E. Muldashev: "Darwin's theory? It's funny!" The theory of the emergence of mankind according to E.R. Muldashev Muldashev's theory

Photos from open sources

The PAGES of our weekly have repeatedly published materials about the expeditions of Professor Ernst MULDASHEV to the Himalayas, Tibet and Egypt. Now the restless traveler sets out on a journey again, this time to the mysterious Easter Island. And according to the established good tradition, readers of "AiF" will be the first to learn about new research and discoveries of scientists from a series of reports. And today he told Nikolai Zyatkov about the goals and objectives of the expedition.

Dangerous sign "six"

ERNST Rifgatovich! As far as I know, you have rescheduled this expedition three times already. Won't you postpone it this time? What were the previous cancellations related to?

There were two reasons. First, shortly before leaving on the expedition, I suddenly began to realize that from a scientific point of view, we still have to "mature". And it took time to "ripen".

Secondly, I would like to point out that the expedition to Easter Island will be very dangerous. And it so happened that this expedition in a row (three - in the Himalayas, one - in Tibet and one - in Egypt) should have been the sixth. And, to be honest, I didn't really want to go on this difficult expedition under the sign of the "six".

And what could be dangerous on Easter Island? This is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, on which there are stone idols. (site)

Photos from open sources

The fact is that the entire Easter Island, measuring just over 20 km in diameter, is riddled with a network underground passages artificial origin, which form a labyrinth. According to existing legends, the underground labyrinth has several branches, each of which leads ... to the center of the Earth.

You are about to go through this maze. For what purpose?

On the opposite side of the globe from Easter Island is the sacred Mount Kailash, around which the legendary City of the Gods is located, consisting of numerous huge and very ancient pyramids. This City of Gods is described in detail and shown in the latest book - “In Search of the City of Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala ”. In the same place, in the Tibetan City of Gods, we found the legendary Door to Shambhala, leading, as the legends say, to a huge underground city- the capital of underground Shambhala.

City of the Gods

Photos from open sources

I CANNOT exclude the fact that on the opposite side of the globe, that is, in the area of ​​Easter Island, there was also the City of the Gods ... even more ancient city Gods who are now sunk in the ocean. And the underground city, logically, should be there. The entrance to it is located, possibly, in the underground labyrinth of Easter Island.

When you say "City of the Gods", willy-nilly, you want to ask: what is it?

This question is difficult to answer briefly. This will be the subject of my next book - “In Search of the City of the Gods. Matrix of Life on Earth ”. The bottom line is that when we made a schematic map of the City of the Gods, it turned out that it is very similar to the spatial structure of DNA. The famous Russian molecular biologist Petr Petrovich Gariaev noted this.

A huge stone ... DNA?

Yes. We get the impression that the City of the Gods is the place where God created man on Earth, first of all creating DNA.

What about Darwin's theory?

Now this is ridiculous.

You said that there are two Cities of the Gods ...

I think that the first City of the Gods was the sunken City of the Gods near Easter Island, and the second was the City near Mount Kailash in Tibet. We will not be able to find the first City of the Gods - it sank in the depths of the Pacific Ocean ...

Read about the legendary Shantamani stone and other secrets of Tibet in the next issue.

"Arguments and Facts"

How did life begin on Earth? When did the first person appear? It would seem that the answers to these questions are given even in the school course of biology: life appeared by chance, developed as a result of spontaneous mutations and the process of isolation, and man descended from a monkey.
In fact, everything is not so simple. The probability of the accidental appearance of such a rather simple structure as fern spores is, according to mathematicians, ten to the minus fortieth power. Transitional forms of animals, which supposedly gradually developed from lower forms to higher ones, changing, as Darwin believed, in the course of evolution, scientists practically do not find.
Meanwhile, some representatives of the fauna live to this day, which for millions of years have remained unchanged despite all theories, for example, scorpions. And the very idea of ​​the origin of man from a monkey crumbles to dust as soon as the results of genetic analysis emerge, clearly indicating the almost complete absence of similarities in the genetic codes of humans and monkeys.
So is it worth believing Darwin's theory anyway? How true is the idea of ​​the evolution of species? And if you do not accept it, then how to explain where did life on Earth come from?

