New Zealand Navy. New Zealand Navy. Prefix of ships and vessels

Trojan horses of the Pacific Rim

Despite a number of striking episodes and its scope, the RIMPAC 2016 exercise can hardly be called impressive

From June 30 to August 4, in the area of ​​​​the Hawaiian Islands and in the waters adjacent to the southern part of the American state of California, the largest international naval maneuvers Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC 2016) took place. They were held already in the twenty-fifth once. The navies and marine units of 26 countries took part in them: Australia, Brunei, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Italy, Canada, China, Colombia, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Singapore, USA, Thailand, Tonga, France, Philippines, Chile and Japan. They involved more than 25,000 military personnel, 45 warships and auxiliary vessels, 5 submarines and more than 200 Navy and Air Force aircraft and helicopters.

Alexander FEDOROV

As you might guess, the United States dominated these exercises. The Pacific Rim was led by the commander of the 3rd Fleet of the US Navy, whose area of ​​responsibility includes vast Pacific waters, Vice Admiral Nora Tyson. Second roles also went to military officials from countries especially close to Washington. Tyson's deputies were Rear Admiral Scott Bishop of the Royal Canadian Navy and Rear Admiral Koji Manabe of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. The multinational naval force was led by Commodore Malcolm Weiss of the Royal Australian Navy, led by Brigadier General Blaise Frowley of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the marines by Commodore James Gilmour of the Royal New Zealand Navy. This distribution of roles in itself indicates the priorities and leading positions of the states whose interests the exercises serve.

The first RIMPAC maneuvers, which usually take place every two years, took place in 1971. The navies of the United States, Canada and Australia took part in them. They were used to practice strike and anti-submarine operations against the USSR Navy. Until the end of the 90s, that is, until the end of the Cold War, this topic dominated the exercises. Time after time, the “Pacific Ring” became wider. More and more new participants were drawn into it. In 2012, ships and vessels took part in the maneuvers Pacific Fleet Russian Navy: large anti-submarine ship"Admiral Panteleev", tanker "Boris Butoma" and rescue tug "Fotiy Krylov". However, due to the Ukrainian crisis in 2014, Russia was “excommunicated” from these exercises. This year, RIMPAC newcomers are Germany, Denmark and Italy, that is, countries very far from the Pacific region.

Diagram distributed by the US Navy with information about RIMPAC 2016 maneuvers.

The internationalization of maneuvers and the expansion of the circle of their participants is not accidental. The United States alone has long been unable to cope with the “obligations” that it has imposed on itself in the seas and oceans. The US Navy's ship strength is constantly declining due to financial difficulties and often erroneous priorities in naval construction. That is why the theme of partnership increasingly dominates the doctrinal documents of the US Navy and its practice. America's junior partners not only have to, but are obligated to pull chestnuts out of the fire for Washington. The motto of this year's Pacific Rim was: "Efficiency - Flexibility - Partners."

Indeed, the exercise leaders had to show flexibility. The fact is that China is second in the number of ships and vessels sent for maneuvers after the United States. The PLA Navy was represented by the Type 052C guided-missile destroyer Xi'an, which entered service last year with a command and control system similar to the American Aegis, the Hengshui Type 054A guided-missile frigate, the integrated supply ship Gaoyouhu, the submarine rescue ship Changdao, and the hospital ship Daishandao. But, as you know, in Washington today they consider the PLA Navy to be the main rival of the American fleet in the struggle for “mastery of the sea.” The Chinese “Trojan horse” clearly interfered with the United States and its partners when practicing collective actions directed against the PLA Navy. The Chinese at RIMPAC, on the contrary, became closely acquainted with tactics that might be used against them.

At RIMPAC, Washington has to dodge all the time. Taking advantage of the fact that maneuvers are carried out over vast water areas, the Americans divide the exercises into stages. Not all participants of the Pacific Ring are involved in each of them. For the most important ones, for example, missile firing and, especially, testing of new weapons, only trusted closest allies of the United States are involved. However, this division into “pure” and “impure” does not always work. So in 2014, the PRC sent two frigates and two auxiliary vessels to RIMPAC. It seemed to the US Navy command that they could easily lead Chinese ships away from the missile firing areas as part of the SINKEX exercises. But it didn't work out. The PLA Navy sent there a “non-standard” large reconnaissance ship Tianwangxing, designed for instrumental monitoring of missile firing and intercepting the operating modes of electronic means. The Americans could only complain about the eastern treachery of their partners from the Middle Kingdom.

