, pomegranate is very significant because it symbolizes prosperity.

  1. Sevan is quite safe, because it is mostly a resort town. There is practically no crime here, and local authorities vigilantly monitor the safety of tourists.
  2. Vacationing on the territory of Armenia, not only in Sevan, you need to respect the traditions of the local people. Everyone knows the scrupulousness of the inhabitants of the Caucasus Mountains, so you should not speak about Armenia in a disrespectful tone in their presence.

    There is also no point in making offensive statements against women, especially local ones. This could end in big trouble.

  3. One of the pleasant features of Sevan is the ability to drink water directly from the tap. All the water here comes from mineral springs and can even be good for health.
  4. The resort town of Sevan will be interesting because who loves nature and is not looking for noisy fun.

Order an inexpensive transfer - taxi in Sevan

The cheapest tickets from Moscow to Yerevan and back

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Sevan is one of the most popular and visited cities in Armenia. Much credit for this, of course, belongs to the real pearl of Armenia, Lake Sevan, which is the second largest alpine freshwater lake in the world (for reference: the honorable first place belongs to the South American lake). But I cannot describe all the splendor of Sevan with dry facts alone: ​​picturesque mountains turning into alpine meadows, clean air, a sandy bottom and, of course, the magical azure hue of the water fascinate and captivate, forcing you to return here again and again.

I love water very much, the sea is my love forever, and in Armenia Sevan replaces for me that same sea with an endless expanse of water. Unless the water in it is salty. :)

I first visited Sevan when I was a child: then I was solely interested in the opportunity to splash in the water - so cold, and at the same time so attractive. Now I love Sevan for something completely different: for its views, as if straight out of an impressionist painting, for the opportunity to collect my thoughts while looking at the water surface, for the peace that gives way to the cries of Sevan seagulls, for amazing sunsets, as well as for new, hitherto undiscovered me attractions in the surrounding area.

I hope my story will help you feel the spirit of Sevan, after which you will always want to visit this beautiful city!

How to get there

I’ll tell you how to get to Sevan directly from the airport.

How to get from the airport to the city

Taxi and private transfer, in my opinion, are the most convenient ways to get to Sevan. First of all, because hotels can be located on different parts of the lake coastline, and even if you choose intercity transport, you will still have to catch a ride or a taxi to be taken directly to the desired hotel.

Considering that the average taxi price per kilometer is about 0.25 USD (100 Armenian drams / AMD), a trip from Yerevan airport to Sevan will cost you only 18–19 USD (9,000 AMD), and from Gyumri - 33 USD ( 16,000 AMD).

It will be a little more expensive to order an individual transfer, which is offered by many local travel companies and hotels. In this case, we will be talking about about 45 USD if the trip starts from Yerevan, but you are guaranteed to be met at the airport, and the trip will be as comfortable as possible.

By train

As I noted earlier, direct railway communication between Russia and Armenia is closed for an indefinite period. This is due to two regional conflicts: Armenian-Azerbaijani and Russian-Georgian. In this regard, I will tell you about the route by train to the lake if you are already on the territory of Armenia.

From Yerevan

You can get to Sevan by train, or as I call it “mega retro train”, if you are already in Yerevan. However, this option is only possible in the summer months. The schedule changes every year, so you need to check it in advance. But usually trains from Yerevan to Sevan run from mid-June to early September, that is, during the high season.

Electric trains depart not from the Main Yerevan Station, which I talked about, but from the Almast station, which is located in the north of Yerevan. You can get to this station by bus number 24.

How to get from the train station to the lake

Trains arrive at Peninsula Station, which is located directly opposite the most tourist area of ​​Sevan with the towering Sevanavank monastery complex.

Trains are not the fastest route option, since they are not high-speed, and in the absence of traffic jams it will be faster to get here by bus. But there is still a plus: the trains also go to Shorzha, which I will talk about below.

So, you can get to the Peninsula station from Yerevan in about 1.5 hours (ticket price - 1.25 USD or 600 AMD), and to Shorzha station in 2 hours (ticket price - 2 USD or 1,000 AMD).

