Where is the Republic of Khakassia located? Where is Khakassia: geographical location, climate, settlements Khakassia, Eastern Siberia

Republic of Khakassia consisting of Russian Federation. The name of the republic is based on the name of the indigenous Khakass people. Official the name Republic of Khakassia was adopted in 1992. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001... Geographical encyclopedia

Khakassia- Khakassia. 1. Nature Reserve Chazy Khakassia, Republic of Khakassia, is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. Included in the East Siberian economic region. Area 61.9 thousand km2. Population 585.8 thousand people (1996). Capital Abakan. Another big one... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

KHAKASIA, Republic of Khakassia, subject of the Russian Federation; located in the south of Eastern Siberia. Included in the East Siberian economic region. Pl. 61.9 thousand km2. Population 584.2 thousand people. (1998). The capital is Abakan. Dr. Big City Chernogorsk ... Russian history

- (Republic of Khakassia) in the Russian Federation. 61.9 thousand km². Population 583.5 thousand people (1993), urban 73%; Khakassians, Russians, Ukrainians, etc. 5 cities. The capital is Abakan. Located in the southeast of Siberia, in the western part of Minusinsk... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

- (Republic of Khakassia), in the Russian Federation. 61.9 thousand km2. Population 584.2 thousand people (1998), urban 70.8%; Khakassians, Russians, Ukrainians, etc. 5 cities, 13 urban-type settlements. The capital is Abakan. Located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

KHAKASIA- (Republic of Khakassia) until 1991 an autonomous region, then a republic within the Russian Federation. According to the Constitution of X., adopted by the Supreme Council of X. on May 25, 1995, X. is a subject of the Russian Federation, a state within the Russian Federation. Names Republic of Khakassia and Khakassia... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

Subject of the Russian Federation (AE level 1)
The Republic of Khakassia
Khakas Republics
A country
Included in - Siberian Federal District
- East Siberian economic region
Administrative center
Head and Chairman
Razvozhaev, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Supreme Council
Vladimir Shtygashev
  • GDP per capita

RUB 182.4 billion (2016) (69th)

  • 339.6 thousand rub.
official languages Russian, Khakassian
Population ↘ 537,513 people (2018) (72nd place)
Density 8.73 people people/km²
Square 61,569 km² (46th place)
Timezone MSK+4
ISO 3166-2 code RU-KK
OKATO code 95
Code of the subject of the Russian Federation 19

Official site
Audio, photo and video on Wikimedia Commons

Physical map of Khakassia

The Republic of Khakassia(hack. Khakas Republics; briefly: Khakassia) - a subject of the Russian Federation, a republic within it. It is part of the Siberian Federal District, part of the East Siberian Economic Region.

Area: 61,569 km² (0.36% of the territory of Russia).

Population: 537,513 people. (2018).
Population density: 8.73 people/km² (2018).

Official languages: Russian and Khakass. German and Ukrainian languages ​​are also common.

Khakassia is located in the seventh time zone called Krasnoyarsk time. The UTC offset is relative to 7 hours. The difference with, the capital of Russia, is 4 hours.


The settlement of the territory of Khakassia began in the Paleolithic era. The Mousterian layers of the multilayer site Dvuglazka (Glyadeny) date back to the beginning of the Kargin interglacial 40-50 thousand years ago. The earliest settlement of Homo sapiens on the territory of Khakassia is the Paleolithic site of Malaya Syya (30-35 thousand years ago), where drilled decorations processed with chisels were found, located in the Shirinsky district in the vicinity of the village of Malaya Syya on the banks of the Bely Iyus River.

The first state on the territory of Southern Siberia

The first state on the territory of Southern Siberia arose in the 4th-3rd centuries BC. e. Ancient Chinese chronicles called its creators the Dinling people (Chinese: 丁零), and the state - Dinling-guo (丁零国).

Around 201 BC e. The state of Dingling-guo was defeated by Xiongnu troops.

After this event, the Turkic-speaking Kyrgyz tribe moved to the Khakass-Minusinsk basin.

In the 6th-7th centuries, the Kyrgyz and their subordinate taiga peoples formed a peripheral inheritance of the Central Asian states, headed by a governor, Elteber.

In the 8th century it was a separatist region led by its own beks and inals, claiming the dignity of khan (see Bars Kagan).

In the 9th century it became a rapidly expanding aggressive steppe empire with the deified Kagan family.