The fire is conducted by the American destroyer Stockdale.

This year, the communication vessel “Pribaltika” (SSV-80) of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy became a “non-standard” participant in RIMPAC 2016. This “Trojan horse” appeared off the Hawaiian Islands shortly after the start of the maneuvers. "Baltika" refers to large reconnaissance ships of Project 1826 "Rubidium" (Bal'zam - according to NATO classification). Their total displacement is 4300 tons, length is 105 m, width is 15.5 m, maximum speed is 20 knots, cruising range at 14 knots is 10,000 miles, autonomy is 60 days, that is, they can be at sea for a long time, which is what is required of naval reconnaissance officers. "Rubidias" are equipped with a variety of radio-technical weapons for collecting and processing electronic information.

As a representative of the US Navy Pacific Command, Lieutenant Clint Ramsden, told a correspondent of the online resource of the American Naval Institute USNI News, “the Russian Bal’zam did not interfere with the exercise,” but “we took all the necessary precautions to protect our special important information" However, it seems that this protection was not very reliable. In any case, when the Chief of Naval Operations (Commander in Chief) of the US Navy, Admiral John Richardson, on his way to China, where he was heading on an official visit, made a previously unannounced stopover on the amphibious assault ship America (LHA 6), which was one of the flagships of RIMPAC 2016, the large anti-submarine ship “Admiral Vinogradov” of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy was within sight of this UDC. From its side they did not send any greeting signals to the American commander, but with their appearance they confirmed the presence Russian fleet in Pacific waters. We must pay tribute - representatives of the American fleet stated that “they have no complaints about the actions of Russian sailors.”

Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan in the South China Sea.

Washington attributed John Richardson's visit to China great importance. In addition to protocol visits to the aircraft carrier Liaoning (former Soviet Varyag), a missile frigate, a non-nuclear submarine, as well as an academy for training submarine officers, negotiations were held with the Commander-in-Chief of the PLA Navy, Admiral Wu Shengli, about the most pressing problem in US-China relations - the situation in South China sea. But mutual understanding on this issue could not be reached. Wu Shengli said that China “considers it its sovereign right” to build military and civilian facilities on small islands in the South China Sea, although other countries also claim ownership of them. In turn, John Richardson confirmed “in accordance with freedom of navigation” the practice of US Navy patrolling the waters of the South China Sea, which causes serious concern to Beijing.

Just as Wu Shengli and John Richardson were negotiating and Chinese ships were participating in the RIMPAC 2016 exercise, the South China Sea was plowed by the American nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), the guided-missile cruiser Chancellorsville (CG 62), and the guided-missile destroyer Decatur (DDG). 73) and other ships. These “Trojan horses” do not at all contribute to the normalization of the situation in this area of ​​the world, but on the contrary lead to its aggravation, which is fraught with a serious military conflict.

Here we cannot pay attention to one detail, which seems not so important, but quite clearly characterizes the severity of the contradictions between Washington and Beijing. In recent years, US Navy ships, especially on long voyages, have sailed under huge battleship flags. So that everyone knows “who is the boss of the sea.” At the RIMPAC 2016 exercises, ships and vessels of the PLA Navy also raised the same huge flags of the People's Republic of China, thereby challenging the United States' right to “own the sea.”

Of course, RIMPAC 2016 did not revolve solely around US-China relations. The navies of the participating countries practiced various tasks. These included providing assistance in case of natural disasters, ensuring the safety of navigation, joint actions during landings, anti-submarine and anti-mine operations, organizing air defense formations, fighting for control of sea space, supplying ships with fuel, weapons and food in waters remote from bases. , artillery and rocket firing.

In the landing exercises, which were conducted at the Pohakuloa training ground on Big Island Hawaiian archipelago, the Australian amphibious assault ship Canberra (L02) took part for the first time. Those who left the UDC docking chamber landing craft and amphibious armored personnel carriers brought Marines and equipment ashore. And the MV-22B Osprey tiltrotor, which arrived from the American UDC America and landed for the first time on the deck of the Canberra, picked up a group of Marines and transferred them deep into the “enemy’s” territory.

UDC Canberra and America approach the landing site.