By bus

Getting to Armenia by bus is preferred either by aerophobes or by those who want to reduce their travel budget as much as possible. To be fair, it is worth noting that with the ever-increasing number of direct flights from Russia, the difference between the price of a bus ticket and a plane ticket is becoming very insignificant.

Today there are a huge number of companies providing bus transportation from many Russian cities to Armenia. In general, we can say that during the season, buses run every day. You can read more about this.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that I do not recommend choosing this method from November to March, since the pass in Upper Lars, through which all transport from Russia to Georgia and Armenia passes, is very often closed due to weather conditions, and there is a risk of getting stuck there even for several days.

From Yerevan

Buses from Russia almost always stop near the Yerevan station. You can find out more about it, and how to get from the station to the center of Yerevan. In addition, the route of many transport companies goes through Sevan, so feel free to check this fact, and you can ask for a stop right near the lake.

I would also like to note that there is a bus service between Yerevan and Sevan. I’ll say right away that this method is not the most convenient and fastest, but it is economical. Buses to Sevan depart from the Northern Bus Station of Yerevan, which can be reached from the city center by bus No. 46 (fare is about 0.20 USD). As the name suggests, the Northern Bus Station is located north of the center of Yerevan. It takes about 25 minutes to get there from the center, taking into account traffic jams.

The North Station building is small, made of orange tuff (a local volcanic stone). There are a lot of intercity minibuses near the station, and you need to head to them after you get off at the desired stop.

Already here you need to transfer to minibus No. 317 or bus No. 316, which will take you to Sevan. The cost of travel by bus will be about 1.25 USD, and by minibus - 1.5 USD.

As I already mentioned, this type of transport does not reach directly the lake and the hotels located on the shore.

How to get from the stop to the lake

The bus stops in the city of Sevan, the exact location can be seen on the map below:

Therefore, you will need to catch a taxi to your destination. Some, by the way, negotiate with the minibus driver himself, and for a small surcharge he drives further to the lake.

By car

When traveling by car from Russia, there may be the same problems that I described in the section above. In addition, in the summer season, be prepared for a long queue in the same Verheem Lars. And yet, if you decide to make your own route around Armenia, your own car will come in handy.

From Moscow and St. Petersburg

The distance from Moscow to Sevan is about 2,200 km.

From St. Petersburg it’s a little more - almost 3,000 km.

The road runs along the M4 Don highway, covering a number of large cities, including Rostov-on-Don, Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and Vladikavkaz. Further, after you pass Lars, the road will already pass along the Georgian side.


Sevan - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 1

Kazan − 1

Samara 0

Ekaterinburg 1

Novosibirsk 3

Vladivostok 6

When is the season? When is the best time to go

I can definitely assure you that Sevan is beautiful at any time of the year. Of course, traditionally the Sevan season opens from mid-June and lasts until mid-September, when the air and water temperatures are the most optimal for swimming. However, who would dare to downplay the beauty of such beautiful lakes as Garda and Lago Maggiore in Italy, the Austrian Lake Wolfgansee or, for example, Lake Geneva, in the so-called “off season”. So the beauty of Sevan does not know the time of year.

Perhaps the only fly in the ointment here is the lack of attention and support from local authorities, because Sevan has every chance to stand on a par with the resorts mentioned above. But for now, unfortunately, the main emphasis is on the summer season, and during the rest of the year Sevan is not crowded, which is why most hotels prefer to close.

But let’s take a closer look at all four seasons in Sevan.

Sevan in summer

As I already mentioned, summer is the main season in Sevan. The main influx of tourists occurs in mid-July and August. This is the hottest season (both in terms of weather and prices). The air temperature in July-August can reach +30 °C during the daytime (at the same time, it is still quite cool in the evening - about +18 °C), and the traditionally cold water in the lake warms up to +22–24 °C.

Also keep in mind that on Saturday and Sunday locals, mostly Yerevan residents, come to Sevan to swim, so finding a free hotel room is extremely problematic.

