The city with the highest crime rate. The most criminal country in the world

The United States of America is one of the most popular countries in the world for. How is the security situation in the USA? What do statistics say about crime rates? Let's pay attention to these and other points.

Generally speaking and based on statistics, today the crime rate in the United States is quite low. This is especially clearly demonstrated by such an indicator as the number of murders per 100 thousand people: in the USA it is 4.6. Of course, in such developed European countries as Germany or Norway, the figure will be even lower, but if you compare America, for example, with Russia, the difference is simply huge. Thus, in the Russian Federation there are as many as 10 murders per 100 thousand people.

It should also be noted that crime in the United States is decreasing every year. For clarity, let's turn to statistics again. So, for example, if in 2005 there were 416 car thefts per 100 thousand people, then in 2010 there were already 239. The murder rate was previously 5.6, i.e. noticeably higher than now.

If you believe other statistics, about 80% of American citizens are not afraid to walk along dark streets alone.

In addition, only 1.1% of the entire country's population became victims of crime: for comparison, in many this figure is higher.

Women can feel completely safe in America: statistics say that in 2019, crimes are committed against women in the United States 4 times less often.

Racial composition

A feature that characterizes American crime is the ethnicity of the criminals. In the vast majority of cases, illegal acts are committed by African Americans, slightly less often by Hispanics, and very rarely by whites. Statistics show that blacks commit 6 times more crimes than whites!

Criminologists attribute this to discrimination against African Americans, who, because of this, find it very difficult to find permanent work and housing, which pushes them towards crime.

Availability of weapons and their impact on the situation in the country

In America, it is officially legal in 2019 to carry firearms for self-defense. On the one hand, this seems correct, because in this way a person can protect himself as much as possible. But, unfortunately, this is precisely what leads to frequent cases of fatal shootings, which negatively affects the overall level of security.

In the state of Texas, it is even legal to kill anyone who intends to break into a home to commit a crime.

Social control

On a positive note, the American people are extremely vigilant. In the United States, it is not considered shameful to report an acquaintance or friend to the police if they are involved in some suspicious or illegal activities. Perhaps it is precisely this feature of the American mentality that makes it possible to prevent many crimes, significantly increasing security in the United States.

It is also important to mention the functioning of Neighborhood Watch. Citizens unite and patrol the streets, maintaining law and order. These preventive measures often prove to be very effective.

Gang activity

While in countries like Russia, crime operates largely in isolation, in the United States the influence of gangs remains strong. The total number of gang members in the country, despite serious opposition from the police, is large and amounts to about 1.4 million people. In some cities there are areas where even police officers are afraid to go without weapons.

Today, the most famous and dangerous gangs are the following: Crisp (manned only by black Americans), Bandidos (bikers), Aryan Brotherhood (members of this gang are criminals serving sentences in prison).

Experts say that more than 30,000 murders and attempted murders are committed in Russia every year. A significant part of such crimes occurs due to domestic conflicts. According to the NationMaster information server, our country is among the leading countries in the number of murders per capita.

Russia's competitors are countries such as Colombia, South Africa, Mexico and Venezuela. This most criminal countries in the world, where every person risks his life. Russia is in fifth place after the listed leaders. Let's tell you more about them.

Criminal Colombia

This is a country where human life is in great danger. There are 0.6 murders per 1,000 inhabitants. Colombia is the world leader in cocaine production. For tourists, this country is considered the most dangerous on the planet. There are fewer terrorist attacks there than in previous years, but crime is rampant. Violent robberies are commonplace in Colombia.

South African Republic

There is a real rampant of black crime in this country. The chaos and lawlessness that reigns in South Africa is simply amazing. The capital of the state is Pretoria, but the largest and crime city- Johannesburg. Alexandria is considered its most dangerous area. It is a kind of Bronx or Harlem. The area is dangerous even for South Africans during the day. Interestingly, it is located near the business center of Johannesburg.

In general, the crime rate in South Africa is so high that it is ranked among the most criminal countries in the world. Tourists who come to the Republic of South Africa must follow mandatory rules: do not visit dangerous areas, do not appear in deserted places, do not leave things in the car, do not provoke hooligans and thieves, etc. Cape Town is also a very crime-prone city in South Africa. It ranks second in the world in terms of the number of murders committed (98 murders per 100 thousand people).