Not far from naval base US-China exercises to assist a submarine crew in distress took place at Pearl Harbor. The first violin in them belonged to the newest submarine rescue vessel Changdao of the PLA Navy. The rescue self-propelled deep-sea vehicle LR-7 was launched from its side. He dived and docked with the coaming platform of the “emergency” submarine. As Bill Orr, a technical adviser to the International Submarine Rescue Service, said, after these successful tests, we can say that the United States and China can carry out joint operations to rescue damaged submarines.

The hero of SINKEX 2016, undoubtedly, was the target ship - the former American frigate Thach (FFG 43) of the Oliver Hazard Perry class, named after naval aviation pilot John Thach, who became famous during World War II in the Pacific. In 2013, this ship, which served for 29 years, was withdrawn from the US Navy. At RIMPAC 2016, the time of his death came. But Thach stubbornly refused to go to the bottom. For twelve hours (!), the hull of the former frigate was hit by combat anti-ship missiles and torpedoes fired submarines. And every time it seemed that Thach was about to disappear under the waves. But no, again and again he became almost on an even keel. And only after there was not a single living place left on the ship, it went under water.

But the former frigate Crommelin (FFG 37), of the same type as Thach, named after the five brothers who took part in the Second World War, did not resist fate for long. The American littoral ship Coronado (LCS 4) was the first to fire at it, but the Harpoon Block IC anti-ship missile it launched hit the “milk” before reaching the target of the attack. But the Canadian frigate Calgary (FF 335) and the New Zealand Te Kaha (F 77) did not miss. The matter was completed by American and Australian aircraft, which quickly sank the Crommelin with their missiles.

Despite a number of striking episodes and its scope, the RIMPAC 2016 exercise can hardly be called impressive. Due to attraction large quantity participants, some of whom with their presence on the “Pacific Ring” pursue not common, but their own goals, these maneuvers have become very formalized and boring in concept and execution. It is unlikely that even the United States Navy will benefit from them. In any case, in our opinion, they are not worth such serious efforts and huge amounts of money that are spent on their organization.

New Zealand is an active member of the military-political blocs ANZUS and ANZUS, as well as a participant in a number of military and economic agreements with the countries of Southeast Asia and the basin Pacific Ocean. According to the views of the military-political leadership of New Zealand, an important factor in ensuring its security is further development and strengthening military cooperation on a multilateral and bilateral basis with the countries participating in the ANZUS bloc, and primarily with the United States, under whose auspices this organization was created in 1951. In accordance with the "mutual defense" treaty in 1965, New Zealand became complicit in American aggression in Vietnam by sending a contingent of its troops there.

Traditionally, New Zealand maintains a special relationship with Great Britain, which is modeled after the construction and training of the country's armed forces. By virtue of geographical location The main partner of this state militarily and economically is Australia.

Equipping the New Zealand armed forces with weapons and military equipment is carried out with the active assistance of the United States, Australia and Great Britain. The country's military budget for the 1978/79 financial year is set at over 250 million New Zealand dollars.

Currently, the New Zealand Armed Forces consists of the (Army), Air Force, Navy and Reserve components. They are designed to conduct combat operations primarily in cooperation with the armed forces of their allies. According to foreign press reports, the number of personnel in the regular armed forces is about 12.6 thousand people, in the reserve there are over 12 thousand. The armed forces are recruited by recruiting volunteers. Officer training for all branches of the armed forces is carried out in military educational institutions in the USA, Great Britain and Australia.

The Supreme Commander of the New Zealand Armed Forces is the Governor-General. The highest military body is the Defense Council (collegial body), which includes: the Minister of Defense (chairman), his deputy, the Chief of the Defense Staff, the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Air Force and Navy, as well as the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Finance.

The main military administrative body of the armed forces is the Ministry of Defense. The operational control of the country's armed forces is entrusted to the defense headquarters, which is responsible for the construction of the armed forces, their mobilization deployment, logistics and combat use. The Chief of Defense Staff exercises control over the troops through the Chiefs of Staff of the Army, Air Force and Navy and is effectively the Commander-in-Chief of the country's armed forces.

The control bodies of the branches of the armed forces (headquarters of the army, air force and navy) are responsible for the construction of the corresponding troops, their recruitment, combat and mobilization readiness, logistics and operational use.