In 840, this state destroyed the Uyghur Kaganate and extended its power to. Pursuing the remnants of the Uyghurs, the Kyrgyz fought their way to the Irtysh and Amur, and invaded the oases of Eastern Turkestan.

The Kyrgyz provided the state with senior military and administrative leaders. They were considered connected both dynastically and through marriage with the ruling houses of China and other neighboring countries.

In a harsh struggle with aggressive neighbors (Turkic and Uyghur Khaganates), the Kyrgyz state defended its independence until the 13th century, which became a turning point in the independent development of Sayan-Altai.

The Kyrgyz retain two main areas of their settlement: 1) Upper and Middle Yenisei; 2) Altai and Irtysh. Subsequently, the ethnic paths of the Yenisei Kyrgyz and the future Kyrgyz of the Tien Shan diverged.

The territory of Khakassia, during the conquests of the Great Mongol Ulus led by Genghis Khan and his descendants, until the beginning of the 18th century, was part of various Mongol-speaking states, in certain periods it was nominally part of the Manchu state of Qing.

Khakassia within the Russian Empire

In the 17th century, the Russians found the Kyrgyz land fragmented into 4 principalities - uluses, inhabited by the ancestors of the Khakassians and Shors (the remaining descendants of the early medieval Kyrgyz). The other part of the Kyrgyz returned to their ancestral lands in Tengri-Too starting from the middle of the 9th century, from the era of the Kyrgyz great power, until the middle of the 13th century, in several waves.

Khakass with musical instruments

The first contacts between the Kyrgyz and Russians began with the construction in 1604 of a fort on the land of the Eushta Tatars, tributaries of the Kyrgyz beks.

For more than a hundred years, a very complex and painful process of Khakassia coming under the jurisdiction of the Russian Empire and then the Russian Empire took place.

The date of official assignment of Khakassia to the Russian Empire can be considered August 20, 1727, when a border treaty was concluded between Russia and China. All the lands located on the northern side of the Sayan Mountains went to Russia, and on the southern side - to.

The actual entry of the territory of the current republic occurred later. In 1758, Chinese troops invaded Altai and defeated Dzungaria. There was a threat of violation of the officially recognized borders of the Russian Empire.

The tsarist government hastily placed Cossack garrisons in this area. From the moment when the Cossacks began to carry out border service, Khakassia actually entered the Russian Empire.

The administration of the territory was initially carried out by officials of the Siberian and Tomsk provinces. Since 1822, the Kyrgyz land became part of the Yenisei province.

Khakass Autonomous Region of the RSFSR and the Republic of Khakassia of the Russian Federation

Khakasssky district was formed on November 14, 1923. It became a national district, and then on October 20, 1930, the Khakass Autonomous Region appeared on the map. It was part of the West Siberian Territory, and after its disintegration in 1934 into.

On July 3, 1991, the autonomous region was transformed into a republic and received the name Khakass SSR; on January 29, 1992, it became known as the Republic of Khakassia. On June 6, 1992, the republic received its own flag, and on December 20, 2006, a coat of arms.

In 2007, the Bank of Russia issued a commemorative coin dedicated to the Republic of Khakassia.

In 2015, the Anthem of the Republic of Khakassia was approved.


Relief map of Khakassia

Geographical position

The Republic of Khakassia is located in Southern Siberia on the left bank of the Yenisei basin, in the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin.

The length of the territory from north to south is 460 km, from west to east (in the widest part) – 200 km. In the north, east and southeast, Khakassia borders, in the south - with, in the southwest - with, in the west - with. The Republic of Khakassia is part of the Siberian Federal District.


The predominant terrain is steppes, mountains and taiga. The Sayan Mountains, whose height sometimes exceeds 2000 m, occupy two-thirds of the territory of the republic.

The largest rivers of Khakassia are the Yenisei, Abakan, Tom, Bely Iyus, Black Iyus, Chulym (the last four belong to the Ob basin). There are more than 500 lakes, rivers and small streams in the republic. The total length of the rivers is 8 thousand km.


The climate is sharply continental, with dry, hot summers and cold winters with little snow. The average air temperature in July is +17.9°C, in January –18.9°C. The number of sunny days in the republic is significantly higher than in neighboring regions.



