Where to cheaply holiday abroad. The cheapest resorts in the world The cheapest seaside holiday review

(12 ratings, average: 1,33 out of 5)

Inexpensive holidays have always been the most common among tourists. On such budget foreign trips, you can visit many countries without worrying too much about the fact that the prices for tickets and accommodation abroad will be too high.

Distant countries have an attractive effect on Russian tourists.

After all, abroad offers:

  • excellent service;
  • getting to know the rest of the world;
  • break from routine;
  • profitable purchases.

Before starting a trip, everyone should determine for themselves its main purpose. The direction is chosen based on this. Egypt and Türkiye with their convenient All Inclusive system have long been considered the most budget-friendly. Bulgaria, which has a mild climate, is attractive for its low prices.

But besides this, you can have a good and inexpensive holiday in:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Montenegro;
  • Croatia.

In these countries not very far from Russia with excellent and original cuisine beach holiday can easily be diluted with visits to numerous natural and architectural attractions.

From European countries the most affordable ones are:

  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Greece.

In these places it is better to relax away from the resort area and in the off-season. And if you rent a separate apartment instead of a hotel room, it will be almost free. Although not very popular hotels also offer quite reasonable prices for accommodation on their territory.

Exotic lovers can choose:

  • India;
  • Vietnam.

If you are lucky enough to find charter flights to these countries, then your vacation will definitely be budget-friendly. Latin American countries attract tourists with their low local prices and their relationship to the dollar.

Among them:

  • Cuba;
  • Brazil;
  • Peru;
  • Argentina.

Early purchase of tickets and hotel reservations will help you save significantly on your vacation. When choosing a trip from a travel agency, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the offers of several operators. If your vacation is not limited by time, you can purchase a last-minute tour.

The right holiday season can also make it budget-friendly. So, it is better to go to Turkey at the end of May or in the second half of September. In Europe the same high prices observed on January holidays and in the summer.

Holidays in foreign countries can be made inexpensive if you book a hotel abroad without meals. Local restaurants and cafes are famous for their affordable cuisine. Such establishments are usually located a few blocks from resort center.

And it’s best to prepare your own food, purchasing everything for this in grocery stores and markets, if your stay is not planned at a hotel. As a guide for excursions, you can choose not a hotel worker, but a local resident offering his services right on the beach.

For city transport, it is better to purchase travel cards or use hitchhiking instead. This type of transportation is not only cheap, but also safe. Experienced tourists also advise staying in budget rentals to save money. local population houses or hostels.

Budget holidays You can spend your time abroad in comfort and see the sights. You can stay in a hostel.

Budget holidays abroad are popular where there are constant departures from Moscow airports charter flights. Türkiye is advantageous in this regard with its cheap hotels and inexpensive flights. Lovers of sea travel are attracted by Georgia and Abkhazia, and fans of oriental culture are happy to visit Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

Tourists accustomed to rich cultural values ​​and high cliffs can go to:

  • Macedonia;
  • Croatia;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Bulgaria.

Instead of Europe, vacationers often visit:

  • Tunisia;
  • Morocco;
  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand.

For a budget holiday, special sites for finding inexpensive air tickets offer the following prices:

A country Cost, rub.
Vietnam from 35 thousand
Argentina from 26 thousand
Spain from 17 thousand
Italy from 16 thousand
Croatia from 18 thousand
Romania from 6 thousand
Bulgaria from 10 thousand
Montenegro from 8 thousand
Türkiye from 14 thousand
Greece from 11 thousand
Egypt from 11 thousand

Top 5 countries where you can relax cheaply and without a visa

There are a number of countries where Russian residents can go on vacation without a visa.

These include:

  1. Thailand;
  2. Israel;
  3. Vietnam;
  4. Montenegro;
  5. Argentina.

Modern Thailand is very beautiful and has a fairly developed infrastructure.


  • Novosibirsk-Phuket – $370 and above;
  • St. Petersburg-Phuket – $265 and above;
  • Moscow-Phuket – $240 and above;
  • Novosibirsk-Bangkok – $260 and above;
  • St. Petersburg-Bangkok – $220 and above;
  • Moscow-Bangkok – $200 and above.