The main and most numerous type of armed forces. They are designed to conduct combat operations both independently and in cooperation with the Air Force and Navy, as well as to participate in joint operations with allied armies in military blocs. The ground forces consist of regular troops (5.7 thousand people) and reserves.

According to reports in the foreign military press, the New Zealand army is armed with weapons and military equipment made in the United States and England, many of which are outdated. The ground forces include about ten M41 light tanks, up to 70 - the main means of transporting infantry, ten Ferret reconnaissance armored vehicles, 17 94-mm cannons (obsolete models), about 30 105-mm mountain howitzers and ten 139.7-mm howitzers -guns, as well as over 20 106-mm recoilless anti-tank guns.

Air Force designed to provide direct air support to ground forces and naval combat operations, provide air defense, conduct aerial reconnaissance in the interests of the armed forces as a whole and for other tasks. The number of regular air force personnel is approximately 4.2 thousand people, reserves - over 1.2 thousand.

Organizationally, the New Zealand Air Force has two functional groups: operational and support.

According to the foreign press, the operational composition of the task force located on the territory of New Zealand includes: squadrons of fighter-bombers (13 Skyhawk aircraft), a combat training squadron (16 Strikemaster aircraft) and a squadron of base patrol aircraft (five reconnaissance aircraft). Orion aircraft). Transport aviation includes three squadrons with 21 aircraft (five C-130 Hercules, three Bristol, ten Andover and three Devon), and one squadron of transport helicopters (ten UH-1 Iroquois and ten light helicopters). The aviation units are armed with about 30 aircraft and helicopters of other types, including training ones. In addition, a transport squadron (three Bristol aircraft and four UH-1 Iroquois helicopters) is stationed in Singapore.

The support group is directly responsible for the condition of air bases and airfields, organizing and conducting combat training of flight and technical personnel, as well as for the logistics of aviation units. The group has six air bases and airfields in New Zealand and one air base in Singapore.

Naval forces designed to conduct combat operations both independently and in cooperation with ground forces and air forces, as well as together with naval formations and ships of allies in blocks. The number of naval personnel is 2.7 thousand people, reserves are over 3.5 thousand.

According to foreign press reports, the basis of the Navy consists of four frigates equipped with Sea Cat anti-aircraft missiles. Two of them have Wasp anti-submarine helicopters. One of the frigates, in accordance with the five-party agreement, is located in the Malaysian area for most of the year. The fleet also includes four patrol boats, hydrographic, research and other auxiliary vessels and boats. The most prepared fleet bases are Auckland, Wellington and Otago.

Captain S. Anzhersky


2,166 military personnel

Commanders Acting commander

Rear Admiral Tony Parr, MVO

New Zealand Navy, official name Royal New Zealand Navy(English) Royal New Zealand Navy) - one of the three types of troops in the New Zealand Armed Forces. Currently it consists of twelve ships and vessels and five helicopters.

Historical reference

Before 1941, New Zealand did not have a fleet in the modern sense. Security was initially provided by the British Royal Navy, but in 1846 the settlers bought their first patrol boat. Later, the so-called Waikato flotilla appeared, which existed from 1860 to 1865.

In 1884 the government purchased four new destroyer boats, and from 1887 the New Zealand government financed the construction of Australian auxiliary vessels.

In 1909, New Zealand financed the construction of the battlecruiser HMS New Zealand, who served with the British Royal Navy and took part in the Battle of Jutland.

The Naval Defense Act 1913 formally established the New Zealand Navy as part of the Royal navy British Empire, and the old cruiser H.M.S. Philomel became the first ship of the new division. From 1921, this force included two cruisers and a minesweeper, becoming known as the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy.

When Britain entered the war against Germany in 1939, New Zealand immediately declared war as well. In recognition of this, the New Zealand Division, which included 2 cruisers and 2 sloops and was fairly independent, was named the Royal New Zealand Navy. Royal New Zealand Navy, RNZN).

Current state

Today, the New Zealand Navy is second in terms of combat capability after the Australian Navy in the South Pacific region.