Darwin's collapse

Let's start from the very beginning. Not even from the essence of Darwin's theory of evolution, but from the very name, which already contains the answers to many questions. What is this teaching called? "Evolution theory". And a theory, as you know, is just an assumption that has yet to be proven in order for it to become a scientific fact.
In practice, this is often forgotten, and Darwin's theory is presented as an axiom that does not require proof.
Perhaps this is because in fact it is extremely difficult to prove it. While there are more than enough facts that clearly contradict this theory.
Here are just a few of them.
First. According to Darwin's theory, man descended from ape. But the transitional link connecting man and the monkey, the undoubted presence of which Darwin spoke, scientists have not yet discovered, despite the fact that archaeological excavations in the areas inhabited by primitive tribes are carried out regularly. At the moment, science is facing the admission that it is not possible to detect the ape-man. The remains of monkeys are found, the remains of homo sapiens - too. Both are in innumerable quantities. But man-apes, alas, are not among them.
Second. According to the theory of evolution, the Neanderthal is considered the ancestor of the Cro-Magnon - our immediate ancestor. Moreover, the Neanderthal is supposedly an earlier stage of development. However, as a result of recent archaeological excavations, it turned out that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons lived at the same time, at first settling in different habitats. Subsequently, the more developed and able to adapt to changing climatic conditions Cro-Magnons drove out the Neanderthals, and the Ice Age finally finished off the latter.
Modern science also notes the idea that Cro-Magnons could have descended from a more developed part of Neanderthals - genetic analysis shows completely different DNA structure of Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons. Thus, it turns out that the necessary link in the evolutionary chain drops out, and the question of the origin of the Cro-Magnons remains open.
Third. The theory of the evolution of species is openly contradicted by the fact that some species of animals have not changed at all over many millions of years. From the standpoint of Darwinists, they, like other species, were downright obliged to develop. However, this did not happen, and why - the theory of evolution is not able to give any explanations.
Fourth. The theory of the origin of man from a monkey finally collapses, colliding with genetics. The latter, by the way, the brainchild of the monk Mendel, completely breaks Darwin's idea. According to genetic analysis, humans and monkeys are absolutely unrelated biological species.
Moreover, among all animal species, the closest to humans in terms of the genetic code ... are pigs. This explains the growing in the body of transgenic pigs-donors of organs for human transplantation, including kidneys, liver and even the heart. The monkey's body is not suitable for carrying donor organs for humans. Based on this, it would be more logical to call the human ancestor a pig, and not a monkey. But no - it is impossible: despite the great similarity of the genetic codes of humans and pigs, significant differences are observed in them.
Fifth and last. Have you ever visited the Paleontological Museum? But even if you have never been there, you must have heard of mammoths found in the layers of the permafrost ice. There is a known case when dogs ate a piece of the thawed trunk of a mammoth, which means that thousands, if not millions of years spent in a frozen state, did not spoil its meat at all. Judging by the safety of his internal organs, he froze instantly.
Now let's try to imagine how this could happen. Even if the mammoth's body is immersed in a bath of liquid nitrogen, the freezing will not be so fast that all tissues, including the mucous membrane of the eyes, are completely preserved, as is observed in the found bodies of mammoths.
And what about the trilobites exhibited in the same Paleontological Museum? How could the eyes have turned to stone? After all, they mostly consist of liquid. And nevertheless, the trilobites found by scientists have petrified everything, even the eyes. To do this, they again had to petrify instantly, like the mammoth froze. But this is in no way consistent with the theory of the evolution of life on Earth.

A matter of faith

What to believe then, you ask. You can, for example, in the Divine creation. Then the question of where people came from on Earth, and indeed life in general, is quite unambiguous: the Lord created human beings in his own image and likeness. Agree, being a likeness of God is much nicer than a distant descendant of chimpanzees.
Moreover, among the scientists themselves, there are practically no those who would take Darwin's theory seriously. There are many more among them who adhere to religious beliefs than Darwinists. Suffice it to recall one of the luminaries of paleontology and at the same time an outstanding Catholic theologian, the priest Teilhard de Chardin, as well as the famous Italian anthropologist, a participant in many archaeological excavations, the monk Francesco Zotti.

There are always options

However, if you absolutely need a natural-scientific explanation for the development of life on Earth, then here are a few more theories, albeit less common than Darwin's.


