Abandoned church with mannequins of parishioners, Netherlands. How to turn an abandoned church into a kindergarten or brewery. Church in the snow, Canada

In the last decade, adaptive architecture has become increasingly popular in Europe and the United States, thanks to which old buildings receive new life. Architects, engineers and designers study the environment, studying the energy efficiency of buildings and interactive systems. One of the directions of this trend was the adaptation of abandoned churches and temples. The Village learned how to transform a former worship building into kindergarten, library or concert venue.

Zwolle, Netherlands

The Dominican Church in the Dutch city of Zwolle, also known as the Church of the Brothers (Broerenkerk), has been empty for more than three decades - since 1982. In 2007, the Waanders company acquired the building and decided to organize a large bookshop and cafe inside, while preserving the original architecture of the Gothic church. The project was carried out by architects from Utrecht BK Architecten, and the Norwegian master Kjell Nupen restored the broken stained glass windows. The general structure and interior of the monument remained intact. The color scheme of the interior was determined by the restrained style of the church, and the working organ remained the dominant feature of the entire interior space. Book galleries were placed on either side of the nave, and the empty space was removed from the shopping area to accommodate concerts and charity events.

We wanted the remodeled space to have a modest look and to highlight our respect for church architecture. Therefore, the floors of the book gallery are divided into wings, revealing a vertical column of columns. The structures of the galleries are in no way connected with the engineering of the church, so if necessary, they can be completely removed without damaging the walls of the building.

Munster, Germany

The 1962 modernist St. Sebastian's Church in Münster was the visual centerpiece of the entire area's development. The municipalities secularized the land and transferred the monument into the ownership of the kindergarten. In 2013, the architectural group Bolles+Wilson completely remodeled the historic building. The interior of the church was divided into two levels for children of different age groups, the roof was covered with translucent modules, providing natural light and improving ventilation. A special covering was laid on the floor, which is usually used on sports grounds. An extension was made to the church building with offices, a kitchen, a technical room and a room for parents, where they can wait for their child and watch him play from the observation room.

Buffalo, USA

To preserve the St. Vincent Church building, built back in 1926, the city authorities transferred it to Canisian College in Buffalo, which needed a cultural center. The main architectural solution in this project was the sound-reflecting plates installed under the dome. Thanks to them, concerts can be held in the building. The authors of the church reconstruction project were awarded seven awards in the field of architecture and design, including the National AIA Honor Award for Interior Architecture.

Cologne, Germany

The ancient Romanesque church of Saint Columba was almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. Ruins of steel memorial place for Cologne, in 1950 a chapel was erected there and a memorial square was laid out. In the early 1990s, the territory of the church was transferred to the Museum of the Diocese of Cologne to house part of the exhibition.

Swiss Peter Zumthor took up the project of reconstructing the church in 1997. He had to restore old buildings and erect several new ones - for a large exhibition space. The architect chose gray brick to unite the disparate parts of the building. They were handmade by the Danish master Peterson Tegl - he burned the finished bricks along with charcoal to give them a warm shade. Zumthor also added complexity to the brickwork by leaving openings in the façade to allow diffused light to enter. The museum itself now consists of 16 separate exhibition spaces and a secret garden located in the middle of the building.

Pittsburgh, USA

Baptist Church and convent St. John's in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh were built in the early 20th century. Since the 1950s, the economic situation in the city has changed dramatically: several large factories have closed, which led to a large outflow of population. In 1993, the diocese decided to close the church and monastery because it could no longer be supported financially or socially. The historic buildings were purchased by developer Sean Casey for $191,200. This was the first time in American history that a diocese sold a religious institution for money.

The Pittsburgh Preservation Center designated the St. John's complex as a historic landmark, so the building could not be demolished. In 2006, Sean Casey opened a brewery and restaurant in the former church. Legally, the owner of the building had every right to do this, since he left the interiors of the church untouched. But the diocese reacted to this decision extremely aggressively, accusing Casey of desacralization. The diocese and the municipal urban conservation center entered into an agreement: from now on, every building sold by the diocese will be included in the National Register historical monuments, and any redevelopment project must be agreed upon with former church officials.