It is very important to take sunscreen with maximum SPF in Sevan in summer - the weather here is very deceptive. You won’t even notice how, hiding in the shade, you will earn yourself a sunburn, because even the wind burns in Sevan. And to become like the Sevan crayfish on the very first day of rest is a dubious joy. :)

Sevan in autumn

The swimming season in Sevan ends in mid-September, but the “Indian summer” is felt especially brightly during this season. The sun is still quite gentle, but not scorching, and the greenery around is in no hurry to give way to autumn colors.

From the end of September to mid-October, autumn comes into its own. The air temperature, both during the day and in the evening, fluctuates quite sharply, but generally stays within +12 °C. Therefore, at this time of year you definitely need to take warm clothes with you.

Perhaps the most unsuitable month, in my opinion, for a trip to Sevan is mid-November to early December. At this time it is already quite cold and there is often an unpleasant wind, especially directly near the lake. The autumn colors are already fading into the background, and the snow is not yet dense enough on the mountains around to please the eye.

Sevan in spring

Despite the fact that the beach season in Sevan begins in the summer, the majority of hotels open their doors from the end of April. I think this policy is due to the great interest in the resort during the May holidays. In fairness, it is worth noting that especially brave tourists manage to swim in the lake already at this time of year, amusing and surprising the locals. And this is at an average water temperature of no more than +15 °C!

The weather in Sevan in May is quite comfortable for walking, but in the evening it still wouldn’t hurt to wear warmer clothes.

Sevan in winter

The low season at the resort begins in December and lasts until the end of March. Finding a functioning hotel at this time of year is quite problematic, but I assure you that winter Sevan has a special magic and will pleasantly surprise you with its magical views. Especially if the air temperature is so low that the water in the lake freezes, as it did this year (which, by the way, is quite a rare occurrence).

The photo below only partially conveys all this beauty! This year, winter Sevan was a real paradise for photographers.

Therefore, take your time and spend at least an hour or two admiring this picture painted by nature itself!

Sevan - weather by month


Sevan - weather by month

What are the prices for holidays?

Holidays in Sevan can be either very budget-friendly or quite expensive in comparison with Armenian prices. Speaking about prices in general, I primarily mean accommodation, since food here is quite cheap, as well as throughout Armenia.


The highest season in hotels is July and August. At the same time, it is interesting that it is quite difficult for me to focus on prices in hotels, since here you can find hotels from the same category, where the cost of accommodation can be either 50 USD for two with breakfast, or exactly twice as much. At the same time, if you overpay, you may not notice much of a difference.

If you are traveling with a large group, you can immediately book a large cottage or villa at the hotel. This will save you enough money, and at the same time you will receive the same service as when booking a hotel room.

The most budget option would be the previously mentioned private cottages for rent. You may not find most of them on the Internet, and you will negotiate the price and other issues with the owner on the spot. The cost of such mini-cottages starts from about 20 USD per day.

By the way, what is noteworthy is that prices for accommodation on the lake absolutely do not depend on the area. I can even take the liberty of saying that there is practically no division into more or less prestigious areas here. The price in Sevan hotels is determined depending on the status and star rating of the hotel itself and the services it offers.


I will tell you more about the restaurants in Sevan below, but here it should be noted that the prices for food in Sevan are more than acceptable, and the portions are simply huge.

Please note that in many cafes and restaurants of the resort you will not find a menu - prices will be told to you verbally. It is important to check the cost of everything, including snacks, otherwise in the end you may be quoted a tidy sum, and it turns out that, for example, the same snacks are priced almost higher than a huge portion of kebab. Of course, such unscrupulous workers are extremely rare, but you should still be careful so as not to spoil your impression of this wonderful resort.


To be honest, I didn’t see any public transport at the resort. If you need to go somewhere, you can use hotel transport (the most expensive option) or ask for a taxi. In this case, the approximate price guideline for you will be 0.20 USD per kilometer.

You can also catch a ride and negotiate a price with the driver. Many locals often give tourists a lift for free. For some reason, they often end up “on the road” wherever you are going. :)

Main attractions. What to see

Sevan is not only a stunningly beautiful lake. Once in these parts, you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of touching ancient history and not visiting a number of wonderful attractions, the main part of which are beautiful authentic monasteries and temples.