According to this theory, life on Earth originated as a result of the influence of aliens. Within its framework, there are different versions of how exactly and why this happened. Some say that we are just a kind of "food supply" and raise us the same way we raise cows or pigs. Other experts believe that the creation of humans is a global experiment of extraterrestrial intelligence. Still others are convinced that people appeared as a result of an alien ship accident, and we are all distant descendants of aliens. Still others believe that people were created and are developing as a civilization, which is to replace the dying ancient race of its creators. In a word, there are a great many options for why the aliens needed to create us.
This theory is based on the evidence of contactees and records and drawings found by archaeologists, which supposedly depict aliens, including doing something with people. There is no more serious documentary evidence for this theory, just as there is no compelling refutation of it. Actually, to believe or not to believe in this theory directly depends on how much you believe in aliens at all.
If you believe, you can agree with those who consider them the creators of the human race. If alien intelligence really exists, then such a course of events is quite likely - given how far away guests from other worlds have gone in terms of progress. After all, in order to fly to us, they must overcome the speed of light.

Vernadsky's theory

The greatest scientist Academician Vernadsky believed that life is an integral property of matter, that it has always existed, like matter itself. In other words, he denies the moment of the origin of life as such. In his opinion, it was, is and will be, only changes in the biological species themselves are possible. From the point of view of Vernadsky, the universe is also eternal and endless, it has never been created and will never perish.
There is definitely something in this: at least you can not be afraid of the next end of the world, predicted by some next Great guru, and you will always have an answer to those who are still afraid of the apocalypse. Moreover, the answer is based on the statement of no less than the first president of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a scientist whose name is comparable to Darwin.

Muldashev's theory

An ophthalmologist, a talented specialist in his field, several years ago Ernst Muldashev took up a field far from ophthalmology. He decided to study the issue of the appearance and development of people on Earth. The scientist, after many expeditions around the world (many of which took place in Altai), put forward his point of view regarding our existence.
His theory suggests that more intelligent and advanced civilizations existed before us. They were wiser than us, if only because they always treated the Earth as a living being, protected it, tried not to harm it. At some point, they ceased to be frugal with her and began, as we are now, to use her resources to the maximum.
The Earth, being a living creature, was offended, and turned around ... literally 180 degrees. Not very abruptly, she slowly turned, hoping that those living on it would come to their senses. At some point, she reached a critical point and the center of gravity shifted, which led to the Flood.
Only those who in our time are called Atlanteans survived. They escaped in mountain caves, where they entered a state of deep sleep in order to continue the human race. They are the ancestors of modern people. The question of how and when these more ancient races appeared, Muldashev does not consider in detail, paying attention to the development of our race.


Isn't that a tricky name? It is deciphered like this - "a seed spread throughout the universe." According to this hypothesis, life is spread over many planets and migrates from one to another as a result of transfer by some cosmic body.
It arose even among the ancient Indian freethinkers, who thought it unlikely that our planet for some reason is a certain chosen one, if the Cosmos is so limitless, and the creator god Vishnu is so omnipotent. The Indians, however, believed that the seed of life spreads precisely from the Earth (they knew very well about the existence of comets and meteors, calling them "chariots of creation and destruction"), and modern European scientists, on the contrary, believe that we became the host, while others galaxies as donors.
According to one version, life was brought to Earth by the remains of the dead planet Phaeton. Friend: it was brought to us by Halley's comet during one of its earliest approaches to our planet, which was then still very young.
Within the framework of the theory itself, there are two options. The first option: life was brought to Earth in the form of microbes and bacteria, which later developed - and in this regard, the theory of panspermia turns out to be related to the classical theory of evolution.
The second option: life arrived on Earth in the form of already established biological species (for example, inside meteorites or comets). Its author can be considered the Briton Francis Crick, who believes that life could have originated on another planet, and the developed civilization there subsequently spread its conserved prototypes in the Universe. His position, you see, is very reminiscent of the alien version, only without "courier delivery".
One way or another, any of the hypotheses outlined today looks rather shaky. Most of the arguments "against" are typed in the case of Darwinists, least of all - in the case of theologians. If only because any religion does not intend to prove anything - it simply requires faith, but you cannot argue with faith - that is why it differs from rational theories ... Author: V. Kravets

The PAGES of our weekly have repeatedly published materials about the expeditions of Professor Ernst MULDASHEV to the Himalayas, Tibet and Egypt. Now the restless traveler sets out on a journey again, this time to the mysterious Easter Island. And according to the established good tradition, readers of "AiF" will be the first to learn about new researches and discoveries of scientists from a series of reports. And today he told Nikolai Zyatkov about the goals and objectives of the expedition.