The Lawrenceville church's adaptation remains one of the most controversial. Advocates for the project argue that the opening of Brew Works has improved the economic health of the area. 85 new jobs were created, real estate prices rose sharply in the surrounding areas, and nearby residential complexes were immediately bought up by investors from New York.


art critic, employee of the State Hermitage

In Europe, examples of church buildings being adapted for new functions include monuments erected during the post-war reconstruction era. Until the end of the 1960s, religious communities acted as active customers, especially in those countries where the influence of Protestant denominations was strong. In the Netherlands, for example, about 1,500 churches and chapels were built in a couple of decades. But already in the early 1970s, the number of believers and parishioners began to decline. Colonies gained independence, changed National composition society. Hundreds of buildings, many of which have protected status as monuments of modernism, have fallen into disrepair. Practice shows that Protestants are willing to compromise: churches are reconstructed for the needs of local social services and school centers. There are even some rather tactless examples of cathedrals being converted into residential condominiums. For a Catholic parish to transfer to a secular organization the building in which the sacrament was celebrated is, of course, an almost unbearable measure.

There is something eerily beautiful about the ruins of these old abandoned churches, which were abandoned at one time for a variety of reasons. Some of them played an important historical role in times of war and civil unrest, while others became “victims” of the rapidly changing modern world. All these churches have long been abandoned and fallen into disrepair - but even in this state they remain amazingly beautiful.

1. Geamana, Romania

The Romanian village of Geamana was completely destroyed - flooded with runoff from a local open-pit copper mine. Today, the ruins of the village church rise above the surface of the poisonous red water.

2. Yaropolets, Russia

The Church of the Kazan Mother of God, now abandoned, was once the only two-domed church in Russia. It was built by Field Marshal Zakhar Chernyshev, Governor General of Moscow, on his estate.

3. Caen, France

The beautiful ruins of the ancient church of Saint-Etienne can still be found in Caen, France. Both the church and much of the city were destroyed during the fighting in Normandy during World War II.

4. Rome, Italy

The ruins of the Church of St. Bonaventure are located where the village of Monterano once stood. The village and its inhabitants were burned down by soldiers of the French army during a brutal surprise attack at the end of the 18th century.

5. Detroit, Michigan

Detroit was once the tenth largest city in the United States, but due to a lack of jobs and the highest level unemployment in Detroit began an economic crisis, which ended in the bankruptcy of the city in 2013. Today, many Detroit buildings stand abandoned.

6. Ross Island, India

Ross Island, part of the Andaman Islands, was occupied by Britain during World War II and was used as a local center of power. In 1941, an earthquake on the island destroyed almost all the buildings, which is why Ross was eventually abandoned. Today, in the overgrown jungle, only ruins can be found, reminiscent of the once luxurious buildings of the island.

7. Coimbra, Portugal

The Portuguese monastery of Santa Clara a Velha was built in the 14th century on the banks of the Mondego River in the city of Coimbra. Due to constant floods in the 17th century, the structure was abandoned. Not long ago, the monastery was completely reconstructed and is now open to tourists who can appreciate its former beauty.

8. Bodie, California

Bodie is one of the many towns where the Gold Rush once began. Located in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains, Bodie only flourished because gold was discovered nearby in 1876. However, as with all other Gold Rush towns, once the gold ran out, so did Bodie's prosperity. The decline of the city began at the dawn of the 20th century, and today Bodie is one of many ghost towns, with only numerous abandoned buildings (including a wooden church) reminding of its former splendor.

An unfinished church, a reminder of what was never realized, lies in the town of St. George on the northeastern tip of Bermuda. Construction began in 1874, after the ancient church that stood on this site was destroyed by a storm. However, construction was soon stopped due to the decision to reconstruct the old church instead of building a new one. And in 1926, another storm destroyed most of what they had time to build. Today these ruins are part of the area declared as a site World Heritage UNESCO.

10. Dumfries, Scotland

The picturesque ruins of the cathedral church are located in the vicinity of Dumfries. Built back in 1160, the church was abandoned at the beginning of the 18th century, but today the remains of the building are protected as an object historical heritage and are open to tourists.