Ship composition

Tactical number Name Type As part of the fleet Status Notes
F77 HMNZS Te Kaha Anzac-class frigate since July 22, 1997 in service, as of 2013
F111 HMNZS Te Mana Anzac-class frigate since December 10, 1999 in service, as of 2013
Patrol ships
P148 HMNZS Otago offshore patrol vessel since November 18, 2006 in service, as of 2013
P55 HMNZS Wellington offshore patrol vessel since May 6, 2010 in service, as of 2013
P3569 HMNZS Rotoiti coastal patrol vessel since April 17, 2009 in service, as of 2013
P3567 HMNZS Hawea coastal patrol vessel from May 1, 2009 in service, as of 2013
P3568 HMNZS Pukaki coastal patrol vessel since 2008 in service, as of 2013
P3570 HMNZS Taupo coastal patrol vessel since May 29, 2009 in service, as of 2013
Landing ships
L421 HMNZS Canterbury universal landing ship since June 12, 2007 in service, as of 2013
Auxiliary vessels
A11 HMNZS Endeavor Tanker since April 8, 1988 in service, as of 2013
Hydrographic ships
A09 HMNZS Manawanui diving vessel since 1988 in service, as of 2013

Naval aviation

Name Type Quantity In service Notes
Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite Multi-role helicopter 13 Since 2001 5 in service since 2001. In 2013, 10 were purchased from Australia: 8 for the Navy and 2 for spare parts. At the end of 2013, Penguin Mk.2 Mod.7 anti-ship missiles were purchased for installation on helicopters.

Prefix of ships and vessels

HMNZS- His/Her Majesty’s New Zealand Ship (Russian: His/Her Majesty’s ship of New Zealand).


    Frigate HMNZS Te Mana.

    HMNZS Wellington.JPG

    HMNZS Wellington at the Port of Wellington

    HMNZS Te Kaha (F77).jpg

    HMNZS Te Mana (F111) in Devonport, 2008-03-28.jpg

    HMNZS Endeavor (A11), from ferry.jpg

    HMNZS Endeavor (A11).jpg

    HMNZS Wellington.JPG

    HMNZS Wellington

    HMNZS Hawea (P3571), Otago Harbour.jpg

    HMNZS Resolution.JPG

    HMNZS Resolution

    US Navy 080730-N-5384B-013 he Royal New Zealand Navy SH-2G Sea Sprite prepares to land aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72).jpg

    Royal New Zealand Navy SH-2G Super Seasprite

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  • (official website)
  • Naval Institute Guide to Combat Fleets of the World: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Systems, 2007

An excerpt characterizing the New Zealand Navy

“Well, in exactly the same way she shuddered, in the same way she came up and smiled timidly then, when it was already happening,” Natasha thought, “and in the same way... I thought that something was missing in her.”
- No, this is the choir from the Water-bearer, do you hear! – And Natasha finished singing the choir’s tune to make it clear to Sonya.
-Where did you go? – Natasha asked.
- Change the water in the glass. I'll finish the pattern now.
“You’re always busy, but I can’t do it,” said Natasha. -Where is Nikolai?
- He seems to be sleeping.
“Sonya, go wake him up,” said Natasha. - Tell him that I call him to sing. “She sat and thought about what it meant, that it all happened, and, without resolving this question and not at all regretting it, again in her imagination she was transported to the time when she was with him, and he looked with loving eyes looked at her.
“Oh, I wish he would come soon. I'm so afraid that this won't happen! And most importantly: I'm getting old, that's what! What is now in me will no longer exist. Or maybe he’ll come today, he’ll come now. Maybe he came and is sitting there in the living room. Maybe he arrived yesterday and I forgot.” She stood up, put down the guitar and went into the living room. All the household, teachers, governesses and guests were already sitting at the tea table. People stood around the table, but Prince Andrei was not there, and life was still the same.
“Oh, here she is,” said Ilya Andreich, seeing Natasha enter. - Well, sit down with me. “But Natasha stopped next to her mother, looking around, as if she was looking for something.
- Mother! - she said. “Give it to me, give it to me, mom, quickly, quickly,” and again she could hardly hold back her sobs.
She sat down at the table and listened to the conversations of the elders and Nikolai, who also came to the table. “My God, my God, the same faces, the same conversations, dad holding the cup in the same way and blowing in the same way!” thought Natasha, feeling with horror the disgust rising in her against everyone at home because they were still the same.
After tea, Nikolai, Sonya and Natasha went to the sofa, to their favorite corner, where their most intimate conversations always began.