Rooms for two in two- or three-star hotels in Thailand and rooms in hostels cost from 10 to 12 euros. In Phuket, for 17 euros you can rent accommodation in a guest apartment, as well as a room for two in a bed and breakfast hotel. In Krabi hotels, suites or bungalows cost from 7 to 20 euros per night.

On Samui, a bungalow with a fan on the seashore is rented for 15 euros. In Pattaya, the price for double rooms with air conditioning and lofts reaches up to 14 euros per night. Accommodation in 5-star hotels in Thailand costs from 100 euros.

Vacationers in Thailand usually focus on:

  • In Bangkok– at palaces and Buddhist pagodas, they will also be interested in the market and river boat rides. Thai gymnastics is often held on the lake shore, the lessons of which vacationers attend with pleasure. The Thai capital also attracts with its nightlife entertainment.
  • To Chiang Mai– in nature reserves and mountains; ride elephants, and also attend master classes on local cuisine.
  • To Pai- on thermal springs and waterfalls; go to spa centers and massage parlors.
  • To Krabi- on natural parks and excellent beaches, where you can rent boats to explore the caves.
  • In Phuket– on gastronomic abundance and surfing.
  • To Phanom Rung– on the thousand-year-old house of Shiva;
  • To Chiang Rai– on elephant farms and temple complexes.
  • In Ayutthaya- on historical monuments and Buddhist stupas.
  • On Koh Phangan– at fire shows and beach parties.
  • To Kanchanaburi- at the tiger temple.
  • To San Kampenge– at silk manufactories and healing springs.
  • In Hin Daeng- on underwater world and diving.

The advantages of holidaying in Thailand include:

The disadvantages include:

  • dirty tap water and spicy foods;
  • high humidity;
  • long 9 hour flight.

A budget holiday abroad can also be organized when traveling to Israel. Pre-purchased round-trip tickets from Moscow usually cost between $200 and $230. It is better to order them 2-3 months in advance. before travel.

Israeli hotels offer their rooms for $80-90 per night. Rooms in hostels and hostels in the periphery cost from 7 to 50 dollars. For family and elderly travelers, the best housing option would be rental apartments by the sea, in the central part of the city, for $55-75 per day.

Main attractions for tourists:

  • Jerusalem with the biblical zoo and the City of David;
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa;
  • Solomon's Ponds in Bethlehem;
  • Clock Tower and Wishing Bridge in Jaffa;
  • national park Caesarea;
  • ancient Capernaum in Galilee;
  • Old city Akko.

The advantages of a budget holiday in Israel include:

Disadvantages include the hot summer climate and the strict Sabbath.

If you get to Vietnam on a direct flight, then air tickets will be much more expensive than a flight with transfers, which is also expensive - 350-430 euros. In large city hostels the price for a room reaches 7 euros, and a room for two with breakfast in an inexpensive hotel costs 10 euros.

Apartments in Nha Trang and Hoi An cost 8-15 euros per day, but it is advisable to book them 6 months in advance. before travel. Prices for double rooms in three-star hotels range from 13 to 15 euros. In spring and summer they become heavier by almost 30%.

Popular Vietnamese places:

  • water puppet theater and turtle temple in Hanoi;
  • Ha Long Bay;
  • the northern mountain town of Sapa;
  • Hoi An, rich in architectural monuments;
  • the property of the empire in Hue;
  • Michon temple complex;
  • pearl farms on Phu Kok Island;
  • Phong Nha Kebang National Park.

Among the advantages of a Vietnamese holiday are:

  • a variety of shopping places for shopping lovers;
  • inexpensive excursions and exotic cuisine;
  • lots of entertainment.

The disadvantages include:

  • chaos and traffic jams;
  • cunning natives;
  • dirty city beaches.

Regular flights to Montenegro cost from 13 thousand rubles, and charter flights are 2 or 3 times cheaper.

Double rooms cost:

  • 25 euros in guest houses far from the sea;
  • 33 euros in guesthouses by the sea;
  • 40 euros in hotels with 1 star;
  • 44 euros in 2-star hotels;
  • 54 euros in three-star establishments;
  • 100 euros in four-star hotels;
  • 284 euros in five-star.