11. Gary, Indiana

Once the thriving capital of the steel-making state of Indiana and, at the same time, the birthplace of Michael Jackson, the city of Gary has experienced a severe economic crisis. In just a few years, the city's population has dropped by more than 25%, and, according to 2013 statistics, a third of all houses are abandoned, as are many public buildings - including Methodist Church.

12. Ani, Türkiye

A long time ago, the city of Ani was the capital of the medieval Armenian (Ani) kingdom, located on the territory of modern Armenia and Eastern Turkey. In the period from 961 to 1045, the capital played a vital role in the economy of the state, being located at the crossroads of many trade routes, and the buildings and structures that were erected in Ani were built using the most advanced technologies in the whole world at that time. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, Ani was completely abandoned, but the ruins of the once magnificent “City of 1001 Churches” still remain.

These creepy pictures of abandoned places on our planet give you an idea of ​​what this world would look like if people...

50 of the most breathtaking abandoned places in the world

 08:24 October 16, 2016

These eerie images of abandoned places on our planet give you an idea of ​​what this world would look like if people left it.

A tree grows in an abandoned piano

Click on the pictures to enlarge the image.

UFO houses in Sanzhi, Taiwan

Also known as the Sanzhi Saucer Houses, a futuristic complex of 60 UFO-shaped houses made from durable fiberglass is located in Sanzhi County, Xinbei, Taiwan. An unrealized project of a group of companies under the patronage of the state of a complex of ultra-modern houses for the capital's rich.

Overgrown Palace, Poland

In 1910, this palace was built as a home for the Polish nobility. Under the communist regime, the palace became an agricultural college and then a mental hospital. After the 90s the building has been empty.

Jet Star amusement park coaster, New Jersey, USA

These slides remained in Atlantic Ocean after Storm Sandy in 2013. They rusted for six months until they were dismantled.

Abandoned house in the forest

Church in Saint-Etienne, France

Abandoned church with mannequins of parishioners, Netherlands

Doll factory, Spain

A tree growing through a bicycle

Wrecks on a sandbank, Bermuda Triangle

Floating forest, Sydney, Australia

Cinema in Detroit, Michigan, USA

As Detroit deteriorates, many of its historical buildings were abandoned.

Shipyard in Vallejo, California, USA

Mare Island Naval Shipyard served as a submarine port during both World Wars. In the 1990s, the building was abandoned and flooded.

House between two trees, Florida, USA


The Titanic set off on its first and last voyage in April 1912. 73 years later big ship at the beginning of the 20th century it was found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

Circular railway, Paris, France

The Petite Ceinture railway was built in 1852 and ran between the main train stations of Paris within the city walls. During its operation, it connected five city highways. Since 1934 Railway, as well as some of its stations are partially abandoned.

Spreepark, Berlin, Germany

In 1969, an amusement park with rides, cafes and green lawns was built on the banks of the Spree in the southeast of the city. After the unification of the two Berlins, the park lost its relevance and closed due to insufficient funding.

Library, Russia

House on the Row, Finland

Turquoise Canal, Venice, Italy

Like any other city, Venice has abandoned places. But there they look even more picturesque.

Stairway to Nowhere, Pismo Beach, California, USA

Nara Dreamland Park, Japan

Nara Dreamland was built in 1961 as Japan's answer to Disneyland and even included its own version of Sleeping Beauty Castle. Closed in 2006 due to low visitor numbers.

Abandoned Mining Road, Taiwan

Abandoned pier

Bare footprints in an abandoned nuclear reactor

Indoor water park

Boathouse, Lake Obersee, Germany

Abandoned administrative building in Italy

Methodist Church in Indiana, USA

Gary, Indiana was founded in 1905 during the US steel boom. In the 1950s, more than 200,000 people lived and worked in this city. After the fall of the dispute on steel, almost half of the city was empty.

Church in the snow, Canada

Blue spiral staircase in a European castle

Soviet naval testing station in Makhachkala, Russia

Bell tower of a church in a frozen lake, Reschen, Italy

Lake Reschen is a reservoir in which several villages and a 14th-century church were flooded.

Glenwood Power Plant, New York, USA

This power plant, built in 1906, has long since become obsolete. After closing in 1968, it was used as a location for filming thrillers and zombie films.