Before the trip, please note that it is preferable to take comfortable shoes. In summer, a hat and sunscreen are also required, as the Sevan sun can be merciless.

Top 3

Ayrivank Monastery

During a trip to Sevan, many travelers limit themselves to visiting only the Sevanavank Monastery, the main attraction of the city. However, real treasures are hidden in slightly more inaccessible places, one of which is the Ayrivank Monastery (or, as it is also called, Ayravank), which is of much greater interest to me personally.

Founded back in the 9th century, the Ayrivank monastery complex struck me with its contrast of the strict architecture of the building and the richly decorated vestibule. The fact is that at the time when the monastery was built, the architecture was maintained in the most ascetic style. But the porch was decorated according to the traditions of the 13th century.

And, of course, the amazing view of the lake that opens right from the church can’t help but take your breath away!

Norashensky Nature Reserve and “Island of Seagulls”

For me, seagulls are one of the symbols of Sevan (without exaggeration).

Lake Sevan was awarded the status of a national park in 1978 to protect water resources, flora and fauna and the ecosystem as a whole.

The Sevan National Park includes a number of reserves with a strict environmental regime. One of the most famous reserves of the national park is the Norashen Reserve, the purpose of which is to protect the unique nesting colony of Armenian gulls, listed in the Red Book.

“Island of Seagulls” is simply a must-see, because soon it may disappear altogether. The fact is that as the water level in the lake rises, the island is gradually sinking under water, and perhaps soon the colonies of the Armenian gull, which are among the largest in the world, will have to look for other gull islands.

The extinct volcano Armaghan

If you are tired of standard routes and prefer to go where the average tourist does not go, then you definitely need to climb Mount Armaghan!

Armagan is an extinct volcano at an altitude of 2,829 meters. From here you can see a simply indescribable view of Lake Sevan and the Geghama Mountains. But this is not the only thing that awaits you when climbing the mountain: at the very top there is a small chapel, and also a small lake of unique beauty with crystal clear water.

Armagan is located near the city of Martuni. I advise you to develop such a route with a guide or travel agent; it will be problematic on your own. But professionals will take you to the most beautiful places; part of the climb is even organized on horseback. In general, there will be enough emotions for a long time!

Churches and temples. Which ones are worth visiting?


The Sevanavank monastery complex is the main attraction and the most visited monastery of Sevan. Simple and ascetic, it is notable for the fact that it is entirely built from massive blocks of black tuff, which is very difficult to carve, process and polish.

This medieval monastery was built back when Sevan was an island and not a peninsula, in 874 by Princess Mariam, daughter of the founder of the Armenian Bagratid kingdom, Ashot I Bagratuni.

The churches of Surb Arakelots and Surb Karapet, as well as a cell and a theological seminary, have survived to this day, and the observation deck of the complex offers a magnificent view of the lake and mountains.


I have already described this monastery, built in the 9th century, in more detail just above. Ayrivank is located on the western shore of the lake, on the outskirts of the village of the same name.

To find it, you need to turn onto the M10 highway, towards Gavar. Having passed the villages of Tsovazard and Lchap, it is better to ask the locals for a shortcut. That’s what I did, so I don’t remember the exact route now. But it won’t be difficult for you to recognize Ayrivank, since it is the only one rising on a rocky cape on the very shore of the lake.


Makenis Monastery (or Makenyats) is another significant attraction of Sevan, which is not so famous among tourists.

The monastery is located in the southern part of the lake, about 5 km from the shore, in the village of Makenis. In addition to its architectural significance, the monastery played a major role in the spread of written culture in Armenia and since the early Middle Ages it has been one of the educational and religious centers of the country.

The complex consists of the main church in the architectural ensemble, Surb Astvatsatsin, a chapel and a vestibule. If you visit the monastery complex, be sure to also pay attention to the khachkars, as well as the interesting carvings on the church, in particular in the form of horses.


Another little-known monastery among tourists hid from its heads among the Geghama Mountains. Vanevan, built in the 10th century, is located in the village of Artsvanist, on the edge of the gorge.