On the territory of Khakassia, iron is mined (reserves of 2 billion tons, large deposits: Teyskoye, Abakanskoye), molybdenum (Sorsk production complex), gold, coal (Askizskoye, Beiskoye, Izykhskoye, Chernogorskoye, Kuten-Bulukskoye), non-metallic minerals: barite, bentonite, facing marbles and granites, building materials. Deposits of copper, polymetals, phosphorites, asbestos, gypsum, jade, and jade have been explored. The explored deposits of Khakassia contain (as a percentage of reserves): coal - 3%, iron ore - 1%, molybdenum - 11%, barite - 27%, bentonite - 6.5%, facing stones - 13%.


The population of the republic according to Rosstat is 537 513 people (2018). Population density - 8,73 people/km² (2018). Urban population - 69,37 % (2018).

Population change

All and urban population (its share) according to the All-Union and All-Russian censuses:

National composition

People 1926
thousand people
thousand people
thousand people
thousand people
thousand people
thousand people
thousand people
Russians 36,0 (43,4 %) ↗ 205,6 (75,3 %) ↗ 314,4 (76,5 %) ↗ 349,4 (78,3 %) ↗ 396,0 (79,5 %) 438,4 (80,3 %) ↘ 427,6 (81,7 %)
Khakassians 44,0 (53,0 %) ↗ 45,8 (16,8 %) ↗ 48,5 (11,8 %) ↗ 54,8 (12,3 %) ↗ 57,3 (11,5 %) 65,4 (12,0 %) ↘ 63,6 (12,1 %)
Germans ↗ 10,5 (2,6 %) ▬ 10,5 (2,4 %) ↗ 11,1 (2,2 %) 9,1 (1,7 %) ↘ 6,0 (1,1 %)
Ukrainians ↗ 7,7 (2,8 %) ↗ 14,6 (3,6 %) ↘ 9,5 (2,1 %) ↗ 10,4 (2,0 %) 8,3 (1,5 %) ↘ 5,0 (1,0 %)
Tatars ↗ 3,0 (1,1 %) ↗ 3,8 (0,9 %) ↗ 3,6 (0,8 %) ↗ 4,2 (0,8 %) 4,0 (0,7 %) ↘ 3,1 (0,6 %)
Belarusians ↗ 1,6 (0,6 %) ↗ 3,6 (0,9 %) ↘ 3,2 (0,7 %) ↘ 3,5 (0,7 %) 2,6 (0,5 %)
Chuvash ↗ 1,0 (0,5 %) ↗ 3,3 (0,7 %) ▬ 3,3 (0,7 %) 2,5 (0,46 %)
Mordva ↗ 3,7 (1,4 %) ↗ 3,9 (0,9 %) ↘ 3,6 (0,8 %) ↘ 3,4 (0,7 %) 1,8 (0,3 %)
Azerbaijanis 1,8 (0,3 %)
Shors ↗ 1,0 (0,2 %) 1,0 (0,18 %) ↗ 1,2 (0,2 %)
Nations with a population of more than 1000 people are shown


Settlements with a population of more than 3 thousand people

Authorities and politics

The highest regulatory legal act of the region is the Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia. It was adopted on May 25, 1995 by the Supreme Council of the Republic.

The highest official of the republic, heading the executive power in the region: Head of the Republic of Khakassia - Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia. The term of office is 5 years. Since 2009, the post has been held by Viktor Mikhailovich Zimin (United Russia), who was last elected to his post in September 2013. Until 2010, the position was called Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia.

Legislative power in Khakassia is exercised by a unicameral Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia consisting of 50 deputies elected under a mixed electoral system: 25 from party lists and 25 from single-mandate constituencies. The United Russia faction constitutes an absolute majority in the regional parliament (35 seats, 70%). The Chairman of the Supreme Council of the current VI convocation, elected in 2013, is Vladimir Nikolaevich Shtygashev.

In the Federation Council of Russia, the region is represented by Valentina Aleksandrovna Petrenko from the executive branch (since 2001) and Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Serebrennikov from the legislative branch (since 2006)

In the State Duma, the interests of voters of the Republic of Khakassia are represented by Nadezhda Maksimova from the United Russia party. Other parties from the Republic of Khakassia are not represented in parliament, since they did not receive the required number of votes in the elections of deputies in single-mandate constituencies.