Flooded shopping center

Train station in Canfranc, Spain

Canfranc is small town, located near the border with France. In 1928, the largest and most beautiful at that time railroad station in the world, which was called "the sparkling gem of modernity."

In 1970, the railway bridge on the road to Canfranc was destroyed and the station was closed. The bridge was not restored, and the former “pearl of Art Nouveau” began to fall into disrepair.

Abandoned theater

Automobile cemetery, Ardennes, Belgium

Many American soldiers Western Front During World War II, they purchased cars for personal use. When the war ended, it turned out that sending them home was very expensive and many of the cars remained here.

Attraction in Chernobyl, Ukraine

Abandoned hospital. Chernobyl, Ukraine

The city of Pripyat was deserted after the 1986 disaster at the nearby Chernobyl nuclear power plant. It has been empty since then and will remain empty for thousands of years.

City Hall Subway Station, New York, USA

City Hall Station opened in 1904 and closed in 1945. Only 600 people a day used it when it was operational.

Abandoned house in Virginia, USA

Poveglia Island, Italy

Poveglia is an island in the Venetian lagoon that, during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, became an isolation ward for plague victims and later an asylum for the mentally ill.

Gulliver's Travels Park, Kawagushi, Japan

The park opened in 1997. Lasted only 10 years and was abandoned due to financial problems

Lighthouse on Aniva rock, Sakhalin, Russia

The Aniva lighthouse was installed in 1939 by the Japanese (at that time this part of Sakhalin belonged to them) on the small Sivuchya rock, near the inaccessible rocky Cape Aniva. This area is replete with currents, frequent fogs, and underwater rocky banks. The height of the tower is 31 meters, the height of the light is 40 meters above sea level.

Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland

A castle located on a rocky island lying in the Loch Duich fjord in Scotland. One of Scotland's most romantic castles, it is famous for its heather honey and interesting story. Filming took place in the castle: “The Phantom Goes West” (1935), “The Master of Ballantrae” (1953), “Highlander” (1986), “Mio, My Mio” (1987), “The World Is Not Enough” (1999) , Friend of the Bride (2008).

Abandoned mill, Ontario, Canada

Underwater city Shicheng, China

Hidden beneath the waters of the Lake of a Thousand Islands in China is the underwater city of Shicheng City. The architecture of the city has remained virtually untouched, for which archaeologists have nicknamed it a “time capsule.” Shicheng, or as it is also called “Lion City”, was founded more than 1339 years ago. During the construction of a hydroelectric power station in 1959, it was decided to flood the city.

Munsell Sea Forts, UK

In the shallow waters of the North Sea off the coast of Great Britain, abandoned air defense sea forts stand above the water. Their main tasks were to protect the large industrial centers of England from air attacks from the most vulnerable direction - from the sea - from the mouths of the Thames and Mersey rivers and to protect the approaches from the sea to London and Liverpool, respectively.

Christ from the Abyss, San Fruttoso, Italy

The statue of Jesus Christ, located at the bottom of the sea, in the bay of San Fruttuoso, near Genoa. The statue, about 2.5 meters high, was installed on August 22, 1954 at a depth of 17 meters. In addition, in different parts of the world there are several similar statues (both copies of the original and variations on its theme), also bearing the name “Christ from the Abyss”.

Ryugyong Hotel, Pyongyang, North Korea

Now it is the largest and tallest building in Pyongyang and the DPRK as a whole. The hotel was expected to open in June 1989, but construction problems and material shortages delayed the opening. The Japanese press estimated the amount spent on construction at $750 million - 2% of North Korean GDP. In 1992, due to lack of funding and the general economic crisis in the country, construction was stopped.

The main part of the tower was built, but windows, communications and equipment were not installed. The top of the building is poorly made and may fall off. The current structure of the building cannot be used. The North Korean government is trying to attract $300 million in foreign investment to develop and build a hotel. new design, but for now it has removed unfinished construction from maps and postage stamps.

See also 24 sadly peaceful abandoned places.

In contact with

All once lively, and later abandoned places are captivating in their own way and at the same time make hearts tremble with inexplicable fear. These pictures will allow you to make sure that the combination of the words “ghostly beauty” is correct.

We invite you to take an online walk through places that will make your blood run cold and give you the creeps.