“It happens to you,” Natasha said to her brother when they sat down in the sofa, “it happens to you that it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; what was all that was good? And not just boring, but sad?
- And how! - he said. “It happened to me that everything was fine, everyone was cheerful, but it would come to my mind that I was already tired of all this and that everyone needed to die.” Once I didn’t go to the regiment for a walk, but there was music playing there... and so I suddenly became bored...
- Oh, I know that. I know, I know,” Natasha picked up. – I was still little, this happened to me. Do you remember, once I was punished for plums and you all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and I felt sorry for everyone, and myself, and I felt sorry for everyone. And, most importantly, it wasn’t my fault,” Natasha said, “do you remember?
“I remember,” said Nikolai. “I remember that I came to you later and I wanted to console you and, you know, I was ashamed. We were terribly funny. I had a bobblehead toy then and I wanted to give it to you. Do you remember?
“Do you remember,” Natasha said with a thoughtful smile, how long ago, long ago, we were still very little, an uncle called us into the office, back in the old house, and it was dark - we came and suddenly there was standing there...
“Arap,” Nikolai finished with a joyful smile, “how can I not remember?” Even now I don’t know that it was a blackamoor, or we saw it in a dream, or we were told.
- He was gray, remember, and had white teeth - he stood and looked at us...
– Do you remember, Sonya? - Nikolai asked...
“Yes, yes, I remember something too,” Sonya answered timidly...
“I asked my father and mother about this blackamoor,” said Natasha. - They say that there was no blackamoor. But you remember!
- Oh, how I remember his teeth now.
- How strange it is, it was like a dream. I like it.
“Do you remember how we were rolling eggs in the hall and suddenly two old women began to spin around on the carpet?” Was it or not? Do you remember how good it was?
- Yes. Do you remember how dad in a blue fur coat fired a gun on the porch? “They turned over, smiling with pleasure, memories, not sad old ones, but poetic youthful memories, those impressions from the most distant past, where dreams merge with reality, and laughed quietly, rejoicing at something.
Sonya, as always, lagged behind them, although their memories were common.
Sonya did not remember much of what they remembered, and what she did remember did not arouse in her the poetic feeling that they experienced. She only enjoyed their joy, trying to imitate it.
She took part only when they remembered Sonya's first visit. Sonya told how she was afraid of Nikolai, because he had strings on his jacket, and the nanny told her that they would sew her into strings too.
“And I remember: they told me that you were born under cabbage,” said Natasha, “and I remember that I didn’t dare not believe it then, but I knew that it wasn’t true, and I was so embarrassed.”
During this conversation, the maid's head poked out of the back door of the sofa room. “Miss, they brought the rooster,” the girl said in a whisper.
“No need, Polya, tell me to carry it,” said Natasha.
In the middle of the conversations going on in the sofa, Dimmler entered the room and approached the harp that stood in the corner. He took off the cloth and the harp made a false sound.
“Eduard Karlych, please play my beloved Nocturiene by Monsieur Field,” said the voice of the old countess from the living room.
Dimmler struck a chord and, turning to Natasha, Nikolai and Sonya, said: “Young people, how quietly they sit!”
“Yes, we are philosophizing,” Natasha said, looking around for a minute and continuing the conversation. The conversation was now about dreams.
Dimmer started to play. Natasha silently, on tiptoe, walked up to the table, took the candle, took it out and, returning, quietly sat down in her place. It was dark in the room, especially on the sofa on which they were sitting, but through the large windows the silver light of the full moon fell onto the floor.
“You know, I think,” Natasha said in a whisper, moving closer to Nikolai and Sonya, when Dimmler had already finished and was still sitting, weakly plucking the strings, apparently indecisive to leave or start something new, “that when you remember like that, you remember, you remember everything.” , you remember so much that you remember what happened before I was in the world...
“This is Metampsic,” said Sonya, who always studied well and remembered everything. – The Egyptians believed that our souls were in animals and would go back to animals.

On April 15, Kaman announced the start of factory flight testing at its Bloomfield (Connecticut) facility of the first SH-2G(I) Super Seasprite ASW helicopter intended for the New Zealand Navy.

Once testing is completed, the helicopter will be used to train New Zealand Navy crews and technical personnel. In May 2013, Kaman Aerospace signed a contract worth $120 million to supply the New Zealand Navy with 10 SH-2G(I) Super Seasprite anti-submarine helicopters, spare parts, a simulator and related logistics.