The main church of the monastery complex is the Church of St. Grigor Lusavorich, which was built in 903. It is noteworthy that the church itself is built from rough-hewn basalt, and the arches and domes are made from tuff.

In Vanevan you can enjoy absolute silence and unity with nature.


All these beautiful monasteries are active, and absolutely anyone can get here. Entrance to the churches and monasteries of Sevan is free, although donations are welcome. On Sundays, as well as on church holidays, services are held in the monasteries, however, even at this time tourists can enter the church if they wish. Photography is also not prohibited.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

There are not many museums in Sevan, but they are definitely worth visiting. It’s especially nice that entry to most of them is free.

Sevan Museum of Natural Science

This museum will interest both adults and children. The museum presents more than 700 exhibits demonstrating: the flora and fauna of Sevan and the surrounding area, the geological features of the place, as well as household and working tools telling about the thousand-year history of the region.

The Sevan Museum of Natural Science is located in the city of Sevan, in the building of the Cultural Center. Accurate address: Sayat-Nova, 14.

Opening hours and visiting: The museum is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00, and on Saturday from 10:00 to 13:00. Free admission.


This is a real open-air museum. In fact, Noratus, located in the village of the same name, is a so-called khachkar cemetery. There is a unique collection of stone crosses here. Almost 1,000 copies occupy an area of ​​7 hectares, and not a single ornament on the khachkars is repeated.

Most of the khachkars of Noratus date back to the 13th–17th centuries, and the oldest is the khachkar of the 5th century.

The most unusual and interesting khachkars, in my opinion, are those that depict the life of local residents, for example, with scenes from rural life and even weddings.

Here you will definitely be told an interesting legend, which says: when Tamerlane’s troops broke into the village, the local residents, realizing their small numbers compared to the horde of conquerors, put clothes on the khachkars. The conquerors saw thousands of “warriors” and retreated, not risking fighting the “armed soldiers.”

Noratus is located in the village of the same name on the western bank of Sevan, about 5 km from the city of Gavar. The road from the city of Sevan to the khachkar cemetery will take almost an hour (about 40 km). The easiest way is to take a taxi (calculation: 1 km = 0.20 USD) or hitch a ride (if you’re lucky, locals will take you for free). If you get to Noratus from Yerevan, then from the Bus Station you can take minibus No. 326 to Gavar, and then take a taxi or walk.

Visiting Noratus is free.

Sevan Botanical Garden

Another place in Sevan where both children and adults will be interested. The Sevan Botanical Garden is already notable for the fact that it is located at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. The park features about 450 European and Asian plant species.

Opening hours and visiting: The botanical garden is open to the public every day - from 09:00 to 18:00. The entrance is free.

Museum of Local Lore

In the museum, which is located in the city of Gavar, you can get acquainted with the general history of the region, learn interesting facts about Lake Sevan and the life of ordinary people, as well as admire paintings, ancient carpets, ancient tools, anchor and bronze daggers and jewelry found during excavations

The museum is small, but it contains about 8,500 exhibits telling the history of the region, from the Stone Age to the present day.

Exact address: st. Zoravar Andranik, 32.

Opening hours and visiting: open from Monday to Friday - from 09:00 to 18:00. Admission is free, and there are also Russian-speaking guides.

Food. What to try

Going to Sevan and not trying the local fish and crayfish is, to say the least, a crime. This is already a kind of ritual and an obligatory point, without which the impressions of Sevan will be incomplete.

Of course, meat-eaters, vegans, and those with a sweet tooth also have a wide choice here, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to leave Sevan with an empty stomach. I talked about Armenian delicacies in detail in my.

The tourist areas of Sevan are not famous for their abundance of shops, so those who like to cook on their own will have to go to the city of Sevan or nearby Hrazdan (there is a large supermarket there, the distance from the city of Sevan is about 20 km).


Lake Sevan Day

There are few city holidays in Sevan. Nationwide celebrations are celebrated here as in other cities of Armenia. But among the local festivities, I’ll probably celebrate Lake Sevan Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of August.

On this day, in the morning, under the control of the national park staff, a kind of cleanup (cleaning of the coastline) is held, and in the evening, many hotels organize parties.