The homeland of the Mayans, spicy cuisine and tequila is the most dangerous country. According to statistics, per capita in Mexico there are 6 times more robberies than in Russia. As for armed attacks, they happen here 8 times more often. This is what you should be wary of first. If in Europe criminals seek to obtain other people's property using theft and avoiding violence, then in Mexico a different approach has been adopted. A crude method of taking things and money is common here. On the street, a passerby can easily be approached by a criminal with a gun or knife. This feature is typical for Latin American countries.

There are a lot of rapes and murders in Mexico. The northern parts of the country pose the greatest danger to tourists. Therefore, it is better not to go there at all. The list of the most dangerous cities in Mexico includes Tijuana, Monterrey, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales, and Matamoros. Theft is widespread throughout the country, so you should not leave your belongings unattended anywhere.


Many experts put this country in first place in the ranking of the most dangerous. In Venezuela, rampant crime began from the moment Hugo Chavez came to power. An incredible number of murders are recorded here, but 91% of them remain unsolved. This is an anarchic country, the scourge of which is kidnapping and murder. Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is the most criminal city on the planet. Every year there are at least 200 murders per 100,000 people.
In Venezuela, everyone risks their life: passers-by on the streets, small businessmen, old women in their homes, etc. In the state, all businesses are subject to tribute, except the most large companies. Racket is thriving here.


In the vastness of our country there is enough dangerous places, where crime exceeds the permissible norm. For example, Kyzyl (the capital of Tuva) is considered the most dangerous city in Russia. A record number of murders, rapes and other crimes involving serious harm to human health are being committed there. The second city in the crime ranking is Perm.

Many people mistakenly believe that St. Petersburg is the most criminal city, calling it “Gangster Petersburg.” However, statistics show that he has long lost the palm to others Russian cities. Crimes most often occur in Tyumen, Berezniki, Achinsk, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Syktyvkar, Abakan, Izhevsk and Surgut. These are the most dangerous cities in our country. But the leaders in the number of murders are Kyzyl, Perm, Yakutsk and Chita.

Vatican - the most criminal country peace

Statistics show that the highest crime rate is recorded in European country. This is the Vatican, where there are 1.5 crimes per inhabitant. This is 33 times higher than the Russian figure! The population of this miniature country is only 492 people. But 486 criminal and more than 340 civil cases are investigated here every year!

The Vatican is visited by a huge number of tourists. Therefore, the main illegal acts in this country are pickpocketing committed by foreigners. About 90% of crimes remain unsolved and unpunished. The thieves cross the Vatican border without any problems and immediately find themselves in Italy. Therefore, even the Swiss Guard guarding the Holy See cannot prevent criminal cases. Even if criminals were regularly caught red-handed, there would be nowhere to keep them, since there are no prisons in the Vatican.

Where is there less crime?

Studies conducted by the UN have proven that in those countries that practice the death penalty, the crime rate is noticeably lower than in others. States whose legal system is based on Sharia principles are at the bottom of the criminal list. Sharia law provides for the death penalty for murder, rape, robbery and drug trafficking. Therefore, countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia occupy 61st and 62nd places. There are only 0.001 murders per 1000 people here. But the relationship between harsh punishment and crime rates is just speculation.

Today, most countries on the planet have abolished the death penalty. There are countries that simply do not carry out such a sentence. Experts believe that the death penalty is unacceptable, since judicial errors cannot be ruled out. By European standards, civilized countries cannot use the death penalty. Such sentences are carried out today in China, the USA, Iran and Vietnam. For example, in the Middle Kingdom, 10 thousand people are executed annually, and in the United States - 65 people. The most criminal countries in the world avoid the death penalty. For example, in dangerous Colombia it was abolished back in 1863, and in Venezuela, a country of anarchy, in 1864.

It is almost impossible to find a country where crime is absent as a phenomenon. But there are countries where crime rates exceed all possible limits. In lagging countries there are large ones that amaze even experienced mafiosi with their bloody deeds. For such people, murder has become the norm, and residents of the most criminal countries have become accustomed to shots constantly being heard in their courtyards.

A document called the “Global Competitiveness Index” speaks quite eloquently about this, where countries are assessed, including by crime. The index contains almost all the data on the number of crimes committed, the number of criminal organizations and their impact on society and the politics of a particular country as a whole.

If you want to know which countries are the most disadvantaged in this regard, check out our material. We presented the TOP 5 most criminal countries in the world.