In Montenegro you can also rent:

  • for 19 euros an apartment;
  • apartments for 24 euros;
  • for 100 euros a house;
  • from 15 euros a room in a hostel.

In the country you can:

  • go on a tour of the monasteries;
  • in Budva, look at the fortress and riviera;
  • swim along the sea bay of Herceg Novi;
  • go on a tour of the canyons;
  • visit the Slavic Pompeii bar;
  • see Sadar Lake;
  • go to Durmitor National Park;
  • visit the fortress walls in Budva.

The main advantage of a Montenegrin holiday is the affordability of prices for literally everything, but the disadvantage is insufficient quality service during the high season. An air flight to Buenos Aires from Russia with a transfer in Madrid or Paris costs from 55 to 78 thousand rubles. It lasts from 15 hours to 1.5 days.

It will be most profitable to use the services of carriers:

  • Alitalia;
  • Swiss;
  • Emirates.

A room in a hostel in the Argentine capital costs from 500 rubles, and a room for two in a modest hotel costs 600 rubles. Flats and apartments are rented from 2,600 rubles. per day.


  • colorful Kamenito;
  • Women's Bridge in Puerto Madero;
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral in Buenos Aires;
  • Recoleta cemetery crypts;
  • Iguazu National Park;
  • cave of hands in Pinturas Canyon.

Pros of holidays in Argentina:

  • cheap hotel rooms;
  • inexpensive taxi;
  • climate moderation.

The only downside that stands out is the long flight from Russia.

Top 5 visa countries for a budget holiday

Budget holidays abroad can also be arranged in countries with visa regime. The financial issue in such travels does not play a key role.

Cheap countries for a holiday with a visa include:

  • Portugal;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Hungary;
  • Albania;
  • Sri Lanka.

The cheapest flights to Portugal are offered by KLM and Airfrance. Their tickets cost from Moscow to Lisbon and back from 200 euros. It is better to live in rented apartments during your holidays in the country. After all, a hotel room costs 30-40 euros, and a rented apartment with three rooms costs 50 euros. One-room apartments are rented for 30-35 euros.

Among the significant Portuguese attractions are:

  • Guimarães Castle;
  • National Monastery-Museum of Batalha;
  • fortress town of Obidos;
  • Jeronimos, capital monastery;
  • Basilica of Fatima;
  • Beles Tower from the Renaissance.

The advantages of a Portuguese holiday are:

Disadvantages include often inflated prices for tours. The golden Bulgarian shores can be reached from Russia in 3.5 hours by plane. The price of tickets will start from 4,500 rubles. They also go to Sofia from St. Petersburg or Moscow international trains. Then you will have to spend almost three days on the road. One-way tickets cost 8 thousand rubles.

Prices for daily accommodation in Bulgaria range from 5 to 50 euros. Houses are rented for 30-40 euros, and hotel rooms– from 10.

Cheap hotels can be found in villages by the sea:

  • Sarafovo;
  • Kranevo;
  • Pomorie;
  • Byalo.

In Bulgaria it is worth looking at:

The positive features of relaxation include:

  • Very low prices;
  • Russian-speaking population;
  • free and open beaches with all amenities;
  • fast acclimatization.

One of the negative things about Bulgaria that stands out is the modesty of the resorts. To get from Moscow to Hungary, you will have to pay from 6.5 thousand rubles for air tickets. Places in hostels cost from 700 rubles, and hotel rooms are 10 times more expensive.

Visited in Hungary:

Pros of rest:

  • mild climate;
  • variety for shopping;
  • inexpensive and pleasant local cuisine;
  • medical direction;
  • inexpensive hotels;
  • hospitality of local residents;
  • many attractions.


  • dirt in cities;
  • abundance of tourists;

The price of an air flight from Russia to Tirana starts from 30 thousand rubles. Hotel rooms with breakfast cost from 300 to 500 euros, and rented accommodation from 100 euros. Hotels with 4 stars offer their beds for 70 euros, and hotels with 3 stars for 15 euros. Hostels charge from 5 euros per night for their rooms.