Dangerous sign "six"

ERNST Rifgatovich! As far as I know, you have rescheduled this expedition three times already. Won't you postpone it this time? What were the previous cancellations related to?

There were two reasons. Firstly, shortly before leaving on the expedition, I suddenly began to realize that from a scientific point of view, we still have to "mature". And it took time to "ripen".

Secondly, I would like to point out that the expedition to Easter Island will be very dangerous. And it so happened that this expedition in a row (three - in the Himalayas, one - in Tibet and one - in Egypt) should have been the sixth. And, to be honest, I didn't really want to go on this difficult expedition under the sign of the "six".

And what could be dangerous on Easter Island? This is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, on which there are stone idols.

The fact is that the entire Easter Island, which measures just over 20 km across, is permeated with a network of artificial underground passages that form a labyrinth. According to existing legends, the underground labyrinth has several branches, each of which leads ... to the center of the Earth.

You are about to go through this maze. For what purpose?

On the opposite side of the globe from Easter Island there is sacred mountain Kailash, around which the legendary City of the Gods is located, consisting of numerous huge and very ancient pyramids. This City of Gods is described in detail and shown in the last book - "In Search of the City of Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala". In the same place, in the Tibetan City of Gods, we found the legendary Door to Shambhala, leading, as legends say, to a huge underground city - the capital of underground Shambhala.

City of the Gods

I CANNOT exclude the fact that on the opposite side of the globe, that is, in the area of ​​Easter Island, there was also the City of the Gods ... an even more ancient City of the Gods, which has now sunk into the ocean. And the underground city, logically, should be there. The entrance to it is located, possibly, in the underground labyrinth of Easter Island.

When you say "City of the Gods", willy-nilly, you want to ask: what is it?

This question is difficult to answer briefly. This will be the subject of my next book - "In Search of the City of Gods. Matrix of Life on Earth". The bottom line is that when we made a schematic map of the City of the Gods, it turned out that it is very similar to the spatial structure of DNA. The famous Russian molecular biologist Petr Petrovich Gariaev noted this.

A huge stone ... DNA?

Yes. We get the impression that the City of the Gods is the place where God created man on Earth, first of all creating DNA.

What about Darwin's theory?

Now this is ridiculous.

You said that there are two Cities of the Gods ...

I think that the first City of the Gods was the sunken City of the Gods near Easter Island, and the second was the City near Mount Kailash in Tibet. We will not be able to find the first City of the Gods - it sank in the depths of the Pacific Ocean ...

Read about the legendary Shantamani stone and other secrets of Tibet in the next issue.

, ufology, wave genome

Science Date of Birth Place of Birth

Verkhne-Sermenevo, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR


USSR, Russia


Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(Ernest Rifqat ulı Muldaşev) (b. January 1, 1948 in the village of Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsk District of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - author of a number of scandalous books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt, Russian ophthalmologist surgeon , a surgeon of the highest category, organizer and head of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa.

He studied at the school in the city of Salavat. 1972-1982 - Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases; 1982-1988 - doctor-ophthalmologist of the eye department of the hospital № 10, medical unit OLUNPZ; 1988-1990 - head. laboratory of transplants for ophthalmosurgery, MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"; since 1990 - Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of Russia.


The inventor of the surgical biomaterial "alloplant", with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered "hopeless". However, no official confirmation of this has yet been presented.

There is a known case of the cure of the famous trainer Teresa Durova, considered a hopeless illness, after which, according to the patient herself, the ability to see returned to her.

He also became known worldwide for transplanting an eye to a woman, after which she allegedly began to see them. However, ophthalmologists deny the reality of eye transplant surgery, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. However, Muldashev himself speaks of transplanting only some parts of the eye and confirms the impossibility of transplanting the entire eye.