Armenian Sailing Championship

In addition, the Sailing Championship is held in Sevan in mid-August.

The competition lasts for 7 days and involves about 30 windsurfers. If you don’t participate, it’s at least worth watching the action.

Safety. What to watch out for

How to get around the region

Sevan - holidays with children

Sevan is a great choice for a holiday with children! The cleanest air and water, hotels with slides and playrooms, several interesting museums, which I told you about above, will brighten up children's leisure time.

The only thing, keep in mind that not all hotels and restaurants are ready to provide a children's menu, so you will need to choose from what is available, or ask the chef to cook separately for the child if there are problems with nutrition.

Also, be sure to stock up on reliable sunscreen: you will need it in Sevan more than anywhere else.

Ski holiday

Ski passes

I have used the Sevan chairlift only once so far and took a day pass, which a year ago (in 2016) was half as expensive as in Tsakhkadzor. That is, a daily card costs approximately 10 USD (5,000 ADM). Ski rental costs the same.

As far as I know, only day ski passes are currently provided here, which can be purchased right next to the cable car, as well as at the Akhtamar Hotel, located 2 kilometers away. The operating hours of the cable car are from 10:00 to 17:00.


Sevan ski slopes are a real paradise for professionals. There are two routes here:

  • serpentine, which stretches for 2 km;
  • a real black track that you can’t even find in Tsakhkadzor. Its length is 1.2 km.

There is also a sufficient amount of virgin snow here. for freeride lovers, as well as several flat trails for inexperienced skiers and children. There is also a training school for them, which is located on the territory of the above-mentioned Akhtamar hotel.

The height of Mount Uryatstap, on which the chairlift is built, is 2,324 m, and as for the route itself, its length is 1,130 m, with a height difference of up to 400 meters.

By the way, about the Akhtamar Hotel: since it is built on a mountain ridge, simply amazing views open from its windows!

Therefore, it can be chosen not only by lovers of alpine skiing, but also by connoisseurs of secluded relaxation with “pictorial” views.

Anything to add?

Until 1961, Sevan was considered a village. Afterwards it received city status. Sevan is located northeast of Yerevan, 54 kilometers from the capital. The city stands on the very shore of the famous Lake Sevan.

The city of Sevan is shaped like a kind of amphitheater. The distance between residential buildings, as well as cultural and administrative facilities of the city is minimal. In the center there is a city cultural recreation park.

Sevan comes alive in the summer, when tourists come to it from all over the world. And in winter, when the lake freezes and westerly winds blow, a very calm rhythm of life is established here.



23,200 people

Population density

Armenian dram


UTC+4, in summer UTC+5

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

The harsh mountain climate of Sevan is characterized by long winters and cool summers. The city is located at a relatively low latitude, where the same average monthly temperatures reign as in Karelia and the Leningrad region. The climate is also affected by the low location above sea level.

Only at severe temperatures, from -20 ºС, Lake Sevan can freeze completely - there are countless springs in it.

Strong winds often blow here and the humidity is high. From the end of November, snow falls in Sevan and remains until mid-April. And summer here actually only lasts from mid-June to mid-September. The longest season of the year in Sevan is autumn.


Beach holidays predominate in this area - the city is located on the coast of the largest of the high-mountain lakes. Sevan is a picturesque resort with a huge number of motels, hotels, camp sites, boarding houses and restaurants created for vacationers of different income levels. It’s really beautiful here in any weather, but the best time to come to Sevan is in the summer.

Lake Sevan is of volcanic origin. The local landscape is very attractive - here you will find steppes smoothly turning into alpine meadows, snow-capped mountains, and mountain forests.

The lake is usually divided into two parts - small and large. The depth of Small Sevan reaches 98 meters, Big Sevan - 58 meters. 28 rivers flow into the lake, but only one of them (Hrazdan) flows out of it.

The surface of the water has a fabulous azure color, and it is also so transparent that from above you can see everything that happens in the lake at a depth of 12 meters. In summer, the water temperature in the reservoir reaches from +17 to +24 ºС.