In Albania they strive to see:

  • flower riviera;
  • the ancient road network of Egnantia;
  • Venetian tower;
  • Tyrant;
  • marine park;
  • Mount Daiti.

Benefits of rest:

The disadvantages include:

  • insufficient quality of service;
  • the language barrier;
  • early closing (at midnight) of clubs and discos.

Flights to Sri Lanka from Moscow cost 30 thousand rubles. For a double room in a guesthouse in small towns they pay from 7 to 12 euros, in Colombo - from 10 to 14 euros. Rooms in 3-star hotels cost from 18 to 35 euros, and rooms in hostels cost from 5 to 7 euros.


  • Kumana Nature Reserve;
  • the sacred Buddhist city of Kandy;
  • cave temple complex Dambulla;
  • Mount Sigiriya;
  • Adam's Peak.

Pros of rest:

  • many attractions;
  • friendliness of the local population;
  • abundance of varied food;
  • lack of crime.


  • poorly developed tourism sector;
  • high humidity;
  • strong waves on southern beaches;
  • expensive and long flight.

Where to relax at sea abroad inexpensively

A budget holiday abroad is unthinkable without the sea. Visiting cheap countries with favorable air tickets Last minute deals will allow you to save significantly on your vacation without losing its quality.

Inexpensive seaside resorts are located:

  • In Cyprus;
  • in Greece;
  • in Italy;
  • in Spain;
  • in the Maldives.

Tours to Cyprus for two people have a price tag from 57 thousand rubles. The cost of air travel is from 12 thousand rubles. Hotels rent from 30 euros.

The tours have the following popular destinations:

  • Protaras;
  • Pathos;
  • Larnaca;
  • Limassol.


Benefits of rest:

  • simplified visa obtaining;
  • Russian-speaking employees;
  • comfortable beaches;
  • air purity;
  • friendly locals;
  • no sudden temperature changes.


  • poor lighting of the tracks;
  • pharmacies only in cities;
  • high prices for services and goods.

Tours to Greece will cost from 54 thousand rubles. for two people, and air tickets - from 9600 to 16 thousand rubles. You can rent rooms in Rhodes and Thessaloniki from 22 euros.

In Greece usually visited:

  • Athos monastery and caves;
  • Olympus;
  • remains of the temple of Hera;
  • ruins of the Olympic Stadium;
  • ruins of Sparta;
  • Corinth.

The benefits of relaxation include:

  • cultural and entertainment diversity;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality service.

The disadvantages include:

  • paid medicine;
  • long siesta;
  • the language barrier.

Tours to Italy cost from 62 thousand rubles, and air tickets - from 10 thousand to 19 thousand rubles. The price of hotel rooms is 36-70 euros per day.

Inexpensive attractions include:

Benefits of rest:

  • beaches, the best in Europe;
  • varied climate;
  • generous historical heritage;
  • wellness treatments;
  • the opportunity to relax with children, even newborns;
  • original kitchen;
  • unique Venice;
  • fashion boutiques with cheap brands;
  • a paradise for shopping lovers.


  • misunderstanding due to absence in English in the country;
  • poor quality service in budget hotels;
  • insufficient security.

The price of a resort often plays a major role in choosing a vacation spot. Due to the high cost, many travelers cannot afford to spend their holidays abroad. But thanks to the emergence of budget destinations in tourism, people still found a way out of the current situation.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about budget holidays abroad

TOP cheap countries to travel in 2020:

08/13/2019 at 20:06 · VeraSchegoleva · 17 310

10 countries for the cheapest holiday abroad at sea

Holidays abroad at sea attract everyone. Warm sun, clear sea, soft sand are associated with heavenly pleasure, and when the question arises: “ Where should I go on vacation?“Most people prefer a sea holiday.

But people, as a rule, hastily react to tempting offers and, responding to them, buy tickets on which they could save money. However, in order not to overpay, you need to be at least a little guided when choosing tickets.

If you don’t have a strong desire to go to a particular country, and the most important thing for you is a seaside holiday, then you can choose inexpensive resort from the list.