Previously, the government approved the purchase of 8 helicopters (plus two for spare parts), a trainer, Penguin anti-ship missiles and related equipment for a total of N242 million. USD (206 million US dollars), including 147 million new. USD (USD 120 million) for the supply of the helicopters themselves.

Delivery of the first three vehicles is scheduled for the end of 2014. The complete transfer of helicopters is planned to be completed in mid-2015. All SH-2G(I) Super Seasprite helicopters will begin performing combat missions as intended during 2016. The helicopters will replace five similar machines that have been in operation since the late 1990s. The helicopters purchased by the New Zealand Navy were originally intended for the Australian Navy.

However, in March 2008, the government of this country canceled the contract signed with the American company Kaman Aerospace in 1997 for the supply and modernization of 11 SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters. Despite the fact that at that time about $1 billion had been spent on the implementation of the program, it was canceled due to the recognition of the futility of integrating modern equipment onto an outdated platform.

In accordance with the agreement reached by the parties, the helicopters, equipment and spare parts were returned to Kaman for sale on the open market. The Australian government will receive at least 50% of the proceeds from any sale of this batch of helicopters, with a guaranteed return of $39.5 million. In addition, the $30 million planned for spare parts for the SH-2G will be used by Australia to purchase equipment for the Sea Hawk and Black Hawk helicopters.

The replacement for the SH-2G Super Seasprite for the Australian Navy was the MH-60R helicopters, the purchase contract for which was signed in 2011. In January 2012, New Zealand began searching for helicopters to replace similar machines in operation since the late 1990s. Direct negotiations with the Kaman company began at the end of May 2012.

Helicopters stored in Connecticut are required under the contract to be modified to meet New Zealand Navy requirements. The helicopters will be equipped with upgraded sensors, communications and flight control systems. The service life of the updated machines will be extended until 2025. The upgraded helicopters will be used on board Anzac-class frigates.

The New Zealand Navy paid more than $700,000 to the company Glenn Defense Marine Asia, whose owner Leonard Glenn Francis is involved in the largest corruption scandal involving high-ranking officers of the US Navy.

According to US law enforcement agencies, Francis, also known as “Fat Leonard,” used his connections in the US Navy command to obtain government contracts. In exchange, the head of the company gave large bribes, organized luxurious trips and meetings with prostitutes for his accomplices. In addition, in Glenn Defense Marine Asia they falsified invoices, set inflated prices and practiced kickbacks.

The New Zealand Navy admitted that it paid the company Glenn Defense Marine Asia for servicing warships during their calls to ports in Southeast Asia from May 2007 to December 2011.

Despite the scandal in the United States, the New Zealand Navy is not going to investigate the circumstances of the conclusion of agreements with Glenn Defense Marine Asia, since the command did not sign permanent or long-term contracts with the company.

"Tugs Glenn Defense Marine Asia provided escort for ships in ports, and the company also provided the fleet with garbage collection and removal services. This is a common practice when visiting foreign ports. The total cost was 710.24 thousand US dollars,” Radio New Zealand quotes a statement from the New Zealand Navy command.

It is also noted that Glenn Defense Marine Asia provided services in accordance with the requirements of the host countries.

Labor Party spokesman Ian Lee-Galloway said the navy's decision not to investigate the circumstances surrounding the contracts with Glenn Defense Marine Asia completely unacceptable: "Significant taxpayers' money was wasted, and there was strong evidence from overseas that the company was involved in corruption schemes. At a minimum, we should have ensured that New Zealand Navy officers were not involved in any way."

Representatives of the New Zealand Ministry of Defense declined to be interviewed by journalists.

Company Glenn Defense Marine Asia For a quarter of a century, it was engaged in coastal servicing of American ships in Asian ports, but in 2013, US authorities had questions for its leader.

A corruption scandal erupted in February 2015, when investigators arrested a former customer representative for US Navy contracts, Paul Simpkins, who was suspected of receiving bribes when concluding contracts to service American ships and vessels in the Pacific Ocean.

A number of people involved in the case are under arrest. Some, in addition to this, are already in the Navy.

Last week, a federal district court in the US state of California sentenced Robert Guilbault to one and a half years in prison in this case.

In January 2016, the first of nine defendants, US Navy officer Daniel Laig, .