In the city of Sevan, in addition to the lake itself, there are many other important attractions. On the shore of the famous reservoir, on a high rock is located Hayravank Church. No one knows the exact date of its construction, but if we take into account the architectural details, we can attribute this structure to the obelisks of the 9th century. The church was built from roughly hewn stones, its appearance is quite simple, but the temple is surprisingly in harmony with the local nature.

In the northwest of Lake Sevan, a peninsula rises high, on which medieval monasteries built in 874 are located. They were ordered to be erected by Queen Miriam, daughter of Ashot Bagratuni. Tourists are always especially impressed by the combination of a turquoise lake, blue sky and the Church of St. Astvatsatsin (Mother of God) and St. Arakelots.

Another attraction of the city is Selim gorge, which for many centuries was the main trade route. Countless camel caravans passed through this gorge, carrying priceless cargo and jewelry to the west. All wanderers and animals traveling through this place needed rest, so this caravanserai was built by order of the local prince. The building is a three-nave structure (that is, it consists of three oblong rooms). It is illuminated only by means of hatches cut into the roof itself. This method of construction was characterized by increased safety for travelers. At times it seems that in the mysterious twilight one can hear the hubbub of merchants and wanderers.

A special place in Sevan is Noratus, which is considered an open-air museum. The art of khachkars (stone steles with a cross carved on them) is considered the most striking manifestation of medieval Armenian culture. So, in this place hundreds of unique khachkars are collected, among which there are monuments from the 13th-14th centuries. It is here that you can feel the development of the art of Armenian khachkars in chronological order.


You can eat everywhere in Sevan, you just have to look around. You will definitely see within a radius of 100 meters around you some cafe or restaurant with any cuisine of your choice - Georgian, Arabic, European, Armenian, Chinese.

At the restaurant "U Ago" you will be fed an amazingly delicious nettle soup with potatoes. It’s a little expensive for locals here, since the restaurant is aimed at guests from Yerevan, but the range of dishes is impressive - fish cutlets, whitefish kebab, an unforgettable crayfish kebab, which you will remember until you are old. "U Ago", like many other establishments of this type, has a large spacious hall. Notable here are the unusual cabins, designed for companies from 4 to 20 guests. And if the owner of the restaurant (Ago himself) likes you, he will definitely come to your booth with his cognac and chocolate set in order to show his respect.


There are a huge number of places where you can stay in Sevan - from hotels and hotels of the highest level to the houses of local residents, who are always ready to offer their rooms for a symbolic reward.

Located on Lake Sevan Best Western Bohemian Resort. This hotel has very friendly staff. Everyone speaks English. The hotel offers rooms in the form of separate houses on the shore of the lake. They are all spacious and very clean, comfortable and cozy. On the ground floor there is a living room and a bathroom, and on the second there are two bedrooms. The window offers an impressive view of the monastery and mountains.

At another hotel, Maria Resort, you can swim in a wonderful pool, next to which there is a café-bar. Here you can not only drink delicious cocktails, but also eat. Even though this is a cafe, they serve very tasty restaurant food.

Entertainment and relaxation

For some time, a large football club “Akhtamar” trained in Sevan, which also glorified the entire area.

Sevan is visited by many outdoor enthusiasts to practice beach soccer and volleyball, surfing and other water sports. There are also water parks for children and their parents, equestrian clubs, mini-football and basketball courts, as well as tennis courts.

And if you want, you can take a walk through the Sevan National Park, which was created to protect the surrounding nature and the lake in 1978.


Due to the fact that Sevan is a wonderful resort, you can, of course, find many shops and stalls here. This is especially true for souvenirs. Is it true. But the prices here will be the same as at other resorts - steep. But what is worth buying in Sevan? Absolutely - local wine and cognac. These are the main souvenirs that are worth bringing from Armenia.


The M4, a highway that connects Tbilisi and Yerevan, passes through Sevan. The road runs along the shore of the lake on the southern and eastern sides of the city.

In addition, the city has a railway station belonging to the line Yerevan—Hrazdan—Sevan—Shorzha—Sotk. During the year, there is practically no passenger service in Sevan, but in the summer the electric train runs every day.