Look and choose. We present to you 10 countries with developed beach infrastructure that offer tourists the cheapest holiday abroad at sea.

10. India

Goa is a small and Europeanized state India. Tourists come here from different parts of the Earth, since for a quality and memorable holiday it is enough to have only 100 dollars (6000 rupees), but we are only talking about North Goa.

If you try, the trip will be quite inexpensive. The cost of a holiday in Goa is quite low, especially far from big cities.

For reference: independent trip(that is, without a tour package) will allow you to save up to 30% of your money. You can stay in an inexpensive guesthouse (guest house) and save on it.

North Goa is different from South Goa - in South Goa you can calmly lie on the beach, swim in clean water and admire the view of the mountains. There are fewer people here and prices are more expensive. Severny has a more developed infrastructure, noisy parties are in full swing, mainly people come here for entertainment.

9. Greece

Greece popular among tourists for its resorts - they are suitable for everyone: the elderly, single people or families with children.

There are various resorts to choose from: the largest in Greece - Crete, suitable for couples, families with children, youth groups. There are stunning mountain landscapes, sandy beaches and villages that are pleasant to be in.

In order to relax by the sea, tourists mainly choose Rethymno, Horsonissos, Elounda, etc. in Crete. great beach, medieval monuments, developed infrastructure.

Halkidiki– the pearl of the Aegean Sea, Athens– the capital of the country, as well as many other islands and resorts attract travelers. On average, a holiday in Greece will cost $300 (approximate cost for a week).

8. Cambodia

Beach holidays in Cambodia not so popular among tourists, but here you can find a room for $1.50 per night, and delicious food is so cheap that it can cause confusion. In June the heat decreases, and in July the rainy season begins, which lasts until early November.

For reference: In Cambodia, floods occur in the first months of autumn, so hotels are half empty at this time. For a seaside holiday in this country, the town is usually chosen Sihanoukville- this is a popular seaside town, there is a developed tourism infrastructure. There are several good ones in the town sandy beaches, so for those who come to swim and relax, Sihanoukville is perfect for this.

7. Bulgaria

The sandy beaches of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast have long been popular among tourists. Those who come here appreciate the friendly people, good cuisine, and low prices.

Since ancient times they have been famous for their beaches sunny Beach And Golden Sands. These are the busiest resorts Bulgaria, there is something for everyone here - there are restaurants, cafes, hotels, and even sports opportunities.

The widest white sand beaches are on young resort with developed infrastructure Albena. Here vacationers can play hockey, ride horses and play beach soccer.

6. Abkhazia

Many choose the Black Sea as a budget holiday - Abkhazia. Tourists are attracted to holidays in a small country - Abkhazia, because they do not need to waste their time on obtaining a visa and a passport, because this is not necessary, and the journey takes very little time.

If you want to cut down on expenses, you can choose to live in private sectors, which are located in resort villages. Accommodation per day will not cost more than 350 rubles. For more comfortable conditions in the sectors, the price increases - up to 500 rubles.

The unforgettable swimming season in Abkhazia lasts until the month of October. You can easily find a secluded place on the beach, relax calmly and peacefully, enjoying the magnificent views.

5. UAE

United United Arab Emirates – a fabulous country that is perfect for those who love swimming in the warm sea, shopping, and those who prefer excellent hotel service.

Choosing tours in UAE, mostly tourists choose Dubai And Sharjah. Dubai is popular among Russian tourists, but hotel prices here are higher than in other emirates.

A budget accommodation option can only be found in one case – if you don’t mind living far from the sea. For vacationers, the UAE offers luxurious amusement parks, modern skyscrapers that will take your breath away, beautiful embankments along which you can stroll and take memorable photographs of your vacation.

4. Vietnam

Vietnam- This amazing place, where you can find natural areas untouched by man.

10 dollars is enough for one person to stay in a hotel and food for a day, and 20 dollars will be provided for tourists unforgettable vacation, in which they do not have to deny themselves anything. 500 dollars will be enough for a month's vacation.