Crime in Guatemala

Our list opens with a small state in Central America -. The country, with a population of just over 14 million, is one of the three most important drug trafficking hotspots. In recent years, crime in Guatemala has increased several times. This suggests that there is a constant redistribution of property between gangs that shoot their competitors almost every day.

According to estimates of some international organizations, the number of members of criminal groups moving around Guatemala and other countries of the “drug triangle” exceeds 54 thousand people. This number of criminals leaves a mark on the economic component of Guatemala. There are many poor neighborhoods here where most of the crimes occur. These neighborhoods are controlled by large gangs.

By the way, it is these gangs that restrain considerable aggression in these neighborhoods, sometimes preventing residents from committing crimes. If someone takes up a criminal case without the knowledge of the gang that controls the neighborhood, then in most cases, such a person is immediately killed. All criminal cases are coordinated with bandits, who either give the go-ahead to commit a crime or refuse it.

It's no wonder that death, grief and blood come with these gangs. Their leaders try to immediately, from an early age, attract into their ranks the inhabitants of the country, for whom, by the time they reach adulthood, it becomes accustomed to living in such an environment of constant street wars. Speaking specifically for the Republic of Guatemala, it opens the top ten countries with the highest number of murders on the planet.

Crime in Mexico

Next in our ranking is the southern neighbor of the United States of America. Early last year, Joaquin Guzman, known in criminal circles under the nickname "" was sentenced to extradition to the United States. The reason for this was the unreliability of Mexican prisons, from where the leader of a drug cartel could easily escape by undermining or bribing the guards.

The most disadvantaged regions of Mexico are those bordering the United States. They are the zone of influence of drug cartels that are fighting for the illegal drug market. In general, in recent years he has been trying to lead a more or less quiet life. Although a few years ago machine gun fire could be heard here, the corpses of Mexican bandits were found right on the central streets cities.

Mexico is probably one of the few countries where drug cartels commit mass murders. Mexican bandits don’t even hide their victims, throwing out the bodies of killed competitors or enemies directly from cars in the middle of highways. So they not only didn't give a damn about state system, but also for everything human.

By the way, Mexican bandits are afraid of criminal prosecution. First of all, this concerns the leaders of drug cartels, who organized all the work of their criminal organizations in such a way that in the end the “thread” is unlikely to lead to them. Although the intelligence services know all the leaders of Mexican gangs very well.

Crime in Venezuela

In the middle of the list was restless. A country with more than thirty million people seems to have absorbed all the misfortunes of the region. It’s worth starting with the fact that the country is in a permanent political crisis; there are constantly riots on the streets. We should not forget that the humanitarian situation in the country is close to catastrophic.

As for crime, Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is the world leader in the number of murders. Every year there are more than two and a half thousand murders, most of which occur in fights between. There is a risk of a sharp increase in crime if drug cartels invade Venezuela.

Caracas - Venezuela

Now Caracas is probably one of the most dangerous cities in terms of security. The area is constantly patrolled by police. However, they sometimes have to run away from their area of ​​​​responsibility when merciless gangs begin fierce battles right on the streets of the city. As a rule, tourists visiting Caracas are immediately warned not to go where there are no police officers. After all, gangs not only divide territories of influence, but also attack people, in particular, it is newcomers who suffer from this.

Some tourists are kidnapped and then ransom is demanded for their release. There have been cases when Venezuelan bandits attacked diplomatic workers, taking away their valuables and documents.

The most famous case of the murder of a tourist occurred in Caracas in 2014, when a young man arriving from Germany was shot on the threshold of the Eurobuilding hotel, having previously been under surveillance from the airport itself. As local residents say, the bandits coveted the murdered man’s leather diplomat, which, however, contained nothing valuable.

Crime in Honduras

The “silver” in our rating is taken by the second side of the already mentioned “drug triangle”. Needless to say, the country is overflowing with crime associated with drug cartels and their internal squabbles. The United Nations says there is a clear link between competition for the flow of drugs and the crimes of a given group. As is the case with Mexico, the border areas of Honduras (sharing a border with Guatemala) are the most dangerous due to their status as a route for the movement of cocaine.

The Honduran authorities are fighting crime as best they can. However, it is mostly ordinary gang militants who fall into the network of the special services, and this does not affect the final number of criminals - the gangs recruit 3 people at once instead of one lost.