Statements of other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Professor Hristo Takhchidi, General Director of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after acad. S. N. Fedorova:

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, put a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we cannot restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be treating blindness, he undertakes to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I'm not afraid to say it harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a really knowledgeable ophthalmologist, professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he was carried away, he began to "shaman". We have been having discussions with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckgardt, Head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmic and Endocrinological Center, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists

Question:- But legends are told about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have good relations. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility, originality of this personality. He is fond of alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, meets with lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were three-eyed Atlanteans). He writes poetry, books. Perhaps all this allows him to keep a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country dealing with the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has succeeded in regenerating the retina of the eye - the transplanted woman's eyes cannot see. On this occasion, the ophthalmological community was very indignant.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his associates conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of faces famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). The identification was successful only on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye reads twenty-two parameters as a scanning beam. As a result, a computer program was created, with the help of which it was possible to restore a person's appearance by the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye should look like; it is suggested that such an eye belongs to the representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was produced - in the end result, four hypothetical migration routes of mankind across the globe were obtained, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, with the help of ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature was compiled, which owns the eyes on the temples in Tibet.

Gene pool of humanity

According to Muldashev, the gene pool of humanity is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “conserved” state (the state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity anew in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.

Alien portals in Crete

According to Muldashev, the famous Cretan Labyrinth is in reality an alien “portal” that from time to time “opens”, letting people inside.


the USSR → Russia

Scientific area: Place of work:

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(head. Muldashev, Ernst Rift uly; genus. January 1, Verkhne-Sermenevo village, Beloretsk district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian ophthalmologist, surgeon of the highest category, organizer and head of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa. He is also known to the general public as the author of a number of books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with the expeditions to Tibet and Egypt.


The inventor of the surgical biomaterial "alloplant", with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered "hopeless".

There is a known case of the cure of the famous trainer Teresa Durova, considered a hopeless illness, after which, according to the patient herself, the ability to see returned to her.

According to reports, he transplanted a donor eye and returned vision to the patient, however, ophthalmologists deny the reality of an eye transplant operation, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. Commenting on the situation, Muldashev himself said that he had done a cornea and retina transplant.

Statements of other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, put a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we cannot restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be treating blindness, he undertakes to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I'm not afraid to say it harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a really knowledgeable ophthalmologist, professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he was carried away, he began to "shaman". We have been having discussions with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckgardt, Head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmic and Endocrinological Center, Member of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Question:- But legends are told about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have good relations. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility, originality of this personality. He is fond of alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, meets with lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were three-eyed Lemurians and Atlanteans). He writes poetry, books. Perhaps all this allows him to keep a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country dealing with the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has succeeded in regenerating the retina of the eye - the transplanted woman's eyes cannot see. On this occasion, the ophthalmological community was very indignant.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his associates conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). The identification was successful only on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye reads twenty-two parameters as a scanning beam. As a result, a computer program was created, with the help of which it was possible to restore a person's appearance by the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye should look like; it is suggested that such an eye belongs to the representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was produced - in the end result, four hypothetical migration routes of mankind across the globe were obtained, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, with the help of ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature was compiled, which owns the eyes on the temples in Tibet.

Gene pool of humanity

According to Muldashev, the gene pool of humanity is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “conserved” state (the state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity anew in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.



  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 1. The tragic message of the ancients. 544 pp. Circulation: 50,000. ISBN 978-5-373-01414-4.
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 2. Harati Gold Plates
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala. 528 pp.
  • Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02988-9.
  • Circulation: 100000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00025-3
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 4. Preface to the Matrix of Life on Earth
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 5. Matrix of Life on Earth
  • Tragic message of the ancients
  • In the arms of Shambhala
  • Harati Gold Plates. Volume 1.320 pp. Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02987-2.
  • Harati Gold Plates. Volume 2.320 pp. Circulation: 180000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00031-4
  • Where are we descended from? Part I Meeting with the Master
  • Where are we descended from? Part II. What the Tibetan Lamas said
  • Where are we descended from? Part III The world is more complex than we thought
  • Mysterious aura of Russia. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-5-373-02148-7
  • Matrix of life on Earth. 624 pages. Circulation: 2500.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-02990-2.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-01397-0.

see also

  • Where are we descended from?
  • In search of the City of the Gods