Administrative division

Administrative division of Khakassia

Within the administrative-territorial structure, the Republic of Khakassia includes the following administrative-territorial units:

  • 5 cities (of republican significance): Abakan, Abaza, Sayanogorsk, Sorsk, Chernogorsk,
  • 8 districts including:
    • 83 village councils and 1 village council (with centers in rural settlements of the same name: villages, hamlets, towns, aals)
    • 4 urban-type settlements (councils):

Within the framework of the municipal structure of the republic, 100 municipalities were formed within the boundaries of the administrative-territorial units of Khakassia, of which:

  • 5 urban districts,
  • 8 municipal districts,
    • 83 rural settlements (82 village councils and 1 village council),
    • 4 urban settlements.

Districts and cities

District, city Administrator
Districts (municipal areas)
1 Altai region

hack. Altai aimags

Bely Yar village 1 736 ↘ 25 966
2 Askizsky district

hack. Askhys aimagy

Askiz village 7 536 ↘ 37 931
3 Beysky district

hack. Pii aimags

Beya village 4 536 ↘ 17 688
4 Bogradsky district

hack. Bograd aimagy

village of Bograd 6 660 ↘ 14 779
5 Ordzhonikidze district

hack. Ordzhonikidze aimags

village of Kopyovo 6 610 ↘ 11 298
6 Tashtypsky district

hack. Tashtyp aimagy

Tashtyp village 20 290 ↘ 15 172
7 Ust-Abakansky district

hack. Agban piltiri aimagy

town 8 880 ↗ 41 803
8 Shirinsky district

hack. Shira aimagy

Shira village 6 880 ↘ 26 113
Cities (urban districts)
I Abaza city Abaza city ↘ 15 592
II Abakan city

hack. Agban city

city 112,38 ↗ 181 709
III Sayanogorsk city city 115,3 ↘ 61 013
IV city ​​of Sorsk

hack. Soryg city

city 1 200 ↗ 11 514
V Chernogorsk city

hack. Haratas city

city 117,8 ↗ 77 090


Main industries

Operational spillway of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP in action (2010)

The basis of the entire economy of the region: hydroelectric power and aluminum production.

The energy system of Khakassia includes the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station (part of the Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric power stations, the most powerful in Russia, 6400 MW), the Mainskaya hydroelectric power station (power 321 MW) and three thermal power plants with a total capacity of 300 MW.

On the territory of the republic there are the Sayanogorsk and Khakass aluminum smelters, as well as Sayan Foil OJSC (all owned by Russian Aluminum).

Coal mining is also carried out in the region (LLC Coal Company “Razrez Stepnoy” and the Montenegrin branch of OJSC Siberian Coal Energy Company).

Coal development is carried out in two mines (Yeniseiskaya, Khakasskaya) and five open-pit mines with a total annual production volume of more than 6 million tons.

Other non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises include Sorsk Mining and Processing Plant LLC (ferromolybdenum and copper concentrate), Tuim Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant LLC (rolled copper).

The coefficient of per capita electricity production is 7.3, the highest in Russia; for coal - 5.3.


Khakassia is a developed agricultural region of Southern Siberia. Vast areas occupied by pastures and hayfields, the basis for the development of livestock farming (fine-fleece sheep breeding, dairy farming). Horse breeding plays an important role. The main crops in crop production are wheat, barley, oats, and millet. Industrial crops include sunflower and sugar beets. The coefficient of per capita livestock production is 1.2. Agricultural land makes up less than 20% of the region's area.

Internal differences, specialization of individual cities

Abakan specialization center for processing agricultural raw materials (meat processing plant, brewery).

The Chernogorsk node is the center of the Minusinsk coal basin (the Khakasskaya, Yeniseiskaya mines, the Chernogorsk coal mine), the Stepnoy open-pit mine. The basis of the city's economy is the Montenegrin branch of the Siberian Coal Energy Company (hard coal mining).

Sayanogorsk hub, one of the three largest aluminum smelters in Russia - Sayan Aluminum Smelter. A group of enterprises in the construction industry has been created (the Sayanmramor plants. The Sayano-Shushenskaya and Mainskaya hydroelectric power stations are located higher along the Yenisei.


The transport network of the republic is represented by road, rail and air transport.

Automobile transport

The republic's road network is most developed in its center, west and southwest, which is directly related to the location major cities region.