House on an island in Finland

A lonely building with gaping windows surrounded by trees is compositionally captivating to the eye, but do you want to go inside? This hut, by its very appearance, evokes an inexpressible melancholy and makes you want to quickly return to civilization.

An abandoned church... and parishioners. Netherlands

In this completely eerie Dutch temple, abandoned for unknown reasons, with damp walls, time has stopped, and the few visitors will never leave their seats again.

Methodist Church, Gary, Indiana, USA

City Methodist Church, located in Gary, Indiana, is one of the most famous and popular places Midwest for shooting indie films, videos and photo shoots of all kinds. And this, in general, is Not bad for a building that was abandoned in 1975 and slowly deteriorating.

Abandoned house on Lake Obersee, Germany

Lake Obersee with clear emerald-colored water is located in Germany, in the east of Bavaria, in the Alps. This lonely docking station raises many questions and sadness.

Railway line, Taiwan

A crumbling railway runs through a cloud forest on Mount Tai Ping Shan, a popular desert area in northern Taiwan. The view is either fabulous or something for a horror movie.

Naval Weapons Test Station, Makhachkala

The structure was built in 1939 on the traverse of Kaspiysk, almost 3 km from the coast. One of the workshops of the Dagdizel plant was located there. But the building was not in use for long - until 1966, and since then it has been inexorably destroyed by winds, sun and sea waves.

Flooded church on Lake Reshen, Italy

Reshen is an artificial reservoir. When it overflowed, it flooded a 14th-century temple. Since then, only rare birds have disturbed the lonely tower.

Victorian tree house, Florida, USA

Victorian-era treehouse in Florida was once part of a large... residential complex. But the time came, and the house began to deteriorate, and they did not consider it necessary to repair it.

Abandoned theater

The abandoned Orpheum Theater in New Bedford, Massachusetts in the USA is an architectural treasure and a masterpiece. cultural life the long-gone 1920s.

"Magic Bus" in Alaska

This bus number 142, abandoned by the railroad builders in the snows of Alaska, extended the life of the rebel against consumer civilization Christopher McCandless by 4 months (his story is described in the film "In wild nature"). It was here that he died of hunger, having eaten the last grains of rice.

Corridor of an abandoned building

The once pompous building with a luxurious corridor now inspires fear and horror. A mysterious structure – a kind of “Blue Mile” "photographer Matthias Hacker, a hunter of such artifacts.

Spreepark, Berlin, Germany

It wasthe only amusement park in East Berlin in the 1960s.But when the Berlin Wall fell, new parks appeared, and the Spreepark was abandoned in 2001.

Blue spiral staircase in a European castle

The former grandeur of the once luxurious European castle and the flight of fantasy of the medieval architect who built it today represent only a faint reflection - the dust of time, cracked walls and this sad blue staircase leading to nowhere.

Poveglia Island, Italy

Emperor Napoleon ordered those sick with the plague to be taken to this island so that healthy people would not become infected. Later, the island began to serve for isolating the mentally ill.

Abandoned pier

You can find a lot of such abandoned berths on the waterways of the planet. Causes? Is this important?

Abandoned Vallejo Navy Yard, California, USA

This shipyard was used as a port for submarines during both world wars. However, in the 1990s it was abandoned and later flooded.

Abandoned attraction, Chernobyl, Ukraine

The population from the radiation-contaminated Chernobyl zone was evacuated in 1986 after man-made disaster at a nuclear power plant. Agree, this skeleton of a children's entertainment attraction with cars makes a depressing impression.

Petite Santure, abandoned railway in Paris

The railway line was built in the 19th century for military purposes. It was called Petit Santure (Small Belt). In the 1930s, the need for this infrastructure ceased, although development of the city continued and houses grew along the road.

Palace overgrown with grass, Poland

In 1910, this majestic palace was built as a residence for Polish rulers. P Under the communist regime, the palace turned into an agricultural school, and then a shelter for mentally retarded children and adults.After the collapse of the USSR, the former palace was abandoned.

Floating Forest, Sydney, Australia

The ship was launched in Britain in 1911. During World War II, Australia used it to transport supplies to American troops in the Pacific. Then the ship worked hard in other fields until it was decommissioned and moored in Sydney Bay.