It is in Honduras that the full cycle of drug creation takes place - from growing the necessary plant varieties to processing it into a narcotic substance and exporting it to other countries. Need I say that local criminal leaders are so rich that they can influence the state of the country’s economy?

The city of San Pedro Sula has the highest number of crimes committed in Honduras. They shoot here from morning to evening. The inhabitants no longer pay attention to the corpses lying on the streets awaiting the arrival of the police. And murders here are not investigated very quickly. For locals, this has become a widespread phenomenon - people are so aggressive that they can even kill for an insult. Killing here is not considered something shameful, many are accustomed to it, others get used to it from childhood, and by the time they reach adulthood, lawlessness is like something ordinary that they have to put up with, like, for example, in Russia with beggarly wages.

In 2015, Honduras wanted to introduce a law that would allow civilians to purchase firearms to escape bandits who rob houses and extort money and other property. This step was dictated by the helplessness of the authorities, who could not cope with the gangs. However, the law was never passed, as experts were sure that with such a law Honduras would drown in blood.

Crime in El Salvador

Our list is completed by the third side of the “drug triangle” - . In addition to the sky-high level of poverty and several wars that have taken place across the country, drug cartels are thriving in this country. Law enforcement agencies have never been able to overcome crime, as evidenced by one of the most incredible murder rates - 1 killed per 1,000 people. Moreover, the most brutal group in El Salvador called "", known throughout Central and South America, has already recruited more than one hundred thousand people from several countries around the world into its ranks.

Crime in El Salvador is so widespread and merciless that most children do not go to school for fear of gangs, which are also present in educational institutions. Here the school is ruled by crime in the truest sense of the word. Even from school, many join the ranks of organized crime, subsequently not seeing a life without crime.

And it’s hard to live in El Salvador without ever encountering the lawlessness that is happening literally everywhere - from the streets to family life, where many household members are drawn into crime.

During frequent raids, the police always use firearms, killing both bandits and ordinary civilians who have fallen under the hot hand of justice. Nobody subsequently tries to challenge their actions, since, strangely enough, they are accustomed to criminal deaths here, perceiving it as a tribute.

Travel companies can describe any place as heaven on earth just to sell a tour to the client. However, there are places where tourists should be very careful to avoid getting into trouble.

1 place. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is located on the border with the United States, which has had a great impact on the number of crimes committed here. This is explained by the fact that large quantities of drugs are transported through Mexico to America, and the city of Ciudad Juarez is a transit point and home to many warring groups of drug traffickers, between whom bloody conflicts constantly break out. The number of murders per 100 thousand population is 191 people per year. In recent years, the number of massacres of civilians has increased. So, recently 49 people were killed in a club in just one night.

2nd place. Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela competes with Mexico for first place, since according to official data, the number of murders per year in Caracas is 130, and according to unofficial data - 160-190 per 100 thousand population. Chavez's patrimony is not very hospitable to tourists, so it is better not to walk around the city unless absolutely necessary, even during the daytime.

3rd place. San Pedro Sula, Honduras

One of the most popular tourist countries in Central America is opening up from a different, dark side. There are 119 murders per 100 thousand population of San Pedro Sula. Therefore, tourists are strongly advised not to walk around the city alone, especially at night.

4th place. San Salvador, El Salvador

95 murders per 100 thousand people is not a small number. Human rights activists argue that crime is flourishing in the city, and throughout the country, because the authorities pay insufficient attention and resources to combat crime. Most crimes are committed by members of the large Mara gang, the most violent in the country. Their slogan is “Kill, rape, subjugate.”

5th place. Guatemala, Guatemala

In the capital of Guatemala, 41% of the total number of murders in the country occurs, which is 90 people per 100 thousand population. The city is divided into 22 zones, and tourist guides call some zones safe. However, even in safe areas There is a considerable risk of running into a pickpocket, swindler or robber.

6th place. Cali, Colombia

The high crime rate (72 murders per 100 thousand people) is explained by the fact that Colombia is a major exporter of cocaine. In Cali and others major cities drug cortels form a “state within a state”, controlling all spheres of life, and the authorities cannot do anything about it.

7th place. New Orleans. USA

New Orleans has always been a disadvantaged city due to its low standard of living, poor education system and large quantity prisoners. After destructive hurricane Katrina, which destroyed the city, increased the crime rate several times. Now New Orleans is considered the most dangerous city in America (67 murders per 100 thousand population).