The federal highway P-257 runs through Khakassia, to which the Abakan - Ak-Dovurak highway adjoins near the capital. The most developed sections of highways in Khakassia: Abakan -, Abakan - Beya, Abakan - Abaza, Abakan -, Bograd - Shira - Kopyevo, Kopyevo - Priiskovy.

Roads to other, smaller settlements are represented mainly by dirt roads, although they are currently being replaced with hard surfaces.

Intercity bus service is provided to all neighboring regions: (, Artyomovsk), (,), (,), and (,). There are routes for longer distances, in,.

Intercity communication is provided by buses, minibuses, private taxis. Happy opening summer season the load increases on sections of the roads Abakan - Shira, Abakan - Sorsk (to the sanatorium "Tumanny").

Railway transport

The railway network of Khakassia belongs to the Abakan region of the Krasnoyarsk Railway. Total length railways is 663 km.

There are both electrified sections (Abakan - Kaltas) and non-electrified sections that make up the main part of the republic's railway network: Tigei - Kopyovo, Askiz - Abaza, Biskamzha - Teya.

Local trains No. 659/660 - (via), No. 675/676 - (via Biskamzha), long-distance trains No. 67/68 run throughout the republic Abakan Abakan Khakass Technical Institute

The Khakass Research Institute of History, Language and Literature (KhakNIYALI), Khakass State University them. N. F. Katanova (KhSU) with agricultural, medical, pedagogical and musical, Khakass Technical Institute (KhTI) - a branch of the Siberian Federal University (SFU), Abakan branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy, Khakass Institute for the Development of Education and Advanced Training, Khakass Polytechnic College, Khakass College of Professional Technologies, Economics and Service and others.

Culture in Khakassia

Abakan is the cultural center of Khakassia. The Khakass National Museum of Local Lore operates in Abakan. L. R. Kyzlasov, National Library named after N. G. Domozhakov, Khakass Republican Philharmonic named after V. G. Chaptykov, Center for Culture and Folk Art named after. S. P. Kadysheva, Abakan Art Gallery, Abakan Youth Palace, city cultural center “Victory”, house of culture for railway workers.

Puppet Theater "Skazka"

Among the theaters operating in Abakan: two drama theaters: the Russian Republican Drama Theater named after M. Yu. Lermontov and the Khakassian National Drama Theater named after A. M. Topanov, the Khakassian national theater puppets “Fairy Tale”, Khakass State Theater of Small Forms “Chitigen”.


Afanasyevskaya culture | Okunevskaya culture | Andronovo culture | Karasuk culture | Tagar culture | Tashtyk culture | Salbyk mound | Boyarskaya pisanitsa | Sulek writing | Chebaki fortress (Sve-Takh).

Sports in Khakassia

Freestyle wrestling is the most developed in the republic (Karamchakov Sergey - bronze medalist of the Seoul Olympics, Chuchunov Leonid - silver medalist of the European Championship, Serbigeshev Alexey - bronze medalist of the World Championship, Karamchakova Inga - silver medalist of the World Championship, Karamchakova Natalya - silver medalist of the World Championship, Kaskarakova Lilia - European champion, silver medalist of the world championship),

Athletics, volleyball, basketball, and table tennis are also widely practiced in Abakan; the Sayany-Khakassia professional bandy club and the Crystal amateur hockey club are based. The men's volleyball club Sibirtelecom-Khakassia and the women's volleyball team of KhSU compete in various Russian leagues. There is an aikido-aikikai club “Samurai”, there are kick-boxing and freestyle wrestling teams.

There is a sports complex "Abakan" with a swimming pool and an athletic arena. It rightfully bears the title of the best sports complex in Khakassia.

Khakassia media

  • Republican newspaper "Khabar" (in Khakassian language);
  • Republican newspaper "Khakassia";
  • State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia";
  • Media holding "Abakan" (newspaper, radio, TV "Abakan");
  • Weekly newspaper “Truth of Khakassia” (organ of the Khakass Regional Communist Party of the Russian Federation);
  • Weekly newspaper "Chance";
  • Weekly newspaper “Friday”;
  • Information Agency "Khakassia";
  • Internet magazine “New Focus”;
  • Business Information Agency;
  • Republican Television Network (RTS);
  • Media group "South of Siberia";
  • Magazine “Construction in Khakassia”;
  • News agency "Khakassia Inform"
  • Media holding "Abakan" (television, newspaper and radio "Abakan")