The best resort in Vietnam according to Russian tourists is Nha Trang. There are well-groomed beaches here, although they are far from heavenly - the sand is coarse and yellow, and the bottom is uneven.

Vacationers prefer to go where there is white sand and beautiful beaches– Zoklet ( best beach Nha Trang), Paragon (located in the village An Vien) and etc.

3. Thailand

Thailand for Russian tourists it is as popular as Egypt and Türkiye. For a quality 10-day vacation you will have to prepare at least $800, but independent travel can cost as little as $400 per month.

But if one room is enough for you, then you can find quite a budget option accommodation for 90 dollars. Groceries are inexpensive in Thailand, so $100 a month is enough.

If your goal is to swim and sunbathe in peace, then, without hesitation, go to Koh Samet is a small island with clean, magnificent beaches. Here you can swim in silence and admire the picturesque sunsets.

2. Egypt

Holidays at sea in Egypt considered traditional among Russian tourists. Here you can enjoy a warm climate, good service in hotels, and a lot of inexpensive entertainment ($250 will be enough for a quality rest for 7 days).

The resorts that attract most guests from other countries are: Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada. Many travelers also choose Nuweibu, Tabu And Marsa Alam.

Usually sightseeing tour upon arrival in Egypt, it begins with a visit to the ancient pyramids of Giza (the most famous of them is the Pyramid of Cheops). Tourists do not miss the opportunity to visit Cairo and visit the “Valley of the Pharaohs”.

1. Türkiye

Most inexpensive holiday V Turkey the sea has long been chosen Russian tourists, and when it comes to choosing a country for travel and beach activities, without hesitation, they give their preference to Turkey.

But it’s worth knowing that it’s better to come to the beach before 11 am or after 4 pm, otherwise there is a risk of burning, since during the day in Turkey the air reaches +40°C in July and August.

In most cases, vacationers choose Kemer– it attracts tourists with its pebble beaches, green mountains, and clear azure water. For those who want to relax in peace and tranquility, it is better to choose tours to small apart-hotels away from the center closer to the forest, because in the evenings in large hotels there is loud music and loud animation. A holiday tour to Kemer will cost 250 dollars, to Istanbul – 350, and to Antalya approximately 200 dollars.

What else to see:

Travel, discovering the world, new countries and emotional satisfaction. Every tourist is looking for all this, but cannot find it due to the high cost of vacation. But there are places where you can get your fill of impressions for a reasonable price. Introducing cheapest resorts in the world– places where you will feel like a king!

Cambodia at the top of cheapness and exoticism

There are many budget resort countries, but Cambodia and its beaches are at the top. Accommodation will cost about 150 domestic money per day. This includes a hotel room and three meals a day. The only thing that will cost a pretty penny is the flight. There are no direct flights from the CIS to the country, so you will have to make at least one transfer.

The food in Cambodia is delicious and the accommodation is... good hotel will cost only 60 “wooden” for one night. Beaches and infrastructure are developing rapidly. At the moment, the state and resorts are considered the best for young people. Also, the large number of monuments and excursions adds color.

Vietnam is becoming more and more popular every year. This is due to the fact that accommodation and food in the country are inexpensive. But it’s not just the price that attracts tourists here. There are enough places to see here, at least take Nha Trang. One day stay will cost 250 rubles. Exoticism and variety of entertainment are the dominant factors when choosing a tourism destination, and the price is a pleasant addition.

India is a huge country, but only a few regions can be distinguished as world resorts. The most famous of them is Goa. If you try, you can have a good rest on this peninsula for 750 Russian money per day. This takes into account the fact that you will travel first class on trains, constantly travel by taxi, and live in a five-star hotel.

Of course, in some regions there are expensive hotels and places, but more acceptable than domestic ones and significantly superior in quality. Resort life in India is fully available to our compatriots.

Thailand is a popular destination for cheap accommodation

Today in Russia no one can be surprised by a trip to exotic country Thailand. Just 10 years ago this was a remote area that was accessible only to the elite of our society. Why has the direction become so popular? Everything is very simple, thanks to exotic views and cheap accommodation.