8th place. Cape Town, South Africa

Despite the fact that Cape Town is the stronghold of Europe in Africa, this city breaks records for the number of crimes - 62 murders per 100 thousand people. Most of the killings occur in the suburbs of Cape Town, where slums are located in sharp contrast to the beautiful business center of the city. During the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the whole world learned about South Africa's security problems.

9th place. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea, is located on a hill and, due to lack of rain, experiences water shortages and difficulties in agriculture. More than half of the city's residents live in slums and below the poverty line. This leads to a high crime rate - 54 murders per 100 thousand population.

10th place. Detroit, USA

Detroit today is the most destroyed city in the United States. This happened because most of the “white” population was forced out by the “black”. African Americans currently make up 89% of the city's residents. They introduced the tradition of "Devil's Night" - burning and destroying buildings before Halloween. Vandalism, robbery and murder have become the norm in a city supported largely by government subsidies. There are 46 murders per 100 thousand people in Detroit.

If you're planning to have an uneventful summer vacation, you'd better exclude tourist route cities, a list of which we provide for you.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is in first place in terms of the level of unfavorable crime situation. The whole reason is that Ciudad Juarez is located on the border between the United States and Mexico, and huge quantities of drugs are transported through this city every day. As a result of this combination of circumstances, several hundred people are killed here every year during police operations and simply during brawls between bandits. Not long ago there was a terrible incident in Ciudad Juarez when armed men burst into a club and simply opened fire on innocent unarmed citizens. The attack killed about fifty people.

Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela can compete with Mexico's Ciudad Juarez for the title of the most crime-ridden city in the world. They are especially merciless here towards tourists, who can simply be stripped naked in broad daylight and killed. Attacks on tourists have become commonplace in Caracas, and therefore it is better for a visitor not to appear without security. Labor emigrants who are forced to live in the Venezuelan capital live in separate areas under guard. The whole reason for this level of crime is that Venezuela has problems with unemployment and low wages. People simply have nothing to live on and therefore they are forced to resort to such unpopular measures in order to somehow exist and not die of hunger.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Despite the region's tourist appeal, San Pedro Sula is not the most the best choice for the tourist. There are about 170 murders per 100,000 population. The situation here is the same as in Ciudad Juarez: it is a border city through which illegal drug and contraband traffic flows. The situation, it must be said, is more rosy here and during daylight hours it is more or less safe to move around the city, however, at night it is still better to stay at home.

Guatemala, Guatemala

Almost half of all murders in Guatemala occur in the capital - about 90 people per 100,000. Robbers, swindlers and pickpockets - they can all be found on the streets of Guatemala day and night. There are special safe zones for tourists, but even in them you can find many problems.

San Salvador, El Salvador

95 murders per 100,000 people - fourth place goes to the city. This situation, according to human rights activists, has developed because the authorities pay very little attention to the problem of fighting crime. The main problem for most people is the Mara gang. It is the largest in the country and has many corrupt connections in the government, which leads to such a sluggish fight against the crime syndicate.

Cali, Colombia

The 72 murders per 100,000 people result from Colombia being the world's largest cocaine exporter. This state of affairs leads to the fact that drug cartels, having enormous cash, control the life of the entire country, and the authorities can do little about it (and they don’t want to). The highest level of corruption has led to the fact that in fact, representatives of the criminal world are in power.

New Orleans, USA

It is the most dangerous city in the United States. The city found itself in such a disadvantaged situation due to the low standard of living of the townspeople, a poor education system and frequent natural disasters, during which looters operate. 67 murders per 100,000 population - tourists should avoid this city.

Cape Town, South Africa

This is one of the most beautiful and highly developed cities in Africa. Everything would be great if Cape Town didn't have its creepy suburbs and slums, which are full of unemployed people who are always happy to take away the excess from a lost tourist. The city's problems surfaced during the World Cup, when many tourists became victims of robbers.

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

54 murders per 100,000 people - this is the result for the capital of Papua New Guinea. Cause high level crime is quite commonplace - low quality of life, problems in the economy, unemployment. All this led to the fact that Port Moresby received far from the most best reviews from tourists and is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Detroit, USA

This is a city that exists solely on government subsidies; the majority of Detroit's population is African-American. Constant acts of vandalism, general unemployment, and low levels of education have led to Detroit's crime detection rates and murder rate getting worse every year. Today this figure reaches 46 murders per 100,000 population.