Famous personalities of Khakassia

  • Igor Akhpashev - Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Gennady Vyatkin is a statesman and public figure, builder.
  • Alexander Dankovtsev is a party, state and public figure.
  • Mikhail Domozhakov - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Yuri Zabelin is a journalist, public and cultural figure.
  • Grigory Zorin - Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Semyon Kadyshev is a folk storyteller.
  • Sergei Karamchakov is an Olympic bronze medalist.
  • Nikolay Katanov - philologist, ethnographer.
  • Vlas Kolpakov - state, party and public figure
  • Yuri Kuznetsov - actor.
  • Leonid Kyzlasov - archaeologist, historian.
  • Lykovs (family of Old Believers-hermits).
  • Stepan Mainagashev - ethnographer, educator.
  • Vasily Tikhonov - Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General.
  • Vladimir Todykov is an artist.
  • Vladislav Torosov is a party, state and public figure.
  • Mikhail Torosov is a party, state and public figure.
  • Galina Troshkina is a statesman and public figure.
  • Vasily Uguzhakov is a statesman and public figure.
  • Vladimir Chaptykov - singer, teacher, statesman.
  • Mikhail Chebodaev - Hero of the Soviet Union.

see also

  • Khakass Autonomous Region
  • Tourism in Khakassia
  • List of monuments cultural heritage Khakassia on Wikivoyage


  1. Gross regional product per capita by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. MS Excel document
  2. Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  3. Gross regional product by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 1998-2016. (Russian) (xls). Rosstat.
  4. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Retrieved July 25, 2018. Archived July 26, 2018.
  5. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Art. 5, pp. 12
  6. Abramova Z. A. Mousterian Grotto of Two-Eyes of Khakassia // KSIA, issue 165, 1981.
  7. Drilled jewelry from Siberia turned out to be older than Eastern European ones
  8. Ancient Khakassia
  9. See: Khudyakov, Yu. S. Military affairs of the Kyrgyz of Central Asia (IX - XVIII centuries) / Under. ed. prof. T.K. Chorotegina. - Bishkek: “Turar”, 2017.. - 280 pages, illustrations, maps. - Muras Foundation. - Series “History and Heritage”. - ISBN 978-9967-15-702-6.
  10. Essays on the history of Khakassia (from ancient times to the present) / Ch. editor V. Ya. Butanaev. - Abakan: KhSU Publishing House. N. F. Katanova, 2008. - P. 247-255.
  11. Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated January 29, 1992 No. 1 “On changing the name of the Khakass Soviet Socialist Republic within the Russian Federation”
  12. Khakassia spent eight years on a new anthem
  13. Geography Archived July 10, 2006.
  14. Censuses of the Russian Empire, USSR, 15 new independent states
  15. Volumes of the official publication of the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  16. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  17. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  18. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  19. Demoscope Weekly - Application. Directory of statistical indicators
  20. All-Russian Population Census 2002
  21. Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  22. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017 (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2017. Archived July 31, 2017.
  23. The size of the permanent population in the Altai region of the Republic of Khakassia. Retrieved August 10, 2014. Archived August 10, 2014.
  24. All-Russian population census 2010. 3. Population of the Republic of Khakassia. Retrieved May 11, 2014. Archived May 11, 2014.
  25. Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia. Guarantee. Retrieved April 18, 2017.
  26. Law “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Khakassia”
  27. Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia
  28. Republic of Khakassia.. Comments: LiveInternet - Russian Online Diary Service
  29. Regional press" Republic of Khakassia


  • Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia
  • Official portal of the executive authorities of the Republic of Khakassia
  • Legislation of the Republic of Khakassia
  • Republic of Khakassia in the directory-catalog “All Russia”
  • General geographical map of Khakassia

The city of Abakan is the capital of Khakassia. It is located in the very center of Siberia, on the river of the same name. Officially, he is quite young, only 80 years old, but his history goes back a long way. More than 100 nationalities live in Abakan, of which about 70 percent are Russians, the rest are Khakass and other nationalities. The veneration of the sky, fire, earth, water, motherhood, and ancestral culture is based on traditional shamanic cultures. Now the main religion is Orthodoxy.

The climate here is sharply continental, with warm summers around - +19 o C and very harsh and long winters. Spring begins closer to mid-April, but the cold can last until mid-June.

Facts from the history of the city

In 1675, the Abakan fort was built on the site of the modern city. It can be called the first settlement. Then a village called Ust-Abakanskoe appeared in the same place. In 1918, the power of the soviets was established in it. In 1931, the future capital of Khakassia officially received city status. And it was at this time that it was renamed Abakan. In 1990, the city became the capital of the Khakass Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. And in 1992, it was already the official capital of the Republic of Khakassia, which is part of the Russian Federation.

War years

During the Great Patriotic War, approximately 30 thousand soldiers were sent to the front from here. The famous 309th division was formed in Abakan, and it was this division that was able to defend Ukrainian city Piryatin. This date became memorable for two settlements. Abakan and Piryatin are sister cities.

After the end of the war, light industry enterprises begin to be built, new resources are found, many free jobs appear, and more and more people come to Abakan to work and stay forever. At the same time, construction of one of the largest hydroelectric power stations begins.

Coat of arms and flag of the city

The capital of Khakassia has its own coat of arms and flag. The coat of arms of Abakan was approved back in the 80s: the shield is divided horizontally into a green and blue field. The name of the city is written at the top; on a blue background there are 3 golden figures that are reminiscent of the only stone sculptures in Abakan. A red flower is depicted on a green field. In 2003, the flag of Abakan was officially approved: red, blue and white stripes on the field with the image of the coat of arms.

Economic development

The capital of Khakassia has a very developed transport network and industry. Containers and wagons are produced here. There is also a sausage factory, a confectionery, a shoe and knitting factory, and a cheese factory.

The capital of Khakassia can accommodate aircraft of almost any class. The city has the only federal airport. There are railway connections with a large number of cities and towns in Russia and the CIS countries.


In Abakan there are 7 higher educational institutions, 2 sports schools, 18 technical schools, 27 schools. Children of preschool age attend kindergartens, of which many have also been built in the city. Young people can receive a prestigious education without leaving the republic.


The capital of Khakassia will surprise guests with various attractions. There are church buildings of different denominations: Christian churches, Catholic cathedrals, Protestant churches, as well as Jewish ones. Abakan has a great variety of different monuments. Guests of the city will be interested in visiting some of them. The most popular is the monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War.

This city attracts tourists from all cities of Russia not only with the opportunity to visit the caves for which the Republic of Khakassia is famous. The capital has many entertainment venues. One of these is the largest zoo in all of Eastern Siberia. There are always a lot of visitors here, both local residents and city guests.

Siberian Federal District. The Republic of Khakassia. Area 61.9 thousand sq. km. Formed on October 20, 1930.
Administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Abakan.

Cities of the Republic of Khakassia:

The Republic of Khakassia- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District, located in the southwestern part of Eastern Siberia in the left bank part of the Yenisei River basin, in the territories of the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin. Main rivers: Yenisei and its tributary Abakan. Numerous lakes with fresh (Black, Firkal, Itkul) and salt (Bele, Shira, etc.) water.

The Republic of Khakassia is part of the East Siberian economic region. Main industries: forestry, mining and non-ferrous metallurgy. The energy sector of Khakassia is represented by one of the world's largest Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power stations, as well as thermal power plants. The mining industry is based on the extraction of coal, iron ore and non-ferrous metals and their enrichment. Forest industry enterprises produce commercial timber for export and carry out wood processing. Metallurgy, construction materials industry, light and food industries are developed. IN agriculture Meat and dairy farming, sheep breeding, poultry farming, and agriculture (growing grain and fodder crops, potatoes) predominate. Navigation on the Yenisei and Abakan rivers.
Khakassia is rich in minerals. These are mainly coal and iron ore; various building materials - marble, gypsum, limestone, clay. The soils of the Minusinsk Basin are favorable for agriculture.

The Khakass Autonomous Region was formed on October 20, 1930, and for many years was part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
In December 1990 it left the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in July 1991 it received the name Khakass SSR.
In May 1992, the Khakass Autonomous Region became a full subject of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Khakassia.

Cities and regions of the Republic of Khakassia.

Cities of the Republic of Khakassia: Abaza, Sayanogorsk, Sorsk, Chernogorsk.

Urban districts of the Republic of Khakassia:"City of Abakan"; "City of Abaza"; "City of Sayanogorsk"; "City of Sorsk"; "City of Chernogorsk".

Municipal districts - Administrative center: Altai region – village. Bely Yar; Askizsky district – village. Askiz; Beysky district - village. Bey; Bogradsky district - village. Bograd; Ordzhonikidze district - village. Kopyovo; Tashtypsky district - village. Tashtyp; Ust-Abakan district – urban settlement Ust-Abakan; Shirinsky district - village. Shira.

This amazingly beautiful Siberian region enchants everyone who visits these places. What could be more beautiful than harsh but majestic mountains with alpine flowers, blue lakes, crystal clear wild rivers and unique colorful representatives of the plant world? Where is Khakassia located, and what natural and historical attractions does it have? You can learn about all this briefly in this article.

Geographical location, population

The Republic of Khakassia, formed in 1923, is part of the Location - Eastern Siberia (southwestern part), the left side of the Yenisei River basin. Where the Republic of Khakassia is located, the Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk Basin extend. It occupies a significant part of these territories.

Khakassia borders on the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the east and southeast, on the Republic of Tyva in the south, on Altai in the southwest, and on the Kemerovo Region in the east.

Its area is about 62 thousand km².

More than 500 thousand people inhabit the republic, the urban population makes up more than 70% of the total.

Relief features, climate

The Sayan Mountains (2000 m) occupy more than half of the territory and are located in the west and south of the republic. Largest rivers- Abakan, Yenisei, Tom, White and Black Iyus. All of them flow where the Republic of Khakassia is located.

The climate here is sharply continental. The winter period is cold and with little snow, with an average January temperature of -21 °C. Summer is hot (up to +19 °C), but cooler in the mountains. Precipitation falls in the valleys in the amount of 300 mm per year, in the mountains - 700 mm.

Representatives of flora and fauna, minerals

What representatives of flora and fauna represent and inhabit the territories where Khakassia is located?

The republic is located in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. In the lower parts of the basins there are dry steppes, on the outskirts there are steppes with various grasses and forest-steppe. On the slopes of the Kuznetsk Alatau there is a taiga of larch and pine trees, and on the slopes of the Abakan Range and the Western Sayan Mountains there are fir and cedar forests. The total area of ​​forests is about 4 million hectares.

Animals, birds and fish live here: mole, weasel, ermine, hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, fox, hazel grouse, capercaillie, tench, taimen, burbot, etc. There are also nature reserves on the territory of the republic: “Chazy” and “Maly Abakan” ".

The capital of Khakassia, life in the suburban areas of the republic

The capital of the Republic is Abakan. The first mention of it dates back to the 19th century, when the Ust-Abakan village became the center of the Kachin Duma, which consisted of only 21 households. Now Abakan is a developed industrial, cultural, historical and scientific center, where there is a wonderful local history museum, an exhibition hall, an arboretum and a zoo. Most of the capital is occupied by gardens, boulevards and squares with numerous green spaces.

Khakassian villages are located in the same places where the ancestors of modern Khakassians once lived. These residential areas have grown, and they are connected by numerous railways and highways. Where Khakassia is located (Abakan, as already mentioned, people, as before, live next to huge stones.

The occupations of the residents, as before, are associated with breeding and raising livestock: sheep and horses. The life of local people has not changed much over the past hundreds of years.


The territory where the basin is located is one of the ancient centers of human civilization, where unique cultural and historical landscapes were formed over many millennia. There is a museum here that houses huge collections of ancient art.

There are also natural monuments: (9 km south of the Topanov aal), the length of the passages is 820 m; State Nature Reserve "Khakassky", which is an environmental, scientific and educational environmental institution of national importance; mountain ridge “Chests”; Ivanovo Lakes; ancient Paleolithic site (Malaya Syya); Chebaki fortress and many other attractions. In total, there are almost 30 thousand monuments in Khakassia ancient history.

where is?

Khakassia (the city of Abakan is 180 km from this reservoir) has a unique healing lake Bele, located in the center of the republic, not far from the village of Zhemchuzhny (it is 16 km away) and 8 km from Lake Shira. This is the largest lake in the republic. It differs from others in that the water in Bel is not azure. There are more warm colors, soft and faded. There are beliefs about monsters living in it.

It is unknown what contributed to the emergence of such a legend, but some kind of mystery exists in the lake. For example, seals live in this salty and isolated body of water.

Where is Khakassia? In places that are very attractive in their exoticism, where there are numerous silent stones, which embody the imprints of the life of people of previous thousand-year eras.