Sevan communications are represented by three major Armenian mobile operators. Having a card from one of them, you can always make a domestic call or make an international call. You can also get in touch with civilization via the Internet, which is offered free of charge by some large hotel complexes, or using mobile communications. By the way, you can also call through the hotel operator, who will connect you via an international line. Unfortunately, there are no pay phones in the city.


Sevan is quite safe. The fact is that this is only a tourist complex, so there is no crime here on a large scale. Of course, you can encounter cases of petty thefts or other minor violations, but there is no significant danger for vacationers here. Local authorities carefully monitor the peace of their guests.

Business climate

On the territory of the city there are dozens of factories that were built back in Soviet times. But only a few of them are in modern use.

In Sevan there is an Industrial-Technological College, which is attended by people from all over the country.

Unfortunately, the regional and city economies are not as strong as those in the capital. People don't want to work in factories, and more and more people are leaving these places.

In Sevan, all the staff are Armenians. So you should respect and comply with the laws and customs of Armenia. The first thing you need to know is that Armenians honor the cult of their homeland. For them, this is sacred, so any disparaging statement about their country or city will be perceived with hostility. The same applies to women, here they are especially revered. Don't insult women and you won't have problems.

In local hotels or any other home, it is completely normal (and even healthy) to drink water from the tap. And this is not surprising - water in Armenia is taken exclusively from mineral and artesian springs. By the way, if you see a pulpulak (a kind of water source one meter high) on the streets, you can also absolutely safely drink from it, it’s completely free.

Here is a map of Sevan with streets → Gegharkunik region, Armenia. We study a detailed map of Sevan with house numbers and streets. Search in real time, weather today, coordinates

More details about Sevan streets on the map

A detailed map of the city of Sevan with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads, where they are and how to get to the streets. Located near.

To view the territory of the entire region in detail, it is enough to change the scale of the online diagram +/-. On the page there is an interactive diagram of the city of Sevan with an address search and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find the streets now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance using the “Ruler” tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, transport stops and hospitals (the “Hybrid” scheme type), look at train stations and borders.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and routes, how to get there.

An accurate satellite map of Sevan with Google search is in its own section. At the moment, use the object search bar from Yandex to show the house number on the folk map of the city and Gegharkunik region in Armenia/the world, in real time.

The city was founded by Russian settlers back in the nineteenth century. It arose near a river called Hrazdan. At first it was called Elenovka. And in the thirties of the twentieth century it received the name Sevan.

Why does Sevan attract tourists so much?

People go to this popular resort for many reasons:
-excellent climate. In summer it is quite cool, which is suitable for those who cannot stand the heat and heat. The average temperature is sixteen to twenty degrees. In winter it is beautiful and snowy, but not very cold;
-wonderful lake with beautiful beaches;
-water park, which both children and adults really like;
-presence of excellent sports grounds.

The city's attractions

There is a lot to see in Sevan. There are plenty of attractions in the city:
-wonderful architectural monuments;
-many ancient buildings, striking in their beauty;
-beautiful fortresses, temples, many churches.

Religious monuments

The city is also famous for its beautiful lake. It is also called Sevan. The lake has several peninsulas. An ancient monastery is located majestically on one of them. The formidable building bears an equally majestic name - . Back in the distant ninth century, this architectural miracle was built. First of all, the walls appeared, and then the chapel was built. The monastery includes several churches and a watchtower. Cells and storage rooms for household equipment were also built. As a result of the battle with the Arabs in the sixteenth century, the walls of the monastery were destroyed.
While walking around the peninsula, visit the Theological Academy. It was opened at the beginning of the two thousandth. A whole complex of wonderful architectural monuments is located in the village of Lchashen. The village is located four kilometers from Sevan. The complex consists of several fortresses, the most recent of which was founded in the thirteenth century. This entire complex used to be under water. And only in the middle of the twentieth century, when Lake Sevan became shallow, did it appear on dry land.
The city of Sevan is very suitable for tourists who prefer a beach holiday. But it is no less interesting here for travelers who are in love with antiquity and history. Therefore, at the first opportunity, visit this amazing place, and the best way is to get there