Many residents of large Russian cities went to live in Thailand because the income allowed them to have a pleasant time all year round. You can relax here for 800 rubles a day, including accommodation in the most expensive hotel, constant transportation by taxi and delicious food.

Bolivia is the cheapest resort in South America

Bolivia is a little-known destination for our tourists. But despite this, resorts are considered the cheapest in South America. For one day, it is enough to spend only 850 rubles, and this will include excursions, accommodation, meals and shopping. But flying to the mainland is not an easy task; you cannot do without transfers. Let us note that Bolivia has very tasty beer, but what else is needed for complete relaxation?

Costa Rica is the second budget region in South America

We continue to consider countries South America, Costa Rica is considered the second cheapest. This is a developed and stable state in which you can spend budget vacation. To live one day in the republic you can spend only 250 rubles. And if you want to show off, then for 900 rubles you can walk day and night. You can eat in a restaurant for just a few dollars. It's a real pleasure to be here, especially when long stay.

Hungary is a fairly popular destination for excursions and health-improving holiday. A trip to the capital is a must on any tour of Europe. Note that if you visit the country on your own, the price of the flight will not hit your pocket, because there are a lot of low-cost airlines here. Health resorts, museums, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment are worth a visit. A day in Budapest with visits to various places will cost 950-1000 rubles per day. For a European state this is not much.

If we talk about the Black Sea and famous resorts, then we will talk about Bulgaria. Over the past few years, the destination has become very popular among our citizens. However, a holiday in Bulgaria is cheaper than in your native Gelendzhik or Sochi. You can relax in Bulgaria in summer and winter, regardless of the season, the whole range of active, family and party recreation is collected here. For 1000-1200 rubles a day, your vacation will be simply royal.

If we consider holidays on the islands, then the most budget resort is Sri Lanka. There are incredible exotic views here, excellent coastline and nice service. Here you can enjoy the light breeze while sipping a cocktail on the seashore and eating only the best food. If we consider the cost, then for royal conditions you will have to pay about 1,300 rubles per day. Note that many travel agencies are beginning to intensively promote holidays in Sri Lanka.

If you don't know where to go, then go to Nepal. After all, there is always something to do here. Many religions, incredible landscapes of the Himalayas and other exotic surprises. Here you can relax perfectly and get a huge amount of emotions. At least take the climb to the very top high mountain peace!

The top cheap resorts in the world are presented, but this does not mean that this list is exhausted. There are other equally colorful countries where you can spend your holiday on a budget. For example, Egypt, Türkiye and Tunisia were not mentioned in the article. However, holidays here are inexpensive and prestigious.

When it's time for vacation, the question arises, how to have a cheap holiday at sea? It is very necessary to take a break from work, the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and spend time usefully. Try to leave the city and the country in general for the duration of your vacation. Often, at the stage of planning a vacation, we are faced with financial problems when we want to go to a completely new area or visit some exotic place.

We may have a little savings for travel, we can take out a loan, but we usually need to find the most cheap tour. How to do it? How to understand which offer from a tour operator is profitable? Our search for cheap tours automatically selects online and automatically the cheapest tours from Moscow from all tour operators.

There are several ways:
. Find a last minute deal. You will have to get ready very quickly, because the manager can call you almost a few hours before departure.
. Look for special offers from tour operators. You can get lost in search engines and not see the real cost (since surcharges for visas and fuel surcharges may not be included here).
. If luck smiles and someone refuses an already paid tour, the manager will give you a good discount to avoid fines.
.Fill out the application on the website to select a tour at a good price and tour managers will write a list of hotels for your trip, these will be the cheapest offers and tours at the moment.
. For those who are searching themselves inexpensive tours online, we provide information on the search page for tours for all tour operators.

There are inexpensive trips to Turkey, Thailand, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. Mexico and other countries at a price not exceeding 20 thousand rubles per person. Better prices It’s unlikely to be found; on our website you can actually buy a tour cheaply.

We offer cheap holidays in summer, autumn, winter, at any time of the year, in September, October and November. We present the maximum range of holiday offers in 2020. Choose tours at "Geography" and you will be satisfied with